1940 Prattonia

Page 1




pubt6/wd in the 1jeal' nneteen fiundl'ed Jol'tlj blj the Student6 01 Pratt Y-nddute






u A T I




N honor of one who has won the love of those she serves, her staff, co-workers, and students, the 1940

Prattonia is gratefully dedicated. Two years ago, Miss Rock came to Pratt Institute as Director of the School of Household Science and Arts and, possessing both leadership and understanding, she has rendered, in that time, aid and inspiration to many. Widely known in business circles as a home econo路 mist-a recent honor was her's when elected to the governing board of Fashion Group Inc.- Miss Rock has applied her experience and vision to her work at Pratt. Through her efforts the four year course in Home Economics, leading to a Bachelors Degree, will be put into operation next year. The students have IOlll1d Miss Rock one who appreciates their prohlems and wants, whose efficiency is tempered with kindness and a grand sense of humOl.

S. H.

\V. W.

G. C.

N. W.





E. H. PETERSES Chairman

o R E w o R




immediate value of the Prattonia is had as a chronicle of

evenLs of the past year and a photographic record of those who participated in them. Yet. its greatest worth should come in the future. For, as time passes, facLs and photos of one year are not desired so much as something that represents the spirit of the Institute, that has been felt by students since it was founded. This is not limited to a definite time or class. The] 940 Prattonia has been composed with this in mind and it is hoped that some of the art work. photography, and writings will have this representative and lasting quality.





HE Prattonia Board was created late in the school year,

so. like the runner, it had to start at top speed and


increase its pace. This called for emergency

measures and problems and help from many. \\'e especiall) wish to thank the Faculty Advisors, who pro\'jded invaluable assistance; NIl'. Civardi for his aid to lhe Pholo Staff; Ml'. Bouh\-are. ,,路ho guided the production of the three dimensional ligures reproduced else\\-here; Mr. v拢CKillop for his excellenl sporl shols; Dr. Kinney for some inleresling slud ies of the chem lab; Bob Smallman for his porlrail of the cannon; Kurt Schaefer for putting S & T ac:liv ilies on lilm; the crealors of the above menlioned KATHRYN McLALGHLIN

figures- Joe Canzani lor the lin dancers, and Edward Biow

Photography Editor

lor the Plasler cheerleaders; IJarn Williams for his line pholographs. including the section picture of the Arl School;



Business Manag('r

James Tencly for some of the aviation photos; all others \\ ho ha\-e


us in any way and most eerlainly the

School Secretaries to whom we were running every other minute.


-'It CK~T lilT

Asst. Art Editor DEWOLFE


Asst. Art Editor MICHAEL


Asst. Photography Editor FRDCE'


Asst. Photography Editor DOROTI1Y :\[(l"rROSS

Asst. Photograph)' Editor KITHT

Sell -IUER

Asst. Photograpln' Editor DOROTHY BECK

Girl Sports Editor ROSLYi\ FELIl\I-I\

Asst. Girl

ports Editor


Literary Editor FREIl NESSER

Asst. Literary Editor AN!" MILEC"SKY

Asst. Literary Editor RAY~lO"ID RYBCZY"\SKI

Asst. Produ ction Editor 1ARIE CLCCI

Production Editor MABEL STICK 'lEY

Asst. Social Editor MARY SIIELTO'l

Asst. Production Editor JANET SIIOE"VIAKER

Asst. Literary Editor MORTnlER ST, \/B IGGl!

Sports Editor GERALDI"E DE~rA\-RO

Social Editor 'I'1'E1'1'E PEECIIAT

A sst, Business 1[anager RITA SLOWEY

Asst. Production Editor

Prattonia Representatives


HE financial success of this, the 1940 Prattonia, has been

in large part due to the combined efforts of some forty

Prattonia representati '-es. The Prattonia representatives ,,-ere elected by their respective classes and organized into a smooth working staff b) the Business Manager. Their main responsibilitics have been the successful promotion and sale of the yearbook throughout the classes in the four schools of the Institute. The successful sale and promotion of the yearbook has not been an easy problem_ The Prattonia representatives challenged and overcame the multitudinous reasons advanced b) many students for lack of support. hOllever. b) impressively outlining and giving in detail the material presented within these pages. Their reward has been the experience gained in properly meeting and talking to people and also gathering a knowledge of sales psychology.

Acknowledgments To those firms who dealt with and cooperated with the 1940 Prattonia we express our thanks.

Arthur Studios Mr. Ralph Cershaw Miss Beatrice Turk Horan Engra\ ing Co. Mr. Charles Johnston Mr. Robert Pettingell Robt. W. Kelh Publishing Corp. Mr. Robert W.


S. K. Smith Co. Mr. Norman Allis

Pratt Pattern

4 O'Clock Shadows

Memorial Hall

East Court



I ice-P resident KATIIRYl\ McLAUGHLIN



Student Council HE outstanding aim of the Student Council Program for the year 1939-40 has been to unite the foUl- schools of the Institute and to build up a feeling of good fellowship as a basis for this union_


The first item which was a means to the above aim was the carrying out of the Student Activities Fee Plan_ This plan was the brain child of last year's Council, and to their efforts we give a unanimous vote of thanks_ The fee provided for the establishment of an inter-school newspaper and the celebration of a Field Day for the entire Student Body_ The Prattler is no\\ well established and is the pride of the CounciL James Cooper gave much energy to the early organizing of the staff; then William Rivchin assumed the responsibility of getting the paper to press_ These two "Prattler-Starters" were assisted by a hard-working staff, and our second unanimous vote of thanks goes to them_ The second part of the plan is the Field Day scheduled for May. John Jansson and Virginia Guild tell us of plans for a sport program, dramatics_ and dancing in the streets, to be climaxed by the crowning of Pratt's king and queen. A great day it should be! The second means for this union of the schools consisted of many ideas carried out by the following: Gordon Beckwith with his committee from the Council selected the Essex House as the site for this vear-s Senior Prom; Joseph Lauinger was manager of the Tuesday afternoon dances; De Wolfe Hotchkiss poured several buckets of bills into the Swimming Pool Fund. Rita Slowey's Awards Committee and John Jans~on 's School Spirit Committee are seen working on plans. Our third unanimous vote of approval goes to Miss Middleditch, Miss Feeney, Mr. Cowles, and Mr. Ajootian, our patient and helpful advisors.

Student Council HE Student Council is that group of engineers,. artists, and householders. and a librarian (with or without a


of A/IeI' A/{aIlY a SUlllmer Dies fhe Swan) who can be

seen e\ery Monda\ hurr)ing tOI\ard Room 132. What hap. pens behind the closed doors o[ Room 132? Here these leaders of their classes listen to the !Jrohlems of the Institute, discuss new plans. and often present ne'" ideas of their Ollll.

Kot the least of the duties carried out by the able

Student Council members is the announcement to their cla~ses

of the varied activities of the Institute. Every other

" 'eek all members assume the roles of Town Criers and hl'ing to their classmates neVI's of movies, games. dances. music programs. and Thursda\ noon service. This, ear the Student Council was doubly favored with t" 0 presidents. Industrial Designer Robert White had so many designs in the fire that he was unable to continue as president. Engineer George Gilmore took over the job and we owe thanks to both of them.




Faculty School of Fine and Applied Arts KHOSRO\- AJOOTIAX Supervisor 0/ Evening School The Figure- Structural Representation

W_-\LTER Cn-ARDl Photography

PAUL FJELDE Modeling and Casting- The FigureDesign- Structural Representation

ELIZABETH ASCHEIIOUG Contemporary Decoration-,ll erchandise Styling

DOROTHY C \TIlER Field and Landscape Research

WILLI The Figure

CAROLYN ASHBROOK Field Research- Design

Pilip lliustratioll

FREDERICK BAKER The Figure- oil Painting

DO;\ALD DOHNER Supervisor Department 0/ fndustrial Design - Industrial Design (Plastics and ,lletal)

RICHARD BEKNETT Architectural Design LYLE BOCL WARE Architectural Design- Creati,;e Desif!n CECIL BRIGGS Supervisor Department 0/ Architecture; Architectural Design LAURENCE BRUUN III echanical Drawing- Structural Rep., GrapJ,.ic Design, Field Research


DOUGL 路\S GRA;'\T Layout- Advertising Design


GEORGIA E\ EREST Supertisor Department 0; Design tration

\~1 GORHA~1

l\lAITLA'ID GRAVES Structural Rep. Field Research WARRE\" GREE'! Business Administration- Estimating i\lAC II AR:;[[BERGER Decoratit'e Illustration


GIDEO:\ I L\ Y'\ES Lettering


l\IAX HERi\IA,,\K The Figure- Field and Landscape Research

ANNA FISHER Watercolor- Oil Painting



Faculty School of Fine and Applied Arts HAIG ISKENDERIAN \J athematics ROBERT KOLLI Design ALEXANDER KOSTELOW Supervisor 0/ Design and Struclllre In dustrial Design (Glass) Creative Design-Pictorial Structure PHILIP LAWSON Merchandise Delineation- RenderingStructural Rep. ROBERT LEONARD The Style Figure MARGARET LINCOLN Costume Design and Selection- Figure J_ GORDON LIPPINCOTT Applied Science- Structural Representation WILLIAM LONGYEAR Snpervisor Department 0/ Advertising Design- Advertising-Design ZUE MARTI Fashion Delineation

AUSTIN MATHER Architectural Design

MA TLACK PRICE Typography- Philosophy 0/ Art-History 0/ Architecture

RICHARD McCAFFERY Construction-Building Materials

WILLIAM PROHERT Industrial Design Two Dimensions

GRACE NUTLEY English-History

ROWENA REED Abstract Design Three Dimensions

GORDON OBRIG Furniture Design


JAMES PATTERSON Supervisor Department 0/ Interior Decoration-Interior Design


EUGENE PETERSEN Head 0/ the Department 0/ Visual Aids Structural R epresentation- Processes

VINCENT ROY Supervisor Department 0/ A rt Education- Methodology, Curriculum Making - Practice Teaching

FRANK PRICE Structural Design- Mathematics

ELSIE J . SEYMOUR Psychology- Sociology


PERRY COKE SJ\llTH Architectural Design DO~ALD



0/ Civilization

ELIZABETH TUCKER Pictorial Composition - Illustration

WALTER YOU""G ,rater Color for Advertising

RUTH F. CARLSON Placement Secretary

MARl A R. OLIVA E,'elling School Secretary




AGl\"ES S. PORTER 0/ School Office

In Charge

FRAl\"CES P. ROSSE eeretarr

PHYLLIS B. S:\IACK Secretary


E\ \. ZElSEL Ceramics



Archetectllral Clinic Advisor

ETHEL LEWIS Contemporary interior Decoration



JOHN LITTLE Textile Design

Faculty School of Fine and Applied Arts





T last the time has drawn nigh when we shall be let loose upon an unsuspecting world. Three years ago, we entered Pratt Institute to sweep all before us. Three years of exposure to the ways of the work-a-day commercial a tmosphere have made from that wide-eyed mob of freshmen, a group much more prepared for the actualities of business. Goaded by pleas to "get th e str uctural concept" and stimulated by contests arranged by our supervisor, we managed to approximate an excellent imitation of hard work. Several of our number won acclaim, and three more, substantial rewards as the result of these competitions. But our three years have also had many moments of fun. Songs. harmon) and jokes, practical and otherwise. were continually floating about; but in spite of it all, both class and instructors survived.

Enw IHI)










iCI'-!'rrsir!cII! Sec.-Trc{{s.

Now we are ready for the step that is to determine our future. After commencement, the group, that has been so closely united, will scatter into the various fields for which they have been trained. Several of our number have dropped by the wayside, but in general we are that same gang that embarked on this adventure. More sober and wiser now, we prepare to leave Pratt Institute knowing that here I,e have spent three of the happiest and fullest years of our lives.

School of Fine and Applied Arts ADVEU'fISING




E got off the rocket ship and flew earthwards. "At the end of the

arrow he' II find Dot Sweene)", he muttered- passing Scotford sitting on a cloud of J &. J. I~ntering the Rofheart-Symansyck building he sighed "more business". Coming out were Relay and Revell saying "we just designed an exhihit and Meyers is putting it up." He went in hutit was all students' "ork so ht' left via \VescoLLs studio. f.:Jllerging he sml Fann) Lcvinc hang'i ng on thc ann of a copy of the New York Times. And tht're was glamorous Eraine Mantas being photographed b) MasJ...al) II ith Musbtadt alongside giggling. Ginny Millard on her \1 a) to get a photostadt flew by with Pat PiLLs ,,-ho had just written up Ollie Sommt'fs' wedding. He turned the corner and there was Lipowski his hair a-f1) ing. He was on his way to see O'Malley working on his lamps. Accompanying him we passed Quell hall) hooing MacDonald in his latt'st picture "Bustle Dist'ase". The whole class was out in its full regalia. To add a more serious note to this work, the wh ole class bas spent three very profitable ) ea rsin the studios at Pratt and, while this was wriLLen in a fri\'olous I路ain. we sincerely hope that each member of the class achieles his aimsin the )ears to come.

J 011" SCOTFOIW, J H. Presidell! Jail' J\TI C,,"'TAIlT Secre!ary-Treas_

ADYERTIST,G DESIG,- 3A ALMGREN, EDWARD, Adv. III, 24路J,5 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn . . . . President of Artsmen '40; Clas President '39-'40; Praltonia Representati"e '38; Football '38. '39, '40; Basketball '38. '39, '40; Swimming '38. '39: SofLball '38. '39, '40; Ping Pong '39. '40; Student Council '39.- '40; Swimming Pool Committee '39.

AXDERSO:\, AAROl\, Adv. III. 92 Stewart St.. Jamestown. i\'. Y.

BEHLERT. HOWARD. Adv. III, 81 Chester Ave., Brookl)n. l\. Y.

BERRY, DONALD L.. Ad". III. 57 Genesee St., Hornell, N. Y. ... Prattonia Representative '38, '39; Vice President '40: Artsmen Softball '38, '39, '40: Football '38, '39, '40.

BROWN, ISABELLE CAMERON, Ad". III. 287 Niagara St., Winnipeg. Manitoba, Canada.

ARNER. DEANE. Adv. III. 1004 Northland Ave .. BufIalo, N. Y. BROW" WE;,\DELL RUNYAN, Adv. III, 145 Woodbine Court. Floral Park, N. Y. BARAN, HELKO, Adv. III, 195 Bedford Ave., Brookl) n. N. Y. . . . Prattonia '40.

BEARDSLEY, MARGUERITE, Adv. III, 316 South Water St., Loudanville, Ohio.

BURKE, MARGARET THERESA, Adv. III, 98 Chestnut St., Brookl)n, N. Y. ... Tap Club '38, '39, '40; Softball '39; Hockey '38.

School of Fine and Applied Arts



School of Fine and Applied Arts CLEVELAND, BEVERLY M., Adv. III, 60 Campbell Ave., Hackensack, N. J .... Volley Ball.

ELLMAN, MIRIAM, Adv. III, 255 West 105th St., lew York City ... Swimming '38, '39; Class Treasurer '39.

DeLONG, ARTHUR JAMES JR., Adv. III, 28 Hunter St., Glens Falls, N. Y.

ERICKSON, MILTON, Adv. III, 338 Washington Parkway, Stratford, Conn . ... Softball '39, '40; Football '40.

DREHER, PATRICIA L., Adv. III, 33 Purdy Court, Rockville Center, N. Y. ... Playshop '37, '38; Glee Club '37, '38; Cheerleader '37, '38, '39, '40; Associate Editor Prattonia '38, '39; Paletteer Representative '38, '39; Treasurer of Paletteers '39, '40; Hockey '37, '38, '39; Baseball, '37, '38, '39; Basketball, '37, '38, '39.


DU PUIS. BEATRICE, Adv. III, 71 George St .. Freehold, -. J .... Volley Ball '37, '38; Basketball '37.

ERTELL, ROBERT F., Adv. III, 169 Choate Ave., Buffalo, N. Y .... Comprehensor Prattonia '39; Artsmen Representative '40. FERRER, GABBY c., Adv. III, 138 Ponce de Leon, Stop 18, Santurce, Puerto Rico ... Soccer; Swimming; Ping Pong; Handball. FROMKIN, BEN JACK, Adv. III, 127 Pendleton St., New Haven, Conn .... Soccer '37, '38, '39; Softball '37, '38, '39; Swimming '37, '38, '39; Basketball '37, '38, '39; Pratt Playshop, Business Manager, '37, '38, '39; Artsmen Representative '37, '38, '39; Treasurer Pratt Playshop '39; President Pratt Playshop '40; Prattonia Representative '40.


School of Fine and Applied Arts GLATTSTEIN, NATALIE EVELYN, Adv. III, 1217 Staten St., Bridgeport, Conn .... Activities '37, '38; Glee Club '38, '39; Fencing Team.

GOLD, WILLIAM, Adv. III, 268 East 49th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

GOODHUE, CHARLES, Adv. III, 13 Appleton Place, Leominister, Mass.

GRIFFITHS, NORMA, Adv. III, 9302 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . Swimming; Volley Ball; Gym Club; Paletteer, Publicity Chairman.



K.. Adv. III. 124路19 6th Aye., College Point, . Y.

GUSSIN, LAWRENCE, Adv. III, 949 Genesee St., Buffalo, N. Y.

HAHN, ANNE, Adv. III, 30 New Lane Road, Jamaica, N. Y. . . . Basketball '37, '38, '39; Hockey '37, '38; Vice Pres. Paletteers '39, '40.

HANSE , DORIS, Adv. III, 184 Wilson Ave., Eltingville, Staten Island, . Y .... Volley Ball, Swimming. Ping Pong.

HIRSHON, EDWARD, Adv. III, 69 Seminary Ave .. Yonkers. N. Y. . . . Handball; Billiards.

JE KS, WILLIAM A .. Adv. III, 191 Cheshire St., Hartford, Conn.

EDML"NDS. ARTHUR, Adv. Ill, 165 S. Forest Rd., Williamsville, N. Y. . .. Photo Ed., Prato tonia '39.

KLEl i\, ARTHUR MANNIl\G, Adv. III, West路 bourne Apts., Bronxville, Jew York.

KLOSS. KELLISO:\, PHILLIP, Adv. III, 24 William St., HornelL X Y. . . . Playshop.

AN~ETTE EVALYN, Ach. III, 1529 .'i9th St.. Brookh n. New York


KELLY, GRACE. Adv. III, 252 Ba) Ridge Parkway, Brooklyn ... Playshop.



FI\TK, A:\:\A. Adv. III, 1003 Clarkson Ave .. Brooklyn. K Y.

School of Fine and Applied Arts


ADVERTISI:\G DESIGK 3B KREJCI. "VIARY A\\. Adl'. lIT. 146-53 Ash路 ton Road. Rosedale Park. Detroit, Michigan ... Class Secretary &: Treas.; Pratt PIa) shop '39, '40; Tap Dancing Club '39; SII'imming '39; Baseball '39.

LAMB. DOROTHY DE VERE. Adv. III. 155-01 90th Ave .. Jamaica, 1.1. ... Playshop; Volleyball.

LEYI\E. FA;\":\ YR .. Adl'. III. 71 Lake St., Port Chester. ~. Y.... Paletteers '38. '39. '40; Volleyball '39 ; Commuters' Guild '39. '40.

LlPOWSKI, EDWARD. Ad\". III, 41 Concord . treet. Buffalo, N. Y. . . . SKimming; Softball; Photograph) .

:\1acDO\ALD. WILLIA;\tI H .. JR.. Ad\,. III. 553 Bellel'ue Ave .. Trenton. \. J, . . . Soccer; Softball; Touch Football; PIa) shop.

~IA '\TAS. ERAJ:\ E L.. Ack lIf, 516 West 156th SL. :\. Y .... Captain. Volbball '37. '40; Tap dancing '38; Baseball '33: Palelleers '37, '38. '39.

:\1ASKALY, MICHAEL, Adv. III, 677 Roosevelt AI'c.. Carteret. N. J. ... Assistant Photo Editor of Prallonia '40; PratLonia Representative '40; Display Guild. MILLARD. VIRGINIA AKNE, Adv. III, 430 Church St.. Wethersfield, Conn . ... Hockey Team '37. '33; Volleyball '38. '39: Basketball Team '38. '39: Paletteers '38. '39. '40. :\1LCKSTADT. JACK. Adv. III, 170 So. Iris Ave., Floral Park, 1. I. . .. Swimming; Football; Bowling '37, '38. Capt. '39, '40; Athletic Assoc . Council; Secretary and Treasury of III B; Social Director of Artsmen; Assistant Art Editor of PraLLonia '40: Display Guild. :\1YERS. ELWOOD L Ad". III, 43 Oak St., Newburgh. :\f. Y.

School of Fine and Applied Arts



School of Fine and Applied Arts O'MALLEY, ROBERT J., Adv. III, 121 Union St., Saratoga Springs, N. Y .... Boxing '37, '38; Softball '37, '38.

O'SHAUGNESSY, ELIZABETH JOAN, Adv. III 17 Front St., Thorold, Ontario, Canada . . . Hockey '37; Swimming '38, '39; Volleyball '38, '39; Tap dancing '37; Paletteers '37, '38, '39, '40.

PERRY, RUTH, Adv. III, Southberry, Conn .... Hockey '37; Baseball '38.

RAKD, GLADYS, Adv. III, 78 Saratoga Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

RAPECIS, MARIN FRANCIS, Adv. III, 610 East 49th St., Brooklyn, N. Y . . . . Class Sec路 retary '38, '39; Artsmen Representative '39, '40.

RELAY, ARNOLD FRANK, Adv. III. 29 Elm Street, New Rochelle, N. Y. . . . Artsmen Rep路 resentatives '37, '38; Display Guild

PITTS, PATRICIA, Adv. III, Olney, Maryland ... Basketball team '38, '39; Baseball team '38, '39; Production staff of Prattler; Paletteers.

REVELL, WILLIAM, Aflv. III, Byram Lake Road, Mount Kisco, N. Y .... Display Guild.

QCELL JOHN Auv. Ill, 67 Bromleigh Road. Stewart Manor. N. Y . . . . Bowlin~ '39, '40.

ROFH EART, EDWARD R., Adv. III. 305 La路 fayette Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y.


School of Fine and Applied Arts SCALA, HELEl\' K, Adv. III, 810 Ave. P., Brooklyn, N. Y. ... Glee Club '38. '39, '40; Paletteers Representative '40; Womens Club Representative '40; Social路Director.

SWEENEY. DOROTHY A .. Adv. III, 2004 Glen路 wood Road. Bl:ooklyn, 1\. Y.... Class Secretary '37; Class Treasurer '38.

SCOPES, RICHARD 0., Adv. III, 46 Ferris Place, Ossining, N. Y . . . . Vice President of class '39; Prattonia Representative '36.

SYMANCYH. BERNARD, Adv. III, 12 Bush St., Westfielcl. Mass.

SCOTFORD, JOH RYLA\D. JR.. Adv.lII. 497 North Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon. N. Y.... Class President '39, '40; Senior Prom Committee; Arts路 men Secretary.

SOMMER, FLORENCE OLIVE, Adv. III, 216 Dante Ave., Tuckahoe, 1\. Y. ... Volley Ball '38, '39; Baseball '39; Palettcers '38. '39. '40.

STROM. EWI'\G. Adv. III. 8 Beechwood Ave .. ;\ew Rochelle. N. Y.

TEITELMAN, RICHARD M., Adv. III, 289 Windsor Ave .. Cape May, l\. J .... Art Editor, Prattonia '40; Display Guild.

WATTS, C. LEE, Adv. III, 307 Gates St., Hunts路 ville, Alabama.

WESTCOTT, ROBERT J .. Adv. lII, 345 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N. J .... Inter Class Basketball '38, '39, '40; Swimming '38: Ping Pong '38.





School of Fine and Applied Arts AR C HI T ECTURE


OL TAI RE once said, "From history we learn that from history


we learn nothing." Architecture III claims no exception from this

otherwise erroneous bit of banter. We confess a very mundane) ear. The Sleeping Beauty (?) Miss Rosabel Robbins slept her ,,-ay to greater glory and that's no lie. George Katavalos. the militant skeptic. gained new honors ' in cynicism under the influence of one Amisano. "Red" Crowcock, the Bird. graces us with his presence when not engaged in C.A.A. activities. Bob (Moneybox) Colby, our treasurer, inBicted the stigma of his puns upon the usual unsuspecting youths. Oily Howell took over the class presidential seat upon the abdication of our "Communistic Leader". "\Vc saw the full路flOl\"ering of the genius in Charlie (Close to the Groundl Keyes. His work was without parallel in the history of our greatest mental institution. Howard (It's )our life's work) l\lcMurray was endowed with super路 fluous tissue hich he carried rather " -ell with the aid of chapeau. Generally the architedural department was going through a renais路 sance and we. as usual, were tossed upon the resulting waves of chance. "\Ve look the same, ,~e're a lot the same. but our hearts say no, no we're not. Yoltaire was fight! ! !

BREITl\IAN. ARl'IOLD. Arch. III. 1509 Jesup Ave., New York, N. Y.

BRODEt:R. VICTOR. Arch. III, 213 South \\'hitney St .. Hartford. Conn.

CROW COCK FRANCIS, Arch. III, 24路.5 Lewis Ave .. WestbuJ'), Long Island. 1\. Y. ... Football '37. '38. '39; C. A. A. '40.

FOX, VJl\CENT S., Arch. III, 135 Gates Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. . . . Pratt PIa} shop.


GEORGE. Arch. 1Il, 71 Edge路 Kood St., Hartford. Conn.

COIRO. ETTORE S .. Arch. III. 86 Perkins St., l'\ew Haven. Conn .... A. A. Council '40; Assist路 ant Manager Baseball '40; Bowling '39, '40; Boxing '40; Horseshoes '39. '40.

COLBY, ROBERT E., Arch. III, 542 Rankin Ave., Schenectady. J\. Y. . . . Class Treasurer '39, '40; Circulation Manager. Prattler, '40; Duck Pins '39. '40.

GOODSPEED, DOLGLAS K., Arch. III, R. F. D 1\0. 5, Portland. Maine ... Interclass Basketball '38. '39. '40; Football '39. '40.

GRANFIELD, E. GERARD, Arch. III, 338 Park Place. Brooklyn. N. Y.

HOWELL, OLIVER B., Arch III, Little Neck Road, Babylon, 1. I. ... Class Vice President '40: Class Bowling '39.

School of Fine and Applied Arts



School of Fine and Applied Arts KEYES, CHARLES ROBERT, JR., Arch. III, 540 Ft. Washington Ave .. l\eK York. N. Y. Prattonia Representative '39. '40.

OLSON. JOH I V., Arch. III, 31路17 Buell St .. E. Elmhurst, N. Y . . . . Class Treasurer '38; Ping Pong '40.

LLOYD, RAYMOND H., Arch. III, 11 Fourth .J uly Ave., Panama City. Republic of Panama.

ROBBINS, ROSABEL. Arch. III, 175 Harwood Ave., North Tarrytown. N. Y. ... Swimming '38; Basketball '38, '39; Dancing '38, '39; Class Secretary '38, '39.

MABRY, CURTIS D .. JR., Arch. III, 164 Broad St., 'ew London, Conn.

McMURRAY, HOWARD I. L.. Arch. III, 383 \Vayne Terrace, Union, N. J .... Duck Pins '39, '40.

OLIVER. HERBERT. Arch. III. 225 School St., 0) ster Ba~. '\. Y .... Ping Pong '40.

pALADL'NAS. CHARLES, Arch. III, 15 Downs Ave., Binghampton, K. Y .... Interclass Basket路 ball '40; Duck Pins '40; Football '40; Baseball '40.

SHIELDS, JOSEPH A., JR., Arch. III, 71路46 Kessel St., Forest Hills, . Y.

SIESS, MAYHEW W .. Arch. III, 1039 Magnolia Ave., Eli7.abeth. :\. J .... Bowling '38, '39, '40.


School of Fine and Applied Arts TUMEY. HAROLD E., Arch. III, 25 Clinton Place, Baldwin, Long Island.

HEARD BUT 1\0T SEEN HARRINGTOl\', H. GILBERT, Arch. III, 311 lOOth Street. Brooklyn. New York ... Swimming '38. '39. '40; Bowling '40: Basketball '40.

KATAVOLOS, GEORGE, Arch. III, 83 Suffolk Lane, Garden City, Long Island, ew York ... Class President '40.

LIEBIG, ERWIN 0 .. Arch. III, 959 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

TREFFEISEl\, FRED. Arch. III, 45 W. Castle Place, l\ew Rochelle, :\ew York ... ,swimming '38, '39. '40.

WELCH, ROY, Arch. III, 537 Elm Street, Buffalo, l\ew York ... Touch Football '38, '39, '40; Basketball '38, '39, '40; Baseball '38. '39, '40; Softball '38; Class President '39.





President Vice路Pres. Treasurer

School of Fine and Applied Arts ARCIIITECTURE


UR "Prelude to Labor" is done! From its inception in those


first faint stirrings of creative desire, to the last line on the

last drawing, it has run its course and all our hopes have been realized. We have grown, in mental stature, and in the knowledge that friendships formed in the atmosphere of common attainment will endure. We have had our first taste of that peculiar responsibility incurred by the architect in relation to the satisfying and educating of his client. Our "Prelude" has passed in four short years. We became more dextrous with the traditional tools of our profession. The fates to the vagaries of youth and the depression, there remain nine out have dealt rather harshly with our original number, for now due of twenty-six. Our last year coincided with the first year of Mr. Briggs as Supervisor of our Department. In the short time of our association, we already know him as a real friend. He has aimed at the heights and we regret that we cannot remain to share the success that will belong to him and to the Department. Now that our "Prelude to Labor" is done we face the future serenely, in the knowledge that at last the issue is joined and it is up to us to find our niche.

AMISANO, JOSEPH, Arch. Ed. IV, 650 W. 204th Street, New York City ... Treasurer, Architects '40; Class Treasurer '39. CAMPBELL, COLIN A .. Arch. Ed. IV, 4 Hapgood Street. Bellows Falls, Vermont ... Prattonia Representative '37; Class Treasurer '38; Arch. Librarian '39, '40. CHRISTOFFERS, EDWARD W., Arch. IV, 448 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, New York ... VicePresident '37, '38; President '39; Vice-President '40; Senior Prom Committee '39; Bowling '37. '38. '39; Pool '40; Arch's Club '40. HA:\CE, JOHN, Arch. IV, R .. D. No.2, Phillipsburg. New Jersey ... Boxing '37, '38, '39; Softball '39; Soccer '39; Prattonia Representative '40.

HEICTMAN, HAROLD, Arch. IV, 85 Skelly Place, Mineola, Long Island ... Basketball '37. '38. '39, '40; Soccer '37, '38; Bowling '39, '40.

LAMPE, RAUNI G., Arch. IV. 45 Nicholas Avenue, Portchester, New York. . President Architects' Club '40; Interclass Soccer '37, '38; Basketball '37, '38; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Touch Football '38, '39. LOMUSCIO, GEORGE l, Arch. IV, 124 Dean Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Bowling '39; Pool '40. MASTROlANl\I. JOHl\ FRANCIS, Arch. IV, 241 Garden Drive, Bridgeport, Connecticut ... Duckpin Bowling '39, '40; Mgr. Bowling '40; Architects' Club '40; Vice-President Senior Class '40; Soccer '37. O'CONNOR, JOHN J., Arch. IV, 20 Lafayette Avenue, Kingston, New York . . . President, Senior Class '40. VENERO, ELADIO PEREZ, Arch. IV, 15 East 10th Street. David. Chiriqui. Republic of Panama.

School of Fine and Applied Arts








President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

School of Fine and Applied Arts AR T



TILL Yibrating in our memories are man) notorious incidents. a II umber of which are ,,-ith held after due deliberation for


reasons best kno\nl to the parties concerned, But one can never forget '-surrealist" Ri,-ichin who. for exercise, argues the back legs off a chair each morning. Also. HaL the onl) senior wearing a tuxedo at the conyention. who "as mistaken for a full-gro\\ n man and was danced with by all the old ladies. And even after four) ears, Wendy still plays the flute, Mill) still wears braids, and Sara still trpes stencils. Coman could never be found separated from his briefcase and picture of his baby. Scan dIe ? :'\0. it's legal. Did somebod,' ask II'here have Maggie, Ruth, and Zaby been all the time? Too bad Mr. Civardi doesn't give some of us our term marks. Then too. \I-e remember Ann trying to be a blond hussy- she was. And rumor has it that Shirler and Dee are going to accept the same joh. How excitingfor the kid~. The higgest myster), is where Dolly has been for the last seven months. These and many other never-to-be-erased, ne\'erforgotten_ and enduring recollections will be cherished by all of us in memory of four short hut wonderful, ears at Pratt.

ATTWOOD, CONSTAl\CE, Art Ed. IV, Lake· wood, New York. BARON. ALBERTA. Art Ed. IV. 1412 Albany Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut ... Fencing Club; Tap Dancing; Educational Chairman, lE.A.A. Forum ; Educational Chairman E.A.A. Conven· tion , 1940. CHAPPELL. COMAl\ . Art Ed. IV, 338 Stanley Avenue. Staten Island , New York. DIGAT£. SARA. Art Ed. IV. East Hampton. Long Island. Kew York ... Volle)ball; Basket· ball '37. '38; Glee Club. President '37. '38; Presi· dent '39. '40: Fencing '37, '38; Women's Club Representative '37, '38; Class Secretary '39, '40; Assistant Editor. Progressive Outlook '39, '40. DUBOUSKY. DORIS H., Art Ed. IV. 17 West 87th Street. l'Iew York, New York ... Fencing Club; Chairman, Sectional Convention '40; In· terschool Relations Chairman. lE.A.A.; Social Committee lE.A.A.

GLEDHILL, HELEI\i AYRES. Art Ed. IV. 208 No. Oxford Street, Hartiord , Connecticut.

HAMLIN, EVA KATHERINE, Art Ed. IV, 42 West J20th SL New York, l\. Y.

HOVEY. AI\,N. Art Ed. IV, 8 Rhynas Drive, Mount Vernon. N. Y .... Glee Club '38, '39; Pal· eteer Representative '38.

ISRAEL, MILDRED, Art Ed . IV, 1417 Avenue J, Brooklyn , N. Y.

LOVEi\THAL. DOLORES. Art Ed. IV, 118 West 79th St.. Xew York. N. Y.

School of Fine and Applied Arts


School of Fine and Applied Arts MILLER, FRANCIS ANNA, Art Ed. IV, 14-36 Myron St., Schenectady, N. Y.

SIMMOl\S, HAROLD CHAMPION, Art Ed. IV. 9 Warren Street, White Plains, N. Y .... Artsmen Representative '38, '39; Treasurer '39; President Pratt J.E.A.A. '40; A. E. Basketball '40.

PASTERNAK, DOLORES, Art Ed. IV, 563 So. Broad St., Elizabeth, N. 1.

RIVCHIN, WILLIAM, Art Ed. IV, 18)2 W. 4t~1 St., Brooklyn, N. Y. .. Pres iden t Industrial Design Forum '39; Class President '39 ; Member of Student Council; Editor of "The Prattler".

TANNEl\BAUM, SHIRLEY, Art Ed. IV, 536 West lllth St., N. Y.

TIIORl\TON_ RUTH, Art Ed. IV_ 20 Commerce St., N. Y.

SIFFLARD, MARGARET, Art Erl. IV, 217 25th Street, Guttenberg, N. 1. VA.\ GELDEREl\_ LORRAINE. Art Ed. IV. 251 Raymond SL Rockville CenteL N. Y. SILVERSTEIN, LO(;IS, Art Ed. IV, ['57 B:?rgcn St., Brooklyn, N. Y .... Editor of "Progressive Outlook" '40; Associate Editor of "The Prattler" '40; Member of the Student Council '39; President of class '39.

WILLGOOS, EDITH, Art Ed. IV, 239 Clearfield Road., Weathersfield, Conn.


School of Fine and Applied Arts ZABITZ, MURIEL, Art Ed. IV, 2259 Creston Ave., Bronx, N. Y.

ALLAN, JOHN, Pict. Ill. III, 72 Utter Ave., Castleton Corners, Staten Island, N. Y.


BAKER, BRUCE E., Pict. Ill. III, 11th Ave., South Portland, Michigan.

WAITE, DOl\ALD EDWARD, Art. Ed. IV, 2040 Guilderland Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.

BRODOWSKI, EUGENE J., Pi ct. Ill. III, 227 Lew's St., Bridgeport, Conn.... Artsmen

PARKS, CAROLINE, Pict. Ill. III, Witchita, Kansas ... Women's Club Representative; Field Hockey.

BRYANT, ALBERT S., Pict. Ill. III, 617 Prescott Ave., Scranton, Penn .... Baseball; Basketball.

SA STROM, THEODORE M., Pict. Ill. III, 33 Mitchell Place, White Plains, I . Y.

CRAWFORD, WILLIAM S., Pict. Ill. III, 327 Western Ave., Albany, N. Y.

SHERMAN, EDWARD, Pict. Ill. III, 360 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ... Boxing.

KRAFT, PEGGY, Pict. Ill. III, 215 West 13th St., N. Y. C. ... Volleyball.

STRAUSS, ROBERT, Pict. Ill. III, 17 Saratoga Avenue, Mechanicville, New York. WARD, WILLIAM H., Pict. Ill. III, 44 Pomander Walk, Ridgewood, N. J.... Artsmen Basketball; Football; Ping Pong Cham pion; Baseball. YEAKEY, CAROL, Pict. Ill. III, 56 Ryder Avenue, Lynbrook, N. Y . . . . Volleyball '39, '40; Class Sec. '40.

KOVALENKO, WILLIAM, Pict. Ill. III, 1776 Bathgate Ave., N. Y. ... Football '38, '39, '40; Indoor Baseball '38, '39, '40; Swimming '39, '40. LUSTIG, LAWRENCE, Pict. Ill. III, 230 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. MacLEOD, JEAN, Pict. Ill. III, 19 Hollis St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.


President Vice-President Secretary-Treasllrer



School of Fine and Applied Arts INDUSTRIAL AND TEXTILE DESIGN 3 OW wait a minute, there is no sense in rushing this thing. After


all, we have until June to finish it ... here we go!

"Somebody stole the cork screw . . . we've had to go hungry all day . . . have) ou got a model of that bottle? Where did you get that curve? . . . it comes out at ninety miles an hour! . . . Say! ma) be I'm talking over your heads . . . I can't say right now, I don't have the catalogue . .. and when you thing of this being stamped out of one piece, that is something .. . do you think this locomotive would look better in cerise or chartreuse? ... we understand Heylum became of age this year ... AND HOW! ... what have you done, my little man, to improve your intellectual standing? . . . it's nice to have around, looks professional ... how the girls miss Andrews. and Chesterly too, for that matter . . . Jasmine, she's certainly a remarkable girl . . . and now to a man who will remain foremost in our happy memories of Pratt ... Here's to the best of everything, Mr. Dohner!" 'VeIl, here are some notes, and I'll h ave this finished by June.

ARl\IFTELD. JAl\E BERRY. Ind. Des. III. 3023 11th Ale. North. Birmingham. Ala .... Women's Club Representative.

BLOmIER. JASMI E. Ind. Des. III. 247 W. Gflth Street. N. Y. C. ... Women's Club Rep. '40.

BO\\'ER. PHILLIP. Ind. Des. III. 426 Academy St.. Hmde\". Pa . . . . BOlding Team '39.

BOWERS. WILLIAM H., Ind. Des. III, Wool路 wich. Maine ... Vice Pres. of Class '39.

BRADLEY. THOMAS RAYMO\D. Ind. Des. III. 7 Regent St.. ~o. Plainfield. X. J.

HEYLMLN. ROBERT. Ind. Des. III, 922 Logan Ave .. \Va) ne. l\ebraska ... President '40.

HOLLOWELL. JOR\'. Ind. Des. III, 283 Pleas路 ant, Teaneck, N. J.

KEMPER. FLORENCE. Ind. Des. III, 259 Ave. P. Brookl) n. N. Y. ... Plavshop; Pallatteer Rep. resentative '39, '40.

KLINE. HARRY c.. Ind. Des. III. 295 Summit Ave., Buffalo. l\. Y. . . . Prattonia Rep. '39; Treasurer and Secretary '40.

\1ILLENKY, WILLIAM WALTER. Ind. Des. III. 279 East 94th St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ... Arts路 men Representative '39. '40.

School of Fine and Applied Arts



School of Fine and Applied Arts PAGJI\I, DAYID JOR\, Ind. Des. III. 2.J...l Springdale Ave.. Ieridell. Conn . . . . Prattonia Representati\e '.39. '40.

SLLTSK\. }IEYER. Ind. Des. III. 595 E. 91st SL Brookl) n, '\. Y. . . . Artsmen; S\\ imming '37. '38. '39.

SCHULTZ. HEI\RY RICHARD, Ind. Des. III. 231 Beach 79th Street. Rockawu) Beach. N. Y. ... Artsmen Repre~entative '37, '38.

WHlTI~, ROBERT. Tnd. Des. III. 1461 Schu) ler Rd .. Toledo, Ohio ... Class President '38, '39. '40; Chairman . C. oeial CommiLlee; Chair路 Illan Ind. Des. hanquet '40; President tudent Council '37.

SELMER, RLSSELL GEORGE. Ind. Des. Ill, 107路16 223rd St., Queens Village, L. 1. ... Cheer路 ing Squal '38, '39.

RATH. MERLE, Ind. Des. III, 819 Wright Ave., Toledo, Ohio.



PLOD, FRA CIS E .. Tnd. De,;. liT. 10 Monroe t., ~e\\ 1. or!""

JI \11RIE1' BROW\E President '\IcHiH BHO\,i\ Vice路Presidenl J \ \ E1' GOLDBERG Secretary.Treas.

School of Fine and Applied Arts INTERIOR DECORATION 2 OME of us have been here a year, some of us two, and a few of


us a little longer. We've been well initiated into routine and

hard work. Usually, the days are long, and the nights are longer. Field trips! Maybe we haven't covered the waterfront, but we've pretty well covered Manhattan, a goodly portion of Brooklyn, and outlying districts. We've also covered reams of paper with innumerable doodles and all too frequent assignments. Perhaps the most interesting of these was done for Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, one of the world's foremost decorators. We were honored late in January in giving a tea at the Decorators' Club in honor of Mrs. Robinson. Our ,vork has hung in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, has toured the entire U. S. in several exhibitions, and we were further honored by being the first class of any school to have work presented in the Museum of Modern Art. All in all, we've done pretty well, but only because instructors have done well by us. They seem to have an enviable amount of patience, for which we are justly thankful. We're also indebted to them for a superlative training in a specialized vocation, an attitude undoubtedly shared by all the students of Pratt Institute. Why else would we be here?

BlLLIl\GS, VAl\ DYKE. lnl. Des. II. Stamford, New York.

BLuMBERG. DOROTHY, Int. Des. IT. 28 Sunny Side Drive. Yonkers, New York ... Volleyball.

BREINING, ELAINE. Inl. Des. II. 715 Delaware Ayenue, Buffalo, New York . . . Volleyball II; Hockey 1.

BROWN. MURIEL, Int. Des. II. 804 Chestnut St., Roselle Park, N. J.

BROWN, HARRIETT, Inl. Des. II, 410 West Girard, Indianola, Iowa ... Prattonia Represent. ative '39; Class Pres. '40. Student Council.

BURKHARDT. RUTH, Inl. Des. II, 427 Bergen Street, Bellmore. N. Y. . . . Swimming. Basketball. Ba~eball. Volle) hall.

DECOl. DAVID. Int. Des. II. 520 l\orlh Long Ave .. Chicago, Ill .... Prattonia Representative.

FAIRWEATHER. PHYLLIS. Int. Des. II. 28 Vanderbilt Rd .. West Hartford. Conn .... Playshop '39; Volleyball '39. '40.

FRANZMAN, WILMA, Int. Des. II. 154 New York Avenue, Freeport, New York ... Swimming, Volleyball, Baseball, Basketball, Ping Pong.

GENEST, ADELIl\'E. Int. Des. II, " Test Terrace. Danbur). Conn .... Volle} ball '40. Hockey '39.

School of Fine and Applied Arts


GOLDBERG. JANET. Int. Des. II. 249 East 37th St. Brooklyn ... Class Sec. '40; Volleyball '40.

LEVITAN, MURRAY, Int. Des. II, no Lenox Road. Brooklyn, N. Y. ... Artsmen Representa· tive, Tuesday Afternoon Dance Orr-h.

HAl\SON. ALICE, lnt. Des. II, Gatum. Canal Zone ... Swimming; 'Women's Club Representa· tive '40.

MURPHY, EDITH HOAN, Int. Des. II, 104·20 214th Street, Bellaire, L. I. ... Basketball; Base· ball '30. '40; Hockey '39, '40.

HOLFORD, LOUISE. Tnt. Des. II, 370 Edgecliff Road. Portland. Oregon . . . Volleyball Team '39. '40.

IDE.\, E. KATHERIl\E. Int. Des. II. 3 Overlook Avenue, West Orange, i\. J. ... Paletteer '39, '40; Volleyball '39, '40.

LEAHY. DOROTHY. ~I.. Int. Des. II, 1700 Han· over A,lenue. Allentown. Pa.

PARKS. VOLi\EY G., Int. Des. II, 21 Third St., So. Glens Falls, N. Y. ... Class Secretary and Treasurer '39.

RICHARDS, ANNE G., Int. Des. II, 449 Wyo· ming Ave., Maplewood, N. J . . . . Captain of Volley Ball Team '37, '38; Pratt Playshop '40.

ROSS, ELLEN ELIZABETH, Int. Des. II, 75 Archibald St., Moncton, N. B., Canada ... Worn· en's Club Representative '39; Playshop '39, '40: Treasurer Playshop '40.

School of Fine and Applied Arts



School of Fine and Applied Arts TRUM, HELEl\E, Int. Des. II, 102 Collyers Ave路 nue. Rockland Lake, N. Y.... Volley Ball '39; Swimming '39; Baseball '39.

HIRSCHKORN. RALPH. Int. Des. II, Beach, 36th St., Far Rockaway, L. I. ... Playshop '39, '40.

WAGENER, IRMA K. , Int. Des. II, 3541路92 St., ] ackson Heights, l\'. Y. ... Volleyball Team '40.

GEL TZEILER, NETTIE. Int. Des. II, 21 Poe Ave .. Newark, T. J. ... Hockey '39, '40; Swimming '39; Volley Ball '39.


McCREARY, HARRISON LEE, Int. Des. II, Royston, Georgia ... Prattonia Rep.

BRAUNELL, ANNE, Int. Des. II, 62 Paterson Street, Providence, R.I. ... Volleyball '40.

MULANE, WALLACE, Int. Des. II, 144 West 86th Street, N. Y.... Class President '39; Student Council.




Vice路President Secretary路Treas.

School of Fine and Applied Arts PICTORI AL




write a history of a class composed of genii, killerdilllers, im-

personators, warblers and other odd personalities, is rather difficult.

As a group, may we concede to our lack of culture, "taxture", "tan路 sion", "tectility" and "strocture"? Thereby having disposed of our group as a whole, there remains only personalities to deal with. Avison poses as a means to an end. Holmstrom has a viking constitution which accounts for his 10 :30 arrivals to class. The Pan of Pictoral III turns out to be Peggy K. with her penny whistles. Now that Hodgland is gone, we have only the Rugged Guthrie for support. Miss Kennedy boosted snood sales considerably. Hotchkiss is an esoteric warbler. We hear that Mr. Lustig has gone and done it. One of the Macs claims to be a killerdiller, the other is wrapped up in a "bewilderness"- Ten years hence a famous Hollywood firm will be Ostrowski and Disney. Tink has just discarded his 40th "technique" of the week and inaugurated the 41st. It's whispered that Vatcher likes horses and Mis" Walker, costumes. Marge W. is the only giri in pulp- need we say more? Thus ends the history of the afore mentioned hodge-podge classed as "students". Be not deceived. This is only the stepping stone to events which live in history.

AVISON, ALFRED DEAN, Picl. Ill. Ill, Rowayton, Conn .... Football '38, '39, '40; Basketball '38. '39, '40: Softball '38, '39, '40; Ping Pong '39. '40; Social Contact Man; Artsmen Representative.

BENSEN, MAYBELLE I.. Pict. Ill. III, 3 Ella Road, Caldwell, N. J . . . . Fencing; Swimming.

I;;CKLEY, PAUL JR., Piel. Ill. III, 21 Woodside Ave., Amherst, Mass .... Football '38, '39, '40; Basketball '38, '39. '40; Swimming '39, '40; Soccer '38, '39; Softball '38, '40. CCTHERTE, ALEXAl\DER J.. Pict. Ill. Ill, 69 Hillcrest Rd .. Maplewood, N. 1. ... Arts men Representative '39; Boxing '40. HOAGLAl\D, NATALIE, Pict. Ill. III. 274 Alto路 mount Place, Somerville, New Jersey.

CARTER, DIANA, PicL Ill. III, 92 Elm St., Montclair, N. J .... Modern Dance Club, '39. '40; Hockey '39, '40; Softball '39.

DI CARLO_ AGATHA. Pict. Ill. III, 411 Center Street, \Vallin gford, Conn.

DOYLE. FRANK. Pict. Ill. III, 79 Brook Ave., Bay Shore. 1\. Y. ... Fencing.

HOLMSTROM. EVERT, Picl. Ill. III, Branford. Conn . . . . Softball '38, '39; Prattonia Representative '39. HOTCHKISS, DEWOLFE, PicL. Ill. III, 32 Whitman Ave., West Hartford, Conn . . . . President of Class; Student Council; Swimming Pool Committee '39; Chairman Pool Committee '39; Field Day Committee '39; Artsmen; Football '38, '39. '40; Basketball '39, '40; Baseball '38. '39. '40: Swimming '39. '40; Art Staff of Prattonia '40.

School of Fine and Applied Arts


KEN EDY, VIRGIKIA, Pict. Ill. III, 1837 East 17th St., Brooklyn. ~. Y .... Volleyball '39, '4,0: Softball '39: 'I odem Dancing.

PARKINSON, RODERICK, Piet. Ill. III, 187·17 Libert) Ave .. Hollis, i\. Y. ... C.A.A. Flying '40.

KURI\, ROBERT F. , Piel. Ill. III, 81 Larchmont Rd., Buffalo, 1\. Y. ... Football '38, '39, '40: Swimming '39, '40; Softball '38, '39, '40; Arts· men, Vice President.

ROSl\ACK, WILLIAM. Piet. Ill. III, 336 Har· ford Road, Syracuse, 1'\. Y. . . . President of Class '38.

McFARLAi\E, WALTER, Piet. Ill. III, 84 Center St., Oneonta, I . Y .... Artsmen Representative: Boxing '37, '38; Life Saving '38.

SCHRYNER, BERTHA MARY, Piet. Ill. III. 44 Mountain Avenue. Mount Kisco. l\. Y .... Mod· ern Dancing, Volley Ball.

MACLAUGHLIN, DOi\ALD T., Piel. Ill. III, 537 \Vashington Ave., West Haven, Conn .... Inter· mural Basketball '38, '40; Ping Pong Champion. ship Team '39, '40; Duckpins '39; Big Pins '40.

STRIMBAN, JACK Pict. Ill. III, 89 School St., Cleneove, N. Y.

OSTRAWSKI, AMELIA. Piet. Ill. III, 51 Anburn St., Springfield. Mass.

VATCHER. ROBERT P., Pict. Ill. III, 65 On· tario Rd .. Bellerose. 1. I. ... C.A.A. '40.

School of Fine and Applied Arts



School of Fine and Applied Arts WALKER, MARGARET L.. Piet. Illus. III, Oxford. '\. Y ... . Women', Club Representative; Secretan of Grt路to路Grther Club.

MO\ROE. C. EDMUl\D. IIIX. 408 East Holmes Street. Huntsville. Ala.

'\lEISER. DOl\ALD, IIIX. 414 Main Street. Erwin, Tennessee. WARl\ER, l\ANCY JAM:, Pit'l. Illus. III, 113 Colorado A,e .. Highland Park. Detroit, Michigan. RYAl\. FRAl\K. lUX. 649 88th Street. Brooklyn, i\.Y. WHITE :WARJORY. Piel. Illu s. III . 103 Wash路 ington Sl.. Platteyi ll e. \Vi sronsin . . . . Women's Club '38; Basketball '39.

HEAMES, DAVID, IIIX, 113 Hallock Street, Youngstown, Ohio.

SAUVAl\. BARTA L.. IIIX, 79A Broad Street. Newark, N. J.

ZEMEL. RITA LEONA, III X, 206 East 198th Street. Bronx. N. Y.

T echniqlles

Advertising Design 28




A r ch itectu r e 2

F ou,ndation 1 B

FOllndation ID

Settling Down



FOllndation 1F

Blondes, Redheads and Brunettes

Foltlulalion 1E

Shaping U IJ

Men mul Sawciust

Indllstrial Design 2

Art Edu('ation 3

Art Education 1


Faculty School of Household Science and Arts ~nNETTE


Quantity Cookery

:MRS. HELENE 1\1. ARUNDEL Field Trips

JESSIE BAKKER Bacteriology



Quantity Cookery

MARIAN BERGSTROM Restaurant Manager; Administration

MARY T. CLARK Projessional Dressmaking


Supervisor 0/ CLothing Courses, Et'ening School Cookery, Nutrition

PATTI CHILDERS Dress Construction


Clothing Courses, Day'

MRS. ANNA KURTAGI-I Dress Construction


ELINOR MOODY Cookery, Nutrition, Chemistry

EM:MA 1. FEENEY Supervisor oj Foods & Science COltrSes, Evening School

MRS. ROSIL YN B. FRANK Family Relations

LAURETA I-IALDERMAK BacterioLogy, Physiology

HENRIETTA HAR1\IAN EDWARD H. BI'3HARA Food Accounting, English, Economics

1\IARJORIE KINNEY Supervisor School

CostlUne Design



Dress Construction, Dress Appreciation ~1TLDRED


Quantity Cookery

MRS. SYLVAN G. NORDBERG Professional Dressmaking



Supervisor 0/ Foods and Science Courses, Day School


Faculty School of Household Science and Arts :lfARY L. ROE Tea Room Hostess: Quantity Cookery JEA


Field Nutrition

EYEL1'1\ WI LLI Dress Construction

MRS. !\fARY K. WILSOl\ Cookery



Homemaking, Clothing


LOUISE ZICK Dress Construction

Design, Sketching

BEULAH E. STAN ARD Dress Construction

I\IRS. HAZEL L. YOORHEES Supervisor 0/ Homemaking Courses, Day School

DOROTHY HOBBS Clerk, Stockroom

ELEANOR PICKHARDT Fi,gure and Costume Drawing



JEAN F. PURCELL A ssistant Secretary


IS,\BEL SPE1\CE Secretary


School Office


FLORENCE KUREJWO Clerk, Cookery Supply Room



Bacteriology, Physics, Chemistry

* Leave of absence 1939-1940






Vi ce-Pres.


BCS,1 E ]\[AMELETZI ROlll-. ll1' .\

S. l\hmR .\Y

Secretary Treasurer

School of Household Science and Arts CO S T U M E DESIG N


AN it be? Is it true that our days at Pratt are nearing an end?


Our little groups of needle pushing gossipers will soon be seen

no longer gathering in the halls, and on the steps. In our two years here, we learned that even the lowly muslin has a very definite grain, and that pinked seams are below the standards of a Costume Designer! Our first problem was the smock which we have been wearing for the past two years with despair and hope; despair lest the voluminous pockets some day become inflated with air and carry us away; and hope that the seams would hold out 'till we should, with a sigh, put them in our chest of souvenirs. Among the treasures we take with us are: the Junior Jig, the Artisan's dance, and the Spring Fashion Show of our first year; the Freshman Hallowe'en party, the Paris openings, the spring party with our junior sisters, and S.E.S.E. meetings of our last year. Although we regret the loss of Miss Mary Stewart from our faculty, we know that she is going on to greater things and we want to wish her the best of luck. As June looms up before us we hope we can give to our profession the service we have been trained to give. It is with a smile for the future and a grin for the past that we say ___ "Good-bye!"

ADAMS, EVELYN, CD-II, 82 Hewlett Avenue, Merrick, Long Island . . . Swimming '39; Gym Club '39, '40; Thanksgiving Play '39; Artisans Club; Home Economics Club.

BRAGUE, HILDA M., CD-II, 5 South Street, Hinsdale, Massachusetts .. _ Swimming '38-'39; Tap Dancing '38-'39, '39-'40; Modern Dancing '39-'40.

ALLEN, CATHERINE A., CD-II. Naples_ New York ... Yolleyball '38, '39; Softball '38, '39; Basketball '39.

BREITINGER, RUTH ]., CD-II, 1320 Garfield Avenue, Wyomissing, Pa . . . . Captain, Hockey '38-'39-'40; Modern Dance '38-'39-'40; Class Social Chairman '39-'40; Baseball '38-'39-'40; Se11101' Sponsor; Artisan Club; Home Economics Club.

ANDERSON, JENNIE, CD-II, 122-14 Sutphin Blvd .. South Ozone Park. New York. BAKER, ELSIE RHODA, CD-II, 179 Prospect Ayenue. North Arlington. New Jersey ... Women's Club Representative '39; Captain, Volleyball -39; Volleyball '38; Horseback Riding Club '38; :'I10dern Dance Club '39; Artisans Club '38, '39; Senior Sponsor '39; Get-to-Gether Club '39; Publicity Chairman, Artisans Club '39. BECK. DOROTHY L., CD-II. 51 Paulin Blvd., Leonia. New Jersey ... Vice-President Artisans Cluh; Volleyball; Hockey; Basketball Captain; Riding; Senior Sponsor; Women-s Sports Editor. Prattonia.

BRODY, MARGER~, CD-II, 65 Dover Street. Brookl)ll, '\ew York ... Volle) Ball Tealll; Modern Dance Class. BROWN, BARBARA, CD-II, 33-04 Murray Lane, Flushing, Long Island . . . Volleyball '39-'40; Swi Illllling '39; Basketball '39; Prattonia Representative. EHLERS_ MILDRED, CD-II, 4 Beech St., Baldwin. Long Island ... Swimming; Senior Sponsor '39-'40; Secretary. Artisans' Club '39-'40.

School of Household Science and Arts



School of Household Science and Arts FELDMANN. ROSLYN, CD·II, 8 Chestnut Drive, Great Neck, Long Island ... Basketball; Baseball; Hockey; Dramatics; Artisan Club; Horne Economics.

FORA. EDITH E.. CD-II, 6016 Pinev Branch Rd .. Washington. D. C. ... Thanksgiving Play; Alumnae Program.

FUKK. HAZEL E. , CD-II. 333 Ovington Avenue, Brooklvn. New York ... Hockey Team '38-'39; Captain Volleyball Team '39: Basketball Team '39·'40.

GAGE, HELEN, CD-II. 2 Avon Road, Bronxville, N. Y. ... Swimming '38·'39·'4,0; Artisans Club '38·'39-'40; Home Economics Club '38·'39-'40.

GALLAGHER, JAKE. CD-II. ] 01 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn. New York.

GILBERT, LCCILE, CD-II , 222 Gaskill Street. Woonsocket, Rhode Island ... Tap Club; Volleyball; Artisans; Home Economics.

GRAHAM, DOROTHY, CD-II , 225 Larch Avenue, Teaneck, New Jersey ... Basketball, Volley· ball; Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club.

GRIFFITH, GERTRUDE, CD-II, 34 Westcott St .. East Orange, New Jersey ... Modern Dancing; Swimming; Fencing; Horseback Riding; Pratt Play Shop.

HEBELER, DORIS, CD-II, 39 Maple Avenue. Park Ridge, New Jersey ... Hockey '39; Baseball '39; Basketball '39·'40; Life Saving '40.

HOOVER, BETTE, CD-II, 205 Salem Avenue. Burlington. New Jersey ... Publicity Committee: Artisans' Club; Tap Dancing Club; Volley Ball Team; Modern Dance Club; Ring Committee.


School of Household Science and Arts HOUGHTOl\. JEAN, CD-II, 71 Bloomfield Avenue, Clifton, ::lew Jersey ... Modern Dancing: Pratt Playshop; Fencing: Horseback Riding. HOWARD, LORRAINE, CD-II, White Avenue, East Longmeadow, Massachusetts . . . S. S. S.; Freshman Party; Captain Ball '40; Swimming '39-'40; Artisans' Club '39-'40; Home Economics Club '39-'40. HUJ\l\IFORD, ANITA. CD-II, 338 Morris Avenue, Mountain Lakes. New Jersey . . . Modern Dance '39-'40; Volleyball '38-'39-'40; S.E.S.E.; Ring Committee: Captain Ball '40. JAFFE. RUTH ADELE, CD-II, 6212 80th Street, Rego Park. Long Island . . . Member of Glee Club; Friday Noon Chorus; Committee Guild; Home Economics Club. JANSSEN, MARGARET, CD-II, 42-14 Forley Street, Elmhurst, Long Island ... Women's Club Rep. '39; Swimming '38; Volley Ball Team '38'39; Captain of Captain Ball Team '40.

LESKO, MARGARET ANN, CD-II, 78 Glenwood Avenue, Binghamton, New York __ . Artisans' Club '38-'39; Home Economics '38-'39; Modern Dancing '39; Fencing '38-'39; Vice-President '38; Volleyball '39; Baseball '39. LEWIS, DOROTHY, CD-II, 313 Park Street, Westfield, J\ew Jersey ... Senior Sponsor '39; Horseback Riding Club '38; Artisans' Club '38'39; Ring and Pin Committee '39; Prattonia Representative '39; Field Day Committee '40; Thanksgiving Day Play '39; Christmas Play '38; Home Economics Club '38-'39. LIEBENTHAL, RUTH RAE, CD-II. 603 Beach Street, Orange, New Jersey _ .. Gym Club; Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club. LIOTTA, MARION DELORES, CD-II, 391 Fairmount Ave .. Newark. N. J. ... Modern Dancing '39-'40; Fencing '39: Swimming '39; Hockey '40: Exhibition '39-'40. McKEAN. JOk\. CD-II, 1862 East 27th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Home Economics Club; Get-to-Gether Club; Artisans' Club.

ROSENBERG, RUTH, CD-II, 719 19th Street, Beaver Falls- Pennsylvania ... Hockey '38-'39; Basketball '40; Exhibition for Gym '40; Softball '39; Ring and Pin Committee.

SCHLOSSMAN, HAZEL D., CD-II, 333 Fairview Avenue, Westwood, New Jersey ... Hockey Team '39-'40; Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club; Program Committee.

RUSSELL, MARY V., CD-II, 161 Thompson St., Poughkeepsie, New York ... Ring Committee.

SHELTON, MARY P., CD-II, 415 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, New York . . . Volley Ball '39-'40; Baseball '39; Fencing '39-'40.

SAITTA, JOSEPHINE FRANCES, CD-II, 465 Central Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... Basketball Club; Artisans' Club.

SANDLER, NAOMI ISABEL, CD-II, 2437 65th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Home Economics Club; Artisans' Club.

SATOSKY, HELEN MURIEL, CD-II, 1057 East 23rd Street, Brooklyn, New York .. _ Basketball Club; Artisans' Club.

SLANGER, EDITH L., CD-II 2036 82nd St., Brooklyn, New York ... Home Economics Club; Artisans' Club.

STERENBERG, RUTH NADIA, CD-II, 825 Blake Avenue, Brooklyn, New York _ . . Basketball Team; Baseball Team; Hockey Team.

SWANSON, H. MILDRED, CD-II, 875 68th St., Brooklyn, New York ... Volley Ball '39.

School of Household Science and Arts


MAMELITZ, BESSIE. CD·II, 35-17 24lh Avenue, Asloria, Long Island ... Secretary of CD-III; Home Economics Club; Altisan . Club; Volley Ball '39-'40; Basketball '40. MURRAY, ROBERTA STUART, CD-II, 2122 E. 38lh Street. Brooklyn. New York ... Class Treasurer '39-'40; Swimming '39-'40; Fencing '39; Life Saving, '39; Modern Dancing '40; Home Economics Club; Artisans' Club; Christmas Play; .Thanksgiving Play; Freshman Party Committee. l\OBLE, GRACE, CD-II, 298 Burnside Avenue, East Hartford, Connecticut ... Class President '40; Vice-President Get·to-Gelher Club '40; Student Council '40; Senior Sponsor '40; Freshman Party Committee; Gym Exhibition '39-'40; Fash· ion Show '39; Swimming Team '39; Life Saving '39; Field Hockey Team '40; Basketball '39-'40. OBST, LUCILE RUTH, CD·II, 3 Beech Court, College Point, New York . . . Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club; Woman's Club. PA GMAN, 1ELLIE R., CD·II, Jewett, New York ... S.E.S.E. Committee '40.

PELCHAT. YVETTE. CD·II, Cait IIouse, Con· cord, N. H .... Home Economics Club; Artisans; Pratlonia Represenlative: Baseball '39; Volley Ball '39. PILLAU, OLGA. CD-II, Stafford Spring, Conn. Soflball '39; Hockey '39; Basketball '40; Modern Dance Class '40. PLOTKIN, ROSE, CD-II, 137 Goodwin Avenue, Newark, New Jersey ... Hockey '38-'39; Base· ball '39; Basketball '40; Student Education for Seeking Employment; Home Economics Club; Artisans' Club; Ring and Pin Committee.

REISERT, LAURETTA, CD.II, 93 Franklin Ave· nue. Lynbrook, N. Y. ... Volley Ball '39-'40; Basketball; Artisans Club. ROSE, VIRGI -lA, CD·II, 104 Denhoff Avenue, Freeport, Long Island . . . Swimming; Basket· ball; Artisans' Club.

School of Household Science and Arts



School of Household Science and Arts TREMPER, CORA E., CD-II. 278 Jorth Street, Middletown, New York ... Swimming '39; Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club; Literary Editor of Prattonia.

WOLLNEY_ GRACE A._ CD-II. 26 Burnett Terrace, Maplewood, New Jersey ... Baseball Team '39; Hockey; Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club.

VAN HORN, A. BARBARA, CD-II, Hope, New Jersey ... S.E.S.E.; Vice-President CD-II; Softball '39; Hockey '39; Modern Dancing; Swimming '38; Artisans' Club; Home Economics Club. VA RIPER, PATRICIA M._ CD-II, 696 Third Avenue, West Haven, Connecticut ... Vice President, Artisans '39; Vice President. Home Economics; S.E.S.E. Committee. WEBBER, EDITH, CD-II. 31 Fairview Avenue. Westwood, N. J. ... Social Chairman of Artisans' Club; Secretary-Treasurer of class; Fencing. WHITFORD, BEVERLY lEA , CD-II, 942 Summer Street, Stamford, Connecticut ... Home Economics Club; Artisans' Club; Modern Dancing Club; Friday Noon Glee Club.

ZANKOWICH, ALEXANDRIA, CD-II. 234 Metropolitan Avenue. Brooklyn, New York ... Home Economics Club, Artisans' Club: Glee Club: Friday Noon Chorus.


JESSUP, HELEN, CD-II, Aneramdale, ell' York ... Treas. Artisans, Hockey Team '39: Basketball.







1\ Dil l \ \


:\hlll ,COLO




Pres;路dent /';ce路Pres. Secrelary Treasurer

School of Household Science and Arts C O S'J'UME DESIGN 3 N such a day as only September can serve-crisp edges and


warm center-there entered the portals of Pratt Institute a

timid yet hopeful group of miscellaneous girls and John- John really should have special mention because he has withstood the rigors of being the one man in a not too small class of girls-ready to launch out on a Designing career.

It is pleasant to look back over the past three "winged" yearsFashion Shows, Museums, Economics, English, Textiles, Sketching, Modern Dan ce, Life. Psychology. Volley Ball, Basketball, Hockey. Yes. our first and second terms were \\路onderfully worth while, but what a termendous chance for improvement. We hadn't realized that so much could be crowded into this seemingly short third term. With the rounding up of the last year comes the realization of how our unripened opinions grew into substantial certainties under the capable, patient guidance of our fa culty. "We," as the graduating students have come a long way since we first timidly faced the stares of the older students. However, we realize that we must kcep acquiring knowledge in the future and look forward with courage and hope.

BARNES, DOROTHY, CD-III, 32 Schuyler Avenue, Rockville Centre, Long Island __ . Modern Dancing '39.

CUDDEBACK, JOHN, CD-III, 129 Howell St., Canandaigua, ew York ... Class Treasurer '39; Fencing '38; Soccer '38.

BRIDGES, BETSEY, CD-III, 475 Grand Avenue, Leonia, New York ... Vice President Class '39; Treasurer Home Economics Club '40; S.E.S.E. Committee; Volleyball '39; Swimming '39.

BROZYNIAK, JENNIE, CD-III, 328 York St .. Jersey City, New Jersey ... President of Artisans' Club; Basketball '38-'39; Swimming -38-'39.

DeFIGLIO, ROSE A., CD-III, 7 Duane Street, Poughkeepsie, New York . . . Home Economic Representative '38; Volleyball '37-'38-'39; Woman's Club Representative '40; Basketball '38; Fencing '39.

CLAUDIO, K. BEATRICE, CD-III, Maine Street, Greenport, Long Island.

CORRADETTI, ADRIAl\A, CD-III, 93 Florida Street- Long Beach, New York ... Modern Dancing; Treasurer '40.

DEROSIA- GLADYS, CD-III, 62 Jennings Avenue, Dalton_ Massachusetts ... Secretary of CDII '39: Basketball '39: Swimming '38-'39.

School of Household Science and Arts


FADDIS, RUTH, CD-III. 310 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn_ 1\e\\ Y ork_

FEINGOLD, RUTH, CD-III. 101 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn, New York

GUTCKUNST_ EVELYN, M., CD-III, 214 Potter Avenue, Staten Island. New York ... Basketball '38-'39; Volleyball '38-'39; Friday Noon Chorus; Glee Club.

HARVEY. ADELE. CD-UI. 22 Riverdale Avenue, Port Chester. New York . . . Volley Ball '39; Basketball '39.

JEHA. SELWA, CD-III. llO Remsen St.. Brooklyn. New York.

LElJZZI , DOMEl\ICA c.. CD-III, 52 92nd St., Brooklyn, 'ew York ... Basketball '38-'39; Secretary CD-III '39-'40; Pratt Glee Club: Swimming '38-'39.

MAYRSOHl\, HELEN ANNE, CD-III, 1720 E. 18th Street, Brooklyn. New York ... Basketball; Swimming; Friday Noon Chorus.

MERINGOLO. LORETTA. CD-III, 8802 79th Avenue, Glendale. Long Island . . . Basketball '39; Vice-President. CD-III '40.

REBHU _ EVELYN. CD-III, 1030 Park Place. Brooklyn. New York ... Glee Club; Friday Noon Chorus; Basketball.

SANTURO, CAROLINE, A. CARRIE, CD-III, 12 Crofut Place. Danbury, Connecticut ... Basketball '38; Volleyball '39; Modern Dance '40: Friday l\oon Chorus; Glee Club.

School of Household Science and Arts



School of Household Science and Arts SCHl\EIDER, POROTHY E., CD-III, 2500 Poplar Street. Bronx, New York ... Basketball '38, '39; Volleyball '38, '39.

SHORE, PAULETTE, CD-III. 2210 Goodnor Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio . . . Prattonia Representative '40; Women's Club Representative '39; Swimming -39.

UHER_ VIRGINIA, CD-III. 2608 Eaton Road_ University Heights, Ohio . . . Life Saving '38, '39, '40.

NELSON, RUTH E. l\'ELLY, CD-III. 35 Simeon Avenue, Campello_ Massachusetts ... President CD-IV; Prattonia Representative; S.E.S.E. Committee.

I-IEARD BUT NOT SEEN SLOWEY, RITA, CD-III, 25 Amherst Street, Holyoke, Massachusetts ... Class President '39, '40; Vice-President Student Council '40; Chairman of Award Committee; Senior Prom Committee; Swimming '38, '39; Volley Ball '39.

DANNER, RUBY. CD-III, Beaufort, So. Carolina.




E. GuILD President L. DIEHL Vice-President HALL


Secrelary Treasurer

School of Household

S(~ ien c e

and Arts



EQUEATHED with silver spoons of luck in being the first dietetics


class to serve its full time under the direction of Miss Rock, we

claim a special position on the pathway of passing dietitians. We

justly claim the title of being most industrious, ambitious, and cooperative. Much of this our Directress has given us. Neither our parties nor ollr sense of humor will be forgotten soon_ 1\0 two days have been alike in their rare enjoyment. We shall always remember the all night trip to markets, with the lagging feet and shaking hands of the following school day, the spontaneous, gay party given our seniors, Ruthie Thompson trying to carry Madame X, the skeleton, our eventful summer training, Florence Williams' request for water after her demonstration, Geraldine DeMauro's amazing synthesis on her Chemistry final, Margery Cree's resolution not to break any more test tubes, the trip to Hawaii given to the juniors, our nutrition playlets, teas, and foreign dinners, the prom and all too suddenly graduation. Crossing the brink with the final step of graduation we go with the knowledge that we have balanced hard work and play, and our reward lies in the feeling of well being that we have given as well as taken of Pratt and the traditions of Pratt have been rich in their fulfillment.

ALBRECHT. LOIS. D·lI, 84 Bedford Avenue. Merrick, 1. 1., N. Y. . . . Entertainment Comm. '40; Freshman Tea Comm. '40. ANFUSO, MARIAN. D·n. 31 Suydam Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.... Fencing '39; Christmas Play '39; Freshman Tea Comm. '40. AZZARA, VINCENTA, D.n, 870 New York Ave· nue, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . Fencing '39; Xmas Play '39; Freshman Tea Comm. '40. BARBER. EUNICE WELLES, D·n, 154 Steele Road, West Hartford. Conn . . . . Fencing '39; Hockey '39; Field Day Comm. '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Eco. Club '39, '40; Christmas Play '39; Chairman & Reception Comm.; Fare· well Tea '40. BARNES, DOROTHEA. D.n, 149 92nd Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. ... Swimming '39; Volley Ball '40; Modern Dancing '40; S.E.S.E. '40: Dietetics Club '39. '40; Home Eco. Club. '39. '40.

BARTLETT. AGDA S. (Mrs.), D·lI, 160 Colum· bia Heights, Brooklyn, . Y. ... Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Eco. Club '39, '40.

BERGERON. CECELIA A., D·n, 60 Chicago Ave., Groton , Conn . . . . Dietetics Club; Home Economics Club.

BONlEL. VIVIAN. D·n. 249 E. 37th St., Brook· lyn. I . Y. ... Volley Ball '39. '40.

BRAIDEN. JEAl\NETTE M., D.n, 37 Watson Place. Tslip. Long Island . . . Modern Dancing '40; S.E.S.E. Committee '40.

BROWk DENA. D·n. 1025 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, N. Y . . . . Volley Ball '39, '40; Glee Club '40; Entertainment Committee. Freshman Tea '39.

School of Household Science and Arts


CLARK, CAROL. D·II. 639 West 32nd St., Los Angeles, California . . . President, D·I Class; President, Home Economics Club '40; Student Council '39: President's Cabinet '40; Frida) Noon Chorus '40: Volleyball Team '39; Swimming Pool Commillee '39.

CLCCI, MARIE, D·lI, 536 Gregory Ave., PassaiC', 1\". J.... Prattonia Rep. '39; Sec. Dietetics Club '40; Production Manager, Praltonia; Home Economics '39, '40; Freshmen Tea '39; Student Counselor '40.

COOK, ELEANOR BRADFORD, D·IL 303 Ma· pIe Slreet, New Bedford. Massachusetts ... Vice· President, Dietetics Club '39. '40; Chairman Pro· gram Committee of Dietetics Club '39, '40: Com· mittee for Senior Party '40; D·I Volley Ball Team '39.

CUMMU\GS, EILEEN, D·II, 39·70 52nd St., Sunnyside, Long Island ... Treasurer Dietetics I '39; Swimming Meet '39. DACHTS. IRENE, D.lI, 1938 Ocean Parkway, Brookl)n, \few York ... Fencing Club '39, '40.

CRAW, HAZEL FRANCES. D·lI, South River Street, Coxsackie, N. Y. ... G) m Meet '39; Vol· ley Ball '39; Baseball '39; Faculty Tea Com· mittee '40.

DAl\JEL. MARCELLA, D.II, 92·29 175th Street. Jamaica, Long Island ... Volley Ball '39; Dietet· ics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

CRAWFORD, LYDIA M .. D·II, 618 East 21st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ... Swimming Team '39; Fencing '39; Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40. CREE, MARGERY J.. D·lI. Colebrook, ew Hampshire . . . Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39. '40.

DE MAURO, GERALDINE, D·lI. 48 Rich Ave· nue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.... Vice President '39; Social Editor Prattonia '40; S.E.S.E.; Hockey '40; Student Counselor, Farewell Tea '40; Fresh· men Party '40; Senior Party '40; Dietetics Club; Nutrition Play '40; Home Economics Club; Handbook Committee '39.

School of Household Science and Arts


School of Household Science and Arts DIEHL, DOROTHY, D-II, 60-38 83rd St., Elmhurst, Long Island ... Class Secretary '39; Class Vice President '40; Assoc. Editor, "Prattler" '40. DRUCKER, HELENE, D-II, 92-07 195th Place, Hollis Long Island . .. Farewell Tea; Decoration Committee. ELDREDGE, HELEN, D-II, 3 Pine Lane, Rye, New York ... Volleyball '38, '39; Prattler '40; Student Counselor '40; Nutrition Play '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40. ERICKSON, VIVIAN, D-II, 116-50 218th Street, St. Albans, New York ... Hockey '38; Dietetics Clubs '39, '40; Home Economics Clubs '39, '40. EVERDELL, CLAIRE, D-II, 294 Crescent Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . Hostess of Xmas Party; Ticket Committee, Home Economics Dance '40. FAHEY, AMIE, D-II, 24-12 21st Avenue, Astoria, L. 1. ... Friday Noon Chorus '39; Swimming '39; Fencing '39.

FLAX, DORIS, D-II, 7924 68th Avenue, Middle Village, Queens, N. Y .... Softball '39; Hockey Team '39, '40; Girls Sports Editor, Prattler '40.

GARFINKEL, HARRIET, D-II, 55 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. .. _ Swimming '39; Volleyball '39; Cheerleading Squad '39. GARITY, JANE, D-II, 9446 115th Street, Richmond Hill, Long Island ... Chairman of Decoration for Farewell Tea; S.E.5.E.; Swimming '39; Captain of Captain Ball Team '39; Basketball '39. GUILD, VIRGINIA, D-II, 289 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . President D-II's; Student Council '40; President's Cabinet '40; Student Sponsor '40; Senior Prom Committee '40; Committee Chairman, D-II Party '40; Committee Chairman, Faculty Farewell '40; Chairman, Women's Club Dinner '40; Committee Chairman, Nutrition Play '40; Christmas Play '39, '40; Program Chairman of Field Day, 40.


School of Household Science and Arts HAGGERTY, ROSE. H.. D.II, 883 Broadway, Bayonne, N. 1- . .. BasebalL Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39. '40. HALL, ELLEN GRACE. D.II, Myrtle Avenue, Haworth, New Jersey ... Secretary Diet II's '39, '40; Student Sponsor '39. '40; Swimming Meet '39, '40; Chairman, Invitation Committee of Sr.· Fresh Party and Faculty Tea; Friday noon Chorus '39, '40; Christmas Program. HAVENS. M. ELINOR, D·II, Westhampton Beach, 1. I.. N. Y.... Hockey '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39. '40: Horne Economics Club '39. '40.

HILDEBRANDT, CHARLOTTE, D·II, 122·18 25th Avenue, College Point. New York ... Hock· ey '39. '40; Chairman of Social Committee '40; Nutrition Play '40; Dietetics '39. '40; Home Economics Clubs '39. '40. HOFFMANN, PATRICIA E., D.II, Hankins, SuI· livan County, New York ... Women's Club Rep. '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40: Home Economics Club '39. '40. HUSOl\, ETHEL V., D·ll, Valatie, New York . . . Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

HEIl\E, ANNA. M., D.H, 42 Caswell Avenue, West New Brighton, Staten Island, New York ... Swimming '39; Fencing '40; Social Dancing '39; Hockey '39; Glee Club '40.

IRELAND. ANNE HADEN, D.II, 176 Wright Avenue. Malverne. Long Island ... Hockey '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40.

HENKEK, CATHERINE. D·II, Vincentown, N. J .... Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

JOHNSON, EVA, D·II. 30 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, New York ... D·III Rep. of Womens' Club.

JUDD, MARGARET R, D-ll, 27 Woodcrest Avenue, White Plains, New York ___ Hockey '38, '39; Baseball '39; Glee Club '40_ KAPPLEMA l, DOROTHY MAE, D-ll, 32 Kelvin Street, Forest Hills, Long Island ... "Prattler" '40. KELLY, DOROTHY, D-ll, 323 Washington Avenue, West Haven, Connecticut ... Baseball '39, '40; Home Economics Clubs '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40. KELLY, JACQUELINE R., D-ll, 616 East Third Avenue, Roselle, New Jersey ... H. S. & A. Glee Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39. '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40.

KING, MARJORIE, D-ll, 51 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, New York ... Volley Ball Team '39; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

Kl\OPP, GERTRUDE, D-ll, 38 Seely Place, Scarsdale, lew York ___ Secretary of Home Economics Club; Capt_ Basketball Club '39, '40; Hockey Team '3B- '39; Baseball; Chairman Refreshment of Farewell Tea; Invitation Committee of Junior Tea; Chairman of Handbook Committee_ KOEHLER, ISABELLE, D-ll, 490 Amsterdam Avenue, ew York, New York ... Prattler Staff '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40_ KOOS, ALMA, D-ll, 618 Fulton Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey ... Friday oon Chorus '39; Volley Ball Team '39, '40. KUPERSMITH_ BETTY, D-ll, 563 5th Street, Brooklyn, New York . . . Friday Noon Chorus '39; Basketball Club '39; Volleyball Team '39, '40. LEVINE, RUTH, D-ll, 76 orwood Avenue, Stapleton, Staten Island . . . Volley Ball Team '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39. '40.

School of Household Science and Arts


MACAVOY, HELEN, D-ll, II Boyce SLreet, Beacon.l\ew York ... Swimming '39, '40; Home Economics '39, '40; DieLetics Club '39, '40_

MEGSON, SHIRLEY, D-ll, 250 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

McCARTHY. FLORENCE, D-ll, 1435 University Avenue, lew York, ew York ... Volleyball '39; Baseball '39; Prattler SLaff '40; Comm. Farewell Tea '40; Seniors' Party '39; Juniors' Party'40.

MILES, HELEN, D-II , 61 Rosedale Avenue, Freeport, Long Island . . . Home Economics Club; Dietetics Club; Tap Dancing Club '39; Fencing Club '40; Social Dancing '39.

McMILLAN, E. BERNICE, D-ll, 121/2 Mountainville Avenue, Danbury, Connecticut ... Fenc路 ing '39, '40; Home Economics Club; Dietetics Club '39, '40.

NISSEN, SHIRLEY, D-ll, Elizabeth Court, Maywood, New Jersey ... Hockey '39, '40; Baseball '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club.

MARKOE, ESTELA C., D-ll, 29ll Dudley Ave路 nue, Bronx, New York City . . . Entertainment staff of Alumni and Student Teas '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

OLSE , DOROTHY M., D-ll, 240 Myrtle Avenue, West Brighton, Staten Island . . . Hockey '40; Basketball '39; Baseball '39; Fencing '39.

MAYLATH, ELEANOR, D-ll, 342 Palisade Avenue, Cliffside Pk., New Jersey ... Hockey '39, '40; Basketball '39, '40; Baseball '39; Freshman Party Committee '40.

SCHEUBNER, MARIAN, D-ll, 48 N. Main Street, Essex, Connecticut ... Hockey '39, '40; Basketball '39, '40; Baseball '39; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39.

School of Household Science and Arts



School of Household Science and Arts SCHIEFERSTEIN, RUTH DIANE, D-ll, Raritan Valley Farms, Somerville, New Jersey Basketball Team '39, '40; Baseball Team '39; Hockey Team '39, '40_ SCHLEIFER, GERTRUDE, D-ll, Box 23, Ellenville, New York __ . Dancing Club '38, '40; S. E. S_ E. Committee '40. SCHROEDER, VIOLA, D-ll, 30 Jefferson SL, Brooklyn, New York ___ President of Dietetics Club '40; Fencing Club '40; Swimming '39; Hostess D-ll Party; Student Sponsor '40; Member of President's Cabinet '40. SCHWEERS, JOAN, D-ll , 285 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, New York . . . Class Treasurer '40; Fencing Club '40; Hockey' Team '39, '40; Social Chairman '39; Publicity Chairman, Dietetics Club '40; Gym Club '39, '40. SEILER_ LILUAl\, D-lI, 344 W. 72nd Street, New York City.

SENTER, EVELYN, D-ll, 3815 Cypress Avenue, Seagate, New York ___ Modern Dance '40; Swimming '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39; Senior Faculty Tea; Committee Chairman '40_

SHAPIRO, JEANNE, D-ll, 1069 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, New York . . . Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

SHAPIRO_ YETTA, D-ll_ 677 Lafayette Avenue, Brookl)n,l\ew York ... Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

SHERWOOD, HELEN, D-ll, 149-37 21st Avenue, \Vhitestone_ Jew York ... Swimming Team '39.

SMITH, MARGARET H., D-ll, 23 Liberty Street, Walton, New York ... Hockey '39, '40; Fencing '39, '40; Volley Ball '38, '39,

School of Household Science and Arts SNYDER, ELAINE, D-ll, 408 West 263rd Street, Riverdale, New York ___ Swimming 1939; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics '39, '40; Modern Dancing '40_ SPIELBERG, KATE, D-ll, 1481 Shakespeare Avenue, Bronx, New York ___ Volleyball '39, '40; Friday Noon Chorus '40_ SZALA, ANNE, D-ll, 205 Broad Street, New Britain, Connecticut ___ Fencing '40_ THOMSON, ELAINE MAE, D-ll, 8421 88th Street, Woodhaven, Long Island ___ Tap Dancing Club '39, '40; Swimming '39; Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40_ THOMSON, RUTH E., D-ll, 221-34 Hartland Avenue, Queens Village, New York ___ Friday Noon Chorus; Treasurer, Dietetics Club '40; Swimming and Fencing Clubs_ TICHENOR" JOSEPHINE, D-ll, 45 Trinity Terrace, Springfield, Massachusetts ___ S_ESE. '40; Faculty Tea '40_

TREHER, ELEANOR, D-ll, 4 James Street. Gloversville, New York ___ Swimming '39, '40; Fencing '39; Friday Noon Chorus '39, '40; Refreshment Committee '40; Xmas Party; Entertainment Committee '40; Hostess Dietetics Club Tea '40; Faculty Tea Refreshment Committee '40_ VEHSLAGE, ALMA F_, D-ll, 96 Mackey Avenue, Port Washington, Long Island ___ Gym Club '40; Friday Noon Chorus '39, '40; Swimming '40; Senior Sponsor '40; Fencing '39; Faculty Tea, Social Committee '40; D-ll Christmas Party, Entertainment '40_ WALTHER, JANET, D-ll, 432 Wellington Rd_, Mineola, Long Island, New York ___ Committee Member, Junior & Senior Party '39; Swimming Meet '39; Committee Chairman, Christmas Party '39; Friday Noon Chonu; '39_ WARD, BARBARA WINSTON, D-ll, 7101 Colonial Road, Brooklyn, New York ___ Committee Member: Junior & Senior Party '39; Christmas Party '39, Valentine Party '40; Member Friday Noon Chorus '39, '40; Christmas Play '39_

WILKINS, OLIVE LIBERTY, D-ll R. F. D. No. 2, Westport, Connecticut . . . Home Economics Club '39, '40; Captain Ball '39, '40; Hockey '39_ '40; Chairman Refreshments Dietetics Club '40; Chairman Womens' Club Dinner '39; Dietetics Club '39, '40. WILLIAMS, FLORENCE, D-II, 1557 E. 27th Street, New York ... Chairman, Foreign Dinner Committee '40; Chairman, Entertainment Committee '40; Friday Noon Chorus '40. WOODRUFF, CAROL CROSBY, D-II, Guilford, Connecticut. __ Swimming '39; Captain Ball '39, '40; Entertainment Committee '39, '40. WRIGHT, MARTHA, D-II, Rhinebeck, New York ... Dietetics Club -40; Home Economics Club '40. YONUSH, VILYA D., D-II, 53 Washington Avenue, Scotia, New York .. _ S. E. S. E. Committee '40; Friday Noon Chorus '40; Prattonia Representative '40; Basketball & Hockey '39, '40.

HEARD BUT NOT SEEN BENEKE, VIRGINIA R., D-lI, Special, 270 West 25th Street, New York City ... Hockey '37; Volley Ball '37, '38. CARSTENS, MARTHA, D-lI, Special, 173-19 113th Avenue, St. Albans, New York. FRISCH, PEARL, D-lI, Special, 1993 East 5th Street, Brooklyn, ew York. KLEIN, EVELYN, D-lI, Special, 202 West 92nd Street, New York City __ . S. E. S. E. Committee '40; Friday Noon Chorus '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Secretary D-III '40; Chairman Foreign Dinners '39; Financial Committee '39. URSHAN, ESTHER, D-lI, Special, 2406 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New York ... Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

School of Household Science and Arts








Vice路 President





Rl' TH


School of Household Science and Arts DIETETICS 3 ARRIAGE BL'REAU? No sir, this is the rudimentary backbone of 39's


Dlrs. We are the floundering co-eds who have harangued every college and considered eyery career. and remain undecided. Firm believers in the status quo and the sine qua lion of our placid natures, we cling to the accus-

lomed shelter of our alma mater. Amazons of fortitude we! Despite setbacks in the forms of appendectomies. C\

stitus. laq ngitis, enterititus and distemper, \ve staggered on_ just like time

and equall) as determined. Perhaps Bettie. our authority on Shakespeare. can lhink of some quotation which will be appropriate here. Remember Fran Lewis' concern for the Prat/ler or Gail's verbal acceptance of the post of chairman for the SSOAPY (Society for the Social Organization of All Pratt Youghs- Yoicks! )? And whal about Helen Houseman's bouts in Physics? Can Muriel maintain her high ideals of perfection in the cold. cruel world? Imagine Martha being the first to be married! All of which brings us to Beatty Hume's prize-taking "So what?"


School of Household Science and Arts BLOCK, RUTH ERNESTINE, D-III, 2600 University Avenue, Bronx, New York _ . _ Class Treasurer.

CASTOR, PHYLLIS, D-III, 1407 Dean Street, Brooklyn, New York.

CLARK, DOROTHY J. , D-III, 35 Grant Avenue_ Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island_

ELLENWOOD, JANE, D-III , 1422 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn, New York ... Prattonia Representative.

HOUSEMAN, HELEN L., D-III, 42 Colonial Avenue, Warwick, New York ... President D-lII.

HUME, BEATRICE, D-III, 1520 Union Street, Brooklyn, New York.

LEWIS, FRANCES E., D-III , 266 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, New York . . . Production Staff, "Prattler" '40.

MASURA, STEPHANIE, D-III, 1500 Hoe Avenue, Bronx, New York ... Volley Ball '38; Baseball '38, '39.

NESBITT, GAIL, D-III, 253 Washin gton Avenue, Brooklyn, New York .. . Tap Dance '38; Volley Ball '38; Baseball '39; Vice-President '40.

NEYELS, BETTIE, D-III, 258 Sargeant Street, Hartford , Connecticut ... Class Secretary Fencin g '38_ '39; Swimming '39.


School of Household Science and Arts ROUGHSEDGE, MURIEL, D-III, 236 North Central Ave., Ramsey, New Jersey.

CORALNIK, SAM, D-IV, 220 W_ 107th St., New York, New York.

FELDMAN, SHIRLEY F., D-IV, 822 Paulding St., Peekskill, N. Y.

HOFFMAN, LUCILLE R., D-TV, Special, 226 Boerum Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Treasurer D-IV; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics Club '39, '40.

PLOTKIN, SYLVIA, D-IV, 965- 53rd Streel New York City ... Prattonia Representative '4(

STENGLE, ERNA, D-IV, 832 Edison Avenue, New York, New York . . . President of D-IV; Dietetics Club '39, '40; Home Economics '39, '40.



B. A.


President Vice-President





Sercetary Treasurer

School of Household Science and Arts DRESSMAKING E well remember the first day we entered Pratt last September-


some of us with no knowledge of sewing or dressmaking-others

handicapped by the belief they knew something of this elusive art. We soon learned that "Dressmaking" as taught at Pratt is more comprehensive than anything we had anticipated . Under the tutilage and inspiration of our teachers, we gradually assimilated the fundamentals of this complicated subject. The class took shape as a unit in school activities with the election of officers. The Dressmakers this year took pride in their diversified activities- both social and athletic. The outstanding social event of the season being a tea held at the Women's Club to welcome to these portals the new Dressmakers who entered in January_ The entertainment committee provided amusing games with the added incentive of beautiful prizes to the winners. Refreshments were served and the party was a very memorable occasion. Our athletes proved their prowess in swimming, basketball, volley ball and fencing. The Women's Club party and the field trips to the museums in New York stand out as high lights. As this school year draws to a close, we renect the multitude of things we have learned. Although we may not be Schiaparellis, we will always remember Pratt.

ADAMS. DORI A .. Dre,,~ .. 2C>O Hudson A\enue, Englewood, ew Jerse~ . . . Modern Dancing; Swimming: S.E.S.E.: Cla~s Secretar).

Bl SCEI\II. \ \ T01\ ETTE, Dress., 62 :vIenahan Street, Brookl) n. \e\\ \ ork . . . Get Tog€'ther Club: Swimming M€'ct.

DRLCkLIEB. HELE\. Dress .. 12 Hempstead henue. Rocb ille Centre. Long Island ... S,lim· mingo

Fl SCO. ~I. ELLA. Dress .. 246 nion Street, Lodi. l\ew Jers€') ... SII imming.

GATROLSIS. \ ICTORI \. Dr€'ss .. 15-1. Golden Street. \orwich. Connecticut . . . Basketball; Prattler Reporter: \ olle~ ball.

GA \, H ELE:\ L., Dress., 3 Gage Stre€'t, Bellows Falls, Vermont ... Pres. of Class; Pres. of Get Together Club: S.E.S.E.; Pres. Cahinet; Field Da) Comm.: Student Council V1emher: Swim· mingo

GIBBS, L\ OJ \ \1.. Dress .. 231 Grant St., Perth '\mhOl, '\ell J('rse) ... Frida) 1\oon Club; All Prall GI€'e Club: Volle) hall.

GlTIT. HI ~ R\II\ \ \1.. Dress., 42·66 247th Street. Lillie '\eck. \ew York . . . Hockey; \Iodern Dancing: S.E.s.E.: Get Together Club: Athletic Cluh Rep.

HARRIl\GT01\. JEA1\\ E, Dre S •. 432 Oder Ave· nue. Stapleton. Staten Island.

KAMJ1\ KY. HELE,\ E 1.. Dress .. R. D. O. 5. Binghamton. '\ell" \ork ... Get Together Club: Basketball Club: S.E.S.E.: Yolleyball.

School of Household Science and Arts



School of Household Science and Arts LIBRASO, ANTONETTA M., Dress., 17 Thames Street, Brooklyn, New York . . . Get Together Club.

PRINCIPE, NIROALINA A., Dress., 16 School Street, Oyster Bay, Long Island ... Volley Ball.

MARINO, MARIE, Dress., 767 Jefferson Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... Social Dancing Club; Treasurer; Volleyball.

SIMMONS, CYNTHIA A., Dress., 540 Jersey Street, New Brighton, S. 1. ... Volley Ball.

PECK, HARRIET A., Dress., 721 Prospect Ave路 nue, Ridgefield, New Jersey ... Modern Dancing; Swimming.

STICKNEY, MABEL B., Dress., Loon Lake, ew York ... Vice-President; S.E.S.E.; Volley Ball; Modern Dancing; Get Together Club.

PETROVICH, ANNE, Dress., 676 Shelton Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut ... Swimming; Fencing; Women's Club Rep.; Get Together Club.

WICK, ALICE, Dress., 18 West Prospect Ave., Middletown, New York ... Volley Ball.

PRICE, ETHEL REVERLIA, Dress., 145 E. Essex, St. Louis, Mo .... Prattonia Rep.; Swimming.

NEWBY, JANET S., Dress., 30 Bedford St., East Orange, N. 1. ... Glee Club; Vollev Ball; Swimming; Friday Noon Chorus.


School of Household Science and Arts PETRUSKA, MARGARET J., Dress., 179 Easton Ave., New Brunswick, . J. ... Basketball '38; Social Dancing; Volleyball '38, '39.


PERKINS, RUBY M., Dressmaking, 456 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y .... Swimming; Glee Club.

ROBAVZEK, E. HELENE, Dress., 1205 East 96th St., Brooklyn, N. Y ... _ Volleyball '39.

WILKERSON, GERTRUDE, Dress., 306 W. 146th St., New York. _ . Glee Club; Volleyball; Swimming.



Vice-President A. REED Secretary RUTH A. KING MARGARET J. ROB! '>50, T reaSluer LOIS

School of Household Science and Arts HOMEMAKING



N September of last year, fifteen girls with various temperaments and aims came together to make college "bread" homemakers of

themselves. Since this product has so many purposes in this world, many ingredients must be used to insure the best possible "bread".

The first constituents on the recipe seemed unrelated, and we often wondered among ourselves whether or not our own loaf might not come out just as well if we left out one or more of the many elements. However, as they were mixed in regular order, the dough seemed strangely enough to take on a very normal appearance. At intervals during this mixing process we were subjected to various stages of leavening. One of the first was a trip to the

ew York World's

Fair where we soaked in much knowledge on subjects pertinent to our product. Other places of rising were the Williamsburg Project, the Lincoln School affiliated with Columbia University, the Pilgrim Laundry, and The Colonial Dames. As no two of us had the same background and as no two of us are planning to become the same identical type in the end, we finish our process of becoming college "bread" homemakers only to find some of our number fine yeast rolls, others fancy breads, and others pancakes.

CARLIN, MARJORIE J., Homemaking, 35 Pros· pect Park West, Brooklyn, N. Y.

McCLEES. BARBAR,<\, Homemaking, West Con· course. Brighl\\·alers. L. J. . . . Athletic Repre· sentative.

COOKSEY, BURN ITA K .. Homemaking, 721 West Main St., Lebanon. Tenn . . . . Women's Club Representati~· e.

MA, RENEE K. C. CHENG, Homemaking, 69 Queen's Rd. c., Hongkong, China.


MAAS. BETTY. Homemaking, 7119 Shore Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.

VIRGIKIA. Homemaking. 92nd St.. Elmhurst. L. I.


GORDOl\, MARIE A., Homemaking, 12 Hamil· ton Place, Garden City, L. I. . . . Social Repre· sentative.

KING, RUTH A .. Homemaking, 26 Pleasant St., Westfield, Mass . . . . Class Secretary.

REED. LOIS ARLE:\£' Homemaking, Lewiston Road. Oakfield, :\. Y.... Class Vice President; Glee Club.

ROBINSOl\, MARGARET JANE, Homemaking, 571 Coal St.. Wilkinsburg, Pa .... Class Treas· urer; Glee Club.

School of Household Science and Arts



School of Household Science and Arts STEVENS, NANCY ANN, Homemaking, Mill Lane, Bloomfield, Conn.


TAYLOR, EDYTHE G., Homemaking, 64 Whittlesey Ave., East Orange, N. 1.

SOLENSTEN, JEAN, Homemaking, 162 Westchester Ave., Crestwood, N. Y. . . . Prattonia Rep. '40.

TEETZ, BETTY, Homemaking, 103 Oakland Ave., Gloversville, N. Y. ... Class President.

WATERS, DOROTHY, Homemaking, 1250 84th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.






President Vice路President Secretary TreaSllrer

School of Household Science and Arts INSTITUTION A L M A NAGEMENT


N September 1939, our Institutional Management class met each other for the first time. We came from varied backgrounds, but with

the same view, namely, to make the most of what Pratt could give us.

Some of us succeeded and some didn't. Through the fall and winter months we lost some of our friends. By the end of January we were only 23 in number. The long, hard winter months were pleasantly interspersed with field trips. Wednesday mornings found us all over New York City, in and out of the National Biscuit Company and swarming all over the Good Housekeeping Institute. The success of our first affair, a Chinese Supper, can be accredited to good food , and lots of fun. By this time, we had spoiled our due amount of cakes, and broken our allotted number of test tubes. We knew the difference between debit and credit, and how rats would react to a low fat diet. We were old hands at capturing bacteria and dissecting fro gs. We could make perfect white sauce and no one needed to remind us to "float the flour". Then carne the wonderful Easter vacation, our field day, and soon after, graduation . Now we are full-fled ged "Institution Managers", anxious to get to work, sincerely grateful for all that Pratt has done for us.

ALLGEIER, ELEANOR, I.M., 179 Harrison Street, East Orange, New Jerse) . . . Chorus; S.E.s.E.

DURRANT, JACK, I.M. , 265 West 14th Street, Room 1212. New York City.

BAKER, ALICE, I.M., 1407 E. 1\orth Street, Galisburg, Illinois.

FEENEY, MARGARET, I.M., Ballston Lake, New York ... Friday Noon Chorus; Prattler Reporter; Playshop; Prattonia Rep.

BAKER, DORIS c., I.M., 127 Floverton Street, Rochester, New York ... Sec. I.M. Class.

GAYER, HELEN, I.M., Boston Post Road, Clin路 ton , Connecticut ... Chorus.

BUTLER, HARRIET, I.M., 30 South Union Street, Cambridge, New York ... Basketball Club.

HARING, MILDRED ANN, I.M. , 61 Florence Street, Nutley, New Jersey.

CONDIT, JANET E., I.M., 423 Everson Place, Westfield, New Jersey.

HEYDEN, DAWN, I.M., 2012 E. St. George Avenue, Linden, Jew Jersey.

School of Household Science and Arts


LIVANT, SALLY. I.M .. Stale Street. Spring ValIe). l\ew York ... Friday Noon Chorus.

STANKEVICIUS. VICTOR S.. I.M .. 405 So. Wilson Street. Waterbury, Connecticut. lJRIE, THOMAS A., I.M., 3346 Brookside Rd., Toledo, Ohio . . . Vice Pres. Class.

MARK, SHIRLEY, I.M., 581 Palisade Avenue, West New York, New Jersey.

HEARD BUT NOT SEEN EAMES, BETTY M., I.M., 42 East 9th Street, New York City . . . S.E.S.E.

l\EWBERRY, JOAN, I.M., 931 South 19th Street, Jewark, New Jersey ... President Student Coun· cil.

FEEHAN, ROBERT, I.M., Noroton Heights, Connecticut. HORMAN, DANIEL, I.M., 47·30 39th Place, Long Island City, New York.

RIESE, GLADYS, I.M., 108 Cedar Avenue, Rock· ville Centre, Long Island ... Basketball; Treas· urer of Class.

LUBAHK, SHIRLEY B., I.M., 2972 Somerton Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. SIEDEL, GERTRUDE, I.M., Woronoco, Mass· achusetts.

SPEAR, WALDO, I.M., 36 Park Avenue, Maple. wood, New Jersey.

SMITH·CUL VER, DOROTHEA. E.. I.M., 14 Duryea Place, Lynbrook. l\ew York.

School of Household Science and Arts


Dietetics I

Cooks Frolics

Cost/une Design I

Fashionably Cutting

Costume Design 1


Tick Tock Where is the Clock?


Associate Director


Instructor in Classification and Cataloging


Instructor in LiteratlU"e of Technology


Instructor in Foreign Bibliography and Literature of Technology






Instructor in Bibliography and Reference, Children' s Work and School Libraries

1. CAMPBELL Secretary


Faculty School of Library Scieote

School of Library Science LI BR ARY SCIENCE


N September 28th, 1939, twenty-eight men and women hailing from Peru to Canada and from California to Connecticut, cmbarked upon

the library science course_ We were drawn by the high regard and rich traditions of Pratt which rcmain constant in a world o[ changing values and shifting standards_ The class of 1940 claims in a modest way, to have participated in history making. We are the first class to be selectcd by Hiss Hansen; the first class to come under the new certification standards; the first class to lay the foundations o[ a book talk records librar) and unfortunately, the first class in twenty-two years to go out into a "-ar time world_ The remarkable congeniality of the group, at once apparent, has remained firm. The class has met and successively surmounted the hazards and trials of the course, aided and ably guided h) a far seeing and stimulating faculty. As a class we have been admilled to the initiate by the Graduates' reception and luncheon. encouragcd and made aware of our duties by visiting lecturers, experts in their fields. our view broadened by visiting local and distant libraries. and final!) we have been fined down b) intensive practice work. 1940 now takes its plaee in the ranks of the alumni.

BASS. MIRIA 1 E .. LibraI') School, Deer Park, Greerl\\路ich, Conn .... Class President.

BA WKER, HAZEL I., Librar) School, Baldwinsville. New York.

BROWN, LEE C. , Librar) School, 212 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn. l'\ew York ... Treasurer of Class.

CAM, EDITH CLAIRE. Library School, 401 1\ orth Main Street. Gloversville, ew York.

CURRIE. MARY AUGHERTO_ Library School, Woodstock. N. B.. Canada ... Prattonia Representative.

DI BBLE, JANE ELIZABETH, Librar) School, 17 Beecher Street, Naugatuck, Connecticut.

DUl\N_ JOHl\ W., Library School, 75 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

EARLE, A TOINETTE, Library School, Chernson . South Carolina.

EVERETT, MURIEL D., Library School. 36 Kilmer Rd .. Larchmont, New York.

FINLAY, MARIAN, Library School, 1717 Green Street. Columbia. South Carolina.

School of Library Science



School of Library Science FOLEY, KATHLEEN, Library School, 570 W. 183rd Street, New York, New York.

KALIS, ESTHER SPERLING, Library School, 5155 Brookwood Road, Kansas City, Missouri.

GOLDBERG, ISAAC, Library School, 119 Nye Avenue, Newark, New Jersey.

McMAl\MON, CATHERINE J., Library School, 717 West 177th Street, New York, New York.

GOULD, MERRIAM L., Library School, 23 Mallery Street, Corinth_ l\ew York.

O'BYRNE, ESTHER Library School, 12 Lake Shore Boulevard_ Lake Wales, Florida.

HEATWOLE, MARGARET PORTER, Library School, 3814 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Va.

PIRIE, JAMES W., Library School, 504 W. 139th Street, New York, New York.

JONES, VESTA K., Library School, 135 Warwick Street, Brooklyn, New York.

POLLARD, SARA H., Library School, 514 Twenty-first Street, Knoxville, Tennessee.


School of Library Science RAEDLE, BEULAH ANITA, Library School, 8835 79th Avenue, Glendale, Long Island. New York.

URNBAUFF. TERESA, Library School, Bell路 avista 561, Miraflores路Lima. Peru. S. A.

RITCHIE, MARGARET J., Library School, 4444 Washington Street, Gary, Indiana ... Womans' Club Representative.

VESTAL, E!\ID W., Library School, 303 6th Street. Coronado, California.

SHAHABIAN, KENNETH KARAKIN, Library School, 3042 Perry Avenue, New York, New York.

WALLER, ELIZABETH, Library School, 3031 S. E. Lambert Street, Portland, Oregon.

SUTHENLAND, PAUL, Library School, 400 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, New York Prattler. Associate Editor.

\VIGGJl\ S. EVA 1.. Library School. 1427 Coron路 ado Terrace. Los Angeles. California.


Facnlty School of Science and Technology H. RUSSELL BEATY In stn.ctor in Shop Practice OTIS BENEDICT, JR. Instructor in Shop Practice PETER R. BILLEY lnstructor in i1I echanical Technology JOHN W. BURLEY Head 0/ Department 0/ Shop Practice WILLIAM M. CALDWELL Instructor in Industrial il1anagement HUGH S. CAMERON Instructor in Mechanical Technology CLIFFORD C. CARR Course Supervisor, and Head o/Depart. ment 0/ Electrical Engineering ARTHUR A. COLLARD Instructor in Mechanical Technology

WILLIAM H. H. COWLES Head oj Department oj ,lJathem.atics and English and Entrance Examiner

EDlER A. HERTZLER Instructor in Electrical Technology

R. BURDETTE DALE Course Supervisor and Head 0/ Depart. ment 0/ Ind,.strial Management and !If echanical Engineering

HARRY C. HOSTETTER Instructor in Mathematics and English

TOD G. DIXON Course Supervisor and Head 0/ Depart路 ment 0/ Chemical Engineering, Head 0/ Department of Chemistry ALFRED W. DOLL Head 0/ Department oj Physics DONALD S. DUNCAN Instructor in Mathematics F. S. EGILSRUD Head 0/ Dept. 0/ ilIechanical Engineer. ing Laboratory FRED H. GERTZ Instructor in English R. B. HENDERSON Instru ctor in Physics

WARREN M. HOTTLE Instructor in Physics HARRY H. HOUSTON Instructor in Chemical Technology JAMES W. HUNTER Instructor in Mechanical Technology DAVID A. ISENBERG Head Instru ctor in Physical Elements Engineering CHARLES B. JONES Instru cto r in Shop Practice GILBERT F. KINNEY Instructor in Chemical Te chnology


Faculty School of Science and Technology EMERSON P. LAMBE Instructor in Physics

KENNETH QUIER Instructor in Mechanical Technology

CECIL C. TYRRELL Instructor in Mechanical Technology

RICHARD B. LENG Instfllctor in Industrial lfanagement

HARRY P. SCmTlDT Instructor in Physics

R. HERBERT WING Instructor in Chemical Technology

IRYING B. LUETH Instructor in Electrical Technology

FRANK 1. SCHWARTZ Instructor in Mechanical Technology

DONALD H. WRIGHT Instructor in Electrical Technology

NORTON W. MAcKENZIE Instructor in Mechanical Technology

CHARLES A. SHREEVE Instructor in Mechanical Technology

C. FRED GURNHAM Instructor in Chemical Technology

RALPH H. McCORMACK Instructor in Chemical Technology

ROBERT G. SlDLE Instructor in Physics

WILHELMINA K. FOULK In/ormation Clerk

HARRY P. MILLER Instructor in Electrical Technology

STEPHEN K. STIMSON Instructor in Mechanical Technology

CLAIRE V. MACRERY Business Clerk

MARK B. MOORE Instructor in AI echanical Technology

JAMES E. THOMPSON Instructor in Mathematics and English

DOROTHY 1. MOORE Director's Secretary

RICHARD E. NESBITT Instruc/or in Shop Practice

CHARLES E. TOOLE Instructor in Physics

HELEN MALCOLM Day School Clerk

A ChclI7ical


CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 4 HAT first) ear! Will we ever forget it? The Lenruth-Banker chasing Bailin, in alphabetical order- Doc_ Mantell's boutonniere freshener- the second ) ear mens' campus rules_


Back for second year. That was a dark year. We became the "Black Sheep" and saw the Industrial Lab dug full of trenches like a battlefield, and wondered what next. We were cynics then_ Came the third year! We grabbed pipe wrenches and built the Chem. Engineering Lab-found out there actually was something to Reynolds Number. "Guano" showed us a thing or three_ The Blue Room became our headquarters with Joe as the ringleader. Then Scollay Square, the battle of Long Island Sound, eating our breakfast on a forty-five degree angle. And didn't we put on the best Chern Show ever? President

There was a lot more to it than good times and gags. The things we'll want


to remember-classes, the spirit of the place-are quantities that make words








inadequate, but their value will ripen as the years go on and we find ourselves up against the stiffer problems of the world.

School of Science and Technology





NE day in September 1937, about 40 men gathered in the chemistry build-


ing_ This group was known from then on as the Industrial Chemical Engineering '40. At the first meeting we elected Al Stewart, president; Stuart

J oIly, secretary; Kurt Schaefer, treasurer; and Bob Marra, athletic representative for the next two years. The basket ball team won the reputation of being the flashiest team on the court because of their green satin uniforms. In the spring Johnny March and Iggy Johnston made the varsit) baseball team and played the next two years_ The chemicals won the interclass champion ship that year. The players from our class on the team were Tom Dalton, Carl Bisesi, Tony Anastasio, and Carl Miceli. The second year arrived with much of the social life occurring just before vacations_ In the spring Al Stewart, Kurt Schaefer, Russ Cray and Bill Schaefer smashed their way to the interclass championship_ We are now looking forward to the Chem banquet of which the boys are in charge_










President Vice-Pres.





BANKER, BERNARD R. , Ch. E. IV, 135 South Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York ... A. I. Ch. E. BJORKSTEDT, CARL WILLIAM, Ch. E. IV, 139-42 88th Rd. , Jamaica, New York ... President, Wohler Society '38; Athletic Editor "Data Board"; Interclass Basketball, Touch Football and Soccer Manager '39; Vice President '38; Treasurer '36; Secretarv '40; Basketball '36, '37, '39. COOPER, JAMES, JR., Ch. E. IV, 137 Riverside Avenue, Bristol, Connecticut ... Assistant Editor, Data Board '40; Advisory Editor, Prattler '40; Class President '40; Student Council '40; Student Board '40. D'AGOSTINO, ALFRED A., Ch. E. IV, 5617 84th Street, Elmhurst, New York ... Interclass Baseball '38, '39, '40; Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Football '39, '40; Handball '40; Data Board Reporter; A. I. Ch. E. HAMLIN, OSCAR R. , Ch. E. IV, Hampden Highlands, Maine . . . A. I. Ch. E.; Wohler Chem. Society; Basketball '37, '38, '39; Baseball '37, '38, '39; Football '38.

HEATH, DOUGLAS A., Ch. E. IV, 215-07 102nd Avenue, Bellaire, Long Island, New York . . . A. I. Ch. E.; Manager Class Basketball; Ping Pong '39. HENDRICKSON, PAUL A., Ch. E. IV, ]02 E. Melrose Street, Valley Stream, Long Island, New York ... Fencing '37, '38; Pool '39, '40; A. 1. Ch. E. LIBRIZZI , PETER J. , Ch. E. IV, 72 E. 8th Street, Clifton, New Jersey . . . President New Jersey Club '38; A. I. Ch. E. LINCOLN, ALAN T. , Street, Flushing, New '37; Class Treasurer Comm. A. I.

Ch. E. IV, 43-18 Robinson York ... Class President '39; Chairman Education Ch. E.; Football.

LOVE, GEORGE A., Ch. E. IV, 16 Witley Court, Hempstead, Long Island, New York . . . Class President '38; Class Vice President '39; Chairman Student Board '39; Pres. Student Chapter, A. I. Ch. E. '40; Chairman A. I. Ch. E. Annual Formal '39.

School of Science and Technology


MANNINO, ANTHONY]., Ch. E. IV, 1264 79th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Secretary Class '39; Educational Comm. A. 1. Ch. E.; Member A. 1. Ch. E. MOORE, JAMES A., Ch. E. IV, 49 Violet Avenue, Floral Park, Long Island, New York . _ . A.1. Ch. E.; Prattonia Rep.' 40; Basketball '37, '38, '39; Ping Pong '39; Bowling '39. NAUL, G. MARSHALL, Ch. E. IV, 367 North Avenue, Fanwood, lew Jersey ... A. I. Ch. E.; Bowling. PFISTER, WILLIAM c., Ch. E. IV, 86 Baldwin Avenue, Baldwin, Long Island, New York . _ . Swimming and Life Saving; Baseball; Bowling; A. 1. Ch. E. POPE. ALFRED H., Ch. E. IV, 175 Emerson Place. Brooklyn, New York ... Basketball; Ping Pong; Prattonia Rep. '39; Data Board Reporter; Class Vice Pres. '39_ '40; Member A. 1. Ch. E.

PRIGOTSKY, MICHAEL ]., Ch. E. IV, 57-27 64th Street, Maspeth, Long Island, New York ... A. 1. Ch. E.; Electrochemical Society '40. ROMAI\SKI, ]. ALEX, Ch. E. IV, 829 Watson Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan . . . Chairman Athletic Ass. '39, '40; Manager-in-chief, Varsity Baseball '39, '40; Treasurer Wohler Ch. Society '38, '39; Student Board '39, '40; Student Council '39, '40; Class Manager Touch Football '38, '39; Basketball '37, '38; Field Day Committee '39, '40; Orientation Day Committee. RONNAN, WILLIAM J., Ch. E. IV, 25 Highland Avenue, Metuchen, New Jersey ... A. 1. Ch. E. RUF, ALBERT J., Ch. E. IV, 209 East 53rd Street, New York, New York. _ . Swimming; A. 1. Ch. E. SCHLECK, RICHARD c., Ch. E. IV, 736 Madison Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey . . . Swimming; Bowling; Baseball; Pool; A. 1. Ch. E.

School of Science and Technology



School of Science and Technology STOLARZ, SIGMUND S., Ch. E. IV, 409 Plan路 dome Rd., Manhasset, New York ... Football; Pocket Billiards.

TEMMEL, FRANK M., Ch. E. IV, R. F. D. No.1, Nazareth, Pennsylvania ... Wohler Society, Pres. '38, '39; A. 1. Ch. E., Entertainment Comm.; Soccer; Football; Touch Football; Baseball; Bowling.

INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERIJ\G 3 ANASTASIO, ANTHONY J.. 1. Ch. E. III, 258 W. Willoughby Avenue_ Brooklyn. J\ew York ... Manager Handball '40; Basketball; Baseball; Pool Team.

BENJAMIN, LAWREJ\CE P., I. Ch. E. III, 1662 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... Basketball; Handball; Baseball; Bowling.

TEPPER, ROBERT ]., Ch. E. IV, 1899 Broad路 way, Brooklyn, New York ... A. 1. Ch. E., Sec.Treas. '39, '40.

BIR\BALM, BERJ\'ARD M., 1. eh. E. III. 169 Powell Street, Brooklyn, New York . . . Pool ; Handball; Indoor Baseball; Swimming Team.

VAJ\DER VALK, CHRISTY J., Ch. E. IV, 583 Gregory Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey ... Bowling; Photograph), A. 1. Ch. E.

BISESI. CARL H., 1. Ch. E. III, 6151 Liebig Avenue, Riverdale, New York ... Baseball; Football; Pool; Softball.


School of Science and Technology BISESI, ERKEST, 1. Ch. E. III, 6151 Liebig Ave路 nue, New York, New York ... Baseball '37, '38; Football '37, '38; Pool, Ping Pong '37, '39; Bowling '37; Handball '38, '39; Softball '37, '38.

BOHL, LESTER, 1. Ch. E. III, 289 Rock Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey . . . Baseball '37, '38; Football '37, '38, '39; Bowling '39; Pool '40; Ping Pong '37, '38, '39, '40.

RUSSELL. V. CRAY, 1. Ch. E. III, 214 Wood路 ward Street, Jersey City, New Jersey ... Basket路 ball '38; Tennis '39; Table Tennis '39; Football '39.

DALTON, THOMAS A., 1. Ch. E. III. Jackson Place, Lynbrook, New York ... Baseball '37, '38. '39. '40; Basketball; Football '39, '40; Bowling.

FAITH, DAWSON, 1. Ch. E. III, 2586 44th Street. Astoria, Long Island, New York.

FRIES. ARTHUR E., 1. Ch. E. III, 120路09 14th Avenue. College Point, Long Island, New York ... Director, A. 1. Ch. E. '38, '39; Vice Pres. A.1. Ch. E. '39, '40; Educational Comm. '39, '40. HALVORSEN, RALPH, 1. Ch. E. III, 4606 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. HARA, EDWARD P., 1. Ch. E. III, 417 Second St. West, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada . . . Class Sec. '39; Bowling '38, '39. HORELICK, AI\THONY, I. Ch. E. III, R. F. D. No.1, Easton Road, Westport, Connecticut ... Varsity Basketball '37, '40; Class Bowling '39, '40; Class Football '39; Class Reporter, Data Board '39, '40; A. 1. Ch. E. HUDA, EDWARD V., 1. Ch. E. III, 112 Edna Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut . . . Football '37, '38. '39; Basketball '38, '39; Baseball '38, '39, '40; Duck Pins '38, '39. '40; Boxing '38, '39, '40.

JOHNSTON, CHARLES M., I. Ch. E. III, 34 Cornell Avenue, W. B. Staten Island, New York ... Varsity Baseball '38, '39; Varsity Basketball '39, '40; Jr. Varsity Basketball '38; Ping Pong (Mgr. '39) '40; Bowling '38. '39; Handball '40; Pool '39.

MARRA, ROBERT J., I. Ch. E. III, 325 Arsenal Street, Watertown, New York . . . Athletic Council '38, '39, '40; Captain Chemists' Bowling Team.

JOLLY, STEWART E., I. Ch. E. III, 16 Knox Place, Staten Island, New York ... A. I. Ch. E.; Basketball '38, '39; Duck Pins '39; Soft Ball '38; Football '38, '39; Ping Pong '39, '40; Pool '39, '40; Bowling '39, '40; Baseball '39, '40; Swimming Mgr. '40.

MAYER, WILLIAM F., I. Ch. E. III, 9521 85th Street, Ozone Park, Long Island ... A. I. Ch. E.; Pool '38.

KALISH. DANIEL E., I. Ch. E. III, 83-74 Talbot Street. Kew Gardens, Long Island, New York.

MICELI. CARL D., I. Ch. E. III, 6940 61st Drive, Maspeth, .\ew York ... Basketball '38. '39, '40; Softball; Football; Basketball.

LOTTERHOS, GERALD, 1. Ch. E. III, 130-09 14th College Point, Long Island ... Basketball '39, '40; Touch Football '39, '40; Handball '40; Baseball '40; A. 1. Ch. E. '40; Boxing '39; Sec. of Wohler Society '38.

PAUL, HARRY B., I. Ch. E. III, 212 S. Pleasant Street, Watertown, New York ... A. I. Ch. E.

MARCK, JOHN. I. Ch. E. III, 49 Mackay Pl., Brooklyn. New York . . . President '39 Class; Asst. Editor Data Board; Varsity Baseball '38, '39, '40; Class Basketball; Ping Pong; Touch Football; Student Council '39.

PAVELCHAK, MICHAEL, I. Ch. E. III, 443 East 7lst Street, New York, New York ... A. I. Ch. E.; Assistant Varsity Baseball Manager '39, '40; Basketball Mgr. '38, '39. '40; Football '38, '39. '40: Handball '38. '39; Ping Pong '38, '40.

School of Science and Technology


RENART, THOMAS L., 1. Ch. E. III, 14·12 lllth Street, College Point, New York ... A. 1. Ch. E.; Basketball '38, '39, '40; Touch Football '39. '40; Interclass Pool Mgr. '40; Fencing '38, '39. RlZJCKA, JOSEPH L.. 1. Ch. E. Ill , Watson Street, East Islip, New York ... Basketball '38; Touch Football '38. '39; Paddle Tennis '38. SCHAEFER, KURT H., 1. Ch. E. III, 161 Pros· pect Avenue, Gloversville. New York .. . Class Treasurer '38. '39. 40; A. 1. Ch. E. Dance Com· mittee '38. '39; A. 1. Ch. E. Entertainment Com· mittee Chairman '40: Cheer Leader '38; Glee Club '39, '40; Prattonia Photographer '40; Class Basketball: Touch Football; Soft Ball, '38. '39. '40; Photography Club '39, Vice President '39; SCHAEFER, WILLIAM E., 1. Ch. E. III, Kings Park. New York, New York ... Member A. 1. Ch. E.; Swimming '38; Class President '40; Stu· dent Council '40; Treasurer of Student Council '40: Paddle Tennis '39; Football '39; Basketball '38. '39. '40; Baseball '40.

SMILES, F. ALBERT, 1. Ch. E. III, 60 Elmwood Ave., Union, Union Co., ew Jersey ... A. 1. Ch. E.; Sec. of '40 Class; Fencing '38; Data Board '40. STEINERT, ALFRED, 1. Ch. E. III, 14 Rundell Street, Dolgeville. New York ... A. 1. Ch. E.; Swimming '38. STEWART, ALEXANDER, 1. Ch. E. III, Laurel Hill Rd., Mountain Lakes, New Jersey ... A. 1. Ch. E.; Class President '38: Student Council '38; Class Vice·President '39; Varsity Basketball '38, '39, '40; Ping Pong '38, '39. '40; Paddle Tennis '39; Pratlonia Rep. '40; Class Basketball Coach '40. S"cLLIVAN, FRANK E., 1. Ch. E. III, 6098 Amboy Road, Prince Bay, Staten Island, New York . . . A. 1. Ch. E.; Swimming Team '38; Wrestling '38. HEARD BUT NOT SEEN GARCIA, PAUL R. A .. 1. Ch. E. III, 1246 East 40th Street, Brooklyn. New York ... Handball '38, '40; Boxing '38: Fencing '38: Mgr. Bowling '39.

School of Science and Technology



HE optional :fourth year leading to a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical En路 gineering provided the opportunity for most of us last year graduates to


"ontinue our education. The leadership and responsibility for cooperation fell upon Bud Francis who executed his duties as president with finesse. George Doxey, energetic chairman of the A.I.E.E .. lifted our branch into national prominence with a record membership. The idea for that memorable S. & T. dance at the St. George Hotel roof originated with Bill Yanarella. who cooperated with Jim Guida and the rest of the dance committee to make it a success. Amidst the perplexities of differential equations and "soap bubble analysis" not to mention the nth degree accuracy prescribed by Richardson's "toss me EMANUEL HERMAN ALA'!







here and add me there" method, we managed somehow to retain our dignity.


In the Psycho-class, we first learned of the alter ego while in Statistics we


tried hard to correlate sun-spots with the fatalities caused by mule kicks in


the Russian arm). With these memories, we face the future_ prepared to meet what lies before us.

School of Science and Technology IND UST R IAL E LECTRI CAL E N GI NEE RI N G 3

EMORIES of pleasant times, good fellows, and friendly cooperation blend to make life at its best, and we shall be able to lighten many dark days


by rem.iniscing over our days at Pratt. Mr. Carr and his basic fundamentals, Mr. Hertzler and his welcome humor, Mr. Miller and his pipe, and Mr. Wright with the political angle will always have their places in our memories. We have chased the little electron around miles of wire, peeked inside the atom for a look around, and have become well acquainted with those good old causes and effects_ We modestly acknowledge that without our chosen profession and its services to the world, things would be quite primitive. Bowling, basketball, swimming, soccer and many other sports and social contacts have enlivened our stay at Pratt, and have given rise to a lot of lively interest and competition. Speaking of lively interest and competition _.. The Art School! We mourn the death of a real friend and former classmate, Sig Sackel,




whose ready and sincere friendliness made him a host of friends among us in the short time that we knew him.








Secretary Treasllrer

ELECTRICAL E IGIl\EER1NG 4 BURRILL. DAVID M.. E. E. IV, St. John's Rectory. Pleasantville. New York ... A. 1. E. E.; Radio Club. CARLS01\, ARTHUR Y., E. E. IV. Freehold, l\ew York ... A. 1. E. E.; Debating Club; Class Treasurer '37; Book Review Editor "Data Board" '39; Baseball '37. '38, '39, '40; Basketball '37; Football '38; Duck Pins '39, '40; Ping Pong '39; Horseshoes '39, '40. CLARK. ROBERT L.. E. E. IV, 127 Vernon A ,·enue. Mount Vernon. New York ... A. 1. E. E.; Pratt Radio Club. CLARK. T. G.. E. E. IV. 98 Birch Street, Floral Park, New Yark ... A. 1. E. E.; Class Vice· Pres. '36. '37; Class Secretary '38. '39; Baseball '36, '37: Bowling '38. '39, '40. DOXEY, GEORGE A., E. E. IV. 8859 Elderts Lane. Woodhaven. Long Island ... A. 1. E. E.; Chairman of Branch and Convention '40; De· bating Club; Vice·President '39; Treasurer '40; "Data Board": Associate Editor '40: Author of Recent PO"'er Developments.

FRA CIS, EMANUEL G., E. E. IV, 285 St. Johns PI., Brookl)n, New York ... President '40; Baseball '36. '37, '38, '39; Bowling '39, '40; Soccer '36, '38; Football '39; Pool '38; Duck Pins '37; A. 1. E. E. GAG. JOSEPH B.. E.E. IV. 12 Columbus Ave· nue. Spring Valle). :\"ew York . . . Swimming Manager '39: Baseball '37. '38, '39; A.I.E.E. GUIDA. JAMES A.. E. E. IV, 206 Fenimore Avenue, E. Hempstead, New York ... A. 1. E. E.: Trustee, Radio Club; Amateur Radio Operator. W2FF.'\; Class Secretary '37; Class Treasurer '38: Class President '39; Student Board Sec.· Treas. '39: A "'ards Committee Chairman '39: Student Board Chairman '40. HAI"\SCHE. ERl\EST W.. E. E. IV. R.D. l\o. 3, :\ewhurgh. l\ew York ... Basketball '38, '39; Baseball '37. '38, '39; Softball '38; Soccer '37, '38; Touch Football '38, '39; Bowling Mgr. '39: Handball Mgr. '38, '39; Swimming '39, '40; HELAl\DER. ESKO E.. E. E. IV, Box No.3. Voluntown, Connecticut ... A. 1. E. E.; Basket· ball '38. '39. '40; Baseball '37, '38; Swimming '38. '40: Touch Football '39: Pool :'Igr. '39. '40.

School of Science and Technology



School of Science and Technology LAHTI, JOHN T., E. E. IV. 570 44th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Baseball '37, '38. '39, '40; Football '39; Pool '38, '39, '40; Handball '38, '39; Horseshoes '38, '39; A. I. E. E.

PERINI, FIORELLO ARNOLD, E. E. IV, 5 Vandom Street, New York. New York ... Baseball '38, '39; Horseshoe Pitching '39, '40; Duck Pins '40; A. I. E. E.

LAIER, WILLIAM F., E. E. IV, 257 East 238th Street, Bronx, New York ... Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Handball '38, '39; Bowling Mgr. '39; Swimming Mgr. '40; A. I. E. E.

RA WCLIFFE, CARLTON H., E. E. IV, Hampden Highlands, Maine . . . Basketball '37, '38, '39; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Football '39, '40; VicePresident '38; A. I. E. E.

ME ICHUK, WALTER, E. E. IV, 137-23 102nd Avenue, Jamaica, Long Island ... Electrical Echo Staff '38; Data Board Staff '39, '40; Prattonia Rep. '38, '39; C. A. A. Student Pilot '40; Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Baseball '37; Duckpins '39; Ping Pong '39; Cheer Leader '38. NIEBUHR, WILLIAM F., E. E. IV, 8274 89th Street, Glendale, New York ... Softball '37, '38; Handball '38, '39, '40; Foolball '38, '39; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; A. I. E. E.; Horseshoes '38, '39, '40. PEGNIM, TIMOTHY c., E. E. IV, 1032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn. New York ... Baseball '37. '39, '40.

SACK, HERMAN 0., JR., E. E. IV, 6 Louisa PI., Weehawken, New Jersey ... Basketball '36, '38, '39; Baseball '37, '39, '40; Football '38, '39: A. I. E. E.; Vice-President '40. SALERNO, VITO RICHARD, E. E. IV, 1131 39th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... A. I. E. E.; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Softball '37, '38; Football '38, '39; Handball '38, '39, '40; Basketball Mgr. '38. TIFF A Y, ALA N., E. E. IV, 260 Ryerson Street. Brooklyn, l'\ ew York ... Class Sec. Treas. '40.


School of Science and Technology TAYLOR, LOUIS M .. E. E. IV, 17 Prospect Street, Little FaIls, K ew Jersey . . . A. 1. E. E.; Soccer '36; Swimming '35; Electrical Echo '33, '36. WALKER, ALFRED c.. E. E. IV, 308 North SuIIolk Avenue, Ventnor. New Jersey ... A. 1. E. E.; Camera Club; Radio Club; Student Council: Student Board; Editor-in-Chief Prattonia '40. \AKMAN, JGLIUS V.. E. E. IV, 9 Riverview Place. Yonkers, New York . . . A. 1. E. E.; Camera Club '37, '38; Soccer '38, '39; Baskethall '39. '40; Ping Pong '38_ '39; Radio Club. YANARELLA, WILLIAl\1, D., E. E. IV, 28 Cliff Street, Beacon, New York ... A. 1. E. E.; Athletic Assoc. Pres. '39; Men's Club Pres. '39; Student Council '39; Student Board '39; Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Soccer '37, '39 Mgr.; Football '38, '39, '40; Bowling '40.

IKDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL ENGIl\EERING 3 ALBERT, GEORGE JOS., 1. E. E. III, 111 Washington Street, Merrick, Long Island, New York . .. Athletic Council; Soccer; Handball; A_ 1. E.E. BEAGAl\, WALTER J., 1. E. E. III. 10744108th Street. Ozone Park, New York ... Class President '38; Basketball Team '38, '39, '40; Swimming Team '39; Horseshoe Champs '39; A. 1. E. E. BERMA:\, RUSSELL, 1. E. E. III, 1146 East 9th Street, Brooklyn, New York .. _ A. 1. E. E.; Swimming Team; Secretary '39; Vice-Chairman, Radio Club; Football. HEARD BUT NOT SEEN HUENE, ERNEST EDWIN, 1. E. E. III, Closter Dock Road, Alpine, New Jersey ... Soccer '38, '39; Basketball '38, '39; Bowling '38, '39, '40; Baseball '39, '40; Pool '40; Playshop '40. MAYER, H. G., 1. E. E. III, 147-07 32nd Ave., Flushing, ew York _ _ . Duck Pins; Baseball '38, '39, '40; Horseshoes.

BLACK, EDWARD N., 1. E. E. III. Marcy State HospitaL Marcy, l\ew York ... Class Football; Basketball; Baseball; Horseshoes; Radio Club; Vice路Chairman of A. I. E. E.; Sec.-Treas. of A. I. E. E.; PraLlonia Rep.; Data Board.

BROWN, HAROLD F .. 1. E. E. III. 18 Winter Street, Norway Maine ... Soccer '39, '40; Touch Football '39; Bowling '40; Pool '40; Prattonia Rep.; A. I. E. E.

CASTELLI, ALBERT. I. E. E. III. First Street. Bethpage, New York ... A. I. E. E.

CASTRONOVO. ANTHONY J., I. E. E. III, 6506 Tenth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York .. . A. I. E. E.; Radio Club.

CHALLAN, MARTIN E., I. E. E. III, 146 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville. New York .. . A. I. E. E.: Photography Club.

CODISPOTI. SOLOMOI\'. I. E. E. III , 1791 New York Avenue. BrooklYll, New York . . . A. I. E. E.; Debating Society; Basketball; Ping Pong; Boxing. COH:.\. BER~"ARD, I. E. E. III. 964 44th Street. BrooklYll. New York . .. Basketball '38, '39; Swimming '38. '39; Pool '40; Basketball Mgr. '40. CORSO, RALPH W .. I. E. E. III, 1688 84th Street. Brooklyn, New York ... Class Treasurer '39; Radio Club, Treasurer; Handball '39. '40; Soccer '40. COUGHLIl\. JOSEPH P .. I. E. E. III, 8724 125th Street. Richmond Hill. Long Island . . . Boxing Instructor '38. '39. '40; Data Board (Athletic Editor '38 ) ; Prattler. Sport Columnist '40; Electrical Echo , Art Editor '38; Inter路Class Basketball; Swimming; Handball; Football. CUMMING, KENNETH J., I. E. E. III, 107-47 122nd Street. Richmond Hill. Long Island . . . Class Treasurer '38 : Class President '39; S. & T. Board '39; Student Council '39: Basketball; Football.

School of Science and Technology


ELLIS. WILSON F .. I. E. E. Ill. 1268 Pacific Street. Brooklyn. l\e\\" York ... Vice· President '39: Secretary '40.

F AL TIl\, JOH:\ W .. L E. E. Ill. 95 "'\. Clinton Avenue. Bay Shore. J\Te\\ York.

FASOLDT. C. E.. I. E. E. Ill. 1584 First Street. Rensselaer, l\ew York ... Bowling '40; Basket· ball '39: Pool '40: A. 1. E. E. '39. '40.

GOETZ. ERl\EST A .. I. E. E. III. 216 Wick off Street. Brooklyn . ;'\ew York ... Fencing Team '38, '39. '40: Manager of Electrical Handball Team '40; A. L E. E.

JONES. ARTHUR R.. I. E. E. III, 12l.l3 9th Avenue, College Point. New York ... Swimming '39: Swimming Mgr. '40; A.I.E.E. '40; Horse· shoes '40.

]ORCH. \VILLIAM. 1. E. E. III , P. O. Box 308, Cold Spring Harbor. Long Island ... Baseball '38. '39. '4.(): Basketball '38. '39, '40: Life Saving '39; Ping Pong '40; Class Vice· President '39. '40; A. I. E. E. KOCllEM, EDWARD JAMES, I. E. E. III, 1053 Eastern Avenue. Schenectady, l\ ew York . . . A. 1. E. E.; 13asketball Team '38, '39. '40; Bowl· ing '38: Prallonia Rep. '38. '39; Soccer Manager '37: Baseball '39. LEADBETTER. ROBERT B., L E. E. III, Mo· hegan Lake. \ew York ... Class Treasurer '40; A. I. E. E. MAPPLETHORPE. HARRY. L E. E. III, 3914 186th Street, Hollis, New York . .. Horseshoes; Bowling; Pool: Paddle Tennis; A. I. E. E. MOYl\IHAN. THOMAS. L E. E. III, 27 Cherry Street. Douglaston, Long Island ... Duck Pins; A. I. E. E.

School of Science and Technology



School of Science and Technology PIEl\CIl\SKI, HENRY, 1. E. E. III, 85 Newell Street, Brooklyn, Kew York ... Baseball '38, '39; Bowling '40; Handball '39, '40; Basketball '40; A. 1. E. E. '40.

SCHWEERS, OTTO H., 1. E. E. III, 93-26 157th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.... Bowling Team '38, '39, '40; A. 1. E. E.; Radio Club; Vice-President A. 1. E. E. '40; Asst. Editor. Data Board.

PIl\KHAM, HARRY G., 1. E. E. III, 152-11 33rd Avenue, Flushing, New York . . . A. 1. E. E.; Radio Club.

SEIVER, LLOYD W., 1. E. E. III, 21 West Main Street, Angelica, New York _ .. Basketball '38, '39, '40; Soccer '39; Horseshoes '39; Bowling '40; Duck Pins '40; A. 1. E. E.

RESCH. J. P., 1. E. E. Ill. 73-14 52nd Drive, Maspeth. Long Island , New York ... A. 1. E. E.; Radio Club. ROGERS, FRANCIS, 1. E. E. III, 369 Bridgeport Avenue, Devon, Conn .... Baseball '39, '40; Soccer '39, '40; Basketball '39, '40; Handball '39, '40; Radio Club '4.0; A. 1. E. E. '39, '40. RYCHLOVSKY. ALDRICH A., 1. E. E. III, 4136 7lst Street. Winfield, Long Island .. . A. 1. E. E.; '39, '40; Reporter, Data Board; Publicity Manager; Radio Club.

TUTHILL, ROGER W., I. E. E. Ill. Seaford, Kew York . . . Soccer; Basketball; Handball; Touch Football '40; Horseshoe Champion '39; Athletic Rep. '39; Class Pres. '40; Student Board; Itudent Council; A. I. E. E. WHITE. JOHN E., 1. E. E. III, Plymouth_ Conn. . . . Soccer '38, '39, '40; Softball '39; Horseshoes '39, '40; Duck Pins '40; A. I. E. E. '40. WITTE, REY JOLD E., I. E. E. III, 116-45 120th Street_ South Ozone Park, New York ... Bowling Mgr. '40; Horseshoes '39; Bowling, Duck Pins '40; A. I. E. E. '40.

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 4 OOKING back over the momentous past four years, we discover that we


have indeed left our mark. We have been fortunate in having among us

many men who have contributed more than their share, not only for Pratt

Institute but for their class as well.

III varsit) sports we excelled. Gus and Al Mangani, Joe Falotico, Dick Day and Bob Wilcox were outstanding in Basketball. To baseball we contributed Joe Falotico. captain and leading hitter. We did just as well in intramurals, winning the school championship in two consecutive years. The Herculean energy of our class helped win the football title and the swimming champion· ,hip and helped the Mechanical Course to win the intramural plaque for the first time with the amazing total of 115 points. The leadership of our class was entrusted to our competent class officers President






j\[ ,I ,GA






Secretary Treas/lrer

and also to Lee Maher, Chairman of the A. S. M. E., Bill Morsell, past·chair· man A. S. M. E., Gene Wendolkowski, chairman of the Aero·A. S. M. K, Charles Fennel past class president and others whose work will not soon be forgotten.

School of Science and Technology INDUS1.'RIAL



NE bright morning in the fall of 1937, ninety·odd of us meandered up the


stairs of the Engineering Building. Three years slipped by, ) ears filled

with memories of hard work, and fun. We will all remember those delightful

(?) class meetings under the leadership of President Macpherson in our Freshmen) ear and then Matthew W. Bence in our second) ear and finally Forrest G. Ra)nor in the current year. These are all memories that will follow us through life wherever we may be. Many of our friends will go on to greater things, others will end their formal education now, but the bond between us, welded with three \ ears of comradeship. will never see a yield point. As a class we wish to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Dale and the faculty for their co·operation and understanding ever present in our task. And a last wish of good luck to classmates and an expression of hope that as the) ears


go on, their fortunes and good luck increase forever.

Fllel " K













Secretary Treasurer


MECHANICAL ENGINEER! G 4 AIMERS. WILLIAM T., M. E. IV, 7419 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... A. S. M. E.; :YIgr. Basketball '38. '39, '40; Mgr. Football '40; Ping Pong. ALBRECHT, ROBERT EUGENE, M. E. IV, 137 Alabama Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey . . . A. S. M. E. '39, '40; Fencing '37, '38, '40; Swim路 ming '38, '39, '40. ALDRICH, HENRY M., M. E. IV, 136路42 39th Avenue, Flushing, Kew York ... A. S. M. E.; Basketball '36, '37, '38, '39; Baseball '37. '38. '39. '40; Football '37. '38. '39; Ping Pong. BASSMANN, HAROLD 1.. M. E. IV, 1036 Madison Street, Brooklyn, New York ... A. S. M. E.; Prattler Staff; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Football; Basketball; Ping Pong. BECKWITH, C. GORDON, M. E. IV, 106 Par路 sons Blvd., Malba, Long Island , New York ... A. S. M. E.; Swimming; Chairman Senior Prom '40.

BORGMAN, ARTHL"R CARL, M. E. IV, 141 Gilman Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut . . . A. S. M. E.; Bowling '37, '38, '39, '40; Baseball '37; Soccer Mgr. '37. BOTT. WILLIAM J., M. E. IV, 414 Lincoln Avenue, Sa) ville, New York '. , , Football '39; A. S.M.E. BROWJ\. RODl\EY. M. E. IV, 101 Mersereau Avenue, Staten Island. New York .. , Baseball '37; Handball '39; Soccer '37, '38, '39; Bowling '40; Touch Football '39; Mgr. '38; A. S. M. E. BURLEY, JOHN W., JR.. NI. E. IV, 650 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. , . Prattonia '37, '38. '39. '40: A. S. M. E, '38, '39, '40; Alumni Day Committee '40, DAY, RICHARD. M. E. IV, 1461 East Seventh Street, Brooklyn, l\ew York . . . Football '37, '38, '39; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Handball '38, '39. '40; Varsity Basketball '37, '38, '39, 40; Gym Association: Inter路Mural Official.

School of Science and Technology


DZIEDZIVLA, FRAl\K c., M. E. IV, 305 Wyona Street. Brooklyn, New York ... Touch Football; A.S.M.E. E~GEL,

WERNER H. E.. M. E. IV, 23 Ingraham Street, Brooklyn. l\ell" York ... A. S. M. E.

FALOTICO. JOSEPH JOHN, M. E. IV, 1729 58th Street, Brooklyn, New York . . . Varsity Basketball '38. '39, '40; Baseball; A. S. M. E.; Gnn Association. FEl\l\EL. CHARLES. M. E. IV, Rockspring Road. Stamford, Connecticut . . . Soccer and S'l"imming '36. '37; Class Pres. '37, '38; Soccer '38: Asst. Business Mgr. Prallonia '37, '38; A. S. M. E. '37, '38; Swimming, Programs and Publicity A. S. M. E. '39, '40. HANGO, JOHN. M. E. IV, 75 Steinberg Avenue, Garfield, New Jerse) ... A. S. M. E. Pres. De路 bating Club; Mgr. Bowling, Chairman Inspection Trips A. S. M. E.; Handball '40; Data Board '39.

HARRIS, MORTON F., M. E. IV, 29 Johnson Avenue, Malverne, Long Island ... A. S. M. E.

HAZAK. JOHN T .. M. E. IV. 2886 E. 195th Street, l\ew York, New York ... Soccer; Foot路 ball; A. S. M. E.; Feature Writer "Prattler."

HEYMANN. CLIFFORD D. , M. E. IV, 8802 104th Street, Richmond Hill. Long Island, New York ... Basketball. Football. A. S. M. E.

HUSHEN. FRED, M. E. IV, 80 Kermit Place, Brooklyn, New York ... Football; A. S. M. E.

INGLEE, CLINTON F., M. E. IV, 119 Union Avenue, Amityville, Long Island ... Basketball '37. '38. '39. '40; A. S. M. E.

School of Science and Technology



School of Science and Technology JAKLITSCH, JOSEPH JOH " M. E. IV, 363 Sumpter Street, Brookl) n. New York . . . A. S. M. E. ; Football '37, '38, '39; Basketball '37. '39; Softball '38, '39, '40; Feature Writer, "Prattler"; BOKling '37. '38. '39; Billiards. JONASSEN, ANTHONY 0., M. E. IV, 139 Senator Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Baseball '37, '38, '39; Swimming '37; Basketball '37, '38, '39; Mgr. Football '37, '38; Soccer '39; Bowling '40; Pool '40; Asst. Mgr. Varsity Basketball '37, '38. Mgr. '39; Debatin g Society '39; A. S. M. E. KISSEL, ANDREW, JR. , M. E. IV, 88 Railroad Avenue, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York . . . Baseball '37, '38, '39. '40; Basketball; Football. KUZYK, THEODORE F., M. E. IV, 99 East 96th Street, Brooklyn, Ncw York ... A. S. M. E.; Vice-President Senior Mech-Handball; Football. MAHER, LEE, M. E. IV, 14021 184th Street, Springfield Gardens, New York . . . Editor-inChief Prattonia '39; Pres. A. S. M. E. '40; Class Vice-President '39; Advisory Editor, Data Board.

MANGAl\I, ALEXANDER L. , M. E. IV, 37-60 85th Street, Jackson Heights, Long Island . . . A. S. M. E.; Varsity Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Athletic Ass'n Rep.-S. & T. Seniors; Staff, Data Board, Prattler; Gym Assn.; Swimming; Football; Softball; Soccer; Ping Pon g. MANGANI, AUGUSTUS F. , M. E. IV, 37-60 85th Street, Jackson Heights, Long Island . . . Varsity Baseball '36; Varsity Basketball '36, '37, '38, '39, '40; Class Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40 : Gym Association; Interclass Sport Official; A. S. M. E. Member; Mgr. Football '38; Class Sec. MARlKO. JOSEPH A .. JR. . i\I. E. IV. 70 Maple Avenue, Hempstead. :\ e\\ York ... Touch Football Mgr. '40; Class Basketball '38. '40; Baseball Mgr. '38. '39, '40; Business Mgr. "Prattler" '40; A. S. M. E. '39, '40; A.1. E. E. '37. MASTROTA, FRANK A., M. E. IV. 1137 Scbnectady Al"enue, Brooklyn, New York . Basketball; Baseball; Handball; Pool. MOCKOVCIAH, MILA I . M. E. IV, 1012 Simpson Street. Bronx, ew York ... l\ews Editor, Data Board '39_ 'eJ,0; A. S. M. E.; Debating Cluh.


School of Science and Technology MOEN, WALTER B., M. E. IV, 25 Pine Street, Rockville Centre, New York ... Prattonia Athletic Editor '39; A. S. M. E. '38, '39, '40; Class Treas. '38; Data Board Staff '39; Softball '39, '40; Ping Pong '38, '39, '40; Swimming Mgr. '37, '38, '39; Basketball '37, '38, '39, '40; Soccer '37, '38, '39. MORSELL, WILLIAM M., M. E. IV, 8602 Forest Parkway, Woodhaven, New York . . . Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treas. of A. S. M. E.; Chairman Senior Banquet Comm.; Ass't Mgr. Varsity Basketball; Sports Writer for Prattler; Debating Society; Class Football; Mgr. Class Basketball. PECK, SIDNEY, M. E. IV, 255 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... Mgr. of Debate; Secretary, Debating Club; Class Football; Basketball; Handball; A. S. M. E.; Boxing; Wrestling. PORSCHE, CHARLES F., M. E. IV, 4357 White Plains Avenue, Bronx, New York ... A. S. M. E. ROMAN, JERRY M., M. E. IV, Ledge Road, Plainville, Connecticut .. _ Swimming '36; Fencing '36, '37; Handball '40; A. S. M. K Inspection Comm. Chairman '39.

RYAN, EDWARD ]., M. E. IV, 90-29 55th Avenue, Elmhurst, New York . . . Ping Pong Mgr. '40; Bowling Mgr. '39; Swimming '35, '36, '39, '40; Handball '35, '36, '39; Debating Society '38, '39; A. 1. E. E. '35, '36, '37; A. S. M. E. '38, '39, '40. STABILE, VINCENT A., M. E. IV, 634 Raritan Road, Cranford, New Jersey ... A. S. M. E.; Mechanical Course Editor '39; Data Board; Business Mgr. '40; Data Board; Treasurer '40. STAFFORD, CARLOS E., M. E. IV, Peru, New York ... Bowling '36, '37, '38, '39; Pool '38, '39, '40; Softball '38, '40; Baseball '39; Football Mgr. '39; A. S. M. E. '38, '39, '40; Glee Club '40; Debating '39, '40; Paddle Tennis '39, '40. TAYLOR, LEONARD CLARK, M. E. IV, 21 Western Avenue, Butler, New Jersey ... A.S.M.E. TENETY, JAMES, M. E. IV, 97-04 34th Street, Corona, New York . . . Pres. Mech. IV '40; C.A.A. Pilot Training Program; A. S. M. E. ViceChairman Aero Branch; S. A. E.; Student Council.

WADE, WILLIAM H., M. E. IV, Broadhollow Road, Amityville, New York ... A. S. M. E. WENDOLKOWSKI, EUGENE S., M. E. IV, 1 Harvard Street, Hempstead, New York ... De路 bating Club; CAA; A. S. M. E.; Boxing; Basketball; Football; Bowling; Fencing. WILCOX, ROBERT HAROLD, M. E. IV, 515 Broad Avenue, Leonia, New Jersey . . . Touch Football '38, '39, '40; Bowling '37, '38, '39, '40; Pool '40; Baseball '37, '38, '39, '40; Ping Pong 39, '40; A. S. M. E. '40; Men's Club Staff '39, '40; Publicity Mgr., Varsity Athletics '40; Varsity Basketball '37, '38, '39; Soccer '37, '38; Tennis '38; S. A. E. '38; "Coach" Mech. Champs '39. WILSON, GEORGE EDWARD, M. E. IV, 136路33 244th Street, Rosedale, Long Island, New York . . . A. S. M. E.; Bowling '36, '37, '38, '39; Duck Pins '37, '38, '40. WYATT, HERBERT RICHARD, M. E. IV, 1286 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts ... Bowl路 ing '39; Swimming '36, '37; Basketball '36, '37, '38, '39; Soccer '36, '37, '38; A. S. M. E. '38, '39; Asst. Baseball Mgr. '38; Sport Writer, "Prattler."

ZABRISKIE, A. EUGENE, M. E. IV, 63 Prospect Street, Jersey City, New Jersey ... A. S. M. E.; S. A. E. ZJAWIN, JOHN C., M. E. IV, 12 Colden Street, Jersey City, New Jersey ... A. S. M. E.; Bowling; Duck Pins; Softball; Debating Club; Horseshoe Pitching. INDUSTRIAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 3 BENCE, MATTHEW WILLIAM, I. M. E. III, 4 Washington Avenue, Kingston, New York . . . Varsity Baseball '39, '40; Basketball '37, '39; Class Pres. '39; S. & T. and Student Boards; A. S. M. E. ANDERSON, ARVID EDWIN, I. M. E. III, 27 Cortland Street, Elmwood, Connecticut ... Class Basketball '37, '38; Varsity Basketball '38, '39; Class Treas. '38, '39; Vice-Chairman A. S. M. E. '38, '39; Ass't Sports Correspondent for Varsity Games '39, '40. ALLMAN, FRANCIS D., I. M. E. III, 65 Cherry Street, Waterbury, Connecticut ... A. S. M. E.; Basketball; Swimming; Vice路President '38, '39.

School of Science and Technology


BOWMAN, PIERRE, 1. M. E., lIT, 2702 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, New York . . . Football Champs '37, '38. '39; Basketball '37, '38, '39; A. S. M. E.; A. R. C. Life Saving.

COLGIN, HARVEY LEE, 1. M. E. IV, 144 Mather Street, Hamden, Connecticut ... Softball '38; Football '38, '39; Swimming '37, '38, '39; Duck Pins '40.

BUDDE, DONALD RICHARD, L M. E. III, 391 Central Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut . . . A. S. M. E.; Basketball '38, '39, '40; Touch Foot路 ball '39; Bowling '38, '39, '40; Softball '39, '40.

DAYER, DONALD L., 1. M. E. IV, 218 St. James Place, Brooklyn, New York ... Soccer '36; Baseball '37; Duck Pins '40; Prattonia Rep. '37.

CHERNIACHOVSKY. VLADIMIR, 1. M. E. III, 203 East 13th Street. New York, lew York ... Mech. Touch Football Team '38, '39, '40; Mech. Basketball Team '38. '39, '40; A. S. M. E.

DELANO, JAMES, 1. M. E. IV, 594 Forest Ave., Rye, New York ... A. S. M. E. '39, '40.

CHRISTENSE I, SABINUS HOEGSBRO, 1.M.E. III, 71-45 Austin Street, Forest Hills, New York ... A. S. M. E.; String Quartet; Tennis. CLARK, VERNON F., 1. M. E. IV, Box 108 Gatun. Canal Zone ... Bowling '39. '40; A. S. M. E. Secretary.

DEMIRGIAN, ARCHIE, 1. M. E. IV, 147-43 45th Avenue, Flushing, Long Island . . . Football Champs '38, '39; Baseball '38, '39, '40; Softball '40; A. S. M.E.

DONOHUE, RICHARD L., 1. M. E. IV, 94 Robert Avenue, Port Chester, New York . . . A. S. M. E.

School of Science and Technology



School of Science and Technology DUNN, JAMES H., I. M. E. III, 347 76th Street. Brooklyn. New York . .. Football; Softball.

FREDERICK, FRANK J., I. M. E. III, St James. New York ... A. S. M. E. '39, '40; Softball '38, Champs '39, '40.

GIBBONS, EDWARD l, I. M. E. III, 62 East 190th Street, Bronx, lew York ... Softball '37; Ping Pong '37; A. S. M. E. '38, '39, '40.

GINTER, HAROLD A., I. M. E. III, 71-26 66th Place, Glendale, Long Island, New York . . . A. S. M. E.; Basketball Mgr. '38, '39, '40; Varsity Baseball, Ass't Mgr. '39; Softball '39; Bowling '39, '40; Duck Pins Mgr. '40.

GOLDSWORTH, ELMER C., I. M. E. III, 77 Church Avenue. Islip, ew York ... A. S. M. E.

GRAN DAHL, ROLAND L., I. M. E. III, 71 Standish Street, Hartford, Connecticut ... Ping Pong; Basketball; A. S. M. E.

GRASSI, ROBERT, 1. M. E. nn, 130 West 67th Street, New York, New York ... A. S. M. E.; Handball; Fencing.

GRETE\, KICHOLAS, JR.. 1. M. E. III, 201 Hawthorne Street, Brooklyn, ew York ... VicePresident '38; Football; Basketball; Softball; Handball; A. S. M. E.; Swimming.

HANSEN, ROBERT. 1. M. E. III, 280 Parkside A venue, Brooklyn, N ew York _ .. A. S. M. E.; Ping Pong; Pool.

HARTSHORNE, W. JUST! , 1. M. E. III, 7 Wright Place, ew Brunswick, New Jersey ... A.S.M.E.


School of Science and Technology HIGGINS. BRADLEY C.. I. M. E. III. 80 Wil· liam Street, "\Vorcester, Massachusetts . . . Sec. Athletic Council '38. '39; Vice· Pres. Athletic Council '40; Mgr. Football '40; Soccer '38, '39; A. S. M. E.; Flying C. A. A.

IGOE, BERT. 1. M. E. III, 28·42 36th Street. Astoria, Long Island ... Softball; A. S. M. E.

JEWETT, HOWARD 1., 1. M. E. III, 87 Lincoln Street, Passaic, New Jersey ... Class Sec.; Box· ing; Basketball; Swimming; Handball; A.S.M.E.

HILDENBRAND, F. J., I. M. E. III, Bethpage, New York ... Softball; A. S. M. E.

HILLHO-CSE, JAMES W .. I. M. E. III, 185 Church Street, Willimantic, Connecticut . . A. S. M. E.; Varsity Basketball; C. A. A.

KUA, ROBERT A., 1. M. E. III. 6648 Bergen Place, Brooklyn, 1\ ew York . . . A. S. M. E.; Prattonia Rep. '39; Asst. l\Igr. Varsit} Basket· ball '37, '38; Football '37. '38. '39; Baseball '38, '39, '40; Bo,ding '39. '40.

HOFFMAl\, EDWARD, 1. M. E. Ill, 196·20 89th Avenue, Hollis, l\ew York . . . Camera Club; A. S. M. E.

KAUFMANN, J. ARTHUR, 1. M. E. III, 14 Kihbe Street, Hartford, Connecticut . . . Ass't Mgr. Baseball; A. S. M. E.

HUDYMA, STA "LEY, I. M. E. III, 444 Hendrix Street, Brooklyn, Tew York ... Softball; C.A.A.; A.S.M.E.

KNEBEL, K. V., 1. M. E. III. 42 Berkeley Road, Bridgeport, Connecticut ... A. S. M. E.; Bowling '38, '40; Horseshoes '39; Softball '39.

LEDIN, CHARLES c., I. M. E. III, 16 Bedford Place, Stamford, Connecticut ... Touch Football '37; Duck Pins '37, '38, '39; Bowling '39; A. S.M.E.

MACCO, JOHN. I. M. E. III, 1774 58th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... A. S. M. E.; Handball.

MAcPHERSON, GEORGE L., I. M. E. III, 1990 Clinton Avenue, Bronx, New York . . . Class Pres. '37; Student Council '37; S. & T. Student Board '37; A. S. M. E.

MEIER, CHARLES K., I. M. E. III, 111-07 11lth Street, Ozone Park, Long Island ... A. S. M. E.

MICHALISZYN, THEODORE, I. M. E. III, 116路 24 126th Street, South Ozone Park, New York . . . Varsity Baseball; Football; Basketball; Pool.

MONICH, MICHAEL T., I. M. E. III, 97 Circle Street, Forestville, Connecticut . . . Bowling Championship Team; A. S. M. E.

MARKARDT, JOHN E., I. M. E. III, 501 West 164th Street, New York, New York ... A. S. M. E.

MORRIS, HARRY, I. M. E. III, 121-12 8th Avenue, College Point, Long Island, New York ... A. S. M. E.

MATUSKY, ANTHONY, 1. M. E. III, Setauket, Long Island, New York ... A. S. M. E.; C. A. A. ; Softball League.

MILLER. KENNETH THAYER, JR., 1. M. E. III, 38 Virginia Street, Springfield, Massachusetts ... C. A. A.; A. S. M. E.; Glee Club. Treas.

School of Science and Technology


NERSHI, MENO, I. M. E. IJI, 502 Central Avenue, Union City, New Jersey . . . Softball '39; A. S. M. E. '38, '39, '40.

NEWBERG, ERIC G. , JR., I. M. E. III, 203 N. 9th Avenue, Mt. Vernon, New York ...A.S.M.E.

OLSSON, T. KARL, I. M. E. III, 224 E. 60th Street ... A. S. M. E.

PAGE, STANLEY ERSKINE, I. M. E. III, Elm Street, Bucksport, Maine ... A. S. M. E.

PETERSON, WINSTON W. , I. M. E. III, Washington Depot, Connecticut ... A.S.M.E.; VicePresident '37; C. A. A.

RAMSBOTHAM, ROBERT W., I. M. E. III, 15 Lexington Street, Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York ... A. S. M. E.; Class Sec. '39, '40; Softball '39; Touch Football '39; Basketball '40; Data Board Staff; Field Day Program Comm.

RANKS, KENNETH, 1. M. E. III, 475 Evergreen Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... A.S.M.E.; Bowling; Softball; Ping Pong; Class Officer.

RAUPP, GORDON, I. M. E. III, 1216 75th Street, Brooklyn, New York ... Softball; Football.

RAYNOR, F. GORDON, 1. M. E. III, Eastport, Long Island, New York . . . Class Pres. '39; A. S. M. E. '38, '39; Sec.路Treas. Student Board '39; Student Council.

ROWLEY, R. DONALD, I. M. E. III, 7721 Ridge Boulevard ... A. S. M. E.

School of Science and Technology



School of Science and Technology RYBCZYNSKI, RAYMOND, I. M. E. III, 44 Diamond Street, ew Haven, Connecticut . . . A. S. M. E. '39, '40; Inspection Trip Comm.; Ping Pong; Life Saving; Bowling; Boxing.

SAMBUROFF, SERGE, I. M. E. III, 510 Audu路 bon Avenue, New York City ... A. S. M. E.; Chairman Aero Division A. S. M. E. '39.

SCHLICHTIG, JOSEPH, JR., I. M. E. III, 27 Front Street, Hempstead, New York ... A.S.M.E. '37, '38, '39; Cap't Mech. Bowling Team '39, '40.

SPRAGUE, ROBERT H., I. M. E. III, 80-34 222nd Street, Queens Village, lew York . . . A. S. M. E.

STAMBAUGH, MORTIMER G. C, I. M. E. III, 39-12 215th Street, Bayside, Long Island . . . Mgr. Basketball; A. S. M. E. '39, '40; Touch Football '38, '39; Baseball '39; Ping Pong '40.

STEELEY, ROY S., I. M. E. III, 1536 E. 94th Street, Brooklyn, l\ ew York ... Baseball; Boxing; Football.

SOMERS, JOHN D., I. M. E. III, Ansonia Rd., Woodbridge, Connecticut ... A. S. M. E.

STEWART, THOMAS E., JR., I. M. E. III, 516 Willis Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia . . A. S. M. E.; Radio Club; Class Sec. '38, '39.

SPERZEL, ROBERT H., I. M. E. III, 1640 Boule路 vard, New Haven, Connecticut ... A. S. M. E.; Ping Pong; Bowling.

STIGBERG, KENNETH, I. M. E. III, 126 Richards Place, West Haven, Connecticut A. S. M. E.; Softball; Ping Pong.


School of Science and Technology STOECKER. RUDOLPH J., I. M. E. III. 283 Hillside Avenue, Williston Park, Long Island, New York ... A. S. M. E.

TOMS, HERBERT W., JR., I. M. E. III, R.D. \'0. 5, Mechanicsburg, Pa .... A. S. M. E. '38, '39; Class Vice路President '39.

VA \' BUSKIRK, CHARLES D., I. M. E. III. Emerson Street. Norfolk, Connecticut A. S. M. E. '38, '40.

VANPALA, HENRY, I. M. E. III, 51-67 72nd Place, Woodside, Long Island ... A. S. M. E.; C. A. A.; Mgr. Bowling Team.

VIl'\CI, ORONZO, I. M. E. III. 2931 Holland Avenue, New York City ... A. S. M. E.

WAGl\ER, HARLAl\, I. M. E. III, 219 Altamount Place, Somerville, New Jersey A. S. M. E.

WESTERVELT, WILLIAM L I. M. E. III. Ridge Street, Alpine. New Jersey . . . A. S. M. E.; C. A. A.

ZECCA, ROBERT, I. M. E. III. 242 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, l\ew York ... A. S. M. E.

HEARD BUT NOT SEEl\ VIELBERTH, JO EPH, I. M. E. III. 1795 East 177th Street, Bronx, l\ew York . . . Bowling; Pool; Swimming.

MULLER. ELLSWORTH A .. 1. M. E. III, 1991 Cruger Avenue, Brooklyn, New York ... Swimming '38.

Industrial Chemical Engineering 1

I"elustrial Administration

Chemical Engineering 2

.......•.. ............ ... ,. .. -----!t -.;tIIf~."

Indllstrial Electrical Engineering 1

Pouring Out

Let's All Work Together

Industrial Mechanical Engineering 2

........................................ ...................................... ::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::

Run OJ The Mill

Industrial Jlechanical Engineering 1

Wearers of Varsity P BASF,B\LL Falolico. J. J.

Miller. R.

Pal nc, R.

Ilic-habe;.;) n. T. J.

Braccia, A.

Sleele). R.

Marck, J.

Johllslon, C. 1\1.

R)an, I.


Graham. R. D.



B '\SKETB \LL l\ 1allgani,

A. L.

Graham, R. D.

C. \1.

:-ilt'll arl , \.

It) all, F.

l\ l ill cr, R. Mangani.


A. F.

Falolico, J. J.

Sla ilihallt\h, lVl. C. Saillbach. \\'. A.

Athletic Council

HE Athletic Council was first organized in 1922 for the purpose


of acting as a medium through which the student body could

express its views on subjects concerning athletics. The council now closes its books on another memorable year of activities. Noteworthy of the years accomplishments was the stimulated interest in interclass athletics which showed a greatly increased


number of participants over previous years. The council attempted


to develop student interest and increase the attendance at Varsity Basketball games through greater publicity and special attractions. This year for the benefit of the students, purchases include a special colored lighting shade for the gymnasium, music stands and lighting fixtures for the orchestra, a radio for the Men's Club, a new drinking fountain and two new ping pong tables for the gymnasium. The council also appropriated money for the rebuilding of a room in the gymnasium which is now used for ping pong tournaments. Many suggestions have been made which will be considered in improving the Pratt Hand Book in making it more attractive and more interesting. Rules and articles governing interclass activities and varsity sports have been amended in order to improve the sports and establish definite rules in special cases which may arise. Many thanks are to be given Mr. Charles Pratt, Mr. Wright, Mr. McKillop, Mr. Hostetter, and Mr. Ajootian of the faculty for their aid in advising the council, and to the Editorial staffs of the Prattler and Data Board for their excellent work for the benefit of the Athletic Association. Congratulations to the Inter路Class Managers for their splendid work.


Athletic Director


Alma Mater Towering far above her neighbors, Shop and mart and hall, Stands the home of student-labors, Noblest of them all! At each meeting, give her greeting, Raise the proud salute! Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, Hail, Pratt Institute! In our hearts her precepts linger, Her example gleams, Showing with unerring finger Guerdon of our dreams. At our meeting, for our greeting, Bring her noble fruit, Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, Hail, Pratt Institute! Round the world the chain extending, Each to the other binds, All her honored name defending, Hearts and hands and minds. At our meeting, give her greeting, Raise the proud salute! Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, HaiL Pratt Institute!

Last fall, Warren "Sandy" Sambach, cheerleader, issued a call for assistant cheerleaders and from the number answering the call, Pat Dreher, Rusty Selmer, and Breen Loughridge were selected. An evening job was the cause for Rusty Selmar's resignation in the early part of the year. A little later, Breen Loughridge dropped out because of illness. Pat and Sandy became the long and short of our cheering squad. They managed very capably in carrying the burden. They had poor response from the Pratt rooters at first but overcame the disadvantage by introducing several new cheers. The squad wishes to thank those who lent their hearty voices in cheering for ' he Slack and Gold.

Varsity Basketball HE Pratt Varsity Basketball team had a highly successful


year w-ith 9 victories and 5 defeats. This is the second consecutive year that the team has been under the leadership of a new coach. This year the man in the driver's seat was Mr. Bollis S. Spotts, who is well kno\\n in the metropolitan area as an official and coach of the highly successful teams of Adelphi Academy.

The Pratt Institute Varsit) quintet opened its season \\ith a 72-68 overtime victory o'"er Wyomissing (Pa.) Poly Tech. It was a closely fought contest with the visitors ahead in the dosing seconds of the game. Beef Johnston tied the score with 20 seconds to go with a long shot. In the overtime period Pratt won. The high scorer for Pratt in this game was Miller with 22 points. After being held to a 4-3 score in the opening minutes. St. John's five opened a strong attack to tally ten points before Pratt added its fourth marker. The Redmen were on the long end of a 40路10 score at the end of the half. The Indians defeated Pratt at the home gym with a last minute surge. Springfield scored early and led at the half by a score of 22路14. The second half saw a determined Pratt quintet begin a drive that ended with a tie score with a minute and 20 seconds left to play. The Springfield team shattered PraU's hopes by looping 5 more points. Top scoring honors were divided between Ryan and Miller, each scoring 12 points.

The Cannoneers showed that they could get in the winning column after the last two defeats and they did, much to the chagrin of the Queens college quintet. The boys were ahead 29 to 11 at the end of the half. A rejuvenated Queens five came within a deuce of tying the score in the closing minutes of play. The Spottsmen then became aggressive to pull away in the final minutes. Miller scored 12 points taking scoring honors. The Pratt team was really clicking and proved it to Delaware at the Pratt Gym. A little mix up on the part of the players and several spectators delayed the game for a short while but the trouble was cleaned up in a short order and Pratt went on to win. Beef Johnston was the top man in the contest with 16 points. At Page Hall, Albany, the Cannoneers rallied in the last quarter to defeat N. Y. State Teachers. State was on the offensive and was ahead most of the game. In the last quarter Pratt let loose a string of tallies which added up to 12 points in less than two minutes. It was in this period that Ryan scored 13 points. Renssalaer gave Pratt the run around on their tremendous court at Troy. The Brooklynites started off great, for the score was 21 to 11 at the end of the quarter. The team began to tire; at the end of the half, the score was 24 all. At the three quarter marker the score was 41 to 29 in favor of R.P.I. Pratt began to get their second wind in the last quarter, but R.P.I. won with a 49 to 40 score. With a blistering second half attack that ran an undermanned Alumni squad ragged, varsity crushed them by 34 point lead. The Alumni jumped to an early lead and held a 30 to 27 half路 time advantage, midway through the third quarter fought back to a 37路37 tie before fresh var~ity substitutes caged up the game

The State Teachers quintet was outlasted by Pratt to the tUlle of 14 points. Pratt, led by Bob Miller and Beef Johnston, cap路 tured the first half 30 to 22. The Teachers rallied in the second half and cut the lead to t,,"O points. Gus Mangani and Al Stewart saved Pratt by fanc) Doorwork and shooting. \Vorcester's big team proved too much for our quintet. The Worcester Five played a bang up game throughout. It was in the second quarter that our boys got out their style and made the score stand 33 to 29 at the half "a) mark. The \\Torcesterites ended the game ,\"ith a score of 68 to 55. Bob Miller rang up 21 points. The Pratt quintet seems to have a jinx on Saturdays since this made the third Saturday loss. The Newark College led at the half by a 23 to 14 score. Both teams paced each other in the second half scoring 33 and 31 points. The high scorer Kas R) an with 14 points. The Cannoneers ran the Poly leam ragged for the second time. The Pratt men showed top season form. The shooting shoKed the edge they were on when Ryan made 7 out of 8 and Gus Mangani 4 out of 4. Ryan and Miller tied for scoring honors with 15 points each. The lOlst Armory was the scene of the Brooklm Poly defeat. Pratt went into an early lead and was never headed. Poly was ready for the Pratt style of play and had Ryan pretty well smothered in the early stages of the game. In spite of all, he was high scorer for Pratt with seventeen points. Lowell Textile was trounced by Pralt at our Gym. Prall starteJ on the right foot and continued to pull away from the visitor~ The score at the halfway mark was 35 to 27 in favor of Pratt. Johnston was the high scorer with 16 points to hi~ credit and Miller right behind him with 15 points.

Varsity Baseball


RATT Il\STlTUTE'S Baseball team, under Mr. McKillop's coaching, enjo\-ed a very successful season with five wins, two defeats and one lie for a season's percentage of .625. The season's opener againsl Upsala at East Orange, N. J., went ten innings. The timel) hilting of Kinzler, Payne, and Falotico putting across two runs in the tenth. Falotico's four hits for six times up, and Lefty Zinzler's home run in the fifth inning, were the highlights of the game. Drew University look a one-to-nothing lead in the first inning and kept it unlil the eighth inning when Braccia doubled and Joe Falotico hom ered to put Pratt ahead two-to-one. Miller路s excellent pitching held the visitors to five hits. The Alumni game was a free-hitting affair. The game seesawed back and forth until the fifth inning when the Pratt men took a one-run lead. The game looked as if it was going to finish that way but in the eighth, the Alumni blasted five runs across to clinch the game, winning 14-1l. Stevens Institute of Technology opened their game with a lhree-run attack which the home nine emulated in the fourth. tieing the score. Stevens again took the lead by two runs in the fifth inning. The Canoneers raised them two in the sixth. but the Jerseyites tied the score in the eighth, and the game was called at the cnd of the ninth, a 7-7 tie. The Canoneers showed New York State what their name stood for by bombarding th em 20-2. State scored their only two tallies

in the second inning. Miller hit the onl) homer in the game ,lith two men aboard. Indement weather stopped a baseball game at Hoboken. 1\. J., bet'l een Stevens and Pratt. The game was called in the last half of the first inning with the score of five· all. ::\ew Jersey State put up one of the toughest battles at Pratt that has been seen here in many a season. After retiring State in their half of hte first, Payne led ofT with a single and follow· ing shortl), Joe Falotico homered to put Pratt ahead 2·0. The fourth inning featured both teams scoring a run, Pratt's tall} came from the bat of "Footsie" Falotico's repeating homer. In the fifth inning, New Jersey pounded one over the fence 'I ith one man on base to tie the score 3·3. In the eighth inning, State knocked two runs across on two hits to gain the lead. Braccia opened the ninth with a single; Falotico was walked putting two men on; Marek then doubled, scoring Braccia. Pinch·hitter Michalszyn came through with a double, to knock the tieing and winning run. The score became 6·5. At Albany was the next Pratt victor), and the N. Y. State nine again came after the eight ball. The hitting power of the Canoneers was too much for the Teachers as was evidenced in the fifth inning when ten men went to bat scoring seven runs. Payne led off the third inning bv hitting the only home run of the game. The game was called at the end of the sixth because of darkness with the score of 11·1. The next afternoon, Pratt lost their second game of the season to R.P.I. at Troy, N. Y. The Rensselaer men took a three run lead in the second inning which Pratt cut down, making the score 14·5.

NOON HOUR TOUCH FOOTBALL Again the "Juggernaut" plowed to victory only to be torpedoed in the playoffs by the elusive Mechs. The "Juggernaut" in case you are not familiar with it was made tiP of seniors who in the preceding t\\O years "ere part of the victorious Mechanical football team. Anyone near Pralt field during the noon hour could hear the rousing cheers of the many spectators and the yells of the players in active combat. The "Lunch League's" popularity is due to the great opportunity {or those who wish to take part in the inter-class competition but would be unable to, because of commuting. The noon hour league consisted of seven teams. The Seniors beat five of them and tied the others. The men that comprised the '.J uggernaut路' were, Dick Day, Bassman, D'Agostino, Dziedziulo, Bott, Brown, Bjorkstedt, Aldrich, Francis and Heyman.

TOUCH FOOTBALL The turn out for touch football, the most poplllar interclass sport in Pratt I his year, was enough to form two leagues after four and a noon hour league. Since the innovation of the sport, the l\Iechanicals have fought their way to the championship by the dint of hard runnjng and accurate passing. The -'Ieehs "ere the \ ictors in two close play路off game against the winners of the noon hour league, and the Freshman four o'clock league. Braced by the formidable forward wall which consisted of Bowman, Formanek, Budde, Rams路 botham, Greten, Carpenter, Dua, Raupp and Frisino, and sparked by passing of Bob Miller, Graham and the elusiveness of Braccia, \\ hen carrying the mail in a broken field, I he Mechs had the defense of the opponents on their toes. Any spectator would certainly agree that it is the most popular interclass sport because of the number of men and quality of the teams in active competition.

BASKETBALL This year sa" a tremendous turnout for basketball. So many, in fact, that three leagues had to be formed. Each league consisted of eight teams and the Yictorioll~ team for "A" League ,vas the second year ChemiRts. They had to fight hard in ~e'e ral of their games in order to emerge the \ ictors. One of these games "as played against the Senior "B" team. It wa a see· saw foray in the closing minutes but. Zanetti made a one handed push shot from near mid· cOllrt to break the game up. The Chem· ists played a rushing zone defense and a fast breaking offense that kept 1 he <>pponents hustling. Other teams in the League "ere Senior '·B". Artsmen II, Elec. III, Mech. II, l\Iech. I·A, Art. I·S, and Arch't. II. Members of the League. leading team are Roy Palmer, Sid Slam· owitz, Dan Clarke, Mansfield, Willigan, Richard Nicolson, Jim Zanette, Elmer l\fuller, Henry Wilson, and Butch West·

BASKETBAL L ' B ' & ' C' LEAGUES The leaders of the "B" league and champions of the school are the Mechan· ical Ill's. After "inning the league title, the play·off ended in a three·way tie. The second play·offs were run on tho. elimination basis. The first game was be· tween the Mechs III and the _\rchitect 1", "inners of the "C" league. TIH' ~Iech s took that game and proceeded to just 110Se out the Chem II in tIlt' last game. ~Iember' of the winning team were Bob Ram"botham, '>ick Greten, Don Budde- high scorer Pierre Buw· man, Matty Bence, Bob Dua, "Cherny" Cherneachosesky, l\like Michaeliczyn, ~nd Harold Ginter, Manager. The battling first year Architect has· ketball team fought their way into the top seat of the "C" league by winning all sev~n games played. The top teams in the three leagues won their position by making a clean sweep. The team that gave th~ Architects the most trouble "a' the Electrical IT. Their squad had the highest scorer of the 2U stuclents that played in thl' three leagues.

BOXING Instead of having interclass boxing matches this year, there were championship bouts_ The contest was run as an elimination contest for the five titles_ The titles and title-holdres are: Featherweight- Edward I-Iuda (Chern III), Lightweight- Frank Fisher (Arch I), Welterweight- Allen Mc Taggart (Arch 1), Light Heavy- Norman Goldberg (Art II), and Heavyweight- Edward Johnson (Chern I) _ These matches drew quite a few spectators because of their color and excitement_ Even a few of the fairer sex became part of the crowd which was always cheering for a welltimed blow or good defense work_ Quite a bit of credit belongs to Joe Coughlin, who trained these boys in the early season and saw to it that they were in shape for the matches_ Howard L Jewett and Daniel E. Kalish also helped keep boxing on its high level by their non-partisan judging of the matches_

SWIMMING The "wimming honors go to the Artsmen who made a clean sweep of their schedule by taking the measure of all comers . A swimmjng meet features six events- 65 yards free style, 120 yard free style, 30 yard backstroke, 45 yard breast stroke, 90 yard medley relay, and 120 yard relay_ The Artsmen's success lies in the fact that DeWolfe Hotchkiss, manager, had been able to gather together the excellent talent that they showed_ One of the reasons for their success was Kuhn" ho was a consistent winner in the 45 yard breast stroke_ Boege could be depended upon to be up in the first places in the 120 yard free style with Kovalenko another good 120 yarder. In the other distances the rest of the team, MOlllle, Ruben, Harper, Faucett, and Pagliuco showed the opposition a combination of good s"imming and excellent team ,,路ork.

BIG PINS Strike! The Mechanical Third Year team reclaimed Ihe championship this year afler losing it to the Senior team last year. Before Ihat, the Mechs held Ihe title for six successi\"e years. The Mechanicals had plenty of strength, for their men were consistant high score bowlers. Schlichtig, Ch,,-irut, Ross. Ranks. and ~lonich swept the opposition before them with the exception of one or two matches "hich had to go the full three games to decide the winners. Marra of Ihe Chem ical Engineers won the individual high average honors with a score of 169 points per game. T llP runner-up "-as Schlichtig of the winning keglers. The eight competing team~ fought out the schedule and no team gave up until the last ball was bowled. The rumble of the balls down the alley and Ihe craJl of the pins could he heard prel ty late some afternoons hecause of Ihis determ ination.

DUCK PINS The enthusiastic response to the call for duck pin teams led to the formation of two leagues "A" and "B". Th is is surprising because the Athletic Association has ruled that no man can appear in both duck pins and big pin competition . The first year Electricals were the winner~ of the "A" League, and ~leeh Threes took the count of the competition in the "B" league. In the play路of{ game the ~lechs\\on out to take the interclass honors. Manager Ginter of the Mechs did a swell job of seeing that all his lads were on hand lor their contests. The boys consisted of Vernon Clark, Ken Knebel, Don Budde, Charles Ledin, and Don Dayer. These fellows howled credo itable games in the tough company they were in. It is a real job to get a strike with those small balls anytime, let alone under pressure of competition. If you doubt it, try it!

POOL Double banks, delicate cuts and masse shots were the order of the day in the pool tournament this year. The top artists with pool cues were the Senior "B" team. A couple of the representatives of the Senior team have set the pace for four years. "Jake" J aklitsch, Frankie Mastroda, John Lahti and Carlos Stafford, made up the formidable Seniors. The scene of action was the second Aoor of the Men's Club, where during any noon-hour, there can be seen the embryo cue pushers rubbing elbows with the experts in friendly competition. At the sound of the noon-hour bell there is a concerted rush to the Men's Club to see who gets the use of the tables. These games are not complete wi thout the sideline experts who advise on the technicalities of the shots. But all in all, it's a pleasing way to pass a half hour or so.



The team of Yeung, Olson, and Goodspeed represent ing the Architects, captured the Ping Pong title. This is the third year that Ping Pong has been included as an interclass sport and with Ihe combination of slamming drives, Iricky cuts, and baffling serves, the competition has become very keen. The loague consisted of ten class teams repre~onting the Architects, Engineers, and \rtsmen \I路ho usually battled it out three afternoons a week. This \I as another sport where the winner took every match. A couple of close games had the Architects worried but they came up victorious in the nine games played. Yeung, acclaimed to be the best Ping Pong player at Pratt, could be depended upon to take his match. If Ihe opponent got too far ahead, he would use a variety of serves that usually put him right back in the game. Olson and Goodspeed are both hard men to beat for they usually teamed together to play the competition. Olson and Yeung paddled together to play the doubles match. The whole setlip was a hard one to beat. If you don't believe it ask any team they played.

HANDBALL Intercla s handball is now well established as a compet;tive sport. The Senior team "hich is composed of Joe Falotico, Ted Kuzyn, "Jake" Jaklitsch, and Gus langani, ,,路on the handball ero\\ n eas ily. The ]\[echanical team threatened, hut that was all, for Joe Falotico took the last s in gle game to cinch the match. When not being used for schedliled games the courts are usually the scene of private feuding, for it is an excellent active sport "hen a few minutes be spared. This is another sport where the championship has follo\\ ed the class of Mechanical '39 through its years at Pratt. It was a very difficult team to top as can be seen by the handy way in which they beat their opponents. They were willing to take all comers.

SOFTBALL Softball looks as if it is not a passing fancy at Pratt. Interclass competiti on started two years ago and last year saw the format ion of the lunch league softball team. This year, still more teams are expected to participate to make a reall y difficult schedule for any team to s\\ eep through. The schedule for the '40 season is now being drawn up, and from the number of early applicants, it looks as if the expectation" will be fulfilled. The Mech team, which was the winner of the four o'clock league, believes it will have history repeat itself. If the brand of softball is played in the Interclass competition that has been exhibited in the tune-up games during noon hour and at four o'clock, the Mechs "ill have a real tough job. Every team that can possibly make it, takes advantage of the noon hour opportunity to practice at the field. This is the reason that four games are played simultaneously every day.

Aeronautics 1\E of the man) things done in Washington this


past year was the Congressional Authorization

of the training of 20,000 pilots through the medium

of the C.A.A. last summer. This gave us students the grand opportunity to learn to fly at an unbelievably low expense. Our faculty and Trustees of the Institute jumped this opportunity -

but fast -

and before you could say, "September, October," thirty trainers and eight alternates were receiving ground and flight instruction four hours weekly. So fast was Pratt's progress, in fact, that we were the first college in the air throughout the country under this present program. Due to the unusual faculty, and training in studies necessary to the technique of flying, we achieved this honor. The Pratt Civil Aeronautics Authority Program was under the able direction of Mr. F. S. Egilsrud.

Mr. Egilsrud is the head of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of the S_ and T_ schooL Mr. Collard taught Air Regulations, ~al igation and Meteorology; Mr. Sidle, Theory of flight, Aircraft Engines and Instruments_ This was further supplemented b) a one hour lecture on parachutes by none other than Joe Crane of Roosevelt Field_ jumping being done from desk to floor, and also a two-hour lecture on Radio Navigation h) Mr. Williams of Flo) d Bennett Field_ The actual fl) ing was taught by instructors at Safair FI) ing School, Roosevelt Field_ Long Island_ At a cost of but thirty-five dollars to each student, the course consisted of sel ent) -til 0 hours of ground school and thirty-five hours in the air. This fully prepared each student to take the Private Pilot's License Test As this book goes to press, several students expect to receive their licenses in the near future_

Aeronautics The whole course has certainly been a complete success and the students' interest has been high throughout. Witness to this fact being that one of us was the first in the East to solo (this was Henry Van Pala by the by ), and the third to pass his Private Pilot's Test. to be closely followed by the rest. Another record Pratt may be proud of, is that throughout the flight training. not one Pratt student had an accident of any sort and that included a sum total of more than 1.050 flying hours! Because of this record we hope to ha\-e many more join this ver) interesting course -

if it is to be continued.

A.P.I. Flying Club is to be formed shortly, and let us hope that the government is able to continue this course next year at the same very reasonable expense.

Women's Athletic Conncil


EADING the Women's Athletic Department is Miss Gilbert from Woonsocket, R. J. Miss Gilbert received her B.A. at Wellesley,

con tinuing her studies at Columbia and Dartmouth then Wellesley and :\.Y.U. for extensive professional training. Miss Gilbert has taught in both public and prj, ate schools as well as summer camps. In 1920 she entered the Physical Education department of Pratt. Miss Gilbert has a number of hobbies including handcrafts, reading and remodeling her old farm house in Pumpkin Cove, Maine. Miss Gilbert has traveled extensively all over the world. In her we have a true friend and one whom we all admire. Miss Brady comes to us from l\ew York City. She received her training in the Central School of Hygiene and Physical Education and her dancing talents at Bennington College. In 1929 she joined the Pratt faculty. Her leisure time is spent doing one of two things, dancing or skiing in St. Johnsburg, Vermont. In addition Miss Brady talks of her grand times in England and Scotland. From Richmod Hill, L. 1. comes Miss Wells. She received her training at Russell Sage and is now attending N.Y.U. where she will receive her Masters Degree in June. Miss Wells talks of frequent trips to North Creek, her fayorite skiing spot. Much of her free time is spent in sketching which has become an indispensable hobby. We are honored to think Miss Wells chose Pratt as her abode after traveling the coast from North Carolina far into Quebec, Canada.

V OLLEYBALL Between the tall brick buildings in the back of our Pratt Gym, two volleyball courts await the spring and fall when they are transformed into one of the most lively spots about school. The first few weeks of \olleyball are always set aside for developing expert handling of the ball and judging the skills of others. After these plans are executed captains are chosen and teams formed for the annual play ofI.. The girls, noisy and vivacious all await their first exciting game. To say the least. the girls always execute a game which assures them of a stimulating response both of body and spirit. Our blue ribbon team this year was Art II "hich came through the entire season \I ith their chins up and didn't even yield to their final competitors, the Co tume Design II. Every year this sport beats them all for popularity_ When you hear loud shrill voices from behind the closed doors on Willoughby Avenue, you know Volleyball is in full swing for another big season.

FENCING IIere we "lunge" into another much cherished sport. this time fencing, which is also featured in our athletic curriculum. Not only does fencing offer the girls a diversified sport, but also helps create poise and grace of body. All the girls receive individual attention from Miss Edna Poppe who molds them annually into a group of selected exhibitionists of Pratt. Each year reveals a more prosperous club while the April demonstration portrays an excellent example of their mastered skills. Until we have all experienced the feeling of wearing a head guard and manipulated a long shiny foil, \I e miss all conception of the thrill of fencing.

BASKETBALL Our popular game of basket ball still rates supreme, at least when it comes to a lively inspiring indoor game where all schools and classes are equally represent· ed. This year we found Miss Wells working industriously with her classes in an effort to produce some real forwards and guards. The final selection of the numerous school teams was a difficult one but the selected girls proved keen competitors and offered lively entertain· ment even for the engineers who collect daily at the gym. The finals in basket· ball this year brought us a very dynamic exhibition between the Dietetics I class and the Foundation I class, which came through with a score of 18 to 13. Here's to basketball- a true creator of fine sportsmanship and builder of healthy bodies: may this sport always rate as high in years to come as it has in tbe past.

SOFTBALL Because baseball requires such bard intense playing it is not included in the Womens Athletics at Pratt. However we have an ample substitute which offers the girls the same out of door sport, yet is less stren uous for them. Softball needs no more introduction for it has always rated as one of the popular sports at Pratl. In the pring the girls turn toward the athletic field, which becomes dOlled with active figures industriously abo sorbed in this stimulating sport. Weeks of practice are essential before the girls are ready to take their final positions on the diamond and prove their skills. In every game \\e finJ intense eager com· petition among the girls. They all, need· less to say, play hard, striving for the championship of the final sport of the year. We all believe a motivating sport such as Softball will ahays be among the spring favorites at Pratl.

M adem Dancers



ARTSMEN The \ rl ~ll1t'n. an org-ani/ul ion ('om pri~­

ing all mal" ,t"dpnt, o[ thl' "rl Scho"l, I)('g:an tilt·

('I IIT('11 1

)('ar \\ ilh ~r<'al aims,

as i, ,,,"all, tl1(' ('a,('. Thoogh many of ollr

plans and idf'as



)ct. 1\(' [(,(,1 that 11I1I1('r the abl(' kad('r· ,hip of "or pr .. ,id('nt Ed \ Imgr"n and tht' mallin' ~lIidan('(' of ' I r. Longyear. 011("






halve aL ]('a~L

Ih" original oilj('ctiles o[

lil(' org-ani/3Iion. TI1('o.;,(, arC': 10 provide inl('n·~ting ~pf'ak('rs,

lainn",nt for t ill'

(':xhihil!'-', and enler\ rl School, and to

insure 0111' n'pr(,~t'ntalinl1 in all jnlra-

mural conte,ts. I n the latcr considera· lion, 1\(' haw b,'('n particularly sucees,· ftd Ihi . . )('ar, ha\ing

ship, and . . ports.


placing 1\('11




the oth"r

To concllldl', Illa) "" expn'" a hope that Ih" IInit) o[ ('nd,'alor betlleen the 'Ilidents and [acull) o[ the \ rt School for IIhich lit' fppl no slllall respon,i],ility, llIay






pial'" '" a learier in the field o[ COI11· Illercial I\rt Education.

JUNIOR EASTERN ARTS ASSOCIATION \\' ith the a]]otll1('llt o[ a full day for

Ea!-.tf'rn \rls iH"j\ilic"i, Ihe \ -.:.~()­ eiation ha:-; ill('rt'c.h,pd in hreadth of inler-


cst, and in ils ~('ni('{' to Ihe "'IIHlt'nb. B) making- t',tra-cllrri('ular \\ork an in!('f!:ral part of Ihe Teacher Trainin~ C""IH' (If "tud), thL' henefit,.; o[ Ihat lIork, too long left to indil idllal inclination. h'l> hc(,nnw aHlilahle [or the II hole departnll'nl. TIll' phii",oph) h"hind thi" 1ll01t'Illl'nt i, that thc), nlilre thun "hook karnin' ". are important in till' dl'\l,lnpmcl1l of the lllUIl) personal qualil it'~ that cannol he learncd ill 11H' da:-;~ro()lll.

The ,.;tod"nt,.; lIill




':';lIl'('('~!"[1I1 rnollthly dinn('r~. or the \'t'ek-

I) prnp;rams incl\lding u\\ ide \ari('\) of

aelilitie,. The lE. \ . \ . held il,.; annual con\'('nl ion in Philadelphia this sprjng. '\[osl of thC' department attended and,

,\hilt=" gaining educational kno\,ledge, had a riotous tilllC'. 'Tay the orp;anil.tllion go on to better things!

ARCHITECTS Th,' ~ ear 1910 has been a ,,"cce"'[lIl one f(II' the \rchitects Cillb. Ilemh,>rs of Ollr department ha\(' three times c1ined out



tht' promotion of good

f"l1,,,,,hl]), Otl1<'r ,ocial en'nts of the year IUII<' included a smoker at the lIen', Club \I ith an exceptionally good turnout and a dance held in cooperation "ith the Pah,tt('~r,. The athktic team, of till' nt'partment o[ Arehitcetul't' han' hrought in "'0 or three championship, in minor sport,. I[ore important hOll,'\er, is tl1<' [act that 60'( o[ our ,tud.'nt, participated in int('rclass athlt'tic~.

Thi, ) ('at' the \rchiteet, Club has continued the practic(' o[ purcha,ing 11<'11 lwok.... for our e\t:'r-gnn\ ing lihraq. \nntlwr educational feature \la, the' joint nweting of tht' -\rchitect- Club and the Brookl) n Chapter of the ,\ meriean Tn,titutc o[ Architects. To the incoming member, \Ie extend our ,inc!'r" II i,hes of the cluh for a bigger and better 1911.

PALETTEERS This }('ar has been one of 111(' n""t actiYe and sucee.<';!u] years the Paletleers haye had. :)ur acti, itie, ha\e ht't'n teas and hOlld~ dances to welcome the fre,hmen; a number of excp]]ent exhibitions, one of the m",t olltstanding bt'ing the Barbara "\1, .. gan Collection of photograph, on the dance; \Ie dn'"ed Christmas dolls \I ith skill; anc! ollr Christma" party, a 'urreali,tic alIair in collaboration \lith the \n,men and \rchit('ch, i~ "'mt'thing that will long be rt'memlll'l'ed. \'i 'c ('njoyed the annual banquet \lith De,ha. LtJrd and Ta)L,,'" sparkling fashion artist as guest speaker. Besic!ps this \It' ha\e dOllP a nllmber of new thinp;s such as a t1lPatr(' party to see Abe Lill('olll ill Illillois and on April 11 we had tlw first informal danc(' to be held out,id,' of Pratt. [t "a, Iwld at the Park Central lIotel. Our thanks to tLose "ho haye helpp([ ." this year.


ARTISANS CLUB The Artisans' Club, \lhich is made up of the Costume De,ign and Dressmaking classes, has a high standing record made by its members. Its purpose is to bring to the members people who are successful in the clothing field and \I"ould have good sound advice and ideas to offer. Because of this, the program for the year started with a very interesting talk on the fashion ed itin g by Miss Kay 'iilver, Fashion Editor of "":'IIademoiselle". The Arti ans' Club has participated in the weekly assemblies. The first of our efforts was a play, "OId Timer". We have also presented, in cooperation with the S.E.5.E., Mis Darling, Beauty Editor of "Vogue", who spoke on makeup, andMr. Leo who spoke on Coiffeurs. During the remainder of the year we have heard from 1\1iss Mary l\IcKee, head of the Training Bureau at Lord and Taylor; ,\Irs. Anna Kurtagh, mmer and manager of Anna Kurtagh Shop and ,\fiss :'I1m"ian Stephenson, Fashion Photographer.

DIETETICS CLUB Our club" as formed for the purpo,e of stimulaling inleresl in Dietetics, thereb, establi>hing a bond bet,,-een our scholasl ic and f ulure professional Ii, es_ Ire endea,or to lar the foundation for inlere,1 and evenlual membership in ,\lulllni, stale and national dietetics organizal ions. This year "e have promoted this intere>! Ihrough cli,-ersified activities_ One major event "as the Valentine Koflee Klalch to "hich a number of recent graduates" ere imited. In addition to an interesting account of such indi,idual\ "ork in ,arioLls fields, and sllgge~tjons a'" to how "e nlight best obtain ",eh pO!;ition,_ the speakers stressed the imporlance of a degree. Because "e recognize the unlimited opportunities in Ihe field of Dietetics, "e endeavor to assist our members in choosing their particular interest by having successful and renowned speakers presenl to us tlwir chMen fields in detaiL

HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Endeavoring 10 make the H ome Economic, Club of vital interest and importance 10 the IT. S. & A. stlldents, the officcrs and Ihe various comm ittees planned numerous activities which \, ere carried out during the past year. In order to better acquaint prospective students with Prall Institute, a tea for the members of high school home economics clubs of greater Ne" York was given in December. Another out'landing social event was the Yalentine Dance held in Recreation lIall. The highlighls of the club meeling, included lhe starl in g of an Honorary ervice Organization and a fa hion show "hich "a~ arranged by Ihe Coslume Design department and di played the (,UfTent popular styleg. The club member, also had the pleasure of hearing \1r,. 1. Bailey Allen and :'Iiiss E. McLloyd-Jones, Ph.D. of Columbia niver,ity speak on "Techniques of Radio Broadeagt"_

S. & T. STUDENT BOARD The activities of this year's Student Board have been directed along similar channels of years pa.1. Our annual Freshman Smoker in September was ,,~ ell repre~ented, and the faculty showed their cooperation by attending. The Board has planned an "Orientation Day" Jor freshmen of next fall. The combined Student Boards of 1910 and 1941 will entertain the new men for a full day. The Student Board pioneered and won laurels by conducting an informal dance at the lIotel 51. George Roof on January 27. Engineers, the S. & T. faculty, Cos· tume Designers, Art Students, Dietitians. and friends comprised the gathering of over 500 ,,~ho attended- a memon:Lle evenjng.

As a concluding picture, the past Student Boards poured the keel and got her down the "ays, the present Board got up steam and proved what she can do. To the new Board, \Ie ~ay. '·Be always manned and ready and be"t of luck in 19~1."

AMERICA N SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS During the year 1939·1910. the Pratt Institute Student Branch of the Ameri· can Society of Mechanical Engineers enjoyed a season of activity" hich was of interest to all its members. The pro· gram Committee, headed by Charles Fennel and under the able guidance of the faculty advisor, l\Ir. James W. Hunter presented numerol" programs. The meetings of this year "ere en· livened by the use of t he recently ac· quired motion picture projector. Out· standing meetings of t he year included talks by representatives of manufac· turers. Stimulated by the C.A.A. training program, the Aeronaut ical Section pre~ sented prominent speakers from the plane testing and glider industries. Representatives 01 our branch atLend~ ed the Eastern StuJent Convention held at Newark College of Engineering April 29 and 30, "here our school was repre· sented in the paper competition. In closing this year's actil'ities, the officers thank all members for cooperation.

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS The 19'10 program for the Pratt branch of the AJ.E.E. \I as plained so that one branch of electrical engineering wouhl be emphasized each month . The climax of our activities is the Fourteenth An路 nual Student Convention of the Third District, which was held at Pratt I n路 stitute on April 25th. A lecture by l\fr. James E. Thompson, of our department of :\Iathematics, and a meeting on Acci路 dent Preyention provided recent high spots. The convention is a yearly event in the program of the nine engineering schools in the New York area. The technical session in the morning consists of the presentaLion of student papers, [or which there is a first prize of twenLyfive dollars and a second prize of fifLeen dollars, awarded by the parent organization of the A.T.E.E. The program Lhis year consisted of ,everal inspection trips and a banquet, held in t he School CafeLeria. The speaker "as "elected from one of the counLries lop ranking industries.

AMERICAN I N STITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Se\'eral oULstanding speakers addressed our chapter of the A.I,Ch.E. this year included :'IIr. Dargen of the ConsolidaLed Edison Company, who brought some Yery interesting motion pictures taken inside coke oven; Dr. George :'IIaverick, of the Standard Oil Development Company and Dr. Walter Ullrich of the Lummus Company. Our chapLer was well represented at the 32nrl Annual Meeting in Provi dence, Rhode Island. The trip included Plant In~pection Trips around Providence; dinner at which we had the great pleasure of lisLening to Professor Alexander :\Iagoun, of l\1.I.T., ,,路ho spoke on "The Unrecognized Poverty"; and also a Round Table Discussion conducLed by various men from the Chemical Industry. The remainder of the year's activities included the Annual Formal Dance of the Chapter, a joint Alumn i-Student Dinner, the Annual Metropolitan A.I.Ch.E. St udenL Chapter convention aL Columbia University and the Annual Banquet at the Chemists' Club.



The Radio Club was organized in the early part of October under the auspices of the student branch of the A.I.E.E. with the officers of the club being the radio committee of the A.I.E.E. and the general membership open to all day students. A constitution was adopted and a medium power tran"nilter constructed in the Electrical hboratory. Lectures, presentation of student papers, and inspection trips have fea· tured the interesting programs of the organizat ion. One of the most intereot· ing was a demonstration and lecture on televjsion during" hich a program originating in the ll.C.A. studios and bI·oad· cast from atop the Empire State Building was viewed in the Lecture Hall. ;\1r. David Sarnoff, PI'all alumnus and Presi· dent of R.C.A., addressed the group. Then, sho\\ing the versatility of this medium in the field of entertainment, a movie \\as televised. The club looks fOf\mrd to an Amateur Phone Station and continued expansion of its activities.



(To he read 10 years from now) :\Iemories, dear memoriefd 'Veren't we the happy group? Once a \\ eek, we assembled to "blend our voices in har· monious song!" We really had a gram! time geLLing together and singing for all

we were worth. \'I' e soon learned that there \\ere some pretty good scouts in the other schools, too. Why, that's where [ met - well, never mind! We sang at I\'oon Hour Services on Thursday quite regularly. At that time, \\e sho\\ed ,,'hat "e actually accomplished at our r eo hearsals. We always hoped to giye a concert, not of Glee Club alone, but one ,,"hich would expose all musical talent in school. That movie we gave "Yesterday Live' Again" was quite a hit and it " 'as fun to be haunted by our favorite "menace". And then, there \\ as the radio given away at the Art School Christma party - and an art tudent didn't win it. \'I'o,,! Gosh! those certainly" ere the days,

DEBATING CLUB Thi past year saw the inauguration of intercollegiate debating at Pratt Institute. It was formed under the direction of Mr. Cowles by six members of the class of 1939. The membership of the club is limited by charter. The first major event "as held with St. Lawrence University of Canton, New York_ The debate proved highly successf ul with the fine cooperation of the first year students "ho "cre "ell represented. A round table cliscus8ion with Brooklyn College, Queens College, Polytechnic In stitute of Brooklyn, Hofstra College and Household Science and Arts School participating was another activity. Tentative plans for futme discussions with other colleges sometime in April are included in the club's program. The club. as a member of the Ne" York State Debating Society, has as its aims not only the task of mastering the difficult art of public speaking but also the broadening of the students' intellectual interests.



SHOP The year 1939 augmented the fifth s ucce"ful season of the Pratt Playshop. l;"nder the capable leadership of Ben Fromkin the Playshop ,,-elcomed the future Lunts and Fontaines into its fold and started the season off with a hlng by presenting that spectacle of all tIllie, 路路Pratt Pallics of 1939路', which pro'路ed a success both materially and financially. Who can ever forget the antic of Elise Healy. the voice of l\Iary Ann Krejci, or that memorable Russian :\lelodramer "O"ki Oski Bush"? Later in the season, the Playshop sponRored a benefit raffle and dance with music by the most popular bands of the day via turntable. As a climax to a successful season, the Playshop produced as its annual majof presentation "Petticoat Fe\er" by \lark R eed. The play was directed

by :\1r. :\fonte Meacham and the sett ing "as designed and executed by Ben Fromkin. The production waR enthusiastically received and a bigger and better sea.on is in view for next year.



The Women's Club is for the benefit of every girl of the In stitute. It affords the students an opportunity to enjoy them路 selves and to meet fellow students at all times. It offers a homey environment, relaxing surround ings, a congenial company and various other diversions. Cur路 rent magazines, a radio, piano and lounge are at the disposal of all, and the delightful kitchen and lunchroom facilities offer ample opportunity for grand times. During the early part of each semester, two teas are given at the Club to which all students are cordially invited. Ca,ual teas and get-together parties are held frequently and are always well attended. Permission is graciously granted to groups and classes "ho \, ish to hold meetings or prepare s uppers. We are indebted to Mrs. Hewlett for making the Women's Club an enjoyable place for study and social contacts; and we appreciate the charm and friendliness whirh she extends to all tho'e who frequent the club.

GET-TO-GETHE B CLUB The Get-Together-Club has proven its success this year through its attractive informal tea's and suppers. l\Iore and more girls have participated in its affairs and special prai,e goes to :'I1rs. Hewlett and the committees for the grand job they have done in making the organization a success.

Yuletide cJ,eer and traditions were carried out by the beautiful decorations, a Santa Claus who passed out gifts to everyone and the s in ging of Christmas Carols. At the February meeting, Mr. and i'll'S. James C. Boudreau were our guests and i'lrs. Boudreau showed very interesting colored slides and spoke to us on "Flying as a Sport." Her enthusiasm on the subject ,,-as shared by the audience. A delicious Chow :'Ifein supper was prepared and sened by Yirginia Guild and her committee. Later on this spring the club plans to hold an outdoor tea in the garden. We sincerely wish this congenial organization much success in the future.



As a meeting place for friends, a quiet 5pot to get in some work, and as a ct'nter of relaxing recreation, the Men's Club has continued its service to the male students of Pratt this year. Supervised by l\Ir. Wright, and under the capable direction of Julius and his three assistants, Bob Wilcox, Alex Romanski, and Tony Jonassen, the club facilities are available to the students six days a week exclusive of Sundays_ The renovated bowling alleys and pool tables have been the scene of many crucial clashes as the various schools of the Institute battled for supremacy_ The cluh senes coffee and andwiches at noon and many of the men prefer to eat here for, \\ hen finished, they can relax in friendly games of pinochle or chess, or perhaps browse through a copy of Life_ Jointly Sllported through tuition contributions, pool and bowling receipts, and the sale of tobacco and candy, the club fulfills a worthwhile purpose_



In an editorial in one of the year's Data Board's is the phrase, H___ satisfaction of having done something unrequired, entirely under your own steam, and of ha\ing made a good job of it." The members of the staff of this S_ and T_ paper may certainly have the satisfaction, having labored to put a newsy publication that has filled a definite wanl. The stories and articles served to acquaint those in the Engineering School \\ ith the \ arious events of the school year and have presented new ideas and promo I ed certai n needed programs_ The paper follows it's slogan, HBy the students [or the students _" In the ,,,conel year of its inky existence it announced the C.A_A. Program at Pratt, presented the results of the investigation Ot the S_ and T_ dance, and helped launch the all-Institute paper, The Prattler, and conducted an in[ormative sports department.

fI eadlines

S.E.S.E. With graduation in the offing, the most prevalent query of the seniors is, "1\ job how? \I here? when? The perplexity of this question inspired the S.E.S.E.- Student Education for Seeking Employment. It is conducted by a commillee of thirty students and seyen facu]ty nlemhers, in a cooperative, constructi\e program designed to help with the knotty problem of how to get a joband keep it. Dozens of busy but interested men and "omen, all successful in their respective fieJds of work- news路 papers, shops, hospital, tea room, cafeteria, etc.- responoed to the commitIce's calJ for help nnd counsel. \I ith the result that lectures, demonstrations. panel discussions, field trips, interviews. job analyse~. and "good grooming clinics' have inspired the job-hunting setackle their personal employ-

Display Class LTHOUGH still in its infancy the Display class under the


capable and critical eyes of its instructors, Mr. Lewis of the Eastman Kodak Display Department and Mr. Brulin of our own Industrial design department. has taken great strides this year in the field of display design. The small group could he seen e\路erv Thursday at four wend路 ing its tireless way via Independent Transit to Queens Village Plaza for a two路hour seminar at Kodak. Practical work on actual window displays plus a few cut fingers and aching arms

resulted from the hammering and din emenating every Tuesday morning from 263. Came spring and all attention was concentrated on the annual exhibition at which all the window displays at Radio City were designed and executed by the display group. We of the group taking this specialized course highly endorse it as a source for individual ingenuity and distinctive taste. The field display is unlimited and the time and effort expended was wholly profitable. thanks to those who gave their time and effort to make it so.


So cial Slants EDECKED in their besl "hib and tuckers" Prall lads and las,,;ies ushered in a nell schuol ) ear by lurning oul cn masse al the Women's Cluh. Congenial hospilalil) and friendliness preyailecl and it lias fun to sec familiar fa"es again ... so much challer. introduclions and II hal I1m-e ) ou ... we \I ere almost ohlivious Lo the josLling ... much lo sa) anel so Illan) ne\l("0111er5 Lo Lake under our wing ... noL Lo menlion lilt' guhs of salldlliches and fixins "hich we conslimed! ... Thc social irhirl found us parL)illg . . . dancing . . . gall-fesLing . . . all Lo hring good cheer and "amarackric lo our Oedglings ... senior sislers and sLlIdenL counselors cntcrLaincd Lheir charges at a Home Economics Cluh parl) in Bee Hall .... The 5&'1' and ArL Schools did right "",,,ll b) their PraLLies too .... The Student Council inaugurated the Tuescla) artcrnoon dances once again and inlroduced Del Conte's orchestra Lo Lhose "ho gave a siller di~(' aL the door ... such a hevy of Pratt prellies!! ... the ('onservative waltz unlH'ard of at the~e afTairs ... \,hal a sLag line! ... or were thc) j usL bashful?


Desha Speaks to Palelteers

S. & T. Dance

Overtones ARTIE BENJ\ETT ... little man, what now? ...

HELE ELDREDGE . . . wit . . . wit ... and more wit .. .

STEVE SMITH ... sleepy ... stormy ... slap-happy ... sweetie路pie Steve.

DICK DONOHUE .. . king of the jitterbugs! . _ .

DOT DIEHL ... "if I cross 'Baby' with a Packard will I get a Chrysler?"

HERBERT JOHANSON . . . charged with assault and battery and sentenced to a dry cell for 10 days!

GLEN DONALDSON . . . energetic, peppy Glenn y .. . SARA McFALL ... Scarlett O'Hara ... ART KAUFMAN ... gentlemen prefer blondes ... and Khat a blonde . . . ANITA HUNNIFORD ... Blossom seems to have that far away look ... Boston really isn't that far! .. . JOHN SCHNEIDER ... what Pratt won and Dartmouth lost .. . MONROE and ECKLEY ... the Met is really missing something or is it? JOHNNY WHITE ... oh Johnny ... oh ...

EDITH FLORA ... why is it, Edie is always anxious for a vacation, )et she doesn't mean a rest? COOKIE GARITY ... vitality plus ... must be her dietary regime . . . MAT BENCE ... I've got to get on the ball and shape up . . . ED GIBBONS ... I wasn't seasick ... gas fumes, you know ... BOB SPRAGUE . . . after the movies, I'll do some work . . . PEEWEE ADAMS ... ") Oll don't know how much we suffer" ...

PAT VAN RIPER ... smiling lady .. _

MARIAN SCOTT ... Scotty, French for oomph! ...

VIV ERICKSON . . . she goes to the "country" ... Port Chester ...

PAT DREHER . . . petite and pretty cute ...

RAY RYBCZYNSKI ... New Haven's little protege .. .

GRACE l'\OBLE ... there are presidents and there are presidents ... but Nibs is one of the best ...

TONY JOl\ASSOl\ . . . all work and little play caused many a girl to grieve. JAY STEW ART ... three musketeers ... Shelley, Byron and Stewart ... CHARL HILDEBRANDT . . . what a notebook will do for a red-headed gal. PAT HOFFMAN ... intelligence ... it's a wonderful thing, eh Pat? .. . JOE AMISAl\O ... in collaboration with Bob Hope he has concluded that kissing kills germs ...

MARIAN ANFUSO . . . H. S. & A.'s Palm Beach representative . . . EVELYN ADAMS . . . a Dartmouth pin? yes, but we know the whole story. GERRY DE MAURO ... "pardon me while I have a nervous breakdown". MARY SHELTO~ ... has anyone noticed Mar) 's t\\-O index fingprs? the hunt and pick system! . is she WINSTON PETERSO'\T. . is she fair? . blonde?

DOT KAPPLEMAN ... blonde bombshell ...

JUSTIN HARTSHORl\E ... oh sleep, ;t's a blessed thing! .. .

AL ACQUINO .. . there's only one good Munchikin, and he's it! ...

MARY RUSSELL . . . it's a woman's privilege to change her mind . . .


HOPPER HOTCHKISS . . . you little men in the white coats ... aces ... YVETTE PELCHAT ... Ma ... that Prattonia representat.ive is here again. "SPIKE" WALKER . . . " deadline or no deadline, I gotta eat!" ... EVELYN RENSING ... a Brooklyn girl with an Oxford accent ... 1I1ml11 ... DOT BARNES ... female exponent of the knitting movement . . . ED ALMGREl\. . I'll love you when ) our hair has turned to silver ... RITA SLOWEY . . . she's a one man gal, but oh what a man ... MILT ERICKSON ... Women ... Bah! BOB MILLER .. . Don't stay in training all the time . . . Wake up and live!

SA DY BAKER ... there seems to be some "engineering" somewhere . . . BOB SPERZEL . . . can you imagine Bob without Frankie? ... AL A VISON ... here's a wolf that got trapped! .. . EILEEN CUMMINGS ... glamour gal from Sunnyside .. . PENNY BREITINGER . . . what can that gleam in her eye and all this "Skipping" around mean? MIKE MASKALY . . . you and that camera! . . . BOBBY MURRAY ... here's a cute Ii'l bundle of fluff .. . LINCOLN REID . . . Miami salesman.

DOLLY LOVENTHAL ... busy woman, she . . .

DOUG MERRILEES . . . a smoothie with those ivories . . . with the gals too ...

BETTY FUTCH ... that cute little rebel from way down South . . .

FRANK RYAN ... our four-letter man ... RYAN .. .

BOB ERTELL ... gorsh. he's wonderful ...

FRANCIS Al\ D KATHERIKE McLAUGHLIN ... think twice and say nothing.

NICKY BARBER ... simply de路lovely. CORA TREMPER . . . what's all this we've been hearing about 3 down and 1 to go? No place like home . . .


. the Apollo of

PRATT? BUD STEWART ... " and then I saw them coming, so I led the Rehel retreat .. ." VI\ ]\TIE AZZARA ... small and vivacious ... but still audacious. MILDRED EHLERS . . . the Army's good enough for her . . . don 't fret. Millie, luly is almost here ... RAUNJ LAMPE ... architectural ("onsultant ... some stuff ... ELINOR HAVENS ... " tht' wind and the rain" . . . MORT STAMBAUGH . . . give me a roof-top so I can see the stars ... KEN STIGBERG ... he's a Swect ho). KEN MILLER " "what's calculus?" MARIE CUCCI ... what would Dorsey do without her .. .

HARRIET COLE ... a thing of beauty and a joy forevt'r . JANET SHOEMAKER ... "aren't they wonderful? ... " DlCK TEITLEMAN ... "I need inspiration ... one steak ... rare, please ... " SHORTY GRA DAHL ... "I went out in the rain and look what happened!" BOB COLBY ... tidy fellow and nice. ELLEN HALL . . . Haworth's wmthy contribution to Pratt ... DOT LEWIS ... she's just a Southern gal at heart .. . KEN CUMMINGS ... the hunting season isn 't legally open ... ANNE IRELAl\ D ... salesgirl for cupid ... ED RYA ... the soeiallion suddenly settles down ... VIRGINIA GUILD ... sleep? ... what for? ... RED HA NSCI-U: ... the intrepid guardian of the gales .. _


King and Queen EADII\G the ballot as King and Queen of Pratt, Rita Siowe) and Ed" ard Almgren might appropriately be named "The Couple 10st Often Seen Together." Both tall and good-Iooking_ with Rita's darkness contrasted with Ed's lightness, the) make a most attractive twosome. The other results folloll :


Most Versatile Most Likely to Succeed Most Intelligent Most Popular Most Poised Most Athletic Most Studious Most Glamourol1s Most Artistic Best Looking Best Dancing Best Sport Liveliest Wittiest Heart-breaker Has done most for Pratt Sharpy

Girl Virginia Guild Gerr) De Mauro Gertrude Knopp Eleanor Vanek Grace Noble Vilya Yonush \orma Griffiths Ruth Breitinger Cecile Abbott Glendora Donaldsoll Eileen Cummings Eunice Barber Florence Williams Lorrette Brennan Betty Futch McLaughlin T" ins Pat Dreher

Boy Al Mangani Lee Maher Edward Gibbons Ken Cummings Charles Fennel Joe Falotico Sabinus Christensen Joe Coughlin Marin Rapecis Gordon Beekldth Bernard Cohn Jill Hillhouse "Hopper" Hotchkiss Jack Rohrer William Morsell J ames Cooper Joseph Jaklitch

Social Slants


ATE SEPTEMBER found man) PratLonians including our oriented Freshmen, board ing) e olde ship for the \Vest Point trip . . . a jolly time with much l1lt"lTylllaking . . . or so we heard .... The basketball season swung into action with the students cheering lustily and shouting for victories ... spec路 tacular last路minute shots seemed to be a specialty with our boys . . . . The thriller-dillers in Memorial Hall attracted avid movie fans . . . we liked "Dracula" especially . . . good 01' spinechiller! ... The C.D.'s came forth with a Hallowe'en party for their Freshmen with "Madame Serpentina" keeping the guests entertained .... The Chem Hop found the boys from across the tracks proudly escorting their heart-beats to their night of nights ... and what a night! ... Especially noted was some extra special rug-cutting and without a slide-rule no less .... Just to mention a few of the many activities in the lives of our social 'hutterflies .... . . . Our harassed stoodents had a breathing spell at Thanksgiving time when all scurried hither and yon and partook of the festive bird ... then back they came ... in the groove once more .... Christmas parties soon came along with the Artsmen, Paletleers and Architects gathering their clan and having a ripsnortin' good time with dancing and candy canes ... whoops ... the striped variety. .. A clever "Holiday Cruise" party was given by the Dietetics II class on December 19th .... Imaginary stops were made in Mexico, California. and Hawaii .... The Playshop worked industriousl)路 to make their theatrical season a success .... B) presenting a cleverl)' executed revue and a one-act radio !)la) they were able to store in the old sock some much needed coin for their major production ....

Social Slants HEK the holiday spirit had subsided, we found that the S & T Dance was now in the limelight ... late January ... the Hotel St. George Roof provided a smooth setting .... Bill Fenno's renditions and innumerable elevator trips did no harm either ... orchids to the committee for a slick piece of work · .. banquets, foreign dinners and teas managed to inveigle them· selves into the picture about this time ... the Pop Concert on February 23rd proved a real treat. Amusing side·shows helped to swell the scholarship fund ... a turbaned palmist "told all" and a caricaturist revealed those who posed for him, as others see us! ... Wow! ... The Juniors of H.S .&A. entertained their senior sisters at a good 01' fashioned Minstrel Show with dark faces et al. The square dancing was a hilarious high-light of the affair. ... Rec Hall was attractively transformed for the Valentine Dance given by the Home Eco Club ... a red letter event. ... · .. The Playshop's long awaited production was heralded by a large audience in Memorial Hall ... under expert direction and management "Pellicoat Fever" received ovations on both nights of its run ... the play provided many interesting and hilarious moments and we must mention poor. dear Dascom Dinsmore ... the Playshop is deserving of praise for a most successful 1940 ... take a bow! ... · .. The halls of Pratt are literally humming with the excited voices of it seniors ... so tired ... only yesterday they made their grand entrance at the Essex House ... it was their own Senior Prom ... "visions of delight" and their escorts "tripped the light fantastic" ... buoyant banter and badinage ... toasts to the future. to ) ou, to us. to Pratt! ... A gala nite, indeed.


The Prom is now but a reminiscence ... life has gone on all too hurriedly . . . the month of Ma) is about to make its triumphant entry and so a capable and efficient committee is completing plans for our first Field Day ... everyone anxiously awaiting the competitive contests ... the singing and dancing ... the exhibition of fireworks ... and the piece de resistance ... the crowning of our Pratt Queen! ... It is hoped that this first endeavor will be successfully received by all the schools of Pratt . . . a good opportunit~ for all to join hands and sa) "Howdy" .. . . . . Then ... the calm before the storm ... hours of cramming ... black java ... to help us ignore the chimes of the wee mornin' hours ... g) 111 cuts to make up ... Prattonians with puzzled frowns .. chain cokers and smokers . . . thc torture of exams and more exams ... the chant of all Organic Chem stoodents ... Now I lay me down to rest Before I take my chemistry test And if I die before I wake Thank God! rll have no test to take! Ah! ... sighs of relief ... bravo! ... victory is ours! ... All good things come to an end ... and so you are to graduate ... Wistfully you look forward to the Senior Reception and then to the memorable day in June ... To yOU who go out from your Alma Mater ... we wish the very best that life can offer ... to you who are still in the throes of Prattonic bliss ... carryon! ... to all the classes whom we shall never know, we bequeath with a touch of wistfullness no flippancy can hide ... swift years of undergraduate happiness! ...

Field Day Frolics EILEE:\ CLi)D(ll\CS. QLEEl\ OF TilE MAY

SUPPLY STORES The BooKstore, under the direction of Mr. Butler and his able asoistants is sponsored for the benefit of the students of the Institute. ]Jere the students may obtain the \ery finest in materials, books and \lritten information for their school needs. It is hoped that the Book Store "ill continue its \aluable service in the future. Despite their competitive spirit Jake's and Sol's st ill remain the essence of a Pratt student's needs. Their pass\lood is cOl1\enience and their fulfillment is of the best. They represent a tradition as old as tllP cannon itself. Rare indeed \I ill be the day \I hen one can't drop in to S\l ap light路hearted banter \I ith these t\\O cheery proprietors and rare indeed \I ill be the day they say "\i'e're sorry \Ie don't carry that". Dependability, reliability and honest y are the keynotes of these three Prall In路 stjl utiOIlR now and forever.

REST HOUSE Yery little needs be said concerning the Rest IIouse, for breathes there a Pratt student who hasn't at some time or other enjoyed the congenial hospitaity of Miss Hale and Mrs. Hatch while luxuriously fighting those pesky germs, measles or even a severe case of damlruff. For a minimum fee of one dollar a day, a student may stay at the Re,t House in case of illness until he is pronounced fit and able enough to prance back to his studies. Not only do patients enjoy every convenience, but the possibility of effusive friends offering cheery words of comfort plus the added probability of a bunch of posies. the result of plundering the class treasury, is verI intriguing. Sounds rather cosy, doesn't it? Remember. whenever you ha\'e a .prain, break, cold or "symptoms", see 'Iiss Hale and after a few preliminary examinations perhaps you will be eligible for a StB) at the Rest I-Iollse . . . Simple, yes?




Son of the Founder of Pratt Institute Whose deep concern for the Institute and friendly solicitude lor its people, and whose counsel in its affairs through the years of its history were vital and unremitting, as a member of the Board of Trustees and as Treasurer of Pratt Institute.

The Younger Generation Classes in Order





Geraci, Nicholas J .. 31-78 36th St., Long Island City, N.Y. Martin, Allyn. 109 Dover Rd., West Hartford, Conn. Matrofil, Johann, 92 Palmer Avenue, Stamford, Conn. Mattell, Thomas, 668 Somerset St., No. Plainfield, N. J. :\IcCarroll, Fred, 221st St. 8. Putnam Pl., Bronx, N. Y. :'\eary, Ellsworth, 17 Anderson St., Naugatuck, Conn. Nies, W.illiam, 5454 Syh an Ave., Riverdale, N. Y. :'\ovinski, Ed,mrd A., 808 Scott St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. O'Brien, Vincent, 1966 University Ave., Bronx, K. Y. Pick, Janet. 330 East 52nd Street, Ne" York, N. Y. Placzek, Thaddeus G .. 49 :\1echanic St., Westfield, Mass. Price. Barbara, 9 Latimer Lane, Bronxville, N. Y. Putnam, Cynthia, 1042 DOlll1er Place, AUl'era, Ill. Querfeld, Arthur, 1035 l\Ionroe Ave., Dearborn, Michigan Reid, Lincoln, 2811 South West 36th St., Miami, Fla. Rhodes, W. Bradley, 40 Parmalee Ave ., Hawthorne, N. J. Rosen, Ben, 7619 Bryon, Detroit, Michigan Rosenthal, Herbert, 11 West 81st St., New York, N. Y. Samler, Leo, 186 Enfield St., Hartford, Conn. Samuelson, Stanley H., 187 Gilman St., Bridgeport, Conn. Sembrich, Alfred S., 97-12 Sanders PI.. J amaiea, 1. 1. Shannon, William S., 20 N. Broadway, White Plains, N.Y. Shaaf, Frances, 16 Duryea Street, Islip, N. Y. Simon, Elsie B., 533 Warwick Ave., W. Englewood, N. J. Skiff, Sally. 78 Wa: ltington Terrace, Bridgeport, Conn. Smallman, Robert, 21 James St., Ossining, N. Y. Terracciano, Jack, 23路12 36th St., Astoria, 1. 1. Tonnessen, Harold, 6812 Bliss Terrace, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wallington, Ethel, 9 Gilbert St., Ridgefield, Conn. 'Wasserman, Rose, 3 Daly St., Stamford, Conn. Weber, Frances E ., Oxmoor Road, Homewood, Ala. Weicll, William E., 59 Charlotte St., Hartford, Conn . Wendeborn, Ellis E., 4264 S.E. Alder St., Portland, Ore. Wilcox, James, 613 North Wilbur Avenue, Sayre, Pa. Wild, Marcia, 148路15 89th Avenue, Jamaica, 1. 1. Woollen, William c., 57 So. Second St., Meriden, Conn. Williams, Ralph E., 14 Cole Ave., Pittsfield, Mass.



Abbott, Cecile, 10 East Rocks Road, NOTwalk, Conn. Abbott, Jean, 211 Norwalk, Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Abraham, Elaine, 1184 E. 96th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Angstadt, S. Elaine, 218 Everett Place, Englewood, N. J. Ayers, James, 475 E . 143rd St., Bronx, N. Y. Bally, Marian, 799 Huntington Turnpike, Bridgeport, Conn. Baro\\ sky, '\Iarjorie, 102 Linden St., Holyoke, Mass. Beck" ith, Elinor S., 78 Ivy St., West Haven, Conn. Coneen, John P., 47 Marion Ave., Grant"-ood, . J. Donolan, Robert R., 606 Tenth St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Dunton, Mary J., 807 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. Everell, Mary E., 416 Center Ave., Greensburg, Pa. Garing, Theodore, 17 Barth Dril'e, Baldwin, 1. 1. Gately, Yirginia, 1409 Prince Ed\\ arel St., Fredericksbllrg, Va. Giacona, Joseph, 256 Yermont A,e., Inington, . J. Geraci, l icholas, 31-78 36th St., Long hland City Getman, Clarence J., 12 English St., llion, N. Y.




Goldberg, Korman, 580 Hinsdale St., Brooklyn, . Y. Gordon, Doris Jean, Shore Road, Green's Farms, Conn. Grel er, Katherine, 289 Burn St., Forest f1ills, 1. 1. Grobe, Fred N. 167 S. Lake Ave., Troy, N. Y. Ii allock, Joan, 945 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. lIallft, Virginia R., 5 Manor Court, Hempstead, 1. 1. Ifedin, Donald, 367 Beechwood Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Ilert h, Harold, 51 Carson Ave., Newburgh, N. Y. Horton, Ruth, 555 Central Ave., Bound Brook, N. J. Johnson, hene E., 17 South l\iain St., Manchester, Conn. J IIIkops, Helen 1., 125 Corson Ave., New Brighton, S. 1. Klas, Walter, 354 New Yofk Ave., Union City, N. J. Lannin, Dorothy, 475 Lafayette Blvd., Long Beach, 1. L Levine, Paul. 2851 W. 31 St., Brooklyn, 1\. Y. Lynch, Maureen, 160 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Ruch_ Betty, 101 Prospect St., White Plains, N. Y. Thompson, Frank, Frostproof, Florida



Anderson, Carleton K., 199 East, Great Barrington, Mass. Anderson, Robert W., 249-41 Beach Knoll Ave., Little Neck, 1. I. Apatsky, Joseph, 118 East 3rd Street, New York Baral, Harry 1., 137 East 96th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bobovitch, Vladimir, 871 East 179th Street, N. Y. Byron, Lawrence D., 84-24 115th St., Richmond Hill, N.Y. Chait, Daniel, 258 East 4th Street, New York DeGrego, Joseph A., 42 No. High St., Mt. Yernon, N. Y. Dietz, Robert W., Heisser Lane, Farmingdale, 1. I. Eberhardt, Walter R., 317 West 83rd Street, N . Y. C. Fabriz.i, Gemaro, 36 Woodland Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. Fisher, Frank R., 43 Union St., Waterbury, Conn. Fitzgerald, Everett c., 258 South Willard Street, BllTlington, Vermont Fook, Ngwai, 13 Catherine Street, New York City Frudakis, l\1ike, 516 9th Avenue, New York City George, Frank D., 317 West 93rd Street, New York City Greenwood, Charles S., 195 May St., Worcester, l\Iass. Grover, James P ., 407 Main St., Toms River, N. J. Grygotis, Peter, 146 4th St., Elizabeth, N. J. Hayward, William E., 91-12 81st St., Woodhaven, 1. 1. Husby, 10hn II., 23 Bismark Ave., Yalley Stream, 1. 1. Kohlmann, Gerard, 1008 Gates Ave., Brooklyn. . Y. Laspia, Blaise F ., 1247 84th St., Brooklyn, 1\. Y. Lembo, Nicholas, 305 23rd Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Majeski, Alexander, 19 Ward Street, Waterbury, Conn. IcCrae, James J., 18 Osborne PI., Irvington, . J. :\lcTaggart, Allan G., 1160 Hertel Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Nicony, Julius, 564 Warren St., Phillipsburg, N. J. Philibert, Thomas H., 456 West 157th St., Ne" York City Reitman, l\Iichael, 360 New Jersey Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Renac, Robert, 7430 Woodside Ave., Elmhurst, 1. I. Renken, Fred P., 8904 113th St., Richmond Hill, 1. L Schirmer, Robert W., 9432 85th Ave., Woodhaven, L. L Schwartz, Michael, 1680 47th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sirine, Donald F., Box 291, Route 3, Bridgeport, Conn. Slater, Ed"ard, 502 East 79th Street, New York City Solomita, Vincent, 512 Grand St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith , William TI., Grove Street, Clifton, N. J. :ltallcit, Alois, 112-37 203rd Street, Hollis, N. Y. Stern_ Paul B., 1796 Grand Concourse. Bronx. N. Y. Sperling, Ahraham, 114 Tenlyck Walk, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Stolz, George J., 140 Emerson Ave., Floral Park. L. J. Sutherland, William M., R.F.D. 4, Ogdensberg, '\f. Y. "elhage, Francis W., 104 Bent\\ood Rd., W. Hartford, Conn.



Abramo\\itz, Selma F., 52 Goffe Terrace, New Haven, Conn. Bartlett, Richard W., Prospect Hill Rd., Windsor, Conn. Becker, Donald, 61 Maryland Ave., Freeport, L. J. Berger, Lois Ann, 145 Edwards Ave., Sayville, L. 1. Braden, Philip, ThompsonvjlJe Rd., Monticello, . Y. Briggs, Robert H., Coeymans, N. Y. Cammarota, Salvatore G.. 711 Logan 5t., Brooklyn, T. Y. Driscoll. Daniel J., 208 Main St., Westport, Conn. Ferens, Robert Ralph, Windsor lIotel, Poughkeepsee. N. Y. Finkelstein, ;\Ialdn. 3135 Diamond 51., Philadelphia, Pa. Griffin, A. Winton. 89-86 187 PI., lIollis, T. Y. Jansson, John P., 255-02 Iowa Rd., Great Neck, L. 1. Klein, William, 85 Dougla sSt., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kliemt, Richard A., 455 Bach 68th SI., Rocka\\ ay Beach, N. Y. Larsen, Ralph W., 7711 6th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Muller, Warren H., 1685 E. Chester Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Oehrig, Henry A .. 187-40 Hillburn Ave., Hollis, L. I. Raymond, Yito. 1202 Stafford Ave., Scranton, Pa. Rosell, James, 214 Pasadena Ave., Hasbrouck Heights,

N. J. Salvati. Anthony ;\1. 275 Ave. W., Brooklyn, J. Y. 5c1malbe. Charles W .. 187 Kicholas Ave., Port Richmond, S. 1. Spross, Roger G .. 331 Church St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Wettstein, Herbert A .. 606 Garden St., Hoboken, N. J. Yeung, Lincoln K., 225 East 31st St., N. Y. C.

FOUNDATION B Dangers, Ben ham, Ozark, Arkansas Daris, Doris L., 125 Fairway Ave., Belleville, N. J. Davis, '\Ieredith. R., 1522 Center St., Hillside, N. J. Decker, Frank, P., Saulpaugh Hotel, Catskill, N. Y. Demirgian, Berge E.. 147-43 45th Ave., Flushing, N. Y. DeSanta, Sah-atcre, 135 Lindnen St., Roslyn Hts., N. Y. Desatnek, Archie A., 585 Lefferts Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Doblin, Jay, 227-08 141 Ave., Laurelton, . Y. Dodd, Duncan 0.,453 7th St., Brooklyn, . Y. Dnucker, Ruth, 709 West 176 St., New York Duryea, Marie E., Monroe Ave., Seaford, L. 1. Edwards, Constance M., 284 Hill St., Southampton, L. I. Elar, John 1., 165 East Merrick Road, Freeport, N. Y. Erb, "lonna J., 90-15 63 Ave., Forest Hills West, L. I. Ernst, Ingeborg, 6 Jefferson Ave., Danbury, Conn. Everline, Robert P., 1118 Hampden Blvd., Reading Pa. Fa\\cett. Richard S .. 334 Lincoln Ave., Amherst, Mass. Ferguson, Howard R., 6 Birchwood A'e., '\fyack, T. Y. Fernalld, lone M., 120 North Broad St., Norwich, N. Y. Fink, Betty M., 8554 113 St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Fisher, '\farilyn, 260 N. Yillage Ave., Rockville Center, 'I. Y. Fornari. Raymond, 3 St., Bethpage, N. Y. Fralin, Yirgil P .. 1105 Alma St., Wichita Falls, Texas Fromm, \1i chael J., Pomfret Center, Conn. FrLl@;one, :\Ol'llla A., 1072 '\few York I\ ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fryberger, Korma L., 436 Stockbridge A'e., Buffalo, N. Y. Gabbe, Roberta L., 1270 East 18th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Gardner, Janic e T. , ]47 Linden Ave., Middletown, N. Y. Gero\\, Pauline :\1., 417 West 120th St., ew York Gerstein, J uJiu~, 41 orth Malcolm St., Ossining, N. Y. Gittel8on, Amran, 2021 East 26th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Goldsmith, Willis, 25 Columbia Ave., Middletown, N. Y. Goodman, WilJiam II., 348 Leland Ave., New York Gould, Beatrice A., 9 Edgewood Place, Maplewood, N. J. Green, Jack 1., 58 Stengel Ave., Newark, N. J. Hadley, ll aIrY E., 5503 31Ave., Woodside, L. 1., . Y. Hagan, John, 931 BriarcliIT Rd., Atlanta, Ga. Haley, Betty c., 272 North Quaker Lane, West Hartford, Conn. Haymon, "incent, 1079 GleJ,wood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y.



Abbott, John II., River Rd., Scarborough-On-Hudson,

....,. Y. Albert, Marjorie M., 204 Walnut St., Lynbrook, N. Y. Amos, James R., 40 Belmont St., Hamden, Conn. Andruss, .lacy., 34 Harwood Ave., N. Tarrytown, N. Y. Aquino, Albert T., 41 Plymonth Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Ast, Lottie L., Sunrise Highway, Islip Terrace, N. Y. Austin, Jane, 106 Princeton St., Rockville Centre, N. Y. Baker, Ursula, 126 Northampton Rd., Amherst, Mass. Baker, Michael, San Juan, Puerto Rico Bartlett, Gordon M., 156 Waterville St., Waterbury, Conn. Barton, Diana, 16 E. 9 St., N. Y. C. BeebeI', lIerman, 101 Harrison PI., Perth Amboy, N. J. Berens, John R., Box 188 A Woodland Ave., Clarks Summit, Pa. Biow, Edward J., 454 Beach 133 St., Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Blauvelt, Shirley E., 15 Hart PI., Nyack, N. Y. Blyc1enburgh, Eleanor L., 26 Brookline Drive, W. HartIord, Conn. Boecia, Edward E., 81 St. Paul Ave., Newark, N. J. Boege, Warren R., 222-07 Hanlon Ave., Queens Village,

N. Y. Bolsover, Harold S., 91 Oakland Rd., Maplewood, N. J. Bove, Richard J., 7304 Tenth Ave., Brooklyn, . Y. Brooks, Samuel Hamilton, 1756 Central Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Bucher, Doris A., 10 Harvard Terr., W. Orange, . J. Busby, Robert A., 1160 27 St., Des Moines, la. Cahoo n, Wilbur T ., 44 Farewell St., Newport, R. r. Campbell, Dorothy J., 1214 Roselle Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Canzani, Joseph V., 2629 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Carlstrom, Eric A. 46 Forest Ave., Glen Cove, N. Y. Caroff, Joseph, 814 Seymour Ave., Linden, N. J. Casey, Elizabeth J ., 616 N. Chestnut St., Barnesville Ohio Champl in, Nathaniel L. 44 Elm St., Newport, R. r. Chernik, Helen, P. O. Box 384, Yalesville, Conn. Chigi, Guido Yincent, 71 S. Willard St., Burlington, Vt. Clarke, Katherine A., 10 Lawrence Ave., Lynbrook, N. Y. Cowan, Jack P., BJountivlle Pike, Bristol, Tenn. Cunningham, Helen, 8. E. 9th St., N. Y. C.

FOUNDATION D Lieberman, Grace, 358 W. Fulton St., Long Beach, L. r. Liebig, Dorothy, 959 Albany Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lindborg, Edna, 15 Roosevelt St., Rye, . Y. Lud\l ig, Helen E., 719 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, . Y. l\laclellan, A. Cra ig, 6 Record St., Newport, R. r.


Marcellino, Joselyn, 36 Snydam St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Marks, Rita, 1000 Grand Concourse, Bronx, N. Y. Mallina, Anthony P., 3762 72 St., Jackson Heights, 1. 1. McGowan, Murray, Shelby, North Carolina McMorrow, Edward J .. 139 Sound View Ave., Stamford, Conn. McMillen, :lVIary 440 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mead, Theodore P., Highland Park, Windstcd, Conn. Mercurio, Angela, ]\1., 35 Groshan Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Meereicks, George, 1101·30 146 St., Jamaica, 1. 1. Mikulchik, Leon A .. 1476 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mitchell, John B., 54 E. Argyle 51., Yalley Stream, N . Y. Moddy, Doris E., 7720 Austin St., FOl'e£t Hills, 1. 1. Morris, June T., 772 Garfield St., Denver, Colo. Morton, Richard 2115 N. W. 11 St., Oklahom City, Okla. Mozeleski, Vincent H., 120 Main St., Sayreville, N. J. Murphy, James, 1254 East 23rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Murray, Phoebe, Mt. Airy Rd., Croton·On·Hudson, N. Y. Newman, Emily, 15 Irving PI., Red Bank, N. J. Nicyper, Raymond S., 2506 Simpson Rd., R No.5, Pontiac, Mich. Niese, Leonard c., 98 Grand Ave., Rockville, Conn. Orpen, Mary-Amy, 261 President Ave., Providence, R. 1. Palmer, Rita, R.D. No.3, Wm. Penn Highwy., Easton, Pa. Palmer, William B., 40 IIiard Ave., Stratford, Conn. Parker, Elizabeth J., 12 Fairway, :'Ilaywood, N. J.



Halzack, Peter, R.F.D. No.1, Bridgeport , Conn. Hargreaves, John W., 1 Drip,ock St., SUHen Island, N.Y. Harper, Arthur J., 196 Ridgefield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Havens, Patricia S., 221 North 4th Street, Olean, N. Y. Hendry, Lois 1., 37 Laurel Avenue, Arli.lgton, N . J. Hewitt, Thomas B., 945 West Boulevard Hartford, Conn. Higginson, Jeanne M., 762 Chili Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Hilley, Mary E., 600 West Gold Street, Wilson, N. C. Hobson, William F., 1517 Mars Avenue, Lak ewood, Ohio Howard, June 1., 165 Yictoria Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Howell, Jessica, 90 South Carll, Babylon, ~. Y. Howell, Thomas B., 10 Mayhew Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. James, John W., Evanston, Ill. Kamen, Gloria, 6081 Myrtle Avenue, Queens, . Y. Kaplan, Seymour M ., 407 l\orth James St., Rome, N. Y. Kaufman, Stanley N., 33 Fort Pleasant Ave., Springfield, Mass. Kaufmann, Donald C., 20 Goldenrod Ave., Franklin, N.Y. Kieff, George F., 302 South Massey St., Watertown, Conn. Kipp, Vernon W., 53 Fourth Ave., E. Rockaway, N. Y. Knoeple, Eileen M., 124-18 103rd Ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Koons, Irvin 1., 140 North Tenth St., Reading, Pa. Kutina, Helen A., 64 Marlboro Rd., Valley Stream, N. Y. Laakso, Lillian, 235 Westche ter Ave., Portchester, N. Y. Labatt·Simon, Malcolm, 164 West 79th Street, New York Ladore, Joseph R., 1565 Thieriot Ave., Bronx, N . Y. Lambo, Donald W., 2 Blood treet, Amsterdam, N. Y. Lantz, Hazel, 109-15 1191h St., So. Ozone Park, N. Y. Lawrence, George E., 180 North Street, Stamford, Conn. Lawrence, Ivers W., 20 Mayhew Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Lebo, Marian E., 355 Minnesota Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Lemerise, Charles A., 4·64 IJ udson Ave., Albany, N. Y. Lender, Helen P., 51-39 45th Street, Woodside, N. Y. Leonard, J ean A., 38 Orchard Terrace, Burlington, Vt. Lewis, Melvin P., 309 Bedford Ave., BuHalo, N. Y. Hirsh, Michael R., 35 Crown Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.


FOUNDATION F Sulle, Joseph A., 1115 Morris Ave., New York, N. Y. Supper, Barbara, 11152 205 St., Hollis, N. Y. Sweet, David V., 491 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, N. J. Tartaglione, John, 448 Chestnut St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thiessen, Charles J., 1400 Harding Park, New York, N. Y. Thoren, Beatrice V., 46 Central Avenue, Caldwell, N. J. Toy, Warren R., 6 Willow Place, Yonkers, N. Y. Traver, Frank E., 2615 Albany St., Schenectady, N. Y. Treat, Pauline E., 862 Fairmount Ave., Trenton, N. J. Tropp, Sylvia J ., 43 West 93rd St., New York, N . Y. YanDemark, Ruth M., 148 Henry St., Kingston, N. Y. Yanderbilt, Belle E., 11357 Parn ell Ave., Chicago, Ill. Vaughan, :'Ilary, 73 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Yavaro, Ruth, 130-53 230 St., Laurelton, 1. 1., N. Y. \'ernam. Ruth 1. 327 Clinton Place, Hackensack, N. J. Yentura, Rita, 141 East 88th St., l\ew York, . Y. \"~rnick, Evelyn R., 1286 Broad St., Hartford, Conn. Vitullo, Frank, 2160 Bay Ridge Pal"kway, Brooklyn, N. Y. \ ' ogelman, Flora, 15 Featherbed Lane, New York, N. Y. Volkmer, Jeannelle, 182-27 Avon Road, Jamaica, N. Y. Vukas, ]\fary T ., 77 Louisiana St., Long Beach, N. Y. Waggoner, Herbert A., 209 West Broadway, Schalia, Mo. Wales, Richard B., 1738 Elm St., Stratford, Connecticut Wavpotich, August, 22-15 28 St., Long Island City, N. Y. Weaver, ~f. Jeanne, 333 Wisteria Drive, Dayton, Ohio Weber, Richard D., 1409 Myron St., Schenectady, N. Y. Weiner, Benjamin, 148 Highland Ave., Jersey City, N. J. White, Jean ]\1., R.F.D. o. A, Cambridge Springs, Pa. Williford, Wade H., Edgewood Circle, Gastonia, N. C. Wivegg, Ellen 1., 3715 Foster Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wysong, Madeleine, 28 Exeter St., Williston Park, N. Y. Yoder, J ean E., 49 Caligni Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. Yush, Leonard, 82 Oakland Terrace, J Ialtford, Conn. Zamparelli, Mario A., 2425 Lorillarc. Pl lce, Bronx, N. Y. Jerger, Richard III, 426 14th Avenue N.E., St. Petersburg, Florida Prestinari, Irma II., Druid Hill Road, Summit, N. J. Seqal, Harold E .. 935 Central Ave., Woodmere, N. Y. Youcis, Helen Ann, 26A Ledge Road Wrablica, Paul, 104-23 37th Drive, Corona, N. Y. Winron, Thomas, 1927 Osterlitz Ave., Schenectady, l\. Y. Schuss, Philip, 1295 Sheridon Ave., Bronx, . Y.

FOUNDATION E Pietila, Violet V., 96 Douglas Court, Huntington, N. Y. Pintel, Gloria C., 2727 University Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pippa, Jean M., 8634 St. James Ave., Elmhurst, N. Y. POller, Ellis W., Warehouse Pt., Conn. Pucci, Albert J., 8601 4th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Quirin, Francis X., 2007 12th Ave., Altoona, Penna. Rabino\\, IIirschel, New Britain, Conn. Richard, Edward, 183 Beach IHth Rockaway Beach, Queens, N. Y. Riedl, George ]\f., 72 Maher Ave., Clifton, . J. Rodier, Robert, 3456 Knox PI., N. Y. C. Roel, Dora 1. 1327 East 21st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rohlffs, Jane A.. 11 Shepard Ave., Newark, N. J. Rosen, Lois A., 1045 Elmwood Ave .. Wilmette, Ill. Rosenquist, Doris M., Reading, Penna. Ruben, Leonard, 448 Huntin gton Ave., Buffialo, N. Y. ~andison, Dorothy J., 284 South Broadway, South Nyack,

N. Y. Savo, Laura K., Spencer, N. Y. Schory, Kenneth P., 437 27th St., Massillon, Ohio

Schwartz. \ be 1\ ., 633 Springfield A,e., Newark, N. J. Schwartz, Sol . 8913 :\ Iet ropol itan Ave., Forest llills. 1. 1. Sclmietzer, Robert E., no Eastern Pk)., Brooklyn, N. Y. Scovil, ~ara, 2717 Edgehill Rd., Cleveland H eights, Ohio Seeh. Barbara F., Cuba, 1\. Y. Scnok, John, 23 Cortlandt St., l\ lount \ ernon, 1. Y. Shaw, \ irginia, 163 South Broacl"ay, yack, N. Y. herlock, Joseph E., 962 75th SI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sherron, Helen, 84·15 Kendr ic" PI., J amaica, N. Y. Simko, Rita R .. 119 H ickory SI., Bridgeport. Conn . Smell age, J ones L .. 951l\ort h Broad\\ ay, Knoxville, Tenn. Smith, :\larion H .. New Port, 1\. JI. Southard, Paul E. Jr., 85 R()\dand Rd., Fairfield, Conn . Sprague, Le.ter W., 105 Jamaica .\ 'c., "redford, \'. Y. Spranger, Hans ' C,. 147 Ave. "\ . :'I.e,,· York, N. Y. Slale), Elmer:\1. Jr .. I\e\\ J la,en, Conn. Siamhaugh, Richard E .. ,)lll\orih \Iain St., Ada, Ohio Starr, Ilerala B., 723 No,,,'ood, Franga, N. Y. Slearns, Paul, 2.54 Arlinglon .\,e., Brookl)n, '-i. Y. Slol1. Beverly J ., 320 ,",e. R. Brookl)n, N. Y. Smilh, Robert. l\[orristo'n1, N. J. Shapirio, Phylli s, 305 Linden Bhd .• Brooklyn, N. Y.



Basile. Geunaro J., 28 hes St., Waterbury, Conn. Benedict, Margaret. 200 :\orth Fore.t Ave .. Rockvill e Centre. 1. 1. Birkhahn, \Iarguerite, 30 W. 70th Street. ~ew York City Blce, Robert, 65 Hempslead .\'e., Rock-ille Centre, 1. 1. Bonnell, \rlhur 1., 5 Sorauren .he., Toronto, Canada Brennan, Lorella, 32 Pine St., Rockville Centre, 1. 1. Bruimlik, Henri ella, 25 l\liddagh Sireel, Brooklyn, 1\. Y. Franklin, William J ., 25 Strong Terrace, Win _ted, Conn. Guarrisod, Marie, 43 MacDonald SI., Hempstead, 1. 1. Gerofsky, Richard D., 77 padina Ave., Hamilton, Ont. !leilman, \'irginia, 517 Univer~ilY Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Heteji, Paul S., 511 E. Front St., Plainfield, N. J. Hicks, J. Samuel, Jr., 238 Clinlon A'e .. \. Plainfield, N.J. Ihlenfeld, Francis J.. 29 West Land Rd., Lake "ie\\" N.Y. Jurgen" Helen, 828 :\Iarcy .he., Brookl) n, '\C. Y. Kaplan, Seymour 1\1., 296 Lafayelle Ave., Brooklyn, ~.Y. Lip'-, Starbuck,S Plymouth, Stralford, Conn. :\IcKaig, Kenneth G., 230 Beach fhe., Garwood, N. J. :\Iei,.ner, Jlse, Gansfussallee St., Wttbg, Germany l\1errilees, Douglas, 104 Oak St., Waterbury, Conn. :\Iertz, Marjorie, 307 East 44th Street, New York City l\Iilen,ky, Anne, 43 Clinton Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Munro, John William, 1607 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Peters, Tlerbert Bruce, 275 Indian Road, Toronto, Canada Redmann, Robert E., 466 Farmington Ave., Bristol, Conn. Requa, Gene, 231 High St., Passaic Park, N. J. Ruller. Sheldon, 1539 East 29th Street, Broo"lyn, N. Y. Schmeck, Robert E., 821 87th St., Niagara Fall" N.Y. Schurman, Laurelte E., 307 Grand A,e., Freeport, 1. 1. SCOll, :\Iarion E., 150·03 85th Drive, Jamaica, 1. 1. Sinclair, Alfred E., 90 Liberty Ave., Rockville Cenlre, 1.1. Williams, Adam A., 781 Penn St., :\1eadville, 1'a. Woods, William R., Farrell Bldg., Hannibal, 1\lissouri Wolf, Audrey, 102·16 Ascan A ven ue, Foreslll ills, L. 1. Wurster, David, 800 Grampian Blvd ., Williamsport, Pa.



Angelovich, Joseph, 24 Nelson Terrace, Bridgeport, Conn. Arnow, Read, 288 Broadway, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Bald, Kenneth, 217 N. Terrace Ave., MI. Vernon, N. Y.

Boyajian, l{ob('rl, 265 R i,crside Dr .. !II. Y. C. Brennan, Katill') n 135 Prospect Pk., S. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. BUllS, Robcrl F., Wilbur Ave., Sa)rc, Penna. Callahan, \larl!an'l, 327 64lh 51., Brooklyn, N. Y. Costello. \ incent, 117 Greenkill Ave., Kingslon, "l. Y. d'Avignon, Sidney F., 15 Saranac Ave., Lake Placid, N. Y. Donaldson, Glendora, 82 Mar ine Ave., Brooklyn, "l. Y. Dow d, \ iClor, 2627 72nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Draper, Alfred G., 86·169 First Ave., Woodhaven, 1. 1. Duca, Allred, 559 Some rvi lle Ave., Somervillc, Mass. Easen, TOI1l, 86 Wi llo\\ 51., Wilkes·Barre, Pa. Forsman, Elsa, 167 Cenlre Ave., Ne\\ Rochelle, !II. Y. Futch, Belly, 20 I, Behedere Drive, Macon, Ga . IIall, If azel J., 11 arel\\ ieh, \' ermont lIall, Thell1la, Teaneck, K . J . Harford, Raymond D., 21·9 :\Ierrison St., Teaneck, N . J. Healy, Elise, Belgrave Square, Great Neck, 1. 1. Jamesson, Roheri, 199 :\Iain St., OS\\cgo, :'II . Y. Lamb, William G., 801 Berkeley Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Minnolte, Joseph F. Jr., 317 Orch. Dr., :\1t. Lebanon, Piltsburgh, Pa. Morello, Joseph, 2012 Yan \ rank en A,e., Schenectady, N.Y. Payne, W. Richard, 5022 Church I\venue, Brooklyn, N. Y . POlter, James A., 2 Mountainside Tcrrace., Clifton, N. J. Ramstadt, Ralph 1.,400 1\Iacalester 1hc., SI. Paul, l\linn. Reese. Irma J., 2731 ClaAin A,c., Bronx, "I. Y. Rylands, Richard E., 10711 86th SI., Ozone Park, 1. 1. Schaffenberger, Kurt, 97 Boulanger .\ve., W. Hartlord, Conn. Sheesley, Budd S., 215 Park Terrace, L) kens, 1'a Sommers, William B.. 1 La'Hence 51., Yonkcrs, "i. Y. Stewart, Ann, 178 Pleasant Ave., Hamburg, N. Y. Stewarl, Jay P., 1431 Watkins Ave., Utica, N. Y. Schkling, Lorraine, 45 Madison St., Lynbrook, 1. 1. Tenny, \ irginia, 135 68th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas, Maurice G., 4932 Col brook Ave., Montreal Can. Turturro, John .'.l.. 7 SUllon's Ro\\, .'.II. Kisco, N. Y. Wetzel, Robert, 18 Brewsler St., Buffalo, N. Y. \Vestlake, John T., Rockledge Gardens, Non, alk, Conn. Vanek, Eleanor, 2 Boulevard Knolls, Poughkeepsie, ~. Y. Yoe, Jamcs, 21 Sherwood Ave., Ossining, . Y.




Ahrens, Henry, 107·05 104th St., Ozone Park, N. Y. Alfan, Margaret, 75 Center Street, Lynbrook, N. Y. Baumann, Gloria, 177·4,1 Leslie Road, St. Albans, 1. 1. Dean, John W., 4-J.l Wrightwood Ave., Ch icago, Ill. Ginsberg, Ruth D., 117 Munroe St., La\\rence, 1. 1. lIagen, -ancy, 151 Cedar Ave., Rockville Center, N. Y. Kennard, ;\Iargaret, 1663 Burbank Road, iVooster, Ohio Kerl, Jeanne D., 11 Birch St., Floral Park, 1. 1. Kochans"), "Iicholas, Toms Road, Siamlord, Conn. ifasters. Arnold, HO Payne Ave., No. Tonawanda, N. Y. l\lcKillop, Jean (Mrs. W. H.J, 216 Clinton "henue, Brooklyn, "l. Y. ilcLaughlin, Frances, 266 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. McLaughlin, Kathryn, 266 Washinglon, Aye., Brookl)n, N. Y. Miller, In,in, 244 Demorest Ave., i Vesterleigh, Stalen Island, N. Y. Montro s, Dorothy II., 28 Irving Place, Woodmere, 1. I. Pagliuco, Jack Gerald, 114 S. High St., Mt. Yernon, N.Y. Rensing, Evelyn, 560 Prospect Place. BrooU)n, 1\. Y.


RockwelL I\larguerite, 49 Broad St., Hamilton, N. Y. Shedd, Ruth E., R.F.D. :'Ilanchester. Conn. Sittler, Erna, 176 Ocean A,'e .. Amity,illc. 1\1. Y. \'ail, Irene E.. 119 Yand erbilt SI.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Waite, Donald, 2040 Guilderland Ave., Schenectady, N.Y. Wertz, Elizabeth. 196 St. Nicholas Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.




Brennan, Harriet, 3 Saxon Woods Park Drive, White Plains, N. Y. Cole, Harriet E., 165 Crestwood Ave., Crestwood, N. Y. Johnson, Myrtle I\L, Coatney Hill, Star Route, Putnam, Conn. Josephson, Lisbeth, 325 Ocean Ave., La\\rence, N. Y. :'Iloss, Eva Elizabeth, 976 Park Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. Mulhern, Madeline, 2665 E. 21st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Palmer, Charles, 56 High Street, ]\1iddletown, Conn. Pitney, William, Eastport, Long Island, N. Y. Ram sey, Betty, 295 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rippon, Virginia, Sussex Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. Ro ckwell, Marguerite, Albany, N. Y. Romyns, Ruth, 8 Sylvester Place, Lynbrook, N. Y. Shoemaker, Jan et, 160·01 35th Ave., Flushing, N. Y. Schultheis, Marjorie, 83 Early St., Wellsville, N. Y. Slawson, Helen D., 6115 Liebig Ave., Riverdale, N. Y. Solomon, Jean B., 115 Lenox Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Todaro, Charles 1\1., 65·01 Admiral Ave., Maspeth, L. 1. Villemain, Frances T., 417 A 18th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Weber, Harry, 859 Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn, . Y. Wells, Jeanne E., 118 Wickham Road, Garden City, N. Y. Zei!, H elen, 210 Church A,enue, White Plains, N. Y.




Bates, Elizabeth, 131 Tennyson Ave., Highland Park, Mich. Behar, Regina J., 225 W. Park St., Long Beach, N. Y. Christensen, Dorothy 191 Franklin Ave., Maplewood, N. J. Cobure, Georgiana c., 131 Baker St., Jamestown, N. Y. Conlan, Beryl E., 26 McKinley Ave., Hicksville, N. Y. Daly, Charles c., 5 Lafayette St., Stamford, Conn. Delafield, Frances H., 32 l\~cDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Drucker, Miriam, 700 W. 176 St., N. Y. Duhamel, Kosma E., 550 W. 190 St., . Y. C. Durrant, Rosemary, 414·14 Ave. S., Seattle, Wash. Emmons, Ri chard A., 216·23 113 Ave., Queens Village, N. Y. Hagan, Edward A., 37 Harvard Drive, Hartsdale, N. Y. Hoenig, Ruth, 2715 Grand Concourse, N. Y. C. Hunter, Claremont B., Shadyacres, Syosset, N. Y. Jordan, Adele L., 90·61 207 St., Bellaire, N. Y. Kiepe, Joyce J., 37 Isabella Ave., Newark. N. J. Kinkel, Walter J., 109·31 205 St., Hollis, N. Y. Klein, Arthur A., 178 Kingsley Ave., Staten Island, :\. Y. Konez, Geza, 31·56 36th St., Brooklyn, "\. Y. Lessig, Mary R., 260 7lst St., Brooklyn, 1. Y. I\Ianitsas, William P., 14 Chappell St., Brockport. '\ . Y. Nussbaum, Irving M., 2523 E. 21 St., Brooklyn, N. Y. PfafT, Josephine A., 2152 Strang Ave., Bronx, N . Y. Radon, Bette H., 125 Harrison Ave., Balch, in, N. Y. Schaffer, Joseph, 2363 Southern Blvd., N. Y. C. Simon, Alice J ., 347 Pine St., Freeport, N. Y. Spalding, Althea L., 525 S. 3rd Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Sulli van, Mary Ann, 19 WincLor Parkway, Ocean Side, N. Y. Thul, Susan·Jane, 26 Hillcrest Ave., Douglastown, N. Y.


Touster, Jr" in. 1648 52 St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wooley, EfTie B.. 86·34 St. James St., Elmhurst, N. Y. White, J ean Barclay. 848 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.


DIETETICS I Abramson, Ruth, 4810 Hudson Blvd., W. New York, N. J . Ackerly, Mary E., East Elwood Ave., E. Northport, N. J. A Ib ert, Katherine M., 113·14 Myrtle Ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Allen, Grace 1\1., 9 Bell Avenue, Somerville, N. J. Ames. Ida M., 652 Stockton St., River Edge Manor, N. J. Andron, Ruth. 2 State Street, Rockville Centre, N. Y. Austin, Carolyn E., 2023 East 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Baker. Corinn e B., 101·32 115th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Bat·Barukh. Hana, 727 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bellucci, Ada 1\1., Mahopac, l\ew York Bloom, Dorothy, 163 Sullivan Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bogardus, Cyrene, 770 Westminster Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brainerd, Margery A., 115 Wilson Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Brown, H elene L., 168 Sterling Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Brown, Ruth, 2313 Surf Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Browne, Marylou, 186 East 75 th St., New York, N. Y. Brownie, Ann 1\1., 52 Rathbun Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Burke, Elizabeth, 65·19 56th Avenue, Maspeth, N. Y. Buttafoeo, Adele, 21·28 38th Street, Astoria, N. Y. Carr, Una 1\1., 222 Park Place, Orange, N. J. Cerami, Bianca, 116·03 107th Ave., Richmond IIill, N. Y. Chankalian, Adrienne, 427 34th Street, Woodcliff, N. J . Cloine, ' ona. 131·57 Fowler Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. Conley, Dorothy, Highland Mills, . Y. Crist, Mary, 711 Decatur Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Curtin, Doris, 216 Pomona Avenue, Newark, N. 1. Cuzzi, Gloria, 162 Clifton Avenue, Clifton, N. J. Daddario, Christine, 134·14 Franklin Ave., Flushing, N.Y. Daniels, Evelyn, Vauxhall Street Ext., Waterford, Conn. Douglas, Angela, 7501 Shore Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Douglas, Pauline, Beaver Brook, Danbury, Conn. Douglas, Ruth, 1841 54th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Duffy, Rosemary, 634 53rd Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dunphy, Helen, 56 South Ave., Atlantic Highlands, 1\. J. Garhart, Doris, Snedecor Avenue, Bayport, . Y. George, Gladys, 782 Prospect Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. Gianini, Gloria, Pegasus Polo Club. Rockleigh, N . J. Gibson, Barbara, 505 Maitland Ave., W. Englewood, N.J. Gobeli, Charlotte, 127 Florence St., New Bedford, Mass. Godkin, Marjorie, 506 Franklin Blvd., Long Beach, N. Y. Hachmann, Grace, 90·54 210th Place, Bellaire, N. Y. Halliday, Elizabeth. 498 Hanks Avenue, Ridgewood, N. J. Haupt, l\[arjorie, 1161 Boston Post Road, Rye, N. Y. Hetzer, Bernice, 291 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Hewitt, Emily, 110 Main Street, Ridgefield, N. J. Hoagland, :'Iladelaine, 274 Altamont PI., Somerville, N. 1. Horowitz, Esther, 1018 East 163rd Street, Bronx, N. Y. Hourn, Stella, 80 Ashburton l\ venue, Yonkers, N. Y. Jacobus, Hilda. 2019 Elk Court, Far Rockaway, N. Y. Jantzen, Ruth, "ine and Grove Streets, Glemlood, L. 1. Johnson, Dagmar. 24 William Street, Summit, N. J. Johnson, Dorothy E., 1468 Midland Ave., Bronxville, N.Y. Kanellos, Chr istina, 23·49 25th St., Long Island City, N.Y. Kegel, Sherry, 25 Tennis Conrt, Apt. 3D, Brooklyn, N. Y. Krom, Barbara, St. Remy, New York Kruser, Gladys. 2 .9 Main Street, Keyport. ~. J. Lee, Ilelen, 230 East 48th Street, New York, N. Y. c

McGahen, R. Jane, 51 Clark Street, Brooklyn, . Y. Me ulty, Margaret, 120 Fourth Street, Garden City, f . Y. Marshall, Mary l, 200 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Martin, Helen, 71·33 68th Street, Glendale, . Y. Maurice, Edith, 412 West 115th Street, New York, N. Y. Mj]]er, Frances, 81 Dupont Street, Brooklyn, . Y. Minto, Ruth, 3525 Victory Blvd., taten Island, N. Y. Mark, Shirley, 581 Palisade Ave., West New York, . Y. Mondelli, Telda, 243 Broadway, Newburgh, N. Y. Motley, Anne, 587 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Novotine, Evalyne, 2816 Heath Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. Peters, Marie, 15a Louis Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pfalzgraf, Ethel, 5907 17th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Plummer, Josephine, 360 95th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Reisinger, Alice, 115-13 120th St., So. Ozone Park, N. Y. Reisman, Gertrude, 250A Rochester Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rossi, Arselia, P.O. Box 106, :' dartins Creek, Pa. Ruggiero, Dorothy, 5844 41st Drive, Woodside, N. Y. Ryniewicz, Julia, 575 East 37th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Santangelo, Theresa, 262 Melrose Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. eekamp, Louise, 4219 Oneida Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. Simpson, Martha, 336 South Street, Newburgh, N. Y. Smythe, Esme, 1913 South tat e Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Spurgeon, Kay, 112-29 175th Street, SI. Albans, N. Y. Stockel, l'i'ancy A., 1177 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. Sullivan, Margaret, 60 East 34th Street, New York, N. Y. weeney, :'Ifadeleine, 44 Woodbine Street, Yonkers, N . Y. Thomson, Joanna D., 228 Tremont Avenue, Orange, N. J. Tighe. Sylvia. 12 Yan Corlear Place, l\e,,' York City Timmins, Bernice, 1644 71st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tvede, Alvilda, 135-34 Sutler A\e., S. Ozone Park, N. Y. Wall, Anne E., 13 Charles Street, ROMe\elt. N. Y. Warne, Jean. 21 Park Avenue, l\1ata\\an, i'i'e" Jersey Warschauer, Uelen, 5226 79th Street, Elmhurst, N. Y. White, Margaret P., 55 Woodside A\enue, Freeport, N. Y. Wiggins, Janet, 45 Popham Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Young, Yivian l\1., 144 Stevens Avcool\fount Yernon, N. Y.




Alexander, Eleanor T .. 99 Thayer Rd., :'IIunsey Park, :'Ilanhasset, "I. Y. Altieri, Dorothy J. , 120 Weldon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Atwood, Bonnar, 104 Atwood _he., Ne\\!o\\ll\ille, Mass. Avseev, Anne, 84 Mansfield Street, Hartford. Conn. Barbera, Eleanor, 40 Cornelia Street, Brooklyn, i'i'. Y. Baltuch, Clarice R., 60 Colerid~e Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Beloussov, Nadejda J., 605 W. 1418t Street, New York Biggins, Pauline L., 21 Academy St., Wallingford, Conn. Brecker, Edith, 1229 East 23rd Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bressman, Mildred, 97 Cedarhurst Ave., CPrlarhurst, N. Y. Brewster, Yirginia, 23 Massachusetts Bhd., Bellerose. N. Y. Canzoniere, \ irginia, 703 E. 51st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Carpenter, Shirley L., 166 Randolph Ave., Rah\\ay, )I. J. Caruso, lIelen V., 44 Jefferson Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Case, Priscilla, 480 Woodland Drive, Devon, Conn . Charles, Rita, 27 Webster Avenue, Arlington. N. J. Chernikowski, Katherine, 603 Front St., Dunellen, N. J. Chester, Beatrice c., 630 23rd Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clarke, Dori s H., 3502 Avenue D, Brooklyn, New York Conway, Anna, 2 Trinity Place, West I lempstead, N. Y. Corso, Violetta A., 88 Cornelia St reet, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dell'Aira, Mildred J., 922 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, . Y. Dmytriw, Olga V., 132 Essex Street, J ersey City, N. J. Donald, Cora B., 122·21 142nd PI., S. Ozone Park, N. Y.

DUff, Juli ette G., 130 Glen treet, Brooklyn, N. Y. Easton, Shirley 1., 502 Dwight Street, Coudersport, Pa. Evans, Audrey, 412 Lloyd Street, Ebensburg, Pa. Filer, Jan et, 47 Dpepdale Drive, Great Neck, N. Y. Finklestein, Rulh L., 275 Osborne Terrace, ewark, N. J. Fischer, Ruth L., 708 West 171st Street, New York, . Y. Foley, Catherine T., 1914 Kimball Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fontan, Dorolhy C., 61-18 81st Street, Elmhurst, N. Y. Gershel, Joann e, 245 East 72nd Street, New York, N. Y. Gilbert, Beatrice, 1730 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gobush, Iren e, 229 Main Street, Easthampton, Mass. Goldberger, Jan et L., 2 Hinckley Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Griffin, Lillian E., 32 Woodcrest Ave., White Plains, .Y. Haight, Catherine, 8019 Penelope Ave., Forest Hills, '.Y. Haims, June, U16 Bristow Street, Bronx, N. Y. Harri s, Frances W .. Summer St., Wolfville. ' ova Scotia H echt, Muriel E., 81 Waller Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Johnson, Doris, 81 Eltingville Blvd., Staten Island, N. Y. Kent, Constance, 265 Harrison Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Krasner, Evelyn V., 33 Donaldson Road. Buffalo, N. Y. Krut, Gertrude c., 90 Maple Street, Rutherford, N. J. Kummer, Ruth, 851 East 162nd Street, New York, N. Y. Lane, Ruth celia, 2319 Lorraine Street, Hou ston, Texas Lavaly, Ann E., 3640 East 138th Street, Cleveland, Ohio Lawsing, Frances R., Randolph Center, Vermont Lazarus, Pauline, 408 l'Iew York Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Leichtman, Alice, 1371 St. :'IIarks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lemchen, Beatrice. 768 Boulevard, Bayonne, . J. Leyin, Joan, 16.. West 79th Street, !'Ie" York, N. Y. Lon~iarll, Antoinette, 3135 Gates Place, Bronx, N. Y. Lo Piccolo, Anna, 301 Covert Street, Brooklyn, . Y. Lou~hridg(" \Tary, UI-25 Northern Blvd., Flushing, N.Y. McFall, Sara, 1293 'iorth ~rorningside Drive, Atlanta, Ga. McGee\er, Martha B., Feldspar Ave., Beacon Falls, Conn. Marsh, Dorat hea, 20 East Highland Ave., E. Orange, N.J. Martin, \[ari on E., \few Lenox Road, Lenox, Mass. l\ori, Bernardina. 489 So. Main Street, '\faugatuck, Conn. Obsl, :'Ilar~aret, 120-18 142nd Place, S. Ozone Park, N. Y. Ortmann. \Y. \rline, 90 Orchard Street, "Ol·wich. Conn. Parker, Barbara, 518 Clark Street, We'tfield, N. J. Pearson, Winifred L., 2 Forest 5treet, :'Ilontdair, '-I. J. Pumarico, :'Iladeline J .. 477 DeKalb .\\ eoo Brookl)n. 1\'. Y. Poole, \Iar), 1610 ~. Florence Ave .• Springfield, :'Ilissouri Prindle, Eleanor, 122 Grosvenor Street, Douglaston, N. Y. Re<niek. \nna, 1656 East 3rcl Street, Brooklyn, . Y. Rizzo, Eleanora, 2024 70th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Roberts, Jeanne, \Taple '\venue, Corm\all. N. Y. Roth, Lorraine. 25 Johnson Avenue, '\fe\\ ark, N. J. Schildt, 'Ilarjorie, 63-37 Booth Street, Elmhurst, '\f. Y. SCh\\al'lZ, Ruth, J,93 Jelliff Avenue, Ne"ark, N. J. Shepler, :'I [ar),. 9 Library Street, :"Ilystic. Conn. Sibley, Evelyn. 6.5 Catherine Slreet, Hornell, N. Y. Sielke, Adele J" 89 Hurlbut Street, West\\ood, N. J. Stamm, :'Ilm'ion \1., 87-88 96th Street, Woodhaven, ~. Y. Stat man, Ruth. 2211 Benson Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sulli\'an, Dorothy, 8015 85th Drive, Woodhaven, N. Y. \ erga, J eanette c., 69 Greenville Ave., J ersey City, N. J. Werner, Gladys. 333 Park Avenue, Leonia, N. J. White, Charlotte E., 721 Quaker Lane South, West II art ford, Conn. Willner, Anita, 900 West End Avenue, New York, N. Y. Wodtke, Constance A., Box 49, Rout e No.2, New Bruns\\ ick, N. J. \Volferz, Adelaide T .. 41 North Spring Garden Avenue, \Jutley, K. J.






INDUS T RIAL CHEMIC A L E N GINE E RI N G I Ball , William 1 .. '/0 "Iaple Ave., Ballston Spa, N. Y. BOllrollghs, Francis c., 35·27 281h St., Long Island City, N. Y. Brzezowski, Eugene P ., 11 O"en St., Port Jervis, N. Y. Calacelo, Ralph R., 1849 West lllh 51., Brooklyn, N. Y. Clark, Albert G., 634 S61h SI .. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dahl, Philip P., 156 Etlla St., Brooklyn, 1\. Y. Davids, Tlerbert W., 4 Hembert St., Bald" in, N. Y. Diehl, Kenneth E .. 224·20 93rd ,he .. Queens \ ill age, ' .Y. Dought)'. Frank W., 2041 Nereid Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Moore. A. W., Brinkerhoff Lane, Manhasset, N. Y. Soehinski, J. A., 3 Herbert Place, Jer,e) City, N. J. DlIgliss, Charles ll., Staatsburg, '\. Y. Florenzie, George G., 315 Southside A,e., Freeport, 1'\. Y. Gottfried, 1\1ario H., 7501 Shore Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Grigat, William A., 441·72nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gruber, Eugene, 71·36 67th P lace, Glendale, N. Y. H all, J ohn W., 108 Carnation Ave., Floral Park, N. Y. Horvath, J ohn 5.,53·48 80th SI., Elmhurst, N. Y. Hussc inofT, Shevket, 45 Pinehurst Ave., N. Y. J ohnson, Edward 0., 50 Griswold Drive, West Hartford, Conn . Kellner, William L., 28 Norlh 3rd Ave ., Taftville, Conn. Lang, Robert 1\1.. 75·39 Utopia Park-,a}, Jamaica, N . Y. Lesler. Charles G., Jr., lO~. lh St., Richmond HilL N. Y. Lindlaw, Will iam F., 5 Siratford Rd., Brookl)n, N. Y. Lynch, Will iam A., 118 Centre St., Freeport, N. Y. Lyons, George J ., 49 Palmer Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. ;\latirbofT, ]\furat L., 235 Easl 80th Sireet, New York City O'Malley, T homas R., Bay 51., Bayv ille, N. Y. McDonnell, R . A., 352 Jackson St., Palmyra, N. Y. OnsdorlT, Edwin H., Jr., 368 50th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pctriell o, John V., 59·96 Grand Ave., Maspeth, N. Y. Rella, Edward c., 233 Skillman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sapirstein, 1\1ax, 2541 Olinville Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Schroeder, Kenneth H ., 12·52 Twelfth St., Fairla" n, N. J. Sullivan, Richard F., 218 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Svenson, Sven C. n ., 37 Hapson Ave., Branford, Conn . To\\ nsend, Richard F., 674 81st St., Brooklyn, "I. Y. Urbano, Arthur A ., 499 \ ' an Sicklen 51., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rusen, Sigmund J ., 142 Prospcc i SI., Anson ia, Conn. Urdang, L"is H ., 95 Woodr ufT Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Uso,\'sky, Edward T., 11 Tingup SI., E. Port Chester, Con n. Valen li ne, Ralph J., Franklin Turnp ike, 1\1ahwah, N. J. Veasey, John 1\1., 229 Forest Rd., Doughaslon, . Y. Verga, Carmen T., 31 Summit Ave., E. PaLlerson, N. J. Weigland, Charles J., 103 Thomas A,e., Balch, in, N . Y. Winslow, Harry F ., Jr., 207 Brooklyn Ave., N. Y. C. Winslow, Robert E ., 207 Brookl)n Ave ., N. Y. C. Woolnough, Donald F., Bayville A,e., Bayville, N. Y. YermakofI, Ed\\arcl, 343 Bergenline Ave., Onion City. :\T. J.

INDUSTRIAL CH E MICA L ENGINEERI N G II Bonsall, Norman A., 2132 Kimball ~t., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brittain, John W., 2530 Fm;ter Ave ., Brooklyn, N. Y. Canut, Richard B., 8th Ave 18th SI., Cardenas, Cuba Clarke, Daniell\l., 10 La\\rence Ave., Lynbrook, N. Y.


Combes, Jack J., 113 Edmund St., Lynbrook, N. Y. Connell, James H., Jr., FI. Salonga, Northpitt, N. Y. GiannoLla, Carmen R .. 28 Harding St., Kensington, Conn. Haldas. Walter .T., 21 Derby Ave., Derby, Conn. Johnson, Ernest 1., 19 Essex St., Deep River, Conn. Jonach, Freder ich 1., 84·37- 118th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Keppler, William E., 3050 Perry Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Kobelsk i, John L 52·12 46th St., Laurel H ill, N. Y. Kress, Waller E., 22·31 124th 51., College Point, N. Y. Krochla. Harry, 149·41 20th Rd ., Whitestone, N. Y. Mack, Thomas F., 29 Lincoln Ave .. Ardsley, N. Y. l\Iuller, Elmer F., 773 So. 12th St., Newark, N. J. 1\1ulligan, James F., 2267 Creston Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Nicobon, Richard E., 398 Pacific SI.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Pallizelle, Rudolph. 776 :'.lacDounough St., Brooklyn, :\! . Y. PO\\ elson, Roy E., 9114 Park Lane St., Woodhaven, L. 1.. N. Y. Rapp, Chrislian J., 217 Plainfield Ave., Floral Park, N. Y. Rocca, Vincent M., 262 W. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. Ruf, Anthony J., 209 E. 53rd St., New York, N. Y. Schleck, George J., 736 Madison Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Sciuto, Joseph A., 689 Main St., Farmingdale, N. Y. Siegel, Norman 1., 467 Linden Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Slomo\\ itz, Sidney M., 270 Ave. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Volzing, George F., 150 38 7th Ave., Whitstone, N. Y. Westman, Bertel R., 59 Mersercan Ave., Staten 1., N. Y. Willigan, Francis M., 85 Medfork Ave., Patchaglle, N. Y. Wilsoll, 1 renry L., 400 Prospect St., Johnstown, N. Y. Woodman, Frank H., 399 West Chester Ave., Crestwood, N. Y. Zanetti, James B., 104 Penn PI., Linden, N . J. Suarez. 1. M., 249 West 26th St., New York City ~mith, A. F., 309 Tappan St., Columbus, Ohio

IND U STRIAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I Albers, Paul II.. 487 I·Jarman 51.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Baker, Thomas, Bayville Rd .. Locust Valley, N. Y. Bardi, Gino B., 111- " '. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Bertan, John W., 140·17 Cherry Ave., Flushing, N. Y. Bozzo, Ralph J., 213 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. N. Y. Can nova, Salvatore. 75 Johnson Ave ., New York Cit)' Conner, Thomas J., 194 Hall St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Drach, John G., 24 Roosevelt Ave., Freeport., N. Y. Esteves. Frederick J., 884·0-214th St., Queens Village, Fraser, Kenneth '1'.,785 Bird Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. I linel,ey. John F., 86·19 55th Rd., Elmhlll'st, N. Y. Jal(ielski, CheSler E., 125 York Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. KneLlel, Edward J., 25 Hendrickson Ave., Lynbrook,

]\'. Y. Kushner. L. n., 7')·01 68th Ave., l\Iiddle Yillage, Queen. Lauinger, Joseph, Jr., Clocks·Blvd., Amityville, N. Y. La\\ renee, Roberl F., 637 Boyd, Watertown, N. Y. Lichlv, Girard E., 62·28 82nd PI., W. Forest Hills, N. Y. Lnugl~ran, Jam es A., 9122- 217th St., Queens Village,

\. Y. '\Tartin. Josef h P., 316 Fulton Ave., Hempstead, N. Y. "[eCollisler. John H., R. F. D. No.1, Pleasant Valley, N. Y. \fead, Warren P .. Greenville, N. Y. \10rch. W~rren c., 91·1O- 210th PI.. Queens Village, '\I. Y.

Morris, George W., 998 E. 38th St., Brookl)n, N. Y. Muller, Albert G., 8960 215th _t., Queens \ illage, N. Y. Nidzyn, Joseph J., Box 58. Speonk, N. Y. O'Meara. William L 10-12 Bell Air Ave., Fairlawn, N. J. Pabst, David W., 8.j,67- 162nd St., Jamaica. . Y. Paul. Robert A .. 1792 West 11th St., B'klyn. N. Y. Perdreaux, Rene, 455 Bay Ridge Ave., B'klyn, N. Y. Potter, Joseph B., 401 Summit Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Rhyne, William J .. South Road, Central Islip. N. Y. Richards, Frederick G. K., 1811 29th St., N. W., Washton, D. C. Schiller, Francis J., 900 Greene Ave., B'klyn, N. Y. Sehmelzer, John W., River Road, Calverton, N. Y. N. Y. Sticht, Robert H .. 8425 105th St.. Richmond Hill, '\f. Y. Suozzo, Andre\\- G .. 23-38 B\,ay Long Island, N. Y. Takach, Albert, 154-17 65th Ave .. Flushing, 1. I., '\f. Y. Thornton, William G.. Thornton Sq. E., \I'indsor Hill, Conn. ' -avra, John 1IL. 173 Yalley St., N. Tarrytown. N. Y. Yogel, Ed" ard G., 104-81 127th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Warner, Paul lit, 1679 Dixwell Ave., Hamden, Conn. Yaml11arino, Bruno A., 1622 N. 5th St., B'klyn, N. Y. Zeller, John F., 15 Grand Terrae, Baldwin, N. Y.

IND U STRIAL EL E CTRICAL ENGINEERING II Ajemian, Warren H., 43-18 158th St., Flushing, N. Y. Baranello, John A., 1632 Benson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Barton, Raymond J ., 153 Li\~ngston Place, Bridgeport. Conn. Carroll. John Coo 1630 East 37th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Couch, Ech"ard J., 30-75 30th St., Long Island City, N. Y. Feuerriegel, Robert G., Deer Park Ave., Huntington, N. Y. Gagne, Joseph W., P. O. Box 203, Seaford, N. Y. Garrett, Walter H., Jr., R.F.D. No.1, Green\\ich, Conn. Garvey, John L 242 Garfield Ave., Mineola, N. Y. George, Henry H ., 227 So. Connecticut Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Gilmore, George E., 23-41 122nd St., College Point, N. Y. Green, W. James. 362 Champlain Ave., Ticonderoga, "I. Y. Gruber, Warren 111., 7136- 67th Place, Glendale, N. Y. Hall, Donald F., 27 Stark Place, Lynbrook, N. Y. Huggard-Dettner. Edward J., 141-35- 184th St., Springfield Gardens, N. Y. Huttinger, Frank X., J r., 91 Oak Street, Islip, N. Y. Huxford_ Robert B., 9108 79th St., Woodhaven, N. Y. Jinetopulos, Matthew, 765 Edgewood Ave., New Haven . Conn. Johanson, Herbert A., 750 67th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jost, John F ., 24 Forest Ave., Rockville Centre, N. Y. Lombardi, Arthur c., Sentinel Hill, Derby, Conn. Mayer, Fred, 945 80th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Petrie, Charles B., 312 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. Rach, Herbert E., 178-35 119th Road, St. Albans, l\ . Y. Scarola, Philip, 8022 Fifth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Schimoler, John J., 41 Stewart St., Floral Park, N. Y. Schneider, Norman, 615 Franklin St., Westbury, N. Y. Sherchuk, John, 177 No. 8th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Spofford, William, 101-42 110th St., Richmond Hill , N. Y. Stohr, Ernest W., 34 Leo Place, Newark, N. J. Suozzo, John C., 23-38 Broadway, Astoria, N. Y. Suuronen, Edwin, 260 Cross St., Gardner, Mass. Tennis, Joseph E., 109-33 217th St., Queens Village, N. Y.

Vogel, Wi ll iam If .. 80-25 166th St., Jamaica, . Y. Weigand, Charles II., Jr., 103 Thoma Ave., Baldwin, N. Y. Zecher, Robert 0., Greenwoods Road, Norfolk, Conn.

I N D U STRIAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II Abbott, Douglas T., 123 Penn Ave., Freeport, N. Y. Achilich, John H., 5445 Sylvan Ave., Riverdale, N. Y. Anderson, Robert c., 1790 E. Tremont Ave., . Y. C. Andresen, Andrew., 1790 E. Tremont Ave., N. Y. C. Baker, Frank, Box 279 Locust Yalley, N. Y. Bennett, Arthur J., 94-05 209th St., Bellaire, 1. 1. Benson, Monroe R., 222 Winters Ave., Olear, . Y. Braccia, Anthony A._ 90 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carpenter, Raymond E., 131 White St., Stratford, Conn_ Challan, Theodore B., 23-12 36th Street, Astoria, . Y. Cherniacho\'sy, Alexander, 203 E. 13th St., N. Y. C. Chiarle, Yalentino, 231 W. 67th Street, . Y. C. Ch\\'irut, Theodore J., 329 68th Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Colgan, Franci~, 133-08 146th St., So. Ozone Park, N. Y. Del Conte, Mario B., 521 Walcott St., Waterbury, Conn. Dezeeuw, William J., 1074 Southern Blvd., New York Donnellan, Ed" ard P., 1233 East 32nd St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Do\ding. Joseph J., 302 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Emmerich, Robert R., 112 Dartmouth St., Rockville Center, N. Y. Escott, D\light c., 2200 Grand Ave., Richmond, Va. Formanek, Frank J., 1627 Bogart Ave .. Bronx, N. Y. Frisino, Joseph, 1303 Coney Island Aye .. Brooklyn, N. Y. Graham, Robert D., 1724 George St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gunther, Alfred W .. 178-03 119 Rd., 5t Albans, N. Y. Hine, Kenneth F ., 45 Wood Ave., Stratford, Conn. ]aret, LeRoy T., 3619 Clarendon Rd ., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jones, Stanley, 104-46 123rd St., Queens, N. Y. Katz, Everett 1If., 91-28 222 St. Queens Village, N. Y. Kinghorn, Edward II.. 472 Brewer St., E. Hartford, Conn. Knapp, Charles 11., 45.t Fairview Aye., Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N. Y. Krauth, Joseph. Jr., 8504 123rd St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Langan, Joseph W., 513 16th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Leary, Robert W., 82 Randolph Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Liscum, Charles A., Center Moriches, N. Y. Magda, John c., 87 MacDougal St., Brooklyn, N. Y. McKay, Colin, 530 Harrison St., Rahway, N. J. Koelsch, Carl F., 78-37 64th Lane, Glendale, 1. I. Mentzer, John F., 1219 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Meyer, Robert E., 191 Winthrop St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Middlekoop, John B., 658 E. 31st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. lIIiller, Robel路t, ILl Merrick Rd., Southampton, N. Y. Mitchell, Lynn 1., Darien Center, N. Y. Moore, Albert TT., 56 Brinkerhoff Lane, Manhasset, N. Y. Moroney, William, 136 Senator St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mulhern, James A., 2512 Webb Ave., Brooklyn, . Y. Murphy, Eugene T., 47-01 30th Ave., Long Island City. N. Y. Muxo, Hiram, 860 E. 161 St., Bronx, N. Y. Newkirk, Frank B., Jr., 5107 20th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Oldenbusch, Harry, 3701 Ave. I, Brooklyn, N. Y. Olschner, Heinz J., 10 Fairway Ave., Belleville, N. J. Pelzer, Charles W., 31-65 29th St., Long Island City, N.Y. N. Y. Perugi, Archie H., 2164 73rd St., Brooklyn, . Y. Pettinico, Louis, 529 Sylvan Ave., Waterbury, Conn. Potocek, Milan M., 631 E. 137th St., N. Y.


Rand, William A., 310 W. 99th St.. N. Y. C. Rapp, Walter P., School St., Cotu it, Mass. Sachs, Otto, 403 E. 92nd St., N. Y. C. Sambach, Warren A., 9J43 214th Place, Queens Village, ~. Y. Sammis, Alfred B., Jr., 70 Grandview Ave., Huntington, N. Y. Sanders, Fred, 26 Elder St., Schenectady, N. Y. Schmitt, Phil ip H., 91 View St., Bristol, Conn. Schnelle, Francis W., 23 Notkin St., Hamd en, Conn. Shropshire, Douglas, A., 1635 N. Riverside Drive, V. P., Atlantic City, N. J. Schuerlein, Karl B., 23·45 24th St., Astoria, L. 1. Slingerland, Jack V., 81 Smith St., Merrick, N . Y. Smith, Leo V., 122 B. Brinkerhoff Ave., tica, N. Y. Stecko, Edward, 318 E. 9th St., N. Y. C. Swainson, William H., 9615 Shave Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tomchuk, Nicholas, 53 Spruce St., Jersey City, N. J. YonGlahn, William A., 7808 84th St., Glendale, N . Y. Washington, John c., 60 Chestnut Ave., Floral Park, L. 1. Williams, Harry D., 64 Livingston Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Youngquist, Carl H., 1449 E. 28th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Youngquist, Lennert G., 1449 E. 28th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Zimmerman, George, 832 Troy Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

INDUSTRIAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING I Bennell, John J., 285 Washington Ave., Kingston, N. Y. Bertagni, Americo J., ~36 De Witt A\ e., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bertrand, Albert J., 157·25 12th Rd., Beechhurst, l'I. Y. Bowen, Raymond H., 8721 77th St., Woodhaven, N. Y. Bradley, Guy N., 1705 Troy Ave ., Brooklyn, N. Y. Briglia, Ernest, 1802 Craton a Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. Challan, William G., 146 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville, . Y. Chapman, Jacque W., Adelaide A\enue, East Moriches, N. Y. Chesler, Bertram A., 1031 East 32nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Comandich. Richard A., 14 Catalpa Aye., Riverside, R. 1. Cookson, Leighton F., 149 W. 16th St., !'lew York, i'I. Y. Cornell, Charles, Jr., 19 Summit Ave., \It. \'ernon, :'I.Y. Davison, Oliver S., 5 Atlantic Ave., E. Rockaway, N. Y. Dickinson, Douglas W., 45 Sheppard. Stratford, Conn. Dzurka, John , 532 East 8th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Edgerton, James M., 8441120th St., Richmond Hill, N.Y. Fardclla, Rudolph J., 1914 Mayno\\ er Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Fleming, James F., 582 East 165th St., Bronx, N. Y. Griebel, George W., 3681 Broadway, New York City Heebner, Edmund, 25 Farnham A\e., Waterbury, Con11. Kasprzak, Emil J., 105·10 Remington St., Jamaica, N. Y. Kim.Eng, Edward, 530 West 12c~th St., N. Y. C.


KiprofI, Peter, 647 Faile St., Bronx. N. Y. Klonoski, Arthur, 157 Central Ave., Torrington, Conn. Krenicky, William, 22·59 43rd St., Long Island City, N.Y. Leonard, Willis n., Parker Road, Osterville, Mass. Litwin, Edward J., R.F.D. No.1, Litchfield, Conn. Maccaronio, Vincent S., 34·33 Crescent St., Long Island City, N. Y. Schneider, John W., 615 Franklin St., Westbury, N. Y. MacPhee, Alfred, 80 Perry Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. Mahan, Thomas P., 3431 Blvd ., Jersey City, N. J. Marchewka, Theodore E., 1361 Dewitt St., Schenectady,

N. Y. Maus, Edward G., 33·22 155th St., Flushing, N. Y. Mayer, Charles W., 945 80th St., Brooklyn, N . Y. McAllister, John A., R.F.D. No. 1, Pleasan~ Yalley, N. Y. l\IcCarthy, Daniel F., 167·10 Cryders Lane, Beechhurst, L.1. Merritt, George 1., 359 Third, Newburgh, N. Y. Milici, Frank, Jr., 1106 College Ave., N. Y. C. Muller, William E., Sawmill River Rd., Hawthorne, N.Y. Muller, William G., 109·27 221st St., Queens Village, N.Y. Myers, Henry, 342 East 67th St., New York City Luer, George, 6 Williard St., Hicksville, N. Y. Napp, Anthony E., 101 Nassau Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Nelson, Malcolm B., 551 Courtland, Bridgeport, Conn. Nemetz, Edgar F., 82·71 160th St., Jamaica, N. Y. e\\ house. John D., 140 Jay St., Freeport, . Y. Nilsen, Laurits, 78 Dasoristone. Glen Cove, N . Y. Norton, Stanley B., 26 Pearl St., Guilford, Conn. Oliver, Arthur J., 27 Dela\l'are Ave., Delhi, :\T. Y. Piencinski, George, 85 !'Iewell si., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rathkamp, William R., 33 Clifton Place, Brooklyn. 'J. Y. Ritter, Carlisle A., Main St., East Setouket, N. Y. Ross, Sherwood B., 6122 24th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rogers, William M., 833 Clark SL. Paduck, N. Y. Roy, Stuart H., 75 Lafayette SL. Hartford, Conn . Schnabel, Julius W., 62 E. Yalley Stream Blvd., Yalley Stream, !'I. Y. Schult, Theodore II., 9526 148th St., Jamaica, N. Y. Smith, "incent J .. 1061 Morrison, iagara Falls, Ont. Swenson. Charles II .• 310 Pacific Ave., Jersey Cit)', N. J. S\\ift, Lester J., 8 West 65th Street, ew York City Thompson, William c., 122 Randall Ave., Freeport. N. Y. \'an Wert, Franklin W .. 546 West 124th St., J . Y. C. "itolo, Robert J., 3903 48th St .. Sunnyside, 1\. Y. Walters, James F., 32·86 33rd St., Astoria, L. 1. Whalen, John, Jr.. 113·02 95th Ave., Richmond ITill. N.Y. Wicks, Kenneth W., 40 Crescent St., He\dett, N . Y. Widlunc1, John E., 3 Franklin. lIlassapequa, N. Y. Windsor, Robert, 52 Dartmouth St., Williston Park, N. Y. White, Harold J.. 250·36 Culler Ave .. Little Neck, N. Y.







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