Things Nobody Tells You About Pregnancy Pregnancy is definitely one of the best news of your life. Along with the joy and surprises of new motherhood, comes a wave of annoying pregnancy troubles too. During the flowery glorification of pregnancy, people sometimes miss out on telling you the practical reality of it. With pregnancy yoga, you can deal with all kinds of discomforts and ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. Yoga is beneficial not only during pregnancy but also post-delivery. Postnatal yoga classes help you to regain an active life and deal with postpartum stress. Things that nobody tells you about pregnancy: •
Swollen feet and varicose veins: Due to the gradually increasing weight, your feet go through soreness and swelling. You may also notice redness and varicose veins in your thighs. Urinary tract infections: You will feel the urge to pee quite often during pregnancy. Drink plenty of water and practice pregnancy yoga for healthy urine passage and avoid tract infections at all costs. Constipation: As your diet and bodily requirements change, your digestive and metabolic patterns also change accordingly. This might cause constipation and other digestive issues. With regular pregnancy yoga, you can maintain your digestive health along with a balanced diet. Painful cramps: Cramps can be extremely uncomfortable during pregnancy. With pregnancy yoga, you can improve your muscle flexibility to relax cramps and deal with the pain even during labor. Backache and general body pain: The spine and pelvic muscles gradually start bearing the weight of the baby bump. It may cause frequent backaches and discomfort while sitting and sleeping. Pregnancy yoga can help you maintain bone health and strengthen your muscles.
Why do you need pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes? Not only the body, but the mind also goes through changes during pregnancy. The stress and responsibilities double post-delivery. For optimum prenatal and postnatal care, you need postnatal yoga classes that can relieve you from the overwhelming changes that motherhood brings. Welcome a happy pregnancy with Rita's pregnancy 101 With our online pregnancy yoga and postnatal yoga classes, deal with all pregnancy complaints smoothly. Gain the benefits of ancient yoga elements like garbha sanskar clubbed with modern medical tips for a healthy and safe pregnancy.