2 minute read
W elcome FAMILY REUNIONS CREATE Lifelong Memories
Beloved author Dr. Seuss said, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”
The events of the past few years brought home the truth of those words. Family memories become our greatest heirlooms, and they are priceless. That’s one of the many reasons why multigenerational family reunions and family vacations are topping travel lists. Parents and grandparents know that life goes by quickly, and their highest priorities are family ties.
There’s a renewed focus on family togetherness and multigenerational group travel. Research from multiple sources, including Booking.com, shows that more than half of those surveyed are planning family reunion trips and multigenerational vacations this year. Based on recent surveys, AAA named traveling with family and friends as one of their top 2023 trends. Dozens of my recent conversations with destinations, resorts, and other travel suppliers confirm this as well.
Now is the time to reunite, bond and make lifelong memories. Destination Reunions can show you how. Destination Reunions makes it easy to plan epic family reunions and extraordinary family adventures. The magazine and online site are packed with in-depth information on incredible destinations to help you choose the perfect family reunion location. Destination Reunions delivers top-notch ideas for group family vacations, providing feature stories and guides on organizing memorable family reunions and exceptional family trips.
“You go through life wondering what it is all about, but at the end of the day, it’s all about family,” said singer Rod Stewart. Enjoy reviewing this edition of Destination Reunions, and start planning your next group family vacation. At Destination Reunions, we’re here to help you orchestrate an unforgettable experience the whole family will love.
Happy traveling, Nancy S
Nancy Schretter Contributing Editor
Scan this QR code to learn more about reunion destinations featured in this magazine.
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Publisher – Jeffrey Gayduk jeff@ptmgroups.com
Chief Editor – Jason Paha jason@ptmgroups.com
Editiorial Supervisor – Devika Khosla devika@ptmgroups.com
Senior Editor – Randy Mink randy@ptmgroups.com
Contributing Editor – Nancy Schretter nancyschretter@gmail.com
Contributing Writer – Lisa Shames lisas@ptmgroups.com
Director, Design & Production – Lisa Hede lisa@ptmgroups.com
Production Coordinator – Kelsey Ledford kelsey@ptmgroups.com
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Destination Reunions (ISSN-2690-6333) is published annually by Premier Travel Media Inc. 621 Plainfield Road, Suite 406, Willowbrook, IL 60527. This publication is distributed to reunion planners and may be ordered through destinationreunions.com. The regular subscription price is $9.95 per year.
Send Address Change To: Premier Travel Media, Inc. 621 Plainfield Road, Suite 406 Willowbrook, IL 60527
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Families and multigenerational groups enjoy memorable dining experiences together at Beaches Turks & Caicos