1 minute read
Dear Pratt Community,
Isn’t it nice to be back together again? After four years apart, we feel it is indeed time for a party. Pratt Polka Dot Party is designed to celebrate that we are back and ready to reengage. We are here at Seattle’s most colorful art party of the year to have an auction that is not only fun but successful. Look around the room at all the polka dots and the smiling faces. This is our community, and we love Pratt.
We love the artists who generously donated their best art. We love the volunteers who always show up when we need them, and we love the new staff who were thrown into this whirlwind as they joined the team. Hopefully tonight you will meet our new Executive Director, Jessica Borusky, who has boundless energy and ideas.
Whether you have come to Pratt’s auction tonight for the first time at the invitation of a friend or are hoping to walk away with a stunning piece of art, or just simply here as a longtime supporter of the arts, we are thrilled and happy you are here to support Pratt, thank you!
We want to foster a creative, inclusive, artmaking community, and provide access to quality education for everyone. Let’s promote the joy and transformative power of art and actively support the development of visual artists!
So Party, Party, Party and raise the paddles high and bid with wild abandon to support the arts center that will make art accessible to thousands of students and artists in the coming year. Cheers!
Roger MacPherson
Nancy MacPherson
Marabito Auction Co-Chairs
Dian Hartono Board President