Computer Science in Common Sense

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“ Demanding, but definitely doable. Social, but educational. A focused topic, but broadly applicable skills. ‘CS in Computer Science’ is the prototypical INSPIREing course ” This OpenCourseWare teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics includes from Bits to Cloud Computing. Focus includes algorithms, databases, security, development, virtualization, websites, tools, tricks, hacks, UNIX, Designed for productivity of students with or without prior programming experience. The Academics syllabus won’t provide much needed hands on Industry oriented practical knowledge; this is an attempt to uplift the students along with their knowledge! As “CS in CS” is taught at basic Common Sense level and ‘Live’ demonstrations of the concepts will edutain students to grasp quickly and flawless! Innovating Quiz and Problem sets will encourage students to ‘Think Different’ in both algorithmically and logically. Most of Problem and Quiz sets are derived from Harvard University and MIT, Cambridge, so they are at par excellence. Our entire course is available as OpenCourseWare. So, we request you to provide some time and space to serve to student community. As far to uphold our Quality of course we have restricted our course intake to limited students, so act fast or you may lose opportunity!

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Inspired by: “Sense in Nonsense, a book of philomathematical excursion” -by Dr. H B Walikar, Vice Chancellor, Dharwad. -The book and its Author made us think Computers in Common Sense. “CS50” by David Malan, Harvard University. -The key man behind our knowledge and excellence. Steve Jobs (1955-2011), Apple Inc. -The Great Visionary who enlightened us with his ‘What would I do if today is the last day of my life?’ and ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’ thoughts.

Who we are and what we do? At Inspire we believe in passion. So we take intensive care in doing what we love to do. Our principle includes work quickly, waste little and respond to change. The Computer Science has moved from where it started out, being a technologically driven medium it is very vital to be up to date. We voluntarily found INSIPRE to motivate students in Computer Science for professional excellence. Most of us include Technocrats, Teachers, Developers, Analysts, Researchers, and also IT Employees. Thus we engross ideas from all fields and put them in “CS in CS” to promote it to students. We voluntarily doing this, so we just need time and space to impart and share our knowledge. We designed this course during our free time to expose students to the new frontiers of Information Technology in audio-visual approach and our courses are OpenCourseWare. Last word: we love what we do.

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About me: I am a Technocrat, an Educator currently working as Project consultant for BCA. I received my M Sc and B Sc in Computer Science for the same in 2011 and 2009 respectively. I’m willing to elevate the professional experience of students of Computer Science. I along with my friends and enthusiastic volunteers want to assist students through our skills and knowledge. -Pravin Hanchinal, Founder, INSPIRE

People behind us: Shreedevi Shindhe, Researcher, Karnatak University, Dharwad. Shrinivas Patil Researcher, Mangalore University, Mangalore.

“At any moment, the decision you make can change the course of your life forever”

Join us, make the difference…

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Here is CS in CS crux of the matter… The fascinating ABCs of Computers. How computer works? Bits: Why 0s and 1s so Important? Hexadecimal, is this really in need? Why 32 bit, 64 bit OS? What actually is ASCII & Unicode are?

What are Interpreted, Compiled and Parsed languages? What are Compilers, Interpreters and Parsers? List of programming languages. Comparison of programming paradigms. Source Code, Object code Why GCC compiler is so special? Are libraries (.dll and .*) are really important?

What does Big O, omega Ω, and Theta Ө mean in Real world? What is Importance of Page Ranking Algorithm in Google? Search & Sorting in real world! Recursion, the world depends on it!

Hello,World! Industry oriented programming etiquette. How to use built-in C help? Is the size of integer is fixed? How to View C program in assembly and machine level languages and its significance? Role of stacks in executing C program. Why still C & C++ are ruling? C program vs. Registry in Windows in relation to virus infections. Assembly registers in C on stack mechanism? C in 2 pages!! //Are comments necessary? How to write C programs in Linux environment, & why it is important? Why Development in C++ is so necessary? How to implement Strings in C? What is memory leak and how to fix it using Valgrind and IBMs purify? What is the need for Multi module programming? How MS Office is built, a programmer’s perspective. Threads and Event Driven Programming

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What Debugging has got to do with Data Structures? Why Data Structures are so important? Pointers to pointers to pointers! Why Dynamic Memory Allocation is imp? Real world demonstration of Malloc(), realloc() LinkedList()? What is the special about moving from arrays to Linked list? Stack vs. Heap, Who is strong? Stack & Return Values, are they related? Arguments & Parameters, are they different or same? Type Casting: How do you cast a type in producing proper output? Concept of Buffer overflows in Hacking and Shadow paging. What ‘procedure’ you follow to tell a ‘function’ that you wanna do in relating with ‘routine’ by invoking a ‘Method’ in a Program?!!

C vs. C++ vs. JAVA Benchmarking which language is good in (for) what!

What are Applications, Services, Processes and difference between each? Threads and Processes. UNIX: Why UNIX is so important even we have other OS? Power of UNIX along with Open Software Foundation Kernal in UNIX & Linux WINDOWS: What is Registry and why it is necessary? What is difference between Linux (kernel) & UNIX (OS)? Power of Command Prompt Windows powershell in win7 for linux/unix operations Defragmentation: Each & every file (fragment look up)

Why to use Eclipse SDK? Why Notepad++? Visual Studio Easiest way to write java programs, JCreator! Android SDK Quora, Dragon fly in Opera, Chrome and firefox developer modes WAMP, Drupal, Joomla

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TCP/IP, UDP, http://, and lot more! What URL’s and URI’s? Timeline of Web Evolution (wiki) What is W3C and why is it necessary? How downloads happen in packets? What are certificates? What actually cookies are? Local Host: Demo by Google Desktop. Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 Web Application->Drag and drop by live mail, Prezi, Google Calendar How to use Firefox add-ons & Chrome extensions for quick learning and designing?

How Websites works? What does Front End/ back End mean?? How Websites are designed? What are various tools available to design a website? Which are new? What is Website Hosting? “Godaddy”, I’m not kidding it exists! HTML, HTTP, DHTML, PHP, SQL, CSS, AJAX, FBML, ASP->ASP.NET, HTML5 and tends to ∞ Why PHP is so popular?

SilverLight, Flex, Java FX, Google Go, Cloud computing Mobile Apps, etc.,

The power of Software emulation. Or(and) Hardware virtualization. JVM, DVM, DOS Box, Wine Power of Virtual Box!

: How Android works? Why Android is so popular? Designing Apps in Google App Inventor Android SDK

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What is Cloud Computing? (I bet, this topic makes you float on cloud 9) Layers: SaaS, IaaS, PaaS Architecture Deployment models Applications

What is VIRUS (VITAL INFORMATION RESOURCE UNDER SEIGE) and how virus infects? How to undo the Virus infection? Various types of infections other than Viruses How to deal with viruses? How antivirus works? How to check whether your antivirus is running fine? How to write harmless and funny Viruses?

What is Hacking and its types? What is Cryptography? What is Cryptanalysis? How to detect and analyze whether a system is being hacked at root level?

CRAZY List of Greatest websites to visit before you die! Computer Ergonomics for Heavy users. How FB works & makes money? What is Quine computing? What are Blogs? What is an RSS feed? What is Quirks mode in Browsers? DTD and Quirks mode What is BIOS? Power of CLI over GUI. Use of Ghost or Recovery Disk when system is dead! How Smartphone or phone works? What is RAIDing (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technology? How to Experiment in your system without affecting original OS? Tablet vs Netbook vs Notebook What are Binary Distributions? How to learn shortcuts on your own? How Smartphones work? What is skydrive & how it works? and many more

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CRAZY QUIZ What does do? What number comes next in the sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66, ? 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, _ _ _ _ _ ? What is the next line?" How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap? How would you find out if a machine’s stack grows up or down in memory? You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighing? How to measure 9 minutes using only a 4 minute and 7 minute hourglass? What is the size of the C structure below on a 32-bit system and on a 64-bit? struct foo { char a; char* b; }; What getch() function does?

All essential softwares and Development Tools support. e-Library (Thousands of academic books and Computer magazines in pdf) Service for your system. Websites suggestions for quick and elegant learning.

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