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We pay tribute to two iconic women with decades of leadership and service to PVM who are no longer with us: Natalie Brothers of Detroit and Helen Morrison of Grosse Ille. Ms. Brothers passed away this year at the age of 101. Ms. Morrison passed away in late 2021 at the age of 93. Yet, their spirit lives on because of the legacy that they created for PVM. They came from different geographic locations and became very close friends via their common bond of compassion and passion for PVM. At the time of their deaths they were both still very much engaged with PVM. Natalie continued her service as PVM Board Member Emeritus. Many PVM stakeholders sought out Helen’s counsel; and she continued to advise the Sales & Marketing committee. One of Helen’s last events she attended was the PVM Gala. She had also been instrumental in growing aging services as a member of the Michigan State Commission on Aging and the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). Natalie had been a shining light as a role model of longevity with celebrations of her birthday a highlight for everyone. She also provided leadership for her church and community.
Perhaps Natalie and Helen became fast friends due to their common traits of being highly educated, career oriented, well read, devoted to others and trendsetters for women and aging services professionals. We pay tribute to them for their decades of leadership. They epitomized the servant leadership that makes PVM a leader in the field of aging services. Their mentoring of many PVM stakeholders will help us to reach our goal of transforming senior living and services.