July E-Magazine 2024

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The Miracle Fasting Prayer for the month of June took place on the second Saturday, June 8th. The event began with a soul-stirring praise and worship session ledby Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson. Their comforting and uplifting songs touched the hearts of many and strengthened their trust in God's power to perform mighty miracles.

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran earnestly prayed for the people gathered, seeking God for their deliverance and breakthroughs and implored that they would be filled with His fullness. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran invoked the blessings of God for the attendees, addressing their various needs through prophetic prayers and calling out the names of many people. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran delivered a powerful message, declaring that whatever satan had stolen from God's children would be restored. He emphasised God's unwavering commitment to reclaiming lost blessings for His children. The presence of God was palpable, and many testifiedto the miracles they experienced.


Sis. Annal from Ayyambakkam who suffered from 25 years of leg pain was instantly healed by God's touch during Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran's prayers.

Sis. Rama Devi from Chittoor, who had lost her property, witnessed its miraculous restoration after participating in the miracle fasting prayer.


In the meeting, the SEESHA team provided sewing machines to three disadvantaged women, empowering them with a means of livelihood. Additionally, a scholarship was awarded to a student from a financially deprived background, enabling him to pursue his undergraduate studies. After the meeting was over, food was served to everyone. All praise be to God for making this event a blessing to all those who participated and for His amazing miracles.

On June 1st, 2024, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, Sis. Stella Ramola, and Bro. Daniel Davidson ministered to the people of Gooty at Bible Mission Convention, where they experienced the power of God through worship and an uplifting message of faith. They ministered there upon the invitation of Ps. Adbutha Kumar and Ps. Hanok Raj.

Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson led the gathering in joyful worship, offering praise to God and reminding everyone that He sees each of them and knows them by name. They emphasised that Jesus understands their pain and is always near.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, guided by the Holy Spirit, prayed fervently and shared the Word of God. He emphasised the importance of waiting to receive gifts from God by reading the promises in the Holy Bible. His message was titled, “Be filled with the Holy Spirit and His gifts,” based on Acts 1:45. He provided a comprehensive overview of the Holy Spirit and His attributes. He also encouraged the people to seek God's divine will for their lives and to share the Gospel with others, assuring them that in doing so, the Lord Almighty will speak directly to them. Many of them were filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and everyone left the venue carrying the presence of the Lord in them.


God says, “If you open your heart and receive Me, I will come in and dwell with you” (Rev. 3:20). So, let's call on Him saying, “Lord, I don't want to search for You everywhere. I want You to be in me and within me all the time.”

Today, we often rely on technology for answers, saying, “Hey, Alexa” or “Hey, Google.” Tell me where to find this or open this, and so on. Soon, we might even ask, “Hey, Google, find my wife? Tell me where to find my daughter?” And even, where to find God. But God says, “Before you call, I will answer.” For Alexa or Google to reply, you have to call, but the Lord says, “I'll be with you always. Before you call, I will answer because I know you” (Exod. 33:17). He wants to be so close to us, to be in us and with us always. This is the experience you

will have after you claim this promise for your life.


The scripture says in 1 Corinthians 6:19,

“Your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.”

This is why we keep our bodies holy and acceptable to God so that He can live within us (Romans 12:1,2). In 2 Corinthians 6:16 and 18, God says, “I will live with them and walk among them. Therefore, be separate. Touch no unclean thing, and I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” What a privilege we have! You can always call the Lord “Daddy” because He is always there for you. All we need to do is to separate ourselves from the evil in this world and remember that we are God’s temple where He resides.

Many years ago, there was Pope John who had a profound revelation about the Holy Spirit. He was overwhelmed by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and wanted to introduce this understanding to the Catholic Church. However, he faced a great dilemma because he needed the approval of the Cardinals' Council. The night before the crucial meeting, Pope John was anxious and worried about whether the Cardinals would accept the document on the Holy Spirit. As he paced back and forth in his room, he heard a gentle, motherly voice saying, “Little John, go to sleep.” Surprised, he wondered who called him “Little John,” as his mother used to call him this way. He searched for the person who had spoken but found no one. The voice repeated, “Little John, go to sleep. I will take care.” Pope John finally lay down and slept peacefully. The next day, the Cardinals' Council accepted the document, leading to a charismatic revival within the church. This incident reminds us that God is always with us, calling us His beloved child assuring us of His presence.

Yes, God calls you as His little child and encourages you by, saying, “I am in you and with you always.” What a joy it is to have Him

within us, with our bodies as His temple. This month, let's remember to honor and glorify God with our bodies (His temple) by keeping ourselves holy before Him.


The Lord Jesus says, “I will purchase your body, My temple, with My own blood.” He bought us for Himself so that our everything including our bodies will belong solely to Him and not to the world. There are no double standards with God; He is the God of integrity. Acts 20:28 states that, “The Lord has purchased us with His own blood.”

Ephesians 5:30 says, “We are members of His body,” which includes parts of His flesh and parts of His bones. Thus, every part of our body becomes His temple. Our organs, flesh, and bones become one with the parts of the body of Jesus. This is how He purchases us, as stated in the scriptures.

Therefore, when we use each part of our body, we are using that part of the body of Jesus. Therefore, we need to value every organ thank God for it and be mindful of how we use them. He is connected to us—connected to our bones, our flesh, and every part of us. What a great joy it is to know that we belong to Him entirely!

Here is a testimony of a dear brother named Muthaiah from Madurai: Muthaiah was a sincere devotee of other gods. He did many sacrifices for his gods but faced lot of debts, peacelessness and family issues. In 2013, Muthaiah’s wife persuaded him to attend a meeting by Jesus Calls ministry, despite his initial resistance and mockery of Christianity. During the final prayer, he experienced God’s light shining upon him when I called his name

and prophesied of God’s blessings upon his life. This led to his transformation, and he began to follow Christ, resulting in significant changes in his life, including moving from selling food in trolleys to running three shops and being filled with the peace of God.

Even today, we have the great privilege of being made pure through the blood of Jesus, having peace with God as His children, and experiencing peace in our hearts (Colossians 1:20). We will be far from worrying when we are connected to the presence and peace of God.


The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:16, “I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that My name may be there forever. My eyes and My heart will always be there.”

Today, you might feel like your name is gone, uncertain about how long you will last. You may have a great name today, but you still don't know when it might be taken off the list.

But God says, “I will put My name upon you, everlastingly. It will be upon you for My will to be perfected in your life.” In His name, whatever you ask, He will do it. In His name, you will drive out demons. In His name, you will speak in new tongues. He will make all things new according to His plan. What a great confidence we have because He puts His name upon us, His temple. So, value yourself because God's name is upon you. Today, put away all your

old names and take on the last name “Jesus”. He says, “I will put My name upon you. I will put My heart upon you all the time. My heart will be beating for you. I will put My eyes upon you so that before you call, I can answer. I will watch over your soul and present you as a living soul to the Father.”

In the story of the prodigal son, even though the son took away his father’s hard earned wealth and wasted it all on the worldly pleasures, the Father was looking at the road always waiting to see whether his son would come back. And when he saw him returning, the Father ran and embraced him and showered the best back on him.

Thank God we have our Heavenly Father who gazes upon us, putting His eyes upon us all the time. He never dies; He is alive and always with us. His heart is set upon us, and before we call, He will answer. David says this in confidence, “I am poor and needy, but the Lord is thinking about me all the time” (Psalm 40:17).

So, do not be afraid. You are God's temple. His eyes are upon you, His heart is upon you, and His name is upon you. No devil can take away your name, your possessions, or your blessings. Just praise Him with all your heart and be bold because God is on your side. If God is for us, who can be against us?


God says, “My ears are attentive to your cry” (2 Chronicles 7:15). One translation says, “My ears are attentive to your prayers.” The Lord’s

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ears are attentive to every prayer you pray, so none of your prayers go to waste. My father cried out for the Holy Spirit, saying, “Lord, for seven years, I've sought to know You as a reality. I must experience You as God to tell the world who You are.” He spent those years studying the Scriptures, discovering how humans could communicate directly with God. Yet, he saw no one who had spoken to God face-to-face and brought His power and will into the world. He yearned for that experience. His pastor prayed for him and said, “My son, you need the Holy Spirit.” He referenced Acts 10:38, which describes how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, emphasising, “If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit for the Father to be with Him, how much more do we?” Frustrated by years of waiting without an answer, my father once shouted in despair, “Take my life, Lord, if You won't answer my prayers!” But the next evening, as he returned from work, the family and a visiting pastor knelt to pray. My father confessed his exhaustion and asked for refreshment. The pastor simply laid a hand on him and prayed for God's refreshment. Instantly, joy filled my father's spirit. He laughed uncontrollably as a spiritual veil lifted from his eyes, allowing him to see the room even with his eyes closed. A radiant light appeared, and within it stood a beautiful, smiling figure. As the figure smiled, love and joy overflowed within my father. That person said, “My son, I am Jesus. Because you sought Me diligently, I've come to bless you personally. Look what has become of all your prayers.” In an instant, Jesus showed him the record of each prayer—the exact dates, locations, and words. God had been keeping a record of every single prayer he had prayed.

My father was greatly comforted to know that none of his prayers had gone unnoticed, but they were all recorded by the Lord. Just as a computer can recall vast amounts of data quickly, so too can God, with infinite capacity and speed, access your prayers. He reassured my father that every tear and every prayer is seen and heard by Him and none are wasted. When the answers come, they are more beautiful and profound than we could imagine. This day, surely, the answers will come.


God also says, “I'll be close to you, to satisfy you.” Deuteronomy 4:7 challenges, “For what nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord our God is to us when we call upon Him?” When we call, the Lord gets so close, closer than our very breath.

Thank Him, for He is so close to you. A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for times of adversity. But there is someone who sticks closer than a brother: Jesus Christ, our elder brother. Romans 8:29 and Hebrews 2:11 tell us Jesus is the first among many brothers and has not been ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters. He is closer than any family member could be, and He is with you at all times, even now.

Acts 17:27 says He is so close that you can touch Him. You are going to feel His presence from this moment. Psalm 42:1-2 describes how much a soul thirsts for the living God.

I would like to share a touching testimony about a brother from Tuticorin named Rajendran. In 2004, the Jesus Calls meeting was held in his city, and I called out his name among thousands of people. Prophetically I said, "Rajendran, God is setting an open door before you." As soon as I said those words, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit came

upon him in an unbelievable way. He was drenched with the power of God, and the Spirit of God empowered him. Through his efforts, many thousands have found their way to the Lord. He joined his family in the Family Blessing Plan and his children in the Young Partners Plan. His son has now finished his degree at Karunya University and has a job. His daughter is married, and they are in business, and the whole family follows Jesus. "Truly God's favour came upon me," he says, and the success of God has also come upon his children.

God is very close to us, so close you can almost touch him. Do you long for him? Even now, He's drawing near to you. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.


The Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that “by His Spirit, we are transformed from glory to glory, into His likeness.” Not only can you touch Him, but you and I can also be transformed into the image of Jesus.

We are mere humans, but in this world, God is willing to change us into His likeness, into the image of Jesus, from glory to glory, as we walk with Him every single day. You will be transformed into His image.

What is the likeness of Jesus? It's love. In Matthew 9:36, when Jesus saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd. He comforted them, healed them, fed them, raised their dead, and restored their families. That same compassion is upon us; it's the same Spirit upon you and me. Therefore, we carry people with God’s compassion and guide them in love; we don't condemn them.

It's the God’s Spirit of love that loves and carries people unconditionally. Then miracles happen, the supernatural occurs, and Jesus is revealed. Millions will follow you when you walk in this godly love, for it's the love God gives us to transform us into His likeness.

Revelation 22:11-12 urges us to become more holy and righteous as Jesus is coming soon to reward us. Our mission is to become like Jesus, and the world longs to see Him through us.

A brother called Vincent shared his testimony: In 2006, during a Jesus Calls meeting in Chennai, he stood at the back and was listening to the message. During prayer time, I was prophetically calling out the names of the people and saying what Jesus was saying about them. Vincent wanted his name to be called out, and just as he was thinking about it, I called out his name, saying, "Vincent, you are being blessed by God. Whatever good things you have been waiting for, God is giving to you. Don't be worried." At that moment, God's Holy Spirit came upon him, and soon after, his mother found a suitable match for him. Within two months, they were married and now have a beautiful son, and their life is filled with joy.

My friend, the world longs to see Jesus, and you are His glorious temple, bringing Him to the world. Though you're only flesh and blood, the Spirit of God in you reveals Jesus. Receive the Spirit of Jesus, who is the precious Holy Spirit and say, “Lord, I am nothing; use me, reveal Your glory through me.” As He reveals Himself through you, continue to seek His kingdom and righteousness and be a blessing to others. May God bless you.


Praise the Lord! I am Yong from Malaysia. For the past 2 years, I have been trying to sell my house. It has been a very difficult time trying to find the right buyer. It was a surprise when I had received a call from the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Malaysia for my wedding anniversary asking if they could pray for me. With the burden of not being able to sell the house, I requested that they pray also for the house to be sold to the right person and without any further delay. The Prayer Intercessor prayed with a real burden. That very same day of the phone call from Jesus Calls, a prospective buyer called me and paid the down payment for the house without negotiating on the price. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His love and faithfulness for seeing my desperate need for help and for the Intercessor from Jesus Calls Malaysia to call me on my Wedding Anniversary to pray for me. God is great!


JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER, Tower Villa, 11 Lorong Timur, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E. EMAIL: jcmalaysia@gmail.com

24 HOUR PRAYER HOTLINE: 03 7960 7370


If you would like to support the ministry, you may kindly send your offerings by way of cheques in favour of True Friend Berhad and mail it to the address above. Please also find our bank details for direct deposit:


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 5141 6921 8662





Believing in the Lord Jesus is a key part of the Christian faith. It offers not just personal salvation but also the chance to see your whole family saved. The above verse shows God's desire for families to be united in faith and salvation. It also means that when one person believes in Jesus, it can lead to the salvation of their entire family.

Ephesians 2:8 explains that salvation is a gift from God: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” We cannot earn salvation through our actions; it is given to us by God when we believe in Jesus. So, your belief in the Lord Jesus can open the way for God's grace to touch your family members as well.

John 3:16 sums up the main message of the gospel: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse highlights God's love for everyone and the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Jesus. It is a deep revelation of God’s love for the unsaved, giving hope that your whole family can come to faith and be saved.

In Acts 18:9, the Lord tells Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.” Yes, God wants you to preach the gospel despite challenges. Are you longing to see your family saved? Keep sharing your faith and trust that God will work through your efforts.

Let me share with you the life of Susanna Wesley and how her faith not only saved her family members but also had an impact on the world.

Susanna Wesley, often called the "Mother of Methodism," is a remarkable example of how one person's faith can lead to the salvation of an entire household. Born in 1669, Susanna was the daughter of a dissenting minister and later married Samuel Wesley, an Anglican minister. Together, they had 19 children, though only ten survived infancy. Despite the many challenges she faced, including poverty, the destruction of their home by fire, and her husband's imprisonment for debt, Susanna's faith remained unshakeable. She believed in the power of prayer and the importance of religious education. She spent dedicated time each day in prayer and Bible reading, often under immense personal strain.

Susanna also took charge of her children's education, ensuring they were well-versed in the Bible and the principles of Christianity. Each week, she set aside one-on-one time with each child to discuss their spiritual life and encourage their personal relationship with God. Her home was a place of worship, study, and deep spiritual formation. Her efforts bore remarkable fruit. Among her children were John and Charles Wesley, who would go on to ignite the Methodist movement, profoundly influencing the Christian faith worldwide. John Wesley became known for his evangelical zeal and extensive preaching, while Charles Wesley became one of the most prolific hymn writers in Christian history.

Susanna's unwavering faith and dedication to her family's spiritual upbringing created a

strong foundation for her children. Her example of consistent prayer, disciplined study, and personal attention to each child's spiritual growth played a crucial role in their development and eventual ministry. Through her faith and commitment, Susanna Wesley not only saved her own household but also sparked a revival that touched countless lives across the world. Her legacy continues to inspire generations of Christians, demonstrating the profound impact one person's faith can have on their family and beyond.

The same is true of our family, dear friend. God has saved our entire family through the

faith of one man, my father-in-law, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. His faith not only impacted us but also millions around the world.

So, your belief in the Lord Jesus is essential for salvation, not just for you but for your family, too. The Bible shows that faith is a gift from God, leading to grace and eternal life. By holding onto faith and sharing it with your family members, you can trust in God's promise to save your entire household.

PRAYER: Loving Father, Thank You for teaching me this wonderful truth and encouraging me that my faith in You is enough to save all my loved ones. I entrust their souls into Your loving hands from which no one can snatch them out. Grant them the grace to be saved, Lord Jesus, and become a blessing at home and to the world. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

simple housework became impossible. I also found it very difficult to pray. It was only in 2023 that I became aware of my condition. That sounds incredibly tough. How did you come across the help that changed everything for you?

Abila Rani: One day, I was watching a Jesus Calls TV programme and listening to a testimony from a sister who had been in a similar situation. During the programme, I saw a phone number displayed on the screen, offering prayer support to anyone who calls the number. Without hesitation, I called the number and asked for prayers regarding my problem.

What happened after you made that call?

Abila Rani: The prayer intercessor prayed with great burden for me and introduced me to the Jesus Calls Ministry. I was thrilled to learn that there was a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower right in my area. I took my children and attended the

Sis. Abila Rani, could you please tell us about the challenges you faced before your life changed?

Abila Rani: Yes, of course. For years, I was tormented by what I now know was possession by an evil spirit. This caused numerous issues and conflicts within my family. I struggled to take care of my children, couldn't feed them, and even

meetings regularly at the Prayer Tower where we prayed continuously for four weeks. How did attending those prayer meetings impact you?

Abila Rani: I experienced a great sense of peace during those meetings. By the grace of the Lord, I was completely freed from the clutches of the devil by the fourth week. We were also able to resolve a long-standing issue with our house and receive our rightful land share. Most importantly, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to pray fervently.

That’s wonderful to hear. How has your life changed since then?

Abila Rani: Since then, I have experienced perfect deliverance and have felt so free. An immense joy that comes from the Lord has filled my heart. My family is at peace, and we have joined the Jesus Calls TV Ministry. I have also enrolled my children in the Young Partners' Plan, and there is remarkable progress in my children's studies.

Your life journey is truly inspirational. Do you have a message or a thought you'd like to share with us?

Abila Rani: I am incredibly grateful to Lord Jesus for the Jesus Calls TV ministry which paved the way for my deliverance. I am also thankful for the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for supporting me in prayer during my darkest moments and being a blessing in my life. My family and I are enjoying the blessings of the Lord, and I give Him all the glory.

Thank you so much, Abila, for sharing your story. It’s truly inspiring to hear how prayer and your spiritual thirst for deliverance have transformed your life.

Despite facing several challenges, Jesus

Calls has successfully shared the Gospel through the Television Programmes across cable networks, digital TV channels, Website and YouTube social media platform. We would like to express our gratitude to our dedicated partners, like you, whose generous contributions have been the driving force behind our success. Please Continue to keep up the good work as mentioned in Hebrews 6:10,11,

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.”



*Your family photo will be telecast in the Television Programme that you sponsor. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran will pray for all your prayer requests specifically in the same programme.

*Moreover, you will be prayed over through the phone from the Prayer Tower.

*When you co-sponsor a television programme, your name will be telecast in that specific programme.

*We will send you a copy of the link to the television programme you sponsored.

As led by the Lord, you are most welcome to indicate your preference and support the Television ministry

As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to support the TV ministry of Jesus Calls International with a contribution of $……....................

As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to support the production of TV and Social Media Programs through my sacrificial giving of

For more information: Email: intl@jesuscalls.org Website: www.jesuscalls.org

Sponsor a TV programme on the birthday / wedding anniversary of your beloved one and help them to receive abundant blessings.

My friend, I really feel for you. Bullying is not easy to face. The words they use to insult you, the way they gang up together to make fun of you, and even physically hurt you-it is all very hard to endure.

God sees you and knows your pain. Let’s consider the bullies. They are not torturing you just for the sake of it. It’s not because they hate you. Something within them is driving this behaviour.

Maybe they are deeply hurt by someone else, experiencing pain at home, or have been a total failure in their lives. They are projecting their own struggles and darkness onto you, and may even be jealous of your success or happiness.

These bullies don’t truly understand what they are doing. So, my friend, look into the hearts of the bullies and feel pity for them. It’s the darkness within them that causes this behaviour. This is why we shouldn’t lash out at them.

The world might tell you to stand up to your bullies and fight them to show that you are not weak. Otherwise, they will keep bullying you. But can you fight a man who is physically

strong and powerful? Can you confront someone in a high position without risking your career? We cannot always fight our bullies directly. Instead, rely on God to help us stand against them.

There are certain characteristics and strengths that God gives us to navigate these challenges.

Firstly, God says, be humble. We should not approach the situation with an aggravating spirit. Showing aggression will only provoke them further and increase their anger, causing them to fight back.

Do not confront them with an inflated ego, thinking, "How can they do this to me?" At the same time, don't make yourself feel inferior. That is not what humility is. Don’t say, “I deserve what they’re doing,” or “Yes, what they say is true-I am ugly, I am weak, I stammer, I deserve this.” No, my friend, that is not humility.

Humility is about humbling your heart and not reacting negatively to the situation. It means being patient and responding with gentle words. As Proverbs 15:1 says, "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

When we reply with harsh words, it only incites more anger. However, a soft word can diffuse the anger within them.

There was a reporter who called a famous philosopher for an interview. However, the reporter resented the philosopher's fame and intended to undermine him during the interview. When the interview began, the reporter asked a series of angry and negative questions, trying to corner the philosopher. "Many people are against this statement you had made before, is it not wrong?!" he demanded. "Our people think in this manner, but your philosophy is different. What is your answer to that?!" Despite the reporter's aggressive approach, I was amazed at the philosopher's response. He calmly and consistently replied, "Thank you, sir, for your question," and respectfully addressed him each time and answered the question calmly. Hearing the philosopher's gracious replies, the reporter's attitude shifted. He eventually remarked, "What wisdom you speak, sir," and became convinced that this man was truly special.

Yes, my friend, this soft, mature, humble nature in such situations will allow the wisdom of God to manifest through you. Don't waste your time with a harsh reply. Instead, when you respond graciously, humbling yourself in the process, God's wisdom shines through you. It guides you to act and speak in the right manner. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Col 4:6).

Secondly, Jesus teaches us in the Bible to go beyond what is asked of us, as mentioned in Matthew 5:38-40. He says, "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well."

Consider what Jesus is conveying here. Don't fret about what others demand from you. He promises to provide for you, to bestow honour and love even when others try to take

it away. When they do evil against you, He wants you to respond with good. This is the trust we need to cultivate in God and not get overwhelmed by the actions of these bullies.

And thirdly, my friend, God instructs us to strengthen our inner selves, as stated in Ephesians 3:16: "He would grant you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man."

God promises to strengthen your inner self. Even if you feel inferior and weak today because of what others have done to you, ask for God's Spirit to fill you, and His strength will

come upon you. His joy will grow within you, reassuring you of the Father's love for you, and the Lord will start walking alongside you. With this assurance, you won't fear any man. Instead, you will be confident that the Almighty cares for you and will look out for you.

With this confidence, you'll be able to stand up to your bullies, responding with goodness and humility. You'll even be willing to give them whatever they ask. We need this inner strength to face our bullies without doubting ourselves or fearing making wrong decisions. Trust in God's strength to uplift and guide you.

May God be with you and comfort you with His presence!

My precious partner in the ministry,

Your unwavering support towards the Jesus Calls ministry has been a true blessing. Your prayers and timely financial support have helped us to continue serving the people, wipe away their tears and bring God’s miracles into their lives through prayer and intercession. The Lord honours you with His word from Habakkuk 3:19, which says, "The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights."

May the strength of the Sovereign Lord be your firm foundation and empower you to overcome every obstacle with the agility and surefootedness of a deer. As you navigate life's heights and valleys, may His divine presence guide your steps, granting you the courage and resilience to tread confidently and triumphantly. Embrace His strength, for with it, you will be equipped to soar above challenges and reach new heights in all dimensions of life.

I would like to share with you the ministry’s progress in the past month to raise praises to the Lord and the upcoming events so that you can continue to support us with your prayers.

God has answered the continuous prayers we offered for 72 hours and has done His will in the Central elections. I am confident that God would prosper the nation and protect its citizens through the government that He has established. Let’s prayerfully look forward and contribute toward the progress of our nation.


Special Meetings

The Miracle Fasting Prayer that took place on June 8th, 2024, at Vanagaram was truly phenomenal. As people sacrificially humbled themselves before the Lord, His presence filled the entire place, followed by signs and wonders. Stella Ramola and

Daniel Davidson led the praise and worship, igniting faith in the hearts of people. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word and prayed for the attendees with much burden.

During June 2024, the Lord Jesus Christ enabled us to conduct four glorious meetings in the United States. We held meetings in Arlington, VA, Dallas, TX, and Brunswick, NJ. In all four meetings, the power of God was very tangible, and everyone who attended testified about being touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit. I ministered God's word in each meeting, and special prayers were offered by my wife, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, and me. Individual prayers were also offered for the attendees. God's name was greatly magnified. Praise be to God.

The Sunday Service at Gooty Bible Mission convention on June 2nd, 2024 was a powerful event ministering to around 60,000 people. Stella Ramola, Daniel Davidson and Samuel Dhinakaran ministered and Holy Spirit moved mightily and filled the people leaving them thirsting for more.

Prayer Covering for Children

“Their children will be mighty in the land.” (Psalm 112:2)

The Young Partners' Plan, initiated on July 25th, 1985, has been a tremendous source of blessing for millions of young children, offering intercessory prayers for their protection, wisdom, and prosperity. Our Young Partners are shining in their lives as a result of the prayers offered for them. For your encouragement I would like to share the academic excellence of three of

our Young Partners in the board exam results that was published. Nilanjana from Tirunelveli has scored 597/600 and topped with the second rank in the twelfth Tamil Nadu state exam. Sanjana from Chennai has secured school first in Tenth Standard with 484/500 and B. Gopika has scored 543/ 660 and is school first in twelfth standard. This is how our dear Young Partners are exceptional in their studies. Please enroll your children in this plan and witness the

Lord's favour elevating them to great heights.

Providing Education with Values

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)

As the Evangeline Matriculation School celebrates its 32nd anniversary on July 15, I am deeply grateful to God for His guidance in nurturing great minds through holistic education and instilling discipline and Christian values in our students. S.K. Divya, a Class 10 student of the 2023-24 academic year, achieved remarkable success by

securing 487 out of 500 marks, ranking second in her school, and earning a perfect score of 100 in Mathematics. She attributes her transformation and academic excellence to the fulfillment of the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 in her life. Divya’s dedication and faith played a pivotal role empowering her to overcome challenges and achieve outstanding results. Initially shy and unsure of her abilities, she gradually blossomed into a confident individual. The encouragement from dedicated teachers helped her

recognize her potential. Through various school activities and leadership roles, she developed essential skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, and resilience. The supportive environment not only nurtured her academic growth but also instilled in her a sense of responsibility and faith. She has indeed evolved into a well-rounded, ambitious young woman ready to tackle the challenges of the world with confidence and a clear vision for her future. Embark your children in a transformative journey and help them achieve holistic development by joining them in the Evangeline Matriculation School, Coimbatore.

New Talkshows in Family Channel

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

Family Channel that belongs to the True Friend Management Support Services Pvt. Ltd. has successfully completed 4 years of promoting integrity, brotherhood and love amongst all people in society. Every day, we are touched by the testimonies of people who have been supernaturally blessed by the Word of God shared daily, as well as by the songs and Bible-inspired programmes. Jesus Calls has recently started a compelling talk show, ‘Pesalaam Vaanga’, on the Family channel, which addresses pressing societal issues. Also, the programme “Love”, a talkshow for Young couples, is now available in regional languages such as Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada. I wholeheartedly encourage you and your loved ones to tune in to this channel and find nourishment for your soul.

Souls touched through Prayers

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.”

(1 Timothy 2:1-7)

For the glory of God, it is my pleasure to inform you that last month, a total of 2,02,000 people were blessed through visiting our 104 Prayer Towers, 2,80,900 through phone calls, 2,33,000 through Blessing Meetings, 47,000 through Letter Ministry, 29,000 through Email Ministry and several more through Social Media and other channels. For prayer needs call +91 8546 999 000 (operating in 7 languages)

Providing Food

Jesus replied, “They do not need to go

away. You give them something to eat.”

(Matthew 14:16)

Over 2,700 individuals who attended the Miracle Fasting Prayer on the 2nd Saturday, June 8th of the month, in Chennai, and those who participated in the Tuesday Fasting Prayer at more than 50 Prayer Towers this month were provided with food.

We plan to serve food at the rest of the Prayer Towers in the near future. This has been very helpful for people who attend these meetings from far off places. Your contributions towards this cause are greatly appreciated, and I believe this will be a huge blessing for the people.


Forthcoming Events

July 7, 2024 – Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda

July 13, 2024 – Fasting Prayer, Vanagaram

I ask you to remember these events in your prayers and also to support it as the Lord leads you.

Special Days

his birthday on July 15th. I thank God for His faithfulness and how He has led Samuel wonderfully in the Jesus Calls Ministry and UTurn Ministry operations. I want to share a few with you: The Lord has been using Samuel to share His word in several Jesus Calls meetings around the globe and has performed miracles in several people's lives. He has also been using him mightily among the youngsters through the UTurn events across the country. His Q&A programme on the Family Channel has been helpful to several youngsters, who share how his Bible-based answers have cleared a lot of confusion in their minds.

I request you to kindly uphold him in your prayers every day as he shoulders the responsibilities of Vice Chairperson of Operations for Jesus Calls Ministry and leads the UTurn Ministry. God should continue strengthening him, guiding him with His wisdom, and using him uniquely for His Kingdom purposes.

As for you, my dearly beloved partner, every little prayer and every little financial support you gave for the Jesus Calls Ministry has eternal significance. The Lord speaks to you through I Corinthians 15:58,

(Proverbs 10:7)

"The remembrance of the righteous is a blessing."

July 1st is truly special because it marks the 89th birthday of the Respected Apostle of Love and my dear father, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. As we fondly reflect on his life and his dedicated works for the Lord, I humbly ask for your earnest prayers for our family as we continue to carry on his legacy by fulfilling the God-given ministry of Jesus Calls through intercessory prayers, love and compassion.

My son, Samuel Dhinakaran, celebrates

"Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

May the Lord’s steadfast love and mercy guide you, and may He complete every good work He has begun in your life (Philippians 1:6). Trust in His faithfulness and be assured that He will never abandon the work of His hands.

Your brother, who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

As believers in Christ, we are called to love people as God loves. One of the best things we could do is to present their worries, needs and requests before God Almighty and intercede for them so that they can experience miracle after miracle in their lives. Every day, we receive around 20,000 prayer requests from people across the world through postcards, inland letters & covers, emails, website, Facebook and other methods to the Prayer Tower.

These requests are sent to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran by email every day. No matter where he is, he lays his hands on them and intercedes with burden. God hears these prayers and brings answers to these requests, and we receive several testimonies from people affirming this.

Also, as Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”

Many people who are at a crossroads and are confused about making important life decisions often write to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to seek guidance on knowing God’s will in their matters. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran waits at the feet of the Lord and sends the right reply as received from the Holy Spirit to those seeking direction, thus guiding them to walk in the will of the Lord.

Here is a wonderful testimony from Mr. Samuel, who was touched by the Letter Ministry of Jesus Calls:


I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. After completing my twelfth grade, I enrolled in a B.Sc. Ophthalmology programme at a nearby college. I was a day scholar and commuted from home

since the college was close to my house. By the grace of God, I completed the four years of my studies with an average score of 80%. I aspired to pursue higher studies, so I applied to several programmes and was accepted into a college in Chennai, where I successfully completed my studies. Next, I needed to find a decent job. During this time, I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting his prayers for my career. He replied immediately, assuring me that I would secure a good job, which encouraged me a lot. I confidently applied for a position at CMC and was invited for a personal interview. Although I did well in the interview, during the medical examination, they found that my hemoglobin level was 17 instead of 16. Consequently, they asked me to undergo various other tests. I immediately contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessor prayed fervently for me. When the reports came back, everything was normal, and my hemoglobin level had also decreased to 16. It was indeed a miraculous turnaround. It has been six months since I started working. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prompt reply with prayer and Bible verses that gave me the hope and the courage to move forward, as well as to the prayer intercessors for their prayer support. I give all glory to God.

Like Samuel, you can also experience God's miracle-working power by sending your prayer requests to us at the following address: DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH https://qrco.de/bcv2XL (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to intl@jesuscalls.org

In the bustling town of Ahmednagar lived a y oung man named Gaurav. Known as an average student with dreams no larger than those of his peers, Gaurav's life took a remarkable turn during a seemingly ordinary event—the Jesus Calls Ahmedabad Prayer Festival. It was here, among the crowd of devoted volunteers, that Gaurav’s journey towards extraordinary began.

Gaurav decided to volunteer at the festival, a decision that seemed small but was destined to change his life. On the final day of the festival, a special prayer was offered for all volunteers. Gaurav stood amidst the crowd, his heart filled with hope and anticipation. His parents, witnessing his growing faith, enrolled him as a Young Partner in the Jesus Calls ministry.

Soon after, Gaurav faced his 10th standard exams. Despite his past academic performance, which had been modest at best, he achieved a remarkable 85%. His teachers were astonished. "How did you achieve this success

overnight?" they asked, their faces a mix of surprise and curiosity. Gaurav simply smiled, knowing that the prayers and blessings he had received played a significant role.

As he approached his 12th standard exams, fear and doubt began to creep into his heart. The pressure was immense, and the stakes were higher than ever. In his moment of need, Gaurav reached out through an email, seeking

guidance and encouragement. The prayerful reply he received from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran contained words of strength and comfort from the Bible, which ignited a renewed sense of confidence within him. Armed with faith and determination, Gaurav scored an impressive 82% in his exams.

With high school behind him, Gaurav pursued his passion for English literature, earning a firstclass degree. Yet, his ambitions reached further-he aspired to become a professor. To achieve this, he needed to pass the state eligibility examination, a daunting challenge with tens of thousands of competitors.

In preparation, Gaurav visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, where the prayer intercessors prayed with him. Their collective faith and support became a pillar of strength for him. When the results were announced, Gaurav had secured the 21st rank out of 70,000 students. It was an achievement beyond his wildest dreams.

Today, Gaurav serves as an assistant professor in a reputed college in Ahmednagar. His academic journey, once marked by average performance, now stood as a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. But Gaurav's story didn't end there. He also discovered a passion for music, learning to play the guitar

and leading worship at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. His life became a blend of academia and spiritual service, inspiring countless students to believe in the power of prayer and hard work.

His journey illustrates how prayers can lift someone from the lowest points to the highest peaks, enabling them to help others rise as well. Indeed, Gaurav's life is a wonder—proof that hard work, when coupled with prayers, can transform even the most ordinary lives into extraordinary tales of success.

Just like Gaurav, your children can reach extraordinary heights by enrolling them in the Young Partners’ Plan through which they will be covered in prayers every day for protection, prosperity and wisdom. This plan holds the promise that similar to the heroes of the Bible like Joseph, Daniel, Esther and Deborah, your children will shine like stars wherever they are and in whatever they do.

Since the start of the plan in 1985, we’ve had millions of testimonies of Young Partners who are excelling in their lives around the world. Your child also needs spiritual support, especially during these uncertain times.

For your gift of US$31 or more every month you could enroll your child as part of the Young Partner Plan and be a blessing to millions through this mission. To give online please visit jesuscalls.org or please send your contributions to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to us for more details to intl@jesuscalls.org

Dear friend,

You are going to enjoy some of the greatest moments this month and in the months to come. This month, God is going to help us move away from selfishness and become selfless people by giving us a new heart.

So, get ready for that. God promises to work this change in you.

In Philippians 2:3-4, the Bible says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others."

It is clearly shown here that we should remove our selfish ambitions. While it's good to have ambitions, they shouldn't be filled with selfishness or only for ourselves.

God calls us to have humility and value other people more than ourselves by considering their feelings and interests and thinking about what we can do to help them. So, let's embrace such a mindset and heart within us.

Selfishness corrupts us, my friend. It makes us closedminded and prevents us from feeling for other people.

Imagine asking for something big that your parents cannot afford. Where will they find the money, even though they want to give you what you're asking for? We don't think about how they will feel if they can't provide for their children. They might not have the money for a new bike, phone, or expensive dress, yet we might demand these things, being adamant about getting them. Some people even take out loans to buy such costly items. We put our parents in trouble. This is selfishness.

Self-centeredness hardens our heart and will not allow us to consider even if the person next to us is in pain. We won't even have the heart to enquire how they are and if they need help. That is how the world is today. But in this world, as children of God, we need to be humble. We need to understand what others are going through and recognise the harmful impact of our selfishness on them.

This is exactly what the devil encourages us to do. He told Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit to gain wisdom and become like God, thus encouraging them to flout the Lord’s command. He always urges us to seek what we want for ourselves and disregard God’s instructions, our parents’ advice, and the needs of others around us. He wants us to focus solely on having a getting what we desire, no matter the cost.

This is how his temptations work. Satan tempted Jesus by saying, "Get bread for yourself. Get glory for yourself. I'll give you everything." This is how he tries to lure us. My friend, even today, the enemy is prowling around, seeking whom he can corrupt and devour. He wants selfishness to take root in us, which will blind us to everything else.

On the contrary, God wants us to have a completely selfless heart. According to Philippians, He demonstrated what it means to have such a heart. Even though He was in a position of great glory, He humbled Himself by coming into this world as Jesus. He did not seek to live a life of riches and glory. If He had wanted to, He could have shown His power to the entire world and performed marvelous deeds to gain fame. Instead, He went from

person to person, doing good and helping others.

He spent His short time on earth spending all his time for others. He called His twelve disciples and said, "Come, follow Me, and I will show you what it is to be selfless." In the short time He had on earth, He spent all his time teaching and equipping these twelve people. He dedicated His life to bring good to others and, ultimately, sacrificed Himself on the cross for all of humanity. This was the ultimate act of selflessness. He gave up His life and His body and shed His precious blood so that we could live.

This is the selfless heart God wants us to

have. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples and said, "Go and wash the feet of others. Care for them, help them, and speak about My love to them." This is what Jesus wants for us.

So, dedicate yourself today to having a selfless heart. How can you achieve this? We need to become less focused on ourselves and more focused on Jesus. Decrease your desires, vain ambitions, and personal needs, and instead, do His will. Give up what you want to fulfill His will and help others instead of yourself. Invite Jesus into your life, asking Him to operate within you. By lessening yourself, God's Spirit will come into you and give you a heart of selflessness. Today, He is offering this to you. May you experience the joy of having a selfless heart filled with God’s perfect peace and love.

God satiates the thirst of those who come to Him with ‘thirst’, with the ‘river of His pleasures’. Today, many people live in darkness, without any purpose, not knowing the truth that ‘there is a God of gods’.

“…Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly and whose glory is in their shame – who set their mind on earthly things.” (Philippians 3:19)

Their intention is to ‘eat, sleep and dress up’; they spend their days as they like, without any glorious, divine purpose. On the other hand, those who know and believe that the God of gods created this whole world and who seek Him diligently are filled with divine blessings of His goodness and grace in their spirit and soul, as they have genuine thirsts. Hence, it is very important that we analyse our lives and see if we have this divine thirst in us. Only through this can we receive truly divine blessings in our worldly life.

Physical Thirst

In John 7:37, the Lord Jesus Christ lovingly invites us saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.” The people of Israel were chosen by God, who wanted to deliver them miraculously from the slavery of Egypt and take them to the land of Canaan, where milk and honey flowed. As they were journeying, they had to face lot of hard and difficult situations. One of the

toughest challenges was lack of water.

We read in Exodus 15:22 that they suffered without water and in 23rd verse we see that the water was bitter in a place called Marah. It was then Moses, God’s servant and His chosen one, cried out to Him. What happened? In Exodus 15:25, we read that in the midst of that lack, because of Moses’ plea, God sweetened the waters of Marah and quenched their thirst. After that, He led them to a place called Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and blessed them (Exodus 15:27). How true is the verse, “those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” (Psalm 34:10).

Yes, dear one! Even in our lives, we may have such physical thirsts. At such times, we should realise the truth that it is the God of gods alone who is able to quench our thirsts. Yes, in this worldly life, all of us have some or other thirst for several things. ‘Thirst’, in other words, can mean ‘Needs’ in life. About this, the Bible beautifully says, ‘For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him’ (Matthew 6:8). He also tells us how we should receive those needs.

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11)

Accordingly, we should plead to Him for all our needs. This is what is called as ‘Prayer’. In Luke 10th chapter, verses 38-42, of the Bible, we read how a woman called Mary sought the Lord’s presence with desire and thirst and how she received it fully.

When my husband and I started our married life, we had a lot of ‘thirsts and needs’ in our life. However, when we totally depended on the God of gods, He had mercy on us and met all our ‘thirsts’, ‘exceedingly abundantly above all that we asked’ as read in Ephesians 3:20. Also, He helped us to be united with each other and granted us a divine and blessed life of choosing Him as the good part like Mary. He lifted us up on all sides and prospered us.

My dearly beloved, perhaps you are troubled and weary as you have a lot of needs in your life. But how do you seek the Lord in the midst of these needs? How do you plead to Him? See how beautiful the Lord’s words say about this!

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”

(Psalm 34:10)

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

You should hold on to the feet of the Lord personally and as a family early in the morning and be diligent in seeking only Him with thirst. You should be careful to do only the things that please the God of gods and be diligent in fulfilling His perfect will, just as how Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived before His Father. Then, like Mary, you too shall receive the divine life of enjoying the ‘good part’, and your thirsts shall be quenched. You shall also receive miracles in your life and be blessed!

“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”

(Psalm 42:2)

While escaping from Saul, David cries out to the Lord in thirst, as seen in Psalm 57:1,2, “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness…Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”

What was David’s hope? He knew that, as said in Psalm 91:1,4, God will miraculously deliver those who trust and depend on Him; that He would ‘redeem the soul in peace’ as seen in Psalm 55:18; that He would ‘for His righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble’ even though the ‘enemy has made me dwell in darkness’ (Psalm 143:11) and that He would be ‘good to the soul who seeks Him’ (Lamentations 3:25). He will restore the soul that thirsts for Him and the flesh that longs for Him (Psalm 63:1) and comfort and console them (Psalm 23:4). Jonah, whose soul fainted within him said with hope, “I remembered the Lord; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple” (Jonah 2:7).

So, as we read in Psalm 138:3, “in the day when we cry out, He would answer us and make us bold with strength in our soul.”

In a family, the wife was living in tears and mental agony since her husband was sick and the children were irresponsible and useless. She was distressed on all sides and struggled financially, also. Being weary in her soul and mind, she kept on weeping bitterly. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, and she ran to the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, knelt down in the prayer room and cried out to the Lord. She poured out her sorrows at His feet. As she kept on praying, the strength of the Lord came into her soul and she went back home with a great hope and trust as if she had been already delivered out of all her troubles. She saw her husband, who was bedridden and in pain,

sitting up and talking animatedly. He shared with her the testimony of how God strengthened him! The Lord miraculously changed all the darkness in that family and filled them with divine joy, peace, comfort and blessings.

Yes, dear one! Accordingly, the Lord is able to change your darkness as well, renew your weary heart, embolden your mind and change everything into a blessing for you. If your life is filled with darkness, sorrow and tears, you should place your entire trust in the living God, who is able to do miracles, hold on to His feet and pour out your pains and agonies to Him. Then He will strengthen you, give you courage and bless you by filling you with joy and happiness.

For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body... and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

(I Corinthians 12:13)

“For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessings on your offspring.” (Isaiah 44:3)

power. After this, He filled even His disciples, who were doing His ministry along with Him, with His power, thus enabling them to do the ministry of ‘quenching the thirsts of many others’ and granting them the glorious life of shining for the glory of God’s name. Even today, He fills all those who follow Him with the same thirst and desire with His divine anointing and is using them mightily for the glory of His name.

My dearly beloved, who is reading this! How much thirst and desire do you have in you? What you should do now is to read Acts 1:4,5 wherein the Lord Jesus instructed His disciples and those who were with Him to wait at His feet with reverence, thirst and desire. Then the Lord would help you to arise and shine for the glory of His name as His witnesses, as He has promised in Acts 1:8.

When you wait at the feet of the Lord with thirst, He would make you shine for the glory of His name

We read in the Bible that ‘But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away’ (I Corinthians 13:10). In the spiritual life, the perfect and glorious experience is the experience of getting filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and living a divine life, like Jesus. Even Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was filled with this experience and lived this divine life of shining for God as an example for us. About this, we read thus in Acts 10:38,

“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.”

According to the above verse, we read that the Lord Jesus Christ, who has received this life of divine thirst, was filled with divine

To receive this divine life, the Lord kindled such kind of glorious thirst in the heart of my dear husband Bro. Dhinakaran, through a minister of God. As a result, he pleaded with the Lord unceasingly for 7 long years to receive this experience. On October 10, 1962, during our family prayer, the Lord quenched his thirst and made him rejoice. This has been continuing in our family till today, and He has given us the blessed life of enjoying this divine experience. Also, the Lord is helping many other people to get filled with this blessing through us.

Dear one, if you too would come to the waters with the same divine thirst, the Lord would bless you and make you impart this divine blessing to several other people. This is an easy thing for the Lord. So, wait at the feet of the Lord as a family and as an individual, and receive this glorious life.

May the Lord draw you and many more through you towards Him as the ones who come to the waters with spiritual thirst! Through this, may He grant you the blessed life of comforting many others through the divine fountain that springs from you!

During June 2024, the Lord Jesus Christ enabled us to conduct five marvelous meetings in the United States. We held meetings in Washington DC; Ashburn, VA; Frisco, TX; Dallas, TX; and East Brunswick, NJ. In all five meetings, God’s presence was felt by all attendees, and many were delivered through the prayers offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran. Both ministered God's word in each meeting, and individual prayers were also offered for attendees at the end of each gathering. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word about how, as children of God, we are the most blessed people on earth. He also spoke about how God works step by step in the lives of His children to raise them to great heights. God's name was greatly magnified through it all. Praise be to God.

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