Cd nr 7 flower of life egypt

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ARGON NAVIS INDIA Ancient mystery schools, pilgrimage places for dimensional travels on Earth recorded in modern times by Anders B Johanson Ph.D. VIDEO AND CD FOR SALE:

100 kr

7. Flower of Life Mystery Schools in Egypt  

The Law of One concept and philosophy, Ancient drawings, designs and codes for heavenly temples and pyramids around the planet.

Ancient pyramid cultures taught by Thot the Atlantean – writer of the Emerald Tablets,

Teachings of the universal mystery school in Atlantis.

Egyptian tarot and numerology, ancient astrology

The earth cyclic time precession,

The book of talismans.

The lost Arc of the Covenant, the world’s mysterious heritage, activating the planetary ascension program with sacred geometry,

The vortex and the Merkaba,

The divine blueprint, the golden ratio,

The crystal sculls,

Stargates and dimensional portals,

The Egyptian Book of the Dead should really be the book of light,

Sunspot cycles and the grid field of the earth,

The Egyptian mystery schools, the Law of One



Pg Argon Navis 39 61 68-7 Fรถreningssparbanken konto A B Johanson Clearing nr: 81059-konto 74276574-6 Ph: + 46 (0)8 590 88916 , Mobile 0707 48 63 29 Internet

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