Whiteline Journal English JANUARY 2011

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January 2011


Whiteline JOURNAL

Whiteline JOURNAL


Whiteline JOURNAL

Vol. 5

Issue 11

January 2011


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NEW YEAR Online Edition

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A decade of the New Millennium too has passed by. We are preparing to receive its eleventh New Year cheerfully ! “I know what is in store for you and me in the New Year! It is just another 365 days” say some men of pragmatic wisdom. But, as we have seen, life is not that bland! It has its own flavours and charms. It all depends on how one takes it. Optimism in us makes us expect and aspire that the New Year shall be a different year- a year of hopes and aspirations. As the Chinese proverb goes, we keep the green bough in our hearts and expect the singing bird to come. In this attempt of ours, we decide to improve ourselves and a vow to do away with the negativity within us. There is a common term for this - the “New Year Resolution”. A New Year’s resolution is a commitment to oneself to improve upon – in the physical, emotional, social or professional aspects of life – to ensure betterment in life. These commitments normally go into effect on the first day of the New Year ,when a person decides to get rid of the bad/disadvantageous or unfruitful habits/activities and decides to be perfect for his own benefits. People resort to different ways to keep up with their new decisions. It is immaterial as to what extent such resolutions are carried out effectively, as the very will or desire to improve, is in itself a great realization – a great achievement and an indication of accepting one’s own minuses! But, some argue if it is necessary to wait for the New Year day to improve. One could very well take steps to improve or rectify one’s life’s mistakes and follies at any time. To achieve something good for oneself and one’s society any day is a New Year Day!! However, traditions and practices rule us to a great extent. The White line Journal, therefore, wishes its readers enough strength to bring in New Year Resolutions into their lives and make their lives happy, peaceful and fruitful in the New Year and many more years that would follow.

Staff Photographers Dani K. Davis Lenin Joseph

January 2011

Chief Editor


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Inside Management

Cover Story




ADV. PRAKASH NAIR The evils in us are sorted out and listed out to be annihilated in the order of priority. At the same time healthy living habits and human, social and economic values attain priorities. And we adopt a decision to stick to good things alone! Generally, such resolutions could be categorized as: Spend more time with family and friends, fit in fitness, tame the bulge, quit smoking, enjoy life more, quit drinking, get out of debt, learn....................................... K.D.







Once decided to improve upon your knowledge, skills and attitude, it should be meticulously followed with firm determination. First you should create a likeness for the tasks at hand and follow them religiously. It is said, “We can bring the horse to the water but we cannot.................... P.B.






It is the bhaava (spirit) that matters while chanting the name of God with sincerity whether one knows the meaning or the pronunciation. Traditionally, Hindu prayers end with a phala sruti (benefits of reciting). Firmness of mind, good memory, happiness of the self and................ ............................................................ V.N.






The Vedas are the Foundations of our culture. Sanskrit is the mother or foster mother of languages and literature in India. Sanskrit has a vast literature comprising poetry, drama and their ancillaries. It has a vast store...........................




Inside Poem



29 What makes me pray? The world is full of strife and agony. Everyday thousands of innocent women, children and young men are being killed. lt might be for a cause that someone believes to be sacred like jihad or any religious fanaticism. It might be to .............................





Frequent exposure to some of the near-east Asian countries, during the past few years, has enabled the author to know these places and the way of living here from close quarters. The present article deals mainly with the peculiar English that has evolved in .............. ....................................................................... ............................................................................... K. Science



AN AYURVEDIC APPROACH TOWARDS DIABETES Diabetes is considered mostly as a lifestyle disease, which occures mainly due to changes of lifestyle in our modern times. According to statistical studies the number of diabetics in India is.................................................................







When ‘The Times of India’ started publishing the comic strip ‘You Said It’ way back in the sixties, little would the sharp witted cartoonist and political satirist R.K.Laxman have thought that his caricature of .......................................................... ................................. PACHU



RESHMA R. NAIR Psychology



Human mind and conscience are exactly like the obverse and reverse of a coin. The difference is inexplicably subtle. The mind, the most significant factor is always behaving like a monkey, without considering the consequences. Recently, I read in a spiritual magazine....... THODUPUZHA January 2011






here is an oft-repeated story about the peoples’ aspirations and expectations of a New Year. When a person was wondering what would be in store for him in the ensuing New Year, his companion told confidently: I know what is in store for you and me in the New Year! It is just another 365 days. But, all of us may not be as pragmatic as this confident person. We do expect and aspire that the New Year would be a different year, and expect it’s arrival with some amount of optimism. In view of this, we identify the mistakes and omissions of the past year and avow to rectify them in the ensuing year. There is a common term for this - the “New Year Resolution”.

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A New Year’s resolution can were confident of roughly be defined as a commitThe evils in us are sorted out and success with their ment of an individual that he/she goals, only 12% makes a decision to reform him- listed out to be annihilated in the actually achieved self/herself in respect of habits or order of priority. At the same time their goals. Men the lifestyle for his own benefit. healthy living habits and human, achieved their goal The name comes from the fact 22% more often that these commitments normally social and economic values attain when they engaged go into effect on the first day of priorities. And we adopt a deci- in goal setting, (a the New Year onwards. In brief, sion to stick to good things alone! system where small a person decides to get rid of the measurable goals bad/disadvantageous or unfruitful Generally, such resolutions could are being set, such habits/activities and decides to be be categorized as: Spend more as, a pound a week, perfect for his own benefits from time with family and friends, fit instead of saying the first day of the New Year. “lose weight”), in fi tness, tame the bulge, quit while women sucWe know many people, resolve ceeded 10% more to many new good or ideal things smoking, enjoy life more, quit in life. Are these resolutions car- drinking, get out of debt, learn when they made their goals public ried out effectively is another something new and the like. and got support question?. from their friends. Generally speaking common vicVery often, as shown es or disadvantages or unhealthy habits constitute the in the cartoon of Annie Taylor Lebel, the New Year issues of the New Year resolutions. Improve health Resolutions turn out to be only a drawing up of a by losing weight through more exercises, eat better “What to do list for the first week of January food, drink less alcohol/ quit alcohol, quit smokNew Year is that time of the year, when many peoing, improve finances by getting out of debt, saving money, improve career through a job change or put in ple look forward to a fresh start in life and resolve to hard work in the existing ones, improving educationAnnie Tailor Lebel’s Cartoon “on New Year al standards, learn something new (like some music, Resolutions: musical instruments, languages, art, etc.) and overall self improvement like organizing oneself, reduction of stress and grumpiness, effective management of time, taking a holiday, becoming kind, generous and philanthropic, etc. are the very common areas of improvement for us. The evils in us are sorted out and listed out to be annihilated in the order of priority. At the same time healthy living habits and human, social and economic values attain priorities. And we adopt a decision to stick to good things alone! Generally, such resolutions could be categorized as: Spend more time with family and friends, fit in fitness, tame the bulge, quit smoking, enjoy life more, quit drinking, get out of debt, learn something new and the like. But, to what extent, we are able to stick to the New Year resolutions vary. A recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a ‘resolution study’ January 2011


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improve their life, from all angles. However, the problem with the start of a new year is that most of good intentions are often derailed within a few weeks. A lot of research has gone into this annual process of recurring New Year Resolutions. Sociologists and psychologists are still engaged in the sociological, psychological and behavioural aspects of the present days ‘men and women. The observations of these researchers are greatly variable in nature and content, depending on their approach to this issue. One of the studies by Richard Koestner - shared by the Psychology Today - provides some interesting information about New Year’s resolutions. They are: • 50% of adults in North America will make a New Year’s resolution. • The top two resolutions are behavioural commitments related to improving one’s health namely to cease smoking and decrease one’s consumption of alcohol Norcross and Vangareli (1988) have observed that most people fail adhering to their New Year resolutions. It is observed that about 22% fail after one week, 40% after a month and about 50% after about three months. And after about two years more than 81% of the people would have forgotten their resolu-

tion (when facing challenges that impedes one’s ability to achieve the stated goal). While so many hue and cry are going around, a sensible person would, however, wonder if he should wait for the New Year day to improve himself. One could very well take steps to improve or rectify one’s life’s mistakes and follies at any time. He need not wait till the ushering in of the New Year in order to drop one’s bad habits and change his lifestyles? To achieve something good for oneself and one’s society, I think, any day is a New Year Day!! Hence,

resolve to treat every day as a New Year Day and put in efforts to achieve whatever would improve the quality of your life Let the New Year bring very happy tidings to you all.

tions. These scientists have identified three reasons for the non-adherence to the New Year resolutions. They are : unclear and vague goals, inability to gauge the progress of their achievements in fulfilling their resolutions(s) and weak self-control and self regula-

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n life, education occupies the most important position and every other asset like health or wealth can be achieved through proper education. Education is a long process and it is very vast and to become a master in it, it takes the entire life of the subject. It is said, “Education starts in the cradle and it ends at the grave�. Our social setup is aware of the needs and requirements of the growing children and the parents and teachers take care and put efforts to guide and groom them into worthy citizen. This help lasts only for some time till the students become adults.

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Success comes to those who decide upon a goal in life, plan the methods, develop an interest in the area of choice and work to attain the goal with unfailing determination. There is nothing like failure and there is no substitute for hard work. There are many qualities to be acquired and practised to attain success. The first and foremost is that you must understand your ‘self’. By understanding your self or by self realisation, you will come to know your limitations/ weaknesses and strong points in you. Know about the qualities you already posses or qualities yet to acquire. When you understand your shortfall, you can work to remove the defects in you. For that you have to maintain a positive attitude in your thinking. You have to maintain confidence in your mind about your activities. The Human-being by nature are in need of some external pressure or motivation from time to time to make confidence becomes strong only through positive thinking and continuous practhem work steadily and attice. tain success in their chosen field. This external For students, whatever Once decided to improve upon persuasion or motivation they study, have to be kept can be for some time only your knowledge, skills and at- in memory for a long time and the individual has to titude, it should be meticulously to score good marks in the be conscious of his goals, followed with firm determination. examinations. For others duties, responsibilities, ata good memory is an astainments or failures for First you should create a likeness set. When some read this all the time to become for the tasks at hand and follow passage on memory, I can successful in his/her studthem religiously. It is said, “We imagine the resultant exies, career and the life pression appearing on their can bring the horse to the water faces which may be a gripe thereafter. Once decided to im- but we cannot make it drink”. It vine feeling. This feeling prove upon your knowl- is for the horse to do the rest. The is due to some false notion or negative thinking edge, skills and attitude, initiative taken by the desiring perthat had crept into their it should be meticulously followed with firm deter- son should be developed patiently subconscious mind. Memmination. First you should to attain the expected result, even ory power can be increased through maintaining a poscreate a likeness for the itive thinking henceforth. tasks at hand and follow if it takes a longer time. It is very easy to build a them religiously. It is said, strong memory. If proper “We can bring the horse to training is given to the brain, a strong memory can the water but we cannot make it drink”. It is for the horse to do the rest. The initiative taken by the desir- be developed. Three factors are there to make your ing person should be developed patiently to attain the memory strong. It is through proper observation, repetition and association. By repeated practice people expected result, even if it takes a longer time. Success at the very outset is not an easy affair. remember large portions of the scriptures. The sure way to remember is to read the entire portion at a January 2011


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stretch again and again to by-heart it and not to read it peace meal for convenience. The association of similar things or things of the opposite nature helps to bring the object into memory. The seat of memory is brain. It is said that normally we are using 10% of the capacity of the brain. Physiologically, our brain contains two parts- 2 hemisphere shaped portions, the left and the right lobes. The left part controls the right half of the body and vice versa. For various activities we are using only the left brain. It controls the logical activities, speech, words language etc. We have to make use of the right brain which is rustic most of the time. We have to revive it for it is the seat of creativity and imagination with images and colours. Every human being is created with the same brain. It weighs about 1.5 k.gs. It is a part of our nervous system. Your brain is more powerful than the most powerful computers made in the world. When you make use of your brain with the most networked internet of the body, i.e. your huge nervous system- you can attain anything. “Nothing is impossible in this world.” Believe in your self and your own powers. Realise that you can achieve if you think you can. Tell yourself that you can. Think success in your subconscious mind. The psychologists would call it “self hypnotising or autosuggestion” to attain success. Thus the surest way to success is by improving your brain power. We all read books and news papers. Have you ever tried to read it faster? Since the time at our disposal is limited, we have to save it for various other activities we are going to take up additionally. There is another reason for reading faster. It improves your concentration and that concentration improves your intelligence and memory power, which help you to gain success. So start the most easy and simplest method of fast reading known as “index finger method”. It is nothing but to guide the eyes by indicating with the index finger on the words to read and moving it faster and the eyes to follow it. Whenever you start reading think you are in a hurry and you have to do a lot of other works after finishing the reading. By practising various other skills, you will develop into a successful person. Even you have to start writing a diary of your activities if you have not started one yet. This is for practising time management skills in you. Your self appraisal is to be reviewed periodically to ensure steady progress in your commitments. While developing the mental faculties you should not neglect your physical fitness, altogether. Include some time daily for some physical exercises or games

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in your daily routine, but limit it to half an hour a day. Brisk walking is considered as a good exercise. A strong body only can carry a strong mind. There is a unique quality for the brain. It never gets aged or old for there is a capacity for the brain cells to become rejuvenated and will be young all the time. This is a scientific fact. The body cells, tissue cells or the heart muscle cells may get old and are dying gradually but the brain cells will remain young provided it gets nutrition and exercise. Brain requires plenty of oxygen for its working. It is an accepted fact that by practising deep breathing for a fixed time every day, the required oxygen can reach the brain. This may be called ‘meditation’ or practice of ‘Yoga’. In the daily diet include more of fruits and green vegetables so that brain and body get better nourishment. Health is something we have to take care of. Since you have decided to put efforts to succeed in life, it will not be difficult for you to expand the areas of your duties. As mind is more powerful than the body, once the habit of hard working is created in the brain, you will not have any difficulty to continue with the hard work. Hard work alone can lead us to success. A determination to reach at the goal, backed by hard work will lead us to success. To attain a higher level in our performance in any selected area, we have to make certain changes in our thinking. “There is nothing permanent in this world except change”. Things won’t change by itself, but we have to make changes intelligently to suit our goals to succeed. If at any time some resolution of performance has been made, as time and circumstances change, we have to renew it to suit the changed situations and the New Year is the best opportunity to do so. Whenever we are engaged in our duties, we always expect some rewards for it. But many a time the result will elude us. You should not lose hope. Maintain the same spirit and work with confidence. You will succeed in the end. “Don’t look for rewards but perform your duty well.” That is emphasised in all the religious books. Shakespeare also observed: “The world is a stage and your chosen part is that of an actor.” Whatever we have discussed till now is the background preparation for the attainment of success. It is said, “To be successful, it is very important to be with successful individuals.” They are honest, hard working and life long learners. They have other qualities as well. Inculcate the various qualities in you to become successful. So learn more as there is no saturation point in education. 12




ri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram consists of 107 stanzas which contain one thousand names of Lord Vishnu. Every one of the names is full of significance and refers to one particular guna (quality) of Paramatma (Universal Soul). These names invoke a sense of bonding with the Lord and the meanings of the names give us an understanding of God as there is a deep connection between the name and the named.

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It is believed that by reciting the entire slokhas glorifying the Lord Vishnu, the chanter attains spiritual liberation. Long recital of Naamas glorifying Lord Vishnu is very rare anywhere. According to the legends, at the end of the Mahabharata war, Bhishma, grandsire of the Kuru dynasty was waiting for the sacred hour to depart from his physical body. Bhishma was the son of the Mother Ganga and a person sanctified by his unswerving devotion to Lord Krishna, and one who had controlled and conquered all his senses. Bhishma was acknowledged as one of the twelve knowledgeable people, others being Brahma, Siva, Subramanya, Narada, Kapila, Manu, Prahlada, Janaka, Bali, Suka and Yama. Prince Yudhishtira, the eldest of the five Pandavas, was mentally depleted because of the war with the Kauravas and the misery of death and suffering that was created by the war in which he had been a major player. Yudhishtira was an embodiment of Dharma, and a practitioner of justice, righteousThe thousand names of Lord Vishnu, organized in a poetic format, in the anushtup chandas (a meter with eight syllables in a quarter), with two quarters per line, and two lines per stanza. There is no requirement regarding time, place, status of purity, etc., for chanting the stotram.The key element of the act of chanting as a means to attain the Lord’s grace is the sincerity and purity of mind. There are over forty commentaries on Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram. Adi Sankaracharya’s commentary is the earliest of them. Of all the commentaries written by Sankaracharya for the Hindu religious scriptures (the Bhagavad Gita, the Brahma Sutras, etc.), the commentary on Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram was the first. Many scholars have established that the chanting of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam create sound vibrations. The phonetic sound vibrations by chanting each name known as Nama and the chain of names known as Namavali produce good results.

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It is the bhaava (spirit) that matters while chanting the name of God with sincerity whether one knows the meaning or the pronunciation. Traditionally, Hindu prayers end with a phala sruti (benefits of reciting). Firmness of mind, good memory, happiness of the self and freedom from anger, jealousy, and greed, are some of the benefits that accrue to one who recites the stotram with devotion and eagerness.


ness, truth, honesty and integrity. Yudhishtira sought good health, cleansing of the mind is equally essenBhishma’s advice on the easiest and best means by tial. Prayers are a means to mental cleansing when which mankind can attain lasting happiness, peace they are chanted with devotion. Veda Vyasa, who of mind, and relief from all bondage and sorrows. was responsible for stringing the Naamas together in He was anxiously looking for the answers relating a poetic form, points out that it is by the power and to Dharma and Karma. Lord Krishna, understanding command of Lord Vishnu that the Sun, the Moon, the stars, the world and the Yudhistira’s perturbed mind, oceans are controlled. The guided him to Bhishma to learn the insight into this Bhishma responded to the que- universe is under the sway of the Lord and in Bhishknowledge. ries of Yudhishtira by reciting the ma’s judgment, chanting As directed by Lord Krishna, Prince Yudhishti- 1000 names of Lord Vishnu and the Lord’s name with dera, presented following six reminded him that either by medi- votion will ensure relief questions to Bhishma. The tating on these names or by invok- from sorrows. The person who recites is not the only questions were: Who is the ing the names through Archana one who benefits, but also greatest Lord in the world? Who is the one refuge of (offering),the mind can be elevat- those who are hearing the chanting as well. all? By glorifying whom, ed to higher consciousness. It is believed that chantcan man attain peace and ing of Vishnu Sahasranaprosperity? By worshipma will lead to success in this ping, whom can man reach auspiciousness? What is the greatest Dharma? By life and hereafter. Although devotion is considered doing Japa what can ordinary mortals go beyond the the most important thing while reciting any prayer or cycle of birth and death? Yudhishtira, as a righteous Mantra, use of the correct pronunciation is believed man of spiritual inclination, asks these interesting set to enhance the satisfaction derived from the recital, in the case of both vocal and mental chants. Chanters of of questions which the seekers will always ask. Bhishma responded to the queries of Yudhishtira by the Vishnu Sahasranama claim that it brings unwavreciting the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu and remind- ering calm of mind, complete freedom from stress ed him that either by meditating on these names or by and eternal knowledge. It is customary to commence invoking the names through Archana (offering),the the Vishnu Sahasranama with a devotional prayer to mind can be elevated to higher consciousness. The Lord Vishnu. (Author is a freelance journalist and a social activthousandNaamas are the storehouses of spiritual content and their chanting helps to unite the nervous sys- ist. He is Director, Indo-Gulf Consulting and can be contacted on telegulf@gmail.com) tem and the Mind. According to the Vedas, God is neither accessible to words nor to mind. It is said that one cannot comprehend the Paramatma with the human mind alone. Given this infinite nature of the Paramatma, who is neither governed nor constrained by any of the physical laws, the choice of a thousand names of Lord Vishnu by Bhishma should be recognized as a representation of some of his better known qualities. It is the bhaava (spirit) that matters while chanting the name of God with sincerity whether one knows the meaning or the pronunciation. Traditionally, Hindu prayers end with a phala sruti (benefits of reciting). Firmness of mind, good memory, happiness of the self and freedom from anger, jealousy, and greed, CALL FOR COPIES AND COMMERCIALS are some of the benefits that accrue to one who recites the stotram with devotion and eagerness. Just like cleansing the body regularly to maintain


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January 2011


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he Vedas are the Foundations of our culture. Sanskrit is the mother or foster mother of languages and literature in India. Sanskrit has a vast literature comprising poetry, drama and their ancillaries. It has a vast store of writings on technical subjects like astronomy, medicine, music, dance, architecture, law etc. The Silpasastra or Vastuvidya which represents the branch of architecture , has been a very highly developed system from early time. Both Viswakarma and Mayan have also written scriptures on Vedic Vastu Sastra. Varahamihira, an astronomical treatise is also an authoritative treatise on iconography. It tells that the knowledge of the Vastusastra has come down to us through generations of artists from Brahma, the creator. The huge temples of South India, stupas, Viharas and others found at Saranath, Sanchi, Ajanta and other places reflect the intellectual and moral culture of the master builders of ancient India. It is a science of Universe.

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It is a branch of Vedas. It deals with the traditional construction. It is a combination of science and engineering; Vastu mainly deals with the shape and dimension of structure and the nature of land used for construction. All traditional sastras in India are related to the Social life of the people. Vastuvidya or Vastu Sastra is no exception. This Sastra has been January 2011


passed from generation to generation with out any loss in its essence. But there have been some additions and omissions. These additions and omissions have never affected the basic principles of Vastuvidya. This Science remains so close to our heritage. Architecture, Silpa or Silpa Sastra, Vastuvidya is

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Sarvadavahita Manasassuchih! Dharmika vigatamatsaradiko Yassa ca sthapatirastu satyavak || Vastu Sastra is the science which deals with construction of houses. In the Amarakosa the meaning of the word vaastu is explained as the site on which the house is intended to build. As the work of construction which is to take place on this site, use arithmetic, geometry and other mathematical calculations, it is termed as a science or Vastu Sastra. The word Vastu is derived from the root ‘Vasti’. Vasti meaning dwelling. By adding the Suffix ‘tum’ the form vastu is derived. The meaning of the represented by various anonymous works including the Mayamatha, Sanatkumara Vastu Sastra, Manasa- word vastu is given as follows. The site of a house, sara and Sanatkumara’s Silparatna. The Manasasara building ground, site, a house, an abode, a dwelling which deals with architecture and sculpture treats ev- place. Mayamatha describes its meaning as follows: erything that is built according to a design and with The place where deities and humans reside is named Vastu. Vastusastra lays down the rules and norms for an artistic finish. According to tradition Viswakarma is the architect planning or designing the vastu (dwelling place) Vasof Gods. Mayan is the name of a demon architect. He tu vidya is an ocean. It is the chief of all the Sastras, built three cities (Tripura) for the demons. He is also because this sastra decides our happy living more said to have built a splendid hall for the Pandavas. In practically. Vastusastra is based the Vedic age Viswakarma and on panchabhootas or his son Mayan wrote books The aim of this Sastra is that five elements. The five about Vastu Sastra. Viswaall people should live with happi- elements are 1. Earth, karma is the creator of all the ness and be healthy. They should 2. Water, 3. Fire, 4. things available on earth. be prosperous also. One should Air and 5. Space or The four Vedas viz, Rg, Akasha. God governs Yajur, Sama and Atharva are worship the Vastupurusha and the entire universe the main soureas of our knowlget unlimited blessings for his through these five eleedge. ‘Sthapatya’ Veda is the betterment. The importance of ments. Only vastu sasbranch of Atharvaveda. The tra secretely reveals details about the Vastupurusha this Sastra has increased in mod- the details of five elenad Vastusastra are mentioned ern times. ments and their divine elaborately in Yajurveda. Main activities up on the Supervisor of the construction houses. It has its own work is called ‘Sthapati’. This vibrant powers on human beings. science deals with Sthapati. So it is called SthapatyIn the Matsyapurana it is said that there were 18 aveda. The definition of the Sthapati is given in the sages who taught Vastusastra. Kasyapa silpa is reManusyalaya Chandrika is as followsgarded as the very first authentic work on Vastu SasSarvasastra vihita kriya patuh

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tra. Vastu Sastra is not limited to these sages only. Concepts of Vastu Sastra are explained in detail and thoroughly in Agnipurana, Bhaviryottara purana, Skandapurana, Agama sastra etc.. We learn from the works of Varahamihira who lived in the 5th century A.D. that Brahma Vastu Sastra was more widely followed than other traditions. The Samarangana Sutradhara written by Bhojaraja of Dhara in the 11th century A.D., Vastu Sastra and Silpa dipakam written by Sukhanandavarya of the 12th century A.D., Vasturajavallabha, Prasadamandana Vastumandana, Rupamandana and Kodandamandana are rewritten by Mandana Sutradhara of the 16th century A.D. and many other works may be considered the basic works of Vastusastra. From these texts we get a general understanding of Vastu Sastra. The Samarangana Sutradhara of Bhoja deals comprehensively with architecture. This text deals with the construction of ordinary dwellings, villages, big halls, palaces, towers and so on. The aim of this Sastra is that all people should live with happiness and be healthy. They should be prosperous also. One should worship the Vastupurusha and get unlimited blessings for his betterment. The importance of this Sastra has increased in modern times. In Ramayana, in Kishkindha Kandam there is a beautiful scene about the power of Vastu. It is an independent science which was developed by our great sages to help mankind. This sastra believes that all men are equal in creation and all should live success fully with peace. This Sasthra promises a progressive future, to everyone who follows it. The chief deity of Vastu is called Vasthopati in the Vedas. Vasthospati means the name of a vedic deity supposed to present over the foundation of a house. Niruktakara explains this word as follows and quoted a sukhta from Rigveda: 'Vasthopatih Vastu Vasatah nivasa karmanah. Tasya pala va palayita va tasyasa bhavati'. In the puranas the name Vastupurusha is used corresponding to the name Vasthopatih in the Vedas. At times Vastupurusha is called as Vastuhara. In the 7th mandala of the Rigveda we can see the Vasthopatih sukhta. Vastupurusha is the divine form of Lord Mahavishnu. The earth’s crust is the body of Vastupurusha. Vastubhagavan is the God of Earth. He is the energy of all growth and manifestation that lies dormant in earth. He is considered to be the presiding deity of all constructions on earth. The explanation about Vastupurusha is to be found January 2011


in the Vastubhuthodbhava chapter of Matsyapurana. Vastupurusha is also called Vastudeva. The names of Vastupurusha’s faces are 1. Esanam, 2. Thatpurusham, 3. Agoram, 4. Vamadevam and 5. Sathiyostham. Vastupurusha has ten different weapons. These weapons are used to create all objects in the universe. He is the God of earth and has the giant body of eternal earth. Vastu purusha is Surrounded by eight lords. The eight lords are Indra, Agni, Yama, Niruthi, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Esana. The Vastupurusha governs the earth (or house)through the Ashta devas or eight lords. They in turn control the Panchabhootas as per the instruction given by the Vastupurusha. They also give boons to the occupants who follow Vastu Sastra Every house or plot has eight directions. Fortune can be achieved very easily by utilizing these eight directions properly. If any direction is afflicted, then one will to get bad results from concerned lord without fail. It can be changed or modified only through correction of building in that direction. Hence it is important to construct houses as per Vastu rule and then only one can get good result from the construction. The importance of VastuSastra can be summed up as follows-one who sincerely respects and follows the VastuSastra will be blessed with huge riches, immovable properties and other material benefits, as well as heavenly joys. But if a person neglects Vastupurusha due to his ignorance, his wealth will vanish and riches will be ruined. He will receive more unhappiness throughout his life. The great book on Vastusastra, Viswakarmaprakasha also says – ‘‘people should understand and follow magic Vastuscience which will give benefits to mankind’’. They can get knowledge through reading the Vastusastra books and by following the Vastuprinciples. Their words should be respected. This Vastu forces will lead them to a success path and never allow them to fall down in their life. The Visvakarma-prakasha deals that ‘one who does not follow the Vastusastra due to his ignorance, indifference or negligence in building his house, he will be certainly ruined, his health will be spoiled. His wealth also will suffer. He will encounter all sort of problems in every aspect of his life. The unhappiness of the Vastupurusha will bring him poverty, illhealth and reduction of life’s span’. Thus we realise the importance of Vastusastra in our life.

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hat makes me pray? The world is full of strife and agony. Everyday thousands of innocent women, children and young men are being killed. lt might be for a cause that someone believes to be sacred like jihad or any religious fanaticism. It might be to serve vested interests. We must realize that each person being killed is a human being like us, with a body made of five gross elements, with the same blood flowing in her or his body like ours, with the same hopes and aspirations in mind, may it be an innocent child, woman or terrorist. We are killing our own brethren. There are also innumerable diseases which are prevalent in the world, and accidents and calamities happening every second. Untimely deaths occur, people find themselves in pitiable predicaments and they do not know whom to blame. They search here and there for answers, spend considerable amounts of wealth to acquire happiness which eludes them.

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Why is the situation like this? What can we do to set terrorism. One has to believe it. lf more people chant things right in our own way? As Paramahamsa Yoga- God’s name more is the benefit. One need not see nanda pointed out, the atmosphere of our universe is whether the other person is doing it or not. lt is a sifull of vibrations. Each thought that we have creates lent revolution one creates for the good of the world. vibrations in the ether which he called “thoughtrons”. When the Muslim recites the Quran, the Christian One’s mind can be compared to radio equipment. Ac- reads the Bible, or the Hindus their scriptures, it is the cording to the wavelength on which one’s mind is same positive energy that is being created. This posifunctioning or receives the thoughtrons, these may be tive energy fights against the bad forces in the world. good or bad. These influence one’s thoughts. When lf everybody chants God’s name every minute and one prays, an aura of good vibrations is created around when every breath is taken, the world is permeated one and only good thoughtrons enter the psyche. One with positive energy everywhere”. Believe it and do is thus directed to buy the right lottery ticket which it and it will happen”. will give one the bumper prize, one by chance meets When one sacrifices his pleasures, when one does one’s future spouse, one makes the right decisions charity in God’s name and whatever action one might in one’s life, and one comes do in God’s name it is across the right advertiseIf each individual As Paramahamsa Yogananda Yagna! ment which gives one the does something every day necessary break in one’s pointed out, the atmosphere of for the sake of God, we life. Not only that, when our universe is full of vibrations. see the abundance of good one prays, good, positive it will do to the whole vibrations are created in Each thought that we have creates world. When one sacrificthe ether which overpow- vibrations in the ether which he es one’s pride and atones ers the negative bad vibra- called “thoughtrons”. One’s mind for one’s bad actions, tions. one gives up one’s can be compared to radio equip- when When one does anything anger, hatred and lust for for the sake of God or ment. According to the wavelength wealth- thinks about God dedicates one’s actions to on which one’s mind is functioning or dedicates the action to God, one is doing a Yagna. or receives the thoughtrons, these God - it is a Yagna! Even when one is chanting So when we see a perGod’s name, one is doing a may be good or bad. These influ- son circumambulating the Yagna. This was precisely ence one’s thoughts. When one temple, when a person what Bhagawan Sri Krishprays, an aura of good vibrations is is making a garland for na said in the Bhagavad the deity, when we see a created around one and only good priest conducting worship, Gita: “From food beings came. thoughtrons enter the psyche. when we hear the Yagnas From rain is food produced, being conducted (like the from Yagna rain proceeds. Bhagavatha Yagna or Gita Yagna is born of karma. Know Karma to have risen yagna), we should not denounce it; but understand from the Vedas and Vedas from the imperishable” that some good is being done to the world. We can (Canto: 3. Verses: 14-15). also join in creating good in the world by doing or The all pervading Veda is, therefore, ever centered participating in the Yagnas in our own way. That in Yagna. So one’s chanting God’s name is a Yagna, would be a great thing one could do for the world. Let us envisage an ideal situation, where every huwhich gives the world abundant rains and adequate sunshine. lt maintains the equilibrium of nature. We man being irrespective of his religion, chants prayers, are ourselves to blame, if there is a natural disaster; so that positive energy fills the world, and poor chilbecause there is insufficient positive energy from dren, women and men are relieved of diseases and Yagna, which caused the natural imbalance and di- sufferings and the world is free of bloody carnage saster. This Yagna also creates positive vibrations in and bloodshed. Will you not join me in my prayers the ether, which subdues the negative forces of de- and partake in the crusade against evil? You will, for it is your sacred duty!! struction and terror. One can remain in one’s own cozy home and fight Om! Shanthi! Shanthi! Shanthi! January 2011


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requent exposure to some of the near-east Asian countries, during the past few years, has enabled the author to know these places and the way of living here from close quarters. The present article deals mainly with the peculiar English that has evolved in the beautiful Island Country called Singapore. It is a common story that once a visiting foreigner asked a Singaporean shop owner if the latter spoke English. The reply he got was: Öfcourse lah! English also caan”. When the puzzled foreigner enquired about the language spoken by the shop owner, he was told it was Singapore English - “Singlish” to be precise.

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The Singaporeans may tell you in their linguafranca, Äccuse me”; but don’t do that, as they only want to be excused. When they say, “Can lah” they simply mean ‘yes’. When they wonder “How can?” they only express their disbelief in something. When you are told the man standing in front of you is a “Chinese Helicopter”, don’t look at the skies, but try to talk to him in Mandarin.” I mistook “Chiou bu” to be a Chinese dish, but was not comfortable, when my friend pointed to a pretty girl standing in front of us. Very often, the statements and phrases end with terms like ‘lah’, ‘leh’, mah’ ah’’. (like: OK lah, Don’t like that lah. , You are going there ah? , No parking lots here, what., The price is too high for me lah, And then how many rooms ah? , It is very troublesome le. , Don’t be like that ley, I’m not at home lah. That’s why, ah). They may invite you for makan at the kopi tiam (to eat at the coffee shop) or lai dat (like that). There are many more like Mai never mind la (Don’t/never mind), don’t ma fan’ (Don’t trouble), or- ready (Already) and the like. When you ask anyone if you can have his pen, the reply would be a simple bisyllabic ‘caan’. It is said that economy is the accepted order of Singlish. Here the sentences are reduced to cardinal simplicity and the diction is often chopped. “The intonation has a sing-song quality to it, drawn from indigenous Chinese and Malay influences”, observes Gartshore. Singlish has inspired hilarious cartoon-illustrations by many local and overseas caricaturists. Miel is considered one of the most-loved Cartoonists of Singapore. Miel - it should be said in this connection- has won many awards in his field. “An Essential January 2011

Guide to Singlish”, published by William J.Gartshore and edited by Samantha Hanna (2003) is luxuriously illustrated by Miel’s cartoons on Singaporeans. According to the linguists, Singlish is somewhat a special English spoken in this island nation and some of its nearby territories. It is a very interesting (often entertaining too) way of speaking English. Some knowledge of this local English, of course, could be of immense help for any over-seas visitor to this beautiful Country. Singlish can be said to be an informal spoken Asian English - indigenous to Singapore and the nearby Malay territories. Nearly everyone in Singapore speaks more than one language. Very often, people speak three or four languages. Most children grow up in the multi lingual environment from the very infancy and learn many languages as they grow up. Naturally the presence of other languages (especially various derivatives of Malay and Chinese) has influenced the English language in Singapore to a great extent. These influences are very much apparent in Singlish. Normal English grammar, the traditions and rules of sentence formation, the tenses, singular-plurals or the definite - indefinite articles are not of much significance to this local lingua. It has, however, the charm of the adopted exclamations, sometimes meaningless suffixes and the like. Nevertheless, this lingua does justify itself as the best tool to fulfill the basic purpose of a language – to communicate or convey one’s thoughts. Nay, I should say, it has excelled in that very purpose. It is said that Toh Paik Choo, a light vein writer from Singapore, was the first to put a spelling and punctuation to Singlish in her books, Eh Goondu (1982) and Lagi Goondu (1986), which are considered essentially a glossary of Singlish. It is often said that Singlish grew out of the English spoken in the playgrounds of the English learning children from various linguistic backgrounds. As more and more Singaporeans started learning English at school, English became very widely spoken, along with Singapore’s many local languages. People speaking many dialects learned English in their own way and started conversing in English, each in his/ her typical way. Probably, these would have led to the formation of this new lingua.

Some Characteristics: Singlish shares substantial linguistic similarities with the Malaysian English (Manglish), although 23

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distinctions can be made, particularly in the vocabulary. Manglish has more Malay influence, while the Singlish more Chinese (Mandarin, Hokkien, etc.) influence. In addition, Singlish has a set grammar and particular phonological and grammatical rules, whereas Manglish does not follow any grammatical rules, and is not mutually intelligible within different variants of Manglish, even within Malaysia. Initially, “Singlish” and “Manglish” were essentially the same dialect evolving from the British-Malayan economy, born in the trading ports of Singapore, Malacca and Penang, when Singapore and peninsular Malaysia had been a de facto single entity. In Singapore, English was the language of administration, which the British used, with the assistance of English-educated Straits-born Chinese, to control the administration in Malaya and the governance of trading routes such as the British East Indies spice routes with China, Japan, Europe and America in those ports and colonies of Singapore, Malacca and Penang through the colonial head quarters in Singapore. In British Malaya, on the other hand, English was the language of the British administration, while Malay was spoken as the lingua franca by the common people. This was because the British did not wish to antagonize the native Malays. In British Singapore, however, as the seat of the colonial government and international commerce, English was both the language of administration and communication among the people. Thus, in Malaysia, even the Chinese would revert to Malay when speaking to Chinese who did not speak the same Chinese varieties. However, in British Singapore, the Chinese would use English when speaking to other Chinese of a different dialect

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The Evolution: As said earlier, nearly everyone in Singapore speaks more than one language. The presence of other languages (especially various derivatives of Malay and of Chinese) has influenced the British English and led to the birth of Singapore’s own English, known popularly as Singlish. The scientific name given to this new English by the academicians is “The Singapore colloquial English”. Singapore’s exposure to the British English is about one and odd centuries old and dates back to the British colonial rule (1819-1965) or ever since Sir Stamford Raffles claimed the island of Singapore for the East India Company for the first time in 1819. Later, since Singapore became an independent Republic in 1965, the use of English has increased manifold. Singapore English has also its origins in the schools of colonial Singapore. In the nineteenth century very few children went to school and even fewer were educated in English. The people who spoke English and sent their children to English medium schools were mainly the Europeans, the Eurasians (people of mixed racial ancestry), some of the small minorities, such as the Jews, some of the Indians and Ceylonese, and also a group of Chinese people usually called the Straits Chinese, who had ancestors of long residence in the region, and who spoke a variety of Malay usually called Baba Malay which was influenced by Hokkien Chinese and by Bazaar Malay. Prior to 1965, the standard form of English in Singapore had always been British English and Received Pronunciations. After Singapore declared in24

dependence in 1965, English in Singapore began to take a life of its own, leading to the development of the modern day Standard Singapore English. As the Standard Singapore English began to take root, Singlish too began to evolve among the people, especially the working class, shop owners and others, who had learned English without much formal education. Thus, ultimately, this Island-Nation had two distinctive types of English, namely the formal Standard English and the informal spoken Singlish. The fact that all these children would have known Malay probably explains why most of the borrowed words in Singapore Colloquial English are from Malay. The largest group of teachers were Eurasians, and there were also many teachers from Ceylon and India. European teachers were never more than a quarter of the total teaching staff in a school, and they usually taught the senior classes. These Europeans may have been from Britain (which at that time included Ireland also) and also from the USA, Belgium, France, etc. The children in these schools would have been exposed to many varieties of English too. In the first twenty years of the twentieth century, English medium education became popular for all different groups of Singaporeans. Girls started going to school in larger numbers too. By the 1950s, nearly all children went to school, and the majority of the children were educated in English. By the 1980s, all education was in the medium of English (with children learning an additional language along with English). Presently, four languages have been recognized officially in Singapore. They are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English. English is the most commonly used language, which unites the different ethnic groups of this country. Children are taught in English at school but they also learn their mother tongue, to make sure that they do not lose contact with their traditions. Since Singapore became an independent Republic (1965), the use of English increased still further, and now all Singaporean children have their education through the medium of English. For many Singaporeans, English is their main language. Many families speak English at home and it has become one of the main languages learnt by a majority of the current pre-school children.

The Language Scenario: Many signs/sign boards in the public places of Singapore include all the four official languages namely January 2011


English, Chinese, Tamil and Malay. After Singapore’s independence in 1965, and successive “Speak Mandarin” campaigns, a subtle language shift among the post-1965 generation became more and more evident as Malay idiomatic expressions were, and continued to be, displaced by idioms borrowed from spoken Chinese, like Hokkien and Cantonese. It is said that, presently, the English language in Singapore is a sociolect continuum. The continuum runs through the coexistence of basilectal Singlish and acrolectal Standard Singapore English. Some feel it a distinct difference between a “high” formal language and a “low” informal language. Since many Singaporeans can speak English at multiple points along the sociolect spectrum, code-switching can occur very frequently between the acrolectal (Standard Singapore English) and the basilectal (Singlish) languages. In addition, as many Singaporeans are also speakers of the Chinese languages, Malay, or Indian languages (such as Tamil), code-switching between English and other languages also occur dynamically. As said, Singlish shares many similarities with the pidgin varieties of English, and can easily give an impression of”Broken English”, or the “Desi English”. Further, the profusion of Singlish features, especially the borrowed words from Asian languages, mood particles, topic-prominent structure and the like can easily make Singlish incomprehensible to a speaker of Standard English. As a result, the use of Singlish is greatly frowned upon by the Academicians, the Government and the like. Some former Ministers (like Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong) had publicly declared that Singlish is substandard English that handicaps Singaporeans. They even felt that it was an obstacle to learning proper English, and rendered the speaker incomprehensible to everyone except another Singlish speaker. A former prime minister too seems to have said that Singlish should not be part of Singapore’s identity. Presently, Singlish is strongly discouraged in the Singaporean schools, as it is believed to hinder the proper learning of Standard English. But the use of Singlish in classes or between the pupils and the teachers, however officially frowned upon, is rather inevitable, as many teachers themselves are comfortable with Singlish. For many students, using Singlish is also inevitable when interacting with their peers, siblings, parents and elders. The Government and Academies continue to wage an uphill battle in discouraging students from developing the Singlishspeaking habit.

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Singlish is avoided, especially in the formal settings, like job interviews, meetings with clients, presentations or meetings and the like. Standard Singapore English is always insisted upon in these realms. Nevertheless, select Singlish phrases sometimes seep into discussions to build rapport or for a humorous effect, especially when the audience consists mainly of the locals. In the informal settings, however, Singlish is used without restriction. In the interest of promoting equality and better communication with the rest of the world, the government launched (2000) the Speak Good English Movement to eradicate Singlish, at least from the formal usage. The Media Development Authority’s free-to-air TV code states that the use of Singlish “should not be encouraged and can only be permitted in interviews, where the interviewee speaks only Singlish”. In spite of this, the use of Singlish on television and radio has proliferated, as this localized lingua continues to be popular among people. But, there are some supporters of Singlish as well. Linguist David Yoong has put forward the argument that “Singaporeans who subscribe to Singlish and have a positive attitude towards the code see Singlish as a language that transcends social barriers” and that the language can be used to “forge rapport and, perhaps more importantly, the Singaporean identity”. Socio-linguist Dr. Anthea Fraser Gupta argues that Singlish and Standard English can and do co-exist. According to Dr. Gupta, “there is no evidence that the presence of Singlish causes damage to Standard English”.

A Uniting Communication Tool: Any language or a dialect is a tool for communication amongst the people. The local practices, traditions, habits, customs and many other environments do exert some influence on any language to diverse it into varied forms. It cannot be prevented, as people accept those changes suiting them and fit into their traditions and practices. Hence, there is no meaning in frowning upon the localized English languages. In a large subcontinent like India, where fourteen languages have been constitutionally recognized, there are innumerable dialects, which many find difficult to decipher. Therefore, it is but natural that the English spoken (or written) here will have the influence of the local language or the dialect. We have in India many types of English, like the Madrasi English, Panjabi, UP, and Haryanvi English, Gujlish, Bonglish and the

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like. It can be seen that throughout most of the Commonwealth countries, the spoken English has its roots in the British version, though local expressions abound. Canadian English is something of an exception to this, taking its cue from both the UK and the US. British English is also the dialect taught in most countries where English is not a native language, though there are a few exceptions where American English is taught, such as in the Philippines and in Japan. Ireland’s version of English is often described as Hiberno-English and differs in some respects from British English, in so far as phrases and terms often owe their origin to the original Irish language (Gaelic), which allowed for more variations in word structure. Although American and British English are generally mutually intelligible, there are enough differences to occasionally cause awkward misunderstandings or complete failures to communicate. George Bernard Shaw once said that the United States and United Kingdom are “two countries divided by a common language”. English is used as a technical language around the world, in medicine, computer science, air traffic control, and many other such areas of concentrated expertise and international user populations. Such speakers may be fluent in English within their discipline, but not generally fluent in English Henry Sweet predicted in 1877 that within a century, American English, Australian English and British English would be mutually unintelligible, but it may be the case that increased world-wide communication through radio, television, the Internet, or globalization has reduced the tendency to regionalization. This can result in the acceptance of the variations of English as “perfectly good English” everywhere. It should be borne in mind that no language is a constant entity even in the land of its origin. Every language is influenced by the local lingua and the customs and traditions of the local people. As the Gujarati proverb goes – “Gamey gamey boli badle” the language changes from village to village. Hence, one is compelled to say it is not fair to frown upon the localized versions of English in different parts of the world. On my part, I do love to hear/read the amalgam of British English and the local lingua anywhere in the world. Hence, while in Singapore, I joyfully say: “Happy la, Singlish also caan. ***


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iabetes is considered mostly as a lifestyle disease, which occures mainly due to changes of lifestyle in our modern times. According to statistical studies the number of diabetics in India is on the rise. If the trend is continued, it is feared that after a few years India would become the diabetic capital of the world.

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Diabetes Mellitus or type 2 Diabetes is called as Prameha or Madhu Meha as per Ayurvedic terminology. According to Ayuvedic science also it is explained to be a life style disease. It is mentioned in our ancient Ayurvedic texts that the premeha affects mainly due to the insufficiency of the physical activity a person required minimum for the health. And also it affects persons who have the habit of eating more sweet items, the food items containing more starch, carbohydrates, alcoholics and those who consume milk and milk products more than is required. Heredity also plays a major role in the disease. Uncontrolled tension or stress in our daily pursuit for a long time can bring in diabetes even in people otherwise healthy. Modern medicine describes that diabetes due to the insufficiency of the insulin hormone which is produced in the pancreas. This insulin controls the blood sugar levels of the human beings. The main symptoms are fatigue, excessive urination, excessive thirst, excessive hunger, giddiness, weight loss etc. The blood sugar level has to be confirmed by laboratory tests, before the treatment being undertaken. When we evaluate the treatment part of Ayurveda, it also has got effective medicines to contain the disease. The medications are aimed mainly at lowering the blood sugar level. Some medicines also help to normalise the function of the pancreas thereby producing sufficient insulin in the body. Various types of Kavathas (decoctions), powders, capsules and tablets according the disease conditions are prescribed to the patients. The practice of daily walking, exercise and yogasana are also being advised. The single drug remedies like Methium (fenugreek), Jambul, Madhu Nasini (Gynineina Sylvester) are also found effective in different diabetic conditions. (The author is Consultant Physician of Mulund Kerala Samajam. Tel. 022- 25617351.)

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Its creation occures upon Production and promotion Of some new items for Consumption by man


Man’s fancy keeps multiplying And day after day new items Appear in market shelves like Offspring of rats and pigs


Starting from home appliances Electronics and cosmetics We have designer attires and Many useless items of vanity


Like yesterday’s dishes getting Served in new names today In various hotels around Simple recycling occurs here


The cycle keeps on rolling and Old things make way for new And today’s new things become Old for tomorrow’s new one’s


Though our quarreling due to selfish Possessiveness is utterly senseless It is an enigma that we continue To shamelessly stick to selfish virtues


Man’s greed is never satisfied And he longs for many things Which never changes his ordeals Till his lifespan comes to an end


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hen ‘The Times of India’ started publishing the comic strip ‘You Said It’ way back in the sixties, little would the sharp witted cartoonist and political satirist R.K.Laxman have thought that his caricature of the ‘Common Man’ would be a true reflection of our aam aadmi of today. Laxman’s ‘Common Man’ with his unchanging dhoti and checkered shirt is a factual representation of a typical Indian who has remained unchanged in his general outlook even today after sixty odd years of independence. The ironic acquiescence and the presentation of a meek and silent demeanour to the happenings around him is a distinctive representation of the Indian psyche. When Mahatma Gandhi advocated the guid-

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ing principle of “see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil” to the countrymen, he never meant to have the masses blindly aping the three symbolic monkeys with their hands clasped over their eyes, ears and mouths. Even after years of liberation from the shackles of colonization, an average Indian is yet to find his moorings. There is no denying the fact that “Corruption is a drag on India and the country would have surged ahead much faster if not for this scourge.” Corruption is a cancerous growth and if not weeded out totally, it could cause hovoc, polluting the society at large. Nevertheless, the prototypical Indian, our aam aadmi, is yet to turn optimist and hopes for the return of 30

the Rama Rajya. But how would one convince him the lid of this hypocrisy! However, our quintessential that his idol, the very embodiment of ‘a perfect man’ Indian rests assured that the impressive turnout and in deeds and virtues, is engaged in an epic battle with ‘beating the retreat’ by the military personnel at the farther reaching consequences than the legendary amar jawan jyoti is a befitting tribute to the fallen one that saw him decimate the demonic forces. The heroes. present age has ‘Sri Ram’ searching for his roots and Our common-man sees and hears everything, but combating communal forces, motivated politically, never speaks out! This has been the bane of the counto ascertain his place of birth. try for decades now. The day the common man, the Nevertheless, our ‘common-man’ still cherishes man on the street, stands up for his rights and learns the sanctity of certain institutions and all that they to raise his voice against a system that has gone awry, stand for. This is primarily why he wouldn’t bother to India would rightly and truly be called a liberated naread much into the exposes of the deeds of the fourth tion. estate eclipsing the sanctity of the other three pillars With any number of acts and legislations aimed at of democracy. After all he is used to seeing, I quote, the welfare of the citizens being put in place, the lack “his country being forced through endless indignities of political will shown by our leaders to check graft by its leaders and yet doesn’t even whimper in pro- and implement strict laws against this malaise is intest. It is as if he has perfected docility as a survival deed perplexing. strategy.” The introduction of anti-corruption bureaus by the The aam aadmi has full faith in the courts of the government to tackle the menace of fraudulent miscountry. He believes that, though a lengthy process, conduct in public offices will be useless if demands truth will finally prevail and for bribes and other monjustice shall be done. What There is no denying the fact that etary gratifications are not an ironic contradiction! If reported to the authorities. “Corruption is a drag on India and But when one actually gets not for the public outcry at the biased verdict and susthe country would have surged down to thinking about it, tained efforts by activists, ahead much faster if not for this the complasent attitude of people like Manu Sharma the general public when scourge.” Corruption is a cancer- it comes to getting their would be cocking a snook at the judiciary. ous growth and if not weeded out work done is the rootFor instance, our aam totally, it could cause hovoc, pol- cause of this dilemma. aadmi will remain aghast Politicians and bureauluting the society at large. and will never be concrats are a special class vinced about the ‘cash at by themselves and the less the doorsteps’ conspiracy said about them the better! As a collective force they involving all people, even a female judge. Neither can ensure that the secular fabric of a nation could would a financial-fraud which saw the involvement be blown to smitherness driving a communal wedge of 26 judges and high-ranking officials of the court in among the people. a multi-crore provident fund rip-off which tainted the The rapidity of exposures of one scam after the image of the judiciary in the country unnerve him! other and the subsequent sackings and resignations As an Indian he takes pride in being guarded by the of high-profile individuals for their involvement in members of the armed forces; sentinels of the land, diddles and fraudulent affairs have kept the nation sea and skies, who are ever vigilant against enemy agog for quite some time now. Those in public life aggressions. Sacrificing their today so that we could should exhibit unimpeachable veracity and a flurry have a better tomorrow, tales of their bravery and of scandals can only be seen as a definite perversion courage abound. of democratic values. But when it comes to honouring the valiant, is the But will the aam aadmi be bothered? He is used common man aware that nothing comes of the efforts to seeing, I quote: “his country being forced through to bring succor and relief to the kith and kin of the endless indignities by its leaders and yet doesn’t even martyred? Revelations that it is the top brass of the whimper in protest. It is as if he has perfected docility defence forces, bureaucrats and politicians who are as a survival strategy.” reaping the benefits of their martyrdom have blown January 2011


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t was many years since I saw my quiet and serene native village. I do not have any link with the place now - but for a few old friends and a couple of class mates. They have all grown old (like me), retired and confined to their homes. Some have become sick and others lonely - as their children migrated to distant places (in search of greener pastures). Mine was a very large and ancient family, with more than seventy houses in the southern parts of the village. But, those houses do not exist now, as most of our kith and kin disposed off their properties and settled down in distant parts of the country and abroad. Thus, practically, but for an old temple and some known old people, my village has become an alien land for me. The peculiarity of the village was that it was spread around a very large and ancient temple. No body knows when or by whom it was built. Myths and legends are many about its origin. The compound around the temple is very wide, about ten and odd acres of grassy land, with a big well-paved temple pond. I had heard that the Jains and Buddhists were the architects of the temple and the Aryans captured the temple and its assets (when they migrated to this place).

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They drove away the Jain and Buddhist Monks, from the temple and its premises. But it also had a different religious version connected to the epics as well. In spite of everything that had happened in the historical past, every one of every community of this village loved and respected the temple, not because it was religious but because it was sentimental. Whenever we go to the village, we consider it a duty to take an early bath and go to the temple. We love and enjoy the serene environment, wide lawns, and clean pond with a lot of fishes jumping in it. More than that, we meet our old friends, some times their old parents too, our teachers, and the young and old members of the good old known families. They used to refresh our minds quite a lot. I took my family- my wife, son, daughter-in-law and the grand son (the only grand child at that time) to the temple some years ago. It was the grand son who insisted on seeing the village and the temple, as he had only heard the stories about them from many of my relatives. As demanded by the tradition, the men-folk changed over to mundu (dhoti) and melmundu (Anga Vastram) and entered the


temple - with the women in their traditional saree. As we moved in, I could see many old men and women staring at us inquisitively - as (probably) they thought they had seen us before - some where some time. For me everything appeared familiar there including the people – though I hardly knew nor recognized them. But, as a tall, rather well-built old man approached me in his wet cloths (he was just coming out of the temple-pond), I could not help staring at him. He smiled and hesitatingly asked: “Appan Alle da?”(Are you not Appan?). His voice enabled me to recognize him and I shouted in excitement, “Appu Kuttan?” “Appo marannittilla” (So you have not forgotten me) happily exclaimed Appu Kuttan. He fondly watched my grand son and enquired, “Pera Kidava?” (Grand son?) and I answered in the affirmative. “Araamathe thalamuraya? (Sixth generation?), he further enquired. He had a rough idea of the genealogy of our grand old family. I told him I belong to the fifth generation and the grand child belongs to the seventh. “Ente Easwara, ezhu thalamurakal ee ambalam kandu thozhuthirikkunu” (My God. Seven generations have worshipped in this temple).

Appu Kuttan wanted to say something to my grand son. As the child never knew Malayalam, Appu Kuttan tried his luck in his broken Tamil: “Nan Unnode Thathade friend akkum. Onnayittu than school pass anathu” (I am your grand father’s friend. We passed out school together). The child was sharp in observing people and asked in Tamil, “Neengal romba old akkume. Enga Thatha ithra old Allave. Eppidi onnayittu school pass aka mudiyum?(You look older than my grand father. How come you two happened to pass out together)? Appu smiled and remarked “Midukkan” (Smart boy) and told me: “Your grand son is sharp like you”. Though I could divert the child’s attention elsewhere, I thought, I owe him an explanation, as his doubt was very genuine. The opportunity to explain came only now. The child was correct in assessing the age of Appu Kuttan. He was about six or seven years elder to me by age and studied with many of my senior cousins or younger uncles in the school. Though he managed to manipulate promotions in the lower classes, he got stuck in the public examination at the school final. Those days, one could appear any number of times in the public exams to try one’s luck. (But I think they lose eligibility to enter the University after certain number of attempts). After some unsuccessful attempts in the exams, Appu Kuttan had a relaxed life in the village – looking after the family properties, running a stationery shop and the like. I should mention here that he tried his luck in some local drama troupes and acted in a couple of local dramas as well. I am told that he was a guest artist in a Malayalam film too. But he did not stick January 2011

to anything permanently and had been a rolling stone always. Later, he got a “Guru” who made him take interest in “Gymnastics”. He learned body building exercises, gymnastics and the like in the Guru’s Gymnasium. This earned him the title “Fayalwan Appu Kuttan” and he used to walk along the roads of the village like a Dara Singh or King Kong of those days. Nevertheless, his family members were nagging him often about his education and always pressurised him to complete at least the school final exams. He, at long last, submitted himself to their preassures and decided to take one more chance in the school final exam. I too had reached that level of education by that time. It so happened that we two had to write the exam together. Not only that, we had to sit on the same bench in the examination hall. This was because Appu Kuttan had been registered in the school documents as Puthankandathil Appu Kuttan Nair – abbreviated as P. A. K. Nair. When he saw his number along with mine, he could not recognize who I was. But he seems to have made enquiries and could ascertain that I was a small boy of such and such family – the cousin or nephew of his very many class mates- and my pet name was such and such. Hence, before we entered the Hall, he called me and said: “Swami Kutty, You have to consider me as your uncle or an elder cousin and should give me a helping hand in the Examination. I have appeared many times in this examination and never have been able to pass”. Copying in the Examination Hall had not become so rampant those days and many of us were not much aware of it. We were totally ignorant of the modus operandi of the copying methods. We used to think in those good old days that copying 33

in an exam was major crime at par with the culpable homicide. Hence I could not understand what help did he expect from me. But he (as I learned later) was a master in this art and knew how to do it in a convincing manner. He copied about half of my answers; left some questions unanswered and wrote wrong answers for the remaining questions. He thus managed to bag an average of about 40% mark in the examination and was declared passed. (35% used to be the minimum mark required for passing). I just admired his style of copying and his excellent pretence of innocence, during the whole process. “Maha albudam ketto. Phayalwan Appu Kuttan Pass Aayee” (Heard the wonderful news? Appu Kuttan passed out in the Examinations”), every one in the village spread the news. He was very jubilant, when the results were declared, he walked along the main road of the village, expanding his chest and holding his head up. As he passed by, the bystanders whispered amongst themselves: “Appu Kuttan ippo SSLC aayee (Appu Kuttan has now become SSLC). On the day the results were declared, Appu Kuttan came to my house, with a gift pack of some Sweets from the only sweet meat shop of the village. With tears in his eyes, he told me “But for you, I would not have passed the examination”. But, he added, “Ithu arodum parayalle ente Swamy Kutty!! (Please don’t disclose it to any body, my dear Swami Kutty). And I, on my part, kept this secret with me till now. Now that about sixty years have passed, no one can take any legal action for this crime. “Kuttam Kala Harana Pettu Poyee” (the crime is debarred for action), as Appu Kuttan pointed out.

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FOR YOU ANANDAVALLI CHANDRAN The sun gives light, shadows and rainbows for you. The stars blink and shed light for you. The moon smiles pervading light for you. Trees and grass give blossoms, fruits and shelter for you. Birds and butterflies sing to soothe your ears and calm your mind. Fishes swim to create joyful wavy motion in your hearts. Alas! unawares you don’t accept gracefully the blessings shower on you with your innate ingratitude ignorance and impertinence.

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MY FIFTH FIRST BY THE PERIYA-VAZHI (long route) K. HARINARAYANAN kharinarayanan@npcil.co.in


ne Saturday evening a few days before the beginning of the Vrichika Maasam in 2005, I happened to meet Raji Mami at Vani Vidyalaya. Knowing that Ganesan Mama was planning as usual to go to Sabarimalai by the long route (Periya Vazhi), I expressed my brother Kumar’s intent to join him, during our casual talk. I had yet to make-up my mind, for no specific reason though! A few days later when I went to my parents’ house after office, I was surprised to find Ganesan Mama there, waiting for Appa to talk to Kumar and confirm his participation. Unfortunately Kumar could not make it, but somehow then and there I decided to go to Malai. Mama added my name at the end of a list of about fourteen participants for whom train tickets had to be booked. Thus my preparations for the fifth visit to Sabarimala and my first endeavor by the long route began. January 2011


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Maala-Dharanam took place to chant the ‘Bhootanatha Dayas- ing of the coconut signifies the on the first day of the month of indho…’ stotram. I first met Ku- detachment of the devotee from Vrichikam (as is customary for mar Ramaswamy at Guruswamy’s all worldly ties till he achieves Ayyappas of the Mulund Bhajana house and though he struck me his goal- the Irumudi Darshanam. Samaj) alongwith Ayyappas go- as a very elderly person, I subse- After the Ganapati Homam ended ing by the short route. I could meet quently came to know that he was at around 6:00 AM, the Rudraabhishekam started and almost after a long gap of three years only five years older than I was. simultaneously the Kettunirai be(long… enough for any Ayyappa gan. Raja Guruswamy and GaneBhakta) my acquaintances with DAY ONE (8 January 2006): san Guruswamy guided the Ayywhom I had attended many bhaThis was the day of the single appas through the various steps janais and been to Sabarimalai three times from 1999 to 2001. I most important event once the – the most important being the was particularly happy to see Raja Vratham period had been negoti- filling of the coconut with the ghee Guruswamy, who had guided me ated, before embarking on the pil- for the abhishekam of Lord Ayyduring those trips. As he had been grimage- the day of the Kettunirai. appa- in the making of the Kettu. my Guruswamy when I was a first In the early hours at around 4:30 My Kettunirai was performed by Ganesan Guruswamy. The time Kanni in 1999, to me This sort of inter-mingling atmosphere was nothhe is a venerable person. The Vratham started on amongst all Ayyappas, traveling ing short of electric with the same day and I as is in a group no matter how large Ayyappas whose Kettu was being filled chanting my normal practice, visthe group might be, is a very im- different sharanams and ited the Guruvayoorappan temple in Mulund and portant ice-breaking, ego-break- the others continuing with sought the blessings of the ing exercise. Once you travel as a relay namavallis. Appa, Ammai, Sitaraman Mama deities there. group you are one family. There and Kumar were present The yaatra had been is no one inferior or superior, at the time of my Ketplanned for the period from January 8 to 18, rich or poor and everybody has tunirai. Chitra could not make it as Durga was only 2006. to abide by the instructions of the six months old and Mami Our Guruswamy for this Guruswamy. He will be the one could not due to acute artrip, Ganesan Mama, inwho will guide you through thick thritis problems rendering vited all Ayyappas to his her immobile. Both howhouse a few days before and thin, take care of your needs ever had already given me the day of the Kettunarai and lead you towards the one ul- their contributions of the for a short briefing, maintimate goal - IRUMUDI DAR- rice, which had to be put ly on the rigors of the long into my Irumudi. trek, to allay any fears of SHANAM. After the Kettunirai for the first timers like me and all Ayyappas had been comto make everyone aware of pleted, Ashtotharam and Kootu the dos and don’t s for the trip. He AM the Ganapati Homam started emphasized the need to be steady in the Guruswamy’s elder broth- Sharanam for the Lord were conduring the trek, walk or climb at er’s house in Jeevan Kala build- ducted. After an early but tasty one’s own comfortable pace and ing at Mulund East. I left home at lunch we left for Thane Railway never think of how far one is from around 5:00 AM after saranam vili Station at around 10:30 AM to the top of the mountain or how and karpooram kaatal before Lord board the Netravati Express. A much farther one has to walk. Ayyappa. At the exit gate of the mini Shastha-Preethi had been ar“Just keep walking… reciting the complex I broke open a coconut ranged at Jeevan Kala building for Gayatri mantra and you will reach by forcefully throwing it on the the friends and relatives of all the your destination’’, was his advice road. I remember telling our secu- Ayyappas. At the Railway Station to all of us. Those who did not nor- rity guard at the gate that he could I began acquainting myself with mally recite this mantra were told use the coconut pieces. The break- all the Ayyappas in our group and by the time the train arrived the

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comfort level was already on the rise. Apart from Murugan, Acharya, Gupta, Raji Mami and Guruswamy the others were all new faces. By the time the first Kootu Saranam and mini Bhajanai sessions began in the train, as far as I can remember, I had introduced myself to all these ‘new faces’ and the comfort level was almost fully reached. This sort of intermingling amongst all Ayyappas, traveling in a group no matter how large the group might be, is a very important ice-breaking, ego-breaking exercise. Once you travel as a group you are one family. There is no one inferior or superior, rich or poor and everybody has to abide by the instructions of the Guruswamy. He will be the one who will guide you through thick and thin, take care of your needs and lead you towards the one ultimate goal - IRUMUDI DARSHANAM. The train journey for Ayyappas is very much unlike that for any other co-traveller. There will be atleast two sessions of Kootu Sharanam accompanied by Bhajana sessions in the Sannidhanam cubicle (the cubicle where all Irumudis are kept alongwith a framed photograph of Lord Ayyappa and where the Guruswamy sits). Regular singers like Raji Mami and Kothandaraman led such Bhajana sessions and new singers in the form of Gupta emerged during the later stages of the trip. Regular supplies of snacks flowed all through the train journey. There is never an idle or dull moment during such trips. Guruswamy’s nephew Suresh had in his repertoire added shlokams of the ‘Lokaveeram ….’ type, which I gleefully noted down and added to my database of Ayyappa shlokams. DAY TWO (9 January 2006): January 2011

The train brought us to Shoranoor, the station of our detrainment. Outside the railway station we boarded a mini-bus, in which one more Ayyappa from Bangalore –Ganesh- was waiting for us. I came to know that he was originally a resident of Mulund, who had shifted to Bangalore due to work related compulsions. Proper care had been taken to ensure that all Irumudis were properly arranged inside the bus on the luggage racks and covered by blankets. In the train most of us –probably everybody except Guruswamyhad not bathed in the morning and hence a very logical halt had to be for a bath before lunch. We stopped by the Bharatha Puzha, much to my amazement and thrill and enjoyed the cool waters caressing our sticky bodies, before taking a few dips even while holding on to our maalas. The river had a healthy flow but there were treacherous rocks under the water, which could have hurt the feet and also sudden pitfalls in the rocky river bed to be guarded against. The feet in particular had to be guarded against injuries as a long arduous trek awaited us. After a sumptuous lunch at Shoranoor we proceeded to Manapalli Kavu Bhagavati temple at Palakkad. Here two elderly Ayyappas – Smt. And Sri. Ishwaran who are residents of Mulund – joined us. Ishwaran Ayyappan some people jovially say, stays at Sabarimalai – in reality a tribute to his frequent visits to Sabarimala in a year. Infact he was joining us at Palakkad after yet another such visit albeit by the short route. As it was around 3:00 PM by the time we reached the temple, we had to wait outside for about an hour and a half. There was a very big rectangular water tank in the premises, well covered at the top 37

by a concrete slab with a couple of large trees providing the muchrequired shade from the afternoon sun. It was no surprise therefore that some Ayyappas attempted an afternoon siesta as the heavy lunch had probably begun to take its toll on them. While waiting for darshan inside the temple, I struck conversation with Ishwaran Ayyappan and came to know that he knew my Periappa Raashamani and he too lived at Ashok Nagar in Mulund. Small world this is! After worshipping the Bhagavati we left for Noorani village where we visited the Ganapathy, Shivan and Vishnu temples all of which are in close proximity. The Vishnu temple also houses the famed Noorani Shastha along with his consorts Poorna and Pushkalaamba, all in the form of lingaas. Our kuladaivam – Plavadi Shastha along with his consorts Poorna and Pushkalaamba at Ambasamudram – is also in a similar form and when bedecked and attired the lingaas look full of life. After a very brief tea break we proceeded to Chittur enroute to Palani. Here we prayed at the temple of the Chittur Bhagavati. This temple has two separate deities as at the Chotanikara Bhagavati temple – Mel Kavzhu and Kizh Kavzhu. We could only pray at the Kizh Kavzhu as the Mel Kavzhu sanctum was closed. We continued our journey to Palani and did not forget to worship our Irumudis and perform KootuSharanams. Kodandaraman took the lead in these sessions. At around 10:30 PM we reached the MNR Kalyana Mandapam at Palani – our customary camping place at Palani. We had for company that night Ayyappas from Mulund Bhaktha Sangam on their way back home. to be continued...

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ADV. PRAKASH NAIR 9867424675 nairpalat@gmail.com


eadership is a word which has significant importance in the current world scenario. It can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly follow. Every organization needs leaders at every level. A Public Organization or Association should act as a Public Limited Company, not as Private Limited Company. You can run a Private Limited Service/Manufacturing Unit, but while running an Organization you should taka maximum care on Accountability. A leader should have a clear vision, vivid picture

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of where to go, as well as a firm grasp on what success looks like and how to achieve it through ethical means. But it’s not enough to have a vision; leaders must also share it and act upon it. Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric Co., said, “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion.” A leader must be able to communicate his or her vision in terms that cause followers to buy into it. He or she must communicate clearly and passionately,


in an easy manner for others to understand it. A good leader must have the discipline to work towards his or her vision single-mindedly, as well as to direct his or her actions and those of the team towards the goal. Action is the mark of a leader. A leader does not suffer “analysis paralysis” but is always doing something in pursuit of the vision, inspiring others to do the same. Integrity is the integration of outward actions and inner values. A person of integrity is the same on the outside and on the inside. Such an individual can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might be expeditious to do so. A leader must have the trust of followers and therefore must display integrity. Especially Leaders in Public Organizations should be accountable to the Society at large. A true Leader should be devoid of prestige and power. He should never focus on him and his family. One who puts himself into limelight using others can never be treated as a real and true leader. Honest dealings, predictable reactions, well-controlled emotions, and an absence of tantrums and harsh outbursts are all signs of integrity. A leader who is centered in integrity will be more approachable by followers. Dedication means spending whatever time or energy is necessary to accomplish the task at hand. A leader inspires dedication by example, doing whatever it takes to complete the next step toward the vision. By setting an excellent example, leaders can show followers that there are no nine-to-five jobs on the team, only opportunities to achieve something great. Magnanimity means giving credit where it is due. A magnanimous leader ensures that credit for successes is spread as widely as possible throughout the company. Conversely, a good leader takes personal responsibility for failures. This sort of reverse magnanimity helps other people feel good enough about themselves in the process drawing others closer to them. Leaders with humility recognize that they are no better or worse than other members of the team. A humble leader is not self-effacing but rather tries to elevate everyone. Leaders with humility also understand that their status does not make them a God. Mahatma Gandhi is a role model for Indian leaders, and he often pursued and practiced a “follower-centric” leadership role. Openness means being able to listen to new ideas, even if they do not conform to the usual way of thinkJanuary 2011


ing. Good leaders are able to suspend judgment while listening to others’ ideas, as well as accept new ways of doing things that someone else thought of. Openness builds mutual respect and trust between leaders and followers, it also keeps the team well supplied with new ideas. Creativity is the ability to think differently, to get outside of the box that constrains solutions. Creativity gives leaders the ability to see things that others have not seen and thus lead followers in new directions. The most important question that a leader can ask is, “What if … ?” Possibly the worst thing a leader can say is, “I know this is a dumb question ... ” Fairness means dealing with others consistently and justly. A leader must check all the facts and hear everyone out before passing judgment. He or she must avoid leaping to conclusions based on incomplete evidence. When people feel that they are being treated fairly, they reward him with loyalty and dedication. A true Leader should have the capacity to do introspection. Assertiveness is not the same as aggressiveness. Rather, it is the ability to clearly state what one expects so that there will be no misunderstandings. A leader must be assertive to get the desired results. Along with assertiveness comes the responsibility to clearly understand what others around him expect from him while discharging the duties and responsibilities. Many leaders have difficulty striking the right amount of assertiveness. It seems that being under assertive or overassertive may be the most common weakness among aspiring leaders. A sense of humor is vital to relieve tension and boredom, as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders know how to use humor to energize followers. Humor is a form of power that provides some control over the work environment. And simply put, humor fosters good camaraderie. Acceptability is an important factor in making a True Leader. Leader’s intentions play an important role. Men’s Rea Factor is having a most important role in moulding a True Leader. Passion without any reason is going to be spreading havoc in a leader’s career. The proverb- “If you can control your tongue, you can control everything” has a broad meaning in social life. Intrinsic traits such as intelligence, good looks, height and so on are not necessary to become a leader. Anyone can cultivate the proper leadership traits.

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uman mind and conscience are exactly like the obverse and reverse of a coin. The difference is inexplicably subtle. The mind, the most significant factor is always behaving like a monkey, without considering the consequences. Recently, I read in a spiritual magazine about the ancient sage Manu, who had mentioned in a sloka - “hymn� - in detail about the multi-facets of the human mind. Though thousands of years ago, he had very distinctly and meticulously analyzed the various aspects of the human mind and come out with the universally accepted corollary that whatever action that pleases the mind and conscience only should be continued and the rest should be jettisoned. Mind is the inherent domain existent in a human being that controls the whole activities.

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There is, therefore, only a subtle distinction between mind and conscience. Both owe their genesis to the Almighty God. Where there is mind, there is bound to be conscience too. But the mere existence of the mind does not warrant the existence of conscience which must have escaped long ago for some reason or the other. Mind is always the hasty part which is its’ characteristic feature. Since time immemorial, man had always been a slave of his mind and he seldom bothers about his conscience even today. When a person haphazardly stumbles upon a costly object on the road, his mind will first command him to pick it up and pocket it but, another command will follow from the inner man not to pick it up. This is called conscience. Both mind and conscience are juxtaposed in an individual. The human mind is always indomitable and amenable to all temptations and infatuations. It is always eluding from man’s effort to control and it yields to the unreJanuary 2011

As a person gains awareness and adds more and more spiritual and ethical values to his self, stage by stage, he always tries to become more and more righteous and does not need any other person to guide him or lead him to light. He will take the commands of his own conscience only. He will work hard and look after himself and his family members, but never like to sit in the comfort zone and relax, leaning back on his ancestral wealth or properties.


mitting pressures exerted every now and then. So a man with the simultaneous existence of both mind and conscience and who gives more emphasis to the commands of the latter is the most righteous person indeed. As we observed that the genesis of the human mind is from the Almighty, the cosmic force and it is swaying between temptations and infatuations, conscience always functions as a trust worthy sentinel of morality. This world is full of objects of temptations and infatuations and the mind, many times, simply transcends its periphery to grab or possess them with a devilish passion without heeding to the veto-instructions of the conscience that leads to the holocaust of peace and harmony in the society. Everybody has normally the existence of both the personalities, but, the latter is, many times, inadvertently ignored, not due to ignorance but due to the temptations and infatuations of varying degrees, depending upon the object. The object varies from wealth and wine to women. We can, therefore, conclude that conscience is the most important factor of an individual born and brought up in

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a satvic atmosphere. As a person gains awareness and adds more and more spiritual and ethical values to his self, stage by stage, he always tries to become more and more righteous and does not need any other person to guide him or lead him to light. He will take the commands of his own conscience only. He will work hard and look after himself and his family members, but never like to sit in the comfort zone and relax, leaning back on his ancestral wealth or properties. Keeping abreast all these factors, we can corroborate that the mind and conscience are the two most important factors that control the whole world. We can come to the conclusion that the increase in all types of crimes, in the contemporary world at an alarming rate is mainly because of the predominance of the mind or the total absence of conscience. We can see that the famous maxim “Every minute, a scoundrel is born” is proved correct every day in today’s material world, by those who take to crimes of all types. By birth nobody is a criminal, but circumstances make him so. Today, violence is rampant every where in the world ranging from murder, massacre, homicide, patricide, matricide, suicide, arsoning, sabotage, raping, seduction, perfidy, kidnapping to feticide and what not! We know that evil elements are all out to worsen the law and order situation in the country. The guardians of law and order are combating day and night to eliminate crime but, the more they strive to bring it under control, the less they succeed in their efforts. God has given us the intellect and emotion to distinguish between good and bad, ethical and unethical

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acts. A sensible man can clearly differentiate his mother, sister, sister-in-law, mother-in-law and his wife though all are women and his attitude to each of them will be in accordance with his respective relation to each of them. He will never dare to interchange their positions. Whenever man has lost his sense and conscience, unabashed excesses have also taken place. If everyone respects his conscience, as the most dependable master or Guru, and does only those righteous deeds, which it commands, the world would have been an ideal or the most congenial place to live, unlike it is today. Today everybody feels unsafe everywhere including his own home which depletes all his mental peace and courage, day by day. The advent of Yoga is a great boon to the present day’s world and it is practiced extensively in many parts of our country. The Yoga teachers even travel abroad frequently to conduct Yoga Sennight in many parts to enable man to retrieve those spiritual powers which were lost in the midway. Pranayama, Mandookasana, Kapalbhathi, Basthrika Pranayama, Brahmari, Sheershasana, Shavasana, etc. are some of the most powerful yoga methods which can help the mind to practise self control and thereby utilize the generated mental powers for humanitarian purposes. Especially Pranayama, the breath control technique, inhaling and exhaling provides wonderful powers and helps one to shed ego, arrogance, anger, selfishness and thereby enjoy the twin benefits of mental discipline and positive attitude. The ultimate object is to shed all the above flaws and establish conscience in the human organism. Today’s modern gadget the mobile phone, however costly, is of no use unless there is a valid sim card in it. Similarly, a man however learned or wealthy he is, he is of no use to the society, if he has no moral values or conscience, which if it were there, would have emitted the brilliance of glory around him. If one wants his children and grand children to be more spiritual minded and God fearing he has to very religiously inculcate in them these exceptional qualities right from their childhood. Those who do not do so will meet with adverse consequences in life. A man of conscience always enjoys the respect and 42

good-will of others. In one of the previous ages, it was customary on the part of a sculptor to take formal consent of a rock before sculpting out an idol of some deity. When a sculptor asked a rock for its due permission to sculpt out the idol of Lord Ganesha, the rock refused to grant permission saying that it wanted to become something greater than that. Finally one rock consented and the sculptor carved out a graceful idol of Lord Ganesha which was ceremoniously installed in a new temple constructed. Devotees from far-flung areas too started pouring in to have a glimpse. Next, another stone was also required to be installed in front of the temple to break coconut every day for the Lord, offered by the devotees. The priest of the temple selected the first stone that declined the offer for this purpose and thus installed it, upon which the devotees started breaking the coconuts every day. The rock then repented over it’s folly. A man without conscience is also like the first rock and will repent at a later stage .So it is up to an individual to choose the best option. World renowned philosopher and prophet Socrates was well-known for his predictions becoming true par excellence. One day a group of mischievous young men wanted to disprove his prediction. So they approached him with a live sparrow with in their folded hands and asked him to predict correctly whether it was dead or alive. Their plan was to fly it if he said it was dead and conversely if he said it was dead , to squeeze it to death and show him that his prediction had gone wrong. But, Socrates, understanding their evil intention, after pondering for a moment, told them ‘The decision lies in your own hands only”! One should perceive the truth that spiritualism and conscience should go hand in hand like two bosom friends and to squeeze it or preserve it is also up to him. Spiritualism once practiced will go a long way and prevent one from indulging in unethical activities. If we want to raise a devout generation we have to essentially inculcate in the young minds the habit of praying God and respecting those elders to them. If the world is envisaging an epoch of devout and righteous generation, we have to sow the seeds of the above qualities in the young minds and manure them with noble thoughts at regular intervals. While the mind should be controlled with the saddle of will power, conscience should be preserved like the pupil of the eye. Then only will come into existence the universal harmony and well-being.

January 2011




A Special day in your life, May start with the Sunshine. A Bright future may it bring to you May Blessing shower upon, Like rain pouring on silky rivers. May Almighty grant your wishes come true, Wish all happines embed your life. As flowers add beauty to garden, So shall your life be to others. May no black clouds hide your shine, May road trudging by you, Have a silky shine. Wish your life be filled, With pride and wisdom It’s not the words which says It’s my love and concern which tunes

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ome time ago it was found in a survey, every second child in primary school undergoes stress and tension. This leads to hypertension in coming years of his/her life. What exactly is stress and tension? The dictionary describes tension as difference of views and opinions between two people. Stress is the emphasis on some point or the other, a pressure of any kind.

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which subsequently enforces eating mostly junk food. Result: bad health which is seen in their performance at office and home. Deadlines are to be met, child is to be fed, mother isn’t well, father is nagging over some thing or the other, wife is not trying to understand anything, and one fine day we crumble under the pressure. The body, which lacks nutrition, has to overwork mentally, physically and emotionally and crumbles no matter what the circumstances are. It is said the more we are close to nature and the more natural in our approach towards life or ourselves, the happier and more joyful we shall be. But in the pursuit to be someone other than who we are, we trigger the pressure to act artificially. This builds up pressure on us physiologically and psychologically. Our body stops to emote and react to basic phenomena as laughter - which gives rise to clubs like comedy clubs - teaching people to laugh. In these clubs, people do know the importance and significance of laughter. If they didn’t, only hyenas would Who is responsible for creating this tension? You, be allowed to laugh. me or someone else? We just conveniently put this The pressure is immense on all of us to excel and be blame on the society, but what perfect, which at times is the society? Who constitutes The pressure is immense on we fail to do what is it? I do and you do, right? As actually required in a responsible person of the so- all of us to excel and be perfect, a particular situation. ciety, we also contribute to the which at times we fail to do what The biggest irony is mounting tensions and stress in we all know there is the society, which subsequently is actually required in a particular only one number one, situation. The biggest irony is we all can’t be there, still results in health problems. According to ‘Ayurveda’, all know there is only one number we do have insatiable “if health is lost all is gone, no one, all can’t be there, still we do want to excel and be amount of money or any kind of prefect in all spheres therapy can rebuild any sort of have insatiable want to excel and of life. When we protissue that is damaged by trauma be prefect in all spheres of life. ceed in our thinking or some disease. Ayurveda is an When we proceed in our thinking and actions with a ancient Indian medical science, proper study of the which was written thousands of and actions with a proper study 'self' - on inherent years ago. It says self control of the 'self' - on inherent abilities abilities and weekis the mantra for good life, all and weeknesses - the stress can be nesses - the stress can kind of stress can be avoided by be reduced to a cercontrol, by channeling it into reduced to a certain extent. tain extent. something productive. They say destiny The irony today is even the most developed coun- can’t be changed and more over, we have only one tries are trying to exercise these rules for living. destiny. So why not make full use of this opportunity They’ve adopted some fundamentals from the Ay- to live it right? When destiny can’t be changed, that urveda to ensure proper food habits, which they are which can surely change is our attitude towards our inculcating in everyone these days. life - being positive in our approach under all circumPreviously 50 percent of the medical schools did stances. That surely helps in reducing the stress and not teach the students the importance of nutrition, tensions considerably. January 2011 January 2011


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Astrology The astro forecast prepared for every Rasi, right from the adventurous and dynamic Aries to the calm and intuitive Pisceans. All you need is your zodiac sign (moon rasi or lagna rasi, whichever is stronger at birth) and we will tell you what you can expect out of your future, to be prepared for the likely adversities as well as the potential opportunities. Wish you a very great month.


subhashnair@live.com 9920745450

Major planetary movements in 2011 Jupiter will be comfortably placed in the Meena rasi and will be moving into Aries after 9th May. Rahu and Ketu remains in Sagittarius and Gemini respectively and moves in to Vrischika and Taurus rasi by 9th June. Saturn in Virgo moves into Thulam rasi on14 Nov. Other planetary movements in January 2011 Mercury in direct motion moves into Dhanu (Sagittarius) on 7th January. Mars in transit moves into the passive sign of Makara (Capricorn) Sun joins mars in Makara rasi on14th January. Wishing all readers a very happy New Year and a great and prosperous 2011. All you need is your zodiac sign (moon rasi or lagna rasi, whichever is stronger at birth) and we will tell you what you can expect over this first half of the year. of evil effects. Recite Om Namo Bhagavathe Narayana Namah! 108 times daily.

TAURUS (VRISHABHA) ARIES (MESHA) This era can bring in expenditure on auspicious functions and other problems. So tighten your wallets. Sudden changes or risk in jobs can be expected. Overseas opportunities will knock your doors. Change of job, residence, retirement, insurance claims, and investments can all get a call in this year. Politicians will face disgrace and threats to their position. Higher educations will deserve big donations. Sudden inclinations to occult sciences like astrology or spiritual discourses will emerge in a positive way. Reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam will benefit you immensely. Visiting lord Krishna temple on Thursdays will get you more positive vibrations.

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Your energy will be on the limelight keeping you happy with auspicious events and spiritual involvements. Material gains are indicated. Marriage matters will materialise. Delayed marriages will shape out and couples seeking progeny will be blessed, especially with a baby boy. Professional growth, promotions in service and business will help achieve your goals. Partnerships and legal agreements will be safe. Educational pursuits will be fruitful. Children will keep you happy. However health disorders, difficulties and delays will keep you dejected as Ketu and Rahu are ill placed. Natives running Rahu or Ketu Dasa should be very careful. Perform Rahu archanas on Fridays and amavasya nights will ward 46

GEMINI (MITHUNA) Changes in service will be profitable. Professionals involved in legally clean professions will benefit. Children will cause concern at times. Trouble in service, lack of Professional support will make you frustrated. Saturn at home will create a suspicious atmosphere leading to domestic conflicts. Expenses will pinch you hard. Health hassles should not be ignored. Try to seek mental peace in God. Children are advised to avoid putting their parents into embarrassing situations. Speculations can be risky so avoid getting tempted. Those in excess cash will plan to get their house renovated.

Performing Sani archanas on Saturday at Ayyappa temples after sunset will reduce the effects of Sade-sati.

and so care to be taken. Speculations will squeeze your money out, so rather be cautious. People in search of job will not benefit much, but don’t feel dejected. Perform Guru Archanas on Thursday at Navagraha temples or chant Guru gayatri daily.

CANCER (KARKA) Both Rahu and Budh gives you a supporting time against your enemies. In short you can win over your enemies. Guru can help bring in changes, promotion and overseas favours. Fulfillment of desires will make you spend and raise your investments. Domestic affairs will be peaceful and happy. The first six months of the year will be good. Children will do well in studies but should be constantly kept under check by restricting use of electronic gadgets for a period of time. Professionals will gain in service and sole trading concerns. Spiritual journeys will be undertaken. Yogic involvements will bring in divine blessings. Attain the grace of lord Narayana by reciting Om Namo Bhagavathe Narayana Namah! 108 times daily and visiting at shree krishna temples on Thursdays .

VIRGO (KANYA) Avoid getting lazy since things will come to you only with hard work and persistent efforts. Try to avoid petty arguments at home and domestic atmosphere will be at peace. Your spouse and business partners will be very supportive. Professionals should seek the blessings of Ganesha to ward of obstacles and difficulties at their job front. Sensual gratification, short trips, family holidays will favour better conjugal happiness. Transit indicates birth of a son for the eligibles. Children will progress in education but with timely push and advice. The period is well suited for financial planning as cash flows will be good and steady. You can invest in ventures of quick returns. Performing Ganesha homam at home and workplace will bring in lot of positive energies.

LEO (SIMHA) Jupiter in 8th will keep you puzzled and worried. Your attitudes can make more secret enemies who may harm you in the long run. Be careful with vehicles, accidents and health. A spiritual bend of mind will only bring in lot of peace. Those in education fields, teachers and students will encounter difficulties. Benefit from inlaws and insurance are indicated. Business will be favorable. However bank balance will be effected January 2011

settlements. However your kids will come out successful in exams. Business partnerships will be in trouble with government interference and other risks. Avoid litigations as things will go against you. Competitors will make you lose peace and sleep. Reciting Ganesha pancharatnam daily will help you gain some spiritual solace. Visit shree Krishna temples on Thursdays and Saturdays.

SCORPIO (VRISCHIKA) The mischievous Rahu clubs the benevolent Guru to make you indulge in speculative activities. In short you will play with money and gain. Care against health and accidents should be taken. Childless couples will be blessed with positive results as planetary positions are favorable for conception and birth of a son. This period marks your closeness with family, friends and relatives bringing in auspicious events like marriage and other occasions. Marriage alliances, change of job, fresh investments, other than property will come your way. Reciting Sreelaxmi Ashtothram will benefit to grace your Dhana bhava. Donating clothes and education will beget you the grace of God.

LIBRA (THULAM) Unfavorable Saturn in 12 aspecting guru in 6 warns you to be very cautious with your health. Hospital bills could add to your difficulties. Avoid looking out for changes at job front and advised to stick to the same for the time being. Relationship with spouse will be strained leading to legal 47

SAGITTARIUS (DHANU) Relationship with partners will be strained. Saturn slows down your process of getting a job or you may lack job satisfaction or appreciation of your efforts and hard work. Desire to earn a commercial place or vehicle for business

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will materialise without any legal difficulties. Your mother will be supportive and domestic happiness will prevail. Health of elders in the family will cause concern. Avoid arguments at all fronts and make a maturated approach as much as possible. Your materialistic approach will not balance the spiritual side of your spouse, this will however imbalance marital happiness. Perform Sani archanas on Saturdays at navgraha temples or Ayyappa temples. donate til oil at Ayyappa temples.

CAPRICORN (MAKARA) Avoid looking out for changes in job. You are advised to stick to the same for the time being. However overseas opportunities can be considered. Unfavorable Rahu-Ketu disposition will bring in health disorders, so you are advised to be very cautious with your health. Hospital bills could add to your difficulties. Relationship with spouse will be strained leading to misunderstanding or separations. Business partnerships will be in trouble with government interference and other risks. Avoid litigations as things will go against you. Insurance and other claims will be settled amicably in your favour. Literary skills will be lighted by spiritual thoughts. Spiritual journeys are indicated. Recite Hanuman chalisa every Saturdays. Perform Rahu archanas on Fridays at navagraha temples.


will recall prosperity, gain in fortune and fame. Keep away from speculation and activities that can give quick returns. Long term investment will give more benefits. The period will be favorable for success in competitive exams. Teachers, lawyers will be benefitted. Beware against backbiting at office. Those expecting childbirth need to excessively cautious. Students will have a very positive mind towards studies. Relief from health disorders will give relief. Health of spouse will be a concern. Watch out against accidental injuries. Most activities will face some obstacles in its initial stages but will ward off. Perform Sani archanas or lighting of til deepas in navgraha or Ayyappa temple every Saturday after sunset.

PISCES (MEENA) Life will draw you closer to your life partners. Affairs will materialise into marriage. Birth of male child is indicated. Health of your spouse will improve. However try to avoid unnecessary travel and arguments with your mother. Keep a vigilant watch on your subordinates at office as there are probable chances of back stabbing. Students need to work very hard to mitigate the negative effects of distractions. Even a break in education can result for those running an equally bad Dasa period. There could be loss of money, theft and sudden expenditures. Perform Guru Archanas on Thursday at Navagraha temples. Recite Om Namo Bhagavathe Narayana Namah! 108 times daily.


Conditioning treatment is vital during summer. Those with coloured hair and highlights must invest in special conditioners. If you have dry hair, use a hydrating conditioner regularly. For extremely dry and brittle hair, after applying conditioner, comb hair to make sure that the entire shaft is well moisturised. Protect your hair. The sun not only bleaches it, but also strips it of its moisture. Keep an eye out for creams and spray treatments that offer sun protection. Try not to use umbrellas and scarves in dark shades as these colours absorb more light as well as heat.


Mrs Geetu Saj

Guru in favorable Dhana bhava




January 2011


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Published by C. Vimal Kumar for Sar Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., 7 Prem Bhavan, 2nd Floor, 234/236, Narshi Natha Street, Masjid Bunder, Mumbai - 400009, printed by him at Meenakshi Printers & Designers, 5, Sarvodaya Garden, Off. Manpada Road, Dombivli East - 421201. Editor : C. Vimal Kumar

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January 2011


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