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4 How it all Began A message from the founder of The PRAYING WOMEN GROUP as they celebrate their sixth year of existence.

11 Esther Secrets A few beauty tips from one of Bible's greatest women, Queen Esther.

19 Miracle Working God Testimonies from grateful praying women of how God has seen them through so many trials.


Editor's Desk From how it all started to testimonies of God's miraculous power, this edition is packed with so much of God's love and presence.

This Magazine is as a result of heavenly spontaneity.

When God asks you to do something, as Praying women, we have learnt to run with everything we have got. We are being reminded not to over analyse everything we hear God say. As children of God we must learn to move as fast as we can as soon we hear thus saith the Lord. “The primary way that God speaks is not through the spectacular, not through an audible voice, not through an open vision. He can do all of those things. He has done it. I believe He still does miraculous things like that. But the primary way that God speaks to us today is just in this still, small voice, and it can be drowned out by other voices around us.”One way you know you’ve heard the voice of God is when fear dissipates and a fresh boldness rises up in your spirit. Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears” (English Standard Version).Another way to discern the voice of God is through hiding the written Word in your heart (Ps. 119:11). While developing a mental understanding of the Bible is good, the goal is a heart change. This requires more than memorization. Andrew continues,

The Word is like gasoline. Not until a lit match falls on it will it combust into rivers of flame. You could be filled with the Word, even have whole books of the Bible memorized, but it will not ignite a fire in your heart until the Holy Spirit comes in contact with it. When the Holy Spirit quickens the Word in your spirit— WHOOM! You know exactly what to do, how to do it, where to go, and what to say. The old ways of thinking and believing —shame, unbelief, and fear— are burned away, and God replaces that with His ways. Dive in to read all about the Praying Women and how the journey started 6 years. We are glad to celebrate this 6th anniversary with the launch of our quarterly magazine. More of Jesus, Less of Us. Passage adapted from Andrew Wommack ministries.

To have us join you on your prayer requests, and to subscribe to our quarterly magazine, send an email to


Assistant Co-ordinator PRAYING WOMAN


Love Olaleye, a wife and mother of 3, shares how God instructed her to begin a Praying women group on Social Media in 2013.

Love Olaleye


The praying woman mandate. 2 Timothy 1:9 Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity,

Back in 2013, I had reached a certain point in my life that I understood my relationship with God and I just wanted it to keep soaring. But there were times I would get so overwhelmed and wished I could have someone tune me just so I can keep the fire on my prayer altar burning all year round. So one ordinary day in 2013, August 25th to be precise, I was having a conversation with the Holy-spirit about how there are times in my walk with God that I needed a boost and an energizer to pray. The questions and yearnings continued that day until I heard the Holy-spirit say that I was not alone in that feeling. He made me understand that there were other fire- branded lovers of God who felt the same way once in a while and if we could just hold each other by the hands in the place of prayer, we can achieve that goal of keeping our prayer altar hot all year round. It didn’t mean we were spiritually weak to

feel that way, it meant it was just a need that could be met. Well, that was how praying women was born. Those who know me on a personal note know that I am not a “come lets gather together “ kind of woman. I love my privacy and space so much that I almost doubted this was God leading me to gather women to pray. But today, with 6 years gone by, I can boldly say thank God I obeyed. I started out by talking to the women God placed in my life at the time. Women whom I felt led to speak to, born again and spirit filled. Surprisingly, they acknowledged the need. I am surprised at the growth 6 years after. The most surprising part for me is how we have stuck together and grown into sisterhood; despite not physically meeting everyone. Some I have met only once in my life, some I have never met but praying together has created such bond.


The most surprising part for me is how we have stuck together and grown into sisterhood; despite not physically meeting everyone.


FOUNDER'S NOTE The second surprise is how we have stayed

has been committed and has carried this

this long together, contrary to popular

vision on their head as if they were there the

saying that when women gather, its trouble

day God gave it ... lol.

and gossip. And six years after, NOT A

So many times in the past two years, I have

SINGLE DRAMA! Like are you guys even

not had any say or influence as

human? Lol.

to how or what we should pray about or come

NOT A SINGLE GOSSIP! We have stuck to

up with program schedules but I have been

the primary vision of praying together and

shocked time and again how God would

have grown to be each other's cheer

impress something in my spirit and then tell


someone in the group without my mentioning

The third thing that has surprised me is how

it. So when I read some post. I just start

we have grown more selfless. I have

laughing out of shock. God has truly

witnessed the women grow from focusing on

confirmed to us on the group that he is a God

self to being a giver of self! From our visiting

of oneness.

the motherless babies home, the old people's home and also raising funds for

Finally, I want to appreciate Rosemary Obi.

various kids that have gone for surgeries. I

You had a choice to pretend to not hear God

am amazed at these crop of women.

or not to obey each time He sends an

I tearfully type at this point that it's

instruction. You just stepped into a role

overwhelming the love and support people

unprepared and have walked into the shoes

show in direct messages to other women’s

so perfectly like you have been rehearsing for

emotional needs and financial needs,

it all your life... lol.

especially because over the years I have

I appreciate you and love you and you know it.

been so bent on NEVER raising money in

Heaven reward and bless you.

the group. This is because I never got the instruction from God to

In closing, I appreciate the team of amour

do so but the few occasions where we have

bearers God has placed in my life, The

asked for free-will giving, it's been amazing

praying women leadership , each and

how people give without wanting to be

everyone of you didn’t get the chance to

recognized! That’s a big deal

decide if you wanted to be leaders or not.

because women are naturally attention-


seekers/lovers, again I ask, Praying Women,

I just ‘bundled’ you up and bullied you into it.

are you people even


human? Lol.

Some that are used to me already knew they

As I typed the word, cheer leaders….it was

didn’t have a choice. lol.

just impressed in my spirit that, this new

So that didn’t surprise me, the ones that

year, we will be doing the unusual of “cheer-

surprised me were the people I bullied that I

leading” (more details coming).

have never met yet they accepted. You cannot be humans! Lol.

Lastly, I want to appreciate everyone who

God bless you for ALL for the sacrifices, and

jumped on-board this flight without even

burning of the midnight oil most nights that

questioning. I want to appreciate everyone

we pray. Thank you for holding the fort with

who has been on board from inception and


I want to appreciate everyone who

I LOVE EACH AND everyone of you! Its not a cliché statement. God bless everyone of you mightily. PRAYING WOMEN | 20


I mean it. I may never have met you but each time your name pops up in the group chat , I have a mushy feeling and trust me its not normal, its definitely the love of God shed abroad in my heart. So what is God saying about the next phase? Growth and expansion. Having been together for this long. Everyone of us will be assigned leadership roles in the next phase. Its been six years of training, so its time to graduate. *rolls eyes* . Its time to hold the hands of many more women out there. How will we maintain effectiveness? God will lead us, just be ready to avail yourself more as He leads us. And as always the proof of His leading is in the fruits ( testimonies) that follows. Â Congratulations to us all! Happy Anniversary!

Love, Mummy GO ( I have kuku accepted the name).



BUT TODAY, WITH 6 YEARS GONE BY, I CAN BOLDLY SAY THANK GOD I OBEYED. Love Olaleye talking about how she heard God and obeyed him.

beauty 101


Esther's Beauty Secret

Hello amazing women of God and welcome to our able beauty corner where we’ll be learning about age-old beauty secrets that still matter a lot today.

By Adekunbi Fashakin


Countless beauty treatments were employed in the time of King Xerxes , the king of Persia who we later came to know as Esther’s husband. When Esther was been prepared to be presented before the king, she underwent 6+ months of intense body grooming and skin treatments befitting of a queen in that era The Bible says : 6 months with Oil of Myrrh 6 months with spices and perfumes and purifying of women. If we break that down, we will come to understand that there were treatments for the skin, hair, adornment of the face & body as well as health & fitness regimens. SKIN BATHING In the days of Esther was a weekly ritual of scrubbing & exfoliating to keep the skin satin-smooth. Skin regimes included occasional milk baths, SLH baths (a mix of sugar,lemon & honey), coffee scrubs , oil baths, the use of sheep fat or even Dead Sea salt bath (which is a combination of hardened minerals). Bathing of this sort is not only a stress buster but it helps to release toxins , improve blood circulation and for anti-aging purposes by removing dead skin & polishing the skin . HONEY Being a hygroscopic substance, it plays a huge role in many moisturizers on beauty counters today, because it keeps the skin

oxygenated,glowing & supple while Aloevera helps in treating scars, burns & helps fight against wrinkles EYES The adornment of the eyes was a very key factor in the beauty regimen of women in the time of Esther & still very much seen around the world. The use of Kajal to define the eyes & for creating or enhancing natural beauty marks as we come to remember the ancient Egyptians for. ESSENTIAL OILS Usually favored for the smoothening of skin & the nourishment of hair, oils play a major role in every hair & skin treatment known to man. Oils like olive oil, oil of myrrh , sesame oil, almond oil & coconut oil were used for the purposes of nourishment , treating of scars, chapped lips etc


But Oil of Myrrh as mentioned in the bible was particularly used for Esther for its anti-inflammatory purposes to soothe itchiness, reduce symptoms of eczema, to clean & tighten the skin as well as reduce & prevent cracking or chapping of the lips, skin & heels as well as being an astringent. For the hair, oil of myrrh strengthens the roots, addresses dandruff & stimulates the brain promoting alertness. DIET Regular exercises coupled with a good diet were one of the ways women in Esther’s time maintained their beauty. The consumption of lots of fruits , vegetables & healthy foods like Oat meal accompanied with a lot of water intake was how they stayed youthful & flawless. In conclusion, we know the glory of God in us is why we are called beautiful in the bible but with the adoption of these few instruments of beauty, we definitely as women of God can exude the glory of God in us & about us. Until the next edition, stay beautiful.


Single & Saved


Single & Saved By Ada Cosmas

Let me start by quoting a great woman of wisdom… "To the singles and those trusting God for marital settlement, please know that you are not a substandard, challenged or incomplete being. Never entertain such feelings or thoughts! In fact, let me state categorically here that being single is neither a curse nor is it a disease". -Pst. Faith Oyedepo






Yes! Your singleness is not a curse! It's rather a stage where you can and should make the most of God in your Christian walk. As a single lady, carry yourself responsibly. Be an approachable Christian with a great attitude. God's glory should be seen in and around you at all times. Live ready, be expectant. Few keys to focus on as you journey through being saved and single. 1. Focus on God. Perhaps you have been living a "pure and holy" life, but you notice that all your "non-saved" friends are getting married with beautiful children. And you are still single. I can totally relate with what you are going through. One great thing about this single season is that we must learn to see it as a gift and be contented in singleness. It's a season where we should focus and listen to God as he charts us through his plans for our lives. And he wants our full attention. A period of complete devotion to God is necessary so you can see God for who He is and find your identity in Him. Because if you don't know who you are in Christ as a single person, how can you ever know who you are in a relationship centered around Him? You'll be looking for your relationship to define you and never be truly satisfied."You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below". -Exodus 20:3-4 (NIV) It's important to find your identity in Christ before entering a relationship because a man/woman can become an idol. God doesn't want you to put anyone or anything before Him.Learn to trust God and do things His way.

He may not always give you what you want when you want it, but He will always supply you with what you need. Remember, he is the Lord who sees the end from the beginning. 2. Live your life. Marriage will not fulfill your unmet needs. Despite popular belief, your future mate should not complete you—he/she should complement you. There's a big difference.The best relationships are when two whole people come together. If you aren't content in your life now, a relationship won't be able to fix that.Live your life! You don't need a mate to live the life that God has planned for you. Exercise, travel, take yourself out on occasional dates. Visit the Cinema, do what makes you happy and build your dreams. Flirt with life and enjoy being single. You'll be surprised at what will happen when you least expect it. 3. Don't be a missionary dater. You shouldn't date someone with the hopes of converting them. This is a trap that can lead to serious heartbreak. Although God does use us to lead others to Christ. Accept people for who they are, and if they're open to knowing more about Christ, awesome—share with them but keep it pushing. Let a person's actions speak louder than their words, because the moment you become emotionally attached to someone who isn't saved, you're headed downhill.Ask God for the spirit of discernment, to see beyond the physical. "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. -Matthew 7:15-16 (NIV)


I am here to thank God for all he has done in my life. My 2 completed projects for young people this summer was a great success. Particularly testify because God provided funds in unexpected ways Journey mercies and protection too. Most importantly the Thirst for God in the hearts of the young people. - Adaeze. Praise eeeeeeeeee the Lord sisters, Our God is sooooooo good. Our baby's operation was glorious. Chibuikem came out alive after a successful brain surgery. Another shocking testimony was that the item needed for the surgery wasn't complete but the mum said that she got alert of 27k and that was the exact Amount needed at that moment and she cried. - Ada I am someone that takes time before I make friends. Because of my personality people tend to want to make friends with me quickly but I tread carefully. Cos I can fear women sha especially when they gang up and gossip about you. But on this platform, I have been blessed with true sisters. Friends who have become sisters. I have learnt that not all women are terrible. I have also learnt to pray more through this platform. I remember when I joined 5 years ago, I was looking for a real group that could make me pray ceaselessly and truly I found that here.

Now I boldly say that I pray for a living because I have seen prayers answered on this platform. God bless the convener Love Olalwye, your head will never lack oil in Jesus name. - RM Praise eeeeeeeeee the Lord sisters, Our God is sooooooo good. Our baby's operation was glorious. Chibuikem came out alive after a successful brain surgery. Another shocking testimony was that the item needed for the surgery wasn't complete but the mum said that she got alert of 27k and that was the exact Amount needed at that moment and she cried. - Ada

I have been in the praying women group for only a short while and I can say that God is in this group. The way we pray for people when there is an issue and the way we rise up to help another person is alarming in a good way. I have learnt the act of giving from this group. Such that I now give even when I have nothing left because you have all taught me to give wholeheartedly. Infact am short of words. I have benefitted also from your act of giving. Someone gave me money secretly through this group and it was what I needed exactly at the time. I would have mentioned her name but she wants it anonymous. God bless this house richly. I can't wait to see God do many more of what he has promised to me and this house. - A.A


I'm barely 6months here but have benefitted a lot. Thanks to my Darling sis Ada Cosmas that added me here.As at when I joined I was broken, felt alone and lost. Physically I was OK and always quiet that got my husband scared, as in really scared. Coincidentally a discussion came up that had to do with loosing a loved one. OK I lost my dad December 29th and my only sis died 3 weeks after. I was nursing pearl who was 9months then and i was pregnant. I asked a question how do u cope with such a loss and comments were made that encouraged me and then I got a message and a call. Wow!! I felt so much love.And then I had an issue at the clinic and I got financial help here. Every month end I look forward to our prayers and then the retreat was AWESOME!!! Recently you guys held hands and said prayers concerning my baby Daniel and his recovery was swift. Now I can boldly say I found a family in my sisters here.God bless you Sis Love and every other beautiful soul here.I LOVE YOU SISTERS!!!! - Chineye My Amazing SistersAll I can say is THANK YOU Lord.I remembered when LOVE OLALEYE sent me a message on bbm then telling me she wants me to join a group. She explained what the group was about and I just said ok thinking it was one of those groups and she added me.For a long time I was quiet(I know I still am) in the group,when I see the posted prayers I will pray,i will sing,i will download

the voice notes and listen. When the list of names come out on who is in charge of praying for a week,I will try and do it. To myself I fulfil my own week and moved on. I did not know God was smiling and looking at me.I remembered there was a time I wanted to delete myself from the group but my mind said(I guess it was the Holy Spirit)telling me not to,asking me why? That have I not benefited from the group in some way,the prayers,the discussions. So I did not leave the group but left other groups I was in. I decided if I can not join in the prayers when it is said,I should try to say the prayers later which I started doing and it changed me that I did not know I had changed. The day my husband asked me to pray for him and tell my praying women to pray for him as well,I knew that I have been doing something right and it's all because of my amazing praying Sisters. I want to use this opportunity to THANK YOU all for accepting me,for praying for me,for praying with me,for allowing me pray with you,for all your voice notes,for your prayers,for your testimonies,for your discussions and for been there.I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for not allowing me delete myself from this group. - Seyi Sis Love reached out to me ,sometime ago to join this amazing group (Praying Women) . My prayer life definitely experienced a new release of energy and I became more fervent in prayers . Even in the


periods I seemed to be having “cycles” . I am a very reserved(shy) person , and often have the tendency of being lost in myself and withdrawing from others . The prayers and testimonies of you wonderful sisters have helped me. Truly, God answers our prayers . Praying Women. God bless and keep you all. - Nneoma Ahhh!!!!Where do I start from with praying women oh!!!! Is it the fact that I have found TRUE and REAL sisters that I can share deep and personal things I can't even tell my biological sister and not fear being judged or criticized???Or is it having sisters I can trust my life and my children with?...Or is it having genuine sisters pray with me and pray for me, declaring thus saith the Lord concerning me and seeing them manifest. On this platform, I thanked God concerning my husbands job several years ago. Believing God for a change. And it happened. And I will soon testify again by faith regarding this testimony in Jesus name. .On this platform, I have learnt to pray more, trust God more and see HIM move mightily. .On this platform I have learnt to give more, and genuinely care about others and God has always ensured He also got my back! Ah! On this platform, I have met sisters who believed so much in my vision and dream, even when it didn't make sense to me yet and have cheered me along the way, blessing God for every step of the way.

If I continue, we won't finish oh! And I don't apologise for the long post oh! God has been good to me on this platform. And my husband even knows it.I can mention the name of almost anyone, as long as she is a praying woman, he is OK. To God be all the glory. Thank God for the visionary mother hen who ensured she yielded to Gods word and for all the other sisters who have tirelessly ensured that this group is alive and burning with the fire of God. God bless you all. - Mariam This group praying women has blessed me beyond words, where do I start from? So much LOVE!! In my deepest moments oh!You stood by me...praying with me, calling me, texting me and even visiting me. The women in this group have taught me to pray, pray pray and keep praying no matter the circumstance. Is it Marital issues?? They have showed me different ways and strategies on handling matters backed up with the word. Is it on business?? Is it my kids?? Where do I start from? God bless this group. They prayed me out of DEPRESSION! They prayed me out of committing murder(no jokes...Some sisters here can testify), I was so unhappy, bitter, angry(even with God), this group made me believe in myself again. I am a LIVING TESTIMONY of this blessed group! I am not ashamed to tell my story. GOD IS HERE!!! - Abigail


Hmmm, i truly cant say thank you for this platform enough. It has been a great blessing. There is no prayer point raised to God in this platform, he hasnt answered for me. Thank you sisters for been so wonderful. I remember when Sis Love invited me into the group, it was around when I had lost ny mum and I just had a miscarriage, I was really asking God all the usual questionsand fears. But God sent me sisters that had no idea what I was going through but raised prayer points that touched me, had prayer sessions interceeding and made me see the fathers love again anew and this has been consistent over the years. That aside, some days i feel down, someone always sends a word on this platform directed at that situation am in and God shows up. Lets not forget our sex talks and real life talks, it helped my marriage grow cos i learnt somethings there that my husband sometimes wonders how come the changes he sees. I Love our the month end prayer meetings, the read the Bible in a year, the revealing Bible studies have moulded and shaped me into a better person and helped me grow spiritually. I still have a longggggg way to go but am grateful to Mother Hen, Love Olaleye, for her continued obedience and all my sisters for such a wonderful platform. - Temi

Earlier on when everyone was posting their testimonies, I felt like I didn't have any to post. Today. God reminded me that I did. I've tried counting my blessings and naming them one by one and I don't think I'll finish this year if I continue. For that I'm grateful. For the fellowship we have here. I know I'm very quiet, however some prayer points come in and I'm like ehn ehn is that how you used to do God! You just show up in mysterious ways! I'm so so grateful to be a part of this ahmazzing family. - Tomi Since we have been sharing testimonies in the house , I have held one very close to my chest because I felt it needed to fully manifest to share and it’s still an ongoing testimony. Last year was one of the toughest years of my life. Why you would ask? My mum turned 60 in March and even though my plan to have a huge celebration fell through, I was able to surprise her with the help of a few sisters here and their families. My mum had been suffering some persistent pains in her sides and attributed the pains to ulcer which she had managed for years, only to go for a series of tests and it was discovered to have had huge kidney stones in both her kidneys and not ulcer which she had ignorantly used medication on for years.


My mum was to go in for surgery at LASUTH Ikeja in April 2018, to remove the larger stone in her right kidney. We were told recovery time is about 6 to 8 weeks but I mean when you’re told recovery time is a certain period, you expect recovery time to at least be shorter than what the doctors have said. So in my mom‘s case she developed complications & it was taking a lot of time for her to heal. Considering it was a major surgery , we expected her to be able to sit up with a bit of support but she couldn’t. 8 weeks elapsed, but she was too weak to do anything. She was shutting down, she was losing energy and then before we knew it, Lasuth went on strike and we had to bring her home. While in my home , she began to grow pale , shut down terribly , couldn’t eat much and couldn’t pass waste. I found a hospital closer to my home and were told that my mom actually had diabetes . Her blood sugar reading was 285 against 400. I don’t know if anyone here has a parent dealing with diabetes but I’m surprised she didn’t go into a coma (Lord, I’m grateful). I never knew my mom to have diabetes , she had always treated symptoms of high blood pressure , before I knew it her tongue was black , she had to be on daily and nightly insulin injections , she had to start using adult diapers and mackintosh because she couldn’t help herself anymore. She received over 3 blood transfusions to no avail At a point , a large mass of fluid was found somewhere in her abdomen which was suspected to be affecting her progress. Sisters, by the time we drained it out, all we saw was PUS , a bag full of pus

Life as I knew it ended for me that period, I had to spend days in rotation with my housekeeper on the floor of Lasuth female surgical ward in Ikeja and on other days, be at home caring for my daughters while the housekeeper took my place at the hospital. It was even very hard to keep up with prayers in the group but when I could, I took part and did my part as I could muster. My business suffered badly, I could hardly take appointments except the ones I had been booked for days, weeks or months ahead. I had to lock up my store because I had no staff I could depend on. Money wasn’t coming in but a lot of it was going out DAILY. The series of tests daily and nightly , the poor state of the hospital , the lack of empathy of the nurses and doctors. But oh how God surrounded me with sisters who prayed ceaselessly for her, provided a place for me to even rest my head for an hour, brought me breakfast or stood in for me while I had to go looking for medications and dropping samples at the labs.As the 1st child and only girl, a lot fell on my shoulders. I couldn’t do anything to help my mother who is always strong for everyone. But sisters, on a particular day, Holy Spirit gave me the boldness to say NO MORE HOSPITAL. She came home and I began to work on her nutrition using it like the communion (ps : I’m no nutritionist ), I became a nurse administering insulin at hourly intervals. Feeding her all sorts and the power of God began to move. My mum who couldn’t get up to use the bathroom began to try walking with the help of her walker till she didn’t need it anymore.


Her teeth and mouth that had changed color began to clear. Sisters, my mother even though still has one other kidney to operate on, we have accepted that God alone can heal her. She has been able to go back home to be with my dad after over 1 year of being apart and today, she is a living breathing testimony that with God all things are possible. For every sister who has an ailing child or relative, please hold unto this word that God have me during this trying period Romans 5:4 And endurance produces character, and character produces hope. 2nd Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. Hope is what made this recovery possible, and like that one leper. I have come back to ascribe all the praise and Glory to God almighty for keeping my mum and sparing her life. - Kunbi

Congratulatory Messages to Praying Women At 6

I am so grateful for such a group as this. A platform for expression is what it is. It is my prayer that the ever kiving God continually dwells in this group and may he keep keeping us. Cheers to the next million years. May we all receive the crown from God at the end of time because that is all that matters. - Phoebe I.

In just a little while, I have learnt how it feels to be in the midst of amazing women. Women who stick out their necks for others. It is just simply amazing. - Adanma

Congratulations to all members of SWOG, thanks be to God who brought us together for this purpose,  Am a living testimony of this glorious vision and my prayer is that God will continue to use this platform to reach out to every woman that is confused, hurting, beaten and battered and also help them to fulfil purpose. - Chybethel

Praise the Lord! I was in praying women from inception and indeed I can confidently say that when God gives you a vision, ensure you run with it because faithful is he who has called you, who also will do it! Thanks to our mum GO who answered the call and to all who has yielded to make the group what it is today.I am a living testimony of God's faithfulness via this group. First of all, in the group, I have found soul sisters who I know I can bare my heart too.

Who prays for one another from the depth of their heart. Who carries each others burden. My prayer life has also improved significantly. The constant prayers and charges are a source of great liftings. I remember a particular time I was going through series of challenges. I couldn't share with anyone. I went very quiet in the group. Was not contributing directly but I was keenly following all the prayers being made. My peace came from the group... A particular word hit me and that's how everything began to fall into place. I waited for almost 5years before the Lord blessed me with my first child. During that waiting period, whenever a prayer for expectant mothers were raised in the group, I would pray my heart out for some sisters I knew who were also expecting. I hardly prayed for myself. And that's how God did it for me, when I least expected. I went for a test and discovered I was pregnant. The prayers I got from this group when I entered the delivery room, made my delivery a supernatural one, very swift and effortless. 󿵊ht on the delivery bed, I was reading the prayers to myself and holding on to God's promises. Was still with my phone when my baby came. Afterwards the devil stuck with bleeding. I called Sis. Love and told her.. She made some declarations and I kept reading out the prayers that were made on my behalf. Where the doctor had said I will be infused with 2 pints of blood, a test was carried out and it was discovered I still had enough blood in my system. My sisters in the group supported me all through and ever since then, there has been no going back.God has been so mindful of me in praying women and I won't let go. - Ada Cosmas

Congratulations praying women and thank you God for Six wonderful years of prayong together.Love, God bless your obedience for running and staying with the vision. I am very grateful for been a part of his family of God. God bless us all and work great wonders in our midst. Wish us all many more prayerful years ahead. Amen - Temi

Happy 6th anniversary Praying women. I celebrate the Lordship of Jesus Christ and friend we have in the Holy Spirit, the family we have here, the safety we enjoy here, the love we all share, the victories we’ve won together, the spiritual lives that have been revived, the marriages that have been saved, the sex lives that have been rejuvenated, hmm the intimacy that has been reborn amongst couples in this house, the children that have been born & the ones we are still expecting, the businesses that have assumed global and local impact, the destinies that have been saved because someone found their calling. These are just a few of the reasons why I’m so happy to be part of this group. I especially appreciate our mummy GO for obeying instruction so many years ago, thank you for hearing well. You will never hear amiss in Jesus’ Name, Amen. Congratulations mamas - Adekunbi

God has been sooo faithful to my family and I. God has used the praying women to bless us immensely, we are definitely not where we used to be. We have been blessed beyond our imaginations. There is nothing like having a support system that not only meets your prayer needs but also your psychological, financials, mental and other needs. It is very enriching to say the least knowing that there are other women that will rise up in prayers and other ways the moment you need them. I am grateful to God for giving me a chance to be part of this blessed family, I will forever be grateful to the founders and all members. Happy Anniversary sisters! Definitely the spirit of God lives here!Congratulations mamas

- Ayobola

Happy Anniversary wonderfully blessed sisters and gracefully ladies of substance... it can only be God! May the good Lord continue to do wonders in our lives and increase us in all our endeavours. Shalom!Congratulations mamas - CleoPatra

My name is Tolulope Oyemike-Ugbo.I am privileged to be a member of PWG. PWG has been a blessing to me and my testimonies are numerous if I begin to count them and some are in the oven baking. I have learnt alot from the group,the different issues been raised in the group,peoples testimonies have also challenged my faith and I have realised that some issues are not peculiar to me but we all have handled different. I am always elated to read up when ever am off line.i also was fascinated when I see post in the group about retreat, especially the post in January suggesting group members to vote on where they would like to go on a short holiday in September. Finally am glad PWG do not only pray, they build and mold lives most importantly care about me,my children and husband.Thank you.Will return to give that testimony baking in the oven. - Tolu

Coffee & Bible Time.

The Abigail Persona


By RM Obi

According to Wikipedia; Abigail is described as intelligent and beautiful. The Talmud amplifies this idea, mentioning her as being one of the "four women of surpassing beauty in the world," (the other three being Rahab, Sarah, and Esther). The main story of Abigail is found in 1 Samuel 25. She is mentioned a few other times in scripture, but not with as much detail as is found in this main chapter. We do know from one other reference in 1 Chronicles 3 that Abigail was the mother of David’s son named Daniel. 1 Samuel 25:40-41 “And when the servants of David were come to Abigail to Carmel, they spake unto her, saying, David sent us unto thee, to take thee to him to wife. And she arose, and bowed herself on her face to the earth, and said, Behold, let thine handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.” Nabal, Abigail’s husband, was a wealthy man who owned 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats (1 Samuel 25:2). The Bible says that this man was meanspirited and evil in the way he conducted business. David sent a few of his men to see if Nabal would grant an offering of food for his men. This was not an unreasonable request given the situation. Nabal’s herdsmen lived and worked among David and his men. David provided protection to the men and cattle of Nabal.

This area had been raided regularly by the Philistines in the land (1 Samuel 23). David gave much needed protection which benefited Nabal and added to his prosperity.On top of the protection that was given, we learn in verse 3 that Nabal was from the family of Caleb. This is the family that founded the city of Bethlehem—David’s birthplace. Nabal was a near kinsman to David. Nabal would have known very well who David was even though he claimed to not know about David and his band of men (1 Samuel 25:10). Nabal’s response to David’s request was outright refusal and then he accused David of being a runaway slave. In response, David prepared 400 of his men to go and plunder and destroy Nabal. This was not all of his men. David had 200 of his army stay back and guard their camp. David did not deem it necessary to take all of his men for such an easy task. People have argued whether David was right in his response to Nabal. Well I cannot say if he was right or wrong but wht I can say is this, I loved the way Abigail handled the matter. Abigail wisely saw that David was capable of destroying her whole family.. She knew David as a warrior and the anointed king of Israel ( Read 1 Samuel 25:30). She knew God would protect David. Nabal’s shepherds knew it was pointless to try and talk with their master (1 Samuel 25: 17) so they informed Abigail of David’s plans to slaughter the people of Nabal. The shepherds told Abigail of the kindness and protection that David had provided. After she heard about David’s plans, she secretly prepared to meet him with a gift. She gave David an offering of 200 loaves of bread, 2 bottles of wine,

5 sheep, 5 measures of corn, 100 clusters of raisins and 200 fig cakes. This was certainly a generous offering. She did not let Nabal know that she was going to give this away to a man Nabal had previously said was not worthy of such a gift.David accepted the gift and returned to his camp appeased because of the kindness of Abigail on behalf of Nabal. Abigail returned to the house to find Nabal drunk. She wisely did not even try to talk with him at that time. She waited until he was sober the next day. Abigail told Nabal all that had taken place between her and David. How that David was on his way with his renowned mighty men to destroy Nabal and his household. She probably also told him about the lavish gift she bestowed on David. At hearing all this news the Bible says that Nabal’s heart died within him. This could mean that he had a heart attack, or more likely, it means he had a stroke. Nabal’s reaction is from a couple of different things that he realized. One is probably that his wife had betrayed him by giving away the food that Nabal himself refused to give. Also, he realized that David, with his 400 men was much more powerful than Nabal and his band of herdsmen. Nabal also probably realised that he would have been wiped out by the forces of David. .Even though Nabal claimed he did not know who David was, he most certainly feared the anointed king and his army.The result of this realization and the physical reaction Nabal experienced was that he died 10 days later.

Each time I read the story of Abigail, I almost always wish I could see her physically to give her a big hug for saving her household from destruction. A friend of mine actually said if she was Abigail that she would not have sold her husband out. What do you think about my friend's line of thought? What would you have done differently to salvage the situation. (Kindly send your responses to, let us keep the conversation going). Abigail’s story is amazing, and we can learn a lot from her. 1. It is no secret that Abigail was a rich woman with so much humility. She was not led by fear especially when her life and everything she knew was threatened,; instead, she acted in wisdom. Even in the midst of adversity, she didn’t nag her husband 2. Abigail was bold. The extent of Abigail’s boldness can be seen in the way she walked up and faced a man, who would one day rule over Israel, and his 400 strong and angry men. I want to believe that the faith Abigail had in God was what empowered her with so much boldness. 3. Abigail knew David and his troops needed food — physical sustenance. She focused on their need, not their anger and threats. If for nothin else, her heart of Charity doused the angry situation. I hope this lesson has encouraged you, as it has encouraged me, to know how to respond when you experience rejection or mistreatment from another. Let us learn from Abigail and discover the powerful secret of humility, honor, and respect.


T E A S E R 1.

Who was the only female judge of Israel?

2. What widowed prophetess was eighty-four years old 3.

when she saw the young Jesus in the temple?

What Jewish girl married a Persian emperor and

helped save her exiled people from extermination?

4. What prophetess was the sister of two great leaders and was once afflicted with leprosy for being rebellious?

5. What dancer so enchanted Herod that he offered her anything she wished?






eating a healthy


Start talking about


puberty-type issues at


Use age-

getting regular Not smoking

Staying at a healthy weight

NO alcohol.

age six.

appropriate sex

education materials,

such as books, to help explain to your child.

Praying Women Global ...raising spirit filled women in today's world.


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