Preciouone emagazine

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Publisher's Letter,











































reetings and a warm welcome to our very Maiden Edition of PreciousOne eMagazine! Let me introduce myself: I am Peace and the Publisher of PreciouOne eMagazine. You are stack with us till end of time, because we know you're going to be looking forward to every Edition. It's a bi-monthly magazine featuring everyday Godly living and lifestyle in a very fun way. We want it to educate, entertain, inform, inspire, be useful and very interesting.

And our name? Every single soul on earth is a PreciousOne in the sight of God and loved ones. We want you to find yourself right in there. There is certainly an article that would impact and enhance your life. It is aimed at readers of all ages, who wish to think, ponder and cherish life the Godly way. PreciousOne represents us all, each of us living by the Grace of God. Having conceived the eMagazine for over five or more years now, am humbled and grateful, it has been birthed on my 52nd birthday. Wow, what a blessed way to celebrate 18980 days on earth. I am incredibly thankful to God for the ability to be able to finally publish this eMagazine. And to you, our first readers, we appreciate your support and are happy you have joined the PreciousOne Family. Stay with us, and expect more. I hope you enjoy this maiden edition. Do let us know if there are any topics you would like to see covered in future. This is an opportunity to have influence over your preferred eMagazine, please feel free to relay your comments and suggestions to the publisher at So, this is your eMagazine, PreciousOne. May you have the gift of Faith, the blessing of Hope, and the Peace of His Love at Christmas and always. Peace aKu Bennett Publisher, PreciousOne eMagazine


Christmas Message A Blessed Christmas to you and to your family. May the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ bring you and your family endless prosperity, blessings and peace of mind that you truly deserve. Merry Christmas!







is the new most

Grateful Age.

8,980 Days Blessed On Earth... Unbelievable!! The calendar tells me I’m a year older. I find it hard to believe I’ve clocked 18,980 days on earth. Where have the days, months and years gone? Seriously, have I really lived that long?

Wow, I am so overwhelmed with massive Joy and fulfillment! As I turn a year older I want to thank God for my wonderful journey and life. “Feeling GRATITUDE and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift.. and not giving it” I am Grateful to you Lord. I have always been grateful, not only on this special day, but every day am granted another opportunity to breath, I have said THANK YOU JESUS. Thanking and appreciating God should be 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, and 60 seconds a minute thing we should all do. With every tick of the clock, with every breath we breathe, there should be thanksgiving in our hearts! And that is just how I am feeling right now. Life feels more rewarding as I am growing older. My mirror tells me am growing but inside me am energized and full of life and purpose. I may not be rich in the world’s standards, yet I am wealthy in the things that matter most in this life, many of which money could never buy. I am rich in God’s blessings of family and friends. I am rich in His mercy. I am rich with his grace and forgiveness. I am rich in the goodness He’s given so freely to me. No matter how hard life has treated me, I have always kept a positive outlook on life. My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed, and will forever remain grateful to God who has never forsaken me. Every mistake I have made is a progress towards my success. At every stage of my life, I TRUST IN JESUS my great deliverer and my strong defender. Let us always remember that; Life is full of ups and downs, without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.

And all that I am. Show me the stairway, I have to climb. Lord for my sake, teach me to take One day at a time. One day at a time sweet Jesus That’s all I’m asking from you. Just give me the strength To do everyday what I have to do. Yesterday’s gone sweet Jesus And tomorrow may never be mine. Lord help me today, show me the way One day at a time.

I am always inspired and reminded by the words of Cristy Lane’s ONE DAY AT A TIME...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and bless all who have touched my life, past and present; the ones I know closely, the ones that I know casually and those virtual souls I met through the computer screen. Thank you all for contributing and adding interest to my life.

I’m only human, I’m just a woman. Help me believe in what I could be

Indeed 52 is the new most grateful age, and I am rocking it focusing on my passion and purpose and not my problems.


Peace aKu Bennett @ 52 PRECIOUS ONE MAGAZINE



Mistakes LEARNING are



e have all heard the sayings "To err is human" and "you live and you learn". We make mistakes every day, large and small, failures and faux pas. But failure and mistakes still don't feel like an awesome learning opportunity. I know it is my shortcomings that make me unique and that I should embrace the stumbles and screw ups. But it is a challenge for me and a challenge for many of us. We live and act in ways to prevent mistakes -- not taking risks, expanding our comfort zones or jumping outside the boxes we hide in. But our mistakes and failures are gifts, gems, guideposts in our learning and growth as people. So embrace failures, mistakes, screw ups and shortcomings because they not only make us uniquely who we are, but also teach us powerful lessons like the nine below.


teach us to clarify what we really want and 1. Mistakes how we want to live. The word mistake derives meaning only by comparison to what we desire, what we see as success. Noticing and admitting our mistakes helps us get in touch with our commitments--what we really want to be, do, and have. Mistakes wake us up and focus our attention like a flashing sign that says "fix this". The urgency created causes us to focus on issues or problems that make us feel off track. Working on possible solutions, redefining what we want or expect, or reexamining our values or goals can lead us to more clarity about our path. teach us to accept ourselves and that we can be 2. Mistakes flawed and be loved. We can fully appreciate ourselves, even while acknowledging our screw ups. It is possible to laugh at our mistakes and then work hard to correct them. Most of us have a long history of putting ourselves down when we blow it. But it's a self-defeating habit we must break so that we can start appreciating ourselves, mistakes and all. People who love and care about us will stick with us through all our flaws and floundering. Our not so perfectness is what makes us unique and we are loved for it. So we should give ourselves a break. teach us to accept our fallibility and face our 3. Mistakes fear. Sometimes even our best efforts just don't work out. We might do everything possible to achieve a certain result and still fail, again and again. When this happens


we can admit that we're stuck. Facing mistakes often takes us straight to the heart of our fears. And when we experience and face those fears, they can disappear. When we are stuck and admit that we can't do it alone it sends a signal and opens the door for help to show up. People, resources, and solutions will appear, especially when we ask for help. teach us about 4. Mistakes ourselves and how to tell our truth. It is natural to want to cover up our mistakes or be embarrassed by them. To feel like we wish we had a handy mistake eraser or remover. But being honest about our failures and limitations offer us opportunities to practice telling the truth. Admitting the truth allows us to expand our knowledge of self-to know who we are. And thus, increases our capacity to change. It is like holding up a mirror to ourselves and really seeing. When we tell others about our mistakes, to let them really see us, it allows us to let go of the embarrassment, shame and blame we may feel so that we can concentrate on learning and growing. teach us, through 5. Mistakes analysis and feedback, about what works, and what doesn't. It's a reality check. When we experience the consequences of mistakes, we get a clear message about which of our efforts are working--and which are not. The feedback we get from our mistakes can be the most specific, pointed, and powerful feedback we'll ever


get. Many times we can trace mistakes to recurring patterns of belief or behavior--things we do, say, and think over and over again. When we spot and change a habit we may find that other areas of our lives change for the better.

One way to gain maximum benefit from mistakes is to examine them through the filter of powerful questions: "How can I use this experience?"; "What will I do differently next time?"; "How will I be different in the future?" Questions like these lead to an inquiry that invites solutions.

teach us to take 6. Mistakes responsibility. Sometimes our instinctive reaction to a mistake is to shift blame elsewhere: "It's not my fault." "You never told me about that," Or the classic "I don't see how this has anything to do with me." It is more empowering to look for our role in the mistake. Taking responsibility for a failure may not be fun. But the act of doing so points out what we can do differently next time. Investigating our role reminds us that our choices and our actions have a huge influence on the quality of our lives. teach us about 7.Mistakes integrity. Mistakes often happen when we break promises, over-commit, agree to avoid conflict or fail to listen fully. Big mistakes often start as small errors. Over time, tiny choices that run counter to our values or goals can accumulate into breakdowns. Even our smallest choices have power, so it is important we pay attention to the integrity of the choices we

make every day. Mistakes can be a signal that our words and our actions are out of alignment. In that case, we can re-examine our intentions, reconsider our commitments, and adjust our actions. teach us to engage in 8.Mistakes our lives -- to live fully. We are not our behaviors and we are more than our mistakes. We can remember that our history does not have to predict our future. And then remember that we have an opportunity to go all in--to participate fully. Many people, when faced with a big mistake, begin to pull back--to retreat. Instead, we can use the failure as evidence that we are growing, risking, and stretching to meet our potential. Mistakes help us to remember that we are not content to play it safe. That we understand that without risk there is sometimes no reward. allow us to inspire 9.Mistakes others. They may be inspired when we are courageous and make our private struggles public. They might decide to live differently. When a lifelong smoker who's dying of emphysema talks about the value of being smoke-free, we're apt to listen. The same kind of contribution also occurs when we speak candidly about less serious mistakes. As parents we can teach our children that it is OK to fail because we are willing to let them see our failures and mistakes. This gives us opportunities to talk through what we could or would have done differently. These are powerful lessons for those around us.


I AM A BLESSED ME I am a blessed me. If He knew me before I was formed, Then He has a plan and a purpose for me to be formed. He designed me to be me for a purpose. I am wonderfully designed and precious in His sight. Because He designed me in His own image. God makes no mistakes with His designs. Yes, He took His time and did an excellent design. I call it custom made master piece design. I have walked on the surface of the earth 365days x 52 18,980 days. Some days were better than others.


There were days of laughter and there were days of tears. Days of conception and days of delivery. I was discouraged and hopeless on some days.

Dear President Barack Obama and Mrs Michelle Obama,

That was when He came and reminded me; Thank You For The 8 Wonderful Years. Thank you for your respect for other nations, and by so doing, bringing back respect for our country and for the office of the presidency from people and leaders worldwide. You have always led us by respect. Thank you for your leadership qualities that truly brought change into many lives. Thank you for your humor and your tendency never to take yourself too seriously, and your ability to roast yourself when the occasion calls for it. I keep hearing the words you spoke the other day; “If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” “The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.” What an inspiration you are to the world. Know that you are loved and truly admired by a great many people around the world. May the good Lord order your steps clearly and directly to your next assignment on earth. Indeed and of a truth, “we will remember to go high when they go low”

There is Hope for the future Peace.

I doff off my hat to you; may the rest of your life be the best of your life. Press on my president and first lady.

Every single day counts and adds up to spice my

Peace Bennett

And I am a blessed me because I serve a Living

I remember the days He wiped my tears. On some days He carried me out of the pit. The days I went wondering, He came looking for me. No matter where I have been all these days, months, And years, God never forsake me, He never left my side. Now I remember something within His purpose for me; He never promised all days will be great and beautiful. But He did asked me to be of Good Cheer Because He has overcome the world. purpose on earth. God.







If you associate celery with diets, or think the stalks are nothing more than sturdy swizzle sticks for your Bloody Mary, think again. Evidence suggests there’s a world of health benefits in every crunch. Dieters count on celery because it’s low in calories—only 10 calories in a large stalk—but it also delivers phthalides, which are thought to act as a natural diuretic. Those same phtalides support the circulatory system, and can help to reduce high blood pressure. But the best reason to add celery to the grocery list: it just might rev up your sex life. According to Alan Hirsch, M.D., Director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, celery contains pheromones, airborne sex


chemicals, that are released when you chew on a stalk of the green stuff. It’s rumored that Casanova ate celery every day to keep his libido strong and if it worked for Casanova, we say pass the crudite.


Mushrooms One of nature’s most powerful tools for fighting

breast cancer may already be sitting in your


refrigerator. Mushrooms—from humble, button mushrooms to more exotic shitakes—have been shown

Eat your vegetables!

to improve the body’s immune system and reduce risk


of colon, stomach, and prostate cancer. In one study,

our grandmother probably told you the same thing you tell your own grandchildren: Eat your vegetables; they’re good for you. And there are always certain veggies we focus on—leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, and the like. But scientific research shows that some veggies that we all write off (celery and mushrooms, anyone?) are actually nutritional all-stars, too. Read on to learn about the nutritional power—from helping reduce the risk of cancer to boosting your immune system—of these seemingly ordinary vegetables.



eating mushrooms cut the risk of Chinese women getting breast cancer by 64%. Mushrooms also contain vitamin D and long-chain polysaccharides that can help boost your immune system to help you fight the common cold. To access all the nutritional goodness of mushrooms, be sure to cook them, rather than eat them raw.





Brussels Sprouts


If you slice an onion, and it makes you cry, rejoice! Those

The Brussels sprout may be small, but

compounds that are bringing tears to your eyes are called

don’t be deceived. Whether or not you’re a

thiosulfinates and they could keep you from having a stroke,

fan, the Brussels sprout is a cancer-fighting

according to some studies. Thiosulfinates act as a natural

Jedi. Brussels sprouts contain more

blood thinner and can keep blood platelets from

anti-carcinogenic compounds called glucosinolates, than any other cruciferous

clumping. In addition, the quercitin in onions has been shown to relax and dilate blood vessels,

vegetable. One of these compounds,

which also aids in stroke prevention.

called sinigrin, causes cancer cells to

Onions are high in vitamin C, provide calcium,


iron, folic acid, and dietary fiber. And,

More good news? Using a Brussels

because they can kill the H pylori bacteria,

sprout extract, researchers at the

they may also help to prevent—but not

National Institute for Health showed

treat—stomach ulcers.

that the glucosinolates also are able to stabilize DNA in white blood cells by blocking offending enzymes.


Carrots You know that carrots are good for your eyesight. The betacarotene that makes them orange is converted to vitamin A by your body and that can help protect you from macular degeneration, as well as glaucoma. Eating carrots can even help to improve night vision, which is important when

Bell Peppers

Crunchy, sweet, and delicious, bell peppers

driving after dark.

are also one of the most healthful foods you

What most of us don't know is that carrots are

can eat. One red bell pepper will provide almost

almost as good for our outsides as they are for our

twice your daily allowance for vitamin C. Bell peppers

insides. According to research, carrots contain a

also are an excellent source of vitamin B6, which is used

powerful antiseptic compound that kills germs and

by your body to help regulate metabolism and to enable the

can prevent infection and help wounds to heal more

cells in your brain to communicate with one another.

quickly. Shred them raw, cook them and mash them, or soak a cloth in carrot juice and apply it to the affected

Bell peppers also contain minerals, including potassium, zinc,

area. An NIH study found that peeled, shredded

and manganese. According to The Linus Pauling

carrots inhibit food spoilage bacteria, which supports

Institute, their high levels of manganese may

the theory that carrots have beneficial antiseptic

help to prevent osteoporosis.








Garlic has been credited with warding off everything from vampires to the plague. One whiff, and you


know it’s powerful. It’s antibacterial and antiviral and fresh garlic may help to prevent some cases of food poisoning by killing E coli and salmonella bacteria. It’s been credited in studies with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, protecting the heart, boosting the immune system, and regulating blood sugar levels. But what really pushed garlic onto our list is that according to research garlic may help protect against breast, colon and other cancers. And according to research done at the Mayo Clinic, garlic can kill the rogue cells that cause prostate cancer. Maybe that’s part of the reason the Mayo Clinic suggests that men with enlarged prostate—which includes 50% of men over the age of 60—use garlic to season their food.

Being a Copy, When God made you an



wanted to encourage those who are too unique to be fully accepted, but too significant to be fully rejected… those often appreciated, yet rarely understood… those like the last few unplaceable puzzle pieces that rack your brain but you know they fit somewhere… those who have the keys but don’t particularly care for driving… those who are often discussed, yet rarely truly known… those who somehow make one effortlessly comfortable and also unintentionally uncomfortable… those who have remained unable to be programmed, boxed, or duplicated… those who don’t need to be right, but do love being understood… those who sometimes feel like an island in the midst of a strong city…

…but most of all those who in every way are committed to becoming okay with both the simplicity and complexity of who they are and choose to embrace, love, learn, grow, and BE ALL Christ desires, knowing that you ARE for a reason!




You are admired by the King of Glory just as King Solomon admired his bride stating, “You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you”. (Song of Solomon 4:7) Here is are some”peaces” of advice:

1. Stop trying to remove what God put in you to uniquely shine, just because of the discomfort that comes with not fitting into everyone’s puzzle! Being original is not easy, but it is the only way in authentic living. 2. Stop trying to fix what’s not broken! Embrace your uniqueness and operate in your gifts, WHILE working on your issues, and SHINE! Sometimes our “issues” back us into a stagnate corner. Remember the bible says we are to ”work out” our soul’s salvation and issues, not sit in a corner defeated! 3. Remember in the big picture there are places you fit perfectly and if you change your shape or become a copy of someone else, you will be incapable of fitting into the places

predestined for your unique design! There is a divine time and place of convergence where the bible declares ALL things will work together for the good of them who love the Lord and are the called according to His purposes! Don’t be discouraged, eventually the puzzle pieces of your life will fit, as long as you don’t change the shape of any! I Peter 2:9,10 says you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy….

Purposed Woman arise in your unique purpose remembering no matter how marred the original looks, it is the only one that is truly valid!


Special Shout Out from the buddies

Birthday Messages









need to write a whole book about the fabulous Peace. She has been my personal Counselor, Encourager and a Prayer Warrior going to 10 years. She definitely would give me every reason to laugh before I get off the phone with her. Very committed to her family and friends. She is an instrument of encouragement. Problem solver and she can be tough sometimes. I wish you many more years of good health and prosperity. Christine D... Ohio

he is gorgeous, talented, selfless and humble from hair to toe. Her humility is so naturally. The best giver I’ve ever known. She gives her time, her talent, her money and love. Happy Birthday Peace, you make life look so simple. Love you Sis. Betty K... Chicago

heers to a Phenomenal woman. Very Purposeful and Passionate. You are a huge inspiration to many, including me. Super incredible all round. I love it when she would call and say; “Is everything okay? Just checking up on you, and know that am just a call away...” Happy Birthday my confidant. Nana Yaa B... New Jersey uess who made me got my first Traffic Ticket? Interesting enough she asked the police officer if it could be written in her name. That really got us all laughing. Aku is sweet, intelligent, super passionate, caring, an incredible giver, God fearing, creative and very hardworking. Such a sweet mother to her boys and what have you. An advice to all her friends; “if this beautiful soul is your friend, make sure you keep her FOREVER”. Wishing you all the great things in life. Emilohi… New Jersey


m here wondering how I can sum up everything in just 4 sentences. That’s just not fair to some of us who want to write chapters about this wonderful human being. She is my sister from another mother and a very dependable one. If you annoy her and she wouldn’t answer your calls or respond to your text messages, hay, don’t stress yourself, she will call you back in two days... Hahahahahhahaha. She is Honest, Courageous, Creative, Giving, Caring and Humble. Happy Birthday Buddy. Ben Jay... Alabama


pecial day, special person and special celebration. Wishing a very special person a very special day. Because I have a best friend like you, every day feels like a special day. Your Devotion, Dedication, Loyalty and your heart of giving are just a few of the many things I cherish about you, but your sense of humour and simplicity tops them all. Congratulations on your special day! S.W.... Omaha, Nebraska know I don’t say it enough but you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. Never forget that. Seriously, everyone deserves a friend like you. But I’m the blessed one to call you my very best friend. Happy Birthday Davi Aku. Stella... Ohio

ou are my source of laughter and sanity. You are a godsend in my life. No one is perfect. I’ve seen many friends come and go, but you are by far the most loyal friend I’ve ever had. Very prayerful and never forget anything you tell her. Memory shark... lol. Thanks for always being there. Hope your birthday brings you many blessings. Vicky... Cali he is freaking Hot at 52!! My bosom friend for decades. Smart and super fabulous. One of the most delightful ladies of all time. She is rocking 52 years like she just turned 25. Thanks for being part of my life. Congratulations!! I see Preciousone eMagazine becoming a household name. Ebow K... Florida


ord Jesus, thank you for giving us an angel on earth. One that is not perfect but beautiful, faithful, smart, respectful, selfless, dedicated and devoted. You always touch my heart with your angelic ways of doing things. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and CONGRATULATIONS!! PreciousOne eMagazine has finally been birthed. You are indeed blessed and favored. Dr. Pearl... Omaha





eazo, as we affectionately call her sometimes, is a smart, multi-talented lady with intriguing qualities. I have known her for decades and she's always been her collective self. Her high driven spirit manifests itself whenever she's dedicated to any project; making sure it yields results exceeding everyone's expectations. That's the 'Peazo' I have known all these years. However, I would appreciate it if she doesn't expect the same kind of vim from others when she delegates any duties. Alberta A... New Jersey


've always been inspired by your Kind Heart, Humble Soul, Beauty, Generosity to all, Calmness, Transparency and Strong even in the most difficult circumstances. You are my big sister from another mother and I just adore you for who you are. You are truly a blessing from God and I've always admired you. BLESSED BIRTHDAY TO YOU. YOU SHALL NEVER LACK IN ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE. Vivian aka BabyGirl - Ghana


need to see her birth certificate to be sure she is hitting 52. Investigators continue to search for proof that you could be getting older because there is no evidence since you look as young for ever. I like your humor, looks, the selfless you inside out. Your love for the things of God and how sweet you are. But most of all, your praying heart. She will just belt the prayer on the phone and release some blessings and end it with, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit... Amen. Happy Birthday my boss woman Peace. Kelly N... Omaha, Nebraska


definitely have something to boast about. My buddy is cool, trendy, awesome and beautiful. No one competes with that. I always have something to laugh about anytime we get to talk. For me, it’s truly exciting to celebrate an extraordinary friend like you. She is always filled with joy no matter what is going on in her life. She taught me to never let go of my JOY. I love you like the Sister I never had. Happy Birthday Peace... Prince J... UK


know I don’t say it enough but you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. Never forget that. Seriously, everyone deserves a friend like you. But I’m the blessed one to call you my very best friend. Happy Birthday Davi Aku. Stella... Ohio



y Dear Peace, Putting together a few words as you celebrate your birthday and launch your e-magazine is done with pride - I am very proud of your achievement, and pleasure - in capturing a few words about my sister and friend. I have nicknamed you and privately address you as “Bishop” and these are my reasons: You have a positive aggression that makes you seek to produce results, whilst serving at the same time. Your beliefs and interests combine and work together so that you are constantly driven by the will to win, desire to succeed and the urge to reach your full potential. This unique approach that is simply YOU, unlocks the key of excellence both in the physical and spiritual dynamics of your life. I will always call you “Bishop”, my unique and amazing Lady who serves all. Ayeeko!!! Lady Pastor Delidah - Italy


eace is there when you need her. She is a REAL sister and a wonderful touchstone in my life. You are my source of laughter and sanity. No one is perfect. I've seen many friends come and go, but you're by far the most loyal sister and friend I've ever had. Very prayerful and never forget anything you tell her. Memory shark... lol. As for your love and commitment to the things of God, I just don't know how to spell it all out. The awesome prayer warrior I have known. STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR CALLING AS A PREACHER!! For years we have stood by each other through the good as well as difficult, challenging times. Sometimes we fumble; sometimes we get knocked down or even knocked out. But at the end of the day, we come out victorious. I value the way we can agree to disagree and still count each other as sisters. I admire your humor and humility. Then there's your persistence which some might call stubbornness; hopefully at 52 and with the Preciousone eMagazine, you will change that aspect of you. Yes I have said it. And if I don't see it in the magazine, then I will call it THE VOIDED MISSING MESSAGE. Lol..


wish I would be given the opportunity to just write my heart out. I will never forget February 21, 2011 when we met at our former work place. God still send human angels to people and Peace, you are one of those angels. You saved me from alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Those days of counseling, holding my hands and praying with me. Giving me ride home because I couldn't afford a car; they are days I call THE REDEMPTION DAYS. You helped me work on my marriage from heading to divorce. You led me to Christ and bought me my first ever owned Bible. You did all these out of love and compassion and I just can't stop thanking God for you. Today, am still happily married, have my own business,


strong in the Lord and have a daughter I named Peace Rossy. On your special day, together with my wife and your God daughter, we say; YOU ARE A GORGEOUS ANGEL walking on earth. Happy Birthday. Carl J, South Dakota


eace ooo Peace ..but chaii I prefer to call you Dj. In January of 2015 I first got to know you through the Royals and wow little did I envisage that this friendship would develop into sisterhood. It's been great knowing you. I thought my association with you would be limited to only our noble group, the Royals, but I was wrong. We built a very good relationship beyond that. We talked, laughed, cried, shared ideas, (fought small) ooo and the small small KKS....chaii. You have been the big sis I always yearned for. We discussed issues without any exhibition and that has healthily helped our friendship. Your commitment to the APGP Royal Ladies is second to none and we say "thank you". You love God so much and that shows in everything you do. We thank God so much for your life. Sis, continue to be yourself, enjoy life, love God as always and I pray that you live up to the expectations of God. Happy birthday ooo may the Almighty good God continue to bless you paaaa. Hon. Rosemary H. - Ghana


od bring certain people into our lives for various reasons, and Peace is indeed one of those. I have known Peace for over 25 years and she is super incredible. If you don't know her, please don't judge her till you get to know her. She is my sister and the friend I will never let go. The one I run to after God. The friend who would call you back if she says I will call you back. The kind of best friend who would stay with you from the beginning of your trouble to end, regardless of what it takes. The hope and faith preacher. Yes, she is a seasoned preacher. Anything she sets her mind on to do, she does it passionately. Biggie - France

SHOULDN'T LET THIS DESTROY OUR RELATIONSHIP” Indeed she value friendship and relationships. Her giving spirit tops it all. A faithful and a beautiful woman who doesn't let her smile fade away. Even in her own storm, she would find a way to reach out to others in their storm. Very dedicated to her WORK and the super mom to her three handsome men... Thank you for all that you have done for me throughout the years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Peecash... Sika D. New York


ou become more beautiful every single day. The way you carry yourself, the way you respect others. Your simplicity, love and humility, makes you the best. Your passion for anything you set your mind and heart to do is just so unbelievable. I’m so honored to call you my kid sister and best friend. I know you are aware you have touched so many lives including mine. Am grateful to God for crossing our path. There is no day I talk to you that I don't feel honored knowing you. Your sweet spirit makes you sweeter every day. And your sense of humor sets you apart from the others. Thank you for impacting my life and many others. Thank you for teaching me the importance of prayer.


appy Birthday... You're loved every single day! Keep dreaming and pushing yourself! “A little more endurance and patience will make you just perfect.” Lydia K - Canada have known Dj, mainly by whatsapp, for just over a year, having briefly met several years ago and then again just over a year ago when she visited Ghana. Dj is creative and hugely talented, evident in the emagazine she has just launched. She is passionate about what she does and remains fully committed through execution. Dj is strong willed, determined and fearless. Meeting dj comes as a bit of a surprise if you first become acquainted with her writing style. You expect to see effervescence and a bubbly person but find a cool, calm and almost reserved personality. Clearly, she most comes alive through her work and written expression. On the downside, if I can call it that, being strong willed can lead to her being fixed and unyielding when she takes a position. Congratulations Dj! Once again you had a dream and it has seen reality. God bless and guide you. Hon Emma A... Ghana


committed and a dedicated woman of God who never stops dreaming. And that one thing I love about her, her devotion to GOD and the things of GOD. She is a storm calmer, she is able to calm down any storms with her I CAN DO ALL THINGS SPIRIT. Always ready to say “I AM SORRY, WE







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7 Secrets to


Keeping Your Joy

re you enjoying your life? If not, God wants you to. Jesus said in John 10:10 (The Amplified Bible) that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but He came that we "may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."Â I believe this means God wants us to enjoy every part of our lives-not just little bits and pieces here and there. Many people today live their lives in a constant state of stress and turmoil. But as Christians, we don't have to live that way. Why? Because God's Spirit lives in us, and a fruit of His Spirit is joy.

If it was Friday night, a holiday, or if we were on vacation, I had joy. But since these things accounted for only a small part of my life, the majority of the time I was sad and discontented.

Now this joy is not just a "happy feeling" based on our circumstances or on the things we possess - it is an unshakable stability in our inner man (spirit). Joy can range anywhere from a calm delight to extreme hilarity, and it is the joy of the Lord that is our strength (see Neh. 8:10)

As my relationship with God grew, I got tired of being happy only if and when things were going my way. I was weary and worn out from the constant mood swings, and I just wanted to be happy.

Many years ago, I spent most of my time uptight and upset about something. The reason for this was because my happiness was based entirely on circumstances. If things were going my way, I was happy. If we had money in the bank, I was happy.


God's Word said that I could live my life with joy, and I finally decided that I was going to do whatever it took to have it. As I really started to seek God about this issue, He began to reveal to me several important principles that are critical to receiving and keeping our joy. Following are seven of these life-changing essentials:

1 Be led by the Spirit. One of the most dynamic ways to keep our joy is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go. Proverbs 16:9 says, "A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure." Probably one of the hardest things in the world for people is to walk away from doing something they have done for a long time. In many ways, I can't stand to do the same thing for too long. For example, I have several pairs of pajamas because I just don't like to look at the same ones all the time. But in certain areas I'm not like that-I would probably be happy with the same hairstyle until Jesus comes! If we do the same thing the same way too long, it just becomes old and stale, and it means nothing. But one of the things I have learned about the Holy Spirit is that if we follow Him, He keeps everything fresh. Life does not get stale when we follow the Lord. PRECIOUS ONE MAGAZINE



The Holy Spirit will lead us to change things on purpose just to make us pay attention to Him. God may lead you simply to take a different route home from work. He may want to show you a new tree or something beautiful on your way home. Don't just keep doing things the same way if you are no longer joyful when you do them. You will lose your joy if you are not willing to get out of the boat.

2. Simplify your life. Don't try to do too much. Satan works hard to complicate your life so he can steal your joy. If you want to live a less complicated life, you may have to simplify it by not doing so much. I used to whine and grumble about my schedule saying, "How can anybody do all this? I never have any time to rest. I never take a vacation." God finally told me one day, "You're making the schedule. If you don't want to do it all, then just don't do some of it."

Satan wants to steal your time. He steals your joy by making you too busy to enjoy all God has given you. Take time to laugh. Take time to enjoy your life!

3. Pray with Boldness. Jesus said, "Ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete." (John 16:24) I believe there are people who are not receiving from God what He wants them to have because they won't ask boldly of Him. Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come "boldly" before God's throne that we might receive grace and help in our time of need. Many Christians feel as if they need to "clean themselves up" before they can come to God in prayer. But our righteousness is in Christ alone, and no amount of good works will make us right with God. If we are in Christ, God sees us as righteous right now!

If you're too busy, I suggest that you take an hour or so and write down everything you are doing or want to do. Then look at which events are not bearing any fruit and mark them off your list.

A few years ago, I stepped out in faith and prayed, "God, I'm asking You to let me help every single person on the face of the earth." My mind said, Now that is stupid. But I kept praying that prayer anyway, and our television ministry has expanded greatly since that time.

Before I uncomplicated my life, I never had time to enjoy my home. I never enjoyed my kids. I loved them, but I never really took time to enjoy them.

The Bible says we do not have because we do not ask (see James 4:2). I would rather ask for a lot and get part of it than ask for a little and get all of it!

I encourage you to spend time with your family and friends. Enjoy your relationship with God. Many people are too busy to even take a walk. Take a little bit of time to look at some of the things God has created.

Be bold and confident in God when you pray; don't be double-minded when you ask for His blessings. Don't think, I wonder if I have been righteous enough for God to grant my request. Just ask for what you need, boldly and in faith, without wavering, hesitating or doubting, knowing that your righteousness is in Christ.

Learning how to simplify your life is possibly one of the most important principles to understand because


4. Be quick to forgive. Joy is restored to your life when you learn how to forgive and forget, and these two virtues go together. God tells us He forgives our sins, puts them as far as the east is from the west, and He remembers them no more (see Ps. 103:12; Is. 43:25). Frequently, we try to forgive people, but forgiveness can't do its redemptive work because we want to remember what they did to us. We continue to think and talk about them. Remembering a past offense reopens the wound and feeds anger-then anger in turn feeds unforgiveness. Why do we need to forgive other people? Because our faith won't work if we don't. Unforgiveness is like dirt and mud on our spirit. It blocks our fellowship with God, and that prevents our spiritual growth. Actually, we end up torturing ourselves when we hold grudges and don't forgive others. While we are miserable and upset, the person who hurt us is out enjoying his or her life, not even thinking about it. I often say that holding unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping your enemy will die! Have you lost your joy because of unforgiveness? If so, I suggest that you start forgiving people right away. Make a list of people you need to forgive. Ask the Lord to give you the power to forgive these people, then let it go.

5. Obey God. I can tell you from experience that walking in obedience to God is one of the best ways to have a joyful, outrageously blessed life. Psalm 37:4 (NIV)Â says: "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."


Every day we need to submit our will and our plans to God. We need to learn to wait on Him and listen to what He is telling us to do-then simply obey Him. God knows what is best for our lives, and He will lead us into His perfect plan if we give Him permission to do so. When we are new believers, we have our own plans and walk in our own ways. However, as we surrender to God to really follow Him, there will be things He will ask us to do that we may not want to do-at first. But if we really love Him, we will let Him have His way in our lives (see John 14:15). Are you in a position right now in which God is asking you to do something you don't want to do? I strongly urge you to submit to Him. Your joy depends on it! I believe that as we obey God more, it will bring such outrageous blessings that our love for Him will grow deeper and deeper. As our love grows, we will want to do what God wants us to do, and our obedience will give us great joy.

6. Be yourself. Being satisfied and happy with yourself is a very important key to enjoying your life. It was so liberating to me when I discovered that I did not have to be like anyone else. I used to try to be easygoing like my husband, Dave. I even tried to be soft-spoken and sweet like my pastor's wife. But all of that was only making me frustrated because God didn't anoint me to be them-He anointed me to be me! Many people think they must become what another person is. That kind of thinking will steal our joy. We don't have to compare anything about our lives to another person's life. All we're required to do is be who God created us to be.


God has made every one of us unique. He personally made you and gave you gifts, talents and abilities. Just think about it: Nobody else in the world is exactly like you. That means what is best for someone else may not be best for you. So, when you are tempted to say to God, "I wish I looked like someone else," or "I wish I could do this or that like them," don't say it. Be satisfied with who God made you to be. Remember that He made you exactly who He wants you to be. If you try to be like somebody else, you will miss the beautiful life God has planned specially for you.

7. Let God invade every area of your life. A major change that God helped me make years ago was to stop dividing my life into what I thought was spiritual and non-spiritual. Somehow I had fallen into a religious trap of feeling like the only time I was pleasing God was when I was doing something spiritual such as praying, reading the Bible or ministering at church. But the Bible says that whatever we do, we are to do it as unto the Lord (see Col. 3:23). This means that God wants to be included when we are shopping for groceries, pumping gas and combing our hair just as much as when we are praying or reading the Word. The truth is none of us can live in a church service, a Bible study or on our knees in prayer. There are many practical aspects to our lives, and God expects us to take care of them too. In fact, I believe He anoints us to live ordinary, everyday lives in victory and with joy. When we decide to let God out of our "Sunday morning box" and into every area of our lives, we'll begin to experience His joy and peace more than ever before.

Remember, enjoying the abundant life Jesus died to give you is based on a decision you make-not on your circumstances (see John 10:10). Joy is God's gift to us, but some of us have never even opened the package! God is just waiting for you to do so. He is the glory and the lifter of our heads (see Ps. 3:3). Satan wants to pull us down, but Jesus came to lift us up! Start celebrating your life. Don't just endure your days-enjoy your days. Smile. It will give your face and your spirit a lift. Find some good, clean entertainment or get with some Christian friends and cut loose and laugh. "A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing." (Prov. 17:22, The Amplified Bible) Every morning when you wake up, before you even get out of bed, I encourage you to declare out loud, "I am going to enjoy this day!" Decide to be happy right where you are and to enjoy the life you have right now on the way to where you are going. Make a firm decision to enjoy your journey. When you do, you will begin to experience the abundant, joy-filled life that Jesus died to give you.

God's Word said that I could live my life with joy, and I finally decided that I was going to do whatever it took to have it


should be these things for you, is because God has created a desire in you specifically for me and only me, who will be these things, and you won’t be happy with any other guy.

Forever Yours

A Letter for Every Single Christian Woman Who Just Wants To Find Mr. Right by MidoriLei

Dear Miss Right, I could ask you the same question. None of us were created to be alone, we thrive off of love and relationship, so I think it’d be mutually beneficial for us to find each other quickly. The truth is, and this is where most guys won’t admit it, I need you as much as you need me. I’ve tried to be one of those super macho guys, but in all honesty, in my heart, nothing could be more satisfying than to be your sensitive and loving provider, your husband. My plans and ideas are everywhere. I ask God daily for direction and confirmation. God’s the only one with the big picture, because I’m as lost as you are. I know that there


are wonderful things out there for us to discover together, God will reveal them to each of us in time. There IS a reason we’re still not together. Logically it’s because we haven’t met… or if we have, we haven’t gotten to know each other. You’re not the only one without a line of ducks, I think some of mine might actually be geese, in which case, I have to be rid of them and find the ducks to fill their spots. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the right woman and the wrong time being the wrong woman. The same can be said for guys. And truthfully, God’s been dealing with me on issues that would only bring our

relationship down. I struggle with the idea of being forgiven without cause, and I need to learn to be more accepting of grace. Until I am, please don’t give up on me. Truthfully, the reason we’re not together is that I’ve asked God to hold off on our introduction until I’m ready to be the man you deserve. I have some of the same fears. Trust me, nothing’s scarier for a guy than to think that he’ll be the emotional head over heels in love one, while you look on in disdain. I want to get lightheaded when you walk into a room, and I want you to melt at my smile. Don’t be afraid, you can never ask too much of God. Nothing is beyond His capacity. The very reason you feel like I


And believe me, I’m far from perfect. My heart aches at the very thought of you getting me. I’m the undeserving one. It’s not fair that someone with a past like mine gets coupled with the woman of his dreams. But the beauty of grace, is that it makes life not fair. I AM looking for you, and I’m waiting for God to deem the time right for us to meet. The fact that I know you’re out there doing the same, only strengthens me further. I hate to disappoint you, but I’m very much into movies and TV… Luckily, to have an interest in something does not necessarily mean to believe it. Love is not a feeling or emotion that coincides with “Happily Ever After”, it’s a choice. And I’ve decided to love you unconditionally into eternity. Admittedly, a good appearance is nice, but appearances can be deceiving. Don’t worry about it; be yourself. My eyes were made with you in mind, so I’d say you have an advantage over other women. And besides, if you make yourself look too good, you’ll run the risk of attracting more than just me… I don’t want to have to fend the hounds off my woman! Your imperfections are what make you you, and I can put you just as easily on my screensaver or wall, as any of those other women. And the best part is, then I’ll have the real thing right by my side to keep me warm. Good luck with the cover snatching, you’ll need it. (lol) While there are a lot of pretty women out there, there’s only one for me. I would never settle for someone I could live with, and you shouldn’t either. Where’s the fun in that? I’m the PRECIOUS ONE MAGAZINE

one you could never imagine life without. I’m the guy you might notice at first, but only in that, vague sort of way, but if you got to know me, you’d find a soul that yearns after God, and that’s what will help you understand the plan God has laid out for the both of us. If I only saw beauty from the world’s perspective, I’d be a rather lonely individual, wouldn’t I? There is none more beautiful than a beautiful soul. I can’t wait to be captivated by yours. I’d take on all the pain the world could throw at you, and you’d be the heaven that helped me bare it. I’ll be the first to admit, I struggle with taking a passive role. It’s hard to be a leader with no one to lead. Your point is valid, however, I find it ironic that you were the one to initiate this conversation, to which I am responding. I have difficulty knowing who to pursue, I guess my biggest fear is accidentally getting in too deep with someone that’s not you. I have been hurt and rejected, and mostly because I’ve pursued… In fact, most of the stupid things I’ve done have come from “the hunt.” Maybe I should learn to do less shooting and more tracking. I can’t just fire into the crowds and hope for a hit. God has directed me on how to set my sights to find you. And you’ll be my trophy wife. (lol, couldn’t help myself with that one.) I’ll have you know, if you think I’d get married for the sake of getting married, maybe it’s you that’s looking in the wrong places. Marriage is a commitment for life, and that’s a commitment I’d be miserable to make to anyone but you. That and I want my rib back. I’ll tell you what, my rib for the covers, sound like a deal? There is no one I’d rather build my life with. We’ll have our pitfalls, but we’ll also have our mountain tops,

and there’s no one I’d rather share my adventure with because I know that there’s no way I can grow to be the man God wants me to be without you by my side. I’m getting kinda tired myself. It’s 58 days after New Year’s Eve, and I kissed no one… I was actually oblivious to the clock altogether as I was watching Monty Python’s Flying Circus (but that’s another story). Believe me, I’d rather have been in your arms. I wasn’t truly alone, but I was as good as. I’m one of the ones that feels lonely in a crowd, because I just don’t fit in. I’m not of this world, and that’s how you’ll be able to pick me out. I can’t wait till I can hold you as we usher in our first New Year together. It’ll be my happiest moment… until the next time you smile. Good night to you, my love! God’s time is His own, but I pray daily that He take into consideration our time not spent together is time lost. I’ll search for you until I die, but I trust God to make sure it doesn’t take that long. Don’t settle for Mister Sorta Charming, because trust me, when you meet me, he’s going to look like the frog. I know not what form you’ll take, but I know you’ll be the woman God’s formed for and from me. I know you will have honesty, faith, tenderness, and a pure heart: each a beauty in and of its own. Even one of these is worth waiting an eternity for. I’ve loved you as long as you have me, and for the same reason. Don’t give up waiting for me, I’m searching for you. When we do finally meet, you can be sure God will have orchestrated it to bring out the both in best of us and to glorify Him in the greatest means possible. God’s been moving in both of our lives, and He’s been moving us together. It’s only a matter of time before that finally happens.

Forever Yours, Mister Right



Dear Mother

to our

Dear Mother, Words would never in a million years be able to explain how much you mean to us mom. You are indeed a warrior, a strong and industrious mother. A woman of faith and great substance! We SALUTE YOU! In this world only a few mothers like you thrive to give their children the best of life and comfort. You have strive and worked so hard to make things great. You have put food on the table for years, and have made ends meet and struggled through the night to find shelter for your children! We SALUTE YOU MOTHER! You are indeed a warrior! The warrior who never gives up. A faithful servant of God and a unique creature. There is absolutely none like you! You deserve the world and We promise that one day you shall have it! You are a great woman and we are entirely grateful for all you have done and continue to do for us. Congratulations on launching PreciousOne eMagazine. It is a dream come true. Mom, no one can ever take your place in our heart. We love you forever and ever. No matter where we go or whom we meet, you will always be Number One to us. Every mom is special, but trust me there is no other mom who can be compared to your qualities and abilities. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our mom‌ the woman who sacrificed many a precious moments in her life, so that we could have them in ours. WE LOVE YOU MOM.





Reflection of the times... Dear Mom, I appreciate and love you. It is rather impossible to put into words everything I appreciate and love about you. From the wonderful woman you are, to the woman you raise me to be, you are simply amazing. Your loving touch is like no other, your smile is brightest of all. Your heart beats love and care, makes you a real SUPER MOM of all time. If I needed you, you always made time for me. I know you’ve always got my back. You have no idea how comforting that has been in my life. You taught me how to love unconditionally and have an open heart. I have seen further evidence of this unconditional love in the way that you show such love, patience and commitment. As I turn 52 on December 18, 2016, I say:

Dedication to my mother 32


Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for teaching me that I can rise above every circumstance. Thank you for teaching me to give my very best at everything I do. Thank you for teaching me how to be strong and independent. Thank you for teaching me the importance of hard work. Thank you for showing me what love, commitment and family is all about. Thank you for loving my kids as much as I do and always being there for them…this is truly one of the BEST gifts you have given me. Finally; Thank you for leading me to Jesus Christ at a very young age. I’m a better person because of you and all that you instilled in me. I believe I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if it weren’t for you. Thank you for loving me in all the ways you do. You are more than just a mother to me; you are my teacher, my strength, my guidance and my best friend. Thank you for giving me every part of yourself. I LOVE YOU MOM.



Are You


BIG Enough?


reams are not merely the nightly thoughts you experience as the brain sorts out the day's events. They are the goals and visions that fire your heart and saturate your soul with joy at the very thought of them. They are those continuing visions of what you want your life to be at its highest level of fulfillment--what you want to do, how you want to do it, what kind of person you want to become in the process. Your destiny and reason for living are wrapped up tightly in your dreams and desires, like the genetic information inside a seed. That dream in your heart contains your spiritual "DNA," the very blueprint for who you are. Your dream is that idea, that vision for your life that burns inside of you--something you can't ignore for long. It keeps coming back to your mind because it is part of who you are; it will never leave you alone. A dream doesn't drive you; it draws you. It is like a big magnet that pulls you toward itself. I don't believe that there is a man or woman without a dream, because God designed every member of the human race to have dreams. Without a dream, a person will be frustrated in the present and will miss his or her future.


Your dream did not even originate with you. It resides within you, but God put it there. He is the source of your dream. When people dream without God, they find it hollow and unsatisfying. Every person must come to Jesus for his or her dream to make sense. In fact, without Jesus, you might follow a dream for your life that God never put in your heart. PRECIOUS ONE MAGAZINE

Not every dream is from God. There is such a thing as godless dreams. But when your dream is God's dream, it's unstoppable.

takes your breath away, makes you temporarily weak in the knees, and makes you cry out to God for help and guidance.

Jesus said that apart from Him we can't do anything and that all our dreams will be frustrated. The power, energy and creativity needed to fulfill our dreams must flow from Jesus.

Next, are you able to let this dream go, or does it keep bugging you? A God-given dream is a bothersome thing: it won't leave you alone! It keeps bobbing to the surface of your heart, clamoring for your mind's attention. If that's how your dream behaves, then it is probably from God. You also know it's a God-given dream if you are willing to devote every ounce of energy and every minute of your days to it. A dream inspires devotion like the devotion a parent has for a child: you would give your very life just to see it grow and find fulfillment.

The most common and most crucial question is, "How do I know which dreams in my heart are from God?" Here is the answer. You will know it's God's dream if: 1. It is bigger than you. 2. You can't let it go. 3. You would be willing to give everything for it. 4. It will last forever. 5. It meets a need nobody else has met. 6. It brings glory to God. Let's unpack each of these. First, any dream God put in your heart will be much bigger than you. Most children start out with big dreams of being a major league baseball player or the first woman president of the United States. But people and circumstances whittle those dreams down to size. We reach adulthood, and we voluntarily trim our dreams to manageable proportions so we won't be disappointed. That's the opposite of what we should do. We should set higher goals, not lower ones. God is the author of bigness, not smallness. We may not reach the highest dream, but we will go a lot farther by aiming high than aiming low. The first test you can apply to your dream is: "Is it too big for me to fulfill without God's help?" If you can do it without His help, you are not dreaming big enough. If it's much bigger than you, you are on the right track. The Bible promises that all things are possible with God. Is your dream impossible enough? Does it go beyond you enough to qualify for God's help? Your dream should be so big that it


Will your dream last forever? Many people pursue dreams built on things that will fade away. They dream of fame, but fame never lasts. Others build dreams on wealth, health or power, but none of these last more than a few decades at most. A dream cannot be built on ego. It cannot be built on tradition--because the company expects it or your family expects it. None of these foundations will support your dream. You must build your dreams on something that will last. Only two things in the entire world will last forever: truth and people. Heaven and earth will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away. You have to build your dream on that never-changing foundation. The second thing that lasts forever is people. God made human beings to last forever. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, to die for people. That's how we should spend our lives, too. If God Himself thought people were worth dying for, shouldn't we follow His example? In fact, the only way to minister to God is to minister to people, as He said, "When you've done it to the least of them, you've done it to Me" (see Matt. 25:40).

Your dream must be built on human need. Will it help people? Improve lives? Alleviate human suffering? Does it fill a need nobody else is filling? If so, you can be sure that dream is from God. The secret to happiness in life is pouring into other people, giving without expecting anything in return. Finally, your dream should bring glory to God. The most horrible thing in life is to realize you have wasted months, years or decades following the wrong dream. Life is too precious to fritter away by building on a crumbling foundation. Many people lose their lives, not by dying, but by squandering their time. So, you've identified your dream. If fills all the criteria of a dream from God Himself. How do you bring that dream to fruition? It's not about brute force, mindless energy or human calculation. Here are some steps that I have noticed people take on the road to reaching their dreams: 1. Get alone with God. One reason people never discover their dream and purpose in life is that they never stop long enough to listen. They are like the World War II pilot who became lost over the ocean and radioed back, "I have no idea where I am or where I'm heading, but I'm making record time." Someone else said, "It's an ironic habit of the human race that we double our speed when we've lost our way." We have to get alone with God and listen. Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God." To get a vision from God, turn off the television. Get quiet. Let God talk to you. An Indian tribe in Oregon used to send young men out, when they came of age, with the instruction, "Don't come back until you have a vision." Those who got discouraged came back early. Those who stayed until they had a vision became the leaders of the tribe. Paul spent three years in the desert


listening to God before he began his ministry. That was his seminary education. He said: "God, what is the overarching, all-consuming passion of my life? What will I do until I die?" Once he discovered his dream, he lived an extraordinary life. 2. Review your gifts and talents. Romans 12:6 says we each have gifts. God gave you the gifts you have; you didn't choose them. Fulfillment comes when you use those gifts for Him in service of your dream. Your gifts are the key to discovering God's will in your life. Desire points us to our dreams. God uses desire to accomplish what He wants on this earth. How did He make sure the world was populated? He gave men and women a desire for each other to produce children. How did He make sure we cared for our bodies? He made us thirsty and made two-thirds of the planet water. He made us hungry and caused food to grow all around us. God speaks to us through desires. Many Christians have come to think that their motives and desires are corrupt and untrustworthy, but the Bible says that if any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature. Old things pass away, and all things become new (see 2 Cor. 5:17). That includes our desires! The Bible says you can have the mind of Christ within you. So what does it say about your desires? It says your desires, when you become a new creature, are changed. That's why God can say, "I want to give you the desires of your heart." 3. Review your experience. We pay attention not only to our desires and talents, but also to our past history. This is a powerful thing. Romans 8:28 says, " ... All things work together for good. ... " God uses all things. God can use your desires and talents


to serve your larger goals. Even if it's a skill you don't particularly enjoy, you may find it opens doors for you at key times. Not everything in our past is bound to be good. Some people reading this may have lingering pain in their lives. Some went through a divorce, grew up with angry parents or struggled with alcohol. Some had abortions, filed for bankruptcy or endured hurts that cannot be easily explained. But each of these problems falls into the category of "all things." God wants to integrate your hurts and difficulties into your life message.

you view your life circumstances, and it will help you discover your dream. 4. Decide what's really important in life. Paul wrote, "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful ... " (1 Cor. 10:23). Some things are not wrong, but they're just not necessary. They waste time. We might not have time to pursue every dream, so we must choose to spend time on what's important. Successful people learn to eliminate nonessentials, those things that won't matter 10 years from now. Invest your life in those things that will outlast you. 5. Begin to explore different avenues. 6. Journal your dream. Once you are able to define your dream, write it down. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Then the Lord answered me and said: 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'" If you want to move ahead in your dream, you must write it down-inscribe it indelibly. That shows resolve, definition and form. It is not enough to have an idea of what you want to do; you must have a plan for implementing it. Dreams do not come true by fantasizing--you have to write them down and let them become a guiding force in your life.

He never wastes circumstances, even bad ones. Before you became a believer, God was working to redeem the problems you faced. Not all things are good, but all things will work for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (see Rom. 8:28). Second Corinthians 1:4 says God helps us in our troubles so we can help others who have troubles, using the same help we ourselves have received from God. When you grasp that, it will change the way

It has been said, "No individual has the right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind him distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it." But most people have lost their dream. It seems impractical in this world to believe you were born for something great. Somehow it becomes more important to have a steady job, pay the mortgage, keep things moving forward with the least amount of disruption and the highest possibility for what our society calls "success." But the fulfillment of your dream has little to do with what our society considers success-it's much bigger than that. Are you dreaming big enough?


To us its love, Care and dedication Tel: 402-813-3444



that touches others goes on forever. DEDICATION TO MY LATE FATHER

FRANK AGBEMADZO “The Exclusive First Edition of PreciousOne Magazine is for you, Dada. You thought me how to be a firm, strong, responsible and a respectful woman. In all the world there could never be another dad quite like you. No one else has your looks, firmness and your persistent and purposeful spirit. Your jokes and laugh that shows how happy you are.


saw the many lives you touched, whether a kind word spoken out of love, or the harsh truth spoken out of wisdom and living life. You still never cease to amaze me, because dada, you're always right. You were well-loved everywhere you went and your selfless spirit of giving your time, resources, advice and money is second to none. I think and look back on the years and the love you've shown, some where hard to take and swallow and others where easy to chew on and swallow without water. Which ever way I took them, you always loved and cared. That is why am thankful to God for giving me the perfect father, just the kind of father anyone would want. As you look down from heaven, I hope you’re proud of your first girl Peace and your grand children, Frank whom I named after you, Fred and Francis. There are special people in our lives who never leave us .... even after they are gone and you are certainly one of them.





Every Age

Grateful I HAVE BEEN


n an episode of “Super Soul Sunday,” Oprah sat down with the woman she calls her mentor, Dr. Maya Angelou, to talk about the legendary poet’s life and career — including how she’s handled the aging process. “As you’re 85, what can you say about the 80s?” Oprah asks in the video. “Are they still hot?” “Oh my goodness,” Dr. Angelou says. “Do it if you can. If you have a choice, choose the 80s.”

There Lived A Truly Beautiful Talented American Woman...

Dr. Angelou echoes the philosophy of Oscar Wilde when she says, “moderation in all things, and even moderation in moderation. Don’t get too much moderation.” As Oprah laughs, Dr. Angelou continues, “But when you get in to your 80s, and you find that you’re still looking kinda alright, and people still say, ‘Hello, hello, hello,’ you think, ‘Hmm, I’m glad I got this far.’” With many women trying to fight against the aging process, Oprah asks Dr. Angelou how she’s managed to embrace it. “I can’t remember ever being anxious about [aging],” Dr. Angelou says. “Every age, I’ve been grateful.” Each morning, Dr. Angelou says she takes a moment to feel grateful. “Thank you, Lord,” she says. “Thank you for this day. Thank you for the light coming through that window. Thank you. Thank you that I’m breathing. Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the phone call that told me that I have the job. Thank you even for the phone call that told me I’m not wanted anymore. Thank you because I know you have something better for me lined up.” In the video, Oprah brings up a phone call she had with Dr. Angelou years ago. “I was crying hysterically about something, I don’t recall what it was,” Oprah says. “I was calling for your open, empathetic, loving embrace. And you said, ‘Stop it. Stop it right now. I want you to say thank you.’” At first, Oprah says she didn’t understand what Dr. Angelou wanted her to be thankful for. “And you said, ‘Because you know God has put a rainbow in the clouds for you,’” Oprah says. “That was life changing for me.” May her beautiful soul rest in perfect peace.

Source of the story: Maya Angelou:






e’ve all had one of those days where we just feel blah about our appearance—maybe your hair isn’t falling the right way and those dark circles under your eyes just seem a little, well, darker. Luckily, we’ve found news that will help break the funk next time you’re having an “ugly day.” Studies show that beauty isn’t about the perfect body, long blonde curls or the latest designer fashions; in fact, your outward appeal is largely influenced by surprising factors such as how you treat others, spatial clutter and even the company you keep. We’ve researched 10 unexpected ways to enhance your looks—naturally. Read on for the beauty secrets! Remember the Golden Rule Being dishonest or disrespectful changes your appearance, for the worse. According to character coach Susanne Alexander, acting ungraciously “makes you more likely to frown or raise your eyebrows in arrogance, causing forehead lines,” while lying “causes tightness around the mouth and lines around the eyes.” Even prolonged resentment or unforgivingness can cause unhappy facial lines, such as a downturned mouth. To enhance your natural beauty, act graciously whenever possible. Practice acceptance, gentleness and patience—all of which reduce facial tension and can increase your natural beauty.

Tips for

Stay Engaged “People are flattered when you find them appealing—and they naturally reciprocate,” says Ann Demarais, PhD, psychologist and coauthor of First Impressions: What You Don’t Know About How Others See You. One of the easiest ways to increase your natural beauty is to accept and be interested in other people. “Showing interest in others is a component of confidence,” says Dr. Demarais. “And when you’re confident, you appear more attractive.” To feel more confident and appear that way to others, make an effort to smile often, make frequent eye contact and maintain a positive aura.

Your Natural Beauty 42

Do The Work You Love Debra Condren, PhD, business psychologist and author of Ambition Is PRECIOUS ONE MAGAZINE


Not a Dirty Word, says, “Loving your work and unapologetically following your dreams is the secret beauty elixir women never hear about. Doing meaningful, challenging work will make you glow with an inner and outer beauty that no cosmetic or surgery or makeup can imitate.” Dr. Condren advises checking in with yourself daily to stay in touch with your ambitions and desires. The more tuned in you are to what you really want out of work and life, the more beautiful you’ll be—inside and out. Focus on your personality Feel bloated, blotchy and blah? Don’t fret. As it turns out, Mom was right: Your personality counts more than your looks. Research shows that if you’re cooperative, dependable, hardworking or intelligent, people will think positively of you—and perceive you as beautiful. On the flip side, in a study conducted by evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson, rude or unfair people were rated less attractive than those who were kind and cooperative—no matter their appearance. Next time you feel like you’re having a bad hair day, just remember: Minding your p’s and q’s will keep you looking lovely. Surround yourself with supportive people One recent study revealed that if you’re worried about rejection because of how you look, you’ll feel anxious, neurotic and insecure— making you appear less attractive to

others. “[In our study], a reminder of one’s strengths or close relationships was enough to reduce the damaging effects of thinking about negative aspects of one’s appearance,” says Lora Park, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Buffalo. “These findings emphasize the power of… close relationships to help people cope with insecurities regarding their appearance.” Surround yourself with the people who know and love you best to instantly feel more beautiful. Free your inner "Iman” Have you ever daydreamed about striking a pose, Heidi Klum–style? As it turns out, a modeling session with a professional photographer can be liberating, enlightening and just plain fun! “I see women transform and step into their natural beauty on a daily basis,” says photographer Lone Mørch, whose sessions help women express their sensuality. One of her plus-size clients shared this about the effects of her recent photo shoot: “I recently attended two big parties, and I was on the dance floor the whole time. It was fantastic, and there’s no doubt the photo experience put an extra sway in my gait and a glint in my eye.” Establish your personal definition of beauty What do you think makes a woman beautiful? If you don't establish your own definition of beauty, you're more likely to waste precious time, money and energy chasing other people's ideas of beauty. Instead, focus on the activities, though.


Dear Secretary Clinton,

To Hillary Clinton

Thank you for your dignity, your perseverance and your service


hough everything in your personal history suggests that Tuesday’s defeat will not mark the end of your work in American public life, I can imagine that this will be a moment of reflection and recovery for you. And though we have some profound disagreements, on the occasion of this transition, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for some of the contributions you’ve made in the past quarter-century as one of the most prominent women in American politics.

In the two and a half decades that Americans have used you to work out our complex and contradictory ideas about women, work and marriage, I have been moved by your dignity and resilience. I don’t envy you the compromises — the enforced cookie-baking, the meeting with a group of female journalists to ask for advice on how to present yourself — or what must have been moments of agony in your marriage. But as I’ve watched you from a very great distance, I have been grateful to you for bearing some of the slings and arrows of the outrageous fortune that is the lot, in different degrees and forms, of all the women of this country. Every insult that didn’t level you, and every moment of absurdity you absorbed without staggering, helped start conversations about the expectations and standards women face. You didn’t have a solution for this conundrum. None of us do. But if you couldn’t solve American gender politics in the span of a life, or act as a shield against the harshness directed at other women, you created space for the rest of us. We won’t surrender it. Thank you for your commitment to service.


Defeat is not easy to accept with grace, and there is always a temptation in the days that follow to choose a different course or to withdraw entirely from the fray. After President Bill Clinton’s plans for comprehensive health-care reform failed during his first term, you became one of the champions of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. After you lost to then-Sen. Barack Obama in the 2008 primary, you campaigned for him and served as his secretary of state. You’ve demonstrated over and over again that you are truly committed to your pledge to “Do all the good you can,” even if the gains are smaller than you might have hoped, or if doing that good requires you to put aside hurt feelings. This is an exhortation and a model that we all ought to emulate in the weeks and months to come. In the days since the election, I have thought frequently of the example you set in reaching out to others and forming life-long friendships with them. Hearing from Ryan Moore, Aleatha Williams and Janelle Turner about your correspondence with them, and your care and attention during both painful and proud moments in their lives, has been a reminder to me to be more diligent in my efforts to stay in touch with the most important people in my own life. Listening to the Mothers of the Movement talk about how you listened to them is a testament to the simple power of presence. It’s precisely because time is in such short supply that offering it to others is a valuable gesture. Thank you for laughing in the face of absurdity. Thank you for apologizing about occasions when you were wrong, and keeping alive the idea that politicians ought to educate themselves and to grow, rather than intellectually immobilizing themselves as the world changes. Thank you for your dedication to the Constitution and to the peaceful transfer of power in our democratic system; among many other things, your opponents will be measured by whether they show the same measure of allegiance to our most valuable norms and institutions. I can only begin to imagine how painful it must be to feel that you are exiting one public arena with your work undone. I hope you take some measure of comfort from the idea that, though you may not see the garden in bloom, many of us will be tending the seeds you planted. With respect and gratitude, Alyssa Rosenberg




Share a 20 Second Hug When you embrace your man, how long do you usually stay entwined? A few seconds? Next time, hold on a bit longer. "When you hug for at least 20 seconds, it increases levels of [the hormone] oxytocin in both men and women and makes you feel closer," says Dr. Kerner. Clean Out your bedroom It's the place where you time spend alone with your partner, but there may be roadblocks to seduction. Get rid of the family pictures on the dresser. Sexologist and relationship expert Logan Levkoff explains that seeing a picture of your children or mother-in-law could definitely ruin the moment—or prevent you from getting in the mood in the first place. Also, consider saying goodbye to the television. "If you have 700 channels, it gives you 700 excuses to avoid being intimate," says Logan.

Send a Love Note

Spice up your Marriage


ot. Thrilling. When was the last time you used words like that to describe your relationship? "Once you move out of the infatuation phase, the spice usually starts to fade," says author and sex therapist Ian Kerner, PhD. In a recent Woman's Day poll, 38 percent of you said the thrill has fizzled from your relationship. So what can you do to bring back that strong, intense connection? Read on for great tips from relationship experts and real women on how to ignite the spark again. Grab your pen and pad of paper—you'll want to take notes.



Handwritten love letters may be a thing of the past, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't express your love via written communication. Sometimes it's easier than saying it aloud. “Make it a priority to send a sweet email, sexy text message or some other little gesture on a weekly basis, “says sexologist and author Yvonne Fulbright, PhD.

Tell Him Exactly What You Want You can't be upset that your husband never gives you a massage if you don't tell him you want one. “A reason men don't do things is because they fear getting it wrong,” says Logan. “Women have to understand that men feel pressured.” Make it easier by sharing with your significant other the things you like, and dislike. Be Unpredictable "Long-term relationships are based on trust, dependability and predictability," says Dr. Kerner. That's great when it comes to finances and raising a family, but in the bedroom—not so much. Mystery can create the romance you're missing. "Sometimes I tell my husband to expect a 'surprise' after the kids go to bed. The anticipation alone keeps him excited all day long," says Eunice Carreira of Kaneohe, Hawaii.

Schedule a Date Hire a babysitter and pencil in dinner with your man just as you would for a client or old college friend. Staci Christmas of Avon Park, Florida, and her husband frequently go out on date nights. "You need time to be away from kids, family and work to relax and reconnect," she says.


Have Sex Without the "Sex" Part Sometimes too much emphasis is placed on the actual act of sex. "Sex happens not just in the body, but also in the mind," says Dr. Kerner. "Not actually having intercourse can make the experience more creative and fun." Kissing, touching and fooling around can sometimes be just as enjoyable. Leave Arguments Outside "What happens outside the bedroom usually affects what happens inside the bedroom," says Dr. Kerner. If you and your mate have a spat, it may be wise to repair the argument before you go to bed. Dr. Kerner also suggests making a joke or giving your partner a kiss if you feel a conversation is headed toward a disagreement.

Stroke His Ego “Find out what your man wants and do it for him,” says Logan. Affirm his self-esteem with a compliment or by doing something special. “I tell my husband that he is the sexiest man I know as often as possible. I want him to know that he is still that hot guy I thought he was when we first met,” says Beth Pisano of Hutchinson, Kansas.

Indulge in Yourself “Women tend to place everyone else before them, often putting their self-care on a back burner,” says Dr. Fulbright. “The more a woman looks after her health and welfare, for example, the more she exercises, the better she will feel and the more she will be in the mood for sex.” Dr. Kerner suggests that women dress up for themselves: Once you like the way you look, you'll feel sexy and confident. And that alone will get your heart pumping.

Revisit the Honeymoon Days No, you don't have to start pulling out the old wedding albums and get all teary-eyed. Instead recall the fun times you and your mate had incorporate them into your relationship today. What made you laugh? What did the two of you enjoy doing the most? “My husband and I go to sci-fi and comic conventions together, which gives us plenty of fodder for being geeky together,” says Shari Lipkin of Watertown, Massachusetts. “His silliness is what attracted me in the first place!”


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