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Community Service and Tours

Service Learning

Doing good for others has always been a strong focus at PLC and 2019 was no diff erent. We welcomed Linda Malone to PLC in the new position of Head of Service and Community Partnerships.

Across the year students actively participated in our annual events such as Make a Diff erence week, which included an evening presentation from Sir Bob Geldof and the World’s Greatest Shave where the PLC/Scotch team again were a leading fundraising School for the Leukemia Foundation.

Students and families took part in many service learning opportunities including; Cooking and Crafting for a Cause, Live Below the Line, Sportslink, Free Dress Days, Birthing Kits, Winter Warmer Appeals, Ball Dress Drive (pictured) and Waste Audits.

Tours and exchanges

PLC off ers many opportunities for students to extend their interests, both within and outside the School. For those wanting to explore the world, various tours and exchanges are off ered in Australia and overseas.

In 2019, students undertook exchanges to France, Japan and the United Kingdom. Language students were able to advance their speaking and comprehension skills. These exchanges are reciprocal whereby we welcome these students to PLC to study and learn the Australian culture.

A variety of group tours were also available, off ering students’ cultural, sporting and service immersion experiences:

PLC’s China Tour had our students attend and stay at a university whilst undertaking intense language lessons in the morning and cultural experiences in the afternoon. The Canberra Tour continues to be a popular programme for our Year 9 students, travelling with Scotch College students integrating the Civics and Citizenship course and skiing.

The Year 11 and 12 students had opportunities to experience the Indigenous culture in the Kimberley region. They also had the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Creative Arts Tour to Italy and other students were able to perform and study in the Dance and Drama Tour to Sydney.

The Year 10 students continue to build houses in Cambodia and were able to complete the homes with furnishings from the additional fundraising monies raised.

Our rowing students again had success on the water at the Australian Open and Schools Rowing Championships in Sydney, achieving a silver medal in Under 17 Schoolgirls Coxed Eights. Other students continue to perform at competition level in tough environmental conditions by traveling to Singapore and playing various elite teams in Netball.

Our gifted and talented students were successful in the local competitions such World Scholar’s Cup and da Vinci Decathlon with the latter extending to compete at National level.

PLC was well represented in the Mooting competition held at Bond University, sending two teams to compete in 2019.

Sporting Excellence

PLC Perth’s success on the sporting fi elds continued in 2019, particularly in rowing and hockey.


In the Independent Girls’ School Sports’ Association competition, PLC was named Champion School for hockey. The girls also performed well in basketball, tennis and volleyball ranking second in each.

IGSSA Competition Results

Hockey – 1st Basketball – 2nd Tennis – 2nd Volleyball – 2nd Cross Country – 3rd Athletics – 5th Waterpolo – 6th Soccer – 6th Swimming – 6th Netball – 8th Softball – new system 2019, schools were split into two groups with no overall winner. Rowing

PLC rowers took out the ‘Wendy Zuideveld Perpetual Trophy for Schoolgirls - Head of the River Regatta Champion School’ and the ‘Perpetual Trophy for Schoolgirl Premiers’ for the eighth consecutive year. Our First VIII won the Head of the River for the fi th year in a row. Also adding excitement to the day was the fi rst time our Old Collegians’ First VIII won the Old Scholars Coxed Eight.

PLC Perth’s First VIII placed second in the Under 17 Schoolgirls’ Coxed Eight at the Australian Schools and Clubs Nationals at the 2019 Sydney International Rowing Regatta in March.

Sports Honors

For their commitment and excellence in sport, the following students achieved their Sports Honours:

Georgia Tovich (Year 12) Basketball, Tennis, Athletics

Annie Price (Year 11) Netball, Soccer, Softball

Charlotte Ball (Year 11) Tennis, Hockey, Softball

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