16 minute read


Mr. Emmanuel and his wife, Sudha were a happy family blessed with three children, Victor, Priya Mariaselvarasi and Vivek Jesuraja. Suddenly, Mr. Emmanuel’s elder sister passed away leaving behind her three children with no one to care.

Mr. Emmanuel and his wife took pity on those children and took them into their home as their own children.

This is proof of how God brings out diamonds in the furnace of distress! Yes, Mr. Emmanuel and his wife were being moulded into angels who sheltered the children who lost a family. Yet, with their decision came a huge burden.

Providing for one child is so challenging these days. Can you imagine raising six children?

The couple were doubly burdened. To add to their problem, four years back, their daughter Priya Maria selvarasi was bitten by an insect under a mango tree while she was playing under it and developed an allergic reaction to it. Initially, they thought that the effects of the insect bite would cease. But much to their dismay, Priya started developing an itching sensation all over her skin. Wherever she scratched, blood started oozing out. To make things worse, she started developing rashes all over her body that made her skin ugly to look at. The parents were totally shattered to see their daughter suffer this way.

At school, Priya lost her close friends because of her skin condition. All the students in her class started talking behind her back and distancing themselves from her. The Teachers were also of no comfort! They told Priya’s parents to stop her from school and treat her condition before she could join back.

The couple were so distressed. They took her to one hospital after another. They tried various treatments, but all were in vain. Sometimes, the medication prescribed would withhold the rashes for a few days but then it would relapse.

This kept going and as parents, the burden kept increasing for Mr. Emmanuel and Sudha. In this situation, they came to know about the Young Partners’ Plan in the Jesus Calls ministry through a friend of theirs. Their friend also told them how prayers are offered for the children every day at the Prayer Tower and encouraged them to enrol their children, especially Priya, in faith, in the Plan for her divine healing. Thus, in faith, Mr. Emmanuel immediately visited the Jesus Calls Tambaram Prayer Tower and enrolled all his six children as Young Partners!

Oh, what awesome miracles followed in just a week’s time! The skin problem that tormented little Priya Mariaselvarasi left her completely a week after she was enrolled in the Young Partners’ Plan and was prayed for! When they took Priya for her routine medical check-up, the doctor returned the fees after examining her and declared her totally healed from her skin condition.

Mr. Emmanuel and his wife Sudha broke into tears of joy to see their little daughter being set free from this dreadful chronic skin condition. Now it has been four years since little Priya has had the trouble of developing painful rashes.

“What a blessing the Young Partners’ Plan has been!” states Mr. Emmanuel in his own words.

Not just that, the couple could get their oldest children, Victor and Sneha to get married and settle down in life miraculously within a year’s time with three months apart. God has not stopped pouring His blessings on their children!


The offering that you send in your son’s/daughter’s name towards the Young Partners Plan will also help us to wipe away the tears of lakhs of people and makes them receive God’s blessings through our various free services such as Television programmes, letters, magazine, social networks, Outreach meetings etc., When these lakhs of people are blessed, the Lord showers the reward for their blessings upon the Young Partners.

‘And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, God that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that Your hand would be with me and that You would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain”. So, God granted him what he requested’ (I Chronicles 4:10). This is our prayer for our Young Partners. Accordingly, we believe that the Lord Jesus will protect and guide the young partners; fill them with wisdom, knowledge and good memory power and lead them towards a healthy, prosperous and bright future. Please be assured that every Young Partner is precious to us. The Dhinakarans and the Prayer Intercessors in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers never fail to pray for their well-being every day.

Blessings For Young Partners

•Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once in every day specifically mentioning the name of the young partners and praying for them to be blessed with all the divine blessings mentioned in the plan.

•Personal birthday prayers, greetings, certificates and personalized prayers will be offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Partners’ Meetings.


Today’s young generation has various needs to be prayed for. If you have prayer requests concerning your studies, career, entrepreneurship and life partner, please feel free to send them to us. We would also encourage the dear Young Partners who have completed 21 years of age to continue your partnership with us through any one of our Jesus Calls facets and be blessed.

Mr./Ms.:....................................................................................................................... ..................................

Date of Birth: ................................................. Name of Father/Guardian:...................................... .............

Address for Communication:..................................................................................................... ...................

City: ..................................... Pin code: ................................... Mobile No: .......................... .......................

E-Mail ID: ............................................................................ WhatsApp............................... ...........................

Please send your photo to ypp@jesuscalls.org with your name, date of birth and mobile number. This is required to make your YPP certificate more customised. You could enroll your child as part of the Young Partners Plan for a suggested one-time donation of US$300 or US$30 per month for 10 months or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart.

For more details: * Visit our Website: www.jesuscalls.org

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH https://qrco.de/bcv2XL (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to intl@jesuscalls.org

My sister, Stella Ramola’s song, “It will happen in it’s time” is a wonderful song which reassures us that all we need to do is just wait on the Lord for His time. I would encourage you to listen to this song and be blessed. Let us look further into the reasons for your “waiting period”.

God is working FOR YOU during your waiting

Waiting is not easy my friend. Though you know that God has promised you a beautiful future, while you are waiting, all sorts of doubts start to creep in. You might think that the delay is because God is angry at you for your sins or you are not worthy enough to receive what you are desiring. Yes, every waiting period will raise such doubts and fears in you because you don’t know what your future holds. But my friend God knows what is in your future and He is in complete control of it. We know for sure that the Bible says, “He is a good God. He gives good things to those who wait upon Him.” The One who created you and put you in this world for a purpose, is still in control of your life. The only thing you need to do is to give God the control over your life and He'll give you the best.

God is working IN YOU during your waiting

In the Bible, we see that God spoke to Jeremiah and said to him, “Go to the potter’s house. I want you to see something there.” When he went there, he watched a potter working on the wheel, trying to make a pot out of a lump of clay. When the potter realized that the pot, he had made was marred, he decided to start all over again and he shaped it into another pot that seemed best to him. Indeed, it took time for the potter to straighten the crookedness of the pot and mould it correctly into a beautiful vessel. Similarly, when the Lord begins to work in you like the potter, it will take time to remove all the impurities and crookedness from your life and transform you into His glorious and beautiful image. If you are in your waiting period, God is shaping you, my friend into something magnificent since what He will give you in His time will be so enormous and you will have to keep up with that blessing.

This happened in my life. When people in my age were getting married, I was thinking to myself, “Lord, when is this going to happen for me? Will I find the right partner for my life?” Having all these questions in mind, I waited at the feet of God for answers. The Lord indeed made me wait and told me to keep trusting Him and do whatever He tells me to do without asking questions. I obeyed the Lord and just kept following Him, trusting Him and kept doing what He told me to do. Finally, when God brought the right partner into my life and got me married to her, I looked back and realized how the Lord had beautifully shaped me during that waiting period just to keep up with this perfect blessing in my life. If I had found her before the waiting period, I wouldn’t have been ready for this marriage. I realized that the Lord had to work in me first, strengthen my relationship with Him and mould me into a more mature person in order to have a fruitful and wonderful married life. To this day, I always thank God that He got me married at the right time to the right person. It was never too early or too late. The Lord’s timing was perfect and he brought us together beautifully.

So, my friend, you must understand the higher purpose in your waiting period and also believe that what God presents at the end of your waiting time will be so enormous and beautiful. Get ready for this blessing! You will be shaped for this blessing and you will unite with God and become one with Him for this blessing, because once you enter into this blessing, the Lord Himself will push you forward. He will use you in a tremendous measure. You will keep moving forward! So, do not get frustrated in your waiting. Instead, continue to give your all into the hands of God and keep doing whatever He wants you to do. Thank the Lord for your waiting period and also for the ‘shaping’ He is doing in you. Wait expectantly! The Lord Who is Faithful will make sure you receive your blessing at the right time.

May you enter into God’s beautiful blessings, this month!


Loving Lord, I thank You because You make everything beautiful in it’s time. I believe that You are working for me and in me during my waiting period. You are the Potter and I am the clay. Lord, I give You complete control over my life. Mould me and shape me into a vessel that will reflect Your glorious presence. Help me to mature in You and wait patiently for Your perfect blessings. Lord, I trust Your timing. Let Your name be glorified through it all. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The divine love that is manifested by God is able to bring into our lives, the much needed peace. About this David writes in Psalm 29:11,

“The Lord will bless His people with peace…”

Yes, not every man can receive this blessing. Rather, this is a blessing given by God, the personification of love, to all those who walk, pleasing to the Father. Look at David! Don’t we read from his Psalms that he honoured God, the Father and feared Him and walked diligently in His ways? We also read in the Bible that like David, many other men of God too feared the Lord and walked in His ways diligently as a result of which they inherited divine blessings from

Him. Accordingly, when we too lead a pleasing life before the Lord and walk in fear of Him, He would be pleased with us and grant us this divine life, filled with peace and joy.

Peace in the midst of Afflictions and Trials

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.”

(John 16:33)

In 2 Corinthians 7:5, we see Apostle Paul saying, “Outside were conflicts, inside were fears.” He has written that he had troubles on all sides, in the time when he was ministering in Macedonia. Yes, even today, how deeply we are afflicted because of facing various trials and fears as we do ministry faithfully and sincerely for the Lord!

In the same way, Job, the head of a family, has said in Job 10:17, “changes and war are ever with me.” Also, we read in Ecclesiastes 6:10, “He is man…he cannot contend with Him who is mightier than he.” Likewise, we also see in Hebrews 12:4, that we need to strive against sin and overcome it. We read, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

(Ephesians 6:12)

In several places in the Bible, we read that Apostle Paul had to pass through terrible troubles during the times when he was ministering (1 Thessalonians 2:2; 1 Timothy 6:12). However at the end of his ministry, Paul, the minister of God, triumphantly and with the shout of victory says about his blessed life,

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

(2 Timothy 4:7)

The Lord indeed miraculously delivered and granted a victorious life to those men of God in the Bible, who trusted Him. Similarly, no matter what troubles you may face when you firmly hold on to the Lord God, who is able to give you victory and seek His help at such times, He will never forsake you because you only trust in Him. Hence, even in the midst of terrible troubles, the Lord will fill you with His divine peace and will surely make you victorious in a wonderful way!

The God of gods, who has given us the Jesus Calls ministry, stands with us as the ‘God of peace’ in the midst of all the troubles, deadly sicknesses losses, tears, poverty, reproach and loneliness that we passed through, as a family, and miraculously changed everything and has granted us abundant blessings of peace. Just as how the Lord conquered everything on the cross, He made us also conquer everything.

Dearly beloved! Do not worry about anything. As Apostle Paul writes to the Philippians in Philippians 4:6, do not carry all your matters and burdens by yourself, but let your requests be made known to God by prayer and thanksgiving. Then, as the Bible says, you shall enjoy being filled and led by the ‘peace which surpasses all understanding.’

Divine Peace Enjoyed by the Righteous Through Faith in the Love of God

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(Romans 5:1)

Yes, as the Bible says,

“And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”

(1 John 5:4)

Hence, what should we do? As we read in Hebrews 12:1, let us lay aside every weight that we face in life and the sin which so easily ensnares us and run with endurance the race that is set before us.

In many places in the Bible, we read how David, the man of God, underwent horrible suffering and crises. Particularly, in 1 Samuel 30th chapter, what did he do, when he lost everything and was distressed on all sides? We see that David ‘strengthened himself in the Lord.’ How did he receive divine peace, in that critical moment? The love of God gave him a blessed life of enjoying divine peace, through his firm faith.

Even in this worldly life, all of us have to go through paths full of crises, tears, sorrow and grief. That’s why, hasn’t the Lord said, “In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Didn’t He come to this world, in the form of a man and leave us His peace, having passed through sufferings and afflictions like us and triumphing over them in the end? (John 14:27). You, my beloved, who is in tears saying, ‘Oh, I’m being distressed by these afflictions; these sufferings are plunging me into tears; how will I live in the midst of these troubles? Should I end my life?’ build yourselves up on your most holy faith, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy and peace of Christ (Jude 20,21).

Between the sisters Martha and Mary, Mary diligently sought the presence of the Lord and paid much attention to listening to the words of grace of the Lord Jesus and thus “chose that good part which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). You should also be diligent in reading the word of God and seeking His presence as men/ women of faith, without giving room for despair and get filled with divine peace, given by the Lord.

Divine Peace given by God’s Love through the Unity of the Spirit!

“I beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-3)

“…to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)

The Bible says that in order to receive this divine life, we need to be filled with the Spirit of God, who made Jesus rise from the dead. The Bible says that the ‘Lord is the

Spirit’ (II Corinthians 3:17). The Lord Jesus Christ lived this life as an example for us.

“…Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that you should follow His steps.” (I Peter 2:21) Yes, as we read in Acts 10:38, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”

This is the divine experience of the Lord God, staying within us, through the Holy Spirit.

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” (Luke 11:13)

According to this promise, when we desire this divine experience, in all reverence and plead to the Lord, He will surely fill us with the anointing of His Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus not only lived a life, filled with this divine blessing and peace but also appeared to His disciples, after His resurrection and taught them this truth. We clearly read in the Bible that the disciples, who were dejected and had lost the fire in their spirit, were filled with divine peace after they received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and became ‘vessels filled with divine power’ that give peace to many others, being fervent in the spirit, just as how the Lord Jesus was on this earth.

Dearly beloved, we have come to the last days. The Lord’s second coming is very near. Hence, like the disciples, it is imperative that we too, as individuals and as a family, should receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which the Lord Jesus had also received, in order to be filled with the divine peace of the unity of the Spirit. Only then, we can live a life which is filled with divine peace, power and love.

About this, doesn’t the Bible says thus,

“When that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away” (I Corinthians 13:10)?

Every minister of God, who is being used mightily by the hand of the Lord, is filled with this divine anointing. This is the reason that they are being used by Him, even today.

My dear child of God, who is reading this, if you too would receive this divine experience of being filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, as a family, you shall also be filled with divine peace given by God and the unity of the Spirit. The Lord will help you to be vines that yield fruits and be a blessing to many, being filled with divine peace which the world cannot give.

Hence, as the Bible says,

“Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)

Accordingly, may the Lord give the grace to you to pray to the Lord individually and as a family to get filled with this divine love and be fervent in the spirit through this and enjoy receiving the blessed life of being filled with divine peace and joy!


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Admin Line: (+64) 9 620 7160

Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.nz


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Email: admin@jesuscallscanada.ca/smitatham@gmail.com


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24x7 Prayer Hotline: 02085714900

Admin line: +44 0208571400

Email: europe@jcpray.org


71 UBI Road 1, #10-42 (Rooms G & Q), Oxley Bizhub Singapore 408732

Admin: +65 82373093

24x7 Hotline: +65 63830160

Emall: jesuscallsingapore@gmail.com


True Friend Berhad, 11 Lorong Timur, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E.

24/7 Prayer Hotline: +60 37 960 7370

Email: jcmalaysia@gmail.com


8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247, USA

24x7 Hotline- 972 499 4995, 1-855-8722

Email: prayers@jesuscalls.com


Bambalapitiya Prayer Tower, 15/18, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4.

24x7 Prayer Line (Tel): 011 44 88 111, 011 2 555 401

Admin line : 011 44 88 112

Email: yohini.v@jesuscalls.Ik

Mattakkuliya Prayer Tower, 65/373, 5th Lane, Vystayke Road, Mattakkuliya, Colombo - 15. Office: 011 25 21 365

Jaffna Prayer Tower, 32, Old Park Road, Jaffna. Office: 021 22 12 737

Kandy Prayer Tower, 76, Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha, Kandy.

Prayer Line (Tel): 021 22 12 737


Jerusalem Centre for peace and Truth, 20th floor, City Tower, 34, Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem, Israel.

Mobile: (+972) (0) 25 337 577; + 972-50-9377323

Email: info@israelprayertower.org

South Africa

Faith Revival Church Premises, 34, Herencroft Drive, Longcroft, Unit 8, Phoenix 4068

Admin line: +27 031 500 2482;

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Email: jadine@jcpray.org


178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Island

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Email: jesuscallsptfiji@gmail.com


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Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.ausunita.narayan69@gmail.com

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