Dear Daddy-To-Be, Here’s Why You Need Pregnancy Lamaze Classes! Is care of prenatal only about the mother’s diet and physical fitness? Pregnancy is not something that only a mother goes through. A happy and healthy pregnancy is the collective responsibility of the partner and the family. During pregnancy, one of the most crucial support that a mother need is spousal love and care. A partner who actively participates in the care of prenatal is a supporting confidante that a woman needs the most. Mamas-to-be and dads-to-be must welcome their little bundles of joy with a shared sense of support and love. But the problem lies in the fact that due to years of lack of proper conversation around paternal care and love, men are often clueless about how to help their partner during pregnancy. One of the main reasons is the lack of information about pregnancy, the common complaints, and other complications. Pregnancy Lamaze classes can be beneficial for the couple! How do pregnancy Lamaze classes encourage spousal and family support? The Lamaze method of childbirth education focuses on equipping mothers and spouses with accurate information about prenatal and labor. It encourages them to be aware and prepared with various breathing techniques and pain coping mechanisms. Pregnancy Lamaze classes are not just for mothers, but it is also for the spouses to attend. Spouses learn more about how to help their partner during prenatal and ways to support them during labor. They get more insights into the care of prenatal and ways to bond with the mother and baby. Here’s what you can expect from pregnancy Lamaze classes: • • • • • •
Learn about natural birthing and other delivery options in detail Get expert tips and insights about the care of prenatal and safety measures during pregnancy Learn how to healthily support your partner with love and care Understand the importance of going to doctor’s appointments together Learn to be well-prepared for labor with the necessary clothes, contacts, and documents Learn about breastfeeding and advocate immediate skin-to-skin contact of the mother and baby
Get started with pregnancy Lamaze classes at Rita’s Preg Yoga Online!