4 minute read




Where are you from?I am from New Orleans, Louisiana.Where did you grow up?

I grew up mainly in uptown New Orleans, in the 17th ward. I moved around a lot when I was younger. I also lived in Kenner City and the West Bank for a while too.

When did you fall in love with music?

When I was about 4 or 5. I was in foster care and my social worker suggested that I see a psychologist every few weeks. I would go but I wouldn’t talk during our sessions. They always had music playing there, and the only time they heard me speak was to ask what song was on the radio or what artist was singing. I guess you can say that’s when I discovered my love for music.

What was your favorite song when you were growing up? That didn’t really exist for me. I had a new favorite song every week! 31

What made you start singing?

My sisters encouraged me to be an artist but also listening to artists like Brandy, Michael Jackson, and Frank Ocean inspired me as well.

How do you feel about today and the things that have changed for Black people?

I feel that the world is in a place where people are becoming aware of the patterns and the ways of life that we’ve been taught, and they’re unlearning those things. I think that black people are in a space where things are changing for us, but I don’t feel like it’s enough at all. We still have a long way to go. That’s not something we should have to wait for, it should happen now.

How has the things that have happened to black men and women over the last few months affected you? Good and Bad?

It’s made me angry…but also woke me up in a lot of ways. I always knew that these things were happening, it’s just more visible now. I was mad before but these times have given me a sense of urgency, and that has made me want to do more.

How have you been doing since COVID-19?

I have been doing pretty well because fortunately, work has stayed steady for me. Not much has changed except for the fact that I can’t travel, perform, and be around people. That’s a huge part of my process and I miss it! I really miss going places with my friends.

Have you been able to create differently given so much isolation?

Definitely! 32 I’ve had to think outside of the box more. Taking control of my creative is nothing new to me but now it’s even more DIY. Since the start of quarantine, I’ve shot 3 videos and finished recording the deluxe version of my project from my apartment.

How do you feel the world is handling it all? I feel the world is handling it pretty well…but the American government, not so much. There are some people that aren’t willing to give up their own comfort to save other people's lives or even their own.

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Describe your sound? I would describe my sound as a mix of Psychedelic, Spacey, Other-worldly, R&B, Soul, Hip Hop, and Jazz based. Everything.

How much of the creative directing do you do with your visuals?

All or most of it.

Are you releasing an album if so tell us about it ? I just released Pulp (Director's Cut) on July 31st! The Director's Cut of Pulp is an extended version of the project that I release last year. It is sonically what I envision my movies would look like. Essentially, The Pulp EP is a movie with no film. I am the Director.


My favorite song on the project is “American Beauty”. The song took me a long time to write, the melodies are just gas. I think it’s my strongest story-telling wise. I just love it.

How do you feel about its sound compared to your previously released stuff? I've put out projects before Pulp but to me, this is my debut because this time I was very honest and intentional in my writing. I definitely feel more connected to this project. It was truly a labor of love.

What do you want your fans to know that they don’t know? I love mangos. I hate avocados. I love Spiderman. And I love you (the fans).


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