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The Department o f Spo rts and Exercise Science is the yo ungest in the faculty. It o ffers and prepares students fo r a fo ur-year degree in Spo rts and Exercise Science. It also pro vides science-based
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spo rt electives to o ther students and pro fessio nals o f vario us departments and bo dies. One may ask why Spo rts and Exercise Science? and what career pro spects do u have in it? it is therefo re impo rtant to kno w that Spo rts and Exercise Science graduate co uld be emplo yed in bo th private and go vernmental settings as physician assistant co nsultant, spo rts management co nsultant, spo rts nutritio nist, fitness directo r, bio mechanics and as fitness o r exercise leader fo r the vario us educatio nal institutio n. The Department ho pes to increase its intake substantially in the next academic year fo r this reaso n it calls fo r mo re effo rt fo rm the staff at po st and any new emplo yees. They will be expected to wo rk harder to meet challenges and demands o f the Department as it gro ws to meet the level o f the well established departments. KNUST Website by Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License . Based on a work at www.knust.edu.gh. PDFmyURL.com