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SHARON HOLMAN from our past president:

It has been my pleasure to serve as your President from 2021-2022. As I reflect on the last two years, I commend my fellow board members for the great work that has been accomplished. Organization structure is as important to an organization as a solid foundation under a building and great advances have been made to modernize and improve processes for our Society. Some of the greatest accomplishments the Board and I have made over the last two years include:
• Official Registration Rules and Regulations replaced the current rules to provide modern guidelines on advanced reproduction systems and offer more clarity on registration guidelines. Additionally, short easy to read fact sheets and helpful hints will provide further guidance on the registration process.

• Modernized bylaws have been written to replace the current outdated document. These new bylaws improve our processes but retain the core principles. You, as a member, will have plenty of opportunity for feedback and final vote.
• Internal Employee Policies and Procedures for ADSBS staff and board members have been developed and implemented that support the Bylaws and assure accountability and transparency.
• Improved member engagement through new committees is the truly best change that has been implemented to involve members across the U.S. in the decision-making process. These committees are dynamic and there is a place for you if want to serve your organization and get involved. Most meetings are held virtually with opportunities for you to host local programming in your state and region. As exciting as all those accomplishments are, the one thing I am most excited about was the decision to hire a fulltime Executive Director to manage our vibrant and multidimensional Society. Caitlin Jackson stepped into that role in January 2022 and has been instrumental in implementing all of these processes. She is the center point of all committee meetings and board meetings. Let her know how much you appreciate her and do not hesitate to call or email her with your questions and ideas.
Thank you for your support and confidence during my tenure as President. I take my leadership responsibilities very seriously and I am looking forward to continuing to serve as a Board member for the next three years and work on policy and projects that will make our Society the best.