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Virtual Field Trip Resources
These websites offer an incredible array of online programs for safe lessons
Museums and institutions across the country are offering a diz ying array of virtual field trip p ogramming, but the sheer number of options can be difficult o navigate. We’ve researched and compiled this short reference guide for websites that offer guideline-app oved “digital excursions” that you can integrate into your lesson plan.
Funded by the world-famous Discovery
Channel, this incredible online resource contains of dozens of free virtual field tri packages that consist of video modules, lesson rubrics and in-class instructions for distance learning. Subjects range from women in STEM to sports science, and activities can be altered in difficu y and length to accommodate all
K-12 grade levels. Popular “field trips” includ
“Nuclear Reimagined” (which includes a virtual tour of the Idaho National Laboratory,
“Dig Into Mining” (where students learn the geological and ecological impacts of copper mining) and “The Internet of Things” (which explores conservation through responsible internet use). You can also find activitie with Discovery’s corporate sponsors such as Toyota’s TeenDrive365, the NFL’s “Play 60” and Boeing’s (FUTURE U ecoAction).
www.discoveryeducation.com VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS
Providing K-12 teachers with modules for social studies, geography, life science and ancient civilization curriculums, this online resource offers videos th t boast stunning photography and engaging narration to supplement your lesson at a nominal fee. The series on ancient civilizations explores the lifestyles of ancient Greeks, Romans and Mayans, the national parks videos expose student to the natural beauty of Yellowstone, Crater Lake and the Grand Tetons, and “How Government Helps Our Communities” teaches the importance of America’s three governing branches.
www.virtualfieldtrips.co EDUCATORS IN VR
Looking to immerse your students with groundbreaking virtual reality technology? This online resource can connect you with VR headset rental companies, offers eekly workshops on how to integrate the technology into the classroom and even headset sanitation tips for a safe experience. Their newsfeed also provides examples of how educators ranging from grade school to college are implementing virtual reality during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Subscribe to this online portal for an immense suite of lesson plans and virtual learning activities that can be applied to a range of subjects and grade levels. Learn how to craft guided at-home chemistry experiments, develop vocabulary using household craft supplies and develop classroom camaraderie with online game suggestions. Subscribers can also access the I-Ready test, which offers sugge tions on how to gauge students’ individual math and literacy progress as they learn remotely.