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Nash County
Nash-Rocky Mount, NC
Rocky Mount Event Center

Nash County Miracle Park
Rocky Mount Sports Complex
Nash-Rocky Mount is easily accessible by both land and air. If you’re flying in, Raleigh-Durham International Airport is located 60 miles to the west and primarily serves the Raleigh, Durham and the Research Triangle region of North Carolina. If you’re driving, Interstate-95 runs through the heart of the county to the west of Rocky Mount, while U.S. Route 64 runs east and west on the way to or from Raleigh.
Garry E Hodges

Rocky Mount Sports Complex Soccer, baseball, softball, disc golf, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, football
Nash-Rocky Mount’s leading sports facility, Rocky Mount Sports Complex is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service by offering first-class facilities, outstanding staff and a professional level of maintenance. This 143-acre facility is home to an assortment of recreational programming.
The complex includes six youth baseball fields, four interchangeable baseball and softball fields, one championship baseball field, eight soccer/lacrosse fields, a football field, a professional disc golf course, two outdoor basketball courts, outdoor volleyball courts, picnic shelters and a walking trail.
Rocky Mount Event Center Cheerleading, dance, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, pickleball
Rocky Mount Event Center is the ultimate sports tourism, events and entertainment
destination in North Carolina. The facility opened in the fall of 2018 and has eight basketball courts and 16 volleyball courts.
This 165,000-square-foot, multimillion-dollar facility is dedicated to providing spectacular event, tournament and competition experiences.
Rocky Mount Athletic Stadium Football
Part of Rocky Mount Sports Complex, Rocky Mount Athletic Stadium seats more than 5,000 spectators and features a natural grass playing field, team field house, large press box and elevated coaching areas. Further amenities at the stadium include an upgraded athletic training facility, a private locker room, weight training area and the Vernon T. Bradley, Jr. Practice Field.
Nash County Miracle Park at Coopers Baseball, softball
The anticipated Grand Opening for this park will be in the spring of 2021. It has two 225’ baseball fields and two 300’ softball fields. This park also has a state of the art All Inclusive playground, two soccer fields, two basketball courts, walking trail, and a special events lawn.
ROCKY MOUNT SPORTS COMPLEX Lynn Driver Sports Complex Supervisor 252-467-6483 lynn.driver@rockymountnc.gov rockymountsportscomplex.com
ROCKY MOUNT EVENT CENTER Briuna McKenzie Event Manager 252-366- 8521 bmckenzie@sportadvisory.com www.sportadvisory.com

NASH COUNTY RECREATION & SENIOR SERVICES Thomas Gillespie, Parks & Recreation Director, CPRP, CYSA 252-462-2685 Thomas.Gillespie@nashcountync.gov POPULAR ACTIVITIES ▶The Imperial Center for Arts and
Sciences gives you a close-up look at alligator and crocodile skulls, while its galleries feature more than 400 works or art from around North Carolina.

▶Explore the region’s only beer incubator and tour seven oncampus breweries at Rocky
Mount Mills.
▶Catch a live show at The Rocky
Mount Event Center.
▶Hike the walking trails at City
Lake on your quest to find an exotic waterfowl.
▶All of your boating and fishing needs can be met with a trip to
Tar River Reservoir.