Iczm oceanarium prefeasibility study

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Gujarat Ecology Commission

Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Centre Final Pre-Feasibility Report

June 2009 This report contains 173 pages GEC_Final Pre Feasibility_140609.doc

Š 2009 KPMG Advisory Services Private Limited, an Indian private limited company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved.

ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

Disclaimer •

The report contains KPMG’s analysis of secondary sources of published information and incorporates the inputs gathered through meetings with industry sources. Information obtained from the public domain has not been verified for authenticity.

Our analysis is based on the prevailing market conditions and regulatory environment and any change may impact the outcome of our review.

In performing this engagement and preparing this Report, KPMG: • has used and relied solely on data and material gathered through research reports as well as discussions with personnel within KPMG and our networks within the industry • has not independently investigated or verified such Information. • assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the Information and will not be held liable for it under any circumstances.

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

Contents 1

Executive Summary



Objectives of this assignment



Scope of Work



Approach and Methodology


4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.3

Overall A&M Phase-wise details Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Key Timelines and Deliverables

3 3 3 4 5 7 7 9




5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.8

Understanding Marine Facilities Key Concepts for a Marine Facility Features of a Marine Facility Defining the Concept for a Marine Facility Identified Concepts for a Marine Facility Selection of suitable Concept for the proposed MRCI Centre Framework for selection of Concept Selection of a suitable Concept Location Assessment Identifying the potential locations Framework for assessment of locations Evaluation of locations Selection of suitable location for the proposed MRCI Centre Environmental/Ecological Assessment Objective Key Considerations Technological Assessment Objective Key Technical Considerations Regulatory Assessment Objective Relevant Acts and corresponding Rules and Regulations Summary of regulatory approvals, challenges and mitigation International Accreditations

10 11 11 11 12 29 29 29 31 31 31 32 40 41 41 42 45 45 45 50 50 51 58 61

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5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.9 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.9.4 5.9.5 5.9.6 5.10 5.10.1 5.10.2 5.11 5.11.1 5.11.2 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.2 5.12.3 5.13 5.13.1 5.13.2 5.13.3 5.14 5.14.1 5.14.2

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) Benefits to the MRCI Centre Challenges for the MRCI Centre Primary Survey Objective Implementation of the survey Methodology Findings of survey with end customers Response from Schools Response from the Tour Operators Finalized Concept for the MRCI Centre Features Positioning Socio-Economic Benefits Ecological Benefits Social and economic benefits Financial Feasibility Key Assumptions for the Financial Model Key Financial Results Key Scenarios Public Private Partnership for the MRCI Centre Types of PPP arrangements Project Risks and Mitigation PPP arrangement for the MRCI Centre Implementation Plan Details of Key Steps Time schedule

61 62 62 62 62 63 64 65 76 83 84 84 86 86 86 86 87 87 100 103 103 104 106 111 112 112 113




6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2

Questionnaires for primary survey Questionnaire for primary survey in Dwarka Questionnaire for primary survey in Ahmedabad/ Vadodara/ Saputara Questionaire for Primary Schools Questionnaire for primary survey with Tour Operators Concept Cards Concept Overview Card Features Card Meetings Held Meetings facilitated by GEC Others

115 115

6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2

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129 144 156 160 161 163 165 165 165


ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009


Executive Summary Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC) intends to establish an MRCI Centre. In relation to this; KPMG is assisting Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC) in assessing the preliminary feasibility for setting up an MRCI Centre, with private sector participation. As part of this project, a high level assessment of potential interest for the MRCI Centre has been carried out along with detailed financial, ecological, technical and regulatory feasibility assessment. In addition, suitable location for the project has also been identified.

Concept Selection Various marine facilities across the world have been studied to gain an in-depth understanding of the various features defining the concept of a marine facility. Four Key Concepts have been identified across the world. Each of the Key Concepts has been assessed for suitability to GEC based on sync with GEC objectives and various enabling factors. Evaluation across the identified parameters revealed the difference across suitability levels for each Key Concept. The most suitable concept for GEC has been identified as Small sized Marine Facility. Location Identification Five locations namely Dwarka, Shivrajpur, Okha, Positra and Narara have been identified across the Gulf of Kutch as potential locations for setting up the MRCI Centre. Each of the locations was assessed for suitability for setting up the MRCI Centre based on four parameters importance as a tourist location, connectivity infrastructure, accommodation infrastructure and future prospects. Evaluation of the locations across the identified parameters has shown that Dwarka is the most suitable location.

Ecological, Technical and Regulatory Feasibility Assessment The key ecological considerations for setting up the MRCI Centre have been identified based on primary interactions during the field visit, discussions with international consultants and through secondary research. These include bio-diversity for the MRCI Centre, water quality required to be maintained at the MRCI Centre, selection of flora and fauna for each tank, sources for obtaining the flora and fauna, transportation of flora and fauna to the MRCI Centre site and replicating the natural habitat. These have been analyzed in the context of the identified location for GEC. Key technical considerations have been identified for setting up an MRCI Centre based on the interactions with technical experts and aquarium equipment contractors - national as well as international and secondary research. These considerations include acrylic panels, life support systems, interior and exterior decoration and support infrastructure. Each of these has been studied to understand the key requirements for setting up a successful and efficient MRCI centre. Key regulatory considerations for setting up the MRCI Centre have been studied based on which a list of clearances required was identified. Also, key regulatory risks have been identified including difficulty in meeting laid out norms and standards, ambiguity in

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

applicability of regulations and difficulty in getting the approvals. These however can be mitigated by partnering with international contractors with established credentials and involving relevant authorities initially itself to obtain their buy-in.

Demand Assessment, Pricing and Final Concept for the MRCI centre A primary market survey was commissioned to Market Search India Pvt. Ltd to understand the high level potential interest for the MRCI centre in the city of Dwarka. A series of face-to-face interviews with the 240 target respondents has been conducted guided by detailed questionnaires. Key analysis drawn from the survey results were the high level demand assessment, price points and favorable features for the MRCI centre. In addition to interviewing respondents, school authorities, tour operators and bus operators were interviewed to understand the interest levels and travel behavior of students and tourists respectively. Based on the past behavior and intention to visit the MRCI centre, an estimate for footfall for the first year of operation has been arrived at as 3,87,284 and the favorable total package price for adults as INR 225. In addition, a final concept has been drawn for the MRCI centre. The MRCI centre would have a walkthrough tunnel with 180 degree view, a dolphin show, a restaurant, game zone and a souvenir/ gift shop in the facility. It would also have educational activities targeted at students of grade 5 and above. In addition to this, the MRCI centre would involve conservation and research activities.

Key social, economic and ecological benefits The MRCI Centre would be contributing towards the social and economic development through education, employment and infotainment and also towards and ecological development of the area and its people through improvement in marine life awareness, conservation and research activities. Financial Feasibility Assessment A high level Financial Model has been developed for the MRCI Centre with revenue, operating expenses and profit projections over the next thirty years. The key inputs to the financial model have been based on interactions with national and international technical experts and aquarium equipment contractors as well as primary survey and secondary research. The revenue increases from INR 6.54 Crore in FY13 to INR 124.35 Crore in FY 42. CAGR for the first five years is 16%. This is primarily driven by increase in footfalls over the initial five years of operation. Revenue grows in a step wise manner because of the step wise growth in ticket price. Opex increases from INR 5 Crore to INR 83.4 Crore in FY42. CAGR for the first three years is 13%. This is primarily driven by high increase in salary expenses as well as expenses on marketing activities.

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

The total project cost at the end of the construction period will be INR 50.61 Crore. Out of this the private party contribution will be INR 20.61 Crore. It has been assumed that the GoG funding is 30 Crores. The private player will fund INR 20.9 Crore of the first year project contribution. INR 19.96 crore of this is towards Capex, interest during construction on loan and funding the operating losses. INR 15.6 is through long term debt and INR 5.3 is through equity. The profit after taxes turns positive from FY16. For a footfall of 3,87,284, with a blended price of INR 168.75 and operating expenses of INR 5 crore, the equity IRR is 18.1%.

Public Private Partnership For a project of such type and scale a public private partnership (PPP) arrangement would be favorable for GEC. Current and upcoming marine facility PPP arrangement show that a DesignBuild-Finance-Operate-Transfer (DBFOT)’ PPP arrangement is favorable for this project. The financing arrangements and operating parameters need to be developed in order to adequately address the various project risks.

Implementation Plan Key steps have been identified for the MRCI centre that defines the way forward. These important steps include 1. Obtaining Agreement on the Pre-feasibility report from key stakeholders, 2. Commissioning development of Detailed Feasibility Report 3. Finalizing and obtaining Agreement on the Detailed Feasibility Report from key stakeholders 4. Obtaining regulatory approvals and procuring the required land 5. Finalizing a Private Partner 6. Signing the Concession Agreement 7. Starting Program Management of the development and construction period

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009


Objectives of this assignment Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC) intends to establish a Marine Research, Conservation and Information Centre (‘MRCI Centre’) and is also evaluating participation of private sector in the same. In relation to this, KPMG is assisting Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC) in assessing the preliminary feasibility for setting up an MRCI Centre, with private sector participation. (‘the assignment’). The key objectives of this assignment are: •

To assess the high level potential interest for an MRCI Centre

To assess the feasibility - ecological, regulatory, infrastructural and financial

To identify the proposed project location between Dwarka to Jamnagar City

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009


Scope of Work KPMG’s scope of work, as defined in the Terms of Reference, covers the following tasks: •

Task A: Identification of Key Concepts for MRCI Centre

Task B: Selection of a suitable Concept for the proposed MRCI Centre

Task C: Identification of the proposed project location along the Gulf of Kutch

Task D: Primary survey with end users to evaluate consumer interests and pricing estimates for the selected Concept

Task E: Assessment of the environmental, technological and regulatory feasibility for the selected Concept

Task F: Development of the high-level project concept

Task G: Evaluation of the financial attractiveness for the project

Task H: Development of a proposal for private sector investment in the project

Task I: Development of an implementation plan

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009


Approach and Methodology


Overall A&M


We followed a structured approach to conduct this pre-feasibility study. Details are provided in the schematic below:

Phase 0



Identification of key concepts

Project planning B


Phase 2

Phase 1


Primary survey with end users


Phase 4


Evaluation of financial attractiveness

Development of proposal for PPP I


Selection of suitable concept

Information requirements

Phase 3

Assessment of envir ., tech. & reg feasibility

Development of implementation plan


Identification of project location

Development of high- level project concept

Figure 1 Overall A&M


Phase-wise details The various phases have been detailed below in terms of key tasks and their corresponding activities, outcomes and timelines.


Phase 0 The objective of this phase is to initiate the assignment and gather all the data requirements. The key tasks performed under this phase are as below: •

Develop Project Plan outlining the key activities, timelines and deliverables

Prepare Information Requirement List outlining key data points to be collected through primary research

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Phase 1

Task A: Identification of Key Concepts for a Marine Facility The objective of this task is to study the various marine facilities across the world to gain an indepth understanding of the various concepts defining a marine facility. Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Conduct secondary research on international Marine Key Concepts for a Week 1 Facilities to understand the concept, best practices, Marine Facility Week 2 key success factors etc


Conduct secondary research on planned Indian Marine Facilities to understand the concept, positioning etc Identify high-level concepts for a Marine Facility

Task B: Selection of a suitable Concept for the proposed MRCI Centre The objective of this task is to select the most suitable concept for the MRCI Centre out of the list of identified Marine Facility concepts based on certain parameters like vision of GEC for the MRCI Centre, investment outlook etc Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Develop a framework for selection of a suitable Key Framework to test Week 2 Concept for the MRCI Centre suitability of Concept Implement the framework to assess the various Key Concepts

Suitable concept for the proposed MRCI Centre

Conduct discussions with the client to select a suitable Concept for the MRCI Centre

Task C: Identification of the proposed project location along the Gulf of Kutch The objective of this task is to identify the most suitable location out of the various possible locations along the Gulf of Kutch for setting up the MRCI Centre. Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Identify the various locations for setting up the MRCI Framework to test Week 3 Centre along the Gulf based on interaction with GEC suitability of location

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Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Develop a framework for assessing the suitability of each location across parameters like importance of location as a tourist destination, flora/fauna availability etc Implement the framework to assess the various Suitable location for the proposed MRCI locations Centre Conduct discussions with the client to select a suitable location for the MRCI Centre

Key Deliverables •

Inception Report


Phase 2

Task D: Primary survey with end users The objective of this task is to commission a primary survey with end consumers to understand and evaluate consumer interests towards the Concept and pricing estimates for the selected Concept Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Conduct research to understand the demographic Questionnaire for the Week 4 profile, behavioral profile, existing competition etc primary survey Week 5 around the project location


Identify the target customer profile for the MRCI Centre Develop Questionnaire for the primary survey Commission the survey though a marketing agency

Primary survey

Task E: Assessment of the environmental, technological and regulatory feasibility The objective of this task is to understand the various environmental/ecological and technological considerations for the development of the MRCI Centre around the project location. Also identify key legal and regulatory requirements as well as infrastructural requirements for the MRCI Centre.

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Week 4 Conduct primary and secondary research to Ecological understand the ecological considerations for setting considerations for the Week 5 up the MRCI Centre around the project location MRCI Centre


Conduct primary and secondary research to Technological understand the technological considerations for considerations for the setting up the MRCI Centre around the project MRCI Centre location Conduct primary and secondary research to Regulatory and legal understand the regulatory considerations for setting clearances required for up the MRCI Centre around the project location the MRCI Centre •

Develop a list of clearances required

Conduct primary and secondary research to understand the infrastructural considerations for setting up the MRCI Centre around the project location

Identify the existing infrastructural connectivity

Outline the infrastructural improvements required for the MRCI Centre

Existing infrastructure at the proposed location and improvements required

Task F: Development of the high-level project concept The objective of this task is to develop the high-level concept for the MRCI Centre by improvising the initial concept based on the results of the primary survey as well as ecological, technological and regulatory feasibility assessment. Key Activities

Key Outcomes

Analyse the results of the primary survey to define Revised Key concept the concept

Timelines Week 6

Develop Mid-Term Draft Report outlining the key Mid-Term Draft Report and Workshop concept to discuss the report Assess the key risks associated with the MRCI Centre

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Key Deliverables •

Mid Term Draft Report outlining the key concept


Phase 3

Task G: Evaluation of the financial attractiveness for the project The objective of this task is to evaluate the financial attractiveness of the project and viability gap (if any) for the project Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Develop high level financials for 7 years outlining:

Revised Key concept

Week 7

Demand projections

High-level financials for 7 year period

Revenue projections based on demand and pricing

Operating Expenses

Capital Expenses

Income and Cash Flow

Assess the financial viability of the MRCI Centre

Viability gap funding, if any

Identify the viability gap funding, if any


Phase 4

Task H: Development of a proposal for private sector investment in the project The objective of this task is to propose a PPP arrangement for the implementation of the MRCI Centre project Key Activities

Key Outcomes

Identify the requirement of PPP

PPP details


arrangement Week 8

Identify the key risk sharing principles

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Key Activities

Key Outcomes


Identify the arrangement details with respect to financing, contracting, key risks etc

Task I: Development of an implementation plan The objective of this task is to develop a high-level implementation plan outlining key milestones and timelines for implementation of the proposed project Key Activities

Key Outcomes

Develop an implementation plan with key milestones Implementation Plan and timelines

Timelines Week 8

Develop Draft Report outlining the financial Draft Report and Workshop to discuss projections, PPP details and implementation plan the report

Key Deliverables •

Draft Report

The feedback received during the workshop would be incorporated in the Draft Report and the Final Report would be submitted in Week 9.

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Key Timelines and Deliverables TIMELINES Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Phase 0 Project Initiation Information Requirments Phase 1 Task A: Identification of Key Concepts for an MRCI Centre Task B: Selection of a suitable Concept for the proposed GEC MRCI Centre Task C: Identification of the proposed project location along the Gulf of Kutch Phase 2 Task D: Primary survey with end users to evaluate consumer interests and pricing estimates for the selected Concept Task E: Assessment of the environmental, technological and regulatory feasibility for the selected Concept Task F: Development of the high-level project concept Phase 3 Task G: Evaluation of the financial attractiveness for the project Phase 4 Task H: Development of a proposal for private sector investment in the project Task I: Development of an implementation plan

Deliverables Week 3 - Inception Report Week 6 - Mid-Term Draft Report Week 8 - Draft Report

Figure 2 Key Timelines and Deliverables

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009




Understanding Marine Facilities Aquariums across the world have been classified into following generations: Type of Aquarium


Year of set up

1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation 4th generation 5th generation

Fish tank with one side glass Systematically arranged wall tanks Large window giving real sea life experience Walk through tunnel having 180° view Walk through tunnel having 360° view

1853 1929 1960 1985 1993




Figure 3 3rd, 4th and 5th generation marine facilities rd


3 to 5 generation aquariums are large marine facilities which present an ocean habitat with marine animals, especially large ocean dwellers. They are established mainly for the following purposes: Education



Functions performed by marine facilities


Figure 4 Functions performed by marine facilities

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5.2 5.2.1

Key Concepts for a Marine Facility Features of a Marine Facility A Marine facility has several features which allow it to perform its various functions. These are as listed below. EDUCATION, RESEARCH, CONSERVATION (A) • Educational programs for kids • Research contributing to better understanding of the marine life • Conservation of marine life


Add-ons (Y)

• 3rd Generation Aquarium: Large window giving real sea life experience •


generation: Walk through tunnel having 180° view

• 5th generation: Walk through tunnel having 360° view


Filler (Z)

• Dolphin shows

• 4D theatre

• Penguin/ Polar animals displays

• Restaurant

• Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays

• Gift shops

• Touch Pool

• Ball room/ Marriage hall

• Coral Reef, kelp

• Game zone

Defining the Concept for a Marine Facility A combination of features from each category of education, research and conservation (A) as well as infotainment (B=X+Y+Z) would define the ‘Concept’ for a Marine Facility (A+B).

ve ati r t s Illu• Educational programs for kids


• Research contributing to better understanding of the marine life • Conservation of marine life


Add-ons (Y)

Filler (Z)

• 3rd Generation Aquarium: Large window giving real sea life experience

• Dolphin shows

• 4D theatre

• Penguin/ Polar animals displays

• Restaurant

• 4th generation: Walk through tunnel having 180° view

• Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays

• Gift shops

• Touch Pool

• Ball room/ Marriage hall

• Coral Reef, kelp

• Game zone

• 5th generation: Walk through tunnel having 360° view

Figure 5 Illustrative concept of a marine facility

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e tiv a r st Illu • Educational programs for kids


• Research contributing to better understanding of the marine life • Conservation of marine life


Add-ons (Y)

Filler (Z)

• 3rd Generation Aquarium: Large window giving real sea life experience

• Dolphin shows

• 4D theatre

• Penguin/ Polar animals displays

• Restaurant

• 4th generation: Walk through tunnel having 180° view

• Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays

• Gift shops

• Touch Pool

• Ball room/ Marriage hall

• Coral Reef, kelp

• Game zone

• 5th generation: Walk through tunnel having 360° view

Figure 6 Illustrative concept of a marine facility


Identified Concepts for a Marine Facility

Concept A: Very Large Marine Facility POSITIONING: Infotainment, Education, Research and Conservation form an integral part of this marine facility FEATURES: Infotainment Table 1 Infotainment features of a very large marine facility

Core (X)

Add-ons (Y)

• Walk through tunnel - 4th or 5th generation

• In addition, large 3rd

• Usually feature a variety of •

generation aquariums are used for display of certain species (sharks, beluga whales etc)

additional species apart from the main aquarium Have almost all of the below features • Dolphin shows • Penguin/ Polar animals displays • Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays • Touch Pool • Coral Reef, kelp etc

Filler (Z) Several filler activities are added to serve as additional sources of revenue • 4D theatre • Restaurant • Gift shops • Ball room/ Marriage hall • Game zone

Education, Conservation, Research

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

These are an important part of these projects and they constitute the following activities. •

Programs for educating children - special movie screening for children, lecture series, Interactive sessions etc

Research - contributing to the understanding of the underwater world etc

Conservation - breeding and preserving endangered species

SIZE AND FINANCIALS1: Table 2 Size and financials of a very large marine facility

Project Cost (INR Cr) > 500

No of Species ~ 500

Footfall (MM/yr) >2

Entry Fee (INR)

• Standard: ~ 750 • Additional charges for using non-core features

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Table 3 Strengths and weaknesses of a very large marine facility


• Attractive as well as educative


• Takes a longer time (typically around 10 years) to achieve break even

• Create good identity mark for the city • Limited expertise in setting up such a huge • Scaling up by adding newer features and displays is easier, which helps to stay ahead of competition

facility leading to increased risk of time and cost over runs

• Footfalls need to be maintained consistently for • Plays a vital role in marine animal research and conservation, thus attract associations and funds from different research institutions

meeting the high ongoing expenses (Operation and maintenance)

• Higher technical expertise required to run the facility of this size and scale

EXAMPLE: Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Started in 2005)


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Concept ‘A’ Case Study 1: Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta2


Year of start

World-class facility that provides infotainment, education, research and conservation of marine life


Features – Core (X)

4th Generation Aquarium

Large 3rd Generation Aquarium for beluga whales (left) and sharks (Right)

ve ati r t s Illu

Features – Add-ons (Y)

Touch pools

Penguins on display

str Illu

• The ball room with more than 1000 seating capacity • Features two spectacular aquarium viewing windows into aquatic habitats • Catering service


Features – Fillers (Z)

ve ati

• A multi cuisine restaurant • Café Aquaria opens daily one hour after the Aquarium opens and closes one hour prior to closing

• Two gift shops are present • Aquarium apparel, collectibles, toys, etc specially designed for undersea enthusiasts are sold

• 4D Theater employs interactive seats and unique special effects • Holds up to 250 guests per show


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Education, Conservation and Research Conservation and Research


Various education programs structured according to the student grade

• •

Programs available from preschool to grade 12 Aims to promote an entertaining learning experience and to teach aquatic bio-diversity and conservation.

Conducts research to improve husbandry methods, develop innovative and exciting new exhibits, contribute to the understanding of the underwater world and apply new discoveries to the conservation of aquatic life

Currently working in collaboration with various universities and scientific agencies

Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (MM/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)

~ 1000


~ 2.5

~ 780

Misc. Target Segments

• •


Future Plans

Families and children

Youth interested in marine bio-diversity and research

Advertising and marketing agreements signed with six big companies for sponsorships

Group discounts, Annual pass facility to attract bulk and repeat customers

Plans to introduce dolphins by 2010 (a USD 110 million expansion)

Concept B: Large Marine Facility POSITIONING: Focus on at least two of education, conservation, research and infotainment. Others may be present. FEATURES: Infotainment Table 4 Infotainment features of a large marine facility

Core (X)

Add-ons (Y)

• A walk through tunnel - 4th or 5th generation

• And/or a large 3rd generation aquarium for displaying of certain species (sharks, beluga whales etc)

Filler (Z)

• Limited number of additional • Several filler activities are features amongst • Dolphin shows • Penguin/ Polar animals displays • Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays • Touch Pool • Coral Reef, kelp etc

added to provide additional sources of revenue like • 4D theatre • Restaurant • Gift shops • Ball room/ Marriage hall • Game zone

Education, Conservation, Research: •

Education, Conservation, Research are observed in only some of such facilities

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009

Educational programs like field trips for children, interactive activities (dolphins, seals etc) and sleep over programs

Research projects undertaken are focused on conservation of biodiversity

SIZE AND FINANCIALS3: Table 5 Size and financials of a large marine facility

Project Cost (INR Cr) 300-500

No of Species ~ 300

Footfall (MM/yr) 1.5-2

• •

Entry Fee (INR) Standard: ~ 700 Additional charges for using non-core features

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Table 6 Strengths and weaknesses of a large marine facility

Strengths • Offers a complete infotainment package on a large scale • Can serve as a good infotainment identity mark for the city

Weaknesses • Limited scope of research than Very Large marine facilities as they keep lower number of species/specimens • Very Large marine facility can easily eat up revenues if present in the same city/surrounding area

EXAMPLES: Epson Aqua Stadium, Tokyo, Japan (Started in 2005), Lisbon Oceanarium, Portugal (Started in 1998)


KPMG Analysis

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Concept ‘B’ Case Study 1: Epson Aqua Stadium, Tokyo, Japan4


Year of start

All-round family infotainment facility


Features – Core (X) • About 20,000 organisms of 300 different species

4th Generation Aquarium

• Tanks of tropical fish, sharks, ray submarines are special attractions

Features – Add-ons (Y) Dolphin show in the pool with 1350 seats

Sea lion show in the pool with 393 seats

Other add-ons available are • Penguins • Coral reefs • Life in icy seas

s Illu

Features – Fillers (Z)

e t iv t ra

Theme restaurant

Roller coaster rides

Virtual ride theatre

Concert hall

Souvenir and gift shop

Education, Conservation and Research • No education, research and conservation related activities present. This facility is for infotainment purposes Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (mn/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)




~ 900 (including dolphin pool, sea lion pool)

Misc. Promotion • Huge, glossy advertisement outside the Prince hotel, in the middle of shopping plaza


Target Segments • Families, kids • Leisure tourists (is attached to the prince hotel)


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Concept ‘B’ Case Study 2: Planned in Kochi, India5 Positioning Asia's largest and most technically advanced marine facility providing infotainment to visitors and research facilities for marine life Features Core (X)

Add-ons (Y)

• 250 meters long, 2.4 meters wide transparent curved acrylic tunnel

• Dolphinarium and aquarium to showcase dolphins

• 360 degree view of the water world

• General aquarium to showcase different variety of fish from all over the world

• Tunnel will have a slow moving walkway, so also a fixed platform inside the tunnel for the visitors to step aside if they wish to view a particular species of their interest in detail

Filler (Z) • World standard convention centre for holding international marine conferences and seminars related to marine life studies, with a seating capacity for 1000 people • Space for events

• Micro-world museum to display small creatures

• Amphitheatre for sound and light shows

• Marine museum to display marine animals and plants

• Books and library

• Ponds for tortoises, sharks

• Musical fountain

• Special zones for coral reefs

• Food court

Research • 10 acres have been allotted to the Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology to shift its research activities • A marine biological research centre will also be set up so that researchers can study marine life and habits at a closer level • Tie up with Indian Universities in order to undertake marine research projects in collaboration with similar centres abroad and facilitate local research centre with opportunities to do live research projects in Marine biology and biotechnology • Marine research is expected to get a big boost as breeding, feeding and observing of the marine life will help in a strong research and development through this built-in study centre.

Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

Area (Acre)

~ 350

~ 50


Model of Investment Private parties 51%

Public Private Partnership model

Government of Kerala, Ministry of Earth Science and GoI 49%

5 http://www.livemint.com/2009/02/17114713/India8217s-first-Oceanarium.html; http://www.zimbio.com/Tourism/articles/26/Asia+largest+most+technically+advanced+Oceanarium

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Status and Way Forward Current Status • The required land for the project (~50 acres) has already been acquired and surveying has also been completed • Feasibility assessment is under study by the Kerala State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation Way Forward • Post the feasibility assessment study, global tenders would be called to appoint a consultancy for the project • Plan to start the construction work by this year end • Expected to complete the project by the end of 2010

Concept C: Medium Sized Marine Facility POSITIONING: Focus on at least two of education, conservation, research and infotainment. Others may be present. FEATURES: Infotainment Table 7 Infotainment features of a medium sized marine facility

Core (X)

Add-ons (Y)

• Either a walk through tunnel - 4th or 5th generation

• Usually feature one or two of • Few filler activities are the additional features as star attractions • Dolphin shows • Penguin/ Polar animals displays • Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays • Touch Pool • Coral Reef, kelp etc

• And/or 3rd generation aquariums

Filler (Z)

added to serve as additional sources of revenue.

• Commonly observed ones are

• Restaurant/ cafes • Gift shops • Game zone

Education, Conservation, Research: •

Education initiatives such as sleep over programs, field trip, marine life related workshops typically are to attract school groups

Conservation and breeding practices are also prevalent among few medium sized Marine Facilities

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SIZE AND FINANCIALS6: Table 8 Size and financials of a medium sized marine facility

Project Cost (INR Cr) 80-300

No of Species 250-300

Footfall (MM/yr) 1-1.5

• •

Entry Fee (INR) Standard: 550-750 Additional charges for using non-core features

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Table 9 Strengths and weaknesses of a medium sized marine facility

Strengths • Serves as a good infotainment destination for the city • Faster break even due to lower initial investment and high footfalls due to presence of star attractions

Weaknesses • Limited scope for research activities as they keep only attractive species • Larger marine facilities can easily eat up revenues if present in the same city/surrounding area

EXAMPLES: Underwater world, Sentosa, Singapore (Started in 1991), Busan Aquarium, Korea (Started in 2001), Shanghai ocean world, China (Started in 2002), Melbourne aquarium, Australia Concept ‘C’ Case Study 1: Busan Aquarium, Korea7

6 7

KPMG Analysis http://www.busanaquarium.com/eng/f_main.html

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str Illu


Year of start

To provide an educational and entertaining experience to visitors


Features – Core (X)

ve ati

• Underwater tunnel that extend over 80 meters in length. • Large 3rd Generation Aquarium • Main tank houses sharks and rays and thousands of fish in 3,000 ton water • A total of 35,000 kinds of fish, algae, reptiles, and amphibians belonging to about 250 species are on display Features – Add-ons (Y)

• 40 separate exhibits which include penguins, otter, piranha, sea jellies • Notable attractions include electric eels and deep coral reefs, 2.5-meter- long shark and giant turtle • Star Attractions: • Grey nurse shark - the largest gray nurse shark captive colony in Korea • Jackass penguin - the largest jackass penguin colony in captivity in Korea • Chinese giant salamander - the first appearance to the public in Korea • Touch tank for a close up look at a variety of sea creatures • Boat trip in the largest aquarium including fish feeding


e t iv a r st

Features – Fillers (Z)

• Apart from these, it also has Resting place and Outdoor Park • Special attraction • Simulator • Shark dives Education The Ocean School provides service to schools who visit the Aquarium • A trained education officer with the school group throughout the visit • Student worksheets to capture their learning • Program for different grades •E.g. kinder program - helps children learn about aquatic animals through songs, games, play and dance •E.g. high school- helps learn classification, behaviors etc

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Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (MM/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)

~ 150



~ 550

Misc. Development Details • Designed by a combined Australian and Korean team led by Aquaria 21, company incorporated by Oceanic Group, specialist in marine technology • Two years of construction • Developed on a BOT basis with Aquaria 21 as the sole investor • As per the agreement, Aquaria 21 will operate the aquarium for a period of 20 years with an option for another 10 years before donating it back Target Segments


• Visitors from all over Korea and the world

• Group discounts to attract bulk customers • Yearly marketing (and supporting six monthly) action plans • New and innovative campaigns are developed around key events, festivals and new exhibits

Concept ‘C’ Case Study 2: Underwater world, Sentosa, Singapore 8 Positioning

Year of start

To provide an entertaining and educational experience to visitors


Features – Core (X)

4th Generation Aquarium • Over 2,500 marine animals of 250 species • 83 metre long travelator that moves visitors along a submerged 6.0 mm thick acrylic-windowed tunnel from which they can look at an array of marine life including coral reef, string rays, moray eels, turtles, sharks, and other fishes Features – Add-ons (Y) • Dolphin Lagoon - several "Meet-the-Dolphins" sessions are held daily to allow visitors to enter the waist-deep pool and interact closely with the dolphins • Various Dive & Swim Programs with dugongs, seals etc • Unique activity at Fish Reflexology with gentle feet nibbling session done by a school of spa fish Dolphin lagoon


http://www.underwaterworld.com.sg/; Haw Par Annual reports

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Features – Fillers (Z) • Two souvenir shops with gifts ranging from sea animals backpacks, mugs, exclusively designed T-shirts, huggable soft toys to educational marine life guide • 2-3 small restaurants and many food & beverage kiosks Education and Conservation Education


• Educational programs for school visits like Living in the Ocean Sleepover, Hands-on Educational Fun Workshops, and the Ocean Ambassador, encouraging fun learning and understanding of the undersea life

• Committed to the conservation and breeding of marine life through active involvement in several environmental projects

Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (MM/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)




~ 736

Misc. Target Segments


Future Plans

• Upcoming marine life park and integrated resort called Resorts World

• Families, kids • Tourists from outside Singapore

• To launch new displays

Concept D: Small Marine Facility POSITIONING: Focus on at least two of education, conservation, research and infotainment. Others may be present. FEATURES: Infotainment Table 10 Infotainment features of a small marine facility

Core (X)

Add-ons (Y)

• A walk through tunnel of 5th generation

• Or a walk through tunnel of 4th generation

• Or 3rd generation aquariums

Filler (Z)

• Usually feature one or two of • The filler activities are main these features as star attractions • Dolphin shows • Penguin/ Polar animals displays • Seals, Sea lion shows/ displays • Touch Pool • Coral Reef, kelp etc

sources of revenue.

• Commonly observed ones are

• Restaurant/ cafes • Gift shops • Game zone

Education, Conservation, Research:

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Conservation activities are prevalent among few small sized facilities

Education activities taken up primarily to attract school children groups

SIZE AND FINANCIALS9: Table 11 Size and financials of a small marine facility

Project Cost (INR Cr) <80

No of Species ~100

Footfall (MM/yr) ~0.4

• •

Entry Fee (INR) Standard: 600 Additional charges for using non-core features

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Table 12 Strengths and weaknesses of a small marine facility


• These aquariums have a large portion of their revenues from non-aquarium sources like restaurants, gift shop etc


• These do not help to create the identity mark for the city.

EXAMPLES: Nanjing Underwater world, China (Started in 2000), National Aquarium of New Zealand (redevelopment in 2002), Underwater World Pattaya, Thailand (started in 2003) Concept ‘D’ Case Study 1: Nanjing Underwater World, China10


KPMG Analysis http://www.synotrip.com/nanjing/tourist-Attractions/underwater-world-507.shtml; http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-01/26/content_793243.htm; 10

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Year of start

Infotainment facility


Features – Core (X)

4th Generation Aquarium • Underwater World features an array of aquariums which contain about 100 different species • The highlight is a pedestrian walkway that tunnels through a large aquarium that includes sharks, rays, fish and one very big turtle.

Features – Add-ons (Y) • Features apart from the aquariums include live performances by dolphins and sea lions.

Artic foxes


• In 2007, they started a new exhibit called "Polar World". This includes a polar bear, arctic foxes, penguins and reindeers

Polar bears

Features – Fillers (Z) • Food court • Games floor • Gift shops Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (mn/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)





Misc. Target Segments • Families • Kids

Concept ‘D’ Case Study 2: National Aquarium of New Zealand11



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Year of start

Infotainment, education and conservation

Redevelopment in 2002

Features – Core (X)

4th Generation Aquarium • National aquarium of New Zealand features a 50 m long, 180 degree under water tunnel through which over 1500 fish can be seen. • Apart from this, the facility has plenty of smaller tanks with sea creatures, reptiles, exotic fish and native birds

Features – Add-ons (Y)

• Swimming with the sharks and sting rays • Touch pool and rock pool

Features – Fillers (Z)

Fishbowl Cafe

Gifts available in the Aquarium Gift shop

Getting married in the tank

Education and Conservation • Educational programs are created and presented by a fully trained teaching team. Various educational facilities are made available like AV room, laboratory, library, behind the scenes technology area etc

• Various on-going conservation projects and public events are organized to preserve marine life

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Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (MM/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)




Adult 445, Child 230

Misc. Target Segments • Families • School Children

Concept ‘D’ Case Study 3: Underwater World Pattaya, Thailand12 Positioning

Year of start

Focus on infotainment and education. Few conservation efforts


Features – Core (X)

4th Generation Aquarium

• Over 2,500 marine animals of 250 species • 100 meter long underwater tunnel which showcases shoals of fish, predators and other marine creatures

Features – Add-ons (Y)

• Various Dive & Swim Programs with sharks and sting rays • Touch pools • Reef Tanks


http://www.underwaterworldpattaya.com/; Haw Par Annual Reports

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Features – Fillers (Z) • Restaurant • Gift shop Education and Conservation

• School visits are supported, and new educational programs are constantly being developed • Underwater world Pattaya is involved in marine conservation activities

Size and Financials Project Cost (INR Cr)

No of Species

Footfall (MM/yr)

Entry Fee (INR)




Adult 639, Child 355

Misc. Target Segments


• Aggressive marketing • Introduction of innovative activities

Summary of Key Concepts The identified concepts have been summarized below:

Focus on at least two of education, conservation, research and infotainment. Others may be present. Details of the facilities

Future Plans

• Decreasing footfall due to political uncertainties in Thailand

• Families, school children • Tourists from outside Thailand

4th or 5th or 3rd generation aquarium One or two add on features as star attraction Few filler activities are added to serve as additional sources of revenue. Commonly observed ones are Restaurant/ cafes, Gift shops and Game zone

Focus on at least two of education, conservation, research and infotainment. Others may be present.

Focus on at least two of education, conservation, research and infotainment. Others may be present. 4th or 5th or large 3rd generation aquarium

4th or 5th generation aquarium and/or large 3rd generation aquarium.

One or two add on features as star attraction

Limited number of add-on features.

Few filler activities are added to serve as additional sources of revenue. Commonly observed ones are Restaurant/ cafes, Gift shops and Game zone

Restaurants, gift shops, game zone, rides added to increase alternate sources of revenue.

Education, research, conservation and infotainment form an integral part of the facility 4th or 5th generation aquarium along with 3rd generation aquariums for certain species Variety of add-on features like dolphin shows, seal/ sea lion shows, penguins, polar animals etc Several filler features like restaurants, gift shops, ball room, etc usually available Around 500 species

Around 300 species

250-300 species

Around 100 species

Concept D (Small) Project Cost (INR Crore) Example

Concept C (Medium)



Nanjing underwater world, China (Started in 2000)

Sentosa, Singapore (started in 1991)

Concept B (Large)

Concept A (Very large)



Epson Aqua stadium, Tokyo (started in 2005)

Georgia Aquarium, USA (Started in 2005)

Figure 7 Key concepts summary

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Selection of suitable Concept for the proposed MRCI Centre


Framework for selection of Concept


Each of the Key Concepts for a Marine Facility can be assessed for suitability to GEC based on sync with objectives and enabling factors. The framework for assessing the suitability is as shown below.





Business Motive for the MRCI centre (faster breakeven)


Sync with objectives

Vision for the MRCI centre (primary focus to be education, research, conservation and infotainment)




Enabling Factors (Location Independent) Appetite for Investment Private sector interest Past experience in handling projects of equivalent scale Figure 8 Framework for selection of concept


Selection of a suitable Concept Four Key Concepts were discussed with GEC. Each of the Concepts has been rated on the parameters identified in the framework. Evaluation across the identified parameters reveals the difference across suitability levels for each Key Concept. An overall rating shows the suitability levels of the Concepts to GEC. Based on the discussions with GEC and other stakeholders, this would be a private sector investment subject to flexibility of PPP model. The viability gap funding would be done by the Government of Gujarat.

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Concept Parameters




Vision, Mission for the MRCI Center (primary focus to be education, research, conservation and infotainment) Business Motive for the MRCI Center (faster breakeven)

Overall Sync with objectives Appetite for Investment

Private sector interest Past experience in handling projects of equivalent scale

Overall Capability OVERALL Very High




Very Low

Figure 9 Evaluation of suitability of concept

Based on the above rating the most suitable concept has been selected. While C and D were both in the most favourable quadrant, concept D was finally chosen due to relative ease of private participation for this Concept. Concept D can also be considered with the flexibility to upgrade to Concept C in the medium term based on the success of the MRCI Centre.



Selected Concept



Business Motive for the MRCI Center (faster breakeven)

C Medium

Sync with objectives

Vision for the MRCI Center (primary focus to be education, research, conservation and infotainment)




Enabling Factors (Location Independent) Appetite for Investment Private sector interest Past experience in handling projects of equivalent scale Figure 10 Selection of suitable concept

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Location Assessment


Identifying the potential locations Various locations have been identified across the Gulf of Kutch as potential locations for setting up the MRCI Centre. The identified locations are as below: •






Figure 11 Potential locations for the MRCI Centre


Framework for assessment of locations Each of the locations can be assessed for suitability for setting up the MRCI Centre based on several parameters. Each location would be rated as low/medium/high based on its performance on the parameters. The aggregated rating would help to arrive at the overall suitability of the location.

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The various parameters have been highlighted below Location Importance as a tourist location Low

Infra- Connectivity


Infra- Class and abundance of hotels


Future Prospects Figure 12 Framework for assessment of locations


Evaluation of locations Evaluation of the locations across the identified parameters has been done based on the field visit, primary interaction during the field visit as well as secondary research.

Location 1: Dwarka a) Importance as a tourist location •

Dwarka is a prominent tourist destination and has the third highest number of tourists in Gujarat.

About 8.3 lakh tourists visited Dwarka in FY0713

The temple darshan timings are 7 am – 12:30 pm and 5 pm – 9: 30 pm. Hence, the tourists have lot of free time during the day. Therefore it is a good location to start a tourist attraction to tap into the large number of tourists.

Gomti Ghat

Dwarkadhish Temple

Sunset point

Figure 13 Tourist spots in Dwarka


Source: FY 07 Report on Tourist Flow in Gujarat by Gujarat industrial and technical consultancy organisation

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b) Infrastructure – connectivity Road: •

Dwarka is well connected through state transport buses, private buses and taxis with major cities and towns in Gujarat including Ahmedabad (450 Km), Jamnagar (148 Km), Porbandar (120 Km), Rajkot (234 Km).

It is also well connected with other major locations like Mumbai (929 Km)

Dwarka To Jamnagar

Within Dwarka

Figure 14 Road connectivity for Dwarka

Rail: •

Dwarka is a railhead on the Western Railway and the rail connectivity is good.

Directly connected with major cities of Gujarat like Ahmedabad, Jamnagar, Porbander and Rajkot as well as other major cities like Mumbai.

Air: •

Nearest airport is Jamnagar (148 Km/ about 2 hrs by road) from Dwarka

Jamnagar has air connectivity only to Mumbai through Indian Airlines

c) Infrastructure – accommodation As-Is: •

Accommodation classes available to suite all budgets −

Hotels ranging from budget to luxury class

Several dharamshalas and guest houses provide low cost accommodation facilities

Typical tariff ranges from INR 200 (dharamshalas) to INR 2000 (A/C Suites)

Overall high bed capacity, but limited high class hotels −

Over 7500 beds across 96 listed establishments

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However, only 9 high class hotels with close to a total of 600 beds Table 13 Hotels/Accommodation status in Dwarka

Establishments listed

Bed Capacity













Note: Data as per FY07; Source: Gujarat industrial and technical consultancy organisation

Key gaps: •

Key gap in accommodation facilities include limited number of high class hotels

Improvement Steps: •

Encourage private participation for setting up high class motels, cottages and hotels in Dwarka

Land could be offered at concessional rates

d) Future prospects Various development efforts are expected to offer new avenues of entertainment to the tourists as well as improved infrastructure •

The local municipal corporation is undertaking few developmental activities around important tourist spot within Dwarka (e.g. sunset point) −

Cement road along the shore

Figure 15 Cement road along the shore

Open air theatre

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Figure 16 Open air theatre

Park and Resting places for tourists

Figure 17 Park and resting places for tourists

Development of water sports within Dwarka (e.g. Gomti ghat) −

Water scooter rides started recently

Figure 18 Water scooter rides at Gomti beach

Scuba diving and sea rafting through prior e-mail appointment. Plans to expand this facility with new activities

Prospects for setting up more beach and water sports in Dwarka

New motels/ Cottages are also being planned to be set up in Dwarka

Location 2: Shivrajpur Beach a) Importance as a tourist location •

Shivrajpur is a small village located 16 km from Dwarka. The beach is along side this village.

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It is a good scenic spot. The beach is mostly rocky. The sandy part of the beach is farther and more difficult to reach.

Figure 19 View at the Shivrajpur beach

Few tourists of Dwarka visit this location

b) Infrastructure – connectivity •

Shivrajpur beach is located 16 km from Dwarka which is about 25 minutes drive from Dwarka

Although the state highway is good, the connectivity from the state high way to Shivrajpur village is only through a one lane road.

Figure 20 Road connectivity for Shivrajpur

c) Infrastructure – accommodation •

There are no accommodation facilities near the beach.

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However, the tourists visiting this location stay in Dwarka which is close-by

d) Future prospects •

There are no planned developments for this beach as of now.

Location 3: Okha a) Importance as a tourist location •

Okha is an important tourist location because of its proximity to Bet Dwarka. Bet Dwarka holds a lot of religious significance as it is considered as the residence of Lord Krishna.

Most of the tourists visiting Dwarka visit Bet Dwarka in their free time.

b) Infrastructure – connectivity •

Okha is 30 km from Dwarka and it takes about 45 – 50 minutes to reach.

The road to Okha is a well maintained two lane state highway

Trains run from Dwarka to Okha.

In addition, tourist buses leave in the morning from Dwarka to Okha and cover 3 – 4 religious spots including Bet Dwarka and charge INR 50 per head.

c) Infrastructure – accommodation •

Typically tourists stay in Dwarka and visit Bet Dwarka for a few hours. Hence there is no demand for accommodation facilities. Accommodation facilities not well established

d) Future prospects •

There are no planned development activities in Okha as of now

Location 4: Positra a) Importance as a tourist location •

Positra is a good scenic spot but has not been commercially exploited. Very few tourists visit this place.

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Figure 21 View at Positra

Educational camps are organized in winters as part of awareness creation initiative of the govt. Students stay in tents for a few days and are educated about the marine bio diversity. Coral walking is also a part of these camps.

b) Infrastructure – connectivity •

Positra is about 35 km from Dwarka and takes about an hour to reach

The road to Positra comprises a regular two lane road for some distance and then kachcha road thereafter

Figure 22 Road connectivity for Positra

c) Infrastructure – accommodation •

There is no infrastructure in Positra for providing accommodation to tourists except for a forest department guesthouse.

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Figure 23 Forest department guesthouse in Positra

d) Future prospects •

Reliance is planning to set up an SEZ in/near Positra

Location 5: Narara a) Importance as a tourist location •

Narara island is part of the marine national park. Lot of nature and marine life tourists visit this place.

This is famous for the visible marine life (crab, mollusc, fish) and for coral walking

Permission of the forest department is required

Figure 24 Marine life (left) and view (right) in Narara

b) Infrastructure – connectivity •

Narara is located 35 km from Jamnagar and takes about 50 minutes to reach

The initial part of the journey is on a well maintained state highway. This is followed by a single lane road with the last 3 km on a kachcha road.

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Figure 25 Road connectivity for Narara

c) Infrastructure – accommodation •

There is a forest department guest house on the coast.

No other place for accommodation or food

d) Future prospects •


The forest authorities are planning to launch a website to attract more foreign tourists and market the marine national park in a bigger way.

Selection of suitable location for the proposed MRCI Centre Evaluation of the locations across the identified parameters reveals the difference across suitability levels based on which the suitable location can be selected for the MRCI Centre. The rating of each parameter is shown below and Dwarka town or outskirts (Dwarka-Shivrajpur road) has emerged as the most suitable location for setting up the MRCI Centre.

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Table 14 Evaluation and selection of suitable location



• Large number

Importance as a tourist location

• It is a good scenic • An important

of religious tourists ~8.3 lakh tourists in FY07

• Most of the

connectivity to places within and outside Gujarat is good

• Educational camps are organized in winters

35 km from Dwarka

35 km from Jamnagar

State highway is good, but connectivity from the state high way to Shivrajpur village is only through a one lane road.

Well maintained two lane state highway Tourists buses and trains run from Dwarka to Okha.

Road comprises a regular two lane road for some distance and then kachcha road thereafter

Well maintained state highway followed by a single lane road with the last 3 km on a kachcha road.

• Accommodation

• No infrastructure

facilities not well established

for providing accommodation to tourists except for a forest department guesthouse

• However, the

• High bed

tourists visiting this location stay in Dwarka which is close-by

capacity, but limited high class hotels


• Infrastructural

and marine life tourists Famous for the visible marine life and for coral walking

accommodation facilities near the beach.

• New motels/

• Large no of nature

30 km from Dwarka

• There are no

n classes available to suite all budgets

National Park visited by over 14,000 tourists in FY08.

connectivity is good



• Part of the Marine

during the year Not commercially exploited yet

16 km from Dwarka

• Rail

• Water/ beach


• Very few tourists


nearest airport



tourists visiting Dwarka visit Bet Dwarka in their free time.

• Accommodatio

Future Prospects

tourist location because of its proximity to Bet Dwarka.

lot of free time during the day

• 148 km to the

Infra- Class and abundance of hotels

spot Few tourists of Dwarka visit this location

• Tourists have

• Road



There are no planned developments for this beach as of now

There are no planned developments as of now

Reliance is planning to set up an SEZ in/near Positra

• No infrastructure for providing accommodation to tourists except for a forest department guesthouse

New website planned to attract more foreign tourists

developments by municipal authority like cement road and open air theatre HIGH SUITABILITY





Environmental/Ecological Assessment Objective To understand the key ecological considerations for setting up an MRCI Centre around the project location

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Key Considerations There are several ecological parameters which need to be analyzed while setting up the MRCI Centre. These parameters have been identified based on the primary interactions during the field visit, discussions with international consultants and through secondary research. These have been highlighted below:

Bio-diversity for the MRCI Centre

Maintaining water quality in the MRCI Centre

Selection of flora and fauna for each tank

Sources for obtaining the flora and fauna

Transportation of flora and fauna to the MRCI Centre site

Replicating the natural habitat

Bio-diversity for the MRCI Centre There is a large variety of flora and fauna available in the natural ecosystem. The various types of marine life and the corresponding number of species have been highlighted below: Table 15 Bio-diversity in the Gulf of Kutch



No of Species Available


No of Species Available














No of Species Available

Sea Turtles






Phytoplankton groups



94 including migratory birds Whales (3), dolphins and dugongs

Intertidal macrobenthic groups


Sea mammals


Subtidal macrobenthic groups




Source: Vijayalakshmi Nair, “Status of The Flora and Fauna of Gulf of Kutch, India”, National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula, Goa, India, March 2002

It is expected that emulating the natural ecosystem will reduce the associated costs for the MRCI Centre •

Low cost of sourcing the exhibit leading to reduced capital expenditure

Simpler filtering systems are adequate leading to lower Cap-Ex and Op-Ex

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Also, the available variety of flora and fauna seems adequate to assist the MRCI Centre achieve its objectives of providing education, research, conservation and infotainment. •

There exist several species of various marine life like coral (36), molluscs (200), crabs (30), prawns (31)

There exist several attractive species like sharks, sting rays, colorful corals and sea anemones

There exist many rare and endangered species of sharks, sea turtles and algae

Thus, at the time of launch, the natural ecosystem of the Gulf of Kutch should be emulated in the MRCI Centre Many species from eco systems nationally and internationally could survive naturally in the Gulf of Kutch •

Areas like Gulf of Mannar, Rameshwaram and Palk Bay have eco-systems similar to that of Gulf of Kutch but have richer bio diversity. The additional species from these areas would survive easily in the Gulf of Kutch.

Some international species have also survived in the waters of the Gulf of Kutch

However, associated cost of including these species could be high •

Cost of transportation of the exhibits

Cost of exhibit itself

Also, there could be other associated risks which might delay the kick-off of the MRCI Centre •

Time taken for approvals from relevant international authorities

Time taken for transportation

Death during transportation (Financial and regulatory impact)

Additional requirements for endangered/rare species

Thus, species new to the Gulf of Kutch area could be considered for addition to the MRCI Centre in the medium term

Maintaining water quality in the MRCI Centre The quality of water is critical for the survival of the marine life. Each species survives within a range of pH and temperature which needs to be maintained in the MRCI Centre. Also they keep consuming oxygen from water which needs to be continuously replenished.

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Technical systems would need to be installed to maintain the key parameters defining water quality14 •

Average pH: 7.9 – 8.2 (is within the expected range of coastal tropical areas)

Salinity: 36 – 40 PPT

Dissolved oxygen (DO): 4-6 ml/l

Water temperature between 24 – 30 degree C

Nutrient level (specially for maintaining color of algae etc)

Additional systems would be needed for the following:

For cleaning the water to maintain visibility inside the water for the tourists

For removing metal

Marginal degradation in water quality in localized areas around industrial and urban centre

For changing the water once in 4 to 5 days depending on the water quality analysis

Selection of flora and fauna for each tank Each tank would contain a group of flora and fauna to provide the natural feel of the ocean. However, it is essential to ensure predator-prey is not grouped together. Typical fish life is between 1 to 3 years.

Sources for obtaining the flora and fauna There are several potential sources for obtaining the flora and fauna for the MRCI Centre Based on origin •

Natural habitat


Conservation/breeding labs


Based on discussion with Dr. Jethani, Fisheries Research , Okha

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Based on geography •

Gulf of Kutch

Other parts of India

Outside India

However, there are rules and regulations governing the sourcing of flora and fauna outlining the approvals required etc for the same.

Transportation of flora and fauna to the MRCI Centre site Transportation of the flora and fauna is a specialized task. Different species need to be transported differently based on their water requirements.

Transportation from one location to the other within the Gulf of Kutch is easier given the small distances

In case of flora, transporting spores is easier than transporting the whole plant species. In case of whole plants, tanks with sea water, aeration facility and periodic water change should be used.

In case of fauna, transportation can happen through ship or through aero plane in specially designed tanks

Replicating the natural habitat •

5.6 5.6.1

Detailed study of natural habitat of each flora and fauna is essential to be able to provide them with their natural environment. Hideouts need to be created for fish and other marine life to help them experience close to natural surroundings.

Technological Assessment Objective To understand the key technical considerations for setting up an MRCI Centre around the project location


Key Technical Considerations Based on the interactions with technical experts and aquarium equipment contractors, national as well as international and secondary research, various technical considerations have been identified which merit attention during setup and operation of an MRCI Centre.

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Water Pumping System

Acrylic Panels and Tanks

Key Technical Considerations

Temperature control system

Design and Decoration: Interior and exterior

Lighting system


Electricity supply

pH and Nutrients control system

Aeration System

Water Filtration System

Water supply

Figure 26 Key technical considerations

These technical systems need to be provided with support infrastructure like manpower, electricity and water supply for their efficient performance.

Acrylic Panels and Acrylic Tank Acrylic is a key component of an MRCI Centre. Walk through tunnels and gigantic 3G marine facilities are made possible because of acrylic.

Large Acrylic panels

Cylindrical Acrylic Tank

Acrylic Tunnel

Figure 27 Different acrylic shapes

They help to display marine life through transparent sheets of any shape and size. Manufacturing acrylic panels/tanks is a specialized task and currently it is available only in three countries. Hence, it would need to be imported. The installation of acrylic panels and acrylic tanks is done by specialists.

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Acrylic panels and/or tanks account for around 20%15 of project capital cost.

Design and Decoration: Interior and Exterior Both interior of the tank and the exterior landscape are an important consideration for a marine facility. The interior design and decoration is required to replicate natural habitat for the marine life e.g. creating hide-outs for fish. Exterior landscaping and decoration is essential to make the venue attractive for visitors

Artificial Marine Habitat inside the tank

Aquarium landscape design

Exterior Landscaping

Figure 28 Interior and exterior decoration

Interior decoration of tanks to create artificial marine habitats is designed and setup by specialists. Exterior landscape of the MRCI Centre to suit the visitors can be designed by architects and interior designers.

Filtration System The water provided in the MRCI Centre needs to be continuously filtered. •

To remove pathogens/fickle metal so that water is fit for survival of flora and fauna

To remove waste produced by fauna


Based on discussion with international technical consultant

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To remove turbidity so that water is fit for public viewing

Ozone generator

Sand filters

Figure 29 Filtration systems

The process is as follows •

Water goes to a settling tank to remove large suspended particles

Goes to holding tank for processing through UV/ozone to remove pathogens

Filtration systems are available locally and hence need not be imported.

Water Pumping System Water needs to be pumped 24x7. Pumping system is essential as water needs to be constantly fed to the filtration system to make it fit for survival of flora and fauna. Fresh sea water is pumped into tanks from the source like ocean and to ensure 24x7 pumping, a 400 KVA generator is required16 Water pumping systems can be sourced locally. The cost of pumping system is impacted by the distance over which the ocean water is being pumped. Any distance of more than 300-400 m from the sea would considerably increase the costs.

Artificial Lighting System In most cases, the MRCI Centre is completely enclosed with no access to natural light. In such cases, provision of lighting is essential for the survival of flora and fauna. It is also important to replicate the light intensities of their natural environment. Metal halides are used to supplement the meager natural light available in tank. Lighting is also important to highlight certain areas of an exhibit and for good visibility of the exhibits to the visitors. 16

Based on discussion with international technical consultant

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These systems can be sourced locally.

Aeration System An aeration system is required to maintain the oxygen content of water. Oxygen levels get depleted since marine life consumes it continuously and hence needs to be replenished. Also, aeration stimulates the flow of oxygen by releasing air bubbles into the water, thus creating water movement which is essential for even distribution of materials and compounds in water. Air pumps often combined with a power head or water pump are usually used for large tanks. Aeration systems can be sourced locally

pH and Nutrient control systems Suitable pH level, salinity level and other required nutrient levels have to be maintained in the water for many biological processes to take place both for flora and fauna. In addition, nutrients are necessary for flora to maintain their color. Remote probes and control instrumentation is used to monitor and maintain the required levels. These can be sourced locally.

Temperature Control System The temperature of the water pumped in varies a lot. Consistency in temperature has to be maintained as most species are not accustomed to sudden changes. In addition suitable temperature ranges vary for various species depending on their place of origin. Therefore, temperature control systems are vital. Computerized automatic heating/cooling systems are available making the operations much easier and accurate. They are available locally

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Heat exchangers for temperature control

Figure 30 Temperature control systems

Support Infrastructural Requirements Support infrastructure like water, electricity and manpower is essential for successfully operating the MRCI Centre.

Manpower •

Trained manpower is necessary for the operations and maintenance of the MRCI Centre

Usually MRCI Centre contractors operate the MRCI Centre for 1 to 2 years during which time they assist in hiring and training the local manpower.

Electricity Supply •

Round the clock electricity supply is required to operate an MRCI Centre as all the life support systems depend on it.

To ensure this a back up generator is essential

Water Supply

5.7 5.7.1

Continuous water supply is required for an MRCI Centre.

Locating the MRCI Centre close to a water source reduces costs considerably

Regulatory Assessment Objective •

To understand the key regulatory considerations for setting up an MRCI Centre around the project location

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• •


To develop a list of clearances required for setting up an MRCI Centre To identify key regulatory risks, if any

Relevant Acts and corresponding Rules and Regulations There are various Acts governing Wildlife as well as the Environment. Each Act has various Rules and Regulations, some of them being especially applicable to an MRCI Centre. The applicable acts and corresponding rules have been highlighted below.

Recognition of Zoo Rules, 1992

Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

Regulations on Acquisition of Animals

Performing Animals Rules, 2000

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960

Breeding of and Experiments on Animals Rules, 1998

Environment (protection) Rules, 1986

Environment Protection Act, 1986

Figure 31 Relevant acts ad corresponding rules

The details on the rules applicable for the setup and operation of the MRCI Centre are as follows.

Recognition as a zoo The MRCI Centre has animal exhibits and hence has to be recognized as a zoo. Each zoo needs to be recognized by the Central Zoo Authority to be able to keep and exhibit wildlife. •

For this purpose an application under section 38H of the Wildlife Protection Act for recognition of a zoo should be made to the Central Zoo Authority.

A fee of INR 500 is to be paid with every application

Validity of the recognition is one year (unless granted on permanent basis). Renewal is to be initiated three months before expiry.

Certain information is to be submitted as part of the application which is as follows: -

Generic information like name, location, number of animals etc

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Detailed list of the species of animals being displayed along with new acquisitions, disposal, births and deaths


Endangered species breeding details


Details of Veterinary facilities available


Details of feeding facilities for the animals like food store, water etc


Sanitary care and disease control facilities


Details of facilities for visitors like toilets, restaurants, resting area etc and safety measures


Budget and the master plan for the zoo


Any publications, brochures and guide books

Each Zoo needs to operate under certain pre-defined norms and standards some of which offer certain challenges for the MRCI Centre as listed below Table 16 Norms to be followed and challenges associated



General Norms – Primary objective as conservation

not be an area of primary focus

Administrative and staffing pattern – Full time veterinarians

• Availability of trained staff in required numbers

Animal Enclosures - Design, dimensions and other features

• The act does not provide details for an aquarium

Hygiene, Feeding and Upkeep

• Availability of required knowledge (e.g. feeding

Animal Care, health and Treatment Veterinary Facilities – Requirement of veterinary hospital Breeding of animals: Approval required for breeding of each species Maintenance of Records and Submission of Inventory –record of birth, acquisitions, deaths etc of all species

habits) and experience (e.g. skilled staff)

• Availability of trained staff in required numbers • Additional cost involved • Obtaining approval specially for expensive/exotic species as well as endangered/rare species

• Considering the short life span of several species of fish and high number of species that has to be maintained, this process might be cumbersome.

Education and Research – Continuous monitoring of biological behavior, population dynamics etc

• Availability of trained staff in required numbers

Visitor Facilities

• None • None

Development and Planning – submitting future plans

• Being a PPP initiative, conservation efforts would

Acquisition of Animals The wildlife protection act outlines the provisions regarding acquisition of animals by a zoo.

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Acquisition from within India Acquisition or transfer of any wild animals from within India specified in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the Wildlife protection act require previous permission of the Chief Wildlife Warden of the respective state. Table 17 Illustrative list of species protected under the wildlife protect act

Illustrative List of species under Schedule 1 and 2 requiring approvals for acquisition

• • • • •

Mammals like Dugongs and dolphins Amphibians and Reptiles like turtles and crocodiles Fish species like shark and Ray Corals Molluscs

Acquisition from outside India Import of animals, birds and reptiles is permitted against a license to zoos and zoological parks, recognized scientific/ & research institutions, circus companies, private individuals, on the recommendation of the Chief Wildlife Warden of a State Government subject to the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES)

Exhibition of performing animals For display of any animal performances consent from the animal welfare board need to be taken. For the purpose of the MRCI Centre this needs to be considered if dolphin shows, seal/ sea lion shows etc are planned. An application should be made to the Animal Welfare Board of India for registration

Application and registration related info •

A fee of INR 500 is to be paid with every application

Illustrative list of information to be submitted as part of the application is as follows: - Generic information of the establishment like name and location - Whether registered under the performing animals rules already - Ownership certificate if the performing animal is protected under the wildlife protection act - Particulars of the performing animals with details like species name, age, gender etc - Details of the nature of performance along with information on training and performing apparatus

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A certificate of registration shall be issued by the authority after submission of application.

Conditions to be satisfied for successful registration 24 general conditions as per the Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2000 have to be satisfied for ensuring registration. The broad categories of conditions provided are as follows: •

Shelter facilities during transportation and during captivity

Veterinary facilities

Food, hygiene and general upkeep

Health during performance

Prohibited performing conditions and apparatus

Prohibition of continuous or excessive performances

A report corresponding to each registration highlighting health death, birth etc duly certified by a veterinary doctor has to be submitted every month.

Key challenges in meeting the required conditions

Availability of trained staff will be a big concern given the lack of marine animal performances that take place in India

There will be additional cost involved in developing in-house expertise - hiring staff from abroad, organizing trainings for Indian staff

Breeding of and Experimentation on Animals For any breeding activities and research on animals an application should be made to the Member Secretary, CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals), Ministry of Environment & Forests for registration

Application and registration related info •

A fee of INR 1000 is to be paid with every application

It will take about 2 months to get the registration

Illustrative list of information to be submitted as part of the application is as follows:

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Generic information of the establishment like name, location, objectives of establishment and purpose of breeding


Details of animals related to their procurement, transportation, housing facilities and their availability


Details regarding experimentation if applicable


Details regarding animal breeding

Conditions to be satisfied for successful registration A spot inspection is conducted before giving registration. Several standards need to be maintained for stocking of animals. Some of these are highlighted below: •

Animal houses shall be located in a quiet atmosphere undisturbed by traffic, and the premises kept tidy, hygienic and the animals protected from drought and extremes of weather

Animals attendants must be suitably trained and experienced in the duties allotted to them

There shall be satisfactory arrangement for looking after the animals during off hours and on holidays

A record from time to time corresponding to each registration is to be submitted.

Key challenges in meeting the required conditions

Obtaining approval specially for expensive/exotic species as well as endangered/rare species will be difficult

Availability of trained staff is an issue

Construction in coastal regulated areas Any activity near the coastal stretches will be governed by the coastal regulated zone notification of the environment protection act. Key takeaways from the notification are as follows: •

Construction activity between the High tide line and Low tide line is prohibited

The coastal stretches within 500m of High Tide Line on the landward side are regulated

Any development activity to be done in this area should follow the coastal regulation zone notification:

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Classification into CRZ categories (I or II or III) should be checked and rules will apply accordingly


Any other construction activity with investment exceeding INR 5 crores will require environment clearance from MOEF

The CRZ notification should be a key consideration while deciding the exact location for the MRCI Centre.


Between Low tide line and High tide line

Area within 500 m from High tide line


Need environment clearance from MOEF

Area beyond 500 m from High tide line

No clearance required

Figure 32 Coastal regulated zones

Prior environment clearance Environment clearance is mandatory for all projects which might have a potential impact on the environment. This needs to be considered as the MRCI Centre construction classifies as building and construction project and is listed in the environment protection rules. Prior environment clearance is required for building and construction projects >= 20,000 sq.m and <1,50,000 sq.m of built-up area. If the built-up area for the MRCI Centre is < 20,000 sq m, no prior environmental clearance is required

Categories of projects mentioned in the environment protection rules Ministry of environment and forests has categorized projects based on the impact on human health as well as resources. An MRCI Centre falls under ‘building and construction project’ which is category B. The approving authority as per project category is as follows Category A

Category B

All projects or activities included as Category ‘A’ shall require prior environmental clearance from the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) based on the recommendations of an Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC)

• •

All projects or activities included as Category ‘B’ will require prior environmental clearance from the State/Union territory Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The SEIAA shall base its decision on the recommendations of a State or Union territory level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) In the absence of a duly constituted SEIAA or SEAC, a Category ‘B’ project shall be treated as a Category ‘A’ project

Figure 33 Category of projects as per the environment protect act

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A project specified in Category ‘B’ will be treated as Category A, if located in whole or in part within 10 km from the boundary of: (i) Protected Areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, (ii) Critically Polluted areas as notified by the Central Pollution Control Board from time to time, (iii) Notified Eco-sensitive areas, (iv) inter-State boundaries and international boundaries

Environment clearance procedure The procedure for acquiring an environment clearance is explained through the following flowchart. 1


3 Sending out the application along with the necessary information

Acquiring required information, supporting documents and local clearances

Identifying the project category (A or B) Category A

Illustrative list

• Approval required from central authority (MOEF)

• Information on construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project

Category B

• Application Forms and supporting documents to be submitted in the prescribed format along with prefeasibility report/conceptual plan

• Details of use of Natural resources

• Approval required from state level authority (SEIAA)

• Authority: SEIAA or MOEF

• Impact on environmental sensitivity



4 Scoping (for all category A projects and category B projects requiring EIA report)


• Detailed scrutiny of the application, EIA report etc • Recommendations to the regulatory authority for grant or rejection of the application for prior environmental clearance

Development of a detailed TOR addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an EIA Report

Screening (only for category B projects and activities)

• Scrutiny of the Application Form to determine if the project requires development of the Environment Impact Assessment report (EIA) for its appraisal based on the risks associated with the project.

Figure 34 Procedure for acquiring environment clearance

Information required along with application Relevant information is to be submitted as part of the application for environment clearance so as to help the authority evaluate the project’s impact on the environment. The list of information required is as follows. Information required as part of Form 1 •

Generic information of the establishment like name, location, size, project cost and category

Information on construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

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Details of use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply)

Details of use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.

Information on production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

Information release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

Details of generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat

Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment

Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality

Impact on environmental sensitivity

Information required as part of Form 1A •

Answers to a list of specific questions on environment impact including those on land environment, water environment, vegetation, Fauna, Air environment, Aesthetics, Socioeconomic aspects, Building materials and energy conservation


Summary of regulatory approvals, challenges and mitigation

Approvals Required Several regulatory approvals are required before setting up an MRCI Centre. The approvals required and the concerned authorities have been summarized below.

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Table 18 Summary of approvals required and relevant authorities





Recognition of Zoo


Central Zoo Authority

Validity for one year (unless granted on permanent basis). Renewal to be done 3 months before expiry

Acquisition of Animals (within India)


Chief Wildlife warden of the respective state

PCCF is the chief wildlife warden for Gujarat

Acquisition of Animals (outside India)


Director General Foreign Trade

Not required immediately as imported animals might be planned for phase II Need recommendation of IGF

Performing Animals


Animal Welfare Board*

Would be required for only 1 to 2 species



Animal Welfare Board*

Takes about 2 months for approval process

Prior Environment Clearance (before construction activity)

Required if built-up area is greater than 20,000 sq.m

SEIAA - State Environment Impact Assessment Authority or MOEF – Ministry of Environment and Forests

Takes about 4 months for approval process

CRZ/CMZ guidelines (for activity in the costal areas)


Approval from MOEF if in regulated area

No approval is required if constructed beyond 500 m from High tide line

*Inspector General-Forests is a member

Key challenges and mitigation methods Various guidelines need to be followed while setting up and operating an MRCI Centre which poses several challenges. The challenges involved in meeting the regulatory requirements include difficulty in meeting some of the specified norms and standards, ambiguity in applicability of some parts of the regulations, difficulty in getting some of the approvals and associated cost escalations.

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Difficulty in meeting norms and standards

Cost Escalations

• Lack of technical know-how e.g. animal care, treatment etc • Lack of trained manpower e.g. for maintenance of equipment

• Mandatory veterinary/ quarantine standards would lead to higher costs • Additional cost involved in developing in-house expertise - hiring staff from abroad, organizing trainings for Indian staff etc


Difficulty in getting the approvals

Ambiguity in applicability of regulations • Norms for enclosures are not aquarium specific • Norms for transport of marine life not defined • For approval, primary objective is expected to be conservation. However given the private sector participation conservation would not be their primary objective

• Time over-runs: May take up more time than anticipated • Monitoring difficulties: Number of authorities for approvals is high • Rejections: May be difficult to get approvals for certain species like endangered species Figure 35 Challenges due to applicable regulations

However, these challenges would need to be mitigated to ensure successful working of the MRCI Centre.

Difficulty in meeting norms and standards

Project may be given to international contractors with established credentials on BOT basis

Cost Escalations

Arrange for hand holding support from international bodies and/or international marine facilities

Regular inspections conducted to monitor standards

Difficulty in getting the approvals

Ambiguity in applicability of regulations

Involve relevant authorities like forest department, local municipalities, tourism department etc initially itself to obtain their buy-in

Seek support/ information from international bodies/ contractors Tie-up with research institutes in India/abroad for conservation activities

Figure 36 Mitigation methods

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International Accreditations There are various international organizations for the zoo and aquarium community. These organizations work at country level, regional level as well as global level. Some of them include South Asian Zoo Association for Regional Cooperation (SAZARC), Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Latin American Zoo & Aquarium Association etc. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) is an umbrella organisation for zoos, aquariums and regional organizations of zoos and aquariums. The primary objective of these organizations is to contribute to improved management of zoo and aquarium facilities by setting up standards and providing a common forum for knowledge sharing for achieving the same.


World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)

Overview WAZA is the umbrella organisation for the world zoo and aquarium community. Its members include:

Leading zoos and aquariums

Regional and National Associations of Zoos and Aquariums eg. SAZARC (South Asian Zoo Association for Regional Cooperation)

Affiliate organizations, such as zoo veterinarians or zoo educators

Benefits offered to members All the members of WAZA receive support for member zoos, aquariums, and partner organisation in •

Animal care and welfare

Conservation of biodiversity

Environmental education

Global sustainability

This is done through •

Training grants to members

Conferences, seminars and workshops


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Prerequisites to become a member Certain conditions have to be satisfied for successfully acquiring the membership such as


Two sponsors are needed to sign the nomination form. Sponsors should be current voting members of WAZA who are preferably from your country or region, but do not serve on the Membership Committee

Any body seeking membership should act in accordance with all local, national and international law

Any body seeking membership should strive for highest standards of operation in the areas mentioned in the Code of Ethics and Animal Welfare like exhibit standards, acquisition and transfer of animals, contribution to research etc

Benefits to the MRCI Centre There are various advantages in acquiring the membership of an international organisation. They are as follows:


International recognition would give credibility to the working of the MRCI Centre and ensure high standards are being maintained

Help in attracting international private contribution and funding

Obtain support and training for local manpower

Gain knowledge and information

Challenges for the MRCI Centre Challenges involved in meeting the requirements of international organizations are as follows •

Active involvement in research would require prior collaboration with research organizations and institutions

Technical know-how and skilled manpower to meet international standards would be developed locally over time


Primary Survey


Objective The objectives of the primary survey are as follows:

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To understand the typical behaviors relating to entertainment and leisure activities of the target group •

Entertainment and leisure activities

Time spend on these activities

Expenditure associated with these activities

Frequency of performing the activities

To understand the travel plans of people visiting Dwarka •


Alone or in a group

Typical duration

Typical spends on travel, stay, food, activities, others

To find out the spontaneous reaction for the idea of MRCI Centre

To assess the reaction to the proposed MRCI Centre around Dwarka, in terms of : •

Likeability of the idea

Willingness to visit this MRCI Centre

To find out the key features attracting the visitors to such a destination

To understand the suitable ticket pricing for the MRCI Centre

Implementation of the survey The primary survey was commissioned to Market Search India Pvt. Ltd. It is a marketing research and consultancy firm, with infrastructure and expertise to handle multi-country studies. Market Search provides comprehensive, in-depth research and analysis, generating insights into consumer and market behavior. It uses a variety of Quantitative and Qualitative research techniques and technology to understand consumers and gain insights into their behavior

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Methodology A series of face-to-face interviews with the target respondents were conducted. These interviews were guided by detailed questionnaires. The detailed questionnaires have been included in Appendices. The target respondents were selected purposively using a select set of criteria. The respondents were shown the photographs and write ups of the proposed MRCI Centre and their feedback was taken. The geographical coverage and profile of target respondents chosen is as shown below.

Geographical Coverage The study was conducted in four cities: •





Dwarka has been selected as it is the proposed location for the setting of the MRCI Centre. Other selected locations, Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Saputara are leading tourist destinations in Gujarat and thus would provide a good perspective of tourist behaviour within Gujarat.

Profile of target respondents The target respondents included the following: •

End consumers

Tour operators

School authorities

End consumers were selected based on the following criterion: •

Working men & women with children in the age group of 25 to 60 years

The target respondents are those who take decisions on their own

Those who belong to SEC A1, A2, B1, B2

Have taken a short break (lasting 2-3 days) at least twice in last two years

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Tour operators included those who conduct group tours in Gujarat. Target respondents also included schools in Gujarat who organize tours and excursions for their children.

Sample size and breakup of the target respondents In total 240 interviews were conducted with the target respondents. The city wise and segment wise sample breakup was as follows Table 19 Sample and breakup of target respondents

Sr.No. City















Vadodara Saputara

49 24



21 6






* Tourists are visitors who stay for atleast one night. The number of tour operators and schools interviewed were as follows •

Tour/Travel operators - 10-12

School - 10


Findings of survey with end customers

Behavior of tourists to Dwarka Visit to Dwarka Apart from the tourists and residents interviewed in Dwarka, the 170 respondents at other locations were asked if they have visited Dwarka to understand their Dwarka travel behavior. Only 60 respondents or 35% of them had visited Dwarka before.

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Willing to visit Dwarka in future 38%

Have no t visited Dwarka 65%

Have visited Dwarka 35%

No t willing to visit Dwarka 27%

Figure 37 Willingness to visit Dwarka

The 110 respondents who had never visited Dwarka were asked if they would like to visit Dwarka in the future. About 46 respondents refused mentioning reasons like large distance and lack of time. The respondents who had visited Dwarka were interviewed further on their travel behavior in Dwarka. The total number of these respondents was 115 and this included the tourists in Dwarka as well as respondents interviewed outside Dwarka. The travel behavior was important to understand the favorability of the location for setting up the MRCI Centre.

Purpose of Visit As expected, maximum percentage of respondents visited Dwarka for religious purposes. 75%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%


20% 10%


0% R elig ious

L eis ure

B us ines s

Figure 38 Purpose of visit

Frequency of Visit Most of the respondents visited Dwarka only once. This is closely followed by the number of tourists who visit once every year showing the high level of repeat visitors to Dwarka.

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30% 20%






0% O nce/ F irst time

Y early

O nce in 6 Atleast months once a month

3‐4 times O nce in a year 2‐3 years

Figure 39 Frequency of visit to Dwarka

Duration of Trip Duration of visit for most of the respondents is 2-3 days 40%



30% 22% 20%


10% 0% 3 days

2 days

O vernight stay

S ame day return

Figure 40 Duration of visit

In addition, over 70% of the respondents have a free time of more than 2 hrs during their trip. 50%


40% 27%





10% 0% 3 ‐ 4 Hr

2 ‐ 3 hr

More than 4 Hr L ess than 2 Hr

Figure 41 Available free time

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In addition, about 61% of the respondents completely planned the trip and besides the temple visit nothing major was planned for these respondents. Unavailability of an alternate venue is the major reason for this.

Alternate Activities interested in 93% of the people said yes when they were asked if they want to spend their free time in some alternate activity. 71 % of them said that they could go on trips to nearby beaches and coastal areas. The long duration of typical trips to Dwarka, availability of plenty of free time, lack of alternate activities to indulge and willingness to indulge in alternate activities are favorable signs for the MRCI centre to be setup in Dwarka.

Past out-of-home entertainment behavior of respondents It is necessary to capture the respondent’s past out-of-home entertainment behavior to better understand his out of home entertainment preferences and thus validate his response to the willingness of visiting the MRCI Centre. Six entertainment activities which include watching movies, eating out in restaurants, Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ Zoo, planetarium, Amusement Park/ Water Park, Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes and Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown have been chosen to understand the past entertainment behavior of the respondents.

Frequency of Visits for each Activity Eating out at restaurants and watching movies are done more often while other activities are done on a yearly basis by most of the respondents. Most of the respondents indulge in all the six activities. Such a visit behavior shows that the respondents are interested in out-of-home entertainment activities and thus MRCI centre could be an attractive proposition for them.

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Picnic-Outside home town



Picnic-within home town



Water park


Museum, Aquarium, Zoo/ Planetarium




















Eating out at Restaurants





Watching Movies/ Cinemas








More than once a month

Once a month

Once in 2-3 months

Once in 6 months

Once a year

Don't do

4 11



Once in 4-5 months

Figure 42 Frequency of activities

Time Spent in each Activity Most respondents spend about 1-2 hrs in a restaurant as expected. Apart from restaurants, most respondents spend 3 – 6 hrs in other activities. Since an MRCI centre will be a place where a visitor can spend about 2-4 hrs observing and learning various species, eating at the restaurant, watching a dolphin show etc it matches to the entertainment related time spending behavior of the respondents. Picnic-Outside home town Picnic-within home town


Water park



Museum, Aquarium, Zoo/ Planetarium



Watching Movies/ Cinemas Eating out at Restaurants















<1 Hr


3 -4 Hr





5 1





5-6 Hr

7-8 Hr


>8 Hr

Figure 43 Time spent in each activity

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Money Spent on each Activity Apart from the picnic outside hometown, the typical spending for the other activities is in the range of 100-300 per head. This would be an important consideration while pricing the ticket for the MRCI Centre . Picnic-Outside home town


Picnic-within home town


Water park




22 3










Eating out at Restaurants




Watching Movies/ Cinemas




Museum, Aquarium, Zoo/ Planetarium

<Rs100 Rs 501-6 00 Rs 1001-1500



Rs 201-3 00 Rs 701-800 Rs 2001-2500




2 3

3 22

13 4


3 2 2


Rs 3 01-400 Rs 801-900 >Rs2500


5 1



Rs 101-200 Rs 6 01-700 Rs 1501-2000


1 4 1



Rs 401-500 Rs 901-1000

Figure 44 Average spend on each activity

Responses related to the Concept of the Marine Facility Likeliness to Visit Overall the response to the Marine Facility concept was positive. 85% of the respondents liked the concept a lot and 78% said they would definitely visit such a place. This implies that a high percentage of the target respondents are likely to visit the MRCI Centre. Neither liked no r disliked 1%

Disliked a Little 1%

P ro bably no t visit 3% M ay o r may no t visit 3%

Liked a Little 13%

P ro bably Visit 16%

Liked a Lo t 85%

Definitely Visit 78%

Figure 45 Likeliness to visit the marine facility

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Intention to visit the MRCI Centre if located in Dwarka 216 respondents have shown interest in planning a trip to Dwarka to specially visit the MRCI Centre. This validates the suitability of Dwarka as a location for the MRCI Centre. Wil no t visit 7%

Will visit 93%

Figure 46 Willingness to visit Dwarka especially for the MRCI Centre

Out of the 17 respondents who have not shown interest, 7 respondents have shown interest in visiting the MRCI Centre during their free time while in Dwarka.

Willingness to visit in subsequent trips to Dwarka 197 respondents said they would visit the MRCI Centre again in their subsequent trips. Out of the 26 respondents who said no, 25 said that they would visit again only if new features are added. Thus newer features would need to be added in the future to be able to attract more of repeat tourists at the MRCI Centre.

No t A nswered 4% Yes 96% No 11%

Yes 85%

No 11%

Figure 47 Willingness to visit MRCI Centre in subsequent trips to Dwarka

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Favorable features in the MRCI Centre The ratings for each of core, add-on and filler features were taken from every respondent in a format highlighted below. Table 20 Format for taking ratings for features of the MRCI Centre






CORE FEATURES Large tank with large ocean dwellers and various species Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view Walk through tunnel with 360 degree view Large tank + tunnel ADD ON FEATURES Dolphin shows Seal/ Sea lion shows Touch Pools Swimming with dolphins/ dugongs/ seals Coral Reef displays Penguins Polar Animals (Polar bear, artic foxes etc) FILLERS Good restaurant/ Cafes 4D theatre Souvenir/ Gift Shops Simulator Rides Marriage Hall/ Ball room Game zone An overall rating was then calculated for every feature. Based on this overall rating the most favorable features of the MRCI centre were obtained as outlined below: •

Core Features: Walk through tunnel with 360 degree view and a large 3G tank are the most preferred core features. Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view is next to most preferred

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Large tank + tunnel


Walk through tunnel with 3 6 0 degree view




Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view



Large tank with large ocean dwellers and various species

6% 1%



Very high










very low

Figure 48 Ratings for core features

Add-on Features: Dolphin show is the highest rated add-on feature. Next most preferred add-on features are penguin displays, Seal show and polar animals in that order

Polar Animals (Polar bear, artic foxes etc)




Coral Reef displays


Swimming with dolphins/ dugongs/ seals


Touch Pools


7% 3%



Dolphin shows medium





7% 1%

6% 6%




9% 4%1%



Seal/ Sea lion shows

Very high



12% 2%



very low

Figure 49 Ratings for add-on features

Filler Activities: Good restaurants or a cafe as a filler feature is a clear favorite. Game zone was also given a high rating by a considerable number of respondents.

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Game zone


Marriage Hall/ Ball room



Simulator Rides



Souvenir/ Gift Shops




4D theatre

7% 2% 2%

Good restaurant/ Cafes


Very high


8% 2%








4% 1%







very low

Figure 50 Ratings for filler features

Willingness to pay The responses to the basic fee, fee for add-ons, fee for filler activities and overall package fee are as highlighted below.


Number of respondents



70 60 50


40 30







0 <Rs 20

20 - 40

41 - 60

61 - 80



81 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 301 - 400 401 - 500

0 >500

Figure 51 Basic Entry Fee

Number of respondents



100 80 60



40 20

24 8


0 <Rs 20

20 - 40

41 - 60

61 - 80




81 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 301 - 400 401 - 500

0 >500

Figure 52 Fees for Add-on Features

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Number of respondents

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90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0






<Rs 20

20 - 40

41 - 60

61 - 80





81 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 301 - 400 401 - 500


Figure 53 Fees for Fillers

60 49


47 38

40 31 30





10 0


<Rs 20

20 - 40


0 41- 60

61- 80

81- 100

101- 200 201- 300 301- 400 401- 500


Figure 54 Total package price

Based on the responses an average price is as follows Table 21 Average price

Average price

Basic entry fee

Add on features

Filler features

Entire Package

INR 64

INR 55

INR 67

INR 297

This together with the past spending behavior can be used to calculate the price range for the MRCI centre.

Favorable activity time for the MRCI centre Most of the respondents were interested in spending about 2-4 hrs in the MRCI centre. This should be taken into account while deciding the number of activities to be introduced in the MRCI Centre.

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Percentage of respondents


3 5% 29%

3 0% 22% 20%




0% <1hr


2hr-3 hr

3 hr-4hr


Figure 55 Favorable activity time to spend in the MRCI centre

Favorable travel time for the MRCI centre About 53% of the respondents do not want to travel more than 40 min to reach the MRCI centre from their place of stay. This implies that the MRCI centre should be located not more than 15 km away from the main accommodation area of the town or where maximum number of tourists stay. 60%

Percentage of respondents

53% 50%


30% 22% 20% 13%


41 Min – 1 Hr

> 1 Hr



< 20 Min

21 – 40 Min

Figure 56 Favorable travel time to reach the MRCI centre


Response from Schools Authorities from 10 schools in Gujarat were interviewed to gauge the interest levels of schools in organizing visit to the MRCI centre for their students.

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Recreational activities organized by schools Most of the schools organize trips to amusement or water parks, to places of scientific interest, to picnic locations within the city and visit to manufacturing location. Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips)


Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips)


Watching m ovies/ cinem a


Am usem ent Park/ water park


Picnic to locations within city – parks etc


Visiting places of historical or scientific interest


Visiting a m anufacturing facility Figure 57


Recreational activities organized by schools

Time spent on these popular activities range from 3-8 hrs. Hence, MRCI centre should take this into account while developing educational and entertainment activities for these students. Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips)


Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips)


Watching m ovies/ cinem a


Am usem ent Park/ Water park

8 7

Picnic to locations within city – parks etc Visiting places of historical or scientific interest Visiting a m anufacturing facility

6 3

Figure 58 Time spent on each activity (hrs)

These activities are organized by most schools for students of grade 5 and above. Thus the MRCI centre should conceptualize major proportion of its educational activities with applicability to students of grade 5 and above.

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Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips)


5 5 5

Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips)

3 4 4 4

Watching m ovies/ cinem a 3

7 9

Am usem ent Park/ Water park

6 4 6 8

Picnic to locations within city – parks etc

6 5 10 10

Visiting places of historical or scientific interest 9 3 4 4

Visiting a m anufacturing facility

5 3







Number o f scho o ls o ut o f 10

Prim ary (1-4)

Secondary (5-7)

Secondary (8-10)

11th - 12th

Figure 59 Applicability of each activity

Workshops related to marine life and animal science are conducted by 6 out of 10 schools. Considering the interest level in these subjects, organizing such workshops in the MRCI centre would be an attractive proposition for school groups. Religious/Yoga Sadhana


Jan Jagruti Abhiyan


Workshop for Historic Monum ents

1 4

Astronom y Marine Life


Anim al Science

6 0

Chem istry


Physics 0








num ber of schools out of 10 Figure 60 Educational workshops conducted by schools

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The average spend per student for activities like amusement park, picnics and visits to places of scientific interest range between INR 142 to 213. This should be considered while fixing the total package price for school students. Most of these activities are partly funded by the student and partly by the school. Excursions to locations outside the city (24 day trips)


Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips)


Watching m ovies/ cinem a


Am usem ent Park/ Water park


Picnic to locations within city – parks etc


Visiting places of historical or scientific interest


Visiting a m anufacturing facility


Figure 61 Average cost per student for each activity

Many school avail discounts for most of these activities. The number of schools availing discounts and the average discount amount is highlighted below. 80%


61% 51% 45%

6 4





54% 40%




7 5





% of discount

No of schools availing discounts



Num ber of schools availing discounts (out of 10)

Excursions to locations outside the city

Nature treks to locations around the city

Watching movies/ cinema

Amusement Park/

Picnic to locations within city

Places of historical or scientific interest

Visiting a manufacturing facility


Average Discounts /Concessions in %

Figure 62 Discount details

Average discount percent across the activities is 51%. This should be considered while pricing the package for group tours of school children.

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Response to the concept of the MRCI Centre All the schools interviewed liked the concept of the MRCI Centre and 8 out of them were willing to organize trips for students to visit the same. The balance two highlighted the security risk associated with such a facility for students as well as associated cost to be the key reasons for the same. It might be helpful for the MRCI Centre to address these issues during their marketing efforts. The most wanted features for the MRCI Centre were determined based on the ratings received from the 8 schools for each of the core, add-on and filler features. Large tank + tunnel




Walk through tunnel with 3 6 0 degree view




Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view Large tank with large ocean dwellers and various species







Very high




very low

Figure 63 Ratings for Core Features

Polar Animals (Polar bear, artic foxes etc)




Coral Reef displays


Swimming with dolphins/ dugongs/ seals


Touch Pools Seal/ Sea lion shows












Dolphin shows





Very high







very low

Figure 64 Ratings for Add-on Features

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Game zone


Marriage Hall/ Ball room


Simulator Rides









Souvenir/ Gift Shops




4D theatre





Good restaurant/ Cafes





Very high






very low

Figure 65 Ratings for Filler Features

An overall rating was given to identify the most favorable features. •

Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view was most favored

Touch pools were the most favored add-on feature

Souvenir/ gift shop was the most favored filler feature

These features should be considered while finalizing a high level concept for the MRCI centre. The favorable range of basic fee, fee for add-on features, fee for filler features and total package price was asked and the responses are as follows.

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Rs 401 - 500



0 1

Rs 301 - 400


Rs 201 - 300

0 0 0


0 3 1 2

Rs 101 - 200



3 1

Rs 81 - 100


2 1 1 1

Rs 61 - 80

1 1 1

Rs 41 - 60


0 1 0

Rs 21 - 40


1 0


Basic fee

2 Num ber of schools Fee for Add-on features Fee for filler features

3 Total package price

Figure 66 Favorable price ranges for the MRCI centre selected by the schools

Based on the responses an average price is as follows Table 22 Average price

Average price

Basic entry fee

Add on features

Filler features

Entire Package

INR 148

INR 88

INR 115

INR 208

This together with the past spending behavior can be used to get ideal price range for pricing the package for school group tours to the MRCI centre. Schools were also asking their preferences for various educational activities that could be potentially organized in the MRCI centre. These preferences should be considered for deciding the educational activities of the MRCI centre.

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Interactive activities like swim m ing with dolphins Daylong tour of the Oceanarium Sleepover program s

8% 10% 15%

Lecture series


Interactive workshops


Special m ovie screening for children


Figure 67 Ranking of educational activities

Thus schools have shown a high level of interest in organizing student trips to the MRCI Centre. Their preferences in terms of features in the MRCI Centre, educational activities, pricing etc should be considered while developing the final concept for the MRCI Centre.


Response from the Tour Operators Information on Dwarka trip •

A typical itinerary of a tour package including Dwarka is: Ahmedabad – Jamnagar – Dwarka – Veraval – Somnath – Diu – Sasan.

The months from October to May have the maximum number of tourists to Dwarka. Diwali vacation in particular has the highest tourist flow.

On an average, 75% of the tourists plan their trips on their own. Apart from visit to temples & other religious places, tourists visit beaches in their free time.

As tourists usually come as a family, budget hotels and 2-3 star hotels are preferred though overall spending is limited in Dwarka. A trip to Dwarka which includes temple visit, food, stay and sight seeing, costs in the range of Rs 2000 to Rs 3000 per person.

Response to the MRCI concept and inputs •

All the tour/bus operators liked the idea of MRCI centre. They expressed that they would be able to convince the tourists to visit the same.

All tour/bus operators showed interest for a tie up with such a facility.

9 out of 11 tour operators feel that Dwarka will be a suitable location for the MRCI centre. Alternate locations for the MRCI Centre in the Gulf of Kutch suggested by them include Okha and Mithapur.

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Advertisement through media vehicles was suggested to create awareness about the MRCI centre.

As specified by most tour/ bus operators an entry fee of Rs 150 to 200 will be suitable for the tourists to visit the facility.

Tour Operators seem to typically develop packages for the higher income group visitors of Dwarka. They have shown positive reaction to the MRCI Centre. Their inputs should be considered for deciding the pricing of the MRCI centre and for formulating the marketing initiatives.


Finalized Concept for the MRCI Centre Based on the results of the primary survey, primary discussion with industry experts and secondary research a final Concept has been developed for the MRCI Centre.


Features Education Based on the primary survey with schools in Gujarat, having the following list of popular educational activities will be suitable to the MRCI Centre •

Special movie screening for school children

Interactive educational workshops related to marine life and animal science

Lecture series

The primary survey also points out that, popular recreational and educational activities are focused for students of grade 5 and above. The educational activities of the MRCI Centre should focus on the same grades. Typical time spent on such activities ranges from 3-8 hrs as per the survey. The activities for students in the MRCI Centre should also be planned to occupy the students for such duration. Conservation and Research •

Research activities would be taken up by collaborating with other organizations.

Conservation activities include breeding and preserving endangered species. Conservation will be strengthened by the research activities in terms of expert knowledge and application of improved methods.

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ABCD Gujarat Ecology Commission Pre-feasibility Assessment of Marine Research, Conservation & Information Center June 2009 Infotainment Core Features The results of the primary survey highlighted the 360 degree walk through tunnel as the most preferred core feature for the MRCI Centre. The schools have selected the walk through tunnel with 180 degree view as the most favored. The 360 degree tunnel would have more of acrylic material and thus higher manufacturing cost due to its shape. As acrylic accounts for almost 20 % of project cost, this would increase the project cost appreciably. Therefore a walkthrough tunnel with 180 degree is a better option as it provides the visitor with a similar experience and is cheaper than the 360 degree tunnel.

Add-on Features The most favored add-on feature was Dolphin Show closely followed by display of Penguins. Creating an environment for the penguins would be very costly. The cost associated with the dolphin show on the other hand depends on the size of tank, seating audience targeted, number of dolphins to be trained etc. Therefore, the MRCI centre can have a small sized dolphin show as its add-on feature.

Fillers Filler features mainly act as an additional source of revenue. The popular choices for filler features as per the primary survey were good restaurant/ café and game zone for kids. The MRCI centre can have a good restaurant and café. In addition, based on the favorable response from schools, a souvenir/gift shop can be setup and a small scale game zone can be added The infotainment features suitable for the MRCI centre are summarized below. Table 23 Finalized features of the MRCI centre

Education Features • Special movie screening for school children • Interactive educational workshops related to marine life and animal science • Lecture series Conservation and Research • Research activities would be taken up by collaborating with other organizations. • Conservation activities include breeding and preserving endangered species. Infotainment Features Core Feature

Add-on Feature

• 4th generation: Walk through tunnel having 180° view

• Dolphin show

Fillers • Restaurant • Souvenir/Gift shops • Game Zone

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Positioning Based on the above features the positioning of the MRCI centre has been determined. Focus on Education and infotainment (spreading awareness, providing education and infotainment) along with Research and Conservation activities.


Socio-Economic Benefits The MRCI Centre would contribute positively to the social, economic and ecological development of the area and its people.


Ecological Benefits Marine life conservation Breeding and conservation activities of the MRCI Centre will play an important role in preserving rare and endangered species

Marine life research Research institutes will get an opportunity to collaborate with the MRCI Centre to study various species of marine life up close. Scope of research includes improving husbandry methods, developing innovative and exciting new exhibits, contributing to the understanding of the underwater world and applying new discoveries to the conservation of aquatic life.

Marine life awareness The various exhibits and related information on them will help in creating public awareness on marine biodiversity and its concerns


Social and economic benefits Employment The MRCI centre will create temporary employment during the construction phase. Also it would create several permanent jobs for on-site activities like marketing, operations, maintenance of the MRCI Centre.

Infotainment This MRCI centre will act as a premier infotainment destination of the city. It will improve the overall reputation of the city.

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Education Special education programs of the MRCI Centre will help foster knowledge in the domain of marine biodiversity


Financial Feasibility


Key Assumptions for the Financial Model Launch Date It has been assumed that the process of finalizing the PPP partner would be completed by December 2009. The construction would start in Jan 2010. It would take about 24 months for construction to complete. So the MRCI centre would launch its operations on 1 April 2012. Capital Expenditure (Capex) Based on discussions with an international technical consultant, the cost of construction of the facility of the desired scale and scope, cost of specialized works and pre-operative costs would be approximately INR 40 crore. This does not include the cost of land, development costs required etc which has been estimated to be approximately INR 10 crore. Thus the total capital expenditure has been estimated to be INR 49.96 crore. The break up of the capex has been provided below: Table 24 Capital expenditure split

Land Cost

INR 3.04 crore

Acrylic Cost

INR 8.04 crore

Construction Cost

INR 13.8 crore


INR 3.2 crore

Other Specialized Work

INR 1.26 crore

Start-up Costs

INR 9.57 crore

Development Costs

INR 6.5 crore




INR 49.96 crore

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Land cost The land cost has been calculated based on the total land requirement for the project and the cost of land per acre in the desired location. Total Area required for the MRCI Centre Table 25 Land area requirement

Area for the aquarium


Area for facilities like parking etc


1 1

Area for future expansion activities



Total Area for the MRCI Centre



The area of the aquarium has been assumed to be 1 acre based on interaction with international technical consultants.

In addition, almost same area is required for providing facilities like parking for visitors.

Based on interaction with GEC and future development plans around the MRCI centre, an area of 10 acre would be kept aside for future activities

Therefore, the total required land is 12 acres

Cost of land •

Based on interaction with real-estate agent in Dwarka, a 5.5 acre plot which is about 1 km from beach is available at INR 40/sq ft. An escalation of 30% of land cost has been assumed.

Cost associated with registration of land including registration fees, stamp duty and taxes have been assumed at 12% of land cost.

Therefore the land cost is INR 22,65,120 per acre

Total Land Cost = Total Area in acre x Land Cost per acre = INR 3.04 Crore

Acrylic Cost The total cost of acrylic material was based on the identified dimensions as below.

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Tank 4m


0.3 meter

2.4 meter


Exit 24 m

2.4 meter

2.1 meter 2.1 meter



concre te


Front View of tank

50 meter long acrylic tunnel 30 meter

Top View of tank

Figure 68 Dimensions of tunnel and tank

The cost of a 50 m acrylic tunnel as above was obtained from an acrylic manufacturer as INR 2.8 crore. Since acrylic is manufactured only in three countries in the world, it needs to be imported to India. Hence cost of transportation to India by ship as well as import duty and other taxes need to be paid which have been assumed to be 40% of the cost of acrylic. Also, acrylic would be required for developing partitions within the main tank. Assuming that for the tank of above dimensions, 2-3 partitions would be required, the cost has been escalated by 1.05 times. Total Cost of Acrylic is 2.8*(1+40%)*(1+1.05) = INR 8.04 crore

Construction Cost Based on discussion with international technical consultant, construction accounts for about 34% to 35% of the project cost (excluding cost of land and development costs) Total Construction Cost = 34.5%*40 = INR 13.8 crore

Exhibits Based on discussion with international technical consultant, exhibits account for about 4% to 8% of the project cost (excluding cost of land and development costs). Thus the exhibit cost has been assumed to be around 8%. Total Exhibit Cost = 8%*40 = INR 3.2 crore

Other Specialized Work Based on discussion with international technical consultant, specialized works accounts for about 31% of the total project cost which is INR 12.5 crore. This includes Life Support System, Decoration - Interior and Exterior, Acrylic, Exhibits. The Other Specialized Work excludes the acrylic and exhibits.

Life Support Systems

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The cost of providing Life Support System for supporting the flora and fauna of a 50 m tunnel aquarium was obtained from a Chinese provider as USD150,000 FOB.

About 85% of the system is available locally in India based on discussion with international technical consultants as well as Indian providers. Thus only 15% needs to be imported.

However, the cost of the 85% system has been inflated by 10% over the Chinese costs which are typically lower than the Indian cost structure. The balance 15% which needs to be imported would have cost associated with transportation as well as duty and other taxes which have been assumed at 40% of the cost.

This would account for the system requirements for the main tank. For providing additional features, extra 10% cost has been built.

Total Life Support System Cost = (150000*(1+10%)*50)*(1+15%*40%)*1.1= INR 0.96 crore Decoration - Interior and exterior The balance cost out of the specialized works is the cost of decoration for the interior and exterior of the MRCI Centre. Total Decoration Cost = INR 0.3 crore. Total Cost for Other Specialized Works = INR 1.26 crore

Startup Costs Marketing Expense INR 2 crore has been set aside for the marketing efforts. This would include launching television campaigns on popular channels in Gujarat, advertisements in popular newspapers and magazines of Gujarat, for publishing brochures to increase awareness as well as organizing visit to schools in Gujarat for group visits. Total Marketing Expense = INR 2 crore Project Consulting Fee Consultants would be required during the pre-operative stage to monitor the entire development and construction process against the agreed project plan. This would involve tracking the tasks as per the agreed timelines, issue escalation especially in times of delays and identifying project risks which may affect the timelines. Also, consulting assistance would be required for developing RFP and selecting an appropriate technical consultant as well as private developer. The cost for the consulting assistance was assumed to be INR 2 crore based on fees charged by consulting companies for a project of such scale and duration. Total Project Consulting Fee = INR 2 crore

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Salary & Wages pre operative stage It has been assumed that there would be 3 foreigners working full time and 1 foreigner at middle management level to oversee work for 6 months and 1 foreigner at senior level spending about a month. Cost associated with their international travel has also been incorporated. Also 6 month salary for local people hired for operating the aquarium has also been included. Total Salary & Wages pre operative stage = INR 3.44 crore Staff Hiring and Training Staff at various levels would be hired for running the facility. This accounts to about INR 1.14 crore. This local staff would need to be trained during the construction phase of the project itself so that they can start running the facility once it kicks-off operations. Training costs have been built in as one month salary of the local hires as per industry practices. This accounts to an additional INR 0.1 crore. Total Staff Hiring and Training = 1.14 + 0.1 = INR 1.24 crore Miscellaneous Various other expenses like Company Formation Expense, Expense for receiving regulatory approvals, Ticketing System Cost, Furniture Cost for office and visitors etc have also been assumed.

Road Development Costs Road Construction Typically, it costs about INR 8 crore per km for converting a 2 lane highway to a 4 lane highway suitable for vehicles at 100km speed. Using this ballpark figure, for converting a one lane road to a two lane road for normal use, cost of road development has been assumed at one fourth this cost i.e. INR 4 crore. Land Acquisition for developing the road Cost of land for developing the road is as per the rate of land in that specific location. It is assumed to be INR 2.5 crore. Total Road Development Costs = 4 + 2.5 = INR 6.5 crore Operating Expenditure (Opex) The various cost heads for operating expenses have been identified based on analysis of Annual Reports of existing aquariums around the world. The high level break up of cost across these heads has been assumed in line with that experienced by existing aquarium internationally. The

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break up of cost across various years was analyzed to arrive at the final cost break up for the MRCI centre which is as follows Table 26 Operating expenditure split

Salaries and benefits


LSS and utilities


Husbandry related


Filler activities related


Marketing expenses


Professional fees




The overall operating expense for the first year of operation has been assumed at INR 5 crore. This is based on discussions with international aquarium consultant as well as high-level calculations of operating expense incurred by underwater world (‘UWW’) Pattaya, considering its revenue, capex and breakeven of two years. The growth of operating expenditure under each head has been outlined below.







Salaries and benefits






LSS and utilities






Husbandry related






Filler activities related






Marketing expenses






Professional fees






Figure 69 Growth of operating expenses

Salaries and Benefits – Initially a high 15% salary increment has been assumed year on year to be able to hire competent staff and retain them considering the launch of several Marine Facilities around that time in India. The typical organization structure for the MRCI Facility has been outlined below:

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Chairman/ MD

Director (Finance and Marketing)

Director (Operations)

Manager (Operations)

Supervisor (Operations)

LSS Operations Team

Decorations Maintenance Team

Veterinary Team

Team for Upkeep of Fishes

Subject Expert (Part time)

Manager (Marketing)

Supervisor (Admin)

Marketing Team

Manager (Finance and Accounts)

Strategy and Planning Team

Finance Team

Security Team

House Keeping Team

Manager (Strategy and Planning)

Accounts Team

Ticketing Team

Figure 70 Organisation structure of the MRCI centre

Life Support Systems and Utilities – The costs associated with this head would increase with increasing age of the equipment.

Husbandry related – The costs associated with food etc for the fauna has been assume to increase at the rate of WPI (Wholesale Price Index)

Filler activities related – These are costs associated with operating restaurant, gift shop etc. In the initial years, this has been expected to grow at a rate lower than the rate of growth of revenue. Higher the growth in the number of visitors, higher would be the usage of restaurants etc and thus higher the growth in associated expenses.

Marketing Expenses - Initially advertising expenses would be high to spread awareness about the concept and its uniqueness. Once some basic level of awareness has been created, then these expenses could increase at nominal rate.

Professional Fees – This pertains to expenses towards consulting support as well as audit and legal fees. Initially consulting and technical support required would be high. Once the local people get trained then this head would increase at nominal rate. Revenue Tourist and visitor flow to Dwarka, proportion of the same likely to visit the MRCI centre and the total package price they are likely to pay are required to calculate the revenue. For

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calculating the revenue in subsequent years the growth rates for the tourists and visitors to Dwarka and for the footfall to the MRCI centre is required.

Tourist and visitor flow to Dwarka Tourists are those who stay overnight in Dwarka and Visitors are those who do a morning evening type of visit. The number of tourists and visitors for FY07 and the growth rate for subsequent years is taken as follows. FY07 (available info)

Assumed info

Visitors to Dwarka


YoY Growth of 5 %

Tourists to Dwarka


YoY Growth of 5 %

Figure 71 Tourist and visitor flow to Dwarka

Given the current and expected increase in religious tourism in India, increased focus of Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Limited on organizing tour packages to religious places in Gujarat as well as based on interactions with hotels in Dwarka, we expect the tourists to Dwarka to keep increasing year on year at a nominal rate of 5%. Similarly, we expect the number of day time visitors to Dwarka to keep increasing at a nominal rate of 5%.

Footfalls for the MRCI Centre Footfalls to the MRCI centre will be calculated based on the Proportion of Tourists (overnight stay) to Dwarka and Proportion of Visitors (same day return) to Dwarka who are likely to visit the MRCI Centre. Footfall to the MRCI Centre as a proportion of tourists (overnight stay) to Dwarka The proportion of tourists to Dwarka who are likely to visit the MRCI centre has been calculated based on the inputs received during the primary survey. The total probability is the product of the •

Probability based on the respondent’s intention to visit the MRCI Centre (Step 1)

Probability based on his/her past behavior. (Step 2)

Step 1 The probability based on the respondent’s intention to visit is calculated as follows. The intention to visit is coded as shown in the following figure.

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Probability based on intention to visit

Intention to visit

0 Zero

Non Zero (x) Would you visit Dwarka specially for the oceanarium?

Non zero intention (x)



Would you visit the oceanarium in your free time while you visit Dwarka?


Coding based on how often you visit Dwarka?



Do you plan to visit Dwarka sometime?


Probably Visit


May or may not visit

No (0)

Yes (1)

Non zero intention (x) Definitely visit

Non zero intention (x)


Probably not visit


Definitely not visit


Non zero intention (x) Yes (1)

0 or NA

0 Figure 72 Probability based on the respondent’s intention to visit the MRCI Centre

Step 2 The probability based on past behavior was calculated as follows •

Frequency of visit for various activities (e.g. movies, water parks etc) was coded using the below table for each respondent Table 27 Coding for frequency of visits

More than once a month


Once a month


Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year


Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year


Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year


Once a year


Don’t do


Total of number of visits was calculated for each respondent excluding the number for restaurants

The number of visits was coded to calculate the probability based on past visit behavior for each respondent

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Table 28 Probability based on number of visits

More than 28 visits

third quartile


More then 23 visits More the 18.5 visits

0.9 Median


More than 16 visits More than 11 visits

0.7 first quartile


Less than 11 visits


Once both the above probabilities were calculated, the total probability is calculated Total probability = Probability based on intention to visit

x Probability based on past visit behaviour Figure 73 Total probability calculation

Proportion of tourists to Dwarka likely to visit the MRCI Centre















Figure 74 Growth rate of proportion of tourists

The survey reflects 17% of the tourists would visit the MRCI centre. This has been assumed to increase to 22% by FY15 and thereby remain constant. This is because there would be awareness created about the MRCI centre through advertising and marketing campaigns as well as word of mouth publicity which would attract much more tourists in the initial years. Footfall to the MRCI Centre as a percentage of visitors (same day return) to Dwarka

Proportion of visitors to Dwarka likely to visit the MRCI Centre















Figure 75 Growth rate of proportion of visitors

The proportion of visitors to Dwarka who are likely to visit the MRCI centre has been assumed to be approximately half of that of the tourists in the first year. This has been assumed to grow at nominal rate for the next two years, lower than that assumed for the tourists. The proportion would be lower because given their one-day travel plans, these people have less free time available at their disposal.

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Proportion of Children in total footfall The proportion of children has been assumed as 50%. Typically people visit Dwarka with family including children as indicated by hotel operators in Dwarka and the choice of visiting the MRCI centre would be driven by interest generated amongst children to a large extent.

Pricing for the MRCI Centre Total Package Price (Adults) For FY12, the total package price is INR 225. This has been calculated based on the inputs received during the primary survey. The average spending per head is the weighted average of •

Indicated Package Price for the MRCI centre (Step 1)

Added Package Price for the MRCI centre (Step 2)

Average spend per activity based on past behavior (Step 3)

Step 1: Calculating the ‘Indicated Package Price’ Each respondent was asked his/her favorable price range for the entire package and an average price was assigned for the indicated price range as per the below table Table 29 Assigned average price

Options for price range (Rs. )

Assigned Average price (Rs.)



20 - 40


41 - 60


61 - 80


81 - 100


101 - 200


201 - 300


301 - 400


401 - 500




Step 2: Calculating the ‘Added Package Price’ Each respondent was asked his/her favorable price range for the following:

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Entry fee

Price for add-ons

Price for filler activities

Average prices were assigned to each of these based on the table Table 30 Assigned average price

Selected price range (Rs. )

Assigned Average price (Rs.)



20 - 40


41 - 60


61 - 80


81 - 100


101 - 200


201 - 300


301 - 400


401 - 500




The sum of the average prices was calculated as follows. •

Added Package Price = Entry fee + Add-on price + Filler price

Step 3: Calculating Average Spend per Activity based on past behavior Frequency of visit for various activities was coded using the look up table below for each respondent Table 31 Coding for frequency of visit

More than once a month


Once a month


Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year


Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year


Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year


Once a year


Don’t do


Total Spend (Frequency of visit * Spend per visit) was calculated for each respondent excluding spend for restaurants and picnics outside hometown. And average Spend per Activity = (Total Spend) / (total number of visits)

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Final Step Weights were assigned to the Indicated Package Price, Added Package Price and Average spend per activity based on past behavior as follows Table 32 Weights for different prices



Average spend based on past behavior Indicated Package Price

20 30


Added Package Price


Total package therefore is as follows Total Package Price = Weighted average of:

Indicated package price for the oceanarium Added package price (sum of entry fee, add-on price and filler price) for the oceanarium Average spend per activity based on past behaviour

Figure 76 Final package price calculation

Note: Only those respondents have been taken into account who gave responses to all of the questions related to price for MRCI Centre. Total Package Price (Children) Table 33 Benchmarks for % of child fee of Adult fee

Name of facility

Adult fee

Child Fee

Child fee/ Adult Fee (%)

National Aquarium of new zealand

INR 445

INR 230


UWW Pattaya

450 baht

250 baht


Shanku water park (mehsana)

INR 130

INR 80


Water fun park (surat)

INR 250

INR 140


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Based on the above, on the conservative side, the average spend per head for a child is assumed to be 50% of that of adult. Therefore, for FY12, the total package price for children is INR 112.5. Growth Rate of Ticket Price A 15% increase every third year has been assumed based on the ticket price growth observed in an international marine facility (underwater world Singapore).


Key Financial Results Revenue 140 113



93 85 89

100 INR Crore





16% 27 28 30 21 22 15 16 17 20 9 11 12 13





40 20

36 38 40

48 50 53

70 64 67






























Figure 77 Revenue graph

The revenue increases from INR 6.54 Crore in FY13 to INR 124.35 Crore in FY 42

CAGR for the first five years is 16%. This is primarily driven by increase in footfalls over the initial five years of operation

Revenue grows in a step wise manner because of the step wise growth in ticket price












































30 33 25 28 21 23 19 17 13 14 16 9 10 11 12




90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


INR Crore Operating Expenses

Figure 78 Operating expenditure graph

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Opex increases from INR 5 Crore to INR 83.4 Crore in FY42

CAGR for the first three years is 13%. This is primarily driven by high increase in salary expenses as well as expenses on marketing activities

Opex grows at a constant rate from FY17 onwards Capital Infusion Total Project Cost Contribution by developer, INR 20.61 Crore 41%

Contribution by GoG, INR 30.0 Crore 59% Figure 79 Capital expenditure contribution

The total project cost by the end of the construction period will be INR 50.61 Crore

Out of this the private party contribution will be INR 20.61 Crore

It has been assumed that the GoG funding is 30 Crores

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First year project requirement Debt, INR 15.6 Crores 31%

Contribution by Developer, INR 20.9 Crores 41%

Equity, INR 5.3 Crores 10% Contribution by GoG, INR 30 Crores 59% Figure 80 First year project requirement contribution

The private player will fund INR 20.9 Crore of the first year project contribution

INR 19.96 crore of this is towards Capex, interest during construction on loan and funding the operating losses

INR 15.6 is through long term debt and INR 5.3 is through equity Profit after Tax 70 60


40 40

40 30 30 30


22 22 23 8

























INR Crore


12 12 12

16 16 17
















-1 FY28








Figure 81 PAT

The profit after taxes turns positive from FY16

The drop in PAT from FY20 to FY21 is on account of net taxable income after accounting for carry forward losses turning positive resulting in tax payment and thus reducing the overall PAT

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These calculations are based on the assumption that the concession period is 30 years. Two of the planned marine facilities in India, one in Tamil Nadu and the other in Andhra Pradesh, are going to take place under a PPP arrangement with concession periods of 30 and 33 years respectively.

Key Scenarios Four scenarios were created by changing the footfall, opex and blended price per head of the base case. The project returns and the equity returns in the form of IRR was looked into for each scenario. Base Case Footfall (FY12)


Blended price* (FY12)

Operational Expenses (FY12)

INR 168.75

INR 5 crore

Project Returns

Equity Returns





Figure 82 Base case

Scenarios Footfall

Blended price*


Project Returns






Pessimistic 1






Pessimistic 2







Equity Returns

Optimistic 1






Optimistic 2






Figure 83 Scenarios


Public Private Partnership for the MRCI Centre A public private partnership (PPP) arrangement would be favorable for the MRCI project. The various advantages of a PPP arrangement for this project have been outlined below.

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Ease of getting private participation

Efficient Operation

Based on the primary interactions with aquarium builders and contractors, there is increasing interest in investing in such projects in India.

Being a new area, the private body’s involvement will be necessary to ensure efficient operation and to offer good customer service

Advantages of PPP for the MRCI Center

Better value for Money Given the limited capabilities available within India to develop an MRCI Centre, PPP will offer better value for money for the project in terms of cost efficient procurement of infrastructure as well as facility development

Risk Transfer The risks associated with the project can be shared to a certain extent with the private party using the appropriate PPP arrangement

Figure 84 Advantages of PPP for the MRCI centre

To be able to successfully implement a PPP, it is necessary to first identify a suitable PPP arrangement for the MRCI Centre.


Types of PPP arrangements There exist various types of Public Private Partnership arrangements. Under PPP arrangements, a single contract is drawn up between the private organization and public body which covers all elements of the project. Key elements include the following: •

Designing and building

Operation and maintenance



These elements can be combined in a variety of ways to produce a number of different partnership structures. Some of them are shown below:

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Table 34 Different PPP arrangements

Schemes Design-Build (DB) Build-Transfer (BT) Build-Transfer-Operate (BTO) Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) Design-Build-Finance-Operate Transfer (DBFOT) Build-Own-Operate (BOO)

Some of the existing aquariums in the world have effectively utilized PPP arrangements like Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT). An example of an existing aquarium using this arrangement is as follows. Busan Aquarium Public Body Involved

Private organisation involved

• •

Local Government

Construction period


• •

One year (Nov 2000-Nov 2001)

The Oceanis Group is a subsidiary of the Living and Leisure Australia Group, a professional investment company in the tourism and leisure sector

Busan Aquarium was developed on a BOOT (Build-Own-OperateTransfer) basis in which the Oceanis Group was the sole investor. The Group continues to operate the Aquarium as part of a 20-year lease

Other Details

Local government provided foreign investment incentives to the investor

Various aquarium projects which are proposed to be built in India are going to take place under ‘Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer (DBFOT)’ PPP arrangement.

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Table 35 PPP arrangement for proposed aquariums

Proposed Aquarium





Public Body involved

Government of Maharashtra, Fisheries Department

Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation

State government and the Union ministry of earth sciences

Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation

Responsibility of private party





Concession Period


30 years


33 years

Ownership Details



51% stake to private and 49 % to the public body


Land possession details

Lease period

30 year lease. Private body needs to pay market value to public entity



% of turnover share to public body every year


Minimum of 3 % of gross turnover earned



Key Considerations

The DBFOT arrangement is a favorable arrangement for the MRCI Centre considering the lack of in house expertise to develop and operate the facility on its own.


Project Risks and Mitigation The PPP arrangement for the MRCI Centre should address the risks associated with projects of such type and scale.

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• Financing Risks • Land Procurement • Regulatory Risks

Development Period Risks

• Cost- escalation

• Maintenance related

• Delay in construction

Construction Period Risks

• Change of scope

Key Risks

Operational Period Risks

• Failure to meet specifications

• Competition • Support Infrastructure related

Force Majeure and other risks

• Force Majeure • Termination

Figure 85 Key project risks Development Period TYPE




Specify a time period for achieving financial closure. Details about the financing arrangements in terms of amounts and sources including debt and equity components should be finalized

Concessionaire should be penalized for delays

Performance security should be obtained from the Concessionaire

Concessioning authority should ensure land availability before the bidding stage itself

Discussions should be initiated with forests department, tourism department, local municipality etc to get relevant approvals and consents before hand.

Local social mood should be assessed to anticipate any protest against the prescribed land use.

Land Procurement

There exists a risk of the private party not achieving financial closure within a reasonable time

Risk exists if required land is not acquired on time. In such a case, concessionaing authority may need to compensate monetary damages to private party

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Regulatory Risk



There may be associated social risks in terms of opposition from locals

Risk of delay in acquiring relevant approvals

Regulatory approvals required, the relevant authorities and typical timelines should be identified

Risk with meeting regulatory standards and norms

Discussion should be initiated with relevant authorities like forest department, local municipalities, tourism department etc initially itself to obtain their buy-in

Project may be given to international contractors with established credentials to be able to meet prescribed technical norms Construction Period TYPE


Cost Escalation

Delay in project completion


Additional cost to • acquire permits in case performance requirements are added/enhanced by • the authorized body

Costs associated with permits should be assessed and suitably incorporated in the finalized business plan Concessioning authority should enter into a fixed price contract to transfer risk of cost escalations to the private party

Cost escalations • can arise due to market fluctuations

Agree on a limit to the cost escalation within which the private party would share the risk. Above this set limit, concessioning authority would also share the additional cost in a predecided manner.

Delay of project • completion could be due to various factors like delay in procuring materials, • equipment etc

Develop and agree on a Project Completion Schedule including interim deliverables as well as commercial operations date with the concessionaire The damages payable for delay by the Concessionaire needs to be adequately covered

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Failure to meet • specifications

Change of scope


This delay will effect the planned • launch date and may result in additional costs. Failure to achieve sync with the predefined norms, equipment specifications and display standards may result in additional costs.

in the contracts Project may be given to international contractors with established credentials to avoid delays in project completion

The cost of rectification should be covered in the construction contracts

Any changes in • law, introduction of new technology, change in market • scenario etc might force a change in scope

Concessioning authority should have the final call on any change of scope related issues Proper procedure has to be defined in the agreement for change of scope which should cover finance considerations and variation of scope allowed Operational Period TYPE


Maintenance Related



Non-adherence to • operation and maintenance standards may lead • to an inefficient operation of the facility

It may also result in breakdown and accidents

Being an infotainment venue, a similar venue in the same/near-by area can pose a serious

Such risks may be transferred to O&M operator through suitable contractual provisions For any breakdown that can be attributed to the operation of the system, the penalties must be transferred to the O&M operator

Clause mentioning that the concessionaire or any of its subsidiaries cannot be directly or indirectly related to any aquarium related business within a certain radius should be included

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threat to the footfall for this facility Support Infrastructure

Revenue Related

Lack of availability of 24x7 supply of water, electricity etc poses a serious threat to the operation of the facility Revenue will be impacted if the predicted footfall is not achieved

Need to secure higher priority status from the Government

Sufficient back-up should be available at all times both for water and electricity

Concessioning authority should share the revenue risk with the private party by taking responsibility of ensuring a minimum number of visitors to the MRCI Centre

Concessioning authority should develop a plan for ensuring the footfall target and involve tourism department in the same Other Risks TYPE


Force Majeure



• Force Majeure events like cyclones, flooding, destruction due to • rising sea level and other such natural calamities and • unforeseen events can cause significant negative impact on the project including termination of the project

Plan of action in any force majeure event, for the concessionaire and concessioning authority should be clearly laid out in the agreement

Termination due to • either party’s default could

Consequences of termination due to the concessionaire’s default should be clearly put in the agreement/ contract to avoid any disputes.

The project should be insured appropriately against any natural calamity possible The MRCI Centre structure should be designed appropriately to sustain any rise in sea level.

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result in significant cost • and time overruns


Appropriate penalties must be mentioned

PPP arrangement for the MRCI Centre ‘Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer’ arrangement with the private party appears favorable for the MRCI Centre. Based on the financial model and expected returns of private developers in projects of similar tenure, the optimum concession period as per the pre-feasibility is 30 years. The various risks faced in such an arrangement could be mitigated by taking appropriate steps as outlined in the previous section. The financing arrangement and operating parameters for such an arrangement have been detailed below: Financing Arrangements •

The Private Party shall Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer the Aquarium as per the Detailed Business Plan approved by the concessioning authority.

Concessioning authority grants to the Private Party : •

Viability gap funding

• From the above funding INR 10 Crore would be in kind in the form of land acquisition and development, road and infrastructure development, and costs incurred in acquiring regulatory approvals •

Remaining capital cost shall be borne by the private party

All other duties, charges, fees, costs and expenses shall be borne and paid by the Private Party Operating Parameters •

An effective date is defined and the construction should be completed within specified number of months from the effective date as agreed in the agreement

The Private Party shall •

Manage, operate and maintain the aquarium and regulate the use thereof;

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Demand, collect and appropriate charges from visitors and users;

Bear and pay all costs, expenses and charges in connection with or incidental to the performance of the obligations of the Private Party under the agreement

Flexibility should be given to the private party in case of future expansion activities

Implementation Plan There are certain key steps that define the way forward for the MRCI Centre. The road map for the implementation plan is as follows. Commercial Operations Date

Finalize a Private Partner

Finalize and obtain Agreement on the Detailed Feasibility Report from key stakeholders

7 6 5


Commission development of Detailed Feasibility Report


Start Program Management of the development and construction period


Sign the Concession Agreement

2 Pre-feasibility Study

Obtain regulatory approvals and procure the required land Obtain Agreement on the Pre-feasibility report from key stakeholders

0 1

Figure 86 Implementation roadmap


Details of Key Steps The details of the critical steps outlined above are as follows.

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Agreement on the Pre-feasibility report from key stakeholders

• Based on the Pre feasibility report, an Agreement and a Go- Ahead to be received from the key Step 1

stake holders of this project (GoG, WB, Forests Department and Tourism Department)

Commission development of Detailed Feasibility Report

Step 2

• Draft RFP to invite consultants to develop a Detailed techno-commercial Feasibility Report • Evaluate the response to the RFP and select the consultant Development and Agreement on the Detailed Feasibility Report

Step 3

• Detailed technical and financial feasibility study • Detailed concept plan • Technical specifications and Operational standards for implementation on PPP basis • Agreement on the Detailed Feasibility Report from key stakeholders Regulatory approvals and Land procurement

Step 4

• Preparation of applications in prescribed format and required documentation for various approvals

• Acquire relevant regulatory approvals for setting up the MRCI Center • Procure required land Finalize a Developer

• Select a consortium comprising of financial, commercial and legal consultants to prepare the Step 5

Concession Agreement and the RFP Document

• Invite bids from Developers • Evaluate the bids and select the Developer Sign the Concession Agreement

Step 6

Agree on • Time schedule • Payment details and mechanism • Technical specifications to follow • Risk transfer mechanisms Program management during development and construction period

Step 7

• Monitor the execution of the project based on the interim milestones identified • Ensure timely release of funds for the project Figure 87 Details of key implementation steps


Time schedule The sequence of activities and the corresponding time required till the launch of commercial operations is shown in the time schedule below:

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FY2010 Activity


Step 1

Agreement on the Prefeasibility report from key stakeholders

Step 2

Commission development of Detailed Feasibility Report

Step 3

Development and Agreement on the Detailed Feasibility Report

Step 4

Regulatory approvals and Land procurement

Step 5

Finalize a Private Partner

Step 6

Sign the Concession Agreement

Step 7

Program management during development and construction period



FY2011 Q4




FY2012 Q4





Figure 88 Time schedule for implementation

The MRCI centre would thus launch its operations on April 1, 2012.

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Questionnaires for primary survey


Questionnaire for primary survey in Dwarka




Start Time


End Time







Contact Number


Respondent Type

1. Residents of Dwarka 2. Tourist in Dwarka


□ Male □ Female

Household Income

□ Rs. 1 to 4 lakh □ Rs. 4 to 7 lack □ Rs. 7 to 10 lack □ Above Rs. 10 lakh

SEC (to be determined based on the responses to questions below) Occupation of Chief _____________________ Wage Earner (person in your household who makes the highest contribution to your

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household income) Education of Chief Wage _____________________ Earner

Fill the SEC in the table above based on the below classification: Illiterate


School Upto 4 Years

School 5-9 years






Some College but not Graduate 5


Graduate/ PostGraduateGeneral 6

Graduate/ PostGraduateProfessional 7

Unskilled workers









Skilled workers









Petty traders









Shop owners




















































Supervisory level









Officers/ Executives-Junior

















Businessmen/Indu strial-lists with no. of employees

Self-employed professionals Clerical Salesmen

Officers/ Executives Middle/Senior



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Where do you stay? □ Dwarka □ Gujarat (outside Dwarka) □ Other Indian states (Apart form Gujarat) Please specify: ____________________ □ NRI □ Foreigner

If response is Dwarka, move to section IV, else continue


What is the purpose of your visit? □ Religious □ Leisure □ Business □ Personal (e.g. meeting relatives) □ Others (please specify ______________________)


How often do you visit Dwarka? □ Atleast once a month □ 3-4 times a year □ Once in 6 months □ Yearly □ First visit □ Others (please specify ______________________)

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Which day do you prefer visiting? □ (Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday) □ Weekday □ Festival Days


What is the duration of your trip? □ Same day return □ Overnight stay □ 2 Days □ 3 days □ Others (please specify ______________________)


Is your itinerary for the trip completely planned (in terms of things to do and corresponding timing)? □ Yes □ No


Did you take the help of a tour operator? □ Yes □ No


Apart from the temple visit, do you have anything else planned out? □ Yes □ No

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If yes, please provide details? __________________________________________________


How much would this trip cost you per head? □ <Rs 500

□ Rs 501-1000

□ Rs 1001-1500

□ Rs 1501-2000

□ > Rs 2001

10 What is the breakup of cost in terms of food, stay, travel etc? Food _______________ Stay


Travel ________________ Others________________

11 Are the stay, food, transport facilities available as per you requirements? □ Yes □ No

12 If No, are you willing to spend more if the facilities are better? □ Yes □ No

13 How much free time do you have on hand during this trip? □ Less than 2hr □ 2hr – 3 hr

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□ 3hr – 4 hr □ More than 4 hrs

14 Would you want to indulge in some entertainment activity in this free time? □ Yes □ No

15 If no, Why? ________________________________________________________________

If yes, continue, else move to Section IV 16 Which of these activities would you want to indulge in? □ Visit to other temples □ Trip to beaches and coastal areas □ Restaurant □ Movie □ Others (please specify ______________________)

IV. ENTERTAINMENT BEHAVIOUR 17 Typically what do you do for entertainment in your normal life? And how often do you do the same? □ More than once a month Eating out at restaurants □ Once a month

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□ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year □ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year Watching movies/ cinema

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month

Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ Zoo, planetarium

□ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year □ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month

Amusement Park/ Water Park

□ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year □ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year

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□ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year

Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do

18 Please rank these entertainment options in terms of your preference from 1 to 6 ( 1 being highest and 6 being the lowest preference) (Tick the appropriate box) RANK Eating out at restaurants Watching movies/ cinema Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ Zoo, planetarium Amusement Park/ Water Park

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Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

19 For the option ranked as 1 (top most), please provide the reason behind it being the most preferred option. __________________________________

20 Typically how much time do you spend per visit? Eating out at restaurants Watching movies/ cinema Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ zoo, planetarium Amusement Park/ Water Park Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

□ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr

21 Typically these outings are with a group of how many people? Eating out at restaurants Watching movies/ cinema Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ zoo, planetarium Amusement Park/ Water

□ Alone





□ Alone





□ Alone





□ Alone





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Park Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

□ Alone





□ Alone





22 How much money do you spend per person?

Eating out at restaurants

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Watching movies/ cinema

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ zoo, planetarium

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Amusement Park/ Water Park

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

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23 Do you purchase souvenirs when you go out of town? □ Yes □ No

V. OCEANARIUM 24 Have you ever heard of a large public aquarium/ Oceanarium? □ Yes □ No

25 If yes, could you describe your idea of it? _____________________________________________________________________________

Show the Oceanarium concept card 26 Based on this new concept that you just saw, please tell us what all did you like about this concept? _____________________________________________________________________________

27 Based on this new concept, which of the following reflects the extent to which you liked it? □ Liked it a lot □ Liked it a little □ Neither liked it nor disliked it □ Disliked it a little □ Disliked it a lot

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28 Based on this new concept, please tell us what you did not like about this concept? _____________________________________________________________________________

29 You have read the description of a proposed Oceanarium. Please choose a phrase that best describes your intention to visit this Oceanarium. □ I would definitely visit □ I would probably visit □ I may or may not visit □ I would probably not visit □ I would definitely not visit If selected last two options, Why not? _____________________________________________________________________________

If selected any of the first three options then continue, else end 30 What would you want to see from the below list? (Give rating, most wanted (1) to least wanted (5)) (Tick as appropriate) Show cards for explaining the features RATING 1





CORE FEATURES Large tank with large ocean dwellers and various species (3G) Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view

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Walk through tunnel with 360 degree view Large tank + tunnel ADD ON FEATURES Dolphin shows Seal/ Sea lion shows Touch Pools Swimming with dolphins/ dugongs/ seals Coral Reef displays Penguins Polar Animals (Polar bear, artic foxes etc) FILLERS Good restaurant/ Cafes 4D theatre Souvenir/ Gift Shops Simulator Rides Marriage Hall/ Ball room Game zone

31 There will be a basic entry fee for the tour through the underwater tunnel (which will give you a feeling of being underwater and will allow you to view the sea creatures at close range). It would take about 30-40 minutes. How much would you want to pay for this? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

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32 How much are you ready to pay for each of add-on features like the dolphin/ sea lion/ seal shows/ touch pools over and above the entry fee? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

33 How much are you ready to pay for the entire package per person? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

34 How much are you ready to spend on other filler features like 4D theatre, simulator rides, game zone etc? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

35 How much time do you want to spend in the Oceanarium? □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 2hr – 3 hr □ 3hr – 4 hr □ 4hr – 5 hr

36 The Oceanarium is being planned in Dwarka. Would you want to plan a trip to Dwarka to visit the Oceanarium? □ Yes □ No

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37 Would you want to visit it in your free time while you are in Dwarka? □ Yes □ No If No, why? _____________________________________________________

38 How much time are you willing to spend in traveling to this Oceanarium from temple/ place of stay? □ < 20 min □ 21 - 40 min □ 41 min – 1 hr □ >1 hr

39 Would you visit this Oceanarium again in your subsequent trips? □ Yes □ No

40 If no, what if new features are added? □ Yes □ No


Questionnaire for primary survey in Ahmedabad/ Vadodara/ Saputara




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Start Time


End Time







Contact Number


Type of Respondent

1. Resident ofa. Ahmedabad b. Vadodara c. Saputara 2. Tourists ofa. Ahmedabad b. Vadodara c. Saputara


□ Male □ Female

Household Income

□ Rs. 1 to 4 lakh □ Rs. 4 to 7 lack □ Rs. 7 to 10 lack □ Above Rs. 10 lakh

Occupation of Chief _____________________ Wage Earner (person in your household who makes the highest contribution to your household income) Education of Chief Wage _____________________ Earner SEC

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Fill the SEC in the table above based on the below classification:

School Upto 4 Years

School 5-9 years


Some College but not Graduate

Graduate/ PostGraduateGeneral

Graduate/ PostGraduateProfessional


Occupation 1







Unskilled workers









Skilled workers









Petty traders









Shop owners




















































Supervisory level









Officers/ Executives-Junior

















Businessmen/Indu strial-lists with no. of employees

Self-employed professionals Clerical Salesmen

Officers/ Executives Middle/Senior




Where do you stay? □ Ahmedabad/ Vadodara/ Saputara □ Gujarat (outside the above place) □ Other Indian states (Apart form Gujarat)

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Please specify: ____________________ □ NRI □ Foreigner


Typically what do you do for entertainment in your normal life? And how often do you do the same? □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year

Eating out at restaurants

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year

Watching movies/ cinema

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month

Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ Zoo, planetarium

□ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year □ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year

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□ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year Amusement Park/ Water Park

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year

Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do □ More than once a month □ Once a month □ Once in 2-3 months/ About 4-6 times a year

Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

□ Once in 4-5 months/ About 3 times a year □ Once in 6 months/ About 2 times a year □ Once a year □ Don’t do

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Please rank these entertainment options in terms of your preference from 1 to 6 ( 1 being highest and 6 being the lowest preference) (Tick the appropriate box) RANK

Eating out at restaurants Watching movies/ cinema Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ Zoo, planetarium Amusement Park/ Water Park Picnic/ outing to location within hometown - beaches, lakes Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown


For the option ranked as 1 (top most), please provide the reason behind it being the most preferred option. __________________________________


Typically how much time do you spend per visit?

Eating out at restaurants Watching movies/ cinema Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ zoo, planetarium Amusement Park/ Water Park Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown

□ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 3hr – 4hr □ 5hr – 6hr □ 7hr – 8hr □ >8hr

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Typically these outings are with a group of how many people?

Eating out at restaurants Watching movies/ cinema Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ zoo, planetarium Amusement Park/ Water Park Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown


□ Alone





□ Alone





□ Alone





□ Alone





□ Alone





□ Alone





How much money do you spend per person?

Eating out at restaurants

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Watching movies/ cinema

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Sightseeing places of interest like museum, aquarium/ zoo, planetarium

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Amusement Park/ Water Park

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Picnic/ outing to location within hometown beaches, lakes

□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

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Picnic/ outing to locations outside hometown


□ <Rs 100 □ Rs 101-200 □ Rs 201-300 □ Rs 301-400 □ Rs 401-500 □ Rs 501-600 □ Rs 601-700 □ Rs 701-800 □ Rs 801-900 □ Rs 901-1000 □ Rs 1001 – 1500 □ Rs 1501 – 2000 □ Rs 2001 – 2500 □ > Rs 2501

Do you purchase souvenirs when you go out of town? □ Yes □ No


Have you visited Dwarka? □ Yes (Go to Q10) □ No If no, do you plan to visit Dwarka sometime? □ Yes □ No If no, why not? _________________________________________________________ (Go to section VI)


What was the purpose of your visit?

□ Religious □ Leisure □ Business □ Personal (e.g. meeting relatives) □ Others (please specify ______________________)

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11 How often do you visit Dwarka? □ Atleast once a month □ 3-4 times a year □ Once in 6 months □ Yearly □ First visit □ Others (please specify ______________________)

12 Which day do you prefer visiting Dwarka? □ (Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday) □ Weekday □ Festival Days

13 What was the duration of your trip? □ Same day return □ Overnight stay □ 2 Days □ 3 days □ Others (please specify ______________________)

14 Was your itinerary for the trip completely planned (in terms of things to do and corresponding timing)? □ Yes □ No

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15 Did you take the help of a tour operator? □ Yes □ No

16 Apart from the temple visit, did you have anything else planned out? □ Yes □ No If yes, please provide details? __________________________________________________

17 How much did that trip cost you per head? □ <Rs 500

□ Rs 501-1000

□ Rs 1001-1500

□ Rs 1501-2000

□ > Rs 2001

18 What was the breakup of cost in terms of food, stay, travel etc? Food _______________ Stay


Travel ________________ Others________________

19 Were the stay, food, transport facilities available as per you requirements? □ Yes □ No

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20 If No, are you willing to spend more if the facilities are better? □ Yes □ No

21 Typically how much free time did you have on hand during your trip? □ Less than 2hr □ 2hr – 3 hr □ 3hr – 4 hr □ More than 4 hrs

22 Did you want to indulge in some entertainment activity in that free time? □ Yes □ No

23 If no, Why? ________________________________________________________________

24 If yes which of these activities would you want to indulge in? □ Visit to other temples □ Trip to beaches and coastal areas □ Restaurant □ Movie □ Others (please specify ______________________)

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VI. OCEANARIUM 25 Have you ever heard of a large public aquarium/ Oceanarium? □ Yes □ No

26 If yes, could you describe your idea of it? _____________________________________________________________________________

Show the Oceanarium concept card only & explain it in detail. 27 Based on this new concept that you just saw, please tell us what all did you like about this concept? _____________________________________________________________________________

28 Based on this new concept, which of the following reflects the extent to which you liked it? □ Liked it a lot □ Liked it a little □ Neither liked it nor disliked it □ Disliked it a little □ Disliked it a lot

29 Based on this new concept, please tell us what you did not like about this concept? _____________________________________________________________________________

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30 You have read the description of a proposed Oceanarium. Please choose a phrase that best describes your intention to visit this Oceanarium. □ I would definitely visit □ I would probably visit □ I may or may not visit □ I would probably not visit □ I would definitely not visit If selected last two options, Why not? _____________________________________________________________________________ If selected any of the first three options then continue, else end 31 What would you want to see from the below list? (Give rating, most wanted (1) to least wanted (5)) (Tick as appropriate) Show cards for explaining the features RATING 1





CORE FEATURES Large tank with large ocean dwellers and various species (3G) Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view Walk through tunnel with 360 degree view Large tank + tunnel ADD ON FEATURES Dolphin shows Seal/ Sea lion shows

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Touch Pools Swimming with dolphins/ dugongs/ seals Coral Reef displays Penguins Polar Animals (Polar bear, artic foxes etc) FILLERS Good restaurant/ Cafes 4D theatre Souvenir/ Gift Shops Simulator Rides Marriage Hall/ Ball room Game zone

32 There will be a basic entry fee for the tour through the underwater tunnel (which will give you a feeling of being underwater and will allow you to view the sea creatures at close range). It would take about 30-40 minutes. How much would you want to pay for this? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

33 How much are you ready to pay for each of add-on features like the dolphin/ sea lion/ seal shows/ touch pools over and above the entry fee? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

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34 How much are you ready to pay for the entire package per person? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

35 How much are you ready to spend on other filler features like 4D theatre, simulator rides, game zone etc? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

36 How much time do you want to spend in the Oceanarium? □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 2hr – 3 hr □ 3hr – 4 hr □ 4hr – 5 hr

37 The Oceanarium is planned in Dwarka. Would you plan a trip to Dwarka to specially visit the Oceanarium? □ Yes □ No

38 Would you want to visit the Oceanarium in your free time while you visit Dwarka? □ Yes □ No If No, why? _____________________________________________________

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39 How much time are you willing to spend in traveling to this Oceanarium from place of stay? □ < 20 min □ 21 - 40 min □ 41 min – 1 hr □ >1 hr

40 Would you visit this Oceanarium again in your subsequent trips? □ Yes □ No

41 If no, what if new features are added? □ Yes □ No


Questionaire for Primary Schools




Start Time


End Time



Name of School


Name of Interviewee


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What is the ownership type of the school? □ Government Aided □ Private □ Trust owned


What is the total student strength in terms of number of sections and number of students per section across grades? LEVEL Kindergarten– LKG/HKG Primary – Std 1 to 4 Secondary– Std 5 to 7 Secondary– Std 8 to 10 Higher Secondary– Std 11 & 12 TOTAL


Number of sections

Number of students per section

Which of the following recreational activities does the school organize for the students? Recreational/ Extracurricular Activities Visiting a manufacturing facility

Visiting places of historical or scientific interest

Picnic to locations within city – parks etc

Amusement Park/ Water Park

Watching movies/ cinema

Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips)

Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips) If yes, typical places (please specify:______________________)

Others (please specify: ________________________________ )

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Which of these recreational activities are applicable to specific grades? Secondary (5-7) □

Secondary (8-10) □

11th - 12th

Recreational/ Extracurricular Primary Activities (1-4) □ Visiting a manufacturing facility Visiting places of historical or scientific □ interest Picnic to locations within city – parks □ etc Amusement Park/ Water Park □ Watching movies/ cinema Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips) Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips) Others (please specify _______________________________)


How is the funding done for these recreational activities? Recreational/ Extracurricular Activities

Cost per head

Source of fund □ School’s fund

Visiting a manufacturing facility

□ Borne by the students □ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students □ School’s fund

Visiting places of historical or scientific interest

□ Borne by the students □ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students □ School’s fund

Picnic to locations within city – parks etc

□ Borne by the students □ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students

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□ School’s fund □ Borne by the students

Amusement Park/ Water Park

□ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students □ School’s fund □ Borne by the students

Watching movies/ cinema

□ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students □ School’s fund Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips)

□ Borne by the students □ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students □ School’s fund

Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips)

□ Borne by the students □ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students □ School’s fund

Others (please specify _________________________)

□ Borne by the students □ Partly borne by the school and balance by the students


Do you avail of any discounts/ concessions on any of these activities? Recreational/ Extracurricular Activities

Discount %/ Concession details

Visiting a manufacturing facility

□ Yes □ No

Visiting places of historical or scientific interest

□ Yes □ No

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Picnic/ outing to locations within city – parks etc

□ Yes □ No

Amusement Park/ Water Park

□ Yes □ No

Watching movies/ cinema

□ Yes □ No

Nature treks to locations around the city (1 day trips) Excursions to locations outside the city (2-4 day trips) Others (please specify _________________________)


□ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No

What is the duration of these activities? Recreational Activities

Visiting a manufacturing facility

Visiting places of historical or scientific interest

Picnic to locations within city – parks etc

Time spent □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more

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Amusement Park/ Water Park

Watching movies/ cinema

Nature treks to locations around the city ( 1 day trips)

Excursions to location outside the city (2-4 day trips)

Others (please specify ________________________________ )


□ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more □ < 2 hr □ 2-3 hrs □ 4-5 hours □ 6-7 hrs □ 8-10 hrs □ One day – about 12 hrs □ Overnight stay or more

Does your school also conduct / organize educational workshops over and above the requirements of the prescribed syllabus for the benefit of the students? □ Yes □ No

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If yes, which of these subject areas do you normally organize such workshops? □ Physics □ Chemistry □ Animal Science □ Marine Life □ Astronomy □ Others (Please specify ______________________ )


Does your school have any tie-ups with any organizations to promote learning in these fields? □ Yes □ No If yes which ones? 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________

10 How do you decide which recreational activities to participate in? Also budget, time to be spent etc? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IV. OCEANARIUM 11 Have you ever heard of a large public aquarium/ Oceanarium? □ Yes

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□ No

12 If yes, could you describe your idea of it? _____________________________________________________________________________

Show the Oceanarium concept card 13 Based on this new concept that you just saw, please tell us what all did you like about this concept? _____________________________________________________________________________

14 Based on this new concept, which of the following reflects the extent to which you liked it? □ Liked it a lot □ Liked it a little □ Neither liked it nor disliked it □ Disliked it a little □ Disliked it a lot 15 Based on this new concept, please tell us what you did not like about this concept? _____________________________________________________________________________

16 You have read the description of a proposed Oceanarium. Please choose a phrase that best describes the school’s interest in taking students to visit this Oceanarium. □ We would definitely visit □ We would probably visit □ We may or may not visit

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□ We would probably not visit □ We would definitely not visit If selected last two options, Why not? _____________________________________________________________________________ If selected any of the first three options then continue, else end 17 From the below list of features, what would the students be most interested in? (Give rating, most wanted (1) to least wanted (5)) (Tick as appropriate) Show cards for explaining the features RATING 1





CORE FEATURES Large tank with large ocean dwellers and various species (3G) Walk through tunnel with 180 degree view Walk through tunnel with 360 degree view Large tank + tunnel ADD ON FEATURES Dolphin shows Seal/ Sea lion shows Touch Pools Swimming with dolphins/ dugongs/ seals Coral Reef displays Penguins

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Polar Animals (Polar bear, artic foxes etc) FILLERS Good restaurant/ Cafes 4D theatre Souvenir/ Gift Shops Simulator Rides Marriage Hall/ Ball room Game zone

18 There will be a basic entry fee for the tour through the underwater tunnel (which will give you a feeling of being underwater and will allow you to view the sea creatures at close range). It would take about 30-40 minutes. How much should be charged for this? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

19 How much per student are you ready to pay for each of add-on features like the dolphin/ sea lion/ seal shows/ touch pools over and above the entry fee? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

20 How much are you ready to pay for the entire package per student? □ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

21 How much are you ready to spend on other filler features like 4D theatre, simulator rides, game zone etc per student?

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□ <Rs 20

□ Rs 20- 40

□ Rs 41-60

□ Rs 61-80

□ Rs 81-100

□ Rs 101-200

□ Rs 201-300

□ Rs 301-400

□ Rs 401-500

□ > Rs 500

22 How much time do you want the students to spend in the Oceanarium? □ < 1hr □ 1hr – 2hr □ 2hr – 3 hr □ 3hr – 4 hr □ 4hr – 5 hr □ > 5 hr

23 What kind of discounts are you expecting for student groups for such a place? □ 10% □ 15% □ 20% □ 25% □ 30% □ Others (Please specify___________)

24 Which grades would this Oceanarium visit be suitable for? (Can tick more than one option) □ Primary (1-4) □ Secondary (5-7) □ Secondary (8-10) □ 11th and 12th

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□ All the above

25 Please rank the educational activities in terms of your school’s preference from 1 to 6 (1 being highest and 6 being the lowest preference) (Mark the appropriate box)? RANK Special movie screening for children related to marine life Lecture series Sleepover programs (explain showing card) Interactive workshops Daylong tour of the Oceanarium explaining its working, marine life and fun activities Interactive activities like swimming with dolphins, dugongs etc

26 The Oceanarium is planned in Dwarka. Would you plan a field trip to Dwarka for the students to specially visit the Oceanarium? □ Yes □ No

27 How much time are you willing to spend in traveling to this Oceanarium from place of stay? □ < 20 min □ 21 - 40 min □ 41 min – 1 hr □ >1 hr

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28 Would you take the students to the Oceanarium more than once? □ Yes □ No

29 If no, what if new features are added? □ Yes □ No


Questionnaire for primary survey with Tour Operators




Start Time


End Time



Name of the Company


Years of Existence


Scope of Activities



Typically how many people visit Dwarka in a year?

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_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Out of this, how many repeat visitors? ________________________________

What is the profile of visitors in terms of: •

Gender _______________________________________________________

Age group_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Origin - within Gujarat, rest of India, NRI, foreigners? ________________


Is there seasonality in the no of tourists visiting Dwarka? If yes, which months have higher visitors? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What is the average duration of trip? __________________________________________________________________________

What is the typical itinerary for the trip? __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

How much leisure/relaxation time (time other than temple visit) do people keep in their tour plan to Dwarka? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What are the other activities that people indulge in apart from the Dwarka temple visit?

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__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ •

What could be potential activities to occupy people in their free time? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


What proportion of tourists plan their trips on their own and what proportion takes tour operators help? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

How much does a trip to Dwarka (whole package - temple visit, food, stay, site seeing) cost (a range)? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What kind of lifestyle is usually possible in Dwarka for tourists (classes of hotels, travel mode (ac cabs), restaurants available)? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Is spending in Dwarka limited by the availability of avenues? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


How does the idea of setting up an Oceanarium sound to you-would it attract tourists? (explain what is an Oceanarium before asking this Q) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What is your expectation from such a place (different kinds of features, activities expected)/what would make it attractive for tourists?

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__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ •

Will you be able to convince a tourist to visit such an Oceanarium? How difficult would it be to convince? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What do you think is the ideal fee to attract maximum visitors? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Which will be the best place in/around Dwarka to set up an Oceanarium (considering distance from temple, accessibility etc)? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Do you think Dwarka is the right place to set up an Oceanarium? If yes why, if no which will be a better alternative? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What will ideal add-ons to the Oceanarium (restaurant, entertainment zone, movie hall, gaming zones etc)? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What kind of promotional activities should the Oceanarium take up to attract tourists? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

What kind of tie-ups can be developed with tour operators, tourism boards etc? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Will you be interested in tie-up with Oceanarium board?

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1. Yes (Continue) 2.

No (Go to next section)

Reason for No ____________________________________________________________

What kind of support you expect from such Oceanarium board? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


Is there any other tourist place similar to the above idea in Gujarat? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Will the uniqueness attract tourists? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

What kind of footfalls, ticket, attractions are there in Water Parks/ Amusement Parks in Gujarat? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


Concept Cards A concept card was made for the purpose of explaining the Oceanarium concept to the respondents and to explain the core, add-on and filler features associated with it. This helped the respondents visualize the concept and features being proposed and thus was better prepared to state their interest levels.

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Concept Overview Card

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Features Card

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Meetings Held


Meetings facilitated by GEC


Dr. Nanda, Principal Secretary, MoEF

Pradeep Khanna, PCCF, Gujarat

Mr. Anup Shukla, IFS, MD, Tourism Development Corporation

P. H. Sata, DCF, Marine national part and sanctuary

Dr. Jethani, Fisheries Research , Okha

Jayanti Bhai, Founder, Scuba and Sports Club, Dwarka

Others •

C.B.Sakhale, Curator, Taraporewala Aquarium

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Ian Mellsop, Marinescape, New Zealand

Michael Oleksak, Cosestudi

Vijayalakshmi Nair, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa

Lily, Xingcheng Acrylic, China

Raga Tour operators, Ahmedabad

Manager, Hotel Damji, Dwarka

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