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Luke James

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Photographer: Noa Creative Director/Styling: Paco Lampecinado Interview: Tiffany Bullock Grooming: Chainelle Molina Digital Director: Marq Assistant: Prince Peprah

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that experience! I enjoyed the thrill of creating film and television. It was at that moment where I was like, this is what I want to do- too.

and just being on set. After that promoting it and going to different states, as well as to Europe- It was everything. I wanted to continue

3-weeks time. It was just a different thing, but the energy was always the same. But, this time I recognized it, in the moment of filming

someone that exists. Creating a comradery between strangers that felt like we’ve been knowing each other for 30-something years within

wholeheartedly, fully, completely and undividedly-truly. This was something I have never done before. Learning choreography, becoming

wanted to do that was going to make me happy. The New Edition Story, gave me another opportunity to dive into another art form

When The New Edition Story came out I was in a different place. Not exactly having fun with music. I really wanted to figure out what I

film but I did not recognize it. I was still thinking about music and going on tour.

e up. It was not until The New Edition Story where I really truly recognized it. I felt it the

t something I knew I wanted to do. When opportunities kept

fright. I was just getting into the groove of

as something I

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previous times I did a

presenting themselves to me I eventually wok

performing and singing for people. When I came out here, that was no

always said I wanted to get into but I was not for sure how to. For one, I have a little bit of stage

him do his promos for Fast and Furious gave me a little bit of insight into that world. Also being around Jamie Foxx. It w

I have had a couple of opportunities for doing independent films, which was exciting. When I sang background for Tyrese and watching

Was there a defining moment in your life that made you decide you wanted to take on acting and if so can you walk me through that?

only do that. Putting more focus on what I want to do for me, taking time away from writing for other people and saying no to singing

It was never my goal to be just a songwriter, it was to be an artist. Anything outside of that would be quite depressing. I knew I wouldn’t

background. Really just honing onto my craft and my artistry.

Was there something about being a songwriter that didn’t nourish you enough as an artist, moving you to get into back to establishing yourself as a singer?

alone! I came out here with two of my best friends and wherever we went it was us. We supported each other, wherever we went to was

and bustle. Doing as much as you can inside a business to stay close to the business to make our way through the business. I wasn’t

money. I got an apartment then met some producers, started writing songs, and some video background work as an extra. That hustle

that’s how we made a little money to stay afloat in LA. We slept on floors and couches. Just really grind our way until we made some


When I came to LA I came with two of my best friends from high school. We were a trio and we immediately started singing background,

After high school, you moved to LA, how to did you sustain yourself as an artist? Was there a place in LA that felt like home ( as a place where people understood who you are and the music you make?

Luke James about his upbringing, his latest project to feel love/d, and how The New Edition Story impacted his acting career.

and actor. He puts love into all of his art rather he is singing ballads about love or to characters on screen. We got a chance to speak to

When asked how he wants to remembered he replied, “with love.” This is a phrase that accurately encompasses Luke James as an artist

recognition he deserves. He’s a star in his own right rather that is in music or acting. With a raw and uncut sound that is hard to forget

comer doesn’t seem fitting as he has surpassed that. He is definitely a diamond among gems that has yet to get the mainstream

and speaks to your soul, he is setting the stage for longevity.

The term “up and comer” gets tossed around a lot but for an artist like Luke James who has been in the industry for some time up and


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Do you feel like your craft as an actor and musician is going according to plan?

Yes, it is, who plan I do not know. I am flowing like water, like air. I’m getting in where I fit in and where I do not. I am making my way and just enjoying the ride. Trying to enjoy the ride as much as possible and just staying present. I keep learning, keep being a sponge. I love the way I am developing could not see it any other way.

You are going to be on the new season of “The Chi”, what do you hope viewerstake away from your character?

His sincerity, his longing for love and understanding. Family, and the importance of family and togetherness. Even if the world is ugly, you do not have to be. In his story, he is a complicated character as he develops, people can watch this human find his way being just a decent person, protecting his family, and salvaging every bit of what he might have lost. Very interesting character.


Do you find yourself being overly critical of your own work because you are doing multiple things?

It is about maximizing my time, so I can do everything right and be great at it. Really be proud of what I am doing and have fun. That is success to me! Overly critical? As long as I am having fun I do not overthink.

What’s the story behind the name WOLF?

WOLF has been apart of me since I was a child. I love that animal! It is a spirit animal thatcame to me as a child- it just stuck to me. Being in New Orleans our upbringing, theculture- it was an animal that spoke to me.

NOLA has a rich history when it comes to black entertainers, how has yourhometown influence your music?

It influenced my music tremendously! I would not know music if it was not for New Orleans. I would not know what soul is, what it all means- all of that it was not for New Orleans. That is what that city is, that is what the place is. It is a mecca for that, pure, raw, down to the root love and it is a soulful place.

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What would you say to people who make comments like, “Soul music, R&B, is dying?”

I do not know what that comment means. I really want to know what they mean by that. In the past, I’ve tried to answer that and I probably gave an answer but it is really bullshit- I need a little bit more expansion on that statement. “Soul music, r&b is dying or is dead”, it’s everywhere! I have hell of friends who are soulful or soul singers who make rhythm and blues. It is not dead at all, it’s very alive, flourishing- sold out shows. There are people who listen to it all day, every day. Majority of rap music has soul music or r&b in it, for anyone to like it. If it does not have any soul or r&b music in it, no one likes it- to be fair. Not really. That’s not my answer, I just need expansion on the statement.

Your latest project to feel love/d specifically “who you are” feels like an evening drive. Tellme about the creative process behind “who you are”, I get a bit of a Smokey Robison’sCrusin’ vibe.

That record right there I created with two of my friends, Guitarboy and Lucky Daye. It is a smooth Bill Wethers laid back, uncut, raw, an expression of psychedelic love for someone. I say psychedelic because that is how I imagine it when I hear the song. I see an expansion to someone’s heart vulnerability. When creating that we were in Miami it was beautiful, we were flowing, just flowing. The synergy is just beautiful when we create a lot of music together.


6 months post to feel love/d, what do you want to see that’ll make you feel that the projecthad the impact you wanted?

More sold-out shows. More people in love, feeling loved.

You just got off tour, what was one of the funniest moments from the to feel love/d tour? So many! [Laughs] I love my team, love my team, solid five. When we were on that road it was fun. We did our thing! Funniest moment, for me, was sleeping past my alarm and half-dressed in my hotel room and waking up to my tour manager. She thought something might have been wrong but whatever the case we were going to miss our flight if she had not gotten access to my room to wake me up. I was not going to wake up, I was going to wake up sometime in the afternoon. Our flight was in the early a.m., that was a funny moment because it was just jarringhilarious. A lot of different moments: people falling, people sleeping, and snoring and catching them on tape-funny stuff like that. What’s the best part of the next thing that you are doing? That I’m having fun and there are people that I love that are able to benefit from it. That means a lot to me. How do you want to be remembered? With love.

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