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A Year of Promise


"Life at Presbyterian College is often hectic and constant,” Zoe Montague ’20 said during the groundbreaking ceremony for the new residence hall behind Springs Student Center last fall.

Since Montague’s talk, construction on the new apartment-style housing has been constant, if not hectic, too. It’s been easy for students, professors and others to keep track of the College’s newest addition: They’ve been able to watch the growth as the buildings have gone from scaffolding to brickwork in a few short months.

Soon, the sounds of hard-hatted workers hammering away and construction vehicles whirring and beeping will give way to the promising sounds of late-night debates, fingers on keyboards, pages turning in books, Netflix and the laughter of good friends.

“When we finally get back to our rooms,” Montague said, “it is imperative that they be comfortable places where we can relax and recharge.”

This fall, that promise will be realized when the residence halls open. One hundred and forty-four seniors and juniors will be the first to make the new living spaces home.

“One of the unique characteristics of a PC education comes from our students living on campus with ready access to their academic buildings, faculty and staff, student programs, and one another,” said Joy Smith, vice president of campus life and dean of students. “This new housing in the heart of campus will enhance that spirit of community that PC students enjoy.”

PC’s campus is more than a collection of buildings. It’s a community shaped by the values of its faculty, staff, students and alumni. With the development of new spaces for students to learn and grow, this first step in our promise will provide better outcomes and experiences for future generations to come. •

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