Exercise often helps to ease difficulties associated with multiple sclerosis. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions if you really want your exercise routine to give you good result.
One of the most important things to know is that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients should never overdo.
You have probably heard people say that if it doesn’t pain, you don’t gain – in case of multiple sclerosis, this saying is not true. Overdoing or taking a stern approach can have counterproductive effect on people suffering from MS. Overdoing can lead to severe straining of the already weak muscular system, thus increasing pain and difficulties. It may even cause the mind and body to become overworked, overtired, and overstressed.
Before you start any exercise routine, you must check with the doctor. Your doctor will be able to recommend the type of exercises you need to do and types to avoid. He will also suggest the intensity of your workout. The duration or time of workout as well as physical limitations will also be stated.
If you need any further professional help, physical therapist or trainers as well as your doctor will be able to guide you accurately. The exercises that will work best for your level of fitness depend on the symptoms and your overall health.
Patients with multiple sclerosis cannot just bump into any exercise program. They need to maintain a correct approach to start and end the exercise routine daily. Before exercising, it is very important to warm up; it is equally important to cool down after working out.
If you have planned to work out for about 30 minutes, you should start your session with 10minutes workout and proceed. Always choose a safe environment for working out – you should avoid slippery floor, remove rugs, have adequate lighting and eliminate all potential hazards that could make you trip.
If you’ve faced balancing problems, you should exercise in an environment where there is a rail or bar, which you can grab easily. If you feel sick at any time, you should stop before hurting yourself.
MS symptoms can be maintained with selected activities only. So, you have to select your preferred activities and prepare yourself. There are some exercise techniques that technically work well with MS patients, such as swimming, aerobics, yoga and tai chi.
Incase if you get overheated while exercising, since MS patients also have heat sensitivity issues, the symptoms may reappear, or even worsen. Heat level rises in the body, which could lead to significant problems.
To avoid getting overheated during exercise, people with MS should take certain measures. For instance, do not exercise when it is hot during the day. So, you should exercise early in the morning or late in the evening. Drink lots of fluids, cool and refreshing, to keep your body hydrated.
You need to become aware of the body. If you feel uncomfortable or notice any signs that you did not have before exercising, you must slow down or just stop for the moment.
Water aerobics and swimming are the best exercises for keeping the body cool while working out.