Judge Carol Amon Criminally Coerced and Induced Voluntary Dismissal due to Judicial Crimes

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK _____________________________________________________X CASE NO 15-CV-00626



PRO SE PLAINTIFF, -VDIANA BEINART, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS DEPUTY COMMISSIONER AND GENERAL COUNSELOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, DAISY M. ALVERIO, ATTORNEY FOR THE NYC DEPT OF FINANCE LEGAL AFFAIRS DIVISION PARKING ENFORCEMENT UNIT, THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PARKING AND VEHICLES DIVISION, THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PARKING VIOLATIONS DIVISION, THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND THE NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DEFENDANTS/DEBT COLLECTORS/FICTITIOUS CREDITORS ________________________________________________x Now comes Miriam Snyder NOTICING THE COURT OF JUDGE CAROL AMON’S JUDICIALLY MASTERMINDED NO DUE PROCESS CRIMINALLY COERCED VOLUNTARY DISMISSALWITHOUT PREJUDICE PURSUANT TO F.R.C.P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Plaintiff Miriam Snyder hereby gives notice that the above captioned action is dismissed, WITHOUT PREJUDICE against the defendants in this court due to Judge Amon’s criminal due process scheme to defraud Pro Se funds scam, her dereliction of duty, disregard of the case, more specific, her willful disregard of the emergencies noted in the Plaintiff’s Order to Show Cause, her doing nothing after 5 months, after assigning a case number and getting Pro Se funding. Judge Amon has engaged in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts and has become in this matter unable to discharge the duties of the judicial office.


Plaintiff has waited patiently and has contacted the judge’s chambers on several occasions seeking the status and adjudication of the above case and was told she will get to it. I, Miriam Snyder filed this case February 6, 2015. Today is June 23, 2015, five months later, and Judge Amon still has done nothing to adjudicate, serve defendants, administer justice, due process, and or the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts in this matter. Her conduct of doing nothing while utilizing Pro Se billing entries is criminal, exemplifies laziness, is prejudicial, discriminatory, malicious and offensive. February 6, 2015 Plaintiff submitted to the court the below documents that have been totally disregarded by Judge Carol Amon without reason, cause, and or explanation. The documents submitted were: 1. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE








5. EXHIBITS 1-25






Due to Judge Amon’s criminal practices and willful neglect of this matter, the Defendants crimes have escalated while Judge Amon has ignored her judicial duties to adjudicate, administer any justice in this matter. There has been no decision even on serving the Defendants the complaint. The Defendants have not been served because of Judge Amon’s ongoing disdain of law and order and dereliction of judicial duties. Judge Amon’s dereliction of judicial duties has effectuated further and unregulated Defendant damage and harassment infliction on Plaintiff Miriam Snyder. Please see the attached 35 exhibits. Plaintiff is dismissing this matter in this court because of Judge Amon’s criminal misconduct, malicious denial of due process, prejudicial, lazy, and do Nothing behavior, at the expense of the Defendants unregulated assaults on Plaintiff. Plaintiff files this dismissal because Judge Carol Amon has engaged in criminal misconduct that is prejudicial to and obstructs the effective and expeditious administration of justice, due process and the business of the courts by doing nothing in this matter despite having a judicial canonical duty to adjudicate and move the case forward. Judge Amon’s do nothing conduct, except securing funding under Pro Se status, epitomizes her use of the court house as a gangster playground for free Pro Se funding while doing nothing. This further illustrates her criminal abuse and disrespect for tax payer’s money and her abuse and disrespect for Plaintiff’s right to due process. Above all, Judge Amon’s failure to administer anything, much more justice, in this matter, exemplifies her inability to discharge the duties of the judicial office and her failure to administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor .


Judge Amon has faithfully refused to discharge and perform any of the duties incumbent upon her under the Constitution and laws of the United States. Her criminal behavior in this case obstructed the effective and expeditious administration of justice, due process, and the business of the courts. Judge Amon’s behavior has advanced safety risks in the Plaintiff’s life based on her continuous disregard of the Defendant conspiracy against rights crimes against the Plaintiff. Judge Amon’s do nothing lazy behaviors: (1) have offended public policy as defined by statutes FDCPA, ADAAA, etc., Common Law, and otherwise; (2) were and are immoral, unethical, oppressive, and unscrupulous; and (3) substantially injures consumers. Judge Amon has willfully denied consumers such as Plaintiff equal access to the courts. Judge Carol Amon’s prejudicial and unsound judicial do nothing acts other than get Pro Se funding requires the filing of this dismissal without prejudice as Judge Amon has acted as an enemy to justice and the Plaintiff. Judge Carol Amon has deliberately invoked and administered prejudicial, negligent, unethical and harmful practices, behaviors and actions against Pro se litigants such as I, Miriam Snyder. In this matter, Judge Carol Amon has failed to perform judicial duties clearly inherent in the nature of adjudication as documented in the exhibits and below. Her deliberate Pro Se due process denials has effectuated violations of the below judicial canons:  Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary  Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities  Canon 3: A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Fairly, Impartially and Diligently Since Judge Amon’s dereliction of duty and failure to do anything in this matter, the criminals I sued are now further extorting and harassing me, Miriam Snyder with repeated unregulated, unfounded, malicious and contemptuous license suspensions despite the criminal’s claims being dismantled with prejudice. Additionally, I have been subjected to monthly harassment and extortion scams by these same criminals. Please see exhibits 4,5, and 8-17. I have been assaulted by these criminals monthly by their non-validated camera and parking ticket concoctions, and their erroneous driver license scam effectuating escalated auto insurance billings.

Judge Carol Amon has a malicious multifaceted tendency and history of criminally demising meritorious Pro Se cases in contravention to due process rights and the dictates of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 8. Please see her multitude of Pro Se case demises based on her criminal court of appeals due process denials based on income scam. Some of the cases are cited in Exhibit 1. In addition to her repeated, lazy, malicious, meritless, unauthentic, and appearing ghost written decision writing history, she uses her judicial position to bully, stab and turn the knife on poor Pro Se litigants by denying them equal access to the courts by repeatedly including in her malicious, reversed justice and lazy Orders the following denial of due process deliberate harm to the poor robot phrase: THAT ANY APPEAL FROM THIS ORDER WOULD NOT BE TAKEN IN GOOD FAITH AND THEREFORE IN FORMA PAUPERIS STATUS IS DENIED FOR PURPOSE OF AN APPEAL. SEE COPPEDGE V. UNITED STATES, 369 U.S. 438, 444-45 (1962). She has turned the judicial decision making process into a factory where her Orders are ghost written, robot phrased, damaging, unsound, non-creative, malicious, meritless and bogus and she inflicts such on Pro Se litigants disproportionately. Judge Amon has not made any decision in this matter. Her criminal history of destroying meritorious Pro Se litigants complaints and her multifaceted criminal no due process scams is enough to cause any competent person to remove cases from her criminal domain. Her judicial practices are criminal and gangster. 3

Judge Carol Amon is criminally using her judicial position to invoke the above noted lawless robot phrase, regardless of the merits of the Pro Se case, to minimize meritorious appeals against her by Pro Se litigants on limited incomes. Please see: LOVELL v. CONSOLIDATED EDISON OF NEW YORK, INC ..., NOHA SHEHABELDIN, Plaintiff, -against UNITED STATES POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE, and LEWIS BROOKS, Administrator ll-CV-5215 (CBA), Trimarco v. Data Treasury Corporation et al 14-CV 3213 (CBA), Cole v. Katz 04-CV 5217 (CBA), MILLER v. HOURIHANE, 08CV-2646 (CBA), ETC. Please see exhibit 1 and the link on the page showing over 500 Pro Se litigants assaulted by Judge Carol Amon’s repeated misconduct, rooted in abuse of power, prejudicial, discriminatory, meritless, robo phrased denial of equal access to the appeals courts based on income, to hide her attacks and erroneous decision making against Pro Se litigants and particularly poor people. Any reasonable person, knowing her judicial robot writing history and the relevant facts in this matter, would find that Judge Carol Amon’s history of maliciously demising meritorious Pro Se litigants cases, her do nothing behaviors effectuating her refusal to adjudicate this matter while securing Pro se Funds, renders her judicially unfit and unsound and such exemplifies judicial misconduct and disability. Judge Amon’s misconduct and repeated hateful acts toward Pro Se litigants obstructs public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. Corrupt and incompetent judges acting as hit men and gangsters, specializing in judicial misconduct, rooted from criminal denials of due process while embezzling Pro Se funds, and using robot like, ghost written malicious decisions that further obstruct due process rights, need to be hauled off the bench in the interest of justice. For the reasons above, Plaintiff submits this Notice of this CRIMINALLY COERCEDVOLUNTARY DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE PURSUANT TO F.R.C.P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i). Judge Amon’s do nothing conduct has further harmed the Plaintiff, puts Plaintiff’s life and safety in unwarranted and unrestrained harm’s way via the Defendants ongoing lawlessness and criminal enjoinments of the Department of Motor vehicle, the police and Judge Carol Amon. Plaintiff can curtail the harm by getting away from this prejudice and unsound acting judge. Plaintiff submits this notice with 33 exhibits showing the Defendants escalated relentless, unwarranted, malicious, ongoing and criminal assaults on Miriam Snyder using the same extortion and scam tactics to cause Plaintiff unwarranted expenses based on computer printout fraud, non-validated claims, fictional administration, no real party in interest, and pure harassment. Judge Carol Amon’s criminal practices epitomize her complicity with the Defendants crimes Her Pro Se billing and embezzlement scam enforcement while obstructing her judicial duties to adjudicate this matter proudly show her criminal and gangster behaviors. In closing, Judge Carol Amon’s criminal conduct and denial of due process has forced and criminally coerced the Plaintiff to dismiss this case to get away from Judge Carol Amon’s criminal use of the judiciary to silence crimes and further victimize and harm crime victims. A judicial criminal complaint with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has been filed against this criminal judge and such has been forwarded to Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the nation, the U.S. Senate Judiciary, the NYS Governor, the NYS Attorney General, the NY FBI, police and the media. 4

Criminal reports have been written against Carol Amon in an attempt to arrest her gangster behaviors and criminal practices as exemplified in this matter as her criminalities obstruct the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary. Thank you. AFFIRMATION On the ____ day of June 2015, I, Miriam Snyder hereby affirm that the above statements in this Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice documenting Judge Carol Amon’s deliberate, willful and malicious Pro Se funding exploitation, embezzlement and denied due process scheme to defraud and injure Pro Se litigants, and the Exhibits, are true, accurate and correct. I hereby further affirm that the basis of these statements is my own direct knowledge, experience, and historical facts involved. This notarized Criminally Coerced Dismissal Notice with my signature verifies the truth in my sworn statements. I further attest to the fact that I am the full time caregiver of my elderly mother and have a dual residence at the below address. Thank you. _____________________________________ Miriam Snyder, mirisni@aol.com 516 642 6007 21-25 35TH Avenue #5E Queens, New York 11106 Affirm before me _________, day of ___________, 2015 Notary Signature____________________________ Commission Expires: Seal XC: MINISTERS ACROSS THE NATION US Senate Judiciary Committee US Senator Schumer United States Senate Committee on The Judiciary 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510-6050 Phone: 202-224-5225 FAX: 202 224 9102 Andrew Cuomo, NYS Governor gov.cuomo@chamber.state.ny.usgovernor.andrew.cuomo@exec.ny State of New York, State Capitol FAX: 518-474-1513. Albany, NY 12224 Mr. Schneider, NYS Attorney General, nysattorneygeneral@public.govdelivery.com Fraud and Civil Rights Crimes Office of the Attorney General The Capitol Albany, NY 12224-0341 Preet Bharara United States Attorney's Office Southern District of New York 86 Chambers Street, 5

3rd Floor New York, New York 10007 Fax: (212) 637-2750. United States Attorney's Office Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn NY 11201 (718)254-7000/(718)254-7508 fax Attn: Chief, Civil Rights Unit Congressman Eliot Engle, Congressman_Engel@housemail.house.gov 3655 Johnson Avenue Bronx, NY 10463 Phone (718) 796-9700 Fax: (718)796-5134 NYC FBI, E-mail: ny1@ic.fbi.gov Fraud, Financial and Hate Crimes 26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10278-0004 Phone: (212) 384-1000 AND Fax: (212) 384-4073 / 4074 William J. Bratton, Police Commissioner http://www.nyc.gov/html/mail/html/mailnypd.html NYC Police Department One Police Plaza NY, NY 10038 1-646-610-5000 FAXED AND EMAILED: https://democrats-oversight.house.gov/tipline Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 2157 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-5074 Fax: (202) 225-3974


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