5 most important tips to remember when it comes to first aid

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5 Most Important Tips to remember when it comes to First Aid

You never know when an emergency situation may take place, putting your life and the life of others in danger. When a medical crisis occurs, the first reaction anyone involved has is to dial 911 and call in the paramedics. While this is the best decision one can make, precious minutes pass by until the paramedics will actually manage to arrive at the location. Many things can be done during this time, making sure that the injured person has the best chances for survival or recovery. Whether we are talking about yourself or other people that are suffering from a condition dangerous to health and life, a first aid and CPR training center would like to share a few very important tips to have in mind when performing first aid. 1. If there is a leak, do whatever you can to stop it When it comes to accidents and serious injuries, a wound leaking a lot of blood can be extremely dangerous for the victim. If too much blood is lost until the paramedics arrive and manage to take the patient to the hospital, for a much-needed blood transfusion, the life of that person can be in serious danger, as blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other major organs. So, you will have to stop it, starting with cleaning the wound, getting dirt and other debris out of the area. Then with a piece of cloth, wrap the leaking area, and start applying pressure on it. This should stop the loss of blood and increase the victim’s chances for survival. 2. Cool areas that suffered burns While many people are afraid of approaching an injury induced by burning, it is highly recommended to cool down the burned area to avoid it from getting severer. But, whatever you do, never apply ice on a burned area no matter how great this idea seems to you. Ice may provoke frost bites on the already damaged tissue, provoking more problems that to actually do some good. Thus, the best approach is to

allow cool water to run over the burned area for approximately 20 minutes, to make the temperature drop. 3. If you have to, don’t hesitate to use a defibrillator During first aid training and CPR training, many people learn how to use, in theory, a defibrillator, but when a real crisis occurs and a defibrillator may be needed, a lot of people are scared of using one. Just think about it. What can be scarier, someone’s heart stopping or using a defibrillator? All defibrillators come with instructions you can follow, so do not hesitate to use one if someone goes into cardiac arrest, meaning that his or her heart stopped working, because you can save a life this way. 4. Holding the nose will stop it from bleeding A bleeding nose may not seem something severe, but again, we are dealing with blood loss, so you should not allow it to bleed. Believe it or not, the best way to stop a nose from bleeding is to lean forward and hold the tip of the nose. Pressure applied on the tip of your nose will stop the bleeding in a very short while. 5. Knowing CPR No matter how you put it, knowing how to perform CPR properly is indeed an amazing skill. CPR is extremely valuable in the case of cardiac arrest, for instance, because it keeps the brain going and lungs oxygenated even if the heart is not doing its job. Even if you didn’t go through CPR training, you should know that quick chest compression will help, but do avoid breathing into the person’s mouth. Also, be aware that CPR is done differently in the case of children, then in comparison with an adult, so CPR training is more than welcome. Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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