2 minute read
It’s Been an Awesome Journey
My introduction to the packaged group travel industry began more than 30 years ago at an ad agency in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Project Coordinator – Theresa O’Rourke
P 563.613.3068 • F 630.794.0652 theresa@ptmgroups.com
Director, Business Development –
Jonathan Elkoubi
P 563.613.3068 • F 630.794.0652 jonathan@ptmgroups.com
Southeast and Midwest – Cheryl Rash
P 563.613.3068 • F 815.225.5274 cheryl@ptmgroups.com
East – Diane Meglino
P 630.794.0696 • F 630.794.0652 diane@ptmgroups.com
West – Tom Tobiason
P 630.794.0696 • F 630.794.0652 tom@ptmgroups.com
We decided to take a chance and with the CVB’s support did a co-op in Bus Tours magazine. A year later, I left and started my own agency. The first week, a good friend and receptive operator called and asked if I’d work with their group hosting the Pennsylvania Bus Association board in Myrtle Beach. The PBA conference was a success. The group approached me to help organize a way to stay in touch with the industry. After a few weeks of restless sleep, it came to me. A magazine was the way to go.
Shortly after came the first Myrtle Beach Area Shorelines , a 16-page glossy tabloid. The magazine grew and then we introduced The Virginia Explore and the following year added North Carolina to our original start-up and together became The Carolina Explorer . Over 17 years, we had a great run with our publications and eventually had an offer to sell. After the sale, Premier Travel Media called and said they needed someone who spoke Southern to write a few stories.
During the past 13 years, Premier Travel Media has grown considerably as we provide our clients with creative, proven ways to get their message to our readers. I’m extremly proud that during the pandemic we did not miss a print publication edition, including our custom publishing pieces.
It truly has been an awesome journey. From day one, I have thoroughly enjoyed the tour and travel industry. There are so many people in this industry that I owe a huge debt of gratitude. As much as things have changed in my 30-plus years, relationships are still the backbone of group travel. What’s on my mind today is having to say goodbye to it all. I’ve begun my retirement as you read this. Hope to see you on the golf course soon and don’t be surprised if I show up in your town on a tour.
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