This is basically a concept of treating the patient with a holistic approach whether it is giving precautionary care, primary treatment or simple screening for people at risk. This holistic treatment works positively on many employees with physical ailments like pain, arthritis, fatigue, weakness and muscle spasms.
Types of Therapies Passive Therapy
Heat and ice packs Massage Spinal traction Electrical stimulation Joint mobilization
Active Therapy
Stretching Strengthening Aerobic training
Wellness Expert at Workplace
Does job task analysis to make sure patient meets the work requirement. Demonstrates how to use body mechanics while lifting any weight, walking or sitting. Trains for correct posture repeatedly. Treats current problem of pain or stiffness. Teaches how to prevent injury from occurring again.
Treating Various Disorders Physical therapy discovers new combinations of therapeutic modules which will be just perfect for you to alleviate your symptoms. These combinations include use of manual therapy to locate the problem, soft tissue mobilization and myofascial tissue release to soften the muscle spasm, techniques to protect the joints from injury and electrical modalities to relieve pain.
On site therapy is beneficial or not?
It is within the patients reach. This improves patient’s working capacity and patient takes less sick leaves
Most importantly, the patient can clear his doubts anytime about his posture, sitting hours and adjustments in the furniture he is using.
Not only this there is enhanced mental and physical state of patient and it’s an added advantage to hold on to the same company for longer time.