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The sister team of Claire Powell and Sharon Holman are lifetime ranchers and understand the love and sacrifice that keeps a family working together. Powell and Holman were pioneers in the boer goat industry and built a reputation for excellence through hard work and determination that they have utilized in building their herd of Claire and Sharon’s White Dorpers (PHP White Dorpers) and Sharon’s herd of Dorpers (Holman Ranches)
A trip to South Africa in 1999 to visit boer goat farms turned into a dual purpose trip as they discovered dorper sheep. The labor intensive boer goats made them appreciate the mothering ability, udder structure and the hardiness of the dorper breeds which made the decision to focus solely on sheep a relatively easy one. The partners started their herds with embryos and live sheep they imported from Australia in 2006. This strong foundation has developed into top herds that are competitive in the show ring and highly sought after by serious producers of lambs for the meat market. Powell and Holman raise their sheep in the pasture where they lamb unassisted and raise their lambs under mostly harsh dry west Texas conditions.
Along with selling sheep at the ranches they also market their sheep in public and online auctions. They participate in the National Show and Sale in Duncan OK and the Texas Hill Country Dorper Association Show and Sale in Fredericksburg, TX and DorperNation.com. PHP White Dopers and Holman Ranches Dorpers are humbled by the enthusiastic bidding for their sheep.
The ranches are located in Eldorado, TX and Sonora, TX. Follow them on facebook @powellholman, facebook@holmandorpers Claire 325-226-0734 Sharon 325-226-1973