January 18–23
N ot i c e a n d C o n d i t i o n s o f R a c e
“ We had absolutely fabulous conditions out there today. Anybody who complains about any aspect of this regatta has a screw loose. This is just fantastic sailing.” —Hap Fauth – Skipper of Bella Mente – Judel-Vrolijk Mini Maxi
Please Join Us It is with great pleasure that we announce the 28th Edition of North America’s premiere winter regatta — Quantum Key West Race Week 2015.
E A great place to race. Or slow down.
With great food, endless activities and legendary sunsets, Key West will put the wind back in your sails. fla-keys.com/keywest 1.800.527.8539
very January racing sailors from across the country and around the world gather to compete against the very best during the day and enjoy that which is uniquely Key West at night. What better way to kick off your racing calendar in 2015! Those of you who been with us in recent years have experienced terrific racing, with weather and competition that delighted everyone. We fully expect that Key West’s warm temperatures, dependable breezes and stunning blue water will be awaiting us once again. The quality of the competition at this renowned regatta is always superb. The opportunity to race with pros, amateurs, friends and families provides challenges and fun for all. One Design and handicap fleets featuring the latest designs and technology will come together for championship caliber competition conducted by Premiere Racing’s highly regarded race management team. As always at Key West Race Week, the 2015 edition will feature some exciting class racing and innovations. Selected classes may sail other than windward/leeward courses, such as the ‘Harry-A’ or ‘Gold Cup,’ to add some variety to the week. A sincere thank you goes out to our Sponsors and Industry Partners. Their support and participation plays a very significant role in our ability to bring you this world class event. A special thank you goes out to the Quantum Sail Design Group for
returning in the capacity of title sponsor. We are grateful for the continued support of the Florida Keys Tourism Council, Mount Gay Rum, Lewmar/Navtec, B&G, and Marlow Ropes. We are very pleased to welcome Gaastra onboard this year as well. Premiere Racing’s Industry Partner Program features an all-star line-up of sailing industry leaders. Please be sure to keep all of these participating companies on your list of preferred vendors. If you’ve raced with us in past years, we hope to see you again. If you are new to Key West, we look forward to introducing you to all that has made Key West Race Week the celebrated regatta that it is. We encourage you to check the event web site at Premiere-Racing.com throughout the lead up to Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 for updates on racing news and logistics. Please know that your Premiere Racing team will do everything possible to ensure that your experience in Key West is a memorable one.
Sincerely yours,
Phone: 781-639-9545 Fax: 781-639-9171 Email: KWinfo@Premiere-Racing.com Web: Premiere-Racing.com
Peter S. Craig, Event Director & Race Chairman Notice and Conditions of Race
Please Join Us........................................... 3 Part 1: General Administrative Information...... 4 Official Sponsors........................................ 7 Part 2: Rules and Conditions......................... 8 Industry Partner Program........................... 11 Marinas and Preliminary Racing Areas......... 13 Key West Accommodations......................... 19 Race Week Orientation Map....................... 20 Boat of the Week...................................... 23 2014 Champions..................................... 25 Advertisers Index...................................... 26
Premiere Racing, Inc. 67 B Front Street Post Office Box 1067 Marblehead, MA 01945 USA
Design by Jim Herrmann / GraphicLanguageOnline.com Cover photograph © 2014 Tim Wilkes / timwilkes.com Photograph above © 2014 by Sharon Green / ultimatesailing.com
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Q UAN T U M K E Y W E S T RA C E W E E K 2 0 1 5 Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 January 18 – 23, 2015
Truman Waterfront Property (TWP)
Managed by Premiere Racing during the event. Large basin with no draft constraints. Not a private marina with standard marina amenities. Advance registration is required. Space to tie up along inside seawall (no individual slips or floating docks). Large ramp for launching, hauling and dry sailing. Trailer and container storage available. Application available on the event website. Crane operations and other services (mast stepping, launch-haul by crane) to be provided by Coffin Marine, an independent mobile marina administered by Premiere Racing (see paragraph 6). Boats may be staged at TWP from January 2-29, 2015. Coffin Marine services are available from January 12-26, 2015. Premiere Racing Tel: (781) 639-9545 Fax: (781) 639-9171 Email: kwinfo@premiere-racing.com
Official Notice and Conditions of Race
Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 is an international regatta. This event will be organized and conducted by Premiere Racing, Inc., which will have the authority to reject or rescind the entry of any boat before the start of the first race. The fleet will be divided into divisions and classes at the discretion of the race committee. Part 1 of this notice deals with general administrative information and Part 2 with the Rules and Conditions of race week.
1 Event Management Address all correspondence pertaining to the regatta to: Premiere Racing, Inc. 67B Front Street Marblehead, MA 01945 USA Tel: (781) 639-9545 Post Office Box 1067 Fax: (781) 639-9171 Email: kwinfo@premiere-racing.com Web: www.premiere-racing.com Event Director & Race Chairman: Peter S. Craig Event Manager: Kelly Gorman
6 Mobile Marina Services At Truman Waterfront Property
4 Quantum Race Headquarters
2 Race Week Updates Periodic updates and the very latest information on the regatta can be found on the event pages on Premiere Racing’s website: Premiere-Racing.com, Yachtscoring.com and on Facebook.
3 Planning and Logistics For information on how to campaign your boat in Key West on a reasonable budget, refer to the Logistics section on the event website. Guidance and information on expense containment and dealing with logistical challenges will be updated throughout the summer and fall.
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Part 1: General Administrative Information
Race headquarters, the jury rooms, media center and evening party venue will be located at and adjacent to Kelly’s Caribbean at the intersection of Caroline and Whitehead Streets in Old Town Key West.
5 Slips/Docking Key West and Stock Island have multiple, viable options for dockage. Boat owners are responsible for arranging their own dock space. Many private marinas do not accept early reservations; however, this does not reflect on the a vailability of slips during race week. Information regarding Key West and Stock Island marinas and boat launching options can be found on the event website.
Photographs by: Sharon Green / ultimatesailing.com (top); Tim Wilkes / timwilkes.com (above)
Notice and Conditions of Race
Coffin Marine will be providing mobile marina services for the seventh consecutive year. (Crane Launch-Haul / Mast Step / Container load/offload). Coffin Marine will provide a 30 ton crane for launch operation and will add an additional 40 ton crane for hauling. Premiere Racing will be administering the Coffin Marina Services in the lead up to race week. Detailed information on services and costs are available and posted on the event website. Any questions should be directed to Premiere Racing (contact information in paragraph 5).
7 Boat Charter Entrants looking to charter boats for the event are advised to contact individual classes regarding availability and class requirements. A list will be posted on the Charter section on the event website. Individuals desiring a charter or offering their boat for charter can submit information for posting at no charge. Email: kelly@premiere-racing.com
8 Boat Transport — Florida Keys Florida Department of Transportation contact information and basic requirements regarding road transport are posted and updated routinely in the Logistics section on the event website. For more information about permit requirements and applications, entrants are advised to apply through the FDOT web site: www.dot.state.fl.us or contact the Florida DOT Permit office at (850) 410-5777 and to ask for a ‘Trip Technician.’ U.S. and overseas transport services are posted in the Logistics section on the event website.
9 Accommodations For information regarding crew accommodations contact The Accommodation Center, which is a no-fee service working in cooperation with the race week organizers to provide accommodations for competitors, sponsors and spectators. Open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm EST and Saturday 1:00pm5:00pm EST.
Accommodation Center Toll free: (877) 546-5824 Office: (305) 296-4887 Fax: (305) 294-7356 Email: info@accommodationskeywest.com Web: www.accommodationskeywest.com Premiere Racing would like to acknowledge and thank the Key West Inns and Hotels that support race week. Please patronize those that support Race Week and visit the Accommodations section (on pages 18-19) and on the event website for additional information on these establishments.
10 Event Name And Logo Any commercial or editorial reference to this event must use the regatta’s official name - Quantum Key West Race Week 2015. Any commercial video of the event, including website productions, must be licensed by Premiere Racing. Any use of the event logo on merchandise or gear is prohibited.
Notice and Conditions of Race
Continued on next page.
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Q UAN T U M K E Y W E S T RA C E W E E K 2 0 1 5
Official Sponsors
Photograph by: Sharon Green / ultimatesailing.com
11 Television and Photographers’ Rights Competitors and crew members give absolute right and permission to use their name, voice, image, likeness, biographical material as well as representation of their boats in any media world-wide (being television, print, video footage, and internet
media) for purposes of press information, reporting, promoting, disseminating information or advertising.
Premiere Racing is pleased to present the Official Sponsors of Quantum Key West Race Week 2015. They deserve special recognition and great thanks for their role in bringing you a world-class event. We encourage all participants and sailing enthusiasts to keep race week Sponsors on their lists of preferred companies and vendors. For more information and links to these companies, please visit
Title Sponsor Official Sailmaker
Florida Keys Tourism
Contact Premiere Racing for wiring instructions.
Day Sponsor Official Marine Hardware & Rigging
One must remain true to character, even when updating your look.
“ I had an absolute blast. It was one of the best regattas I’ve ever been to. It made me wish I hadn’t waited so long to come back. I was very impressed with the race management. The courses were sound and the starting lines were solid.” —Dave Franzel – Skipper of Spring – J/70
Day Sponsor Official Rum
Supporting Sponsor Official Marine Electronics
Supporting Sponsor Official Clothing and Footwear
Supporting Sponsor Official Rope
© 2014 Mount Gay Distilleries Ltd., Mount Gay® Barbados Rum, 40% Alc./Vol., Imported by Rémy Cointreau USA, Inc., New York, NY. Please Drink Responsibly.
Photograph by: Steven Lapkin / h2omark.com
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Notice and Conditions of Race
Notice and Conditions of Race
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Q UAN T U M K E Y W E S T RA C E W E E K 2 0 1 5 1 Management Premiere Racing is the organizing authority for Quantum Key West Race Week 2015, the 28th annual race week at Key West.
2.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016 (RRS), the 2014 IRC Rules Parts A, B, and C, the PHRF Rules and Regulations, the current High Performance Rule, and the 2015 Key West Safety Requirements. 2.2 The prescriptions of US Sailing will not apply except its prescriptions to RRS 67 (Damages), 76.1, (Exclusion of Boats or Competitors) and Appendix R (Procedures for Appeals and Requests) which are included in their entirety on the event web site as an appendix to the sailing instructions and will be posted on the official notice board. 2.3 The first sentence of RRS 49.2 is deleted and replaced with: “Lifelines shall comply with the deflection requirements of OSR Regulation 3.14.2 and competitors shall not position any part of their torsos outside them, except briefly to perform a necessary task.” The third sentence of RRS 49.2 is deleted and replaced with: “If the class rules do not specify the material or minimum diameter of lifelines, they shall comply with the corresponding specifications in the ISAF Offshore Special Regulations. If HMPE lifelines are fitted they shall have a minimum diameter or 5 mm (3/16 inches) unless otherwise specified by class rules.”
2.4 Rule 55, prohibiting the practice of allowing bands on spinnakers to fall in the water (even if the material used is bio-degradable), will be in effect. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has confirmed that this practice breaks Florida law.
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
3 Other Rules and Requirements 3.1 All boats shall carry an operating VHF radio.
2 Rules
2.5 Class rules I.1 (spare gennaker) and I.3 (support boats) are invoked for the J/70 class.
3.2 All boats shall be sailed by at least four persons, except the J/70, J/80 and Melges 24 classes, which shall be sailed by at least three persons. 3.3 J/70 and Melges 24 skippers and crews shall wear personal flotation devices (PFDs) at all times while racing except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. 3.4 Crew weigh-ins are required for any one-design and handicap classes whose rules specify crew weigh-ins. A list of classes requiring crew weigh-ins will be posted on the event website and updated as the classes confirm their intentions.
4 Advertising 4.1 Advertising is permitted, unless class rules do not permit, in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20. Boats that intend to display advertising must so indicate on their entry form, but there is no advertising fee. Competitors are requested to respect the brand exclusivity of the official sponsors of this event. Their participation enhances the event for all competitors. 4.2 All boats shall display the event bow stickers on their bow while racing.
5 Eligibility And Entry 5.1 Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 is open to boats in the One-Design Classes listed in NOR 5.4 and IRC, HP, and PHRF handicapped monohull boats, with LOA between 24 and 85 feet between hull perpendiculars which submit a completed entry (taking into account eligibility restrictions outlined in
Notice and Conditions of Race
Part 2: Rules and Conditions NOR Sections 5 and 6). The preliminary scratch sheet will be posted on the event website on or before December 30, 2014.
5.2 Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 is open to those boats whose owner or skipper is a current member of their national authority (US Sailing for U.S. entries; to join call 1-800-8772451). 5.3 The entry deadline is 1700, December 19, 2014. A completed entry (form or online), a signed waiver form and the entry fee must be received by Premiere Racing by the deadline to avoid the late fee of $200. No entries will be accepted after December 30, 2014 without an additional surcharge. Entry acknowledgment will be sent to valid entrants shortly after entry receipt.
“ To me, this is the premier event in North America. Of all the regattas we’ve won over the years, this one stands out because of the history and tradition. It means a lot to be able to say you won Key West.” —Stephen Murray – Skipper of Decision – Carkeek 40
5.4 The following one-design classes are invited to participate: Farr 280, J/70, J/80, J/88, J/105, Melges 32, Melges 24, and Swan 42. At the discretion of the Race Chairman, additional one-design classes and groups of boats wishing to race level, with a minimum of eight entries, will be provided a separate class start or scored as a separate sub-class within their class based on the number of entries and established classes. Any one-design multihull class considering participating should contact the organizer as soon as practical. 5.5 Boats racing under the following rating and handicap rules are invited to participate: IRC, PHRF and High Performance Rule. Information regarding eligibility requirements for these rules and Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 can be found in NOR Section 6. 5.6 Each owner, skipper and individual participating crew member shall execute a waiver of liability and media release / crew waiver. This form will be available on the event web site and on site at Quantum Race headquarters.
Continued on page 16.
Notice and Conditions of Race
Photographs by: Tim Wilkes / timwilkes.com (top); Ken Stanek / kenstanek.com (above)
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Photo: Pierrick Contin | IM24CA
“I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to grow up sailing against Buddy Melges, and race with some of the very best sailors on the greatest boats in the world. My family and I share our love of Melges racing with our kids, ultimately enriching our lives.” - Brian Porter, Full Throttle 2013 Melges 24 World Champion and Rolex Yachtsman of the Year
Premiere Racing ’s Industry Partner Program T
hrough partnership with Premiere Racing, these industry leaders help to champion Key West Race Week. Industry Partners’ support plays an important role in maintaining the quality of this international regatta. Boat owners, sailors, and sailing enthusiasts can be a part of the team by keeping these Industry Partners on their preferred list of companies and vendors. To learn more about Premiere Racing’s Industry Partner Program and the companies participating in the program, please visit www.Premiere-Racing.com
P l at i n u m
Strongly SUPPORTED WORLDWIDE, across the U.S.A., throughout Europe, Australia and Asia, Melges builds and proudly delivers PREMIUM PERFORMANCE sailboats. Our passion for the sport of sailing is fostered through simple, fun and competitive WORLD CLASS RACING, attracting the best sailors at some of yachting’s most celebrated venues. Our EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND PRODUCT SUPPORT is unparalleled. When you purchase a Melges boat, you’re already a winner.
(262) 275-1110 ★ MELGES.COM Melges 32 ★ Melges 24 ★ Audi Melges 20 ★ Melges 17 ★ A Scow ★ E Scow ★ C Scow ★ MC Scow ★ X Boat
—Chris Chadwick – Skipper of Church Key J/80 – National Class Secretary
Quantum Key WEST RACE WEEK 2015 Marinas and Preliminary Racing Areas
Commanders’ Weather
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Benefit from the experience and technical excellence that only Commanders’ Weather can provide.
154 Broad Street, Suite 1517, Nashua, NH 03063 Tel: 603-882-6789 n Fax: 603-882-6661 email: info@commandersweather.com www.CommandersWeather.com
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Join past Key West Race Week winners in getting the best, most up-to-date weather information available, sent each race day morning to your personal email account.
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is once again offering their experienced race weather forecasts for Key West Race Week. Please let us know if we can be of any help with winning race weather forecasts for Quantum Key West Race Week 2015.
“ Our owners love coming to Key West and we’re thrilled to have a very competitive fleet this year. Premiere Racing always puts on a quality regatta and the racing is second to none.”
Key West Marinas
Photograph by: Ken Stanek / kenstanek.com
KW1 Historic Seaport Marina 305-809-3984 keywestbightmarina@keywestcity.com KW2 Galleon Marina 800-662-7462 or 305-292-1292 galleonmarinakeywest.com KW3 Conch Harbor Marina 305-294-2933 conchharbormarina.com KW4 Westin Key West Resort & Marina 305-292-4375 westinkeywestresort.com KW5 Truman Waterfront Property 781-639-9545 premiere-racing.com
T h e Tr u e S a i l c l o t h P r o d u c e r
Buoy G“9”
Division 3 Division 1
Division 2
Stock Island Marinas
D I M E N S I O N – P O LYA N T. C O M Watch for this Label!
. 78 Highland Drive . USA-Putnam CT 06260 . USA . Tel.
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
+1(860) 928 8300
Notice and Conditions of Race
ST1 Oceanside Marina 305-294-4676 oceansidekeywest.com ST2 Robbie’s Maritime Center 305-294-1124 robbieskw.com ST3 Stock Island Marina Village 305-294-2288 stockislandmarina.com
There will be three separate racing areas, one for each Division. As entries and class splits are not known this far in advance, it is not possible to assign definitive racing areas in advance. It is our intention to post the preliminary class assignments on or about November 1, 2014. In the interim, if you have questions or concerns on Division assignments, please feel free to call or email us.
. info@us.dimension-polyant.com Notice and Conditions of Race
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
“ You have to look very hard to not like racing in Key West. It is cold in the rest of the country and a venue that delivers such great racing as Key West gives us something to look forward to every year.” —Terry Hutchinson – Tactician on Quantum Racing – TP52
Photographs by (clockwise from top left) Steve Lapkin; Ken Stanek (Teamwork and awards); Sharon Green (Christopher Dragon); Ken Stanek (shoreside); Allen Clark (crew on bow sprit).
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Notice and Conditions of Race
Notice and Conditions of Race
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
6.1.2 IRC entries should have a minimum TCC of 0.970. It is the intent of the event organizer to offer separate IRC starts and scoring for a Mini Maxi and a 52 class. Competitors wishing to race under IRC must submit a copy of their 2014 valid ‘endorsed’ IRC rating certificate with their completed entry form prior to the December 19, 2014 deadline. IRC rating applications and information on time constraints for submitting a fully completed, measurer verified IRC application for US flagged boats can be obtained through US Sailing (401-683-0800 or IRC@ussailing. org). Boats from other nations should consult their IRC Rule Authority (see www.ircrating.org). 6.1.3 Rating changes may be submitted to IRC Rule Authorities after the December 19 certificate deadline; however, the final deadline for providing a changed IRC rating certificate to the event organizer will be January 9, 2015. Except in the case of rating office error or (at the discretion of the IRC Rating Authority) other errors, which change the TCC, no IRC rating certificate will be accepted by the event organizer after January 9. In exceptional circumstances, and only at the discretion of event organizer, the January 9 deadline can be extended. Entrants are responsible for determining time constraints for processing certificates and any expedited processing fees from the appropriate IRC Rule Authority and/or the IRC Rating Authority. 6.1.4 IRC crew number and limitations (IRC Rule 22.4): For IRC classes, the maximum total number of crew shall not exceed the crew number printed on the boat’s IRC certificate. This modifies IRC Rule 22.4.2.
6.1.6 The IRC classes will be scored using the IRC Time Correction Factor using time on time scoring. 6.2 PHRF 6.2.1 The event organizer will offer PHRF racing based on specific handicap ranges if critical mass is achieved for these specific ranges. The preliminary handicap ranges are listed below along with typical boat models that could race in these classes. The event organizer reserves the right to adjust these ranges and boat types based on entries. A minimum of eight boats is necessary to establish a PHRF class. PHRF owners are asked to pre-register as early as possible to help others gauge the level of interest in PHRF racing. PHRF 1: (-10 to 35) Farr 395 / J/125 / J/111 / J/122 / IMS 40’s / 1D35 / Beneteau 47.7 / Tripp 40 / Farr 11s PHRF 2: (35 to 76) Beneteau 40.7 / J/120 / Andrews 38 / Sydney 36 / Aerodyne 38 / C&C 115 / J/109 PHRF 3: (76 to 106) Soverel 33 / Evelyn 32 / Olson 30 / Cape Fear 38 / Hobie 33 / C&C 37 / 40WK / J/88 PHRF 4: (106 to 175) Cal 40 / S2 9.1 / J/30 / Frers 33 / J/24 / S2 7.9
6.2.4 PHRF handicapping and appeal procedures will be posted on the event website. Photograph by: Tim Wilkes / timwilkes.com
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Fun at Key West…Fun Back Home
6.2.2 The Key West PHRF Rules and Regulations, which include PHRF crew weight limitations, are posted on the event web site. Premiere Racing’s Key West PHRF Consortium will assign PHRF handicaps for this event. The Consortium will be comprised of approximately six members from different PHRF regions across the country. Any questions pertaining to PHRF issues should be referred to Premiere Racing and not to the individual members of the Consortium. 6.2.3 Entrants who competed in Key West in 2013 and/or 2014 and whose boats will be in the identical configuration do not need to submit the full handicap application. They must instead submit the renewal application and all current PHRF handicap certificates. All other PHRF entrants must submit a completed PHRF handicap application and all current PHRF handicap certificates prior to the December 19, 2014 entry deadline. After that date a late fee of US$100 must accompany the PHRF application. Current local certificate(s) are required from all PHRF entries for measurement verification only. Assigned handicaps may differ from local handicaps and from previous Key West handicaps in the case of a renewal application. A Key West PHRF certificate will be sent to entrants after the Consortium has assigned a handicap and all certificates will be posted on the event web site. PHRF entrants should not wait for their Key West handicap certificate before submitting their entry.
Onne van der Wal
6.1 IRC 6.1.1 The IRC Rating Authority has directed that the 2014 IRC Rules shall apply and that the validity of the 2014 IRC certificates is extended for the purpose of the Quantum Key West Race Week 2015.
6.1.5 For all IRC classes, IRC Rules 21.1.5 (d) and (e) are replaced with: During the regatta, the sails on board (including mainsails) may vary from day to day but shall remain the same for each individual race day, including multiple-race days and cases of damage to sails. The “race day” begins when the race boat leaves the dock each morning.
© 2014 J Boats, Inc.
6 Rating and Handicap Class Eligibility, Rules, Measurement
Notice and Conditions of Race
Continued on page 21.
With a J/70, your sailing fun is not limited to just a few distant race weeks. You can have Key West fun year round, because there are strong local J/70 fleets nationwide, where sailing is a weekly event. The numbers tell the story with nearly 700 J/70s in 20 countries in the first 30 months. Remarkably, the J/70 phenomena wasn’t legislated, it sprouted from owner enthusiasm for sailing the boat. The J/70 is easy-to-own, exciting to sail, stable enough for the family, and built to last. With its easily driven hull, large cockpit, and manageable three sail inventory, the J/70 is perfect for three adults, two couples, or four juniors. Ramp launching is a breeze thanks to the deck-stepped carbon rig, vertical lifting keel and float-off trailer. J/70 is all about making sailing more accessible and easier to fit into today’s busy lifestyle. What better way to keep the fun meter and return-oninvestment pegged to the max. Join the fun in Key West in 2015 as the J/70 Class celebrates its 3rd Midwinter Championship.
Better Sailboats For People Who Love Sailing
401-846-8410 www.jboats.com
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2 Old Town Manor & Rose Lane Villas
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305-292-2170 destinationoldtown.com
800-533-KEYS or 305-296-6868 EdenHouse.com
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3 The Island City House
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800-634-8230 or 305-294-5702 IslandCityHouse.com
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Quantum Key WEST RACE WEEK 877-299-9870 or 305 294-9870 AlburyCourt.com
800-459-6212 or 305-294-6977 Marreros.com
800-223-8825 or 305-294-1666 DuvalHouseKeyWest.com 800-207-5806 or 305-293-0020 ConchHouse.com
800-432-4315 or 305-296-3500 KeyAmbassador.com
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Key West Accommodations
Free Reservation Service
“ We have been attending this event the last 14 years and we love the relaxation Key West affords, particularly after a hectic holiday season. And then there is Race Week, which always delivers. You can pretty much guarantee great sailing conditions, beautiful weather and good competition.”
1-877-546-5824 or 305-296-4887
www.accommodationskeywest.com From cottages to elegant mansions and everything in between. Let our experienced staff assist you with your Race Week housing. Accommodations to suit every budget. Hotels, motels, B&Bs, suites houses, cottages and condos. Car and bike rentals. Full concierge service available. We will save you time and cater to your every need.
—Deneen Demourkas – Skipper of Groovederci – Melges 32
See you at the races in January!
We make your crew feel at home in Key West One, two and three bedroom rental condominiums, with full kitchens, at great prices. For all that need a home away from home.
www.1800atlantic.com 1-800-433-2819 or 305-294-8877
Race Week specials available
Photograph by: Steven Lapkin / h2omark.com
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Notice and Conditions of Race
Notice and Conditions of Race
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Quantum Key WEST RACE WEEK 2015 Orientation Map G
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The Sunset Tiki Bar & Grille A&B Lobster House White Tarpon Spirits Conch Republic Seafood Co. Schooner Wharf Bar Key West Ice Cream Factory Turtle Kraals Half Shell Raw Bar Key West Bight Ferry Terminal Kelly’s Caribbean Bar & Grill West Marine B.O.’s Fish Wagon & Cafe Pepe’s Harpoon Harry’s Sloppy Joe’s Bar Smokin' Tuna Saloon Hog’s Breath Saloon
Kelly’s Caribbean Bar, Grill & Brewery 301 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 305-293-8484
www.kellyskeywest.com OPEN DAILY: 9:00 am – 10:00 pm KELLY’S FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • Southernmost Brewery • Casual dining indoor or out (AC inside) • Full service liquor bar, including NINE Craft Beers on draft and THREE homebrews on draft • Celebrating our 21st year open as Kelly’s! • Namesake of Kelly McGillis – movie actress known for Top Gun, Witness and The Accused. Stop by and check out her Top Gun jacket displayed in the bar • Birthplace of Pan Am – October 1927 • Dubbed the “Crash Bar” due to the airplane coming through the ceiling…check it out!
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
• • • • • • • • • •
Street parking and pay to park lots close by FREE WIFI Brunch (a la carte available DAILY 11am – 4pm TWO Happy Hours Daily: 9am – 11am and 4pm – 7pm Craft Bar Bites HALF off during Happy Hours Dinner DAILY 5pm – 10pm Excellent wine selection Vegetarian and gluten free dishes available Kids Menu available Catering a specialty: www.kellyscatering.blogspot.com
Notice and Conditions of Race
“ It’s no wonder this remains the best regatta of its type in North America, now in it’s 27th year.” —Seahorse Magazine – February 2014
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Galleon Marina A&B Marina Historic Seaport Marina Conch Harbor Marina Westin Key West Resort & Marina Chevron Fuel Dock Texaco Fuel Dock
7 FEES The entry application shall be accompanied by an entry fee. The entry fee, based on class, is delineated below. CLASS J/70 Melges 24 J/80 Farr 280 J/88 J/105 Melges 32 Swan 42
Entry Fee $750 $800 $800 $900 $900 $900 $1,050 $1,500
CLASS Entry Fee PHRF 4 $800 PHRF 3 $900 PHRF 2 $1,000 PHRF 1 $1,100 IRC 3 $1,500 High Performance $1,650 52 Class (IRC 2) $3,000 Mini Maxi Class (IRC 1) $3,500
8 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Photograph by: Allen Clark / PhotoBoat.com
6.2.5 PHRF classes will be scored using the handicaps provided by the Key West PHRF Consortium using time on time scoring. 6.3 J/BOATS HANDICAP CLASS The event organizer reserves the right to provide a separate J/ Boats handicap class should there be sufficient entries within reasonable performance ranges. A minimum of eight boats is necessary to establish a J/Boats class. Any J/Boats class will have maximum crew weight limits listed in the event PHRF Rules and Regulations with a special Consortium assigning handicaps for this event using time on time scoring. 6.4 HIGH PERFORMANCE CLASS 6.4.1 There will be a High Performance handicap class offered for light displacement boats with LOA ranging from approximately 26-45 feet and an approximate PHRF handicap range of -10 to -70. Typical boat models for this class would include the Carkeek 40, Carkeek 45, Farr 400, GP26, GP42, J/145, J/125, McConaghy 38, R/P 45 and Soto 40 among others. 6.4.2 The High Performance handicap class will race under the High Performance Rule (HPR). The latest version of the HPR Rule and Rule Calculator used for ratings can be found at the HPR website at www.hprsailing.org.
Friday, January 16 1300-1800 One-Design Crew Weigh-In / Bow Stickers & Numbers Available for Pre-Registration Pick Up
Saturday, January 17 0900-1800 One-Design Crew Weigh-In / Bow Stickers & Numbers Available for Pre-Registration Pick Up
Sunday, January 18 0800-0900 0900-1200 0900-1800 0900-1700
Filing of PHRF Handicap Appeals PHRF Handicap Appeal Hearings One-Design Crew Weigh-In Registration / Check-in
1630-1730 Panel Discussion 1730-1745 Skippers’ Meeting 1745-1930 Welcoming Reception
Monday-Friday, January 19 - 23 1015 Harbor Start 1130-1600 Racing 1730-1930 Shoreside Activities, Prize Giving & Evening Party
6.4.3 Weight Limits and Handicapping Procedures Crew weight limits are declared by each team and will be listed on each entry’s HPR certificate. All rating information for HPR class entries shall be submitted to the HPR Rule authority (US Sailing) by January 9, 2015 so that official certificates may be issued prior to the event. The current HPR rule calculator is v4h1. The rule version may evolve further and if so will be updated on the HPR website. Only HPR Valid certificates will be accepted for entry in this class. 6.4.4 The High Performance handicap class will be scored using handicaps provided by the HPR using time on time scoring.
9 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS The sailing instructions will be available on or about January 2, 2015 on the event web site and at Quantum Race Headquarters beginning on Saturday, January 17, 2015.
10 RACING AREAS AND COURSES 10.1 It is anticipated that there will be three separate racing areas, one for each division. As entries and class splits are not known this far in advance, it is not possible to assign definitive racing areas in advance for all one-design and handicapped classes. The preliminary class assignments will be posted on the event web site on or about November 1, 2014.
Notice and Conditions of Race
Continued on page 22.
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
10.2 In addition to windward/leeward courses, selected PHRF, handicap and one-design classes may sail courses with one or more reaching legs (‘Harry-A’ or ‘Gold Cup’ type courses). In the event PHRF classes are offered reaching courses, a separate handicap number may be assigned.
Boat of the Week — Past Winners Year Boat
11 SCORING 11.1 Ten races are scheduled of which three must be completed to constitute a series. A maximum of three races may be held on any race day. Any one-design class seeking more or less than ten races for their series must notify the event organizer no later than October 31, 2014.
11.2 For the Melges 32 and Melges 24 classes, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score subject to RRS 90.3(b) if at least six races are completed. For all other classes, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores with no scores excluded.
12 DECISIONS OF THE JURY When an international jury is constituted in accordance with RRS 70.5, 91(b) and Appendix N its decisions are final. Decisions of a national jury are subject to appeal.
Photograph by: Ken Stanek / kenstanek.com
For protests involving an alleged breach of the rules of Part 2 or rule 31 of the RRS, a short arbitration meeting will be held prior to a protest hearing. This modifies Part 5 Section B of the RRS.
Continued on page 24.
New England Boatworks is proud to support Key West 2015 NEB built Mini Maxi’s BELLA MENTE and CAOL ILA (ex ALEGRE)
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988
Helly Hansen J/70 Tim Healy Full Throttle Melges 24 Brian Porter Samba Pa Ti Melges 32 John Kilroy, Jr. Blu Moon Melges 24 Franco Rossini Samba Pa Ti Melges 32 John Kilroy, Jr. Star Melges 32 Jeff Ecklund Barking Mad Farr 40 James Richardson Giacomel Audi Racing Melges 24 Riccardo Simoneschi Bellicosa Swan 45 Massimo Ferragamo Pegasus 525 Melges 24 Team Pegasus Mean Machine Farr 40 Peter DeRidder Zuni Bear J/105 Richard Bergmann Atalanti XI Farr 40 George Andreadis Atalanti XI Farr 40 George Andreadis Heartbreaker 1D35 Robert Hughes Hi Fling CM 60 Irvine Laidlaw Abracadabra 1D48 Jim Andrews Windquest 1D48 Dick & Doug Devos Brightstar N/M 47 Richard Breeden Infinity N/M 49 John Thomson Thomas I-Punkt Mumm 36 Thomas Friese Highland Fling Swan 53 Irvine Laidlaw Gaucho Farr 44 Christian Schmiegelow Lonia Bene 1st41 John Matney & Cylde Stacey Babe Ruthless N/M 30 Larry Harvey Diablesse Beneteau 42 Rod Sellers Brigadoon Frers 41 Robbie Pierce
New England Boatworks
“ We had a huge class down here with a lot of really good sailors so it’s a great accomplishment to come out on top. Winning Key West is definitely one of the highlights of my career.” Photo © Onne van der Wal
—Tim Healy – Skipper of Helly Hansen – J/70 – Boat of the Week Honors
One Lagoon Road, Portsmouth, RI 02871 | 401 683 4000 | information@NEBoatworks.com | www.NEBoatworks.com
New Construction | Modifications | Repair | Composite Components Photograph by: Sharon Green / ultimatesailing.com
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Notice and Conditions of Race
Notice and Conditions of Race
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Quantum Key West 2014 Ch a mp io n s
14.1 The safety of a boat and its crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the skipper who must ensure that the boat is fully sound, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced and physically capable crew. Neither the establishment of regulations or inspection of a boat in any way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of the skipper.
Quantum Boat of the Week
Helly Hansen (J/70)
Tim Healy
Jamestown, RI, USA
Division 1 IRC 1 – Mini Maxi IRC 2 – 52 Class & Superseries High Performance IRC 3 & Swan 42 Sub Class Melges 32 – Midwinter Champion
14.2 It is the sole and inescapable responsibility of each boat to decide whether or not to start or continue in any race. 14.3 Premiere Racing and participating sponsors and industry partners of Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 do not accept responsibility for loss of life or injury to participants or others, or for the loss or damage to any vessel in any way or from any cause during or related to this event.
Bella Mente (JV 72) Hap Fauth Minneapolis, MN, USA Quantum Racing (TP52) Doug DeVos Ada, MI, USA Spookie (Carkeek 40) Steve & Heidi Benjamin Norwalk, CT, USA Arethusa (Swan 42) Phil Lotz Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA Hedgehog Alec Cutler Pembroke, BER
Division 2 Melges 24 – Midwinter Champion J/70 Open – Midwinter Champion J/70 Corinthian – Midwinter Champion
Little Wing Nicola Ardito Chioggia, Venezia, ITA Helly Hansen Tim Healy Newport, RI, USA Hot Mess Rob Britts St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Division 3
PHRF 1 & J/111 Sub Class PHRF 2 J/80 – Midwinter Champion
15.1 Regatta class awards will be presented to first, second and third place boats each day.
Spaceman Spiff (J/111) Rob & Ryan Ruhlman Cleveland, OH, USA Rush (J/109) Bill Sweetser Annapolis, MD, USA Vayu 2 Ron Buzil Chicago, IL, US
Boats of the Day
15.2 Overall series awards based on the cumulative scores for the event will be awarded to first, second and third place boats in each class after the final race.
City of Key West Day (Monday) Lewmar/Navtec Day (Tuesday) Mount Gay Rum Day (Wednesday) Industry Partner Day (Thursday) Quantum Sails Day (Friday)
15.3 For classes with fewer than eight entries, daily and series awards for first and second place boats will be awarded.
Hedgehog (Melges 32) Alec Cutler Pembroke, BER Catapult (Ker 40) Marc Glimcher New York, NY, USA Teamwork (J/122) Robin Team Lexington, NC, USA Helly Hansen (J/70) Tim Healy Jamestown, RI, USA Azzurra (TP52) Pablo Roemmers Buenos Aires, ARG
15.4 SPECIALTY TROPHIES 15.4.1 The following one design classes have designated Quantum Key West Race Week 2015 as their Midwinter Championship: J/70, J/105, Melges 24, Melges 32. 15.4.2 Special awards recognizing sportsmanship and contributions to the sport of sailing may be presented at the Skippers’ Meeting. 15.4.3 A Boat of the Day award will be presented for each day’s top performer. 15.4.4 The prestigious Quantum Boat of the Week Trophy will be awarded to the Overall Winner of Key West Race Week.
16 AMENDMENTS TO THIS NOTICE Premiere Racing reserves the right to amend this notice. Any amendments of this notice made prior to January 17, 2015 will be posted on the event web site. All amendments will be posted on the official notice board and copies will be available at Quantum Race Headquarters.
Doyle Sailmakers’ diverse engineering capabilities, advanced sail design resources and personalized approach offer the right combination to help you go the distance. Now is the time to talk to your local Doyle sailmaker to find out how better engineered sails and unparalleled service can help you realize your goals in Key West and beyond. www.doylesails.com
Photograph by: Sharon Green / ultimatesailing.com Photographs this page by: Ken Stanek / kenstanek.com
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
KWRW NOR 2014-1.indd 1
Notice and Conditions of Race
7/28/2014 8:46:46 AM
Notice and Conditions of Race
QUANTUM Key WesT Race Week 2015
Advertiser index
For more information on these advertisers, please visit their websites. 1800 Atlantic Suites 1800atlantic.com............................................. 19 AA Accommodation Center, Inc. accommodationskeywest.com....... 19 Commander’s Weather commandersweather.com........................... 12 Dimension-Polyant dimension-polyant.com...................................... 12 Doyle Sailmakers doylesails.com...................................................... 24 Engineered Textile Products, Inc. etpinfo.com/sailing..................... 26 Florida Keys Tourism Council fla-keys.com/keywest........................... 2
Gaastra gaastraprogear.com............................................................. 27 J Boats jboats.com............................................................................. 17 Kelly’s Caribbean kellyskeywest.com................................................ 20 Melges Boatworks melges.com........................................................ 10 Mount Gay Rum mountgay.com.......................................................... 6 New England Boatworks neboatworks.com..................................... 22 Quantum Sails quantumsails.com..................................................... 28 Tim Wilkes Photography timwilkes.com........................................... 26
Photograph by: Sharon Green / ultimatesailing.com Y
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Notice and Conditions of Race
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Photography: Keith Brash