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Food Culture is a Growing Trend
Not long ago, I hopped on an airplane and flew to New York City, primarily so I could enjoy its delicious pizza.
Emboldened by that experience, I’m now planning a pair of trips to New Haven, Connecticut and Naples, Italy, two destinations renowned for their excellent … pizza.
It appears I have a food type.
It also appears I’m a fan of culinary travel. Judging by the statistics, I’m not the only one.
According to the Food Travel Monitor (a global study by the World Food Travel Association), 95 percent of world travelers can be classified as food travelers. Along those lines, 95 percent of U.S. residents say they are interested in having a unique food experience when they travel.
Reportlinker, a tech company that uses artificial intelligence to deliver market data and forecasts, recently released a report that said the global culinary tourism market is expected to grow by $126.28 billion in the next four years.
That’s a lot of pizza pies. Other foods will also be eaten, presumably.
This issue of Leisure Group Travel embraces the growing popularity of culinary tourism as we uncover deliciousness in places one wouldn’t expect. If you thought Mississippi gas stations weren’t exquisite food havens, you are woefully incorrect. If you thought dandelions couldn’t be a key ingredient in a delightful salad, wrong again. If you thought Colombia’s food culture wasn’t world-class … you need to get out more. Everyone knows that. Venerable writer Randy Mink will show you just how fabulous Colombia’s food scene is as he brings its street carts, restaurants and cafes to life with prose that can only be found in LGT. This may be our most scrumptious issue yet.
Happy eating, Jason Paha
Chief Editor
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Vol. 33, No. 1 February 2023
Editorial & Advertising Office 621 Plainfield Road, Suite 406 Willowbrook, IL 60527 P 630.794.0696 • F 630.794.0652 info@ptmgroups.com
Publisher – Jeffrey Gayduk jeff@ptmgroups.com
Associate Publisher – Dave Bodle dave@ptmgroups.com
Chief Editor – Jason Paha jason@ptmgroups.com

Senior Editor – Randy Mink randy@ptmgroups.com
Managing Editor – Lisa Shames lisas@ptmgroups.com
Director, Design & Production – Lisa Hede lisa@ptmgroups.com
Production Coordinator – Kelsey Ledford kelsey@ptmgroups.com
Southeast and Midwest – Cheryl Rash P 563.613.3068 • F 815.225.5274 cheryl@ptmgroups.com
East – Diane Meglino P 630.794.0696 • F 630.794.0652 diane@ptmgroups.com
Leisure Group Travel (ISSN-1531-1406)
The regular sub scrip tion price for all others is $18.00 per year. Single copies are $4.95 each.
Send Address Change to: Premier Travel Media 621 Plainfield Road, Suite 406