2 minute read
FLICS: The Future is Golden
Since Centaur Film Company moved from New Jersey to the modest citrus groves of Hollywood in 1911, the Golden State has become the headquarters for America's premier film studios and production companies, as well as one the largest collection of creatives on Earth. The state receives an average of 315 sunny days, a diverse collection of locations (from vast coastlines to arid deserts) and a creative infrastructure formed from a century of innovation. While other American states have become hotbeds for productions in recent decades, California continues to host more projects than anywhere in North America and constantly attracts talent through the dedicated work of the Film Liaisons in California Statewide (FLICS).
This collection of over 40 film commissions and offices across California share resources to assist productions with scouting, permits and local talent. This one-stop resource is essential for any film, TV or commercial producer across the Golden State, and FLICS members will work to assist your production across jurisdictions.
"Our strength as an organization is the ability to collaborate and identify locations for stories that require multiple settings," says Sabrina Jurisich, FLICS President and Regional Film Commissioner for Upstate California. "Whether you need redwood forests, skyscrapers, small towns, or film friendly beaches, our members are happy to share resources so that productions can save time and money and keep their focus on the creative aspects of the project."
FLICS' vast array of tools and resources will help you navigate all sorts of production issues, from work permits to on-set safety. Their team can help put you in touch with relevant government agencies, industry associations and union contacts. Their website also contains comprehensive production directories, entertainment job listings and useful charts for studio zones. Read more to learn about a few of our members and how they can provide unforgettable locations for your next creative endeavor. DF
County Monterey County
Located on the US-Mexico border, Imperial County has long served as a backdrop for Hollywood. With unique buildings and architecture, its seven cities and eight unincorporated communities are surrounded by sand dunes, rocky deserts, mountains and vast agriculture. Some of our film credits include La Bamba, Return of the Jedi, Jarhead, Sahara and Jumanji: The Next Level.

It’s been called the “Greatest Meeting of Land and Sea.”
Monterey County’s beautiful, diverse locations have drawn filmmakers for decades.
Dramatic coastal settings from Pacific Grove and Carmel-by-theSea to Big Sur and Monterey. Plus rural, agricultural looks in the Salinas Valley. From famous films to Big Little Lies, the best locations are here.

Charla Teeters
760-337-4155 filmhere@sbcglobal.net www.filmimperialcounty.com
Karen@filmmonterey.org www.FilmMonterey.org
Big Sur Vista, Monterey County
“California offers such a variety of opportunities for film productions, and Monterey County combines the seashore with rural, “Steinbeck Country” farmlands. It’s easy to combine many looks here.”
– Karen Nordstrand, Monterey County Film Commission
Upstate California
Placer County boasts stunning locations, including rich farmlands and industrial sites of the valley, rivers and forests of the foothills, and the sparkling blue lake and ski resorts of the mountains. We welcome all media productions to scout, film and enjoy our spectacular natural beauty year-round.

Find your next location in Upstate California! We are here to help with pre-scouting, permits, local referrals, at no cost to you ! Our region encompasses four counties with diverse options: valleys, mountaintops, small towns, waterfalls, caverns, rivers, historic, modern, state and national parks, and more! Contact us today!
The City of West Hollywood is here to support your production from scout to strike. Home to iconic locations such as the Sunset Strip and the Pacific Design Center, West Hollywood also can double as Anywhere, USA with our many unique residential and commercial areas — all within 1.9 square miles.

Juli Johnston, Film Program Liaison

530-889-4091 filmoffice@placer.ca.gov www.filmplacertahoe.com
Sabrina Jurisich, Regional Film Commissioner UPSTATE CALIFORNIA FILM COMMISSION
• 530-710-7784 sabrina@upstatecafilm.com www.UpstateCAFilm.com
Eddie Robinson, Film Coordinator
323-848-6489 wehofilm@weho.org www.weho.org/film