Why Choose Chrome for your Custom Car Emblems
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Electro-chrome plating ensures a precise finish that is highly durable under all conditions and will not tarnish or fade.
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Perfect for both interior and exterior environments, It provides a rich metal appearance, complete with highly polished edges
How we make our Chrome Emblem?
The choice of method and specific materials used depend on your exact requirements. Important considerations include any weight or price specifications, the application environment and the shape of your emblem. We can create a 3D prototype of your design, prior to production, so that you can see exactly how your chrome emblem will look. create a 3D prototype of your design, prior to production, so that you can see exactly how your chrome emblem will look. The PremiumEmblem production team uses a state-of-the-art manufacturing process for quality control.
We a r e able to produce chrome e m b l e m s that m e et or exceed all OEM a u t o m o t i v e and a ftermarket standards and are comp l i a nt with DIN EN ISO 9 2 2 7 - C A S S requ i r e ments.
All P r e miumEmb lem cu s t o m car embl e m s come wi th automotive gr a d e f o a m die- c u t adhesive, though specific atta c h m ent requi rements can be d i s c u s s e d and a c c ommodate d to ensure the fast fixi n g and endurance of your f i n i s h e d prod u c t .
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