IIT Guwahati Fresher's Guide 2013

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Fresher’s Guide 2013

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati


Welcome to the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, where natural majesty and architectural brilliance combine in perfect harmony to make it an enriching, enthralling and enchanting experience.

We, the student family of IIT Guwahati, congratulate you on clearing the world’s most challenging entrance exam and becoming a member of the burgeoning IITG community. The youngest and most dynamic member of the symbols of technological progress in the country, the group of seven IITs, IITG is a sprawling 700 acre retreat spread over the banks of the majestic Brahmaputra.

Escape from the blaring horns, smokespouting trucks and noisy vehicles into the lap of nature. Wake up to the joyous chirping of birds and the silken touch of warm sunlight on your cheek only to see the glint of fresh dew on the blades of grass. Walk around in lush green lawns and get surrounded by the swaying trees, the gushing winds and the gurgling waters.Lose yourself in the glowing sunset and fall asleep to the silent cradling of the magical moon. Sounds like the start of a holiday brochure? Well then, the next four years of your life are not going to be one big holiday but a once in a lifetime experience.

Amidst hills and lakes is nested a hub of tremendous academic potential, of which you are now a part. A perfect place to learn and work, to play and relax, to live and grow to your full potential and to herald the future today. We warmly welcome you with our arms outstretched, to a place where you can fulfil your dreams and fly without wings.

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Index Message from the Director Message from the Dean, Academic Affairs Message from the Dean, Student Affairs Message from the Chairman, JEE Students’ Gymkhana Students’ Gymkhana Council Message from the Vice President, Gymkhana Student Life No Ragging Students Welfare Board Contacts Cultural Board Alcheringa Manthan, PAF Alfaaz Contacts Sports Board Inter IIT Sports Meet Spirit,Spardha Contacts Technical Board,Techniche Kriti,IES Contacts Hostel Affairs Board Hostels Hostel Administration General Championship Student organizations Facilities Academics Academics Grading, Branch Change Minor Progamme Miscellaneous Necessities, Reaching the campus Guwahati City Must Visit Post registration Appendices Bus Timings IIT Guwahati Map IIT Guwahati Administration Students Gymkhana Departmental Heads Region Wise Contacts Important Sites

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Message from the Director, IIT Guwahati It is my pleasure to welcome you to IIT Guwahati. You will find that this is one of the most beautiful campuses in India. The clean air, the water bodies, the hills, the trees, all combine to create an excellent environment for study and research. IITG is relatively young as Institutes go, yet we are not new. So we have the twin advantages of young faculty and new equipment, as well as well established infrastructure. You will however have to work hard if you wish to succeed. The academic pace is quite fast, and it is very important that you attend all classes whether you are in an UG or PG or PhD programme. You must do all the assignments on your own so that you learn by doing and this will ensure that you do well in the examinations. There are many facilities to nurture your other talents, be it in sports, cultural activities, or technical pursuits. Please try and participate in what interests you. All-round personality development is required to do well in later life. For parents: We request you to keep track of the academic progress of your ward. Please make sure that you get to see his/her grade card at the end of every semester .Please contact the academic section (hosacad@iitg.ernet.in) if you need inputs on your ward. Some of the students have problems in adjusting to IIT life and we need your help in identifying such cases as early as possible so that remedial measures can be taken.

Director Prof. Gautam Barua Dept. of Computer Science & Engg. IIT Guwahati 2


Message from the Dean, Academic Affairs

Dear Students Congratulations on your success in JEE(Advanced) 2013, which has been held for the first time. Your success in this prestigious exam has not only provided you an opportunity to become a part of the much revered IIT system but would certainly have had made you cynosure of many eyes. You now belong to a band of select students who proudly call themselves IITians. IITians are known for their global influence and I am certain that you are ready to keep the legacy going. My placing you on this high pedestal comes with a note of caution. You may feel that you have proved your mettle by virtue of being able to reach here. But it is not the time to rest on your laurels. It is just the beginning of a new journey and to repeat the success you have achieved so far, it is imperative that you be prepared to work even harder with the same zeal and commitment you have displayed so far. IIT educational system works on a thorough understanding of fundamentals and problem solving approach, rather than rote learning. While coping up with this system should not be a problem for intelligent and capable people like you, it is a must that you are regular in your classes, remain focussed and maintain a very high order of mental and physical discipline. Personal integrity, helpful attitude and uncompromising honesty are the other attributes which any good human being is expected to possess and I need not say any further in this regard. Please go through the essential information available on the Institute's Internet as well as Intranet sites very carefully.

Wishing you all the best.


So please have great spirits and enjoy your stay here.

Dean of Academic Affairs Prof.Alika Khare Department of Physics IIT Guwahati


Message from the Dean, Student Affairs

I am sure you all are buzzing, excited, jubilant and probably full of anticipation of what life in IITG is all about? Well you should be as you will be studying at one of the premier institutes of the country. In many ways life in IITG is going to be different from your school and college life. There will be so much to acquaint yourself with and so many interesting and diverse things to do that you may find yourself in a whirl. Here, a lot of focus is given on making the life of a student comfortable and meaningful. The campus is making huge strides ahead in terms of infrastructure and therefore the construction work for various new buildings is in full swing. This year IIT Guwahati will be organizing Inter- IIT Sports Meet too. Students are encouraged to participate in various activities that enhance their holistic development. An active participation is observed in sports (inter IIT or inter - hostel sports), cultural and technical activities (Manthan and Kriti). We have seen our students prove their mettle in multitude of spheres and all of this points towards the fact that IIT Guwahati provides an environment which is hugely conducive to the overall growth of its student fraternity. Yes, your primary objective is to study and carry out research but you will have a lot of freedom to pursue activities apart from your studies. Studies are no doubt important, but getting yourself involved in various other non-academic activities and things that you are passionate about shape your personality for the rest of your life. When you finally complete your course, you certainly just don’t want to come out with an excellent grade but also with the memories of the clubs and events that you were associated with, the friends that you make and the fun that you had while studying at this institute. A word of caution, the biggest challenge for most students is the time management .Don’t overextend nonacademic activities and it is advised to stay away from bad habits. In the long run, our success will be measured primarily by the accomplishments of our students, and the level of leadership you assume in the nation and world. We will do our best to make you feel a part of the IITG fraternity as quickly as possible and help you achieve your intellectual aims. You have worked very hard to get in to IIT Guwahati, and we will work together to make sure your time here is both productive and enjoyable. Finally, if you find that you are not settling in as well as you hoped, or feel there is something you would like to talk over, then do come and see me. I look forward to seeing you all.

Dean of Students Affairs Prof. B.K Patel Dept. of Chemistry IIT Guwahati.


Message from the Chairman, JEE Cell

I welcome you all to the IIT Guwahati and I congratulate you for your success in the JEE (Advanced)-2013. Unlike previous years, in this year you have crossed three stages for the IIT admission; top 1.5 lakhs in the JEE (Main), top 20 percentile in the board examination and rank in JEE (Advanced)-2013. These stages are not hurdles but stepping stones for your success and it pushes you to give your best performance. Life is battlefield, only battlefield changes, battle does not change. Hereafter, your JEE (Advanced) rank doesn’t matter; only your performance at IIT Guwahati is going to decide your position in the professional career. After you will enter into your profession, you will not be seen as IITian, only your contribution to your organization will be seen for further. You need to perform everyday in your life if you want to sustain your success. When you were in School, you might have dreamed about IIT, today you achieved with your consistent efforts and support of your family. What next?? IIM/Green Card?. You can be ambitious and you can dream big for tomorrow, but live today and give your best in the courses you have chosen. A simple way to succeed in the Life battlefield is “Whatever you do, Give your best and Whatever you deserve will come to you”. In the millions of living species in the Universe, we didn’t choose to born as human being; we didn’t decide to born with disability; we didn’t choose to born a family who can take care of our basic needs and provide best opportunity; we didn’t choose to born with intelligence/determination/sincerity. In the country of 120 crore population, almighty has chosen only few thousands like you to get best health, best family and best career opportunity. Because you are the most responsible person who can take care not only your family but also your society and your Country.Take care of your family and Take care of our country. All the very best.

Chairman,JEE Cell

Dr.S.Senthilvelan Dept. of Mechanical Engg. IIT Guwahati 5

Student’s Gymkhana Council IIT Guwahati

Student’s Gymkhana A powerful and apolitical student organisation that acts as the link between you and the administration.

Student’s Gymkhana Council Students’ Gymkhana Council is the body that promotes the objectives of fostering extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, welfare of students and their stay on the campus. It comprises of five Boards viz. Students’ Welfare Board, Cultural Board, Sports Board, Technical Board and Hostels’ Affairs Board. In the hierarchy general secretaries are followed by individual secretaries of clubs and committees. All the members of students’ Gymkhana are elected for the students, by the students and from the students. Elections are held mid-March. Over the subsequent pages, we will introduce you to the current Gymkhana council and familiarize with the activities of each of the individual boards under the council.


Message from the Vice President, Gymkhana

I still remember the day when I got my fresher’s guide and I was so excited about my college life and campus that I read through each and every word of the booklet and kept watching the pictures until I came here. I am sure for those of you who are reading this message you are feeling the same. Congratulations to you for getting into the one of the best and most beautiful campus of the country. IIT Guwahati is a whole new world in itself with all the facilities and amazing people. So explore this new world and gain as much as you can. You can create wonders here and lead your life towards a greater success. But let me warn you that one can find here all that is needed and also many other things that is not. So be very cautious to take the right decisions as these small decisions have a large impact on your life and career. I am sure you have cracked JEE for a much better cause. Time management, decision making, personality development and engineering skills are what you will learn through your college life at IIT Guwahati. Your skill set will decide where you stand and will give a lead to your future. So never waste time and always keep learning. There are a pool of extra curricular activities that you can dive into while your stay in the campus but never compromise on your academics for anything. At the end of four years the thing that will matter the most is your Academic excellence. There is a saying that “Touch as many lives as you can”. Make as many friends as possible as everyone of them has something for you to learn. Have a healthy interaction with your seniors and make early plans regarding your higher studies or career. I can just go on telling you tons about the campus and campus life. Read through the entire booklet to know more. We also have a lot in store for you when you come to the campus.

Awaiting to meet you all.

Vice President Rahul Vinod Upputuri Dept. of Mechanical Engg. IIT Guwahati 8

Student Life

You have worked hard enough to get in to IIT. Now its time to ease your loads and involve yourself in several activities to develop your personality and sharpen your skills. Now its time for conferring upon you the talisman for tackling everything and enjoying your IIT life to the fullest. Weekday college is between 8 am to 5 pm with weekends left for you to enjoy and relax and study too!!! In your first semester, by the time you get used to the quizzes and assignments, and share a light weekend of Techniche (The Techfest of IITG, the first of week of sept), you’ll find yourself neck deep in the preparations for midsems. And by the time you recuperate from the shock, forgetting much amidst the lively moods of Manthan (intra hostel cultfest) and Diwali, you’ll have the gigantic endsems right infront of you!!! Don’t be afraid as everything goes on so fast that you won’t ever get time to realize these shocks. Techniche, Manthan, Spirit, Intra batch sports meet act like oasis in midst of quizzes, midsems and endsems. There is only one mantra to tackle everything- “Time management”; it is the most important quality that you develop here which will help you to have a good CPI and let you participate in other events as well. Don’t forget, you always have your seniors and faculty community to help you out in any possible way. 9

No Ragging

Does the mention of the word ragging give you goosebumps and make you break into a sweat? Well, don’t worry. Ragging, in IIT Guwahati, is strictly forbidden. As your seniors writing this guide, we assure you that ragging is something that we’ve never experienced, and the student community of IIT Guwahati is unanimous in taking a stance against ragging. You may be feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the prospect of living in a hostel without your parents, but, rest assured, you, just like we did, will meet cheerful and helpful seniors at your hostel’s help desk the day you and your parents arrive. They’ll give a few words of advice to you and your parents, the most important of which will be that ragging is, and has always been, a complete no-no in the institute. We once again emphasize the fact that the institute does not take ragging of any form lightly. Denigrators have been very strongly reprimanded in the past and will be in the future as well. In case, you face any problem despite these stringent measures, you are welcome to approach the student Vice President, General Secretary – Welfare, your faculty advisor or your warden at any time for advice or assistance. In particular, the Student’s Gymkhana is here to not just encourage you to broaden your scope of knowledge, but to help you if you meet with any problems during your stay.


Student Welfare Board The Students’ Welfare Board broadly addresses the overall wellbeing of the students of the institute. Its scope of activities includes among various welfare activities such as faculty-student interactions, senior-junior interactions, organizing yoga and meditation camps, serving the society through NSS, group discussions, coffee house sessions, counselling services to students and a lot of other activities which are aimed at keeping the mind, body and soul of the IITians sound. Well, what we have for you? Here at IITG, the Students’ Welfare Board is committed to ensure that you have no issues adapting to the new home you are about to live in. We welcome you all with Fresher’s Week where we will have events aiming at helping you in adapting to your new home. Another major question which you all might be having is about Ragging, well friends, we assure you all that there is no such thing in the campus and you are about to enter a friendly environment and home away from home. Do contact us at any time regarding any problem that you might be facing during your stay in the campus.


Welfare Board Contacts Santhosh Chandra

General Secretary b.chandra@iitg.ernet.in 9085185712


Joint Secretary p.jyothsna@iitg.ernet.in 8011196280

CHAIRMAN Dr.K. Pakshirajan

Dept. of Biotechnology IIT Guwahati pakhi@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91(0)361 2582210

Pushpinder Goyal

Secretary,Social Service Club pushpinder@iitg.ernet.in 8011244387

Atishay Jain

Secretary,Interaction Club ecyatishay@iitg.ernet.in 7896172451

Sankalp Borthakur

Secretary, Youth Empowerment Club b.sankalp@iitg.ernet.in 7896219234

Kiran kumar Banoth

Secretary, Student Advisory Council k.banoth@iitg.ernet.in 8011877219

PVR. Narendra

PG Representative v.perumalla@iitg.ernet.in 9085884469


Cultural Board Always thought that IIT will be all about studies and grades? Well, think again. Here you will find everything ranging from dance, music, and drama, to movies, debates and quizzes. You have worked hard enough to get into IIT. Now its time to ease out a bit get yourself involved with several activities to develop your personality and hone your skills. IITG has its own Cultural Board which organizes and promotes all extracurricular cultural activities. It has currently nine clubs, namely; Anchoring, Choreography, Fine Arts, Literary, Performing Arts, Photography, Music and the Movie Club, meeting a wide range of interests of the students of the institute. IITG also has its own radio station where we are the RJs, and hopefully, in the future, so shall you. We even have regular cultural nights where students from all hostels gather together and enjoy the evening with live dances and performances from some of the institute’s many bands.



Alcheringa, The annual cultural festival of IIT Guwahati, is widely acclaimed for delivering the name in its truest and most literal incarnation. The four enthralling days of the fest help severe the thin fabric between reality and illusion by serving as a portal for one into the ‘Eternal Dreamtime ‘. The 17th edition of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati’s Cultural festival, Alcheringa, took place this February. With 4 Pronites, 8 Proshows, 170 events and Witnessing performances from different countries and participation from over 20 different states, Acheringa has firmly established itself as one of the best cultural festivals of India . Its unmatchable brilliance has successfully captivated the heart and mind of one and all. It undoubtedly dwarfs all other college festivals and stands out in its own league observing a massive crowd of about 50000 people. Apart from the splendid events that draw the attention of a large section of society, the most tempting and luring of all is the virtuous and glorious nights of the fest. This 17 edition saw many uniquely different acts from Tap dancing and Kathak to Rock bands, beatboxers and Irish folk musicians, Alcheringa 2013 had it all. 14

SAAZ, the classical and the foremost night, saw the impeccable co-ordination and blend of the western culture with the classical Indian culture in the Indian Jazz Suites. BLITZKRIEG, the following night experienced the incredible performance by some of the greatest DJs in the country presented by Sunburn Campus, the biggest fest in India. JUGGERNAUT, the Rock Band night saw the opening performance by the Indian rock band Thermal and a Quarter followed by Irish Indie Rock band Frantic Jack. Ten thousand fists went in the air with the riffs as each drum beat seemed to echo throughout the ground. CRESCENDO, the concluding Bollywood night, was jeweled by what many consider to be the biggest playback singer out there, MOHIT CHAUHAN, who enthralled the crowd with his signature tracks and drove everyone insane as he ended the entire fest with his magnum opus ‘Sadda Haq’. Alcheringa has featured Anoushka Shankar, Javed Ali, Soul Mate, Eluvitte, Ish Theatre, Kalki Koechlin ,Orphaned Land and many more in the past. Either if you are a performer or an entertainer or even if you are loved to be entertained there is room for you in Alcheringa. Enjoy your fest that is organized by you. Be an integral part of it and experience the euphoria of fun with us at IIT Guwahati.


Manthan Your extra-curricular abilities will come to the fore during IIT Guwahati’s signature inter-hostel cultural competition, as eight bastions of pride prepare to battle it out for the Manthan trophy. Manthan brings out of you abilities you may never have realized you have as you and your mates show everyone else why your hostel trounces all others. Held during the month of October, Manthan also gives you an excellent chance to bond with the seniors from your hostel, and find new friends in your batch. Winning something of this scale is not something a small group of people can ever accomplish, and entire army of dancers, writers, singers, instrumentalists, painters, and prop-makers will be required to oust the competition. Night-outs, team work, time management and delivering a winning performance, that’s just the kind of stuff the spirit of Manthan embodies.

PAF (Performing Arts Festival) The Performing Arts Festival is yet another platform to showcase your skills and help your hostel prove its mettle. It includes competitions like dance, drama and music challenges. PAF is proof enough of the fact that hostel spirit will make you want to toil day and night, just for that one moment of glory. You’ll see wind chimes, sugar jars and tin cans adding to the beat, along with the usual guitars, violins, synthesizers and drums. Your feet will tap to the funky dance numbers, you’ll tootle, you’ll scream, and you may very well see your hostel win!


Alfaaz Flair, eloquence, grit and a stage presence that send shivers down the shine of your opponents. A passion for words matched only by a passion for victory, a passion to out do the competition and then go an extra leap. Alfaaz is a festival for the literati, featuring competitions that prove that the pen is mightier than the sword, and that an enthralling speaker is mightier still. Held in mid-Feb, Alfaaz heralds in spring with lectures from novlists, poets and literary personalities you’ve been yearning to meet all your life, and then gets right down and dirty with events that bring out all the literary talent in you. Orators find their match in the Extempore and the Classical Debate, and the more silent, yet equally expensive, battle it out in Script Writing and poetry competitions. Feb a little bit too far away now ? You’ll need to none your literary skill to the maxium to be able to battle it out in Alfaaz .


Cultural Board Contacts Ashish Nayak

General Secretary porika@iitg.ernet.in 8011213601

Dr. Kaustubha Mohanty

Dept. of Chemical Engineering IIT Guwahati Email: kmohanty@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 (0)361 2582267

Aanchal Gupta

Joint Secretary aanchal@iitg.ernet.in 8011197884

Rohitashva Singh Saurabh

Secretary,PSC ss.saurabh@iitg.ernet.in 8011228802

Parth Sabharwal

Secretary,Anchoring Club s.parth@iitg.ernet.in 7896257450

Prakash Gupta

PG Representative prakash.gupta@iitg.ernet.in 8822250905

Mir Amir Ali

Secretary,Music Club a.mir@iitg.ernet.in 8011235646

Ritesh Mohan Krishna Secretary,Literary Club rm.krishna@iitg.ernet.in 9508959027

Naveen Bojja

Secretary,Movie Club bojja@iitg.ernet.in 8011253418

Tanmay Agarwal

Secretary,Fine arts a.tanmay@iitg.ernet.in 8011217460

Saurabh Soni

Secretary,Photography Club s.soni@iitg.ernet.in 8486433128


Secretary,Choreography Club (Cadence) m.kanth@iitg.ernet.in 9085594883 18

Sports Board

You are here for an overall development of your personality, so to keep you healthy and fit, we have all the facilities for sports, both indoor and outdoor. All outdoor sports like athletics, swimming, cricket, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc. and indoor sports like table tennis, weight lifting, chess, carrom, squash, etc. are actively played by all throughout the year. We have a Sports Board to organize and promote all extra curricular activities in the field of sports. It has currently eleven clubs namely, Cricket Club, Football Club, Basketball Club, Volleyball Club, Tennis Club, Indoor Games Club, Athletics and Gymnastics Club, Trekking and Mountaineering Club, Table Tennis Club, Aquatics Club, Badminton Club.


Inter IIT Sports Meet

Inter IIT Sports Meet is a contest that explores healthy avenues to release the youth’s capacities, develop their physical abilities, build self-confidence, willpower and goal setting competencies and instill in the young minds a vision that will enable them to achieve their goals. Held every winter at one of the IITs, the Meet affords the opportunity to the sportspersons from the IITs to showcase their talents. An Inter-IIT aquatic meet is held separately as a part of the main meet each year preceeding the main Inter-IIT Sports meet. The team excelling in both the meets is further awarded the General Championship. The probables for the meet are selected in September and are then subjected to regular coaching almost every evening in the odd semester by excellent coaches. A sports camp is organized at the end of the semester two weeks before Inter-IIT. It’s not easy to get into the Inter-IIT contingent. But dedication, hard work and passion can make everything possible. So if you want to represent your Institute at the highest level then dare and soar!


Spirit Spirit is the annual sporting festival of IIT Guwahati. Held in the last week of October, it witnesses participation from across the North East. Some of the sporting talent on show is truly spectacular, with teams from our college pitted against professional sportsmen of real caliber. Spirit also serves the purpose of providing our probables for the Inter IIT an opportunity to iron out the flaws in their game, and gain some valuable match practice. Spirit is a spectacle not to be missed if you are a sports enthusiast.

Spardha Spardha, the inter hostel sports competition, provides platform for all sportsmen, experienced and amateurs, in the campus. With the pride of your hostel at stake, this time in the sporting arena, Spardha will let you push the boundaries of what you can do for your hostel. It stretches throughout the even semester, and sees by far the largest participation from the students at IIT Guwahati. From aquatics to soccer, you can follow any sport that you love. The SAC grounds are open till 9 P.M. at night and you can issue sports equipment from the security guard at the SAC desk by bringing your I-Card. The use of the swimming pool requires you to register permanently and get a separate pool card. Don’t worry if you are a big zero in sports and never knew where to begin. There is a full-time dedicated team of professional coaches for various sporting activities. Physical fitness and metal alertness is a mantra for success in life. So, each one of you do make it a point to take some time out from your busy schedules for sports and extra-curricular activities. 21

Sports Board Contacts Pratyuksh Bansal

General Secretary pratyuksh@iitg.ernet.in 9085435430

Neha Tadichetty

CHAIRMAN Dr. Perumal Alagarsamy

Dept. of Physics IIT Guwahati Email: perumal@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 (0)361 2582714

Joint Secretary t.neha@iitg.ernet.in 9085669908

Deepak Kumar

Secretary, Table Tennis Club deepak.d@iitg.ernet.in 8486419656

Jitendra Kumar Verma

Pankaj Kumar

Secretary,Aquatics Club pankaj@iitg.ernet.in 7896512660

Rohit Bansal

Secretary,Weightlifting Club b.rohit@iitg.ernet.in 9577644335

Raghav Mittal

Secretary,Badminton Club m.raghav@iitg.ernet.in 8011230200

Mamidi Prashanth

Secretary, Mountaineering& Trekking Club p.mamidi@iitg.ernet.in 8011228064

Avinash Yadav

Secretary,VolleyBall Club y.avinash@iitg.ernet.in 8011197448

Secretary,Cricket Club v.jitendra@iitg.ernet.in 8011268919

Jaideep Sehrawat

Secretary,Athletics Club j.jaideep@iitg.ernet.in 8011202900

A. Suraj Dev Yadav

Secretary,Basketball Club y.suraj@iitg.ernet.in 7896257342

Krtin Kumar

Secretary, Tennis Club krtin@iitg.ernet.in 8011244380

J Surendranath Reddy

Secretary,Hockey Club jillella@iitg.ernet.in 8011254475

Ayush Sethia

Secretary,Football Club sethia@iitg.ernet.in 9909297683 22

Technical Board So far all we’ve been talking about academics, culture, and sports. But where does ‘technology’ in the Indian Institute of Technology come in? It comes in right here, under the banner of the Technical Board, consisting of the Astronomy, Entrepreneurial Development, Environmental, Robotics and Science and Quiz Clubs to introduce you to the enthralling, educational and exciting world of science and technology. The technical board has its own flagship events, Techniche and Kriti, the former, one of India’s biggest techno-management fests, and the latter an extension of the much touted hostel spirit to the technical sphere.

Techniche With the cardinal aim of promoting and harnessing the intellectual potential of the country, Techniche, (29th August - 1st September, 2013) the annual techno-management festival of IIT Guwahati was started in 1999 by a group of enthusiastic students having this vision. During Techniche, we organize a plethora of events ranging from Robotics to Business Plan Modeling, to Aeromodelling, to Computer Coding related events, which are specifically designed to encourage out of the box and imaginative thinking. The activities undertaken by Techniche run throughout the year and culminate in the 3 day fiesta usually held in last week of August.


A small overview of the segments that Techniche has in store for this knowledge thirsty generation in its 15th reincarnation are Learn from the Legends:Tagged as the best lecture series the country has to offer, we have eminent personalities giving lectures and sharing their experiences on exotic topics which opens the avenues to the world of knowledge, the world of 'Lecture Series'. Guwahati Marathon: Intended to create awareness and bring the society together, the Guwahati Half Marathon is the pinnacle of the Social Initiative of Techniche. The Industrial Conclave: Enjoy the opportunity to interact and share ideas with eminent personalities- leading CEO’s, entrepreneurs and business thinkers, who have achieved the zenith of success, through the ‘Industrial Conclave’. The Corporate Module: Held in collaboration with the EDC of IIT Guwahati, the module organizes business management related events which are aimed at helping the participants fortify their skills and testing their business acumen and entrepreneurial abilities. Robotics, a perfect platform for all the robotic enthusiasts in the nation where you get to build robots from the scratch. Technothlon, the International level School Championship, which is aimed at improving the analytical reasoning abilities and developing scientific inquisitiveness among students of classes 9-12. Pradarshini, the exhibition module, showcases the latest and the sensational technological inventions in different fields of technology. Workshops: The workshops which are assorted over the three days of Techniche cover a wide range of topics, give you the best opportunity to explore in practicality all the theory that would have otherwise remained crammed up in text books. We Care, a social initiative such as Muskaan, Blood Donation Camps, Health Camps started by the students of IIT Guwahati to spread social awareness and education in villages around Guwahati. Predefined: With enough time given to research, discuss and come up with the best solutions, this module let's you have your own experience in cherishing the process to reaching the best possible solution. Participate in on-the-spot events spread across the campus in Rush Hour. Solve mind boggling questions and have loads of fun in Techniche's Funniche. Witness this prodigious spectacle and ignite in yourself a passion for innovation. Come be a part Techniche 2013. Ideate. Nurture. Kindle. 24

Kriti 10 hostels, 3 days, 1 title: come KRITI, the inter hostel technical and management festival , and it’s time for competition in the sphere where it matters the most to any IITian, as future technocrats battle it out in arenas where knowledge, creativity and presence of mind are your best chance. Kriti comprises of robotics, product design, finance and management, marketing strategy, quizzes, astronomy, problem solving or even gaming, we have something in store to satisfy every IITian’s thirst for victory. The sum total of performances in each of the events may help get you the coveted title of Kriti champions.

IES Our Entrepreneurship Development Cell(EDC) has come a long way since its inception. The cell organized IES, The IITG Entrepreneurship Summit, in collaboration with TIE. CEOs of a large number of young yet successful start ups made their way to the campus in early March, sharing their success story and imparting useful tips to the burgeoning community of future entrepreneurs in the campus, and the large number of students from outside, IES 2011 left us asking for more. And the best part is that you can be the one who helps ensure that next year’s edition far surpasses this year’s both in size and quality!


Technical Board Contacts Shariq Haroon

General Secretary 8876918969 shariq@iitg.ernet.in

Alekhya Muthyam

CHAIRMAN Dr. Manmohan Pandey

Dept. of Mechanical Engg. IIT Guwahati Email: manmohan@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 (0)361 2582687

Joint Secretary 8011241189 parki@iitg.ernet.in

Manan Bhutani

Secretary, Quiz Club 8011201661 manan@iitg.ernet.in

Shashank Agrawal

Secretary,Robotics Club 8724831453 a.shashank@iitg.ernet.in

Kunal Solanki

Secretary,Prakriti Club 9085596303 k.solanki@iitg.ernet.in

Pawan kumar

Secretary,Electronics Club 8011919125 pawankumar@iitg.ernet.in

Nazeebul Ansari

Secretary,EDC 8011195991 nazeebul@iitg.ernet.in

Sagar Garg

Harsh Gupta

Kushal Rathore

Abhishek Trivedi

Secretary,RadioG 8876803845 sagar.garg@iitg.ernet.in Techniche Convener 8011284211 r.kushal@iitg.ernet.in

Secretary,Coding Club 7896172273 g.harsh@iitg.ac.in Secretary,Aeromodelling Club 9401052383 t.abhishek@iitg.ernet.in 26

Hostel Affairs Board The Hostels Affairs board acts as the central coordinating authority for all hostels. its main function is to coordinate and execute all activities related to hostels through the hostel management committees of respective hostels. hostels. Presently our campus has 10 hostels namely; Barak, Brahmaputra, Dibang, Dihing, Kapili, Kameng, Manas, Subansiri, Siang, Umiam.One more hostel is in the process of construction. All are self sufficient units having regular amenities viz. a single occupancy based comfortable room ,attached balcony(in older ones), a common T.V. Hall, an Indoor Sports Room , a Meeting Room, 24 Hr canteen Service, Juice center, central Grounds, etc. The state-of-affairs in the hostel are superintended by the warden, with assistance of the Associate warden and the Caretaker. The student body, the Hostel Management committee (HMC), comprising of elected students is responsible for organizing activities and interactive sessions round the semester. It also looks after the major issues and problems concerning the hostel. Once you are in the hostels they will brief you about their plans and you are always welcome to approach them in case of any problem. You need not have doubts with regards to the food and hygiene, as the HMC superbly manages these issues.

Hostels Afraid to leave home sweet home? Confused about hostel life? IITG promises you a new home, in the campus, which is spread over 700 acres on the banks of the river Brahmaputra, with fascinating, scenic views. We have ten full fledged hostels, including one girls’ hostel. The hostels are named after the tributiaries of the river Bramhaputra; Kapili, Dihing, Dibang, Manas, Kameng, Umiam, Siang,Barak and Bramhaputra are the boys‘ hostels, while Subansiri is the girls’ hostel. You are bound to enjoy the enchanting sunrise, if you rise early, and of course a beautiful view of the sunset from your room. Each room is fully furnished.


Each hostel has a multipurpose common room, a TV room where the environment gets really hot during Indo-Pak matches and the English Premier League, a T.T. room, carom and a gym (in some cases), a volley ball court or a badminton court, depending on the hostel you find yourself in, along with a multipurpose playground. In addition, there is also the Reading room where you will find the latest magazines and a plethora of newspapers. Each room in every hostel is connected to the institute LAN (Local Area Network). Internet facility is provided in individual rooms. Each hostel has its own library from where you can borrow books and other reading materials. Every hostel has a PCO and a PA system. Have zero worries about your daily diet. IITG boasts of one of the best mess facilities among the Indian Institutes, where complete care of hygiene and cleanliness is taken. One has a choice of variety of dishes ranging from South Indian to North Indian, Eastern and Chinese. You surely won’t miss food of your liking as the menu is managed by students committee. The mess charges are nominal and include breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Each hostel also has a canteen, which usually operates till three o’ clock in the morning. There is also a juice bar in each hostel, which provides fruit chaats, milkshakes and of course, juices all made from fresh fruits. Each hostel has a team of a warden, an assistant warden (both faculty members) and a caretaker. They, with the help of the office staff, handle all the administrative work concerning the hostel. The Hostel Council consists of the Warden and a number of Secretaries, who are elected student representatives. Finally, you will realize that a hostel is much more than that. It’s your own place and you rule it. No tension of professors and classes. A cool and tension free environment that is an essential ingredient in an IITian’s life.


Hostel Administration Jeevan Rathod

Kameng d.rathod@iitg.ernet.in 8473994795

Amrit Kamal Lenka


Dr. K.V.Krishna

Department of Mathematics IIT Guwahati Email:kvk@iitg.ernet.in Phone:+91(0)361 2582605

Umiam amrit@iitg.ernet.in 8486362211

Akhil babu

Siang m.akhil@iitg.ernet.in 8473995731

Vikas pandey

Manas p.vikas@iitg.ernet.in 9085670166


Kapili b.vinay@iitg.ernet.in 8011923693

Arjun Puthussery

Brahmaputra p.arjun@iitg.ernet.in 9085595929

Arvind Shakya

Barak a.shakya@iitg.ernet.in 9207105524

Azeem Khan

Dihing azeem@iitg.ernet.in 8473994994


General Championship Manthan, Kriti, PAF, Alfaaz, and Spardha are events pertaining to very specific sphere of interests, but the General Championship ties them together into one big package, a trophy for the hostel which does the best in an entire gamut of competitions, all throughout the year. The points your hostel collects in each of the individual championships contribute towards winning the coveted General Championship. Also, smaller events, like a music challenge and an extempore competition, are held all throughout the year to keep the competitive spirit alive. So, to all of you who’ll be coming in this year, the battle for excellence is always on. It will not take you much time before the much talked of ‘hostel spirit’ will be imbibed in you. In no time at all you’ll start cheering for your hostel and jeering at all the others, making sure it’s your turf that glimmering trophy lands on..

Student Organisations

The Students’ Gymkhana is a powerful and apolitical students’ association headed by the Vice President (elected amongst the students). In all matters concerning students of IITG, right from the welcoming of new students, till the end of your final year, you will always find the Gymkhana associated with your campus life. Whether it’s the organization of students’ festivals or placements, the gymkhana actively performs its duties very professionally, throughout. Gradually, you will find that the gymkhana has become a part and parcel of your life.


The basic structure of students’ gymkhana consists of five general secretaries, one for each portfolio: cultural council, sports council, hostel affairs, technical council and students’ welfare headed by the Vice President. In the hierarchy general secretaries are followed by individual secretaries of the clubs and committees. Most of the student activities are organized by cultural and sports council of the students’ gymkhana. Clubs like Photography,Fine Arts, Environmental, Performing Arts organize various activities round the calendar. Numerous adventure trips such as rafting and mountaineering, which is well supported by the terrain here, will give you an unforgettable experience. Apart from this, workshops and expert sessions are also a part of the activities of these clubs to provide an expertise in the various fields. Organizing different kinds of sports competitions, practice sessions and professional coaching in games like cricket, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, lawn tennis and many more, is a part of sports council of students’ gymkhana. Student community organises cultnites with band performances by the IITG band, DJ nites during Dusherra, Diwali, Holi and all other festivals. The above mentioned clubs and cultural groups organize get-togethers quite frequently where you can meet many staff members and students to have informal chats. There are various departmental associations working for the same mission and with the same vision. All such associations, with cooperation from faculty members and the departments are heading towards a common goal of providing their departmental students with more and more opportunity to grow in terms of knowledge and all other aspects. ‘CSEA’ of Computer Science and Engineering, ‘Cepstrum’ of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ‘MESA’ of Mechanical Engineering, ‘Genesis’ of Biotechnology, ‘ACME’ of Chemical Engineering and ‘ACE’ of Civil Engineering are such organizations which regularly organize guest lectures, workshops, seminars, competitions, etc. on diverse topics related to their department. Look forward to kindle even your most vague interests on campus, for there’s abundant scope to develop anything you name in this place.


Facilities The campus is meticulously planned with various facilities to make your life convenient. The Computer Centre of IIT Guwahati is the epicenter of all computing facilities for students, faculty members and staff. The centre has all flavors of Unix, Linux and Windows. The servers in the centre are from HP, Sun, Silicon Graphics, IBM and Intel. The students can connect to the servers either from the PCs available in the Centre/ Departments or from their hostel rooms. The Computer Centre has more than 250 PCs with LCD monitors and latest technology.

The Central Library, one of the important central facilities of the institute, currently has about one lakh volumes, including text books, reference books, conference proceedings, back volumes, tapes, video tapes and slides and subscribes to many current periodicals.

All the operations of the Library are automated with the help of an integrated library software package. A database for the entire collection created is available to the users via the campus network. The Central Library, being a member of INDEST Consortium, under the aegis of the MHRD, provides online access to some important science & engineering abstracting database services. Since the institute is also a member of the IEEE, all the articles, journals and other engineering related information you can ever need of can be accessed at the website: www.ieeexplore.ieee.org, which provides more than 1 million documents online.


Guest House and Computer Centre

Medical facilities are provided to the staff and students of the Institute by the institute dispensary. The Institute currently has three medical officers (M.D). Patients are also referred to the Guwahati Medical College Hospital (GMCH) wher modern facilities for treatment are available. Apart from GMCH, the institute has also approved several private nursing homes including the Guwahati Neurological Research Centre. There are branches of SBI and Canara Bank in the campus with ATM facilities. The campus houses a full-fledged shopping complex to fulfill all your daily needs. The Shopping centre has shops like a saloon, confectionary items, stationary, laundry, multi cuisine restaurant, computer and accessories, Amul products etc. Many PCO’s and Xerox centres are available. The campus also has a Post Office. Planned in the institute zone are some eating joints which will soon become your favourite haunts when you wish to take a break from studies. A beautiful Guest house warmly welcomes your parents and guardians for a memorable stay at IITG. Guest house tariffs are reasonable. Bookings can be made by either email or placing your request in person. Though the campus is about 24 kms from city it is well connected to city by an efficient bus service. Buses run every hour. But there is an alternative way and of course a faster and more adventurous one, a ferry ride across Brahmaputra. If you are lucky you might see the rare River Dolphins on your way!!! The institute has undergone rapid changes on all fronts. New buildings have come up in many parts of the campus. We have a world class Auditorium, featuring a state of the art surround sound system and four lecture theatres, apart from a Community Hall for Cultural Events and performances. 33


Academics Piles of books....long assignment sheets... bundles of question papers! These are some of the familiar images commonly associated with the word “Academics”. But before you decide to turn over this page, let us assure you that there is a lot more to it than that. Contrary to the popular belief, studies at IIT do not merely mean mugging up of lecture notes a writing them in exam notes but involve application of mind, understanding of concepts and generating new ideas. All those traits that saw you sailing through JEE will stand by you here as well. Regular classes, tutorials and labs with assignments from time to time will help you to the up to date with your work at all times. Professors are highly qualified and always willing to answer your queries. Besides, you will also enjoy the privileges of interaction with visiting faculties from different parts of the World, who are leading professionals in their respective fields. IITG hosts a beautiful constructed Academic complex that provides a perfect ambience for learning. The labs are furnished with the most modern equipments. Residing in the campus gives you the added benefit to access to the labs, library and a plethora of other facilities outside the stipulated hours. Lecture halls and galleries are equipped with LCD and overhead projectors. And of course, a central library with a wide range of books, latest periodicals and journals caters to the needs and interest of the students. Besides, the computer centre with internet facilities remains open from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. is a favourite destination for many. Moreover, learning goes beyond the confines of classrooms and labs. Living along with people having similar interests will give you a chance to learn from one another through discussions, interactions and group projects. IIT Guwahati offers B.Tech in 10 disciplines, M.Tech in 6 disciplines, B.Des, M Des, M.A in Development Studies, M. Sc in 3 disciplines apart from research opportunities in the form of a number of PhD programmes. Down the years, graduates from the IIT Guwahati have left a distinct mark wherever there have been activities. Academics would play a very crucial role in moulding you into the individual that you become by the time you’re ready to leave. Don’t neglect it!


Grading The grading is on a 10-point scale. All courses are given certain credits. The number of credits is twice the number of hours of class you will attend for that course per week. At the end of the semester you will receive the grades in the respective courses based on your performance. Each grade has certain points like 10,9,8,7,6,5,4, 0 for AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DD and F respectively. The credits are multiplied by the points and the sum divided by the total number of credits you have registered for and you get your SPI, obtained in subsequent semesters would amount to cumulative SPI (CPI). If this sounds jargon, just wait till your first grade card arrives and after that there will be no further secrets.

Branch Change There is a provision for branch change. This is done after first year and depends on CPI after two semesters. Excerpts from the B Tech/B Des rules and regulations (Clauses 6.1 – 6.9) change of branch are noted below. 1. Only those students will be considered eligible for change of branch/programme after the second semester, who have completed all the common credits required in the first two semesters of their studies in their first attempt, without having had to pass any course requirement in the summer term examination. 2. Students may enlist their choices of branch/programme, in order of preference, to which they wish to change over. It will not be permissible to alter the choices after the application has been submitted. 3. Change of branch/programme shall be made strictly in order of merit of the applicants. For this purpose the CPI obtained at the end of the second semester shall be considered. In case of a tie, the JEE rank of the applicants will be considered. 4. The applicants may be allowed a change in branch/programme, strictly in order of inter se merit, subject to the limitation that the strength of a branch should not fall below the existing strength by more than ten percent and should not go above the sanctioned strength by more than ten percent.


5. All changes of branch/programme made in accordance with the above rules will be effective from the third semester of the applicants concerned. No change of branch/programme shall be permitted after this.

Minor Programme 1. Students may opt for a Minor in a discipline other than the discipline he/she is registered in. Students completing a minor will have the minor mentioned in the degree certificate and in the final grade card. 2. The credit requirements for a minor discipline will be in the range of 30 - 36 credits. The minor courses will spread over the third to seventh semesters of a BTech/BDes programme with one course per semester. 3. Only those students who have completed all the credits required in the first two semesters of their studies with a CPI of 6.5 or above, will be eligible for a minor discipline after the end of second semester. 4. The number of seats in each minor discipline will be as per decision of the Senate of IIT Guwahati. However, a minor discipline will not be available if the number of applicants in that discipline is less than five. 5. Selection to minor disciplines shall be made strictly in order of merit of the applicants. 6. Joining the minor disciplines carried out in accordance with the above rules will be effective from the third semester of the applicants concerned. No change of minor discipline shall be permitted after this. 7. A student with only minor courses remaining as backlogs at the beginning of a semester (other than a Summer semester) will be deemed to have completed the B. Tech. programme and he/she will be awarded a B.Tech./B.Des. degree without a minor.



Necessities Packing Your Bags Going away from home for the first time and confused about what exactly you might need? Well stop scratching your heads and take a look at our checklist (trust us, it really comes in handy). 1. First of all, you will need essentials like a lock, a bucket, a mug, a mattress (6’x 3’), a pillow, blanket, curtains, hangers, umbrella and a scientific calculator. 2. A bicycle is a must since the campus is quite large. 3. Don’t get worked up about how to carry all this – we have a solution for that too. All these can be bought from Guwahati city to which IIT buses ply at regular intervals. Also, stalls will be set up inside the campus, for buying bicycles, mattresses, pillows, etc. Finally, it’s a free world here and you can bring literally anything - music system, computer, electric guitar and anything that you can’t live without. 4. Both pre-paid and post-paid connections can be easily obtained within the campus, however if you wish you can use your home Sim Card for initial use.

Reaching The Campus Getting to Guwahati Guwahati is well connected to India with rail and air travel. There are trains from all over the country to reach Guwahati (visit the Indian Railways official site http://www.indianrail.gov.in/ for complete information). There are direct flights from all major cities offered by Indian Airlines, Indigo, Spice, Kingfisher and Jet Airways. Connecting flights via Kolkata are also available.


Reaching the Campus From the airport An auto or a pre-paid taxi is the best way to reach IITG. Fares have to be negotiated and the ongoing rate is around Rs.450/- . From the railway station As soon as you step down onto the Guwahati Railway station, l ook for our students carrying ‘IITG’ placards, or their identification cards on the platform. In case you miss them, go to the parking area of the railway station and look for buses with “ON IITG DUTY” written on the bottom corner of their windshield. If you cannot locate any of the above, you have other options too. You can take an auto or a taxi from the station itself. The fare may be around Rs.350/- for an auto and Rs.450 to Rs.500 for a taxi. Ask to be dropped off at the hostel gate. Another option is to catch a rickshaw to the pavement outside President Hotel/Pan Bazaar Institute of Engineers, Pan Bazaar. Opposite to the President Hotel are IIT buses parked that depart for the campus every hour. Parents are advised to book their return tickets in advance at least 2-3 days after registration. Upon reaching the Campus Upon reaching the Campus All the students will have hostels allotted to them by the time they reach the campus. Your first job will be to find out which hostel you have been allotted. This enquiry can be done at the railway station/ airport from the students of IITG. For the parents, accommodation can be booked in the institute guest house by mailing an application to guesthouse@iitg.ernet.in specifying the duration of stay, number of people visiting and the reason for visit. Since the number of rooms in the Guest House is limited (they have a first-come first-serve policy) you will be at an advantage if you book your rooms as soon as possible. There are hotels available in the city too, if accommodation is not available at the Institute guest house.


Guwahati City Known as the gateway to the North-East, Guwahati is a charming, bustling city – the largest and fastest growing in this region. It is a scintillating blend of tradition and culture; of modernity and antiquity. The Brahmaputra along with the mountains give a mesmerizing and scenic look to the entire city. Summer (April to June) temperatures vary between 25 and 35 degrees. Winters (November to February) are chilly, especially at night. Guwahati lies in the monsoon belt and receives a good dose of rainfall most of the year, particularly in August. Humidity is high throughout the year. Best time to visit is November to May, when it is pleasant without being too humid. IIT Guwahati is situated across the tranquil waters of the Brahmaputra from the city. Like any other city, Guwahati has its own share of fancy restaurants, shopping malls and other happening places to hang out – when you find time to get away from your crushing schedule. IIT Guwahati students are held in very high regard and get pretty decent discounts from the local retailers and restaurants. The fact that almost 90% of Guwahati speaks Hindi should dispel the fears of facing a language problem. For getting around in the city, cabs or auto rickshaws are easily available, which can be hired at every market corner. The best idea would be to hire a car in advance to avoid getting duped. Taxis are available for transport within the city but are without meters and fares have to be negotiated beforehand. There is also an extensive network of city bus services and cycle rickshaws.


Must Visit Situated on the bank of the mighty river Brahmaputra, Guwahati said to be the legendary Pragjyotishpur or City of Eastern Light – is the gateway to North East India. The name is a combination of two words: ‘Guwa’ meaning areca nut and ‘haat’ meaning market. Guwahati is the commercial nerve center of the NorthEast.



Kamakhya Temple Janardhan Temple Navagrah Temple Umananda Temple Assam Zoo and Botanical Garden Anthropological Museum Assam Forest Museum Cottage Industries Museum Assam State Museum Department of Historical and Antiquarium Research

Kaziranga 250 km Haflong (hill station) 355 km Jatinga (Famous forbird mystery near Haflong) 364 km Hajo 32 km Basistha Ashram 26 km Sualkuchi 32 km Chandubi Lake 64 km Orang 150 km Bhairavkunda 137 km Batadrawa 134 km Barpeta 137 km Tezpur 181 km Bhalukpong 250 km Dibrugarh Digboi Jorhat Majuli Tawang. 42

Tourist Information Center

1. Government of India Tourist Office, B.K. Kakati Road,Ulubari, Guwahati 2. Directorate of Tourism, Government of Assam,Station Road, Guwahati 3. Assam Government Tourist Office, 8, Russel Street, Kolkata

Post Registration The first thing you need to ensure is that you apply for your temporary identity cards from the Student Affairs Section. Without a temporary I-card, you cannot issue books from the institute Library. The number of copies of books for the first year in the Library is less compared to number of students. If you fail to get the books from the Library, you need to request your seniors for books. Secondly, you will need a bona fide certificate from the Student Affairs’ Section if you wish to open a bank account or to apply for a mobile connection. Please note that Canara Bank and SBI are the only two Banks that have branches in IIT Guwahati. Thirdly, you will possess an email account on the IIT Guwahati webmail server. Ensure that you obtain password for the given email account from the Computer centre. Most of the updates regarding you studies, courses and gymkhana activities are sent through webmail. There is an IIT Guwahati newsgroup to which is also accessible through your IIT Guwahati login. Also there would be a well established Fresher’s forum which in you will find all necessary details and FAQ’s. Fresher’s forum will serve as an online guide to your frequent queries. Once all these gets over your first week will be spent attending a barrage of orientation and counselling sessions, along with classes. If you do the needful, you will be well on your way to become a model IITian.



Bus Timings

*PB-Pan Bazar


Campus Map

Virtual Tour of IITG


IITG Administration Director

Dean of Institute Works

Deputy Director

Dean of Alumni Affairs & External Relations

Prof. Gautam Barua Email: director@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582005 (O), (DID) +91 361 2690401 (Direct) Prof. Sukumar Nandi Email: dd@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582011

Dean of Faculty Affairs

Prof. A. Srinivasan Email: dofa@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582084 (DID)

Dean of Students Affairs

Prof. Bhisma Kumar Patel Email: dos@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582083 (DID) +91 361 2582505

Prof. Anjan Dutta Email: doiw@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582405 (DID)

Prof. Sanjay K. Bose Email: doaaer@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582183 (DoAAER) +91 361 2582521 (Dept. of EEE)


Dr. Brajendra Nath Raychoudhury Email: registrar@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582016 (DID) +91 361 2690761 (Direct)

Dean of Academic Affairs

Prof. Alika Khare Email: doaa@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582081 (DID)

Dean of Research & Development Prof. D. Chakraborty Email: dornd@iitg.ernet.in Phone: +91 361 2582082 (DID) +91 361 2690769 (Direct)


Students Gymkhana Rahul Vinod Upputuri Vice President r.vinod@iitg.ernet.in 07896172489

Santhosh Chandra

General Secretary,Welfare Board b.chandra@iitg.ernet.in 9085185712

Ashish Nayak

General Secretary,Cultural Board porika@iitg.ernet.in 8011213601

Pratyuksh Bansal

General Secretary,Sports Board pratyuksh@iitg.ernet.in 9085435430

Shariq Haroon

General Secretary,Technical Board shariq@iitg.ernet.in 8876918969


Department Heads Dept. Of Biotechnology

Prof. Arun goyal Email:a.goyal@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Chemical Engg.

Dr. V. S. Moholkar Email: vmoholkar@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Chemistry

Prof. Arun Chattopadhyay Email: arun@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Civil Engg.

Prof. Arup Kr. Sarma Email: aks@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Computer Science Prof.S.B. Nair Email: sbnair@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Design

Prof. Debkumar Chakrabarty Email: dc@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Engg. Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee Email: ratnajit@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences Prof. Rohini Mokashi Punekar Email: rohini@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Mathematics Prof. B. K. Sarma Email: bks@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Mechanical Engg. Prof. Pinakeswar Mahanta Email: pinak@iitg.ernet.in

Dept. of Physics

Dr. Saurabh Basu Email: saurabh@iitg.ernet.in


Region Wise Contacts Alekhya Muthyam

3rd year A.P (Hyderabad) 9000922524 parki@iitg.ernet.in

Ashish Nayak

3rd year A.P (Hyderabad) 8011213601 porika@iitg.ernet.in

Rahul Vinod Upputuri

4th year West Bengal (Kolkata) 7896172489 u.vinod@iitg.ernet.in

Sankalp Borthakur

3rd year Assam (Guwahati) 7896219234 b.sankalp@iitg.ernet.in

Himanshu Manglunia

3rd year Assam (Guwahati) 9864387379 m.himanshu@iitg.ernet.in

Pratik Raj

4th year Bihar (Patna) 9199986697 / 8553902104 r.pratik@iitg.ernet.in

Rahul Huilgol

3rd year Chhattisgarh (Raipur) 9039983369 h.rahul@iitg.ernet.in

Jyothsna Srinivas

3rd year Karnataka (Bangalore) 8095470441 p.jyothsna@iitg.ernet.in

Utkarsh Gupta

3rd year Gujarat (Ahmedabad) 8876721233 g.utkarsh@iitg.ernet.in

Manan Bhutani

3rd year Delhi (Delhi) 9971088144 manan@iitg.ernet.in

Arun Krishnan

3rd year Kerala (Kochi) 9497793955 a.krishnan@iitg.ernet.in


Region Wise Contacts Miksham lal

3rd year Maharashtra (Mumbai) 8473894590 p.lal@iitg.ernet.in

Priyabrat Behera

3rd year Orissa (Bhubaneshwar) 9085033432 p.behara@iitg.ernet.in

Abhishek Beniwal

3rd year Punjab (Hisar) 8011481417 a.beniwal@iitg.ernet.in

Puspinder Goyal

3rd year Haryana 8011244387 pushpinder@iitg.ernet.in

Nazeeb ul Ansari

3rd year Tamil Nadu (Chennai) 9841633065 nazeebul@iitg.ernet.in

Karan Rajwanshi

3rd year Rajasthan (Jaipur) 9610757202 r.karan@iitg.ernet.in

Aayush jain

3rd year Rajasthan(Ajmer) 9610000111 j.aayush@iitg.ernet.in

Saurabh Singh

3rd year UP (Lucknow) 8011228802 ss.saurabh@iitg.ernet.in

Amandeep Singh

3rd year Uttarakhand (Dehradun) 9720910619 amandeep.singh@iitg.ernet.in


4th year Jharkhand (Jamshedpur) 9678554594 s.faraz@iitg.ernet.in

Abhishek Trivedi

3rd year MP (Bhopal) 9425601200 t.abhishek@iitg.ernet.in


Important Sites to Visit 1. http://www.iitg.ac.in/acad/ordinances.php

This site contains B.Tech/B.Des Ordinances and Regulations (Applicable for 2010 Batch Onwards).

2. http://intranet.iitg.ernet.in/

This is intranet site of IITG. It contains all necessary and important information regarding any section vide with full fledged rules and policies.

3. http://www.iitg.ac.in/acad

This contains information related to all kind of academic issues.

4. http://shilloi.iitg.ernet.in/~sa/

This is link of students affairs where you can find details of students related issues.

5. http://intranet.iitg.ernet.in/news/

This is IITG newsgroup where all kinds of news you can through. This is accessed by all IITG fraternity.

6. Campus Map



Chief Editor Prem Kumar Vislawath vislawath@alumni.iitg.ac.in Designer Shruthi Chivukula chivukula @iitg.ernet.in Execution panel Rahul Vinod Upputuri u.rahul@iitg.ernet.in Saurabh Singh ss.saurabh@iitg.ernet.in Alekhya Muthyam parki@iitg.ernet.in Photography Prof. Chandan Mahanta chandan@iitg.ernet.in Miksham lal p.lal@iitg.ernet.in Ritesh krishna rm.krishna@iitg.ernet.in

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati - 781039 Assam, India www.iitg.ernet.in


Exploring the wilderness Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati is home to a wealth of wildlife- both native and introduced, making it a veritable hotspot of biodiversity. The whole scenic beauty enchants the people inside the campus to fall in love with it, to lead a life that has some of the most modern facilities and yet can slow down the pace of time. A key characteristic of our campus are its lakeside regions, which are home to an abundance of wildlife. One gets the feeling that the landscape here is designed not just to provide a beautiful and tranquil atmosphere for research and study, but a habitat capable of supporting an increasingly diverse range of animals, birds and plants. The lake and wetlands make our campus a popular place for many species of wild waterfowl including ducks, geese, cormorants, moorhens, egrets and herons. The Taiga Flycatcher, Siberian Stonechat, White Wagtail and a mind boggling variety of raptors including Falcons, Eagles, Kestrels, Harriers and Owls come in winters. During spring, the hillocks become host to an array of colorful summer visitors like the Beeeaters, Cuckoos and Flycatchers. Playing host to these are the Sunbirds, Drongos, Pipits, Babblers and Barbets that can be sighted all year round displaying their peculiarities, making bird watching an interesting hobby. The avian friends are certainly not the only wildlife our campus can boast of, as the hills are home to a rich variety of flora including many ferns, flowering plants and trees. Mongooses, foxes, burrow-dwellers and many reptiles can be seen leading their own lives within the campus boundaries.

Indian Institute of Technology,Guwahati

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