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Narrow Gate Farm is a seedstock producer of registered fullblood and purebred Dorper and White Dorper sheep. Located in middle Tennessee, the flock currently consists of more than 200 brood ewes and a dozen stud rams. Also on the farm is a growing number of Dorper and White Dorper cross commercial sheep.
The farm is operated by Danny Jones and son, Dillon Jones. Dillon works full time in the sheep business, splitting his time between management of the flock at Narrow Gate Farm, and also working in multiple states with his professional sheep shearing business.
Having several years of experience in other sheep breeds, the Jones family purchased their first five Dorpers in 2007. White Dorpers were added to the flock 5 years later. With a goal of increasing the numbers in both breeds, the flock has grown steadily through both the retaining of many of the ewe lambs produced as well as purchases from other top-quality flocks around the country. With breeding decisions, an emphasis has been placed on producing structurally sound sheep with eye appeal. In general, pairings are made with a consideration of individual ewe characteristics and then placing each ewe with the ram best suited to move her offspring in the desired direction. Strong production capabilities are also a major goal on the farm. Ewes will lamb primarily on pasture with targeted lambing months of September, November, January, March, and June. Ewes are retained that can produce on pasture with little additional feed input. With the warm, moist climate of the Southeast, it is also vital that sheep in the flock are parasite resistant.
Narrow Gate Farm markets breeding-quality lambs and yearlings annually at the ADSBS sales in Duncan and Cookeville. Purchases are available periodically off the farm and online sales have recently begun. Notifications of upcoming sale events are normally listed on the Narrow Gate Farm Facebook page.