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Montana Film Office
Montana is more than meets the eye. Beyond beautiful exterior locations, the state also offers a variety of urban and unique town looks. The crew is fantastic and the film community is strong. I would highly recommend filming in Montana and shooting wide!”
– Jeri Rafter Line Producer
Montana certainly lives up to its nickname as the Big Sky State. Spectacular national parks— Yellowstone and Glacier—are the highlights of an incredible landscape of roaring rivers, dramatic mountain ranges and serene prairies. Montana has been the site of historical battles, prehistoric dinosaurs and unforgettable vacations, and its blend of landscapes will appeal to productions who seek an epic scope. Established in 1974, the Montana Film Office markets Montana as a business destination for production companies and provides technical assistance to productions that choose Montana. Producers have come to depend on the MFO to help navigate permitting, understand regulation processes, and assist in location nuances.
FEATURED LOCATIONS Yellowstone Film Ranch
This Western backlot is styled after 1800s gold rush towns and uses five fully functional interior/exterior sets with support buildings to create 28 unique structures against the backdrop of Emigrant Peak. Buildings include a church, saloon, general store and barn in addition to a main street for shootouts and establishing shots. Productions can also utilize a cabin and village sets, and the nearby city of Livingston offers ample lodging and dining options.
The Highland Mountains and east-ridge of the Continental Divide surround the city of Butte, which offers authentic Western locations, contemporary buildings and access to the national forests. Productions can utilize the stately mansions and Victorian architecture of the uptown business district as well as the numerous ghost towns and abandoned towns in outlying areas.

Virginia City/Nevada City
These neighboring gold rush towns grew rapidly in the 1860s when prospectors traveled West seeking riches in Alder Gulch. Today, they are home to over 150 preserved 19th century buildings that lend authenticity to Westernthemed films and TV shows. Locations include the Nevada City Railroad Station, a stagecoach building and several saloons.
Old Montana Prison
The oldest Territorial Prison in the Western United States dates back to 1870 and features immense grey sandstone walls that were buried four feet deep to prevent convicts from escaping. The prison was decommissioned in 1979, but the facility still houses cells, wardens quarters, a yard, a chapel and gates for your next prison-set production.
Montana’s largest city offers easy access to the Yellowstone River, Crow Indian Reservation and local talent. Popular locations include the Billings Depot (a massive passenger station that can accommodate hundreds of extras), the Moss Mansion (a 28-room building with original furnishings) and the Rimrocks (an environment of ancient sandstone cliffs and hiking trails).

Yellowstone, Wildlife, The Revenant, Certain Women, A River Runs Through It, The Shining, Far and Away

MONTANA FILM OFFICE Allison Whitmer 406-841-2881 allison.whitmer@mt.gov MONTANAFILM.COM
Virginia City
Montana offers a 20% transferable income tax credit on production expenditures in the state with additional amounts that can increase the credit up to 35% of the production company’s base investment in the tax year. These per production, additional incentives include 25% of compensation for Montana resident crew members, 15% of compensation for out-of-state crew and 20% of above-the-line compensation (actor, director, producer, writer).
Scan to discover more of what Montana Film Office offers productions at DestinationFilmGuide.com