Pabce13 conference guide final web

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Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.

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week at a glance

week at a glance Monday June 10

Tuesday June 11

Wednesday June 12

Thursday June 13

Other Events

Other Events

Breakfast Sessions 7-7:45 a.m.

Breakfast Sessions 7-7:45 a.m.

Computer Learning Lab 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ask the Consultant 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Premier Academy 9:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. 2-4:15 p.m.

Computer Learning Lab 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ask the Consultant 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Premier Academy 9:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. 1:45-4 p.m.



PFP and QUEST National Meeting 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions 9:15-10:15 a.m.

Concurrent Sessions 9:15-10:15 a.m.

QUEST Members Only 12:30-4 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Concurrent Sessions 10:30-11:30 a.m.

CLOSING SESSION: WHY NOT YOUR BEST? Terry Bradshaw 9-10 a.m.

Healthcare Innovators Collaborative 2-7 p.m.

Premier Academy Noon-4 p.m.

Exhibition/Premier Village/Luncheon 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m.

Exhibition/Premier Village/Luncheon 11:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m.


Other Group Receptions & Dinners Various times

Suppliers Only Reverse Trade Show 2-4:30 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions 3-4 p.m.



BIG DATA Nate Silver 4:15-5 p.m.

Innovation Celebration 6-8:30 p.m.

Culinary Creations Dinner Foodservice Attendees 6-9 p.m.

Networking Celebration 6-9 p.m.

Committee Meetings Various schedules Committee Meetings Various schedules Healthcare Innovators Collaborative 7:30 a.m.-Noon Sponsors of Affiliates 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sponsors of Affiliates Meeting & Dinner Noon-8 p.m. PFP and QUEST National Meeting 2-6 p.m.

Friday June 14

Rise-n-Shine Social Responsibility 5k Run/Walk 5:45-7 a.m.

ECONOMIC OUTLOOk George Will 8-9 a.m.


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cOnFeRence gUIDe

Welcome tO PReMIeR’S 2013 annUal BReaktHROUgHS cOnFeRence anD eXHIBItIOn!

ThE TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT: Strategy to Action June 11-14, 2013 - Henry B. gonzalez convention center, San antonio, tX

healthcare reform is here. At this event, learn about strategies, best practices and tools designed to help you manage it in ways that will transform care in communities all across America. here is an overview of the event offerings that will help you and your organization move from strategy to action: • 500 suppliers on the trade show floor who will discuss their latest innovations and help you make the most of Premier's contracts, ensuring even greater savings; • Plenary sessions featuring IDEO leader Tom Kelley, CNN senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen; “big data” guru Nate Silver; Pulitzer Prize winning author George Will; and football hall of Famer and Emmy-winning broadcaster Terry Bradshaw; • Premier resources and tools offered through the Premier Village, Premier Academy, Computer Learning Lab, and this year’s new offering Ask the Premier Consultant; • An integrated performance platform solution to help you effectively manage reform challenges in an integrated, efficient way: PremierConnect™; • More than 160 best practice knowledge sharing sessions and breakfasts offered by your peers and other experts; • The Innovation Celebration showcasing member-selected vendors who offer cutting-edge technologies; Ample opportunities to earn continuing education credit in your area of study; and • Formal and informal networking activities offered throughout the event.

Premier is your collaborative partner for effective transformation of healthcare – strategically and operationally. we are stronger together.


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geneRal InFORMatIOn

USIng tHIS cOnFeRence gUIDe This guide provides a comprehensive list of all of the functions, sessions and activities. Please use it to help you ensure a unique, valuable conference experience designed to meet your specific needs. geneRal InFORMatIOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 BReaktHROUgHS MOBIle aPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PRe-cOnFeFRence MeetIngS/eVentS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 cOnFeRence ScHeDUle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 netwORkIng celeBRatIOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 aSk tHe cOnSUltant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 PReMIeR VIllage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MeetIng ROOM MaPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 eXHIBIt Hall MaP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BReakFaSt SeSSIOnS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 InnOVatIOn celeBRatIOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 cOncURRent SeSSIOnS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 PReMIeR acaDeMY, cOMPUteR leaRnIng laB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SHOwcaSe YOUR HealtH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SUPPlIeR eVentS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 eXHIBItOR lISt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 DIVeRSe anD SMall SUPPlIeRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 gUIDe tO gettIng SOcIal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

geneRal InFORMatIOn HaVe a QUeStIOn? Just ask one of our Premier Ambassadors who are roaming the facility. You’ll know them by their blue Premier “Ask Me” shirts and their iPads.

RegIStRatIOn Registration is offered in the Collaboration Concourse South foyer, outside Exhibit hall C in the convention center. Remote registration kiosks are also offered at the Marriott Rivercenter and the Grand hyatt on Monday and Tuesday to accommodate pre-session attendees. Self-check-in kiosks are available during the registration hours listed below to allow you to register and print your name badge. Upon printing your name badge, please proceed to the GET CONNECTED desk to receive your badge holder, area of responsibility ribbon and meeting materials. Take a moment to review these materials and use them to create a customized plan for the week. Registration hours: • Monday, 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Tuesday, 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Wednesday, 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Thursday, 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

BaDgeS – IDentIFIcatIOn, netwORkIng anD Data cOllectIOn The non-transferable name badge that you receive at registration will feature a unique bar code and a unique PIN. These personal IDs are used to record attendance for CEU purposes, identify strategic needs, track participation in various activities, ensure appropriate follow-up, etc. Participants are required to wear conference badges at all times during planned functions. Attendees will be asked to enter their PINs at computer kiosks located outside concurrent, breakfast and Premier Academy session rooms. Bar code scanning will occur at supplier booths, the Premier Village, the Computer Lab and the Ask the Consultant kiosk.

“get cOnnecteD” RIBBOnS = MeanIngFUl knOwleDge SHaRIng There will be many opportunities to interact with other attendees during the conference. To ensure you get connected the right people, stop by the GET CONNECTED kiosk in Collaboration Concourse South to pick up the appropriate area of responsibility ribbon(s) to attach to your conference badge. Select the ribbon that showcases the most important job you do at your organization or select multiple ribbons that showcase the many jobs you do each day. These visual cues will help you easily identify those you most wish to connect with while you are at the conference. ThE TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT: STRATEGY TO ACTION

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geneRal InFORMatIOn cOllaBORatIOn cOncOURSeS north and South

> Print your boarding pass and keep up with airline schedules and;

Stay connected and current using the many tools and services that are available:

> Print listing and map of exhibitors by area of interest;

>> Information desk – Both North and South concourses – bring any question you have to the expert staff here. There are also three others in high-traffic areas.

> Get general conference information from staff at the information desk.

>> wi-Fi – Complimentary access is offered throughout our conference meeting space and in the Premier Village, so feel free to settle in with your laptop or iPad during conference breaks. There is no wireless access on the trade show floor.

> Register or update your profile on PremierConnect;

cOnFeRence gUeStS Conference guests may partake of all food functions for a fee of $150. The Culinary Creations dinner on Wednesday is offered to Foodservice Forum attendees only. Foodservice guests who pay the fee may also attend this dinner.

cOnFeRence eValUatIOn / ceUs >> Registration – South concourse only. Register for the conference at the easy, fast, self-serve kiosks. Staff at the registration desk are available to answer questions or help with issues. >> Innovators digital wall – North concourse only. See compelling videos from our most innovative suppliers in this unique area. >> Recharging station – Bring your laptop, iPad or cellphone to one of these convenient spots located throughout the venue to recharge your battery. This year we also offer a secure charging station with individual lockers for longer-term charging needs. North Concourse only. >> lounge seating – North and South. This area is filled with unique seating options that allow you to regroup, recharge and connect with one another. >> connection café – Make that connection with peers, suppliers, speakers and Premier employees by using the numerous helpful tools that are available here. Featuring our one-of-a-kind Internet bar, in this area you may: > Learn about or download the Breakthroughs conference mobile app; > Check your email; > View the most current ceU session approvals; > Print a registration list to see the breadth and depth of our conference attendance; > Print speaker bios; > Print handouts from concurrent sessions, breakfast sessions, the Premier Academy, or poster boards;

Continuing education credits are offered for most conference sessions. Types of credit and number of hours applied for are listed in this guide. Check the continuing education section of the conference website for the most up-to-date information about credit approvals. Evaluation surveys are required to secure CEUs – see below. There are two evaluation surveys – one for individual sessions and one for the overall conference. >> If you wish to earn continuing education credit, you must complete individual session evaluations to receive your certificate(s). Beginning Wednesday evening of the conference, members will receive an email message from with an invitation to complete a brief evaluation for each session attended. Once all evaluations are completed and you’ve notified the system that you are finished, it will calculate the total number of credit hours earned. Your certificate(s) will be emailed to you a few weeks after the conference. >> On Friday afternoon, all attendees will receive a different email invitation from regarding the overall conference evaluation. Your feedback will help us to continually improve the conference.

cOnnect tO PReMIeR anD tO One anOtHeR Premier is connecting the alliance on a whole new level. Members can connect to actionable data, to current knowledge and to each other – all through a unified technology platform called PremierConnect™. Register or update your profile at the Premier Village (exhibit hall), in the Computer Learning Lab or at the kiosks in the Connection Cafe.


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MaIn cOnFeRence MealS

room. Do not leave them unattended in meeting rooms or on the exhibit floor. Attendees should store luggage at their hotels on check-out day.

SPeakeR ReaDY ROOM The Speaker Ready Room (Room 205) is speaker home base. Speakers for concurrent and breakfast sessions must check in at the Speaker Ready Room to receive speaker materials and final instructions. Speakers in other sessions – including pre-conference and ancillary sessions and the Premier Academy – should check in with their primary liaison. hours/days:

MeetIng IntegRItY

>> Monday: By appointment

Please silence all devices (i.e., laptops, cellphones, smartphones, iPods, iPads, etc.) while attending sessions.

>> Tuesday morning: By appointment


>> Wednesday: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Premier is mindful of nursing mothers. The Quiet Room is 2089 (next to 215) Monday through Thursday and 1109 East Registration on Friday. Please sign up using the reservation sheet posted on the door.

>> Thursday: 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

SecURItY/lUggage StORage Please keep luggage, laptops, briefcases and other valuables with you at all times or locked in your hotel

Breakthroughs 101: Orientation to the conference

PRe-cOnFeRence MeetIngS/eVentS

>> Breakfast will be provided Wednesday through Friday in the Lila Cockrell Theatre foyer area and river level and concourse level common areas near meeting rooms (breaks in these common areas also). >> Lunch will be offered on the trade show floor on Wednesday and Thursday. >> Dinner foods will be offered Tuesday and Thursday evenings as follows: • Tuesday – Innovation Celebration, Ballroom C123 • Thursday – Networking Gala – Tower of the Americas, a short walk from the Convention Center

>> Tuesday afternoon: Noon-8 p.m.

BeSt PRactIce POSteR DISPlaYS Connect specific problems to efficient solutions via posters that will be displayed throughout the Convention Center on Wednesday and Thursday. Take a moment to pick up a quick tip on a key issue.


Convention Center, Room 211 Tuesday, 4-4:30 p.m. In this brief overview session, learn how to navigate through the program to create a customized learning/networking plan. Take a moment to be with us if this is your first time attending Premier's Breakthroughs Conference or if you just need a refresher.

The Breakthroughs mobile app includes the following features:

> Your personalized conference schedule and a full schedule of events; > Interactive trade show map and product category maps; > Attendee list and contact exchange; > Speaker and session information; > Session presentations; > Video; > General conference information and maps; and > Access to social media - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Download the Breakthroughs Conference mobile app on your BlackBerry, Android, iPhone or iPad now.

> Visit > Ask a Premier Ambassador > Scan QR code


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PRe-cOnFeRence MeetIngS / eVentS Monday, June 10 Member registration, connection café and information desk Three locations for your convenience! Convention Center street level, East Registration Grand hyatt, 4th floor, Texas Ballroom prefunction area Marriott Rivercenter, 2nd floor, Registration 1 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Supplier registration, connection café and information desk Convention Center street level, East Registration 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Speaker Ready Room Convention Center, Room 205 Monday: By appointment only PRe-cOnFeRence MeetIngS aScenD® committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon G, noon-5 p.m. cardiovascular committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon C, noon-5 p.m. Foodservice/college and Universities committee/k-12 task Force (Committee members only) Grand hyatt, Lone Star Salon A, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Healthcare Innovators collaborative Meeting (Collaborative members only) Convention Center, 2-6 p.m. General session: 007-AB Breakouts: 007-C, 007-D, 008-A Reception: Lonesome Dove, 6-7 p.m. Imaging/Radiation Oncology committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon B, noon-5 p.m.

Information technology Services committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon J, noon-5 p.m. large IDn group meeting (Group members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon K and L, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Materials Management and administrative Services committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon h, noon-5 p.m. national Pharmacy committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon I, noon-5 p.m. new member orientation (Invitation Only) Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 13-14, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. nursing committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon F, 1-6 p.m. Pediatrics committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon M, noon-5 p.m. QUeSt®/PFP joint national meeting (QUEST/PFP members only) Grand hyatt, 4th floor, 2-6 p.m. General session: Texas Ballroom ABC Breakouts: Crockett, Republic, Seguin, Texas Salon D Sponsors of affiliates meeting (Open to Premier owners and group affiliates) Meeting: Grand hyatt, Lone Star Salon B, 11:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Dinner: Grand hyatt, Lone Star Salon C, 6-9 p.m. Strategic advisory committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon E, 1-5 p.m. Supplier Diversity committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon A, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.


Surgical Services committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 17-18, noon-5 p.m. Value analysis council (Council members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon D, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

tuesday, June 11 Member registration Three locations for your convenience! Convention Center street level, east registration Grand hyatt, 4th floor, Texas Ballroom prefunction area Marriott Rivercenter, 2nd floor, Registration 1 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Supplier registration Convention Center street level, east registration 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. connection café and information desks Several locations for your convenience! Convention Center street level, east registration Convention Center Concourse 2nd floor outside rooms 214-215 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m. (extended hours in convention center area) Grand hyatt, 4th floor, Texas Ballroom prefunction area Marriott Rivercenter, 2nd floor, Registration 1 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Speaker Ready Room Convention Center, Room 205 Tuesday: 8 a.m.-noon, by appointment Tuesday afternoon: noon-8 p.m. Breakthroughs conference orientation Convention Center, Room 211 4-4:30 p.m.

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PRe-cOnFeRence MeetIngS aSc user group meeting (Invitation only) Grand hyatt, Mission B, 2-4 p.m. aScenD committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon G, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Materials Management and administrative Services committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon h, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. nursing committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon F, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

clinical nutrition Subcommittee (Committee members only) Grand hyatt, Bowie B, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

national Pharmacy committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon I, 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Data alliance collaborative board meeting (Collaborative board members only) Convention Center, 216-B, 9-11 a.m.

new member orientation (Invitation only) Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 13-14, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Data alliance collaborative meeting (Collaborative members only) Convention Center, 216-A, 1-4 p.m.

Pediatrics committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon M, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Foodservice/college and Universities committee (Committee members only) Grand hyatt, Lone Star Salon A, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Foodservice supplier session (Foodservice suppliers only) Convention Center, 214-CD, 1-5 p.m. Healthcare Innovators collaborative meeting (Collaborative members only) Convention Center, 7:30 a.m.-noon General session: 007-AB Breakouts: 007-C, 007-D, 008-A Imaging/Radiation Oncology committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon B, 6:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Information technology Services committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon J, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.



Premier academy Convention Center, 212-A, 212-B, 213-A, 213-B, noon-4 p.m. See Premier Academy section for details and schedule Premier System Survey collaborative participant meeting (Collaborative members only) Convention Center, 211, 8-11 a.m. QUeSt速/PFP joint national meeting (QUEST/PFP members only) Grand hyatt, 4th floor, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. General session: Texas Ballroom ABC Breakouts: Crockett, Republic, Seguin, Texas Salon D QUeSt速 national meeting (QUEST members only) Grand hyatt, 4th floor, 12:30-4 p.m. General session: Texas Ballroom ABC Breakouts: Crockett, Republic, Seguin, Texas Salon D

Reverse trade show (Suppliers only) Convention Center, Ballroom B, 2-4:30 p.m. Sponsors of affiliates meeting (Open to Premier owners and group affiliates) Grand hyatt, Lone Star Salon B, 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. PRe-cOnFeRence MeetIngS/eVentS

cardiovascular committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon C, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

k12 education task Force (Committee members only) Grand hyatt, Bowie A, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Strategic advisory committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon E, 8 a.m.-noon SUPeR USeR gROUP labor user group (Open to all attendees) Convention Center, Room 208, 9-11 a.m. Quality and safety user group (Open to all attendees) Convention Center, Room 209, 2:30-4 p.m. Social business user group (Open to all attendees) Convention Center, Room 209, 8-9:30 a.m. Supply chain user group (Invitation only) Convention Center, Room 208, 3-4:30 p.m.

Supplier Diversity committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon A, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Surgical Services committee (Committee members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 17-18, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. technology task Force (Task force members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 1-2, 3-5 p.m. Value analysis council (Council members only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salon D, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

All of our host hotels are a short walk away from the Shuttles from the Marriott Rivercenter, Westin Riverwalk Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, and we are and Hilton Palacio del Rio will run on a continuous loop anticipating that most of our attendees will enjoy the during the following times: walk to and from the convention center. However, Premier understands that sometimes there are mobility Tuesday: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. challenges. To answer that need, limited complimentary Wednesday: 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. conference shuttle service is offered to make getting to Thursday: 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. the meetings and trade show at the convention center Friday: 7 a.m. - 11 a.m. convenient and easy. Shuttle pick-up and drop-off area at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center will be at the North Market Street entrance of the Grand Hyatt.


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MaIn cOnFeRence tuesday, June 11 Opening session: the ten faces of innovation Tom Kelley, IDEO leader Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 5-5:45 p.m. Innovation celebration Convention Center, Grand Ballroom C, 6-8:30 p.m.

wednesday, June 12 walking/Running group Marriott Riverwalk, River Terrace Patio, 5:45-6:15 a.m. Zumba express! Marriott Riverwalk, River Terrace Room, 6-6:30 a.m. Member and supplier registration Convention Center street level, east registration Wednesday, 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. connection cafĂŠ and information desks Two locations for your convenience! Convention Center street level, east registration Convention Center Concourse 2nd floor outside rooms 214-215 6:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Speaker Ready Room Convention Center, Room 205 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Main breakfast Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Lobby and Lobby Bridge 6:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast sessions (Breakfast served right outside each room) River level prefunction, concourse level outside 208-210, concourse level Parkview 7-7:50 a.m. See Breakfast Sessions section for details and schedule. Regional collaborative breakfast (Invitation only) Convention Center, 214-C, 7-7:50 a.m. Supplier breakfast (Suppliers only) Convention Center, Bridge hall, 7-7:50 a.m.

Yankee alliance breakfast (Invitation only) Convention Center, 214-D, 7-7:50 a.m. lIDn breakfast (Invitation only) Convention Center, 216-A, 7-7:50 a.m. Storyboard displays Displays will be scattered through the lobby areas of the Convention Center 7 a.m.-7 p.m. – open for viewing c- Suite Forum (C-suite members only) Grand hyatt, 2nd level, Lone Star F, 9:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m. general session: the transformation movement: Strategy to action Mike Alkire, COO, Premier Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 8-9 a.m. aeIX strategic meeting (Invitation only) Grand hyatt, 4th level, Seguin AB, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. computer learning lab Convention Center, 214-AB, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ask the Premier consultant Convention Center, North Collaboration Concourse 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Premier academy Convention Center, 212-A, 212-B, 213-A, 213-B, 9:15-11:30 a.m., 2-4:15 p.m. See Premier Academy section for details and schedule. concurrent sessions Convention Center, river level and concourse level, 9:15-11:30 a.m. See Concurrent Sessions section for details and schedule. Foodservice concurrent session: Uncover the cIa secrets (Foodservice members only) Grand hyatt, hyatt Group entrance, 9:15-11:30 a.m. Supplier concurrent session Convention Center, Bridge hall, 9:15-11:25 a.m. trade show exhibition/Premier Village/luncheon Convention Center, Exhibit hall CD, 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m.


concurrent sessions Convention Center, river level and concourse level, 3:15-4:15 p.m. See Concurrent Sessions section for details and schedule. Foodservice concurrent session: Food allergies (Foodservice members only) Grand hyatt, 2nd level, Lonestar AB, 3:15-4:15 p.m. Supplier concurrent session Convention Center, Bridge hall, 3:15-4:15 p.m. general session and awards: wellness, empowerment and reform Elizabeth Cohen, CNN senior medical correspondent Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 4:30-6 p.m. aScenD reception (ASCEND members only) Convention Center, Lonesome Dove, 6-7:30 p.m. Foodservice reception (Foodservice members only) Grand hyatt, 4th level, Texas Foyer, 5:45-6:45 p.m. Pediatric collaborative reception (Collaborative members only) Convention Center, 007 Foyer, 5:45-7:30 p.m. clinical leader reception (CMOs and CNOs only) Grand hyatt, 4th level, Republic AB, 6-7:30 p.m. gnYHa reception (invitation only) Marriott Rivercenter, Salza, 6-8 p.m. Premier Research Services information reception (Open to all attendees) Grand hyatt, Presidio A, 6-8 p.m. Midwest and great lakes zone reception (Invitation only) Convention Center, Lobby Bridge, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Foodservice culinary creations dinner (Foodservice members only) Grand hyatt, 4th level, Texas Ballroom ABC, 6:45-9 p.m.

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thursday, June 13 walking/Running group Marriott Riverwalk, River Terrace Patio, 5:45-6:15 a.m. Zumba express! Marriott Riverwalk, River Terrace Room, 6-6:30 a.m.

connection café and information desks Two locations for your convenience! Convention Center street level, east registration Convention Center Concourse 2nd floor outside rooms 214-215 6:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Speaker Ready Room Convention Center, Room 205 6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Main breakfast Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Lobby and Lobby Bridge 6:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast sessions (Breakfast served right outside each room) River level prefunction, concourse level outside 208-210, concourse level Parkview 7-7:45 a.m. See Breakfast Sessions section for details and schedule. Supplier breakfast – continuum of care Convention Center, Bridge hall, 7-7:50 p.m. Storyboard displays Displays will be scattered through the lobby areas of the Convention Center 7 a.m.-7 p.m. – open for viewing c- Suite Forum (C-Suite members only) Grand hyatt, 2nd level, Lone Star F, 7 a.m.-noon

computer learning lab Convention Center, 214-AB, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ask the Premier consultant Convention Center, North Collaboration Concourse 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Premier academy Convention Center, 212-A, 212-B, 213-A, 213-B, 9:15-11:30 a.m., 1:45-4 p.m. See Premier Academy section for details and schedule. concurrent sessions Convention Center, river level and concourse level, 9:15-11:30 a.m. See Concurrent Sessions section for details and schedule. Supplier concurrent session Convention Center, Bridge hall, 9:15-11:15 a.m. Foodservice concurrent session: a food tour around the river (Foodservice members only) Grand hyatt, hyatt Group entrance, 9:15-11:30 a.m. clinical Strategic advisory committee (CSAC members only) Convention Center, 211, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. trade show exhibition/Premier Village/luncheon Convention Center, Exhibit hall CD, 11:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m. aeIX/Iac meeting (Invitation only) Convention Center, 006-B, noon-2:30 p.m. Supplier appreciation session (Suppliers only) Convention Center, Exhibit hall CD, 2:45-4 p.m.

concurrent sessions Convention Center, river level and concourse level, 3-4 p.m. See Concurrent Sessions section for details and schedule. Foodservice concurrent session: centralizing and standardizing food and nutrition (Foodservice members only) Grand hyatt, 2nd level, Lone Star Salon ABC, 3-4 p.m.

MaIn cOnFeRence

Member and supplier registration Convention Center street level, east registration 6:30 a.m -4:30 p.m.

general session: Healthcare transformation: think differently Susan DeVore, president and CEO, Premier Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 8-9 a.m.

general session: Big data Nate Silver, statistician, author, FiveThirtyEight blog Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 4:15-5 p.m. networking celebration hemisfair Park and Tower of the Americas, 6-9:30 p.m.

Friday, June 14 Rise-n-Shine social responsibility 5k run/walk hemisfair Park, 5:45-7 a.m. Zumba express! Marriott Riverwalk, River Terrace Room, 6-6:30 a.m. connection café and information desks Convention Center street level, east registration 6:30-10 a.m. Main breakfast Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Lobby and Lobby Bridge 6:30-8:30 a.m. general session: economic outlook george will, columnist, the washington Post Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 8-9 a.m. closing session: why not your best? Terry Bradshaw, co-host and analyst, Fox NFL Sunday and NFL legend Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 9-10 a.m.

aeIX Fac meeting (Invitation only) Convention Center, 006-A, 7:30-11:30 a.m.


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PReMIeR awaRDS HOnORIng HIgH PeRFORMeRS lIla cOckRell tHeatRe ThURSDAY, 4:30-6:00 P.M.

Each year, Premier recognizes the outstanding work of member and supplier organizations through a series of performance awards presented at the Breakthroughs Conference: QUEST Award for high-value healthcare, Supply Chain Excellence Award, Supply Chain Innovation Award, Supplier Pinnacle Award, Supplier Performance Award, Supplier Polaris Award, Supplier Diversity Award, Member Diversity Award, AEIX Risk Management Award, and our Supplier Legacy Award (new this year). Take a moment to honor your colleagues at this important improvement event.


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networking celebration hemisfair Park and the Tower of the Americas Thursday, 6-9:30 p.m. Soar to new heights as we celebrate a great week by networking with peers, guests, suppliers and speakers from across the country at this annual event designed to inspire interaction. Built to host the 1968 World’s Fair, both hemisfair Park and the Tower of the Americas, located on the south side of the convention center, feature 15 acres of cascading waterfalls, historic buildings and the ability to look out over the city at a soaring 750-foot level. Come experience the food, sights, and sounds of San Antonio at this one spot in the city you definitely have to see!

ask the Premier consultant

connect at greencorner

Need some quick advice on a critical issue? Stop by the “Ask the Premier Consultant” desk in the Collaboration Concourse

Premier – Practice Greenhealthy healthier hospitals Initiative

North for a complimentary

Collaborating for sustainability

15-minute chat. The

Stop by our table in the Collaboration Concourse South

consultant is IN!

Tuesday 12-5 p.m. and Wednesday 11:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m.


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we’re connecting! come see how at the Premier Village. the Premier Village is the place to: >> Learn how Premier is preparing you for the future, putting you well ahead of the curve; >> Complete your PremierConnect member profile to make your experience on PremierConnect all about you; >> Experience PremierConnect mobile, and connect to answers and to your peers anywhere; >> Learn more about next-generation tools and solutions in the areas of safety, population health, cost, supply chain and pharmacy; >> Connect with your field team liaison and other knowledgable Premier staff; and >> Pick up your 2013 Breakthroughs journal book.

Don’t know where to start? Stop by one of the information desks in the Premier Village and we’ll point you in the right direction. The Premier Village is located toward the center of the exhibit hall and is open Wednesday and Thursday during exhibition hours.


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annual trade show and exhibition

convention center – exhibit Hall c&D wednesday, 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m. thursday, 11:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m.

Strategy to Action

what do savings and reliable supply have in common?

PReMIeR VIllage

The trade show floor is the place to be Wednesday and Thursday with 500 Premier contracted suppliers showcasing their products and services just for you! Extensive arrays of contract categories are represented along with special sections for Foodservice Forum vendors, and diversity and facilities suppliers. Take advantage of our promotions directory to get trade-show-only deals on tons of products. Also, purchase items right from the trade show and save through the EXPRESSbuy™ program. Don't miss this prime opportunity to talk one on one with company representatives who can help provide solutions to your challenging needs.

Come visit us at the Collaboration Concourse North to find out. wednesday, June 12, 1-4 p.m. thursday, June 13, 9-11:30 a.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about our new pharmacy access program and meet the PremierProRx team!


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cOnVentIOn centeR MaPS HenRY B. gOnZaleZ cOnVentIOn centeR - StReet leVel

HenRY B. gOnZaleZ cOnVentIOn centeR - 2nd FlOOR cOncOURSe leVel


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cOnVentIOn centeR MaPS HenRY B. gOnZaleZ cOnVentIOn centeR - RIVeR & gRanD BallROOM leVel


gRanD HYatt - 2nd FlOOR

gRanD HYatt - 4th FlOOR


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eXHIBIt Hall MaP


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eYe OPeneRS START ThE DAY OFF RIGhT WAKE UP WITh A DYNAMIC DISCUSSION. These optional breakfast sessions run concurrently on Wednesday and Thursday morning.

wednesday, June 12 7 – 7:45 a.m. Streamlining and executing product conversions through global sourcing (Bkw-a) convention center 006 D Paul Ophaug, senior director, supply chain information systems, Banner health, Chandler, AZ Sue hellriegel, RN, clinical supply consultant, Banner health, Phoenix, AZ CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, hIMSS Disease specific certification: Designing and implementing a successful program (Bkw-B) convention center 007a Denise Gabel-Comeau, MhA, CBB, CCC-SLP, performance improvement manager, Cabell huntington hospital, huntington, WV Janet hill, RN, BS, CPhQ, performance improvement manager, Cabell huntington hospital, huntington, WV Kerstin Liebner, RN, MSN, senior outcomes specialist, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N

Building a bridge to the physician's office: creating a portal (Bkw-g) convention center 008 B Dr. Sandra Ogunremi, DhA, MSA, SCPM, CIM, CLC, MPM, administrator, project management, Regional health Physicians, Rapid City, SD CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, ASCLS, hR, RM, CPhQ, N, RhIA Improving continuity of care and quality through patient satisfaction (Bkw-H) convention center 208 Lynn Simons, BSN, RN, director of patient services, Sturgis Regional hospital, Sturgis, SD Lisa Wurnig-Johnson, PAC, physician assistant, Sturgis Regional hospital, Sturgis, SD CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ, N Outcomes research: late breakers (Bkw-I) convention center 209 Nancy Caragee, RN, MS, vice president, quality, Daughters of Charity health System, Los Altos, CA Frank Ernst, PharmD, principal, Premier Research Services CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, CPhQ, CME, N

engaging technology to reduce c. diff. (Bkw-c) convention center 007B Ann Marie Stein, RN, MBA, director of quality assessment and PI, Presbyterian healthcare Services, Albuquerque, NM Paula Wright, infection prevention manager, Presbyterian healthcare Services, Albuquerque, NM CEUs applied for: AChE, ASCLS, RM, CPhQ, N, RhIA

In the box: an innovative ltc pharmacy solution (Bkw-J) convention center 215 Linda Massie, executive director, Faith-Based Network, Wexford, PA Kim Kelly, MhA, NhA, executive director, Redstone highlands, Greensburg, PA CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE

Radiation dose reduction: Successful strategies for clinical engagement and acheiving measurable results (Bkw-D) convention center 007c Val Cronin, MhA, manager imaging services, Women and Children's hospital, Buffalo, NY Robert Pizzutiello, senior vice president, Landauer Medical Physics, Glenwood, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, ASRT, RM, CPhQ, N, RhIA

what's my practice worth: the value of valuation (Bkw-k) convention center 210 a Alex Fritz, senior manager, Blue and Co. LLC, Indianapolis, IN CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, hFMA, MGMA, NASBA

Innovative strategies to drive OR savings (Bkw-e) convention center 007D Susan Kreiss, CMRP, manager, contracts administration, Bon Secours healthcare System., Marriottsville, MD China Krupin, clinical value analysis specialist, Bon Secours healthcare System, Marriotsville, MD Beth Green, RN, region director, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, MM Organizational fear: tackling the elephant (Bkw-F) convention center 008 a Chet Wyman, MD, chief medical officer, patient safety and quality, Johns hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, RM, CPhQ, CME, N

washington update on healthcare reform (Bkw-l) convention center 006 c Blair Childs, senior vice president of public affairs, Premier, Washington, DC CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA Regulation rodeo! taking the bull by the horns to stay on top (Bkw-M) convention center 210 B Monica Ray, RN, MS, MBA, director, Premier Performance Partners Ramona Cheek, principal, Premier Performance Partners CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ


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thursday, June 13 7 – 7:45 a.m. getting the infection preventionist out to the gemba (BktH-a) convention center 006 D Nancy O'Connor,MBA, RN, CIC, manager, infection prevention and employee health, Salem health, Salem, OR Susan Schussel, RN, infection preventionist, Salem health, Salem, OR CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, N tackling pediatric length of stay: a systematic approach (BktH-B) convention center 007a Leonard Feld, MD, chief medical officer, patient safety and quality, Levine Children's hospital, Charlotte, NC Callie Dobbins, RN, MSN, assistant vice president, Levine Children's hospital, Charlotte, NC Glenda Wooten, RN, assistant vice president for patient care, Levine Children's hospital, Charlotte, NC Marsha Perrotte, senior clinical data analyst, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, N

Using protocols across a large geographic area: the South Dakota story (BktH-D) convention center 007c Susan McKinney, RN, clinical quality coordinator, eICU telemedicine, Rapid City Regional hospital, Rapid City, SD Pat herr, RN, director, eICU CARE, Avera health, Sioux Falls, SD CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, hIMSS, N enhancing patient satisfaction through healthcare room service (BktH-e) convention center 007D Michael Thorne, director food and nutrition, Methodist hospital, henderson, KY Carol Gabbert, RD, LD, clinical dietician, Methodist hospital, henderson, KY CEUs applied for: AChE, ACF, CDR, CDM, hR, CPhQ Managing the eD supply chain: a successful MRM system (BktH-F) convention center 008 a Doug Gadd, director, materials management operations, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Jerry houston, materials coordinator, emergency department, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, MM

coping with drug shortages and optimizing supply distribution across integrated health systems (BktH-H) convention center 208 Susan Bear, PharmD, BCPS, director clinical pharmacy services, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Kevin Isaacs, RPh, director of enterprise pharmacy services, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Dave Cecere, PharmD, MBA, system director, pharmacy supply chain, Allegheny General hospital, Pittsburgh, PA Lori Salac, financial analyst, pharmaceutical supply chain, West Penn Allegheny health System, Pittsburgh, PA CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, MM Doing more with less: technology, provider-driven care management and physician engagement with acOs (BktH-I) convention center 209 Alejandro Reti, senior director, population health, Premier Russell Olsen, vice president, product management, Phytel Matt Siegel, vice president, provider portfolio, Verisk health Darren Bovie, senior sales director, Activate Networks CEUs applied for: AChE

eYe OPeneRS

the eye of the storm: emergency response to hurricanes (BktH-c) convention center 007B Mary Mahoney, RN, MSN, CEN, bioterrorism coordinator and associate director, North Shore-LIJ health System - Network Emergency Management, Great Neck, NY RobertPicciano, associate director, corporate security and emergency management, North Shore- LIJ health System, Great Neck, NY CEUs applied for: AChE, APICE, CPhQ, RhIA

Journey to accountability: the top 10 lessons learned (BktH-g) convention center 008 B Michael heifetz, vice president, government affairs, Dean Clinic, Madison, WI CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA

leveraging the Premier construction portfolio for greater savings (BktH-J) convention center 215 Jim Venker, AIA, national director, construction services, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, ChFM Premier's e-procurement system (BktH-k) convention center 210 a Rick Schall, MBA, vice president, Continuum of Care, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, MM QUeStÂŽ for hospital top performance (BktH-l) convention center 006 c Carolyn Scott, RN, M.Ed, MhA, service line vice president, quality and safety, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ Flying lessons: learn how to soar with performance excellence! (BktH-M) convention center 210 B Monica Ray, RN, MS, MBA, director, Premier Performance Partners howard Nussman, principal, Premier Performance Partners CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ

Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.


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Are you interested in the latest healthcare innovations? Don’t miss the fifth annual Innovation Celebration! tuesday, June 11, 6-8:30 p.m. Henry B. gonzalez convention center, grand Ballroom c An unparalleled event featuring the most innovative healthcare advancements of 2013. Come mingle and experience 2013’s most inspiring innovations selected by members of the Premier healthcare alliance. Food and drinks will be served.

COME SEE US AT ThE CULINARY INNOVATION COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS Located in the Foodservice Forum area of the Exhibit hall wednesday, June 12 noon–12:30 p.m. – Brookwood Farms 2–2:30 p.m. – kellogg’s thursday, June 13 noon–12:30 p.m. – asian Food Solutions 1–1:30 p.m. – campbell Soup company 2–2:30 p.m. – Mission Foods 22 | 2013 ANNUAL BREAKThROUGhS CONFERENCE AND EXhIBITION

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cOncURRent SeSSIOnS Concurrent sessions highlight best practices and success stories which will help transform care across the Premier alliance. Presentations underscore the ability to replicate these best practices, leaving you with practical solutions that will have immediate impact. Design your schedule around sessions in a specific area or sample sessions from 23 different tracks that address your immediate challenges.

keY tO ceU accReDItatIOnS


Continuum of Care


American College of healthcare Executives


Evolving Pharmacy Solutions


Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education


Foodservice Forum



Eliminating harm

American Society for Clinical Laboratory Society…P.A.C.E.®


American Society of Radiologic Technologists


Integrated Care: Managing Population health


American Society of healthcare human Resource Management


Leadership for Transformation



Labor Management Excellence

American Society of healthcare Risk Management


Lean Strategies


Materials Management


Management Strategies


Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology


Outcomes Research


Certified Professionals in healthcare Quality


Operational Transformation


Certified healthcare Facility Manager


Physician Engagement



Patient Experience

Continuing Medical Education (physicians only)


Reducing Readmissions


Certified Dietary Managers, Registered Dieticians, Dietary Technicians, Certified Chefs


Risk Management


healthcare Financial Management Association


Supply Chain: Clinical



Supply Chain:Operations

healthcare Information and Management Systems Society


Supply Chain:Strategy


Medical Group Management Association


Supplier Diversity and Construction


National Association of State Boards of Accountancy


Nursing contact hours


Safety and Environment


Registered health Information Administrators


Systems-based harm Prevention


Technology and Innovation


Workforce Excellence


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keY tO SeSSIOn cODeS

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cOncURRentS | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 9:15 - 10:15 A.M. wednesday, June 12 9:15 – 10:15 a.M. Managing physician practices: How did they make it? (cOnw-cca1) convention center 210 B Rusell Still, MMA, ChPA, executive vice president, Medical Management Associates, Atlanta, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA Successful design and implementation of an antimicrobial stewardship program (cOnw-ePS1) convention center 215 David Jaspan, RPh, MBA, CCP, senior director of pharmacy, Union hospital of Cecil County, Elkton, MD Bill Stevenson, RPh, director of pharmacy, Oconee Medical Center, Seneca, SC CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE Sepsis: Heading off a known killer (cOnw-HRM1) convention center 006 c Panagis Galiatsatos, MD, leader, septicemia team, Johns hopkins Bayview, Baltimore, MD Joby Kolsun, DO, assistant vice president, quality and safety, Crozer Keystone health System, Chester, PA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, CME, N the journey to accountable care: lessons learned (cOnw-Int1) convention center 217 B Evan Benjamin, MD, FACP, senior vice president and chief quality officer, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA Sandra Festa, LCSW, LCADC, administrative director, AtlantiCare, Atlantic City, NJ LeAnn Born, MhA, vice president, supply chain, Fairview health Services, Minneapolis, MN CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, N, RhIA Driving quantifiable quality and safety results (cOnw-lDt1) convention center 217 c Manesha hathcock, RN, CCM, director of outcome measure management, Baptist Memorial health Care, Memphis, TN Chip harrison, RN, BSN, director, clinical risk management, St. Luke's University health Network, Bethlehem, PA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, CME, N

a strategic approach to labor expense management (cOnw-lMe1) convention center 209 Lindsay Durgin, MS, director, labor management, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Jacob Crawford, director, labor management, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, RM, CPhQ, hFMA, NASBA, N lean/Six Sigma tools to reduce costs (cOnw-lSt1) convention center 208 Wendell Osborne, director supply chain, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ a system that works! Regulatory readiness made easier (cOnw-Mgt1) convention center 008 a Cathy Carvin, RD, MS, CIhQ, regulatory compliance manager, Signature healthcare, Brockton, MA Monica Ray, RN, MS, MBA, director, Premier Performance Partners CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N Results from real-world Premier data: Promoting improved outcomes (cOnw-OcR1) convention center 218 Osama hamdy, MD, PhD, medical director, Joslin Diabetes Center, harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA, MACP, SFhM, chair, department of medicine, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Frank Ernst, PharmD, principal, Premier Research Services CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, CPhQ, N total transformation: Positioning your hospital for a successful future (cOnw-OPt1) convention center 008 B Nancy Adams, senior vice president, chief nurse executive, Western Maryland health System, Cumberland, MD Karen Stair, RN, BSN, director of cardiovascular services, Sacred heart hospital, Cumberland, MD CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N

Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.


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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 9:15 - 10:15 A.M. the correlation between physician engagement and quality (cOnw-Pe1) convention center 217 D Jeffrey Trost, MD, assistant professor of medicine, Johns hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Marc Larochelle, MD, fellow, general medicine and primary care, Department of Population Medicine, harvard Medical School, Boston, MA CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA, N, RhIA keeping the "patient" in patient experience (cOnw-PtX1) convention center 007 B Mary Ann Friesen, PhD, RN, CPhQ, nursing research coordinator, Inova health System, Fairfax, VA Brian Boyd, MD, medical director for palliative care, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N Stop the heart failure revolving door (cOnw-ReD1) convention center 006 D Michele Gilbert, RN, MSN, nurse practitioner, heart failure program, Bon Secours Charity health System, Suffern, NY Patricia Grunwald, PharmD, clinical pharmacy manager, Frederick Memorial hospital, Frederick, MD Anita Sultana, RN, MhA, CCN, Saint Anthony Community hospital, Warwick, NY CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

Does collaboration mean savings? (cOnw-ScS1) convention center 214 D Dale Locklair, vice president, procurement and construction, McLeod health, Florence, SC Craig Frazier, vice president, Sinai health System, Chicago, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA emerging trends for diverse and small businesses: closing the gap (cOnw-SDc1) convention center 216 B Chuck McMaster, contract manager, Adventist health System, Altamonte Springs, FL Deborah Williams, MSM, senior director, supplier diversity initiative, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, NASBA greening healthcare: not just for tree huggers anymore (cOnw-SFe1) convention center 007 D Crystal Saric, MPNA, sustainability program manager, Fairview health Services, Minneapolis, MN Wesli Waters, sustainability coordinator, Fairview health Services, Minneapolis, MN CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, N no babies before their time (cOnw-SYS1) convention center 007 a Ginger Ballentine, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, clinical informatics specialist, Roper St. Francis healthcare, Charleston, SC Karen Beggs, MSN, RN, CPN, performance improvement advisor, hackensack University Medical Center, hackensack, NJ Marsha Durbin, RN, MS, director, patient safety and quality, hawaii Pacific health, honolulu, hI CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N achieving clinical and operations process improvements with RFID (cOnw-tec1) convention center 210 a Al Loeffelholz, CMRP, logistics manager, Genesis health System, Davenport, IA CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hIMSS, RhIA


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leading change: closing the reimbursement gap (cOnw-Scc1) convention center 217 a Rebecca Sykes, senior vice president, CIO, Catholic health Partners, Cincinnati, Oh Susan Dowling-Quarles, principal, Premier Performance Partners CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA

extreme makeover: Making your supply chain lean (cOnw-ScO1) convention center 214 c Shirley Moler, RN, BSN, contracting director, Methodist health System, Dallas, TX Bobby hunter, inventory control manager, Methodist health System, Dallas, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, MM

wed. June 12 | 9:15-10:15 a.M.

complete pressure ulcer reduction: Is it really possible? (cOnw-RM1) convention center 007 c Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, FAChE, NEA-BC, vice president and chief nursing officer, Texas health Presbyterian hospital of Dallas, Dallas, TX Cynthia Ekes, BSN, MA, RN, NEA-BC, director of nursing, acute medical services, Texas health Presbyterian hospital of Dallas, Dallas, TX Debbie Kelp, RN, ADN, clinical staff in ED and radiology, Texas health Presbyterian hospital of Dallas, Dallas, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

| cOncURRentS

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cOncURRentS | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 10:30 - 11:30 A.M. Hardwiring organizational performance standards: creating a culture of accountability (cOnw-we1) convention center 216 a Daniel J. Mendez, MS Ed, director, education and development, Regional health, Rapid City, SD CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, RM, CPhQ, hFMA, NASBA, N, RhIA

wednesday, June 12 10:30 – 11:30 a.M. affiliate physician relationship and accountable care: creating a spirit of collaboration (cOnw-cca2) convention center 210 B Dawn Gulley, MSN, MS, PhD (c), president, Dallas Methodist Physicians Network, Dallas, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA the future of oncology drug expense (cOnw-ePS2) convention center 215 Louis Sokos, RPh, MBA, assistant director of pharmacy, West Virginia University hospitals, Morgantown, WV Michael Newton, PharmD, BCOP, clinical specialist - ambulatory oncology, West Virginia University hospitals, Morgantown, WV CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE Proven tactics for caUtI bundle compliance (cOnw-HRM2) convention center 006 c Luci Perri, RN, MSN, MPh, CIC, infection prevention manager, Carolinas Medical Center, Union, Monroe, NC Cynthia Shealy, BSN, RN, senior clinical excellence consultant, Memorial health University Medical Center, Savannah, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, CME, N Managing population health and quality: the role of primary care and PcMH (cOnw-Int2) convention center 217 B David Rinehart, MD, chair, primary care physician council, CaroMont health, Gastonia, NC Christina huitt, RN, MSN, ACM, director of quality, CaroMont health, Gastonia, NC Bruce hamory, MD, FACP, executive vice president, managing partner, Geisinger health System, Danville, PA

Nancy Rizzo, senior vice president, strategic clinical market development, Geisinger Consulting Services, Danville, PA CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, N, RhIA the journey to perfect care: achieving top performance (cOnw-lDt2) convention center 217 c Mary Ann Vincent, RN, BSN, MBA, vice president, quality and performance, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA Mary Fonville, MS, RD, LD, senior director, quality/risk management/patient safety/support services, Texas health harris Methodist Azle, Azle, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N Building a comprehensive labor management program in rural hospitals (cOnw-lMe2) convention center 209 Steve Long, CEO, Skiff Medical Center, Cedar Rapids, IA Jonathan Wilke, director of business development, health Enterprises of Iowa, Cedar Rapids, IA CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, hFMA, NASBA lean 101: coming in the door (cOnw-lSt2) convention center 208 Mark Leonard, MhA, FAChE, vice president and CEO, Norton Community hospital, Norton, VA CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ, N go with the flow: Improving the discharge process (cOnw-Mgt2) convention center 008 a Sean McMurray, MhA, FAChE, vice president and CEO, Johnston Memorial hospital, Abingdon, VA Courtney Cole, RN, administrative director of nursing operations, Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center, Mechanicsville, VA CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, N, RhIA Opioid sparing post surgical pain management (cOnw-OcR2) convention center 218 Scott Robinson, MPh, PhD(c), principal research scientist, Premier CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, CME, N cOnw-OPt2 no session scheduled


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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 10:30 - 11:30 A.M. Institute model: the next step in service line management (cOnw-Pe2) convention center 217 D Bob Pritts, MhA, service line administrator, Trihealth, Cincinnati, Oh Kathryn Eten, program administrator, Orthopedic Center of Excellence, Trihealth, Cincinnati, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA, N, RhIA Journey to excellence: every patient, every time (cOnw-PtX2) convention center 007 B Melinda Joyce, PharmD, FAPhA, FAChE, vice president, corporate support services, Commonwealth health Corporation, Bowling Green, KY Nila Getter, BSN, MS, RN, nursing product manager, Kettering health Network, Kettering, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N leading the country in pneumonia readmission success (cOnw-ReD2) convention center 006 D James Keegan, MD, CEO, CMO, Regional health, Rapid City, SD Randee Mason, RN, BSN, director of clinical integration, Regional health, Rapid City, SD CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CME, CPhQ, N

calling all contracts: Understanding legal risks (cOnw-ScS2) convention center 214 D LeAnn Born, MhA, vice president, supply chain, Fairview health Services, Minneapolis, MN Matt Pearson, JD, contract consultant, SSM health Care - St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Brad Williams, JD, contract consultant, SSM health Care - St. Louis, St. Louis, MO CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, MM, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA cOnw-SDc2 no session scheduled Don't be a zombie: Implementing mandatory influenza vaccines (cOnw-SFe2) convention center 007 D Jamie Swift, RN, BSN, interim director, infection prevention and inpatient wound care, Mountain States health Alliance, Johnson City, TN Debbie Dover, MBA, corporate director, human resources, Mountain States health Alliance, Johnson City, TN CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, hR, RM, MM, APICE, CPhQ, CME, N Success with asthma in pediatric population (cOnw-SYS2) convention center 007 a Leslie Doyle, RN, BSN, pediatric outcome specialist, corporate quality, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Olivia harris, MSN, RN, CCRN, pediatric asthma educator, Covenant Children's hospital, Lubbock, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N


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Value analysis "must haves" (cOnw-Scc2) convention center 217 a Steve Thomas, purchasing manager, Genesis health System, Davenport, IA Bill Myers, MBA, CMRP, director, materials management, Mission health System, Asheville, NC Susan houghtelling, system director, supply chain, Arnot health, Elmira, NY CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA

affordable care is here to stay: Is your cost reduction plan urgent enough? (cOnw-ScO2) convention center 214 c Jay Mitzel, MBA, executive director of supply chain, Summa health System, Akron, Oh Keith Ferguson, Performance Partner, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA

wed. June 12 | 10:30-11:30 a.M.

early recognition of delirium in trauma patients (cOnw-RM2) convention center 007 c Jodi Todd, RN, nurse manager, John C. Lincoln hospital, Phoenix, AZ Shelly Diana, RN, CCRN, ICU charge nurse, John C. Lincoln hospital, Phoenix, AZ Amanda McFarren, RN, BSN, staff nurse, John C. Lincoln hospital, Phoenix, AZ CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

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cOncURRentS | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 3:15 - 4:15 P.M. Disparate data and dashboards (cOnw-tec2) convention center 210 a Katisha harrison, MBA, clinical data analyst, Bon Secours health System St Mary's hospital, Richmond, VA Larry Lutksy, MA, PhD, research statistics analyst, Krasnoff Quality Management Institute, North Shore-LIJ health System, Great Neck, NY CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, hIMSS, N, RhIA Driving strategy through diversity, part 1: engaging veterans, communities, minorities (cOnw-we2) convention center 216 a Peggy Davis harris, BSN, MhA, assistant vice president, diversity and inclusion, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Randy Walker, vice president and chief diversity officer, henry Ford health System, Detroit, MI Jerome Richard, program manager, talent acquisition, Coca-Cola Refreshments, Atlanta, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, hFMA, NASBA

wednesday, June 12 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. e-procurement: cost-effective strategies for ltc and alternate site facilities (cOnw-cca3) convention center 210 B Linda Massie, executive director, Faith-Based Network, Wexford, PA Julie Prokop, membership coordinator, health Enterprises Cooperative, Cedar Rapids, IA CEUs applied for: AChE, MM Self-managed employee prescription benefit and specialty pharmacy (cOnw-ePS3) convention center 215 Ron Kitzmann, RPh, MBA, director of pharmacy, Park Nicollet Methodist hospital, St. Louis Park, MN Erika Milne, RPh, director of pharmacy, Park Nicollet health Services, St. Louis Park, MN Ray Young, PharmD, RPh, outpatient pharmacy manager, Kaweah Delta health Care District, Visalia, CA CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE Serving the food allergic customer (cOnw-FSD3) grand Hyatt lone Star aB Lisa Eberhart, RD,CSSD,LDN,CDE, dietician, University Dining, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC CEUs applied for: ACF, CDR, CDM

we own the fall: let's reduce the harm (cOnw-HRM3) convention center 006 c Barbara Mayer, PhD(c), RN-BC, CNS, director of professional nursing practice, St. Vincent Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA heidi Mix, RN, BSN, MS, director of clinical excellence and performance improvement, Rochester General health System, Rochester, NY CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N Bridging the case management chasm (cOnw-Int3) convention center 217 B Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, vice president, nursing, AtlantiCare, Egg harbor, NJ Janet Tomcavage, RN, MSN, chief administrative officer, GIO, Geisinger health Plan, Danville, PA Brenda hogan, RN, director, clinical outcomes, Maury Regional Medical Center, Columbia, TN CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, hIMSS, N, RhIA the future of nursing leadership (cOnw-lDt3) convention center 217 c Kathleen Davis, BSN, MBA, NEA-BC, senior vice president and chief nursing officer, Presbyterian healthcare Services, Albuquerque, NM Grace Sotomayor, MSN, MBA, NEA-BC, vice president, chief nurse executive, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N cOnw-lMe3 no session scheduled the lean toolbox in action (cOnw-lSt3) convention center 208 Nancy Medeiros, BSN, MBA, quality manager, emergency services, Southcoast health System, Fall River, MA Vikk Cabral, senior, quality data analyst CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ, N Integrated approach to optimizing Qualityadvisor in a system (cOnw-Mgt3) convention center 008 a Pepper Sobieski, RN, BSN, CPhQ, director of quality, hartford healthcare, hartford, CT Alexa Lee, MhA, CPhQ, Performance Partner, Premier CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N, RhIA


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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 3:15 - 4:15 P.M. cOnw-OcR3 no session scheduled Moving patients (and all QUeSt goals) to top performance (cOnw-OPt3) convention center 008 B Rebekah Wang-Cheng, MD, FACP, medical director for clinical quality, Kettering Medical Center System, Dayton, Oh Kathleen Mimnagh, MD, internist, Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, WV Kevan Quinlan, RN, BSN, CCRN, TNCC, clinical nurse manager, Kettering Medical Center System, Dayton, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ, CME, N, RhIA leveraging PhysicianFocus in community/rural settings (cOnw-Pe3) convention center 217 D Lori Dyess, RN, BSN, performance improvement coordinator, Sacred heart hospital, Pensacola, FL Jana McQuain, RhIA, MBA, vice president quality/risk, St. Anthony Shawnee, Shawnee, OK CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA, N Family advisors: Improving patient safety and experience (cOnw-PtX3) convention center 007 B Trish Cruz, RN, BSN, PhN, manager, evidencebased care and clinical outcomes, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA Kathlyn Kelly, patient experience facilitator, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

Innovative solutions for capturing sustainable supply chain savings (cOnw-ScO3) convention center 214 c Lana Smith, RN, MSN, corporate director, clinical contracting and value, Adventist health, Roseville, CA Christopher Wintrode, JD, MhA, corporate manager, contract management, SSM health Care - St. Louis, St. Louis, MO CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, RhIA Using value analysis to impact infusion therapy (cOnw-ScS3) convention center 214 D Janis Strickland, RN, CRNI, education consultant, St. Mary’s Good Samaritan Incorporated, Mount Vernon campus, an SSMhC hospital, Mount Vernon, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, N aligning minority supplier development with the corporate strategic planning process (cOnw-SDc3) convention center 216 B Lisette Davis, director, diversity services, Trihealth, Cincinnati, Oh Scott Dewire, director, materials management, Evangelical Community hospital, Lewisburg, PA Richard Gold, corporate director, procurement, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI Desiree hanson, supplier diversity program manager, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, NASBA the clinical and operational impact of construction (cOnw-SFe3) convention center 007 D Richard Bock, MSSM, CChM, facilities management senior specialist, construction safety, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Ken Morris, assistant vice president for corporate safety, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, RM, CPhQ, ChFM, N

Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.


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Premier Perinatal Safety Improvement Project: Outcomes and lessons from a five-year collaborative (cOnw-RM3) convention center 007 c Rebecca Price, CPhQ, claims and quality improvement project manager, Premier Insurance Management Services CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

Orthopedic trauma: the new frontier (cOnw-Scc3) convention center 217 a Dee Whittington, RN, clinical supply consultant, Banner health, Chandler, AZ CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, N

wed. June 12 | 3-4 P.M.

Planning for readmission reduction (cOnw-ReD3) convention center 006 D Pam Smith, BSN, RN, CNML, nurse manager, Trihealth - Good Samaritan hospital, Cincinnati, Oh Ama Omgba, LPN, BSD, MShS, team lead- care coordinator, WellStar Cobb hospital, Austell, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

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cOncURRentS | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 | 10:30 - 11:30 A.M. central line infections: keep out of the nIcU (cOnw-SYS3) convention center 007 a Dawn hosier, nurse manager, St. Luke's University health Network, Bethlehem, PA Renee Yatcilla, BSN, RN, registered nurse, St. Luke's University health Network, Bethlehem, PA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, CME, N

Bugs be gone: a comprehensive approach to infection prevention (cOntH-HRM4) convention center 006 c Vicki Allen, RN, MSN, CIC, infection prevention manager, CaroMont health, Gastonia, NC Nancy harless, RN, MSN, MPh, CIC, infection preventionist, CaroMont health, Gastonia, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, N

e-communications drive patient-centered care (cOnw-tec3) convention center 210 a Kelly Carter, MD, emergency physician, Johnston Memorial hospital, Abingdon, VA Pat herr, RN, director, eICU CARE, Avera health, Sioux Falls, SD Susan McKinney, RN, quality coordinator, eICU Services, Regional health, Rapid City, SD CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, CME, hIMSS, N, RhIA

Bundled payments: Improving quality and reducing costs (cOntH-Int4) convention center 217 B Karen Paluzzi, MS, manager of strategic planning and analytics, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, Mishawaka, IN Ginger hook, RN, MSN, system director of clinical informatics, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, Plymouth, IN CEUs applied for: AChE, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, RhIA

the good catch award: Implementing a culture movement (cOnw-we3) convention center 216 a Greta Baucom, executive assistant to the president and CEO, Stanly Regional Medical Center, Albemarle, NC Angie Charles, assistant director of quality and patient safety, Stanly Regional Medical Center, Albemarle, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, RM, CPhQ, N

the essentials of leading high-performance organizations (cOntH-lDt4) convention center 217 c Tom Tull, MBA, senior executive coach, Mountain States health Alliance, Johnson City, TN Paula Jacobs, MA, vice president, process improvement and innovation, Methodist North, Methodist South hospitals, Memphis, TN CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ, N

thursday, June 13 9:15 – 10:15 a.M. Supply cost reductions through product utilization and benchmarking(cOntH-cca4) convention center 210 B Cathy Spinney, senior vice president, member services, Yankee Alliance, Andover, MA Margery Turner, MBA, director, purchasing, Berkshire health System, Andover, MA CEUs applied for: AChE, MM creating system formularies: Synching electronic health records with a consumption database (cOntH-ePS4) convention center 215 Wayne Bohenek, PharmD, MS, FAShP, vice president for clinical transformation and pharmacy, Catholic health Partners, Cincinnati, Oh Sue Mashni, PharmD, BCPS, drug policy development specialist, Catholic health Partners, Cincinnati, Oh CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE

Managing labor: the new reality (cOntH-lMe4) convention center 209 Terence Manning, MS, director, quality operations, Western Connecticut health Network, Danbury, CT Jeff Varrone, financial analyst, Milford hospital, Danbury, CT CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, NASBA Using lean to design a discharge from triage process (cOntH-lSt4) convention center 208 Kevin Corrigan, director of emergency services, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC Teresa helfenberger, manager, Lean, Carolinas healthcare Systems, Charlotte, NC David Weih, RN, BSN, CEN, assistant nurse manager, Carolinas healthcare Systems, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N getting ahead of healthcare reform and saving millions (cOntH-Mgt4) convention center 008 a Laura Bell, BSN, MS, CPhQ, assistant vice president, quality management, East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, AL


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ThURSDAY, JUNE 13 | 9:15 - 10:15 A.M. Jay Walters, manager, process improvement, East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, AL CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N Improving suboptimal treatment in chronic pain patients treated with opiods (cOntH-OcR4) convention center 218 Anita Gupta, DO, PharmD, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Frank Ernst, PharmD, principal, Premier Research Services CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, RM, CPhQ, CME, N Success with unit-based care modeling (cOntH-OPt4) convention center 008 B Marti Martienssen, MBA, director of practice operations, Presbyterian healthcare Services, Albuquerque, NM Susan Sanches, RN, MA, Lean Six Sigma black belt, Presbyterian healthcare Services, Albuquerque, NM Kathy Ramson, RN, MSN, CCRN, NE-BC, vice president, patient services, St. Luke's hospital, Quakertown, PA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N, RhIA techniques in engaging and retaining physicians (cOntH-Pe4) convention center 217 D Vickie hauter, RhIT, CCS, senior clinical outcomes analyst, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA Sandra Ogunremi, DhA, MSA, SCPM, CIM, CLC, MPM, administrator, project manager, Regional health Physicians, Rapid City, SD CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA, N, RhIA

Mission critical: Data breach preparedness and response for healthcare organizations (cOntH-RM4) convention center 007 c Katherine Keefe, JD, lead, breach response services group, Beazley Group, Philadelphia, PA Alex Ricardo, client and broker outreach, breach response services, Beazley Group, New York, NY Max Perkins, underwriter, Beazley Group, Philadelphia, PA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, hIMSS, RhIA Value analysis: tools of the trade (cOntH-Scc4) convention center 217 a Steve Smith, MBA, value analysis data coordinator, Billings Clinic, Billings, MT David Valestin, MPh, senior director corporate supply chain, Cadence health, Winfield, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA ancillary areas: Don't do what you've always done (cOntH-ScO4) convention center 214 c Eddie Davenport, contract manager, Bon Secours health System, Marriottsville, MD Lisa McMillian, associate director, perioperative materials and sterile processing, University. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, houston, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, MM aScenD's mountain of opportunity: the journey (cOntH-ScS4) convention center 214 D Fred Genter, MBA, FAChE, vice president of supply chain management, Commonwealth health Corporation, Bowling Green, KY Brad Ward, director, corporate purchasing, Commonwealth health Corporation, Bowling Green, KY CEUs applied for: AChE, MM aligning minority supplier development to create innovation and cost saving (cOntH-SDc4) convention center 216 B Alex duBuclet, managing partner, The Exeter Group, Chicago, IL Dena Jackson, director, supply chain, Anne Arundel health System, Annapolis, MD CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, NASBA ThE TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT: STRATEGY TO ACTION

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Journey through the continuum: the carolinas readmissions story (cOntH-ReD4) convention center 006 D John Carew, PhD, assistant vice president, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Janet Greiwe, RN, MS, vice president systems management, Cleveland County healthCare System, Shelby, NC Shannon Jackson, MSW LISW ACM, director of

continuum of services, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC Andrea McCall, MhA, RN, CPhQ, director of quality management, post-acute care, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

thurs. June 13 | 9:15-10:15 a.M.

Practice makes permanence when hardwiring performance (cOntH-PtX4) convention center 007 B Tracy Gynther, RN, director, medical/surgical unit, West Georgia health, La Grange, GA Tammy Lynch, BSN, RN, nurse manager, West Georgia health, La Grange, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N

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cOncURRentS | ThURSDAY, JUNE 13 | 9:15 - 10:15 A.M. Do the drill and know your role: closing obstetrical safety gaps (cOntH-SFe4) convention center 007 D Melissa Eichelberger, RN, patient safety coordinator, Johns hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD Kimberly Shirley, RN, BSN, director, Women's Care Center, Warren Memorial hospital, Front Royal, VA CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, RM, CPhQ, N Improving surgical quality (cOntH-SYS4) convention center 007 a Melinda Ashton, MD, FAAP, vice president, patient safety and quality services, hawaii Pacific health, honolulu, hI Chieko Kimata, PhD, MPh, MBA, lead biostatistician/operation researcher, hawaii Pacific health, honolulu, hI CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, CME, N there's no MewS like good MewS (cOntH-tec4) convention center 210 a Denise Stover, RN, director, clinical informatics, Regional health, Rapid City, SD Erin Whitley, BSN, RN, nurse professional development specialist, Covenant health, Lubbock, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, hIMSS, N, RhIA High-fidelity simulations to enhance hiring ROI (cOntH-we4) convention center 216 a Bernadette Berney, director, human resources, Pullman Regional hospital, Pullman, WA Donna haynes, RN, MN, CNE, PhR, recruitment/staff education, Pullman Regional hospital, Pullman, WA CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, N

thursday, June 13 10:30 – 11:30 a.M. Integrating physician practices with system initiatives: the journey continues (cOntH-cca5) convention center 210 B Anita Phipps, FAhRMM, logistics and non-acute support services/interim CM, Bon Secours health System, hampton Roads, VA CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA Innovative strategies to enhance medication safety and consistency (cOntH-ePS5) convention center 215 Rebecca Cashette, vice president, nursing and patient care, Memorial healthcare System,

hollywood, FL Melinda Joyce, PharmD, FAPhA, FAChE, vice president, corporate support services, Commonwealth health Corporation, Bowling Green, KY CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE claBSI: Make it a never event (cOntH-HRM5) convention center 006 c Rebecca Mooney, RN, MSN, director, nursing services, Wayne Memorial hospital, Goldsboro, NC Myung Nam, MD, internist, Frederick Memorial health System, Frederick, MD CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, N caring for patients beyond the hospital walls (cOntH-Int5) convention center 217 B Peggy Blackburn, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, director, chronic care, CaroMont health, Gastonia, NC Lisa Clement-Bryant, RN, CDE, manager, diabetes and self-management education, CaroMont health, Gastonia, NC Cindy Moore, MSN, CFNP, director, Presbyterian home healthcare, Presbyterian health Services, Albuquerque, NM CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, hIMSS, N From new York to Hawaii: leadership collaboration drives results (cOntH-lDt5) convention center 217 c John Berthiaume, MD, vice president, hospital care programs, hawaii Medical Services Association, honolulu, hI Ageta Popovich, senior director of business information systems - procurement, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY Cindy Cadwell, RNP, CNS, director of performance improvement, Premier, honolulu, hI Ann Vayos, assistant vice president, GNYhA Services, New York, NY CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA labor approaches to improving safety and mobility (cOntH-lMe5) convention center 209 Jayanna DeWitt, RN, BSN, staff nurse, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA Eileen Pelletier, CAVS, director of volunteer services, hartford hospital, hartford, CT Carolyn Kelly, BSPT, rehab supervisor, coordinator clinical education, hartford hospital, hartford, CT CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, hFMA, NASBA, N


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ThURSDAY, JUNE 13 | 10:30 - 11:30 A.M.

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Departmental operational metrics: an undiscovered goldmine in pharmacy (cOntH-lSt5) convention center 208 Kyle Townsend, PharmD, BCPS, clinical manager, pharmacy services, Billings Clinic, Billings, MT Jeff Ferber, Pharm D, clinical pharmacist, Billings Clinic, Billings, MT Chelsea Grinols, operational excellence consultant, Billings Clinic, Billings, MT CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, ASCLS, hR, MM, CPhQ, CME, N, RhIA

Improving HcaHPS scores: nurse leader rounding through simulations (cOntH-PtX5) convention center 007 B Cayce Kaufman, regional patient experience director, Covenant health, Lubbock, TX Erin Whitley, BSN, RN, nurse professional development specialist, Covenant health, Lubbock, TX Kimberley Stunkard, RN, nurse professional development specialist, Covenant health, Lubbock, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N

creating scorecards to engage employees (cOntH-Mgt5) convention center 008 a Debbie Newman, MBA, CPhIMS, FhIMSS, director quality and performance improvement, Community Memorial health Center, South hill, VA Kim hunsinger, MhA, director, John C. Lincoln health Network, Phoenix, AZ CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA

comprehending self-care: are we sure? (cOntH-ReD5) convention center 006 D Napoleon Knight, MD, CMSL, FACPE, medical director hospital medicine, Carle Foundation hospital, Urbana, IL Douglas Grant, PhD, neuropsychologist, Carle Physician Group, Urbana, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, CME, N

a collaborative effort to improve total joint arthroplasty (cOntH-OcR5) convention center 218 Cheryl Fahlman, PhD, MBA, principal research scientist, Premier Arrica Van Citters, MS, research associate, Institute for healthcare Improvement, Dartmouth, Nh CEUs applied for: AChE, N

Purchased services: the next frontier (cOntH-ScO5) convention center 214 c Ron Collins, MBA, vice president, supply chain, University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, TN heather halbach, contract administrator, purchased services, Dignity health, Phoenix, AZ Robin Lincoln, director, group purchasing, WNC health Network, Asheville, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, RhIA


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leveraging PhysicianFocus in health systems (cOntH-Pe5) convention center 217 D Jennifer Brooks, BSN, quality specialist, Banner health, Chandler, AZ Jane Coleman, director, medical staff quality, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA, N, RhIA

collaborative strategies for managing physician preference items (cOntH-Scc5) convention center 217 a Dale Locklair, vice president, procurement and construction, McLeod health, Florence, SC Frank Smith, RN, MSN, CNOR, system director, clinical value analysis, Norton healthcare, Louisville, KY CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA

thurs. June 13 | 10:30-11:30 a.M.

Swimming upstream: Managing eD flow (cOntH-OPt5) convention center 008 B Denise Irizarry, RN, MEd, DNP(c), corporate director, patient safety and clinical transformation, Catholic health Partners, Cincinnati, Oh Pamela Jones, master black belt, Commonwealth health Corporation, Bowling Green, KY Michelle George, RN, assistant nurse manager, Emergency Services, humility of Mary health Partners, Youngstown, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N, RhIA

addressing patient allegations of sexual misconduct (cOntH-RM5) convention center 007 c Julie Ann hernandez, MhA, CPhRM, director, risk management and patient relations, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA Marty Jones, RN, director of regulatory compliance and accreditation, St. Joseph hospital, Orange, CA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

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cOncURRentS | ThURSDAY, JUNE 13 | 10:30 - 11:30 A.M. Savings beyond price: Utilization is the key (cOntH-ScS5) convention center 214 D Barbara Campbell, RN, MhA, CNOR, director, clinical cost improvement, Banner health, Chandler, AZ Robert Slesinski, value analysis coordinator, Carle Foundation hospital, Urbana, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, N Managing construction: applying supply chain methodologies (cOntH-SDc5) convention center 216 B Cheryl Smith, procurement manager construction management, Adventist health System, Altamonte Springs, FL Celeste West, vice president, supply chain, Adventist health System, Altamonte Springs, FL CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, ChFM Driving a high-reliability culture in a diverse health system (cOntH-SFe5) convention center 007 D Nancy Myers, PhD, system director, quality and clinical effectiveness, Summa health System, Akron, Oh Trish Enos, BS, BSN, RNC, CPhQ, manager of performance improvement and informatics, patient safety manager, Summa Akron City and St. Thomas hospitals, Akron, Oh CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, ASCLS, hR, RM, CPhQ, CME, N the safe birth journey (cOntH-SYS5) convention center 007 a Joseph CL Merola, MD, MPh, chairman, obstetrics and gynecology, St. Luke's University hospital and health Network, Bethlehem, PA Kathy Nunemacher, MSN, RN, CPN, CPhQ, quality coordinator, womens service line, St. Luke's University hospital and health Network, Bethlehem, PA Deborah Kilday, RN, MSN, perinatal/neonatal nurse practice specialist, WellStar, Marietta, GA Mike Mull, MD, obstetrics, WellStar, Marietta, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N technology transparency in radiology (cOntH-tec5) convention center 210 a Tom Kracus, 3-D imaging supervisor, Kettering health Network, Kettering, Oh Laura Schaefer, R.T. (M), breast center

technologist, Southwest General health Center, Middleburg heights, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, ASCLS, ASRT, RM, hIMSS, N, RhIA Driving strategy through diversity, part 2: engaging veterans, communities, minorities (cOntH-we5) convention center 216 a Jim Norman, diversity and community involvement, Kraft Foods, Chicago, IL Kaamilya Major, senior search consultant Abbott Labs, Chicago, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, hFMA, NASBA

thursday, June 13 3:00 – 4:00 P.M. Physician group purchasing: Sharing your Premier relationship (cOntH-cca6) convention center 210 B Ellen Kietz, executive director, Coastal Physicians Purchasing Group, Newport Beach, CA CEUs applied for: AChE, MM Strategies to reduce the waste and expense of immunizations and respiratory medications (cOntH-ePS6) convention center 215 Michael Prus, MSA, RRT, CTTS, administrative director respiratory, Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Suffern, NY Sarah Rall, PharmD, director of pharmacy operations, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI Michelle henderson, director of pharmacy services, Yankee Alliance, Andover, MA CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE centralizing and standardizing food and nutrition (cOntH-FSD6) grand Hyatt lone Star aB Lisa Schairer, MBA, RD, LDN, vice president, food and nutrition services, Aurora health Care, Milwaukee, WI Tonya Burnett, category manager, supply chain purchases services, Catholic health Partners, Cincinnati, Oh Becky Blackler, RD, LD, senior network manager, US Foodservice, Rosemont, IL CEUs applied for: ACF, CDR, CDM

Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.


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ThURSDAY, JUNE 13 | 3-4 P.M. Breathe easier without VaP (cOntH-HRM6) convention center 006 c Susan McKeon, BSN, RN, CCRN, NE-BC, patient care manager, ICU, St. Luke's hospital, Bethlehem, PA Ralph Duraski, director, pulmonary medicine, West Georgia health, La Grange, GA CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, N key variables in acO development: Successful approaches to MSSP (cOntH-Int6) convention center 217 B Jay Goldstein, administrative director, hackensack Alliance ACO, hackensack, NJ Rob Gerberry, JD, associate general counsel, Summa health System, Akron, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, hFMA, hIMSS, MGMA, NASBA the senior executive's role in understanding and optimizing drug expense in integrated health systems (cOntH-lDt6) convention center 217 c Don Mabe, RPh, MBA, MhA, assistant vice president, inpatient pharmacy, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Deborah hauser, RPh, MBA, network director of pharmacy, Einstein healthcare, Philadelphia, PA Michael Evans, RPh, director, ambulatory clinical pharmacy programs, Geisinger health System, Danville, PA CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, N cOntH-lMe6 no session scheduled

Mission possible: Medication reconciliation (cOntH-OPt6) convention center 008 B Bonnie Pitt, RPh, MAS, corporate director of pharmacy, Valley health System, Winchester, VA Sharon Tripp, manager, quality outcomes, Southcoast health System, Fall River, MA CEUs applied for: ACPE, AChE, RM, CPhQ, N, RhIA cOntH-Pe6

no session scheduled

Shining the spotlight on patient experience (cOntH-PtX6) convention center 007 B Jim Tune, vice president, clinical effectiveness, Ephraim McDowell health, Danville, KY Cayce Kaufman, regional patient experience director, Covenant health, Lubbock, TX CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, N Daily discharge planning: One day at a time (cOntH-ReD6) convention center 006 D Carol Everhart, RN, BA, MS, director, care coordination and quality initiatives, Western Maryland health System, Cumberland, MD CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N the Premier emergency department safety initiative: Making eDs safer (cOntH-RM6) convention center 007 c Michelle hoppes, RN, MS, AhRMQR, DFAShRM, senior vice president, AWAC Services Company, Lansing, MI Dan Fineran, SCLA, AVP, director of claims operations, Premier Insurance Management Services CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N


| 35


clinical dashboards to support quality outcomes (cOntH-Mgt6) convention center 008 a Suzanne Wilson, RN, MBA, director resource management, AnMed health, Anderson, SC Jacqueline Mikuleza, RN, BSN, CPhM, senior clinical performance analyst, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA

QUeSt members: Sharing QceIP results (cOntH-OcR6) convention center 218 Todd Canada, PharmD, BCNSP, FAShP, clinical pharmacy serivces manager, University of Texas MD Anderson, houston, TX Tong-Joo (TJ) Gan, MD, FRCA, FFARCS(I), vice chairman for clinical research, Duke University, Raleigh, NC CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ

thurs. June 13 | 3-4 P.M.

the skinny on patient safety (cOntH-lSt6) convention center 208 Jayme Gardner, BSN, RN, director of patient safety and accreditation service, East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, AL Linda Lineberger, BSN, RN, manager, clinical quality, Greenville hospital System, Greenville, SC CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N

| cOncURRentS

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cOncURRentS | ThURSDAY, JUNE 13 | 3-4 P.M. collaboration: aligning clinical needs in cRM/DIR services (cOntH-Scc6) convention center 217 a Celeste West, vice president, supply chain operations, Adventist health System, Altamonte Springs, FL Kelle Delgado, contract sourcing specialist, henry Ford health System, Detroit, MI CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, hFMA, hIMSS, NASBA, N, RhIA FDa unique device identification (UDI): Updates and best practices using gS1 standards (cOntH-ScO6) convention center 214 c MJ Wylie, senior director, medical device sector lead, GS1 US, Lawrenceville, NJ Teri Tyson, software specialist, Southwest General health Center, Middleburg heights, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, CPhQ, RhIA creating teams, removing barriers (cOntH-ScS6) convention center 214 D David Boyce, CMRP, assistant vice president, materials resource management, Carolinas healthCare System, Charlotte, NC Julie Eaton, FAChE, manager, materials distribution, Commonwealth health Corporation, Bowling Green, KY CEUs applied for: AChE, MM creating opportunities for small businesses (cOntH-SDc6) convention center 216 B Mark Scagliarini, chief supply chain officer, Yankee Alliance, Andover, MA Paul Lorenzetti, CEO, Corflex, Manchester, Nh CEUs applied for: AChE, MM, hFMA, NASBA Reducing c. diff: a collaborative approach (cOntH-SFe6) convention center 007 D Anusha Belani, MD, epidemiologist and chair, infection prevention, Frederick Memorial health System, Frederick, MD Leslie Allen, RN, BS, MSN, director, clinical quality improvement, St. Mary's Good Samaritan, Mount Vernon, IL CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, APICE, CPhQ, CME, N


Oh! the pressure (cOntH-SYS6) convention center 007 a Mary Ellen Dziedzic, MSN, RN, CWOCN, coordinator of wound ostomy, Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA Sonya Perry, MSN, RN, CWOCN, registered nurse, Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, WV CEUs applied for: AChE, RM, CPhQ, N automated data submission: Integrating quality measures into electronic health record systems (cOntH-tec6) convention center 210 a Gordon Moyer, RN, BSN, senior application analyst, Legacy health, Portland, OR Jan Gwin, BSN, RN, clinical applications analyst, Legacy health, Portland, OR CEUs applied for: AChE, CPhQ, CME, hIMSS, N, RhIA Staff-led interview teams (cOntH-we6) convention center 216 a Marilyn Singleton, BSN, RN, site manager, Trihealth/Bethesda Arrow Springs, Lebanon, Oh Paula Cubbage, RN, LPN, emergency department charge nurse, Trihealth, Cincinnati, Oh CEUs applied for: AChE, hR, N

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OPPORtUnItIeS Stop by and save! Don’t miss the special, limited-time purchasing opportunities with our Breakthroughs exhibitors Just for Breakthroughs, there are dozens of amazing opportunities to save beyond the regular contract pricing. Be sure to stop by the booths of suppliers offering promotions that include a special benefit, discount or other enticement, such as a trade-in offer, conversion incentive, rebate or free product with a purchase. Use your time on the trade show floor to also explore the exceptional pricing on featured products available through the EXPRESSbuy™ program. We are ready to process your EXPRESSbuy order right from the trade show floor and have the product shipped directly to you. For listings of which suppliers have a deal for you, please refer to the promotions directory and EXPRESSbuy catalog found in your registration bag.

new! Premier’s exclusive Value Priced Distributor program

Inspiring confidence through reliability

With so many varying price definitions among pharmacy distributors, it can be difficult to truly understand acquisition costs. Premier recognizes this challenge and has created the only Value Priced Distributor program in the GPO industry. Our program allows members to identify distributors who are committed to providing standardized pricing in contractual terms. Seven distributors have been awarded with the value priced designation. This classification reflects the commitment these distributors have made to delivering additional value to our members, for which we thank them.


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acaDeMY convention center - 212a, 212B, 213a, 213B Tuesday, noon-4 p.m. Wednesday, 9:15-11:30 a.m., 2-4:15 p.m. Thursday, 9:15-11:30 a.m., 1:45-4 p.m Designed for current users of Premier products and services, the Premier Academy offers detailed training on specific tools. Sessions are crafted to help users learn to use the tools with greater levels of expertise and skill, ultimately allowing them to use the tools to help improve performance.

computer learning lab convention center – 214-aB Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

The Computer Learning Lab is your opportunity to meet personally with a Premier subject matter expert to learn more about Premier’s products and tools. Stop by for some extra training or a hands-on, one-on-one demonstration. Come see how Premier’s solutions can help your organization integrate quality and safety, examine labor productivity and optimize supply chain value. We’ll be waiting to answer your questions or to guide you through PremierConnect™, QualityAdvisor™, SafetyAdvisor®, SpendAdvisor®, OperationsAdvisor®, Quality Measures Reporter®, Supply Chain Advisor®, SupplyFocus®, PopulationAdvisor™, NetworkAdvisor™, Premier Spend Control™, PhysicianFocus™ hospital, and ValueAdvisor®.


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TUESDAY, JUNE 11TH PAT-DI | Networking best practices to help you get the most from your OperationsAdvisor peers

Noon-12:50 P.M.


PAT-BI | PhysicianFocus: Beyond the profiles


1-1:50 P.M.

PAT-A2 | Social business - How connecting to others drives better outcomes

PAT-B2 | Quality Measures Reporter: Current and future

PAT-C2 | Supply Chain Advisor: Tips PAT-D2 | SafetyAdvisor: A day in and tricks for contracted suppliers the life of a clinical pharmacist (CLOSED SESSION)

2-2:50 P.M.

PAT-A3 | The 101 on 340B: All you wanted or needed to know and more!

PAT-B3 | OperationsAdvisor: Yes, your manager can be a benchmarking expert!

PAT-C3 | GHX's fast path to savings: Building dividends from supply chain transformation

3-3:50 P.M.

PAT-D3 | QualityAdvisor™: The ABCs of resources

PAT-B4 | SafetyAdvisor: A day in the PAT-C4 | Social business: How life of an infection preventionist connecting to others drives better outcomes

PAT-D4 | QualityAdvisor™: Building your analyses from the ground up


9:15-10:15 A.M.

PAW-A5 | Did you know?, Ask Dr. Supply Chain: Best practices in pricing / contract management

PAW-B5 | QualityAdvisor: Help! I need somebody…

PAW-C5 | PremierConnect roles: Getting the right information

PAW-D5 | OperationsAdvisor: Yes, your manager can be a benchmarking expert!

10:30-11:30 A.M.

PAW-A6 | Navigating non-Premier contracts: Best practices in creating, uploading and publishing NPCs

PAW-B6 | QUEST: Mind mapping mortality - a framework for reduction

PAW-C6 | Keep my projects organized! ValueAdvisor: The basics on Premier’s easy-to-use value analysis application

PAW-D6 | Quality Measures Reporter®: Current and Future


2:00-3:00 P.M.

PAW-A7 | Supply chain efficiencies: PAW-B7 | SafetyAdvisor: A day in Using MySpend from item master the life of a clinical pharmacist maintenance

PAW-C7 | The 101 on 340B: All you wanted or needed to know and more!

PAW-D7 | Social business: How connecting to others with PremierConnect drives better outcomes

3:15-4:15 P.M.

PAW-A8 | Unique device identification (UDI) and Its implications for healthcare providers

PAW-B8 | QualityAdvisor: Building your analyses from the ground up

PAW-C8 | GHX's “practical” best practice: What do top supply chain performers know (that you can learn)

PAW-D8 | Physician-Focus™: Beyond the profiles

9:15-10:15 A.M.

PATH-A9 | Did you know?, Ask Dr. Supply Chain: Supply utilization tracking and management

PATH-B9 | Understanding what's new in OperationsAdvisor: Ambulatory reporting, span of control, physician level benchmarking, entity level reporting, and corporate roll-ups

PATH-C9 | Take the hassle out creating a drug budget: Using Premier’s quick and easy drug budget tool

PATH-D9 | QUEST®: Post-operative respiratory success!

10:30-11:30 A.M.

PATH-A10 | What is the data telling me? Best practices and techniques for custom reporting using MySpend

PATH-B10 | QUEST: Mind mapping mortality - a framework for reduction

PATH-C10 | Know it all? Ask questions, share experiences and get answers on using Premier’s ValueAdvisor application.

PATH-D10 | SafetyAdvisor: A day in the life of an infection preventionist

1:45-2:45 P.M.

PATH-A11 | Reporting: Getting the information you need from SCA reports

PATH-B11 | QUEST: Post-operative respiratory success!

PATH-C11 | Failure to supply: The PATH-D11 | QualityAdvisor™: latest and greatest on drug shortages The ABCs of resources and use of the Premier FTS program dashboard

3:00-4:00 P.M.

PATH-A12 | PremierConnect: Improving performance through collaboration

PATH-B12 | QualityAdvisor™: To save or not to save… that is the question

PATH-C12 | Chain Standards: GLN & GTIN – From Introduction to Implementation




PATH-D12 | QualityAdvisor™: To save or not to save… that is the question

Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.


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E S A C W O SH OUR YHEALTH! Your health matters, and because Premier values the health of our employees, colleagues and communities, we are offering some fun wellness opportunities just for you!

Pedometers These are offered to all attendees and we have lots of opportunities for getting steps in at the Breakthroughs Conference. Here’s a way to track your steps! You can pick up your pedometer and learn about Premier’s employee wellness program during the following times at the wellness table in the Lila Cockrell Lobby where the general session is located or at the Ambassador Desk any other time. Tuesday, June 11: 4:30-5:15 p.m. and 6-6:30 p.m. (before and after the general session) Wednesday, June 12: 7:30-9:15 a.m. (before and after the general session) Stop by the wellness table Friday from 7:30-9 a.m. before the general session to enter your name and step count from your pedometer. Your information will be entered in a drawing to win fabulous fitness-inspired products!

Zumba Express! Open to all attendees. Beverages and healthy snacks will be supplied. Join our certified Zumba instructor for a high-energy Zumba workout before sessions begin on each day of the conference. Get your heart pumping as you move to the beat of fast-paced Zumba music. Zumba will be offered in the Terrace Room at the Marriott Riverwalk. Wednesday, June 12: 6-6:30 a.m. Thursday, June 13: 6-6:30 a.m. Friday, June 14: 6:30-7 a.m.

Walking/Running Group Open to all attendees. Beverages and healthy snacks will be supplied. Come try out an informal walk/run in the morning to see the sun rise along with your heart rate! Walking/running group will meet at the River Terrace Patio at the Marriott Riverwalk. Wednesday, June 12: 5:30-6:15 a.m. Thursday, June 13: 5:30-6:15 a.m.

Annual Rise-n-Shine Social Responsibility 5k Run/Walk Open to all attendees. Beverages and healthy snacks will be supplied.Premier will donate $10 to a sanctioned local charity on behalf of each 5K participant. The 5k will take place at HemisFair Park – adjacent to the south side of the convention center. Friday, June 14: 5:45 a.m.

Take time for your own health and well-being at this year’s Breakthroughs Conference. Earn a Wellness Participant ribbon by participating in at least one of these offerings, and show off your commitment to health!


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SUPPlIeR OnlY eVentS Thank you! We don’t take your willingness to contract with us and to showcase your products and services at our trade show for granted. We appreciate all you do to lower costs for our members while delivering quality products and services. We have designed exclusive supplier events and sessions to give you content and interactions most relevant to you and your contractual relationship with Premier. Here’s your chance to recharge your connection with Premier by engaging with our members, leaders and staff throughout the conference.




2 - 4:30 p.m.

Field Services - Reverse trade show

Ballroom B




7 - 7:50 a.m.

Breakfast session - Field Services Coffee, eggs and bagels with slices of sound advice

Bridge Hall

9:15 - 10:15 a.m.

Premier leadership - The 411 on S2S Global: A direct conversation about our direct sourcing strategy

Bridge Hall

10:20 - 11:20 a.m.

Supply chain leadership - Realigned and reloaded: Our resolve to be the best... together

Bridge Hall

11:45 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Trade show and luncheon

Exhibit Halls C & D

3:15 - 4:15 p.m.

Thought leadership - The reform shake-up: Driving your relevance in today’s changing world. Hosted by Premier’s Healthcare Innovators Collaborative

Bridge Hall




7 - 7:50 a.m.

Breakfast session - Continuum of care - Outside the box: The case for pursuing business beyond the hospital walls

Bridge Hall

9:15 - 10 a.m.

Thought leadership - Economic Outlook: Indicators and trends impacting your customers and what it means for you

Bridge Hall

10:10 - 11:15 a.m.

Premier members - Voice of the customer: Business you want to win and how to do it

Bridge Hall

11:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Trade show and luncheon

Exhibit Halls C & D

3 - 4 p.m.

Supplier appreciation reception

Exhibit Halls C & D

Wednesday, June 12

Thursday, June 13


Information in this conference guide is current as of May 22, 2013.


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2013 eXHIBItOR/BOOtH # lISt

3M - 940 3M Foodservice - 2237 Abbott Nutrition - 2504 Action Bag Company - 753 Acute Care Pharmaceuticals - 1323 Advance Medical Designs, Inc. - 512 Advanced Biologics - 1350 AdvancePierre Foods - 2914 AFFLINK - 1521 Agfa healthCare - 744 Airgas Puritan Medical - 920 Akorn Pharmaceuticals - 911 Akrimax Pharmaceuticals - 841 Aladdin Temp-Rite - 2338 AllCare, Inc. - 856 Allergan Medical - 622 Alliance Tech Medical, Inc - 638 Alvogen - 1247 Ambu Inc. - 1356 AMD-Ritmed Inc - 918 Ameda Breastfeeding Products - 329 American health Packaging - 740 American hotel Register Company 731 American Medical Depot - 917 American Office Products Distributors, Inc. - 854 American Product Distributors, Inc. (APD) - 1055 American Regent - 1327 American Solutions for Business - 1038 American Surgical Specialties Company - 745 AmerisourceBergen - 628 Amgen Inc. - 1612 Amico Corporation - 738 AMNEAL PhARMACEUTICALS - 1117 Amsan - 1436 Anchor Packaging, Inc. - 2229 Andover healthcare, Inc. - 447 AngioDynamics - 330 Angiotech - 741 Ansell healthcare - 1219 Apotex Corp - 1413 Applied Medical - 1319 ARAMARK healthcare Technologies 1238 ARKRAY - 544 ARUP Laboratories - 730 Asian Food Solutions, Inc. - 2224 Aspen Surgical, A Company of hillRom - 445 Astellas Pharma US, Inc. - 1345 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals - 737 AT&T - 1614 B&G Foods Inc. - 2117 B. Braun Medical (Aesculap, B. Braun, CAPS) - 1023 Barilla America - 2120 Basic American Foods - 2239

as of May 16, 2013

Bausch Lomb - 1348 Baxter healthcare Corporation 1417 BAYER hEALThCARE - 322 BD - 1409 Beckman Coulter Inc - 441 Bedford Laboratories - 614 Berry Plastics Corporation - 2335 Best Medical - 921 BidMed - 1054 bioMerieux, Inc. - 944 Bio-Rad Laboratories - 620 Biotronic NeuroNetwork - 541 BIOTRONIK, Inc. - 1432 Biovigil hygiene Technologies, LLC -1330 BLOXR - 845 Blue Bunny - 2213 Boehringer-Ingelheim - 618 Bosco's Pizza Co - 2809 Boston Scientific Corporation - 317 Bracco Diagnostics Inc. - 721 Brandz, Inc. DBA: Bamboo Studio - 2227 Brasseler USA - 912 Bridgford Foods Corporation - 2241 Bristol-Myers Squibb - 1355 Brookwood Farms BBQ - 2226 BSI healthcare Services - 1611 BSN medical - 1232 Burry Foods - 2407 Butter Buds - 2508 C. R. Bard, Inc. - 1314 Cadence Pharmaceuticals, Inc - 539 Cambro Manufacturing - 2412 Campbell's Foodservice - 2906 Cardinal health - 1209 Cardinal health OptiFreight Logistics 1112 Care Line Inc. - 1244 CareFusion - 1114 Carestream health, Inc. - 720 Caribou Coffee Company, Inc. - 3003 Carolon Company - 713 Cascades Tissue Group- IFC Disposables - 2214 Cazador LLC - 1155 CDW - 339 Centurion Medical Products - 842 Centurion Service Group - 621 Cepheid - 1119 Certol International - 1153 Chandler Foods, Inc. - 2219 Chem-Aqua Inc - 1522 Cintas Corporation - 1621 Clean harbors - 1442 Coca-Cola - 2615 Coffee, Tea & Me - 2405 Coloplast - 1510 Common CENTS Solutions - 2208 COMPRESSION ThERAPY CONCEPTS - 1150


Computrition, Inc. - 2210 ConAgra Foods - 2507 CONMED - 1341 Contec, Inc - 623 Continental Mills - 2130 Contract Management Strategies - 1318 ConvaTec - 1815 Cook Medical - 435 CORFLEX INC - 641 Covidien - 823 Covis Pharmaceuticals - 515 CryoLife - 519 Curbside hospitality - 1624 Custom Culinary, Inc. - 2235 CUSTOMED USA, LLC - 855 Dana Products, Inc. - 1429 Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc. - 1715 Dart Container - 2310 DeRoyal - 442 Detecto Scale - 736 DFINE Inc. - 415 Diamond Crystal Sales - 2301 Dinex Carlisle - 2509 Diversey, Inc. - 1537 DJO GLOBAL - 1229 DM Systems, Inc - 852 Dole Packaged Foods - 3007 Dr. Reddy's Laboratories - 1358 Draeger Medical - 310 Durfold Corporation - 755 Eco Products - 2606 Ecolab - 2337 Ecolab Healthcare - 1329 ECRI Institute - 1438 Edwards Lifesciences - 1017 Eisai, Inc. - 1331 Ekahau Inc. - 1020 Eli Lilly U.S.A - 1338 Encompass Group, LLC - 1211 EndoChoice, Inc. - 1811 Energizer Battery Co. - 1245 EnerNOC - 1340 EZ Way, Inc - 338 Farmer Bros Co - 2406 Fastenal Company - 1656 FDSI LOGISTICS - 1313 FedEx Healthcare Solutions - 315 FFF Enterprises - 1509 FGF Brands - 2607 First Healthcare Products - 1021 Fisher HealthCare - 1610 Fit Foodz / Cass Ventures - 2217 Florajen Probiotics / American Lifeline, Inc. - 548 Florida's Natural Growers - 2135 Follett Corporation - 535 Forbo Flooring Systems - 1618 Freedom Medical Inc - 540 FreemanWhite - 1544 French's Foodservice - 2311

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2013 eXHIBItOR/BOOtH # lISt

IMS, Integrated Medical Systems - 1433 Indian harvest - 2137 Innovative healthcare Corporation 850 Instrumentation Laboratory - 413 INTEGRA - 1339 Inteplast Group - 1628 International Business Solutions Alliance - 945 Ivera Medical Corporation - 1317 J & J Snack Foods - 2103 J.R. Simplot - 2211 Javo Beverage - 2807 Jennie-O Turkey Store - 2234 Jeron Electronic Systems, Inc. - 636 JhP Pharmaceuticals - 448 Joerns healthcare - 1145 Johnson & Johnson a Family of Companies - 726 Johnsonite (A Tarkett Company) - 1530 JTM Food Group - 2300 KCI - 631 Kellogg's Food Away From home 2207 Ken's Foods - 2905 Kent Precision Foods Group, Inc. - 2128 Kentec Medical, Inc. - 1448 Kerma Medical Products, Inc. - 1053 Kimberly-Clark - 1141 Knouse Foods Inc. - 3001 Koch Filter Corporation - 1648 KONE Inc. - 1636 Konica Minolta - 409 Kraft Foods Group - 3013 Laboratory Corporation of America 1421 Laboratory Supply Company - 1222 Lakeside Manufacturing, Inc. - 758 Lakeside Mfg. - 858 Lamb Weston - 2113 Land O'Lakes, Inc. - 2308 Landauer, Inc. - 718 Lantheus Medical Imaging - 840 LaserBand - 1018 Leahy-IFP - 2410 Lemon-X Corporation - 2339 LifeNet health - 537 Linde LifeGas - 1538 Linet Americas - 321 LSL Industries Inc. - 1255 Major Pharmaceuticals - 1014 Mallinckrodt, a Pharmaceuticals business of Covidien - 1422 Masimo - 1353 MASS Medical Storage - 1328 MBI Worldwide - 1052 McKee Foods Corporation - 2129 McKesson - 1241 MD Buyline - 323 MDM healthcare - 418

Mead Johnson Nutrition - 2904 Mectra Labs, Inc. - 1253 Medefil, Inc. - 1154 MEDELA, INC. - 717 Medgluv Inc. - 750 Medical Action Industries, Inc. - 1311 Medical Components - 1814 Medical Optics, Inc - 619 Medi-Tech International Corp. - 953 Medivators - 1044 Medline Industries Inc. - 1136 Medtronic, Inc. - 632 Merck - 320 Meridian Bioscience, Inc. - 344 Merit Medical Systems - 1514 Metrex Research - 1709 Metro - 809 Michael Foods Inc. - 2340 Michael's Bakery Products, LLC - 2134 Midmark Corporation - 517 MileStone healthcare - 1148 Mission Foods - 3004 Mobile Instrument Service - 1056 Molnlycke health Care - 626 MOM Brands Sales, LLC - 2306 Monaghan Medical Corporation - 910 Mondelez International - 3011 Moog Medical Devices Group - 2908 Morris & Dickson - 609 MYCO Medical - 421 Mylan, Inc. - 332 Nardone Brothers Baking Co., Inc. 2230 NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION & CONTRACTING - 1512 Nations Roof - 1546 NestlĂŠ health Science / Optifast - 1258 Nestle healthCare Nutrition - 2106 Nestle Infant Nutrition - 2107 Nestle Professional - 2102 Nestle Professional Vitality - 2100 Nestle Waters - 2104 NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY 1524 Nihon Kohden America - 424 Nonin Medical Inc. - 1437 Northwest Companies Inc. - 1545 Novartis - 1240 Novartis Consumer health, Inc. - 1012 Nurture by Steelcase - 1617 Ocean Spray Cranberries - 2326 Octapharma - 318 Office Depot - 814 OfficeMax - 513 OFS Brands - 1529 Ole Mexican Foods, Inc. - 2114 Olympus America Inc. - 1414 Omnicell Inc. - 1712 Orkin Commercial Services - 1120 Orthofix Inc. - 309



Friends Business Source - 319 FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA, Inc. 1236 Future health Concept's - 613 Garden Protein International - 2609 GE healthcare - 948 Genentech/Roche Diagnostics - 437 General Mills Foodservice - 2111 Georgia Pacific- Cutlery - 2304 Georgia Pacific Professional - 1158 GhX - 1309 Gilly vending, inc - 2808 Glidden Professional Paints - 1650 GOJO Industries Inc. - 333 Grainger - 1523 Graniti Vicentia LLC - 1536 Graybar - 1527 Gregory Packaging Inc. - 2132 Greiner Bio-One - 1326 Grifols - 1412 GUARANTEED RETURNS - 722 Gurtler Industries, Inc. - 1336 h. D. Smith - 547 handgards - 3012 harmony Valley (Custom Blending) 3006 hayes, Inc. - 1050 hCES - 1646 health o meter Professional Scales 637 health Robotics - 1212 heinz North America - 2329 hemoCue America - 345 henry Schein - 1615 heritage Bag Company - 1542 heritage Environmental Services, LLC. 1550 heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc - 1256 herman Miller - 1526 hhA Services - 1622 high Liner Foods - 2802 hill-Rom - 444 hilton Publishing Inc. - 314 hoffmaster Group, Inc. - 2139 hollister Incorporated - 1223 hologic - 617 hON / Allsteel / Gunlocke / Paoli 1454 hospira Worldwide, Inc. - 524 hoverTech International - 545 hTL-Strefa Inc. - 521 huhtamaki / Chinet - 2122 hygia health Services - 951 IBM - 1237 ICU Medical, Inc. - 1609 IDS - Integrated Document Solutions 1321 I-Flow, LLC - 1139 iMedX - 538 Immucor - 1041

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2013 eXHIBItOR/BOOtH # lISt

Oscor Inc. - 611 Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc. - 2232 Owens & Minor - 1430 Pactiv LLC - 2327 PAR Excellence Systems - 438 Par Pharmaceutical - 1513 Patterson Medical/Sammons Preston 331 Pawling Corporation - 1638 PC Connection, Your healthconnection Partner - 647 PDI - 1259 PDS - 838 Pedigo - 1427 Peet's Coffee - 2204 PepsiCo Foodservice - 2814 Pfizer Injectables - 1444 PharMEDium Services, LLC - 542 PhILIPS hEALThCARE - 1221 Phoenix Controls - 821 Phoenix Textile Corporation - 1548 Physio-Control, Inc - 1310 Phytel - 1359 Pilgrims - 2907 Pinnacle Foods Group LLC - 3008 Piramal Critical Care - 518 PNC healthcare - 848 Pop-A-Lock - 1633 POSEY COMPANY - 1812 Positive Promotions - 810 Praxair healthcare Services - 1220 Precept Medical Products - 956 Precision Dynamics Corporation - 422 Premier Foodservice - 2317 Premier Guard, LLC - 417 Premier healthcare Processing - 732 PREZIO health - 1714 Print Media, Inc. - 1156 Private Eyes, Inc. - 1344 Procter & Gamble - Duracell - 327 Procter & Gamble / Pampers - 326 Procter Gamble Professional - 1620 Professional hospital Supply, Inc. - 909 Quest Diagnostics Incorporated - 1013 Quotient Biodiagnostics - 1312 R D Plastics Company, Inc. - 1152 Randox Laboratories-US Ltd. - 1230 Rauland-Borg Corporation - 436 Renovo Solutions - 1218 Resers Fine Foods - 2409 Rexel - 1644 RF Surgical Systems, Inc. - 640 Rhodes Pharmaceuticals LP - 747 Rich Products - 2505 Ricoh Americas Corporation - 1710 RightSourcing - 1711 Rochester Meat Co - 2307 Rochester Medical Corporation - 347

as of May 16, 2013

Roxane Laboratories, Inc. - 1019 Royal Paper Products, Inc. - 2112 S2S Global - 1226 Sabert Corporation - 2127 Sage Products Inc - 820 Sagent Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 1045 Salix Pharmaceuticals - 523 Sandoz Inc. - 1452 Sanofi - 645 Sanofi Pasteur - 644 Sara Lee Foodservice - 2330 Sarstedt, Inc. - 1015 Scale-Tronix - 1231 Schwan's Foodservice, Inc. - 2415 Scotsman Ice Systems - 1627 seca Corporation - 414 Sempermed USA, Inc. - 1322 Seneca Medical - 1428 Sexauer - 1435 ShARED IMAGING - 536 Shasta Foodservice - 2233 Shred-it - 1528 Siemens - 936 Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 1411 Signature Breads Inc. - 2324 SIMPLY FRESh FRUIT - 2109 Sizewise - 312 Skytron - 1347 Smith & Nephew, Inc. - 719 Smiths Medical - 335 Smucker Foodservice - 2334 Snyder's-Lance - 2119 Solo Cup - 2133 Spartan Chemical Company, Inc. - 1635 SR products - 1332 St. Jude Medical - 311 Standard Register healthcare - 812 Standard Textile Co., Inc. - 1626 Stanley healthcare Solutions - formerly AeroScout - 1520 Staples - 1009 StatLab Medical Products - 950 Stericycle, Inc. - 1629 Sterilmed, Inc. - 1036 STERIS Corporation - 748 SternoCandleLamp - 2238 Strategic Market Alliance - 1113 Stryker Corporation - 817 Sun Office Products - 1424 Sun Pharma USA (Caraco Laboratories, Ltd) - 423 Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc. - 313 Supply America, Inc. - 2200 SurgiCount Medical - 1446 Surgimed - 955 Suture Express - 1420 Swisher hygiene - 1632 Symmetry Surgical - 1039


Synergy health - 711 Sysmex America, Inc. - 1217 Systagenix - 412 TEAM Roofing Inc. - 1642 Teleflex - 337 Tennant Company - 1640 Tetra Medical Supply Corp. - 954 Teva health Systems - 714 The Bama Companies, Inc. - 2806 The CBORD Group, Inc. - 2314 The Dannon Company - 2402 The Getinge Group - 1213 Thermo Scientific (Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific) - 440 Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. - 1423 Triad Isotopes, Inc. - 1248 Tri-anim health Services - 348 TRIOSE, Inc. - 1337 Triple S (Standardized Sanitation Systems) - 629 Tronex healthcare - 1426 True Citrus Company - 2243 Tyson Foods, Inc. - 2506 U.A.Medical Products, Inc. - 853 Unilever Foodsolutions - 2515 Unilever Ice Cream - 2514 Unisource Worldwide - 1651 Universal hospital Services, Inc. - 522 Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. - 844 US Foods - 2710 US WorldMeds, LLC - 709 USG - 1533 Verizon Wireless - 1228 Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc. - 2216 VISCOT MEDICAL, LLC - 952 Vision Software Technologies, Inc. - 2909 VWR International, LLC - 1440 W. L. Gore - 836 Water Engineering Services Inc. - 1652 Watson Pharmeceuticals, Inc. - 811 Wear Ease, Inc. - 1051 Welch Allyn - 837 WESCO-CREE-Lutron - 1531 WESCO-CREE-Lutron - 1532 Westmed - 328 West-Ward Pharmaceuticals - 1144 WhiteWave Foods - 2136 Windsor - 1623 WNA - 2316 WorkflowOne - 1048 Xerox Corporation - 630 X-GEN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 1250 Zimmer - 1239 Z-Medica, LLC - 1809 Zones, Inc. - 1515

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DIVeRSe anD SMall SUPPlIeRS Premier contracts with more than 320 diverse (minority-and women-owned), veteran and small business enterprises. There diversity suppliers throughout the Our diverse and small suppliers offer are exhibit hall. Explore some of these an assortment of BIG opportunities purchasing options by visiting with the suppliers exhibiting in the Diversity Zone and other special sections of the trade show floor: Booth #


Diversity Zone 753 Action Bag Company 856 AllCare Inc. 917 American Medical Depot 1535 American Office Products Distributors 1055 American Product Distributors Inc. (APD) 1155 Cazador 1153 Certol International 1150 Compression Therapy Concepts 855 Customed USA 755 Durfold Corporation 1050 Hayes Inc. 1256 Heritage Pharmaceuticals 314 Hilton Publishing 951 Hygia Health Services 850 Innovative Healthcare Corporation 1317 Ivera Medical Corporation 1053 Kerma Medical Products Inc. 1255 LSL Industries Inc. 1052 MBI Worldwide 1253 Mectra Labs Inc. 750 Medgluv Inc. 953 Medi-Tech International Corp. 1056 Mobile Instrument Service 421 MYCO Medical 956 Precept Medical Products 1156 Print Media Inc. 1344 Private Eyes Inc. 909 Professional Hospital Supply Inc. 1152 R D Plastics Company Inc. 950 StatLab Medical Products 955 Surgimed 954 Tetra Medical Supply Corp. 853 U.A.Medical Products Inc. 952 Viscot Medical 1051 Wear Ease Inc. 1250 X-GEN Pharmaceuticals Inc. Facilities/construction 1715 Daniels Sharpsmart 1648 1638 1548 1652

Koch Filter Corporation Pawling Corporation Phoenix Textile Corporation Water Engineering Services

Foodservice 2224 Asian Food Solutions 2405 Coffee, Tea & Me 2208 Common CENTS Solutions


Contract #

Bags EMS products; lap sponges and OR towels Surgical and isolation masks; medical-surgical distribution Office supplies Maintenance repair operations Equipment planning High-level disinfectants Vascular compression therapy Specialty distribution; medical-surgical distribution Furniture and systems Healthcare technology Generic pharmaceuticals Health science books High-level disinfection Patient cleansing skin care; exam gloves IV sets and tubing Disposable labor and delivery Incise drapes; IV site management Background check services OR accessory products Exam gloves Bandages, dressings and gauze Surgical instrument and scope repair Surgical blades Surgical and isolation masks Chart paper and related products Background check services Medical surgical distribution Bags Histology and cytology Wound drainage products; endo tubes and related products Bandages, dressings and gauze High-risk OBGYN products OR accessory products Therapeutic compression Generic pharmaceuticals

PPPH15AAP01 PP-AC-033; PP-OR-751 SD-OR-016; PP-DS-050 SD-MM-008; PP-MM-236 SD-FA-020 PP-FA-300 PP-NS-659 PP-NS-740; AS-NS-740 PP-DS-071; PP-DS-055 PP-FA-312 PP-MM-128 PPPH15HTG01 PP-MM-145 PP-NS-742 PP-NS-774; PP-NS-766 SD-IV-001 SD-WC-001 PP-OR-658; PP-NS-624 PP-MM-168 SD-OR-018 PP-NS-767 PP-NS-607 PP-MM-191 PP-OR-656 PP-OR-707; AS-OR-707 PP-MM-149 PP-MM-171; AS-MM-171 PP-DS-067 PPPH15RDR01 PP-LA-290 PP-OR-894; PP-OR-916 PP-NS-60 SD-WC-008 SD-OR-017 SD-WC-006 PPPH15PTK01

Reusable sharps container services; waste management products Air filtration products Flooring products Reusable textiles Water treatment

PP-FA-217; AS-FA-217; PP-FA-400 PP-FA-352; AS-FA-352 SD-FA-021 PP-FA-362 PP-FA-255

SD-DI-004 PP-DI-634 PP-DI-731

FGF Brands Fit Foodz/Case Ventures Gilly Vending Inc. Harmony Valley (Custom Blending) Leahy/IFP

2339 2324 2806 2909

Lemon-X Corporation Signature Breads The Bama Companies Vision Software Technologies VST

Juices (bag in the box); juices Frozen bread Frozen biscuits Foodservice management services

PP-DI-802 PP-DI-704 SD-DI-002 SD-DI-003 PP-DI-609; PP-DI-832; PP-DI-861 PP-DI-610; PP-DI-833 PP-DI-801 PP-DI-760 PP-DI-733


| 45


2607 2217 2808 3006 2410

Frozen entrees Vegetarian, frozen foods, bakery Foodservice management software and transaction processing systems Flatbreads Chicken Vending machines and services Vegetarian mix Juices (bag in the box); juices (RTU bulk aseptic); canned fruit

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PReMIeR’S 2014 annUal BReaktHROUgHS cOnFeRence anD eXHIBItIOn

an InVItatIOn tO SHaRe BeSt PRactIceS JUne 10-13 San antOnIO cOnVentIOn centeR, tX Share your success healthcare reform has ushered in a decade of transformational change. In this environment, there has never been a better time to share your success. help colleagues learn how to do more with less by sharing innovative strategies for improving quality and safety, optimizing supply chain, labor productivity and revenue cycle, improving physician alignment and responding to reform. The Breakthroughs concurrent sessions provide a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer learning and are consistently rated as one of the most important aspects of the conference.

2014 request for session proposals The 2014 request for proposal process will be available at the end of June. Submissions will only be accepted online and must be completed no later than September 13, 2013.

Visit to learn more about how to share your success at next year’s conference.

SAVE ThE DATE Premier Breakthroughs conference and exhibition 2014 June 10-13 San Antonio Convention Center San Antonio, TX 2015

June 23-26 Gaylord National hotel and Convention Center Washington, DC


June 21-24 Gaylord National hotel and Convention Center Washington, DC


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Premier Annual Breakthroughs

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Enter #Breakthroughs.


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two? YOU can!


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