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Students urged to pursue their passions

Students urged to pursue their


Former PLC boarder and founder of DOSE Running, Scarlett Duncan (2009) told students and guests at Founders’ Day 2021 that following her passion and setting herself challenges helped her to overcome the most difficult times of her life since graduating from School.

The guest speaker at the 106th Founders’ Day Service, Ms Duncan said PLC provided her with many opportunities, especially sport and even debating, however, she struggled to find direction after leaving school.

She was always drawn towards jobs involving sport and health and she undertook study in Preventive Health, specialising in Exercise and Sport Science.

“I’ve had some really tough challenges, including the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease that left me debilitated and took me away from the competitive running scene.” She also lost her beautiful sister Alice, three years ago.

“We’re all faced with challenges or trauma at some point in our life, and for me, when I felt like I was drowning, the little fire inside me, being my passion, is what kept me going.” She urged students to indulge in their passions.

Ms Duncan said the best challenges were the ones you set for yourself. For her, it was bungee jumping, running ultra-marathons and icy ocean dips in winter. She said committing to a goal that required preparation, discipline and effort was character building.

“There are many challenges I’ve conquered that at the time seemed impossible, or like there was a high chance of failure. All of which, I reflect on now and they look small, however, they’ve all contributed to the bigger or scarier things I’ve done, and my attitude towards any challenge thrown my way.

“I encourage you to stop fearing failure, and to say yes to the things that scare you, be it going to your friend’s dance class, public speaking, finding a cocurricular activity or a work experience that makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s all an opportunity to grow.”

Two years ago, Ms Duncan indulged in her passion for sport and health, and with hard work and effort, established DOSE Running – a community and brand that carries her values and allows her to share her love of movement and nature. “Had I not found and nurtured my passion, I find it hard to believe that I’d be as productive and energised as I am, nor would I have the same optimism, resilience and drive that I do.

“So, I am encouraging you all to explore, find, invest and indulge in your passion. Allow it to guide or contribute to whatever it is you endeavour, and if you are feeling a little lost, trust that it will add so much value you to your daily experience of life, and possibly one day, your career too.”

Scarlett belives that investing in your passion will also help you find ‘your people’, connecting you with strong and supportive communities that will allow you to thrive as your authentic self.

“I encourage you to stop fearing failure, and to say yes to the things that scare you."

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