On-Campus Undergraduate Program

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On-Campus Undergraduate Program Up the Waterfall Sacred Peace Walk From Senior Project to National Policy Divided Lands

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Prescott College On-Campus Undergraduate Program Competences/Majors The Adventure Education Program: • • • • • •

Adventure Education Adventure-Based Environmental Education Outdoor Experiential Education Outdoor Program Administration Wilderness Leadership Student-Directed Competences/majors (examples): • Adventure-Based Tourism • Expedition Leadership • Experiential Adventure Education

The Arts & Letters Program: • • • • • • • • •

Creative Writing Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters Literature Performing Arts Photography Studio Arts Visual Arts Writing and Literature Student-Directed Competences/majors (examples): • Art Education • Communication and Social Consciousness • Dance • English • Journalism • Mixed Media Sculpture • Painting • Photography: Emphasis in Social Documentaries • Photojournalism • Theatre

• • • • • •

The Education Program: • Professional Teacher Preparation – Elementary and Secondary Education Certification • Environmental Education • Education (without Certification) • Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound • Social Justice Education • Student-Directed Competences (examples): • Experiential Education • Secondary Education (emphasis on Experiential Methods)

Environmental Studies Program: • • • • • • • • • •

The Cultural and Regional Studies Program: • • • • • • •

Critical Geography Cultural and Regional Studies Latin American Studies Religion and Philosophy Peace Studies Sustainable Community Development Student-Directed Competences/majors (examples): • Agroecology, Ethnobiology, and Sustainable Food Systems • Border Studies • Buddhism, Peace Studies, and Conflict Resolution • Community and Social Change • Community Development • Cultural Geography and Latin American • Ecological Economics • Food Sovereignty and Globalization • Gender and Sexuality Studies • Global and Local Food Systems • History and Cultural Studies • International Relations

Latin American Studies Political Ecology Politics and Social Thought Sustainable Community Development Sustainable Development and Social Justice US-Mexico Border Studies

Agroecology Conservation Biology Earth Science Ecological Design Environmental Education Environmental Policy Human Ecology Marine Studies Natural History and Ecology Student-Directed Emphases (examples): • Adventure-Based Environmental Studies • Botany • Environmental Conservation • Ethnobotany • Field Biology • Field Ecology • Wildlife Conservation • Zoology

Psychology and Human Development Program: • • • • • • • • •

Human Development Holistic Health Equine Assisted Mental Health Psychology Counseling Psychology Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education Ecopsychology Women’s Studies Student-Directed Competences/majors (examples): • Expressive Arts & Depth Psychology • Psychology of Society and Culture • Social Psychology


Us is a Prescott College senior project by Travis Patterson. The images and writings for this project were compiled over eighteen months. Two medium format cameras were used to photograph eighty-one members of the Prescott College community. One thousand, seven hundred twenty-four images, one hundred twenty-six contact sheets, and one hundred eighty-four opinions folded into the development of this book. Two hundred fifty-three prints were provided to the models free of charge. Many of the photographs from this project appear in the following pages.


Mission Prescott, Ariz., 2007.


For the Liberal Arts, the Environment, and Social Justice “Prescott College is foremost, ‘for the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice.’ The College believes that the best stewards of the Earth and the most effective agents of change are liberally educated citizens.” – Professor K.L. Cook




Critical Thinking in the Pines Prescott College highlights the dramatic educational return on investment when experience is at the center of learning. Tucked into a corner of the town in central Arizona of the same name, Prescott College is an evolving experiment in rejecting hierarchical thinking for collaboration and teamwork as the cornerstone of learning. This is an educational institution that puts students at the center in everything it does and is. Optional grades. Narrative Evaluations. No barriers. Limited bureaucracy. No summa or magna or “best in show” ribbons. Just a peripatetic community of lively intellects and fearless explorers whose connecting threads are a passion for social justice and the environment, and a keen sense of adventure. In 1963 the Ford Foundation challenged the country’s most innovative educators to come together and design an “ideal college for the future that would prepare students for contributing in an ever changing, and ever faster moving, world.” Prescott College is the result. Since its opening in 1966, more than 9,000 students have enjoyed the College’s highly individual philosophy of higher education that mandates and incorporates experiential learning into every course. This is higher education without the competition, without striving for someone else’s definition of success, without dividing talent into that arbitrary alphabet of A through F. Unplugged

from such conventional practices as the departmentalization of knowledge, confining learning to the classroom and textbooks rather than real experience, and thinking of college as preparation for life, rather than life itself. An organic process, moving almost seamlessly between teachers and students, focused on questions and problems that matter deeply to both. Prescott students learn critical thinking and research and how to apply them to reallife problems and their own passions by living them, testing them out in real time. At Prescott College the best learning is collaborative and the best teaching is individual.

Unplugged 5



The Liberal Arts Life-Long Learners and Critical Thinkers Prescott College is a four-year liberal arts college preparing students to be life-long learners and critical thinkers in a broad, interwoven range of models of inquiry: literary, scientific, artistic, social, spiritual, and physical. The College emphasizes the interdisciplinary connections rather than the distinctions between these ways of understanding the world. Students have a limited number of core or general education requirements – college-level algebra or higher and rigorous writing-across-the curriculum requirements. Other than that, students work closely with their faculty to make sure that they have a wellrounded liberal arts education.

Active, Collaborative, and Experiential Learning Prescott College believes in five fundamental principles of learning: • students learn through the sense-making processes (experiences) in which they engage; • learning new information is dependent upon the degree to which new information can be connected by the student to his/her prior knowledge; • learning is dependent upon social interaction and the use of language; • learning is tied to specific situations; and • students can be taught strategies to assist them in constructing knowledge and understandings.

“In a Prescott College class, you are more likely to make a class presentation, participate in a community-based project, put together ideas from different courses and discuss ideas from outside of class… than at almost any school of the over 1000 institutions that recently participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement.” – Jack Herring, Prescott College Dean The College ensures that students are given multiple and frequent opportunities to learn in authentic situations – through seminar-style classes that promote participation and dialogue, practicum and internship experiences, independent studies, and field experiences. Education is based on the idea that students are in control of their learning, and learn best through self-direction, experiential learning, and real-life experience. This approach to education is both engaging and academically rigorous. Students are expected to assume an active role as they travel, mesh with local communities, conduct field studies, participate in faculty research, and apply their knowledge to real-life problems. Faculty members are guides and coaches who help the students acquire this knowledge. Prescott College is not simply an alternative. It is an entirely different way to help support learners in their search for knowledge.

Individualized Attention Students choose Prescott College because this is the place where they can flourish, where they will find themselves integral to any class, where their voices will be heard not only in the classroom or field but also in the design and implementation of their academic careers. Faculty are here to support them in their endeavors, to clarify their options, and to help them see their personal aspirations and goals within a larger context – academic, personal, ecological, artistic, service-related, and global. 7

Marine Biology, Sea of Cortez, 2008


Competence At Prescott College students don’t just accumulate credits, get their tickets punched, and graduate. Students are expected to be literate in their fields of study, to have mastered the methodologies of a discipline, to have applied and integrated and personalized their learning, and to have demonstrated competence through the design and execution of a Senior Project. Students define, describe, and demonstrate how their particular courses, independent studies, and experiences create a coherent academic plan. An Individualized Graduation Committee – a team consisting of the student, the faculty advisor, a second faculty member, and a fellow student – helps students clarify and achieve their personal aspirations. Students are expected to grapple with the larger philosophical issues of their education.

Self-Direction Prescott College believes that internal motivation to learn leads to genuine learning, in contrast to working solely for extrinsic rewards like grades, credits, and GPA. This learning is accomplished through completion of courses and independent studies, and through hands-on research, service and management projects, and artistic creation. Credit is granted through completion of learning contracts in courses or independent studies. Students’ self-designed graduation programs culminate in Senior Projects often comparable to Master of Arts theses. At Prescott College self-direction is defined as the manifestation of motivation, the ability to direct oneself (but not to the exclusion of involvement with other people), self-knowledge, and a willingness to ask for help when necessary. A selfdirected person demonstrates the ability to set goals and objectives, take individual responsibility, initiate, and carry out projects with little or no outside inducement, and form value judgments independently. It is often assumed that students will be self-directed learners when they begin college. This is a fallacy. While many students are self-directed by nature, they often need coaching and practical skills in the art of self-direction. It is not to be assumed, especially with new students, that they have mastered these skills or have cultivated the habit of self-direction. Faculty prompt and nudge and find the appropriate teaching moments to bring these lessons home.

“Prescott College is for the co-creators, those students who are interested in collaborating with the College and faculty to co-create their educational experience – young people interested in and capable of working with others to achieve results and contribute to the world.” – Dan Garvey, Prescott College Former President

Adventure and Challenge Early on, Prescott College gained national fame and was featured in the popular and educational media with exciting photographs of students engaging in technical rock climbing, participating in political and environmental conferences, completing the first kayak crossing of the Sea of Cortez, vigorously debating in very small freshman courses, following Don Quixote’s route in Spain through La Mancha on horseback, and working in summer archeological digs on the Hopi reservation. The founders of Prescott College believed that “the contemporary student needs a program that provides adventure and challenge, both physical and mental, and is linked with nature.” Prescott College challenges students to engage in and excel in their chosen fields, and pursue a spirit of exploration, whether they are in a classroom or the field. Students build and strengthen intellectual capacities, inter- and intra-personal relationships, personal health, leadership skills, and environmental understanding.

Field-based Research and Learning Many Prescott College courses have strong field components, and some are conducted entirely in the field. Students are encouraged to study and live in cultural contexts outside their normal experience in order to gain meaningful experiences about the world through interacting with it. Many block courses – month-long courses offered at the beginning of every academic term – are fully immersive and conducted entirely in the field, taking students to the Grand Canyon, the Sea of Cortez, Africa, Europe, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and throughout the Southwest and the world to engage in research and hands-on learning experiences – deliberately blurring the line between college as preparation for life and life itself.


The Environment and Social Justice

Geologic Evolution of the Southwest, 2009


Sustainability The framing of social and economic policy in order to preserve with minimum disturbance Earth’s bounty, resources, inhabitants, and environments for the benefit of both present and future generations plays a significant role in defining the character of the Prescott College community. Sustainability also implies working together in a functioning community that has staying power for people and the world. Prescott College places high value on students as functioning and contributing members of the College community.

“Prescott College students are exceptional in a number of categories, including their concern about the environment, their interest in other cultures and racial understanding, their psychological well being and their inclination towards socially responsible leadership.” – Jack Herring, Prescott College Dean The strong emphasis on ethics and sustainability that permeates Prescott College curricula and community life produces community members inclined to activism in environmental, political, and social issues. Many classes and groups actively examine local, state, national, and international events and viewpoints. The College unabashedly encourages students to think critically, get involved, make commitments, and try to change the world for the better. In almost any week of the year, there are events on campus that examine controversies and organize advocacy or service. Faculty- and student-led groups travel to the Arizona-Mexico border, to Africa or Latin America, to disaster relief projects (students and faculty raised money to travel to New Orleans to help clean up and rebuild after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita), to environmental restoration efforts, and to regional and international conferences.



Senior Project And the Land Will Know You The Navajo residents at Black Mesa cling to their way of life in the face of destruction of their homeland by Peabody Energy Corporation, which mines coal in the region. Kim Loeb ’06 shared her experiences and photos taken while staying with a Navajo man named Jack Woody. “The day before I was planning to leave Black Mesa, Ariz., Jack Woody told me that the land would recognize who I was upon my return. He said that the next time I walked upon it, the ground would whisper the announcement of my arrival to the grasses, washes, and sky. ‘Kim is back,’ it would say. The desert has a very good memory. It may recognize you by your footprints in the sand, your smell on the wind, or the gleam of your skin in the sun, and it will always remember your actions. So when you are in the desert, be aware of the things that you do, because they will come back to you whether you return or not...” Peabody’s executives will never walk on the land and smell the sagebrush at their feet, hear the sheep bells chime in the wind, or see the ancient, wrinkled faces carved into the canyon walls of Black Mesa. According to Jack, the land will not remember them when they return.


Making a difference



Preparing to Serve The theme of service and activism is a prevalent and powerful mission of the College, permeating its whole history from the 1960s to today. The desire to be active and involved in the greater community is an ongoing concern among students, faculty, and staff. Individual students have incorporated volunteerism into their project ideas and personal ambitions for many years. This kind of constructive activism grows out of the College’s embrace of experiential learning and out of the character of the people that this philosophy attracts.

“Prescott College provides students the opportunity to do something about environmental policy and practice, about social injustice, about teaching children and youth, and about spreading healthy values. This approach – to save the world one person, one canyon, one Ponderosa Pine at a time – is central to the Prescott College Mission.” – Dan Garvey, Prescott College Former President

“In a recent survey of alumni, eighty-nine percent said that their education at Prescott College helped prepare them to contribute to positive change, and seventy-two percent said they chose their current line of employment because it enables them to contribute to positive social change. “ -- Jack Herring, Prescott College Dean

in the World

Senior Project Solo Por Ser Mujer – Only for Being a Woman Jessica Lichtig ’06 spent two months in Mexico studying a decade-long outbreak of violent assaults on women. In Ciudad Juarez, just over the border from El Paso, Texas, “400 women have been found dead in the desert and over 600 have disappeared,” she said, “and the violence is spreading into the capital of Chihuahua.” Human rights activists are calling the acts of violence in Ciudad Juarez a female genocide, or femicide. While in Mexico, Lichtig worked with several prevention centers and conducted interviews with mothers of the disappeared and dead women. “I wanted to know…what was causing the violence,” she said. The answer she found in Ciudad Juarez was “an accumulation of many factors, ranging from economic disparity and drug trafficking to government corruption and lack of proper investigations, and the infamous maquiladoras.” These factories clustered on the border, many of them US owned, are renowned for their poor treatment of women. Jessica urges us to think about where we shop and not to support products that are made in the maquiladoras, and to raise awareness in our country about the femicide in Ciudad Juarez. “When our personal resources and countries aren’t doing enough,” Lichtig says, “we need to band together and help out.”


Solving the World’s environ Wilderness Orientation, Superstition Mountains, Arizona, 2009



Graduating Society’s Leaders for the 21st Century From the vantage point of today, Prescott College’s founder, Dr. Charles Franklin Parker’s vision “for a pioneering, even radical, experiment in higher education” and “to graduate society’s leaders for the 21st century who would be needed to solve the world’s growing environmental and social problems” seems especially prescient. Human society is coming to terms with the fight against global warming and its potential for large-scale, adverse health, social, economic, and ecological effects. Society is also looking to new models of education to better prepare students for their role as global citizens.

mental and social problems Above Alumni L-R: Grace Wicks Schlosser ’02, Director of Community Programs at White Dog Café; Andy Millison ’97, M.A. ’02, founder of the Prescott Ecohood; Diana Papoulias ’79, aquaculturalist for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos Orphanage; Jim Knaup ’80, owner Ironclad Bicycles and Encore Perfromance and Fabrication; Senator Tom Udall ’70 (D-N.M.); Sekeyian Yiaile M.A. ’08, first Maasai woman from her region to earn a master’s degree.


Rock Climbing and Geology, 2008


Contents Introducing Prescott College Academic Process

3 18

Environmental Studies


Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies


Mapping the Journey


Jenner Farm and Prescott College Gardens


Finding Yourself in Nature: Orientation


Student Blogs


The Wisest Teacher


Walnut Creek Station


ECOSA Institute


Restoration Ecology


Campus, Field Stations, Educational Partners 25 Academic Programs 29 Adventure Education


Stream Ecology


Student Blogs


From Senior Project to National Policy


Students as Teachers


Feeding the World without Warming the Planet


The Business of Having Fun


Understanding Water in the High Desert


Adventure Education Warehouse


Designing for Sustainability


Up the Waterfalll


Understanding Water in the West


Weaving Magic with Yoga, Gratitude, and Wilderness 38

Divided Lands


Wilderness Leadership and a Breadth in Conservation Biology

Living Field Ecology

Arts & Letters


Psychology and Human Development

101 102


Peer Education


How to Produce a Play in 24 Hours


Special Opportunities in Human Development


Prescott College Visual Arts Center


Living through Dying


Megan York


Learning and Nature


Age as a Work of Art


Creating in Concrete


Prescott, Arizona


Darkening of the Light


Student Activities


Advanced Workshop in Fiction and Nonfiction


Student Government



Campus Services


Sacred Peace Walk


Residence Life


Pulling Lessons from the Past


Student Blogs


Human Rights Seminar


Karma Farms’ Urban Farming Experiment


Postcard from the Borderlands


Changing the World through Political Service


Helping the Homeless to Connect


Student Blog


Cultural and Regional Studies



Environmental Education


Student Blogs


Paulo Feire Freedom School


School Partnerships in the Education Program


Prescott Creeks and Watershed


Mad, Mad Science


K-12 Educational Partnerships


Student Life

HUB Keeps Local Bike Riders Rolling

Faculty Prescott College at a Glance (statistics) General Education Requirements Format Options Curriculum/Advising Templates Courses Applying to Prescott College Costs of Attendance Financial Aid Programs Scholarships



122 143 145 145 145 151 175 176 177 177


Academic Process

Wilderness Orientation, 2008



Mapping the Journey Foundation A student’s first years at Prescott College are a time for building a solid academic foundation. Students participate in introductory classes or structured field projects, working closely with faculty members and advisors. After building a solid academic foundation students move on to advanced work. They assume increased responsibilities and pursue a broader range of learning experiences including independent studies, internships, and other offcampus projects. Students have the opportunity to work with faculty in tutorial relationships, serve as teaching assistants, co-researchers, or lead expeditions.

Individual Graduation Committee and the faculty to help students strengthen, deepen, and broaden the scope of studies. The Degree Plan goes through a rigorous evaluation that involves the program coordinator and two additional faculty members scrutinizing the plan and offering detailed suggestions regarding the quality of the competence, breadth, and liberal arts. The student revises the plan based on this feedback. This process is similar to graduate program reviews, where every student’s plan of study is rigorously evaluated not only by a primary advisor but also by an extended faculty committee and potentially by the whole department. The Degree Plan is a living document and continues to evolve throughout the student’s final three terms.

Faculty Advisor Each student will have the benefit of at least one faculty assigned to them for their journey. This faculty is instrumental in broadening and, when necessary, narrowing a student’s subjects of study. They also serve as mentor, role-model, networking resource, supporter, reference, and friend.

Competence and Breadth At Prescott College, “competence” is the term for major, and “breadth” is the term for minor. Consisting of a minimum of 12–16 courses, a student’s competence(s) must address five qualitative criteria: (1) literacy in the field, (2) mastery of methodology, (3) interconnections between the competence and other areas of study, (4) application of learning, and (5) personalization of learning. Consisting of 6–8 courses, a student’s breadth(s) also addresses these five criteria but in less depth than a competence.

The Degree Plan The Degree Plan is the academic map of the journey. Due three enrollment periods (about eighteen months) before the student intends to graduate, it includes an overview of courses and credits earned, brief descriptions of competence, breadth, and liberal arts areas, lists of courses completed and those to be completed, a tentative Senior Project plan and description, and additional honors or experience that contribute to competence or breadth. An advisor or faculty member should be able to look at this document and see, in a nutshell, an elegant and coherent academic plan for the student’s academic journey. It is also a tool for the

The Senior Project: Culmination, Bridge, Calling Card, Legacy Prescott College differs from most other liberal arts colleges in that it requires every student, not just designated “honor” students, to design and carry out an ambitious Senior Project. The Senior Project at Prescott College is both a demonstration of competence and a culmination of the undergraduate experience. It is an extension of the foundation of theory, method, and research that has been prepared by course work, independent studies, practicum and internship experiences, teaching assistantships, and professional work. It is an opportunity for students to dynamically synthesize their learning. This may take the form of an ambitious research project, a collection of original creative work, a curriculum plan and implementation, a studio art exhibition, a performance, a case or field study, or a challenging internship. Another way of thinking about the Senior Project is as a bridge between a student’s undergraduate career and the work after graduation. The Senior Project becomes a calling card that proclaims to graduate schools, prospective employers, and the world, “Look, this is what I’m capable of doing.” For some students, the Senior Project is also a way of providing a legacy. Prescott College’s Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, our college newspaper, and women’s resource center all began as student directed Senior Projects. Such projects obviously allow the College to collaborate with its students in ways usually reserved for graduatelevel research projects. As a result, students are often challenged (and expected) to do graduate-level work. Students 19

typically perform exceptionally well if they go on to pursue master’s or doctoral studies.

Learning Processes and Tools Many of our learning processes and tools – the seminarstyle structure of our classrooms, course contracts, learning portfolios, self-evaluations, practicum requirements, independent studies, Degree Plans, Senior Project Applications – help students learn to see themselves as the primary architects of their education and help them not only take advantage of the privileges but also to accept the responsibilities of self-direction. Students should succeed not only at Prescott College but in life. They should see their educational journey, and the tools they use to navigate that journey, as metaphors for navigating the terrain of their post-collegiate careers. Orientation Our New Student Orientation is the perfect place for all incoming students to be introduced to the learning processes and tools used at Prescott College. Each subject will be explained during your four-week orientation and those processes which take place in a typical Prescott College course will be practiced and perfected.

Month 1 Class # 1 (Orientation for all incoming students)


Student Directed Days

TERM Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Class # 2 Class # 3 Class # 4


Blocks and Semesters Prescott College uses a novel “block and semester” term. A block is an intensive, four-week long course dedicated to one subject. A semester is an eleven-week period when students can take several classes simultaneously. During block periods, students are expected to be 100 percent available and dedicated to the class. Many classes take place in the field. Block classes move at warp speed. Students are expected to keep up their assignments as they travel, camp, mesh with local communities, conduct field studies, and apply their knowledge to the understanding of real-world problems. Seminar-Style Classes Prescott College classes are small, allowing for more opportunities to participate, debate, and interact with the faculty. U.S. News and World Report consistently recognizes Prescott College for achieving one of the nation’s lowest student-to-faculty ratios. The College maintains an 20

authentic student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1 in on-campus classrooms and as low as 5:1 in field-based studies. Small classes encourage students to think critically and express themselves clearly, and enable faculty to meet individual interests and needs. Students are often involved in group projects, presentations, and even co-teaching. These small classes are an ideal forum for developing students’ analytic, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills. Course Contracts Students are involved in directing and personalizing their education by developing a learning contract for each course. All classes begin with a learning contract between student and instructor. The contract describes what the student wants to study within the parameters of the course syllabus, and how the student will demonstrate what he or she has learned. Within these constraints, students and instructors negotiate objectives, activities, and criteria for evaluation. Contracts enable both students and instructors to individualize course content and activities. Learning Portfolios Students keep a portfolio, or learning journal, for each course they take. The material contained in the portfolio is primarily a teaching and learning tool that provides a basis for documenting the learning process, for feedback, evaluation, and future reference. The content and nature of the course portfolios vary considerably depending upon the subject. The portfolio may contain personal journals, class and field notes, reports, papers, and reflections on readings. Narrative Evaluations To evaluate mastery of the material, Prescott College uses a system of performance-based evaluations, consisting of student self-evaluations combined with narrative faculty evaluations. Instead of distilling student progress into a single letter grade, the 150-word narrative evaluations allow faculty to articulate the learning process, and the results, in detail. Students can also elect to receive a grade. For students who request grades for at least 90% of coursework, the College can calculate a grade point average. Practicum Requirements Internship experiences can supplement and strengthen students’ educational programs, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills and clarify future goals. Internships help students test their career choices early and develop the self confidence, communication skills, and professionalism needed to perform competent work after college. Previous graduates have completed as many as four internships, varying in length from one quarter to over one year. Some students return to their internship sponsors for post-graduate employment. The Student Life Office maintains active files of organizations and job contacts to help students find internships that enhance their educational programs.

Organizations where students have served as interns: Amnesty International Arizona–Sonoran Desert Museum Baja Expeditions Boojum Institute California Institute of Earth, Art, and Architecture Center for Economic Conservation Explore Magazine Highlands Center for Natural History Joppa Flats Education Center Mingus Mountain Residential Treatment Center New England Aquarium Outward Bound Penn State University’s Berks Campus Rocky Mountain Field Institute Sierra Club Turning Point Shelter Utah Avalanche Forecast Center West Yavapai Guidance Clinic Independent Studies In any given term, up to one-third of Prescott College students design and enroll in Independent Studies. Independent studies, undertaken individually or in groups under the supervision of faculty sponsors, qualified mentors, or outside organizations, are an integral part of the College’s curriculum and an important component of self-directed learning. These studies provide important learning experiences for advanced students and serve to significantly extend the range and diversity of the curriculum and round out Degree Plans in preparation for graduation. Recent examples of Independent Studies completed within the six program areas include: Adventure Education Adaptive Skiing/Challenge Aspen Environmental Factors Coinciding with Stress Maximizing the Body’s Potential Inner Game of Women’s Athletic Pursuits Outdoor Rehabilitation Program for Troubled Youth Wilderness Therapy & Personal Transformation Arts & Letters Applied Voice Contemporary Literature & the Environment Exploration of Human Anatomy & Self through Mixed Media Art Experiments in Musical Improvisation Advanced Modern Greek Semiotics & Visual Media: Reading Postmodernism Education Adolescent Voices in Literature Creating & Managing Learning Communities Environmental Education: Practicum Holistic Conventions of Language Arts International Environmental Education Program

Development & Administration Secondary Education Methods for History & Government Environmental Studies Ethnographic Research & Food Systems Calculus III Case Study & Assessment of Urban Ecological Design Environmental Law Marine Mammal Anatomy, Physiology, Conservation & Rescue Studies in Quantum Physics


Cultural & Regional Studies A Study of Sustainable Community-based Economics Advanced Spanish & Cultural Immersion in Oaxaca, Mexico Contemporary Social Movements in Mexico: Case Studies of the Zapatistas, the PRD & the APPO Conversational Swahili & Maa Direct Service in Gulfport, Miss. to Aid in Recovery & Rebuilding Efforts Due to Hurricane Katrina Human Development Advanced Topics in Counseling Theories & Practices An Internship on Advocacy & Social Change Emotional Intelligence: An Integral Perspective on Leadership Foundations of Cross-Cultural Psychology HIV/AIDS Outreach Human Development & Human Rights: Freedom to Develop & Realize One’s Human Potential


Wilderness Orientation, 2008


Finding Yourself in Nature: Orientation “An afternoon thunderstorm rolls in. The buzz of cicadas fill the air. It’s orientation time.” – Professor Julie Munro Each fall, nearly two hundred new Prescott College students find themselves in “the classroom,” the breathtaking, sometimes raw, and diverse terrains and environments of the Southwest.

New Prescott students learn about themselves, nature, and the ways of Prescott College in Orientation, the most revered of the College’s traditions, thus beginning the journey of developing the relationships with self, each other, faculty, and the natural world which underlie so much of the learning at Prescott College. For most students, orientation will mean, as it has for thousands before them, a threeweek Desert, Mountain, and Canyon Expedition (aka Wilderness Orientation). For other new students an Equine-based Orientation and one base-camp option, LifeCentering and Health-Based Practices, offer a range of learning experiences which reflect the changing needs of incoming classes. These field-based programs allow students of varying needs, interests, and abilities to successfully complete orientation in the format that has the most personal relevance for them and that introduces them to the College’s experiential, field-based curriculum. The Desert, Mountain, and Canyon Expedition unfolds during a three-week backpacking excursion through breathtaking environs of the desert, mountains and canyons of the Southwest. Rigorous back country travel, map, and wilderness navigation, and study of the ecology and natural history of the region foster a sense of place and a growing connection to the land and its inhabitants, human and otherwise. Equine Orientation offers intensive experience working with horses in a field setting. Interacting with horses challenges students to relate to other sentient beings on a new level, facilitating greater personal understanding and interpersonal communication abilities. This Orientation includes time at the College’s equine facility, Chauncey Ranch, learning the fundamentals of relating to horses. Students engaged in Life-Centering and Health-Based Practices Orientation explore the integration of nature, yoga, Qi gong, meditation, and reflection in actualizing human potential.

Curriculum for New Students Building on the rigorous, fieldbased experiences of Orientation, the Integral Curriculum for New Students is a four-credit, firstsemester course that provides entering students a foundation for academic success while introducing them to key learning principles. All students with fewer than 15 credit hours take the course, along with a recommended Writing Workshop and a third course according to interest and availability. The College limits class size to no more than 18 students and schedules the classes so there’s a common meeting time in the evening for speakers or activities. The interdisciplinary curriculum promotes effective study and writing skills, engages multiple modes of learning, and teaches successful self-directed learning. In addition, it emphasizes: • Creating learning communities of students with common experiences and similar needs • Addressing interpersonal communication and group dynamics as an explicit part of the curriculum • Introducing issues of difference and power as students enter the College to promote an improved culture of diversity The course is available in two separate themes – Cultural Literacy and Global Environmental Literacy – with a significant portion of the curriculum shared between both courses. The two faculty members who make up each section’s teaching team adapt each theme based on their own expertise. For example, global environmental literacy may be examined through a number of different primary lenses, such as global food production, climate change, or sustainable development.


Orientation The Wisest Teacher by Naomi Binzen ’10 Prescott College Wilderness Orientation offers the unique opportunity to re-establish crucial connections, to once again speak the language of the land. Our “civilized” world has taken an ominous turn over the decades, culminating in many voices of my generation deeming it unsafe to bring children onto this planet of violence, poverty, greed, clear-cutting, global warming, careless curriculums, and consumable, discardable culture, where every person fends for themselves instead of working together for the greater good of the community.

Wherein lie our humility, our respect, our wonder, our passion, our awe? Wilderness Orientation provides an opportunity to rouse our sleeping senses and learn organically. Instead of memorizations dumped down our throats by the bucketful, we move intuitively with the rhythm of the earth, rising and falling with the sun. Strangers only a week prior to embarking on our epic journey are now friends we wholly trust. Together we scramble across rocks, navigate through clawing bushes, chug up ridges, rappel down waterfalls, swim across brisk pools, place one foot ahead of the other in the crunchy dust. Buoyed by one another’s presence, we don’t mind the hefty weight of the packs upon our backs, the enormity of miles, the beating sun. Wilderness Orientation teaches us it is futile and fruitless to box the world into separate subjects, as they 24

all integrate one another and should be treated as such. Immersed in these wild and mysterious gorgeous copper canyons and magnificent soaring mesas, encircled by rushing wind, we learn in the manner nature intended. We harvest a prickly pear fruit to investigate flavor and texture (akin to a pomegranate and raspberry) and consequently learn of its near-invisible spiny hairs. We spend the following half-hour playing “surgery,” aka removing treacherous barbs from the underside of my tender tongue. All in the name of natural science! We read maps and navigate with compasses, every step an adventure. We give half-hour presentations on subjects we find stimulating and relevant. We recognize the cascading call of the canyon wren and bellow of the elk, and where we might find a miniscule bark scorpion or massive Mojave rattlesnake. We beat sharp yucca shafts into fibrous rope. We conjure fire from sticks. We are aware of the recent flash floods and know when a thunderstorm looms too near, and it is time to drop into lightning position. We assemble tents from tarps, using trees and rocks as stakes, cook dehydrated meals on camp stoves, and always purify our drinking water. We never unroll our sleeping bags until it is time to sleep. We learn which creepy crawlies are a threat and which are simply nuisances. We meet and greet the night sky, identify the North Star. We experience a tremendous diversity of life just by climbing a few hundred feet or dropping into a canyon. Prickly pear and alligator juniper do not dwell together. We make as small an impact as possible, so as to preserve this sacred and striking space. We establish a harmonious partnership with nature I hope to maintain always, setting an example for future generations. My fellow students and I have been infinitely fortunate. We have been gifted with the opportunity to learn from the world’s wisest teacher: nature itself. Through this three-week journey, we have cultivated a belief in ourselves that will carry us through life.

Campus Field Stations Educational Partners Crossroads Center, 2009.

Prescott Campus – No Edifice Complex Prescott College is an eclectic mix of buildings that once served other purposes. “Recycling” buildings is one tangible way in which the College demonstrates its commitment to sustainability, minimizes its footprint upon the environment and keeps budget priorities focused on students and faculty.

Manzanita Building

Main Administration Building 220 Grove Avenue The College acquired the historic Sisters of Mercy Convent building in 1976. The Sisters of Mercy operated the primary medical facility for the northern portion of the Arizona Territory at this site. The Manzanita Building is a remnant of the old facility and housed offices, the chapel, and dorms for the sisters. The College quickly outgrew the building. Throughout the next twenty-five years the College leased or purchased buildings in the neighborhood, much like medieval universities that were organized by students in rented quarters, and embraced the ecological mission of recycling underused spaces in the heart of town.

Crossroads Center

Classrooms, Café, Community Room, Library 215, 217 Garden Street Behind the Manzanita Building, adjacent to Butte Creek, the Crossroads Center, was erected. Both Crossroads Center buildings are two stories, and together they enclose approximately 22,000 square feet of usable floor space, plus infrastructure. These buildings were designed to demonstrate the College’s environmental phi26

losophy. Eco-friendly materials and sunlight blend aesthetically with the natural landscape. State of the art electronic infrastructure support the College’s educational needs. Whenever safety and other rules permitted, students worked with the demolition and construction teams. The south building houses eight classrooms and large and small meeting rooms. The Crossroads Café serves organic, locally grown food. It has indoor and outdoor seating and two kitchens. The Café provides catering services for the conferences, workshops, campus meetings, and residential and non-residential programs of the College. The north building houses the library (Information Commons). Beyond the still-growing collections and access to millions of texts through interlibrary loan and electronic access to journals, it is equipped with electronic infrastructure to support wireless computing and provide access to the College Website and the Internet. The Crossroads Center has become a community gathering place where one can find students hanging out between classes, having bake sales to support their causes, or see hand-painted banners hanging from the bridge announcing everything from dance performances to vigils, social actions to community meetings. Computer and Learning Labs Two student computer labs are located in the Crossroads Center. The Crossroads Center complex also provides wireless access to laptop users. The College has several lab classrooms for study in biological sciences, earth sciences, geographic information sciences, and atmospheric sciences located in other buildings on campus. Other campus building and fieldstations In addition to the Manzanita Building and Crossroads Center, the College has 16 other buildings. These buildings provide additional classroom and office space, equipment storage, logistical support for the College’s field-based activities, visual arts facilities, office space for the student newspaper The Raven Review and literary journal Alligator Juniper, performance facilities, and student housing. Prescott College maintains three permanent field stations in remote locations. The College also participates in several educational partnerships that support various aspects of the curriculum. Other major facilities, field stations, and educational partnerships are profiled in this catalog in association with the program area most closely associated with each.



Partnerships and External Collaborations With an eye toward enhancing its diversity of programming, Prescott College has developed exchange opportunities and partnerships with nearly 20 colleges, universities, and other organizations throughout the world. These opportunities allow students to experience ecological and cultural diversity and explore areas of study that enhance and extend what is available to them at Prescott College.

Consortium Exchange Opportunities Prescott College is a member of two major college consortia, which give students access to vastly different campus cultures. Via these temporary student exchanges, students experience different political and social milieus and develop a rich comparative intellectual perspective.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alverno College Daemen College The Evergreen State College Fairhaven College at Western Washington University Hampshire College Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at University of Redlands Marlboro College New College at the University of Alabama New College of Florida New Century College and University Life of George Mason University Pitzer College Prescott College Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

The Eco League The five schools in the Eco League (www.ecoleague.org) share the goal of seeking solutions for contemporary environmental problems. The Eco League student exchange gives students access to study in environments ranging from the Pacific to Atlantic coasts and from the subtropics to the subarctic. • Prescott College • Alaska Pacific University • Green Mountain College • Northland College • College of the Atlantic The institutions share similar missions and value systems based on environmental responsibility, social change, and preparing students to build a sustainable future.

Consortium for Innovative Environments in Learning The Consortium for Innovative Environments in Learning (CIEL) is a 13-college consortium of “alternative” colleges and universities. A common emphasis on innovative teaching unites the schools in the CIEL (www.cielearn.org). The wide range of schools in CIEL makes available to Prescott Colleges students a significant array of offerings to enrich their undergraduate experience.

International Study Although students have many opportunities for international study at Prescott College (more than 50 percent study outside of the United States), these partnerships give students an opportunity for more extensive study abroad.

Telemark College in Norway The exchange program with Telemark University College in Norway gives students the chance to undertake detailed work in Adventure Education and Environmental Studies for a semester.

Sail Caribbean Sail Caribbean, with a 26-year history of providing programs in the Caribbean, offers a for-credit summer sailing and leadership program in collaboration with Prescott College’s Adventure Education Program.

Prescott Area Partnerships Within the community of Prescott, there are a number of important partnerships maintained by the College.


Yavapai College The local community college offers a range of courses that supplement the on-campus undergraduate program. A significant number of students combine courses at the two institutions through a consortium agreement while maintaining their full-time eligibility for financial aid at Prescott College.

Emily Provonsha Eco League visiting student from Green Mountain College

ECOSA Institute Ecosa Institute, an ecological design institute located in Prescott, Ariz. (see page 89), partners with Prescott College to offer one semester of courses towards the Ecological Design competence.

Arizona School for Integrative Studies (ASIS) Prescott College students may receive credit and certification as a massage therapist through completion of a three-month summer course through our partnership with ASIS. Students explore human anatomy and physiology, hydrotherapy, and a wide variety of massage modalities, all while heightening their sensitivity to the human soul.

North American Sustainability Scholars Program The Consortium for North American Sustainability (CNAS) provides students with one-semester exchanges at one of six partner universities that offer experiences working with local communities. Students who complete coursework in sustainability issues and a community-based research project earn a certificate for their work. Exchange institutions are Universidad La Salle, Mex.; University of Guanajuato, Mex.; University of Northern British Columbia, B.C.; St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia; and Daemen College, N.Y.

Major: Environmental Studies – Sustainable Urban Planning Things I appreciate about Prescott College: I like the cultural environment of Prescott and the emphasis on social justice. There is a great diversity of people, and the nearness to the border brings a diversity of perspectives. I feel a lot of personal autonomy here; students enjoy free time to grow on their own and pursue their goals. Courses I took: Environmental Problem Solving, Environmental Law, Yoga, and, in the Block, Geology. I loved Geology because I got to see everything there was to see in Arizona, and it is the perfect place to see the land laid bare. In Environmental Problem Solving, the organization of the class was such that I was offered the independence to study what strongly interests me – sustainable urban planning. I really appreciated being able to take a yoga course. That gave me a model for balance in my life and taught me that if you can find balance in yourself, you can more clearly envision balance in the external world, so I was able to begin to picture how cities can be created in a balanced way. Best excursion: Going to Mexico was close, and food making in my house with friends and just gathering together was great. But the best thing was on the night of the full moon. We had a gathering of all our close friends and played wiffle ball in the park under the full moon. The people: There is an interesting diversity of people at Prescott College. There are people at all places on the political and environmental spectrum, and they talk to each other. It’s a great place to hear different people’s points of view. Faculty members I enjoyed working with: Scott Risley, who taught Environmental Law and has a background as both a lawyer and an historian, was great. Andre Potochnik was an awesome geology teacher; he took us everywhere. While working on the Climate Action plan, in Jack Herring’s Environmental Problem Solving class, I’ve been able to do some briefing about the Green Mountain College action plan and make a few recommendations on the transportation and offsets pieces. Ways I’ve changed from the experience: I learned a lot about what I want to do and the kind of person I want to be.


Adventure Education Arts & Letters Cultural and Regional Studies Education Environmental Studies Psychology and Human Development

Academic Programs


Adventure Education


Adventure Education


At Prescott College, Adventure Education is defined as an experiential process that takes place in challenging outdoor settings where the primary purpose is to build and strengthen inter- and intra-personal relationships, personal health, leadership skills, and environmental understandings. The field of adventure education holds tremendous promise for contributing to our society and environment in healthy and significant ways. The possibilities for social and environmental change are as numerous and as varied as the number of students pursuing an Adventure Education degree. The Adventure Education Program provides students with opportunities to develop character, leadership abilities, practical and technical experience, theoretical grounding, health and fitness, and sensitivity to the environment. Adventure educators must be liberal artists, having explored broad perspectives that complement and ground their specialized study. Students are offered the ideal balance of structure and freedom in designing their degrees. The structure and requirements are core elements of the field and help to ensure a well-rounded and interdisciplinary approach to studies. Within the specified requirements students can influence their paths by choosing courses that match their heart’s desires for learning. Graduation with a competence or breadth in Adventure Education is based on a collection of appropriate course work, demonstration of a balance of theoretical understanding, and practical and diverse experience and exposure. Students in the Adventure Education Program demonstrate their developing professional level competence by completing 70 or more leadership days as instructors for New Student Orientation and as Teaching Assistants in the curriculum. Additionally, students develop and demonstrate competence through documented external program experiences in related work in summer jobs, internships, and their Senior Projects. Faculty and advisors are committed to helping students acquire outdoor skills and knowledge as educators at a standard of competence that will enable them to become leaders in the field. Graduates have played important roles in developing adventure education programs across the nation. The program graduates students with competences in: • Adventure Education • Adventure-Based Environmental Education • Outdoor Experiential Education • Outdoor Program Administration • Wilderness Leadership

• Student-Directed Competences/majors – Examples: • Adventure-Based Tourism • Expedition Leadership • Experiential Adventure Education

Adventure Education Students in this area gain a solid foundation of skills for outdoor pursuits, leadership theories, and experiential education. They facilitate adventure activities for groups, with a focus on increasing participants’ self-confidence and social skills. Students graduate as academically and technically competent outdoor teachers equipped to analyze problems and to identify and evaluate appropriate resources and trends with regard to environmental and social issues, cultural differences, and individual student needs.

Adventure-Based Environmental Education Environmental education encourages the discovery and understanding of the Earth’s natural systems and the human role within those systems, while adventure education typically puts a strong emphasis on outdoor skills instruction and group dynamics. This emphasis explores the developing interface between these two fields from a philosophical and practical perspective.

Outdoor Experiential Education This option is for those who want to design hands-on curriculum and teach in the outdoors. It provides a background in educational theories and philosophies, and confers the technical, interpersonal, and group skills needed to be a competent field instructor. Exploring a breadth of technical outdoor skills and experiential education methodologies allows students to begin developing their own educational philosophies and teaching styles. Students further refine their skills through teaching opportunities in both wilderness and 31

classroom settings. In addition, students prepare to work with people with diverse backgrounds and learning styles.

Student Blogs

Outdoor Program Administration The Outdoor Program Administration emphasis enables students to develop the administrative and leadership skills required to operate a successful adventure education program. Topics include program design; safety and risk management; legal liability; hiring, supervising, and evaluating staff; fiscal management; access to public lands; and program leadership.

Wilderness Leadership The Wilderness Leadership emphasis enables students to develop a high degree of expertise in a variety of technical, adventure-based activities. Wilderness Leadership provides students with the skills and ability to guide and instruct others in a safe, enriching, and responsible manner, in activities such as whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, rock climbing, mountaineering, and skiing. This includes accepting wideranging responsibilities for the health and well-being of both clients and the environments where the activities take place. In order to support good decision making and appropriate actions, leadership training goes far beyond learning the use of low-impact camping and travel practices. Environmental, economic, and cultural issues, ethics, recreational management of public lands, and changing social values and demographics are all part of this competence.

Student-Directed Competence Examples Adventure-Based Tourism This competence combines the study of natural sciences, outdoor program skills, and education needed to create an ethical outdoor experience for tourists. Students in this competence have the opportunity to gain a broad view of biology, geology, ecology, and related disciplines, as well as proficiency in teaching and facilitating outdoor experiences and natural sciences to a broad population. Expedition Leadership Students develop the skills necessary to guide/teach outdoor activities in a commercial and institutional setting, and to conduct adventure activities in a safe and enriching manner. Students develop a strong set of technical skills along with a broad understanding of environmental and cultural issues in order to minimize impact on physical, biological, and cultural resources. Experiential Adventure Education Students in this competence work to develop leadership abilities, practical experience, technical expertise, theoretical grounding, and sensitivity to the environment. They actively engage in teaching diverse student populations in outdoor environments and learn group process facilitation, curriculum design, teaching methods, and personal growth techniques. They also become proficient in adventure-based activities such as expeditionary planning and risk management. 32


Environmental Perspectives & Whitewater Rafting Floating down the river – a wild, Western, desert river. Ed Abbey has written about it, ol’ J.W. Powell pioneered it, and last month I found myself as a living part of the human story of these rivers. Through the Desolation, Gray, Stillwater, and the torrential Cataract canyons; human stories run deep here, like the plants and animals found along the way. We drove north from Prescott, the country growing more sparse, drier, and grey. A long dirt road, through what could have been called “Desolation Flats,” led us to the river. Oil shale rigs lumbered on either side, out in the pastures, like skeletons from ancient Pleistocene mega fauna still trying to suck a little bit of life from the now barren landscape. The layer of shale we were driving upon told of a wetter time, when life was not so disparate and dry here. Green plants lay down to die in rich swampy mud millennia ago, giving the gift (or plague) of fossil fuels to humans. After one flat tire and plenty of dust, we pulled into Sand Wash – our river put in a welcome mat for what was to be our floating home and classroom for the next 21 days. A wild, roaming band of horses on the Ute Reservation side of the river watched us depart and our expedition began. Our route was similar to, but shorter than the one John Wesley Powell took over 150 years earlier. Thanks to those who came before us and their trial and error, we no longer use wooden dories or bring only bacon, flour, and coffee down the river. Our yellow rafts stick out like a box of crayons in the wilderness, and even the 18-foot oar boat is dwarfed by immense canyon walls. Calm, refreshing water eases us into the canyon, soon to be whitewater around the next bend. A trip down the river begins … We meet other river parties along our route, all of whom are in disbelief when we tell them we are on a college course. Yes, we do have books with us, and we do find time to study. We soon fall into the rhythm of the river. We rise with the sun or at the call of hot brew, eat a hot breakfast, and then rig the boats in comfortable efficiency. On the water from nine to five, our days are filled with floating class discussions, lots of laughs and absurd stories, stops for rapid scouts, and adrenaline surges as we dance through whitewater. – Sarah Wertz ’10


Student Profile

Students as Teachers by Ted Teegarden, Adventure Education Instructor Mountaineering students in the North Cascades learn from the landscape – and one another We had reached the rock outcrop below the base of the route. The weather was deteriorating and any further upward progress would commit us to a more challenging retreat. We had been moving since 3:30 a.m. and a decision to stop now would be difficult to digest; we had heard great things about this route and every member of the climbing party had attempted two other times to climb Forbidden Peak. Our team leader, Peter Kearns ’10, called us together below the base of the couloir. We could tell from the look on his face that today that wasn’t going to be our day. “Well folks I think we should gather our last views and prepare to descend, this is as far as we are going today.” The climbing party reacted positively to the decision. They trusted their leader. They knew he had made this decision for their safety. The following few moments were filled with small discussions on how he had come to this decision and then silence as we all gazed down on the valley that was quickly being swallowed by clouds. At that moment, when it was official that we were turning around going back to camp, to “live to climb another day,” as they say, I was proud. Our leader, my leader for this day’s attempt, was also my student. Pete had spent the last eight weeks with his peers in the backcountry of Alaska and northern Washington, studying leadership and practicing technical skills to keep him and future clients or students safe while traveling in the mountains. Throughout his summer studies Pete, his peers, and instructors were successful on many other summit attempts. He had learned a plethora of new skills and was putting them into action everyday. Over the duration of the

course Pete, along with his peers, had focused on their own leadership style as well as received constructive feedback. Pete is an ever-evolving book; pages can be added, and sentences can be dropped to refine his personal leadership handbook. With all of this training, standing there below the classic alpine climbing route on Forbidden Peak, it was still a difficult decision. The descent was more challenging than expected as now the clouds had covered the way and visibility had reduced to about 100 feet. We were officially in the clouds. My thoughts turned to our approach when I started to notice the low-level clouds moving into the valley the previous hour. I knew we wouldn’t make it very far that day but the decision wasn’t mine to make. My job was to act as a safety officer, to step in before something dangerous happened, to be almost a ghost instructor. I was acting as a resource, if needed, but at this stage in the summer course the students were empowered with all the responsibilities of a paid guide or educator, so getting a little wet in the clouds wasn’t a big deal. By the time we reached camp we were quite damp, but we were safe and all hazards had been managed appropriately without the need for me to step in. At that moment I was proud to be an educator. Moments like these that I have while teaching at Prescott College are what keep me inspired. It’s challenging sometimes to stand back and take your hand out of the pot and let the students run the kitchen, but it’s rewarding and refreshing when you watch some of your own students walk away and know that they are competent and safe. 33


Alumni The Business of Having Fun Burket M. Kniveton ’07 turns degree in Environmental Studies with an Emphasis in Policy and Recreation Management into a career on the Colorado. When it comes to Recreational Management – managing the relationships between nature and the people who love to love it – Burket Kniveton ’07 gets down to business.

For his Senior Project Burket “bridged the gap between education and employment in the real world” with a River Recreation Management Practicum. The Practicum began as an internship with the El Dorado County River Recreation Supervisor, and culminated in a research proj34

ect tracking trends and predicting the future of river recreation management. Burket came up with the idea during WELS, the three-week Wilderness Exploration and Landscape Studies course on the Colorado and Green Rivers. The course traced the historic route of explorer John Wesley Powell across the Colorado Plateau. Burket focused his studies in the course on the social and political landscapes of resource management on the Plateau. Burket plans to continue his exploration of rivers across the Colorado Plateau, the country and world, beginning with jobs with the Grand Canyon National Park Backcountry Monitoring Program this Spring and with the Forest Service Snake River Recreation Management program. “Each of these opportunities will allow me to promote effective management techniques for the sustainability of river-based and back country based recreation,” He said. “I have worked as a commercial river guide and explored rivers by kayak since graduating from high school. I’ve been afforded the opportunity to explore my affection towards rivers throughout my PC experience, completing river-related projects in classes ranging from Natural History and Ecology to Environmental Law.” When asked what he prizes most about his time at PC Burket responded, “the opportunity to do what you love does exist, as long as you follow your goals and recognize open doors as they are presented to you. Quality opportunities to apply your education appear quite frequently at PC.” “My experience working as an intern with Jason Williams and The Arizona Wilderness Coalition for two years was pivotal to my success. As an intern I was given the unique opportunity to apply the theory and policy I learned in the classroom to real life resource conservation/public education on the value of intact wild lands and rivers. The relationship between the Arizona Wilderness and the College should continue to grow in the future, as the College looks to foster future leaders in resource management and protection.”


San Juan Building

Adventure Education Equipment Warehouse 370 Garden Street Once a lumberyard, the Equipment Warehouse now opens its huge bay doors to reveal a world of adventure. Prescott College’s 2,800 square-foot Equipment Warehouse is a storage facility housing the College’s field equipment and a staging area for student forays into the wilderness. Staffers regularly rotate the state-of-the-art equipment and inventory to provide students with access to the latest in adventure gear.

ski touring, avalanche forecasting, whitewater kayaking and rafting, sea kayaking, and canoeing. Healthy, filling meals are crucial in the field, so students visit the food rations room before heading out of town. Choosing from a variety of bulk dried goods, students can also shop here to save money while living in town. First

“I’m hard-pressed to think of another college program that has a fleet of boats as nice as ours,” said Outward Bound instructor Nathan Stayrook Hobbs ’09. Five work-study students and two full-time staff members work year-round to repair equipment, order replacement gear, keep track of student rentals, and help students and instructors prepare for safe and exciting journeys. The Equipment Warehouse staff provides equipment for camping, backpacking, rock climbing, mountaineering,

aid and medical supplies are available for students to slip in their packs before they head out to the field. Other important members of the of the Equipment Warehouse team are the members of the Field Operations department. Prescott College has so many classes traveling, camping, and using public lands that this department was created to keep track of the state and government permits often necessary for the forays that field-based programs make into Southwest wildlands. 35


Student Profile

Up the Waterfall Brianna Hartzel ’13, along with Ethan Newman ’13, and Nathan Freeberg ’11, take on an Independent Study in Wilderness Leadership ice climbing

“Independent study is not for the weak!” – Brianna Hartzell

Brianna Hartzell ’13 was one of three students who worked with mentor and Prescott faculty member Mathieu Brown to design and carry out a three-week Independent Study in Ouray, Colo., during the Winter Block of 2010. The class focused on guiding techniques in waterfall ice climbing, which entails strapping on crampons, taking ice tools in hand, and climbing straight up a frozen waterfall. Briana, along with Ethan Newman ’13 and Nathan Freeberg ’11, rented a condo in the 8,000-foot-high mountain town (population 750) that Brianna said serves as “home to a fantastic community of incredible, strong, and supportive climbers.” Brianna and her classmates studied with expert climbers including Kitty Calhoun, Sean Isaac, Kim Reynolds, Caroline George, Danika Gilbert, Clint Cook, and Mattie Sheafor. They learned about the formation of ice, both naturally and artificially, and worked with the Ouray Ice Park ice farmers to monitor ice formation trends using daily recordings of wind, temperature, and precipitation. Their studies, which focused on the risk management and decision-making skills necessary to technical climbing and safe institutional climbing, paid off. In 2009 Brianna lived there and gained steep ice experience, learning a lot about her personal climbing techniques. This year, with a focus on ice formation, guide shadowing, teaching methods, and risk management, she gained a whole new perspective on a sport she said she holds near and dear to her heart. “I’ve struggled with an ankle injury for the last 19 months, and now it’s finally good to go … I’m incredibly psyched to be ‘back in action’ and able to play outside again,” she said. Brianna found it challenging to balance getting out and climbing and getting her schoolwork done. “I think I’ve done really well at managing my time … it’s just like Prescott College’s motto of self-direction, you gotta do what you gotta do!” Though it was hard for them to understand at first, Brianna’s parents have been a big motivation, she said. “[At first] my parents … thought I was weaseling myself a plush vacation, but once they saw the write-up

that we turned in that explained what we’d be learning, they were so excited for me.” Brianna believes that climbing molds people in ways they never dreamed possible. “It inspires, builds confidence, creates a foundation for assertiveness, trains self-reliance, and gives folks better control of their own bodies in both strength and balance,” she said.

After this Independent Study, Brianna said, “it’s up to me to continue to be an active member of the ice climbing community.” While she doesn’t feel she is quite at the level of experience to be hired as a guide yet, she will continue to keep guide shadowing and climbing on her own with the goal of someday ice climbing as her profession. Brianna, Ethan, and Nathan gave a community presentation of their experiences in Ouray. They are hoping to build interest and excitement about an ice climbing class that is scheduled to run in the Winter Block of 2011. “While it’s not for everyone, I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s tried it and didn’t love it. It’s scary at first, sure … but I’ve seen a lot of folks go from total novice to somewhat graceful on ice in only a day or two of careful instruction,” she said. “It’s pretty amazing to see people succeed when they commit to what they’ve learned!” 37

Senior Project

Weaving Magic with Yoga, Gratitude, and Wilderness Alwyne Butler ’09 Alwyne’s senior project combined the transformative capacities of gratitude, yoga, and nature to help support the healing journeys of troubled teens. In the late winter and early spring of 2009, she worked as a facilitator with groups of teenagers at Outback Therapeutic Expeditions, a wilderness therapy institute based in Utah. She offered yoga and meditation classes to the campers within a framework that fostered the teens’ sense of gratitude.

“I believe strongly in the healing powers of the wilderness, and wanted to combine it with the healing that occurs with yoga,” Alwyne said. “Along with the transformative power of the wilderness, yoga and the realization of gratitude have incredible sway on attitude and perspective.” Alwyne was on a National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) course out of Tuscon when her Wilderness First Aid instructor, Dave Craig, encouraged her to look into Prescott College as a way to put those interests together. Once she started school, she knew it was going to work. “Orientation was the solidifier ... I knew I had chosen the right school,” she said. She had received certification as a yoga teacher in Thailand in the spring of 2006, just prior to arriving at Prescott College. That certification was the first step in fit38

ting the pieces of her Senior Project together. “Yoga has had a huge, positive impact on my life, which I am compelled to share with others. Through yoga I have been able to foster a greater sense of self, and to transcend daily stress for a few minutes of calm existence.” Bringing that sense of calm existence to teens at Outback Therapeutic Expeditions was one of the final pieces of the puzzle. To live in the wilderness for a week at a time, each of the teenagers had to build their own pack using tarps and wood, make their own wooden spoon, and learn to start a fire using a hand-drill. They backpacked every day of the week except days when therapists met them in the field for counseling sessions. Their time not moving or feeding themselves was structured with activities primarily based on honoring people’s uniqueness. During the program’s nighttime gatherings, Alwyne led discussions on “what we can do to help each other have a better experience or that provides a service for each other.” Through these gatherings, the group explored the subject and practice of gratitude, “ ... what it means to be grateful, and then each brought up, after time to reflect, 10 things we were grateful for. Other gatherings focused on gratitude for our parents and gratitude for our bodies.” Alwyne enriched this process with yoga classes three days a week, and other activities centering around gratitude, including what the girls called the love bucket. “The love bucket was a billy can full of anoynmous notes for each other,” she said. “Each person wrote every other person a short note of love and gratitude, anonymously.”


Senior Project

Wilderness Leadership and a Breadth in Conservation Biology Amylee Thornhill ’10 As part of her senior project, Amylee Thornhill ’10 spent the summer in Copper River Valley, Alaska, working as a climbing and mountaineering guide, leading expeditions for St. Elias Alpine Guides, and educating clients about conservation and the history of the area. Amy led clients on a two-mile hike to a glacier, talking along the way about the flora, fauna, and cultural history. When they reached their destination, she taught about glaciers and the technical aspects of mountaineering. “It wasn’t enough for me to just guide; I really wanted to share my passion for the landscape, conservation issues, and cultural history in the area,” says Thornhill. During the three months she was working there, Thornhill lived in a plywood shanty with no heat, water, or electricity. She spent her time writing reflections about the heavily impacted area where she worked – an exercise that helped deepen her sense of connection to nature. Upon returning to Prescott to complete her final semester, she compiled the reflections, short stories, and essays she wrote during the experience into a narrative book that serves as a learning process and, she hopes, as a reference for future female guides. Many of the pieces focus on the Park Service presence in the Copper River Valley, a national preserve in a national park that is being exploited for tourism. “It was shocking to see the huge human impact on the area as a result of this exploitation,” says Thornhill. “I can’t think of a more perfect way to synthesize all the learning I’ve done at Prescott College.” Originally from Bozeman, Mont., Thornhill chose Prescott College because of its reputation for

Environmental Studies and Wilderness Leadership. Wilderness Leadership allows her to be “a leader and advocate for the health of the natural world,” she said. A climber for 22 of her 27 years, she loves having the chance to be outside as part of her studies and career. What’s next? Thornhill wants to continue guiding as long as she can, and plans to go back to Alaska during the summer of 2010 to continue to follow her passions. Her work at Prescott College has only been the beginning of her advocacy for the health of the natural world, but she thanks the College for what she calls “an amazingly positive experience.” Thornhill attributes her vision for her future and competence in her work to the supportive community, challenging outdoor classes, and small class sizes she found at Prescott College. “Wilderness Leadership is great class. It teaches important leadership skills, and is demanding emotionally and physically. It gives you the space to create and research important aspects of the world around you. Avalanche Forecasting was also a fantastic experience. It requires you to be on top of your game all the time and is a direct study of the natural world around you. “This has been a life-changing experience that I’ll always be thankful for. It has made me a more confident woman.”


Arts & Letters Choreography and Performance, 2009.


Arts & Letters Students in the Arts & Letters Program learn to think both critically and creatively, to understand divergent perspectives, and to communicate through a variety of artistic mediums. Through experiential learning and the study and practice of art, and literature, students combine individualized study programs, which emphasize personal creativity, with a studied appreciation of the rich and historical tapestry of human experience. Students become strong and flexible artists and writers with an aesthetic awareness of the issues facing humanity. The Arts & Letters Program graduates students with competences and breadths in the following areas: • Creative Writing • Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters • Literature • Performing Arts • Photography • Studio Arts • Visual Arts • Writing and Literature • Student-Directed Competences/majors – Examples: • Art Education • Communication and Social Consciousness • Dance • English • Journalism • Mixed Media Sculpture • Painting • Photography: Emphasis in Social Documentaries • Photojournalism • Theatre It is little wonder Arts & Letters students flourish at Prescott College. The College’s commitment to a small student-faculty ratio, student-centered learning and self-direction, individualized plans of study, and alternative methods of teaching all reinforce an artistic experience of education. Throughout the academic year students have access to art and photography exhibitions, literary readings, dance and theatre performances, workshops, films, lectures, informal dialogues, panel discussions, and the Arts & Letters Faculty Showcase. Performing Arts students have access to world-class performance opportunities, as well as the chance to partici-

pate in student shows and class presentations. The Dance Workshop and Theatre Production classes produce major shows each year. Students can also arrange independent studies and internships with various regional and national dance and theatre companies. Other offerings include Choreography in the Community, Children’s Theatre Workshops, and special topics courses such as the Green River Project, an inspired dance performance in the canyons of the Green River. Village Life, in connection with the African-Inspired Dance course, meets weekly to celebrate the power of community through music and dance. Students in the Visual Arts produce small- and largescale exhibitions of their work in the context of their photography and fine arts courses. At the end of each quarter, and in conjunction with graduation weekend, Arts & Letters sponsors a Senior Showcase in the Sam Hill Warehouse Art Gallery. Studio Arts students concentrate on the history of art as they hone their talents in painting, drawing, sculpture, and printmaking, with classes offering periodically in areas including ceramics, book making, and glass blowing. Photography students combine basic skills technique in black and white, color, and digital imaging with theoretical, historical, and aesthetic specialty work in alternative processes, documentary photography, and contemporary perspectives. During their training, they explore the role of photographers as social artists. A Visual Arts Exhibitions Practicum allows students to participate in gallery management. Recognizing that a diversity of viewpoints and disciplines is essential to a dynamic arts education, the Visual Arts Program supports an artist-in-residence program to bring practicing, professional artists to Prescott College. 41

These artists teach a master class in their field, conduct a public artist lecture, and hold workshops open to the community. The Visiting Artist Lecture Series brings four to five professional artists to campus each year. The Writing and Literature Program co-sponsors the Southwest Writers Series, which brings nationally acclaimed and emerging writers to Prescott for readings and informal dialogues. Students can work on the staff of the College’s student-run newspaper, The Raven Review, and on Alligator Juniper, the College’s award-winning literary journal, publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and photography from nationally recognized authors and photographers along with Prescott College student contest winners in each category. The Arts & Letters Program offers several endowed scholarships and fellowships for enrolled students: The Clowes Foundation Visual Arts Scholarship This annual scholarship goes to two continuing and one incoming On-campus Bachelor of Arts Program Arts & Letters students working toward competence in any variation of the visual arts. There’s also a scholarship to support the project of one graduated student. The scholarship assists students with tuition costs or creative/academic project expenses. The Roseanne Cartledge Arts Scholarship This annual scholarship is awarded to a continuing Oncampus Bachelor of Arts Program Arts & Letters student working toward competence in any variation of the visual arts and assists the student with creative project expenses. The Frederick & Frances Sommer Foundation Fellowship This fellowship is a gift to Prescott College to assist the academic and artistic endeavors of a senior Arts & Letters student. Established in 2000, the Fellowship provides housing in the Sommer cabin during the senior year of enrollment. The cabin is equipped with a spacious studio and a black and white darkroom. The Fellowship aims to support the concentration necessary to educate the aesthetic sensibility of the chosen student. Students in the Arts & Letters Program are eligible to apply during the junior year. The Fellowship is nondiscriminatory toward the various disciplines of study within the Arts & Letters Program, and all students are encouraged to apply. Dorothy Ruth Ellis Endowed Scholarship The Writing and Literature Program offers the Dorothy Ruth Ellis Endowed Scholarship to recognize an outstanding student in Writing, Literature, or Journalism.


Areas of Study Performing Arts The Performing Arts are integral to a complete liberal arts education. Students explore aspects of history, culture, literature, the environment, and society through their study of theatre, dance, and music. The courses in this area range from appreciation to full production, challenging students to move from foundation courses to skills courses, from theory to practice, from the academic study of performance to actual performance. Arts & Letters offers one competence track and three breadth tracks in Performing Arts: • Performing Arts Competence • Performing Arts Breadth • Theatre Breadth • Dance Breadth These tracks are interdisciplinary and offer potential for community outreach, teaching, and service. The courses in the Performing Arts Program, especially skill-building and production courses, are experiential and demand that students develop high-level problem-solving skills. Theatre and dance demand a balance of self-expression and attention to craft. In theatre classes, students develop skills in acting, directing, and design, and study foundations in dramatic literature and theory. They have opportunities to perform in full-scale productions and to write their own plays, screenplays, and performance pieces. Dance courses encourage interdisciplinary, experimental, and cross-cultural approaches to performance. An emphasis is placed on body awareness and cultivating a mind/body/spirit connection. Students have many opportunities for performances, including production classes, formal and informal performances, student productions, and class showcases. Students are encouraged to develop special interest areas; special topics courses in performing arts frequently complement the regular offerings. Visual Arts This field encompasses many art disciplines, technical methodologies, and modes of scholarship. Students think creatively and critically and address current and historical issues of societal and environmental concern such as censorship or eco-sensitive art. During their time at the college, they develop their studio arts and photographic skills from foundation to mastery. The program emphasizes the understanding of various studio arts and photographic media, an awareness of historical and theoretical issues, and the development of personal vision, creativity, and expression. The curriculum introduces students to the importance, impact, and influence of visual arts on the individual and society. From basic craft through advanced theoretical studies, the curriculum establishes a foundation of ethics, responsibility, philosophy, and craft. Students develop confidence and commitment as they learn to effectively express themselves. Most classes have field components, which focus on technical


field practice, visits to museums and galleries, interviews with locally and internationally known artists, participation in conferences and lectures, and collaboration with students from other programs around the world. Students gain professional experience in curating exhibitions and presentations, facility maintenance, and working alone and within a community. Studio Arts Students explore creative interests in traditional media – drawing, life drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking – as well as in non-traditional areas such as environmental art, mixed media production, bookmaking, textile design, and glass arts. Learning takes place not just in the classroom but in museums and in the studios of local artists. Students can develop an individualized focus of study, including landscape, abstraction, or working with models in a studio setting. The program challenges them to create strong and dynamic portfolios, and to see their projects from conception through exhibition. Throughout the year, students participate in student art shows. Courses such as Abstract Art and Nature, Women in Art, and Textile Design focus on the aesthetic, cultural, spiritual, and environmental contexts for art. Photography Photography is a tool and a language: a tool for instigating change, and a language for discovery of the known and unknown aspects of the world. Photography students build confidence in their creative vision and challenge the rest of the world to consider their participation within that vision. The curriculum introduces students to the technical, theoretical, and historical aspects of the craft as well as the artistic and social potential of the photographic medium. Courses emphasize fine printmaking; intermediate and advanced courses include Large Format, Digital Imaging, Alternative Processes, Contemporary Perspectives, History and the Photographer as Social Artist. Students develop a strong, thematic portfolio from conception to exhibition. They often travel extensively, examining other cultures in order to understand their own culture and values and to interpret the icons and images that play a role in their lives. Writing and Literature This competence corresponds directly with the liberal arts mission. Literature students have the opportunity to explore classic and contemporary poetry, fiction, plays, screenplays, and nonfiction. The program introduces stu-

dents to literature from various cultures. They become careful readers who effectively analyze and synthesize written material. Writing courses help students hone their creative and critical writing skills, produce original pieces of polished work in a variety of genres, and learn to give and receive constructive criticism in a small workshop setting. This competence offers full curriculum in all genres of creative writing – poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and scriptwriting – to the College’s emerging writers. Courses in literature include Literature as Experience; Shakespeare; Vintage Verse; World Novel; American Novel; Women’s Literature; and Literature of the American Dream. Crossdisciplinary literature courses include holy books; Vertical Margins: Literature of Mountaineering and Exploration; and Family Systems in Film and Literature. Courses combining writing and literature allow students to study a particular sub-genre of literature, such as The Memoir or Short Story Cycle or Forms of Fiction, while creating their own body of work in the form. Fieldbased courses include Travel Writing: Journey as Metaphor, and Advanced Fiction and the Nonfiction Writers Workshop. Students learn how to evaluate each other’s work and to use that feedback to create stronger stories, poems, essays, and scripts. The working centers of writing and literature at Prescott College are Alligator Juniper, an annual award-winning literary journal, and The Raven Review, the student newspaper. Alligator Juniper is student-staffed and faculty-mentored, publishing nationally recognized poets, fiction and nonfiction writers, photographers, and Prescott College student contest winners in each category. The journal has received the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Directors Prize for content in 2001, 2004, and 2008. Students learn writing, editing, photography, and layout chops in the College’s award-winning student-run newspaper, The Raven Review. The paper won First Place with Special Merit in the 2007 American Scholastic Press Association student press competition. Three issues are published each year for a subscriber base of over 5,000. Students writing for The Raven Review have broken major local and regional stories, including stories about jail inmate abuse, grazing rights, and regional environmental politics. Arts & Letters sponsors the Prescott College Arts Council, which supports writing and literature-related activities. The Southwest Writers Series hosts nationally acclaimed and emerging writers for informal dialogues and readings. Writers in the Community is a service-learning practicum, 43

and the New Play Development and Production Practicum features student-written short plays. Playwrights work with student actors, directors, and designers in a repertory-style company to stage full productions. Students share their work through public readings and class-generated anthologies. The design of the literature curriculum provides students with the methodological skills necessary to be close readers of literature. Students can complete a degree in literature that affords significant exposure to the standard canon through a combination of introductory and advanced interdisciplinary coursework, including individual and group independent studies, and creative writing courses with a significant component of literature study. The literary curriculum emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach. Several courses – such as Literature of the American Dream, Short Story Cycle, Women’s Literature, Family Systems in Film and Literature, In and Out of Africa, Vintage Verse, The Othering of American Literature, The American West in Film and Literature, Literature as Experience, Voices of the American Mosaic, and Nature’s Voice – often have crossover into other areas of the curriculum. Some courses blend literature with creative writing; in The Memoir, for example, students read six book-length memoirs, 20 chapter-length memoirs or excerpts, write a paper, and give a presentation on one of the books. They also write and workshop their own 20–30 page memoir. Such upper division courses emphasize writing and literature equally. Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters Students pursuing an Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters competence complete significant work in at least three areas of the program. For a breadth in this program, they complete significant work in at least two areas. They take introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses in different areas, and are encouraged to design independent studies (The Written Dance, Photo-Journalism, etc.) or take courses (Shakespeare, Writing as Performance, Bookmaking, Voices in Translation: Latin American Literature, Interdisciplinary Performance) that intentionally synthesize disciplines. Senior Projects demonstrate an interdisciplinary approach. A recent Senior Project was a collection of the student’s poetry and short stories, handbound using techniques learned in the Bookmaking class, and a multimedia performance of the student’s work.

Student-Directed Competence Examples Art Education Students develop an awareness of historical and theoretical issues and of concepts of personal vision, creativity, and expression, with a firm understanding of various studio arts and instructional modalities. Communication and Social Consciousness Students gain an awareness of humanity’s current situation and develop an understanding of the options for leading society in a more 44

ecological, psychological, and sustainable direction. They explore anthropology, philosophy, economics, global issues, ethics, mass media, ecological design, psychology, and issues of social change. Dance Students develop proficiency in dance, expressive arts, technique, method, and choreography. Improvisation and group dance techniques facilitate opportunities for self-expression and interpretation of personal experience. English Students explore the language arts, including poetry, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, drama, literary critique, and creative writing. They develop a familiarity with historic and contemporary works of importance, and a working knowledge of the popular styles of writing and authors that typify genres. Journalism Students focus on writing for media including magazines, newspapers, journals, as well as for commercial, technical, and public communication outlets. They participate in college newspaper writing and production, and prepare articles for campus publications while mentoring community writers. Mixed Media Sculpture Students delve into personal reflection and self-analysis through exploration of the artist’s place in the world. They explore the ideas, beliefs, and emotions that comprise individuality, and gain competence in pottery, color study, painting, glass blowing, threedimensional design, contemporary art, and art history. Painting Students develop a strong foundation in painting and experience in a variety of two-dimensional art forms. They explore drawing, print on textiles, life painting, photography, and figure drawing. They gain a broad perspective of art through the study of art history, contemporary art trends, public art process, and art narrative. Photojournalism Students merge the art of photographic image-making with journalistic writing and storytelling. They portray social, political, and environmental issues with the aim of educating and informing the public. Photography as Social Documentary Students explore communication, anthropology, photographic theory and execution, journalism, and sociology. They address local or global issues such as sustainable agricultural practices, environmental conservation, and socioeconomic and political concerns to promote awareness and change. Theatre Students study acting, children’s theatre, movement/dance, scriptwriting, theatre history and literature, improvisation, and directing.


How to Produce a Play in 24 Hours by Mariah Ore ’13 It’s Friday night, about nine o’clock, and I’m in Granite Performing Arts Center with 33 other volunteers, waiting for our assignments. Tonight, we’re told, some of us will stay up until morning crafting six different 10-minute plays, and tomorrow the rest of us will turn the scripts into performances. The task seems daunting, but as a certifiable stress addict, I feel ready for the challenge of the One-Day Plays. I survey the group: random and assorted characters, young and old, students and community members, perched on the circle of chairs. Many people have brought outlandish props and costume pieces to help inspire the writers: a bike pump, several berets, an umbrella, an African drum, and a sign, Beware of Trains ... random props, and a motley crew. Dr. Charissa Menefee bustles around, greeting everyone – she seems to know us all by first name – along with her busy helper, Viggy Alexandersson ’10, a friend of mine. Dr. Menefee gives us a welcome, and describes what will happen in the next 24 hours. We introduce ourselves; Viggy takes the actors’ pictures with ancient Polaroid film. When the actors and directors leave, the writers will choose actors and build a 10-minute play around them. Among those who plan to brave the long hours of the night there is a buzz of excitement building that can only be attributed to anticipation and caffeine. When I arrive at the Center at 8:30 a.m. the next morning, I am significantly less rested that I would like to be. A group of tired writers gather around a pot of coffee, still in their worlds of character and plot development. In the main room, directors sit around a table with Dr. Menefee, buried in scripts. They are reading through the six plays, trying to decide which one each will spend the day perfecting. The actors trickle in. As we examine the scripts, it sinks in that the plays we are reading have been written specifically for us; an ego rush follows, and then a spike of adrenaline as we realize that we need to have an entire short play – dozens of lines – nailed by 7 p.m. this evening. After our first reading of Mary Lin’s play, Beware of Trains, I breathe a sigh of relief. The play is full of killer one-liners, and somehow manages to incorporate three songs. My director, Nicole “Nikki” Kokotovitch ’10, and the two other actors in the play, Kevin Cochran ’09, Ben Bradstreet, and I have a short discussion of Nikki’s vision, and we begin our day of rehearsal. At lunchtime, after a few read-throughs and about three or four times stumbling through the play as it should appear to the audience, it becomes clear to us how little time we

actually have. We panic, then quickly assemble props and costumes, which entails compiling mountains of camping gear, and begin the tedious process of line memorization. Nikki somehow finds magical solutions for each small problem, and Ben, more experienced than Kevin and I, helps give life to the characters by facilitating discussion about the play’s back-story. There are some points during rehearsal in which all four of us laugh hysterically at Kevin’s high-pitched interpretation of Blondie’s “Walking on Broken Glass.” At other points –too many others – it seems that our lines will never be memorized.

Around us, various other forms of organized chaos have ensued. Directors and casts from the other five plays mill around with random props in various stages of costume, and as the hour of our performance draws closer, somebody points out that the plays, which were advertised as being produced in 24 hours, are actually produced in twenty-one or twenty-two, since the performance starts at 7:30 p.m. My cast members and I have stage directions and songs down by this point, and I have found a quiet nook to read through the play. When we come back from a short dinner break, we put on costumes and continue working, even as the audience members start to file in. Everyone waits in the wings as the chairs fill, and Dr. Menefee gathers us for a final pep talk. She looks exhausted but wears a big smile and manages to bring calm to the group. My group runs our lines through twice more as the show begins, and finally we start to feel confidence win over. Before we know it we are pushed onstage. After hearing the first giggle from the audience, it’s easy to relax and have fun. We miss a few lines here and there – Nikki casually yells them out from offstage – and it's clear the audience doesn't seem to mind. And, when it’s all over, and we stand as one giant group amidst cheers, whistles, and standing applause, we realize that, 22 hours is just enough time to write and produce a play, after all – and have a blast doing it. 45


Sam Hill Warehouse

Prescott College Visual Arts Center 212 N. Granite Street The Sam Hill Warehouse is significant for its historic associations with one of Prescott’s oldest businesses and with the general economic growth of Prescott at the turn of the century. In 1903 workers laid the last of the red bricks to the Sam Hill Hardware Company’s downtown Prescott warehouse. More than 100 years later, this beautiful building still stands, its bricks and massive cut stone piers intact, with wooden Howe trusses exposed above a shining maple floor. Remaining, too, are the sliding wooden service and freight doors that open onto what was once the building’s own railway siding to the Santa Fe, Prescott, and Phoenix Railroad. Since Prescott College bought the building in 1993, it has served as a vibrant social center for art exhibitions, concerts, readings, dances, fundraisers, and gatherings. Recent renovations have transformed the Warehouse into the Prescott College Visual Arts Center. “Sam Hill” houses a dedicated art gallery, art archive, permanent art collection, darkrooms, art faculty offices, and visual arts studios/classrooms for painting and drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and digital arts.

in the visual arts through class exhibits, independent studies, and Senior Project exhibitions. Ongoing programming includes an annual juried student exhibit, the Arts & Letters Faculty Showcase, the Visiting Artist Series, and the Artist-In-Residence Program. The gallery also gives

students, faculty, and the community the opportunity for research, teaching, and public-service engagement. Under the direction of visual arts faculty, student interns work in the gallery, learning professional gallery management and exhibition skills.

Visual Arts Gallery The gallery hosts a variety of exhibitions, ranging from student shows to solo exhibitions by nationally recognized artists. It allows students to demonstrate their competence 47


Senior Project

Megan York Megan York ’09 explores race, culture, history, and identity through an art installation at the Sam Hill Warehouse. Racist cartoons on an endless loop. A dressing table where white actors prepare to apply blackface. A scene from Gone with the Wind reimagined. These were some of the elements from the senior project art show of Megan York ’09. The Arts & Letters student built the installation using antiques, images, and artifacts to evoke a period in American history when minstrel shows depicting black people as lazy and illiterate were a popular form of entertainment for white audiences. “People don't realize how powerful art is at raising awareness,” Megan said. “For me, art needs to be doing something beyond the aesthetic; it needs to have some kind of purpose.” The series of five installation pieces recalled racist media and imagery, centering on the era when white actors acted in blackface, about 1830 to1950. The pieces also served to raise the awareness of a mostly white audience about the experience of blacks in modern American culture, in Prescott specifically, and at Prescott College. “We still have lots of stuff going on in our culture today that is a result of the race and cultural dynamics of that period,” Megan said. Megan purchased almost all of her materials around Prescott from local antique dealers; they were genuine artifacts of the era. “Honestly, it really came about from a need to explore identity ... I didn't really have a complete understanding of that period of my cultural history,” Megan, who is African American, reflected. “I began to notice, even at Prescott College, I was being exposed to hardly any black artists.” She tackled her concerns through her studies and by making fine art, an experience that was new for her. She didn't know how people would react. “I was kind of worried; people sometimes see negative or controversial images and just shut down ... or I was afraid people were going to see these images and not recognize

them as negative, rather see them as nostalgic and antique, not recognize the cultural or social impact.” As she created the installation, her perspective shifted. “I finally just came to a place where I just no longer worried about people’s reactions; this art was for me, and it got something out I needed to explore and to express.” After witnessing people’s reactions to her work, Megan’s initial worries lifted. “People were really touched, [and] they seemed to understand the levity of the project; also it was really interactive and they seemed to enjoy that.” The exhibit included five distinct pieces. Megan built a box holding a television looping racist cartoons from the era, made by Disney and Warner Brothers. Another piece was a trunk decoupaged in images of white men in blackface, revealing a propped-up costume and playing music typical of minstrel shows. A third was an antique fridge and kitchen scene, saturated in objects depicting blacks in roles of servitude and slavery. A mirrored dressing room table at which a white person could prepare for the minstrel show stage constituted the fourth piece. Small wall-mounted chandeliers overhead illuminated a black face mask above it, and on the table below sat a makeup kit, complete with the burnt cork white actors used to paint their faces and necks. Finally, she created a set of framed stills mounted on a wall, with headphones beside it. The images and the audio playing in the headphones are from a scene in Gone With the Wind in which Scarlett is doted on by Mammy, her black servant. Intermingling were staged reproductions of the same stills, where Megan and a white friend reversed the roles so Mammy is white, and Scarlett is black. “The different pieces, they just came to me ... sometimes at 3 or 4 a.m. an idea would just hit me,” Megan said. Megan, graduating with an Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters competence, calls her degree “one of the best kept secrets of Prescott College. I was able to use everything I had been studying in one cohesive degree.” Megan is headed to graduate school to pursue studies combining African American Studies and Art History in order to create an art curriculum as a vehicle for teaching history and heritage in urban public schools. 49


Senior Project

Age as a Work of Art Arnita Albertson’s ’09 self-portraits, taken decades apart, portray a self unfolding.

Twenty seven years ago, when she was 27 years old, Arnita Albertson ’09 found herself in one of those life passages that change a person forever. She did a series of self-portraits at that time, photos revealing a determined young woman, full of energy and confidence. “I was going through a huge transition, having just ended a 10-year relationship,” she says. “It was the 70s and I was a participant in the Women’s Movement, searching to find myself. Taking self-portraits became an important part of that search, discovering I was young, sexy, defiant, energetic and free.” Now 54 years old, and a single mother for nearly two decades, Arnita is finishing her own degree in the Resident Degree program – while her grown daughter is also a college student. She decided to examine the journey of her life from the first 27 years to the second with a series of photographic self-portraits in which she posed herself in the identical positions and recreated the lighting of the earlier pictures. The exhibit, shown in the Prescott College Library this past Spring, had an eerie quality. The portraits reveal an immediacy that most of us feel: that we are still our younger selves, that that person is still with us, almost, in a way, as father or mother to the person we are now. “This time, I am more confident about who I am,” she says, “still defiant and free. Gone are the young, sexy and energetic. I have chosen not to hide the markers of time passing. Each and every gray hair and wrinkle is earned. Sexy has become less important. Practical and comfortable are more so. With this round of photographs I am no longer searching for myself, but have become myself! “I would like to re-shoot these again in another 27 years when I am 81 years old. I look forward to seeing what the next 27 will show on my face and what that might reflect about my own self-awareness.”


Alumni Spirit Dancer Libby Majors’ ’05 love affair with dance started when she was five years old. “When I dance,” she said. “I feel it's a unification of spirit and matter.” Following a car accident in Ashland, Ore., she thought her days of dancing were through. “I came to Prescott College to study Environmental Studies and had no plans to continue to dance,” Libby said. But after taking Liz Faller’s Introduction to Dance and Improvisation her first quarter, she realized her body was ready to dance again and changed her course of study, earning a competence in Integrative Studies in Dance and Spirituality. Her Senior Project, The Nexus Dance Conference, was a threeday networking gala of professionals and students in the post-modern or alternative dance genre. When she graduated, she wasn’t inclined to leave Prescott immediately. As it turned out, she didn’t have to. Days after her graduation, she received an unexpected job offer from the Academy of Performing Arts to teach creative movement, modern dance, and ballet to nearly all ages. Life in a small community, she said, has nurtured her teaching philosophies. Last year, when she was ready to go big with her mission to serve through dance instruction, she moved to the Bay Area. “The thing I love about San Francisco is that there are so many different types of dance schools there,” she said, schools that will allow her go deeper in teaching what dance can do for people. Though she’s sorely missed by her many friends in Prescott, her move is also giving her the chance to do another thing she loves. “I just want to perform more,” she said in an interview last year. “I'm ready for that.”


Alumni Creating in Concrete Emily McClintick ’01 combines passions for environmental studies and art in designs on concrete. As an artist and student of environmental studies, Emily McClintick ’01 was determined to find a way to create built environments that supported, rather than harmed, the natural one. “I graduated from Prescott College with a degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in Art and Culture. I focused largely on ecological and fabric design, and magically found a way to blend both with artistic concrete. I work with architects, interior designers, contractors, businesses, and homeowners to create beautiful spaces,” she said. The Lake Tahoe, Nev., resident currently works with Concretist, inc., a company that creates artistic flooring using layers of thin cement over existing concrete slabs, then applying designs with acid stains and dyes. The company completes projects across the country for such clients as Whole Foods and Nuggett markets, spas, wineries, homes, schools, and restaurants. Emily loves not only the challenges and opportunities of working on huge slabs of concrete, but the environmentally friendly qualities of the material. “Besides the artistic possibilities, concrete is a thermal mass, so it works especially well with passive solar designs, storing and releasing heat when needed. It optimizes the heat transfer from radiant heat flooring. It is one of the most durable choices as well, often outweighing the environmental impact created during its production. Concrete is easy to keep clean and doesn’t mold, so it’s great for people with allergies,” she said. One of her favorite projects was Sierra Nevada College, in Incline Village at Lake Tahoe in Nevada. “It is the 14th Platinum-Level LEED Certified Building in the world,” she said proudly. “Although our products are not always ‘green’ in nature, [concrete] is used in green building projects because the most minimal amount of flooring material is used and will last as long as the structure itself. “On this job, we did an acid stain, then dye, then I created abstract wildflowers all around, dropping dye colors out of a straw. It was such a huge honor to be the floor artist on that job, and I definitely had to pinch myself! It’s those moments that I want to write about to Transitions, so I can share what I’m doing for a living with the people and

the place that helped me develop my talents and interests. Prescott College taught me to hold true my personal ideals, and allowed me to find what is important to me in this life.

With artistic concrete design, I feel I am adhering to Eco Design principles while contributing to beautiful architecture for future generations.” 51

Alumni Darkening of the Light Photojournalist Diane Schmidt ’74 recounts El Salvadoran travels during perilous times It would be an understatement to describe El Salvador as a dangerous place to be in the 80s. That did not stop young photojournalist Diane Schmidt ’74 from heading there shortly after the 1980 assassination of Archbishop Romero of El Salvador and brutal rape-murder of three American nuns and a lay missionary. Her story follows.

because of his knowledge regarding the deaths of the American nuns. When I unexpectedly found him, alive, he told me he had months earlier been promised political asylum by the US Embassy, and asked for my help. Following this encounter I almost ended up at the bottom of a deep ravine as I came too close to knowledge that could have brought down the Salvadoran government. Excerpt: Darkening of the Light, Diane J. Schmidt

© Diane Schmidt 2008

May 14, 1981 That conversation that day was with a man who was, for all intents and purposes, dead. When I asked him his name, he whispered it. On the way back to the capital, along the winding mountainous roads, the taxi driver again half-heartedly asked if I wanted to stop for a swim in the dark ravine. As we slowed, I glanced in the rear view mirror. We were being closely followed by a dark Jeep Wagoneer with wood paneling and black-tinted windows and a rifle was poking out the back window. I slowly curled down into the back seat and prayed to every name of God I could think of.

I received a terrific foundation in photography at Prescott College under the influence of Jay Dusard and Fred Sommer, and spent a formative independent study in Spanish and photography living with a family in rural village in Mexico. While I enjoyed theatre and dance classes at Prescott, I chose photography as a profession, which became my passport to the world. In 1981, as a 27-year-old freelance photojournalist I traveled to El Salvador to profile the feudal oligarchy, the ruling upper class that the US Government continued to support despite the assassinations of Archbishop Romero and four American churchwomen the previous year. Armed with a pair of shiny black army surplus boots, black high heels, and a serendipitous letter of assignment from Bunte, a German pictorial magazine, I was first detained by customs officials at the airport, later welcomed with open arms by the governing military junta, and finally found my way into the home of one of the most powerful oligarchs in the country. Mutual suspicions with my charming hosts quickly deepened, as haunting clues they dropped about the assassinations of Archbishop Romero and the four American churchwomen catapulted me into a quixotic investigative quest. I set off alone into the countryside looking for answers about a judge who was supposed to have been assassinated

My visa expired the next day, and I returned to the US. Once back, I found you can never quite get back home again. Family and friends could not comprehend the nightmare I had witnessed, and the veil of ignorance about American foreign policy had been forever ripped from my eyes. Once back in Chicago I wrote what would later become a part of my memoir: Someone told me that America is a free country, that you can write anything you want to here. But it is not a free world. Write freely in a free country and cause a little death in another part of the world. It is not a free world, and the freedom to think clearly and to act clearly and to write clearly is clouded by that fact in what we claim is the freest country in the world. If the world is not free, neither are we. My story, Darkening of the Light, is a memoir, a political thriller, a portrait of the psychological effects of state-sponsored terror, and history reflected in a glass darkly for our immediate future. A former military intelligence officer who was in Central America in the 80s said, after reading the manuscript, “It made me cry. What you put your finger on in El Salvador meant we were a success. We were in the fear business. This propels me back to the fray.” She and others knowledgeable about the situation are often surprised that I escaped la boca del lobo, the mouth of the wolf, alive.



Spring Block, January 2009

Advanced Workshop in Fiction and Nonfiction: Arcosanti Ten advanced writing and literature students try out the writing life in a one-month writers’–residency– style intensive Arcosanti gleams like a mirage, a white city clinging to a cliff where high desert grasslands drop off into a canyon below. The visionary city of the future designed by architect Paolo Soleri reflects and absorbs bright winter sun from its angles and apses – semicircular openings designed to collect maximum light during colder months and offer shade during the scorching summer. It’s surrounded by wide, still vistas conducive to “the writing lifestyle” – all in all, a perfect setting for the ten writing and literature students who spend days in solitude and evenings communing with fellow writers. Class meets just before and just after a shared dinner. In late afternoon class sessions they discuss common readings and offer student presentations. Evenings are for readaloud workshops, with each student reading from work in progress every third night. "Whenever I write something that seems somewhat good, I convince myself that it was a complete fluke and that I’ll never be able to replicate it,” reflects Allie FieldBell ’10. “But every class I take seems to add a thin layer of confidence. This class, in particular, has helped me to come to terms with the fact that writing, like anything, is a process, a process that is constantly redefining itself.” Evan Belknap ’11 found himself on a “subtle slide into a writing obsession, like love or depression or the measles or something. “It comes in the middle of the night when you're asleep in a concrete cube out in the middle of the desert, dreaming the dreams of your characters, of your obsessions materialized with their long legs and taut lips. “After a long day of solitary reading and writing, you get to class and someone you respect (your teacher) pulls you out of your, umm, head … out of your stories. She looks at you and the look says ‘take yourself seriously,’ and that’s it, you’re insane, you’re obsessed, you're a writer. That was this class for me.” Loryn Isaacs ’09 discovered an “...exceptional opportunity to approach creative writing as a constant, 24/7 endeavor. My time amongst a community of diverse and savvy writers sparked my inspiration and has led to some of the closest writing-obsessed friendships I’ve fostered dur-

ing my undergraduate career. The experience was unique, challenging, and will serve as an ideal for the kind of classes I hope to find at the graduate level.” Jillian Fragale ’09 grew into her writer-self “in a way I did not know was possible,” finding in the course a supportive environment she had “been looking for my whole life – a place to write, in like company, with encouragement and feedback. “I found my place.” Sarah Fogelsong ’09 felt “challenged..to call myself a writer and to live up to that description. It required a higher level of focus and commitment to the craft of writing and the exercise of analyzing literature than I have ever before considered.” Allie Field-Bell discovered that the relationships the group developed weren’t just an enjoyable side benefit, but integral to the process. “The times spent laughing over some crude dinner conversation were just as valuable to me as the times spent analyzing stories,” she said. “The friendship dynamic of our group also helped to establish a level of trust so that criticism on each other’s writing could be given honestly without being taken personally.” “I love giving students the opportunity and space and structure to try on the writing life,” explains faculty member Melanie Bishop ’86. “They grapple with the real issues writers face. How do I produce on a day I’m uninspired? Do I have what it takes to do this, long-term? How much writing in a day is too much? Students find their individual rhythms. Some stay up all night writing and then sleep till noon. Others are early risers and get their best creative work done before lunch. As one of the early risers myself, I could argue there is no better place than the guest rooms of Arcosanti to catch a sunrise while sipping your coffee. “In this class, students aren’t studying what it means to be a writer; they are being writers. “And when they finish the course, they have a pretty good idea if the life of the writer is one they seek.”


Cultural and Regional Studies Black Mesa, Arizona, 2006.


Cultural and Regional Studies The Cultural and Regional Studies Program explores the many ways – political, economic, social, and cultural – that human communities relate to each other and to their environmental surroundings. The Cultural and Regional Studies Program offers students the opportunity to develop the analytical and practical skills required to get directly involved in movements for social, economic, and environmental justice. The program graduates students with competences in the following areas: • Critical Geography • Cultural and Regional Studies • Latin American Studies • Religion and Philosophy • Peace Studies • Sustainable Community Development Alternatively, many students design and build individualized competences around their own questions about culture, power, and social systems, drawing from a wide array of Cultural and Regional Studies courses as well as related interdisciplinary courses across the entire curriculum. Student-Directed Competences/majors – Examples: • Agroecology, Ethnobiology, and Sustainable Food Systems • Border Studies • Buddhism, Peace Studies, and Conflict Resolution • Community and Social Change • Community Development • Cultural Geography and Latin American • Ecological Economics • Food Sovereignty and Globalization • Gender and Sexuality Studies • Global and Local Food Systems • History and Cultural Studies • International Relations • Latin American Studies • Political Ecology • Politics and Social Thought • Sustainable Community Development • Sustainable Development and Social Justice • US-Mexico Border Studies The global crises of the twenty-first century require that we all undertake the difficult task of learning to con-

ceptualize and shape effective social change. In Cultural and Regional Studies students are exposed to multiple intellectual, cultural, and political perspectives as they pursue deep inquiry into philosophical and spiritual questions on a global scale. They explore crucial issues of war and peace, power and privilege, and systems of social control and inequality, as well as processes of societal transformation. Becoming directly involved in justice issues requires students to develop rigorous, interdisciplinary understandings of the historical and contemporary dynamics – played out regionally and locally – that have shaped global crises. Even more important, they must have direct experience with contemporary cultural, political, and social movements that are finding solutions and shaping new futures. The Cultural and Regional Studies curriculum is designed to develop students’ abilities to participate in shaping our changing world critically, creatively, ethically, and responsibly. The learning community in the Cultural and Regional Studies Program emphasizes hands-on, student-centered, participatory engagement in learning, through practice of, for example, various types of meditation, trips to Buddhist temples and Christian churches, and applications of philosophical theories to real-life problems. Experiential learning through Cultural and Regional Studies also emphasizes involvement in activism, with courses offering opportunities to work with indigenous activists in Maasailand, Kenya; direct participation and internship opportunities throughout the US-Mexico border justice movement; and participation-observation of peace activism at the annual protests of the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. Cultural and Regional Studies Faculty and students collaborate with many organizations and networks to create opportunities for independent learning. These include the Mexico Solidarity Network, the Border Action Network, La Frontera Bi-National Ministries, the Sierra Club, Native Seeds Search, the Tucson Community Food Bank, the Harry Bridges Institute, Critical Resistance, the American Friends Service Committee, the Maasai Environmental Resource Coalition, and the Peace and Justice Center. Students’ independent studies have taken them to different parts of the world, where they have worked with the 55

ACLU, the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, No Mas Muertes, and Migrant Centers in Agua Prieta and Nogales, Sonora; participated in Zapatista solidarity work in Chiapas; and attended Buddhist meditation retreats, to name just a few examples. Cultural and Regional Studies students have held internships with No More Deaths, the ACLU, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (DArizona), the American Friends Service Committee, the Center for Capital Assistance, and many more. Cultural and Regional Studies also hosts the Peace and Justice Center and the Aztlan Center on campus in Prescott and participates in the LGBTQ organization for students in the three local colleges. Cultural and Regional Studies Alumni have pursued a wide variety of careers and graduate studies, including law, social justice activism, labor and community, organizing, sustainable community development, public policy and administration, campaign development, mediation and conflict resolution, community advocacy, nonprofit management, progressive communications, foundation officers and program managers, international development, community development, and alternatives to development.

Skills/Methods Students in Cultural and Regional Studies develop critical thinking skills, discursive fluency, and empathetic understanding of the operation of systems of power, maintained through race, gender, and class and through the exploitation of the natural and non-human world. In short, CRS students learn the skills necessary for a life of critical consciousness. They learn to interpret written texts, synthesize ideas from various academic sources, put ideas into practice, and develop their own understandings of the root causes of social phenomena and effective means of social change. Students learn the research and writing skills appropriate to their areas of knowledge. Proficiency in a language other than English is desirable and recommended.

Disciplinary Lenses The Cultural and Regional Studies curriculum is designed to prepare students for global citizenship and to help them learn to think deeply about the roots of the challenges facing our world through different disciplinary lenses: political studies; peace studies; history; political economy; religious studies; philosophy; gender studies; critical theory; border studies; regional studies; and language studies. Political studies is the study of social and cultural movements, organizations, practices, and institutions that shape social power relationships. Political studies courses emphasize the political economy of globalization and the cultures of neoliberalism, contemporary and historical theories of social inequality and social justice, and critical cultural studies, which emphasizes the role of culture in both challenging and reproducing systems of social control. 56

Courses offer students an interdisciplinary, experiential approach to analyzing the societal role and everyday practices of political activism and community organizing in relation to the reproduction of social inequality, including hands-on opportunities to learn social activism skills and participate directly in movements for social justice. Peace studies provides an academic framework in which students learn to analyze and resolve social conflict so as to promote peace in many social contexts. The curriculum aims to empower students to advance positive principles of human behavior over destructive ones. Students explore peace studies through history, current issues, and direct action. History is the simultaneous study of 1) significant events and developments in history – such as the emergence of US imperialism, or the rise of religious fundamentalism in the Middle East – and 2) the production of historical knowledge, what a society comes to agree is “true” about the past, and how history reflects and contributes to systems of power. Students studying history explore the complex web of factors through which an historical moment occurs: environmental, social, political, economic, local, regional, and global. We investigate what history has to offer as we struggle to respond to the crisis of the modern world, and how our cultural imaginations can be expanded by looking closely at what was considered to be possible in another place and time. Political economy combines political science and economics as a unified subject to examine the reciprocal relationships between policy and the economy, social organization, behavior, and welfare. Students analyze environmental, social, historical, cultural, psychological, and labor forces in the context of politics and economies. Religious studies investigates a broad range of spiritual and intellectual contemplation while encouraging students in reflections on their relation to the sacred or spiritual aspects of their world. Courses such as World Religions, Mysticism, Women’s Spirituality, and Studies in Buddhism help students examine religion from several cultural viewpoints. Religious Ethics and the Environment, Interreligious Dialogue, Religion and Science, and New Religious Paradigms show students how religions are growing and changing to meet contemporary needs. Philosophy involves students in great metaphysical, moral, and natural questions that have intrigued people across cultures and through time by introducing them to influential philosophical concepts, texts, and patterns of historical thought. The focus of the philosophy curriculum is to encourage students to develop their own personal philosophies. Students learn to exercise critical thinking as they address issues such as ethics; the human brain and the nature of consciousness; determinism versus freedom; and ways human understanding has differentiated and changed over time. Through such investigations, students learn to communicate their ideas orally and in writing. They endeavor to understand the universal human


process of discovering themselves and knowing their world in multiple dimensions. Gender studies investigates gender as a social construct, a nexus of power, and a means of identity and a strategy of identity politics. The investigations include exploring representations of gender in media, mapping gender hierarchies that shape social and economic structures, reconstructing the history of gender identities, and feminist and other modern and postmodern theories of gender formation and meaning. Critical theory examines and critiques society and culture, drawing from knowledge across the social sciences and humanities. Border studies contemplates metaphorical, symbolic, and territorial borders between nations, societies, cultures, and economic systems. Due to the College’s location near the US-Mexico border, issues related to it occupy much of our CRS coursework – for example, the border’s dissection of ecosystems and communities, the policing of the border and relationship to militarization, the relationship of border communities to national and international economies, and activism on the border for human rights and justice. We use border studies as a lens to explore broader issues of the politics and practices of state sovereignty and militarism, exile, migration, diaspora, ecotourism, ongoing and post- and neo-colonialism, multiculturalism, subcultures, and xenophobia. Regional studies concentrates on specific regions and their relationships to larger world systems, including the social, economic, and political interactions among regions of the world, systems analyses, urbanization and globalization, and Indigenous studies. Through regional studies, students typically focus on a particular region, such as Latin or Central America, North America, or sub-Saharan Africa, and explore that region through its relationship to larger global contexts. Students are encouraged to study language as a part of regional studies, and to take an interdisciplinary approach that can include art and environment, for example. The premise of language studies is that the widespread inability to speak languages other than English, the dominant global language undermines the ability to understand our shared global reality, and that in particular, people living in the United States, a bilingual society, are limited without functional use of Spanish. Prescott College offers in-class Spanish instruction at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels, and Spanish immersion through our Kino Bay Center in Mexico. The College also offers a variety of languages, including

Swahili and Arabic, through online language instruction. The language program strives to provide students with the skills necessary to analyze problems and identify and evaluate appropriate information resources and to develop ways of thinking that challenge dominate western English language cultural paradigms.

Cultural and Regional Studies Competence This competence area is an innovative approach to the College’s liberal arts and environmental mission. Students are given the opportunity to understand varied cultural responses to the human condition and the environment. The curriculum is designed to enable students to think critically across a number of disciplines, including anthropology, communication, economics, history, politics, and sociology. Students pursue a combination of local and field-based courses and explore the interwoven forces of globalism and localism in a variety of cultural settings. The rich variety of extracurricular activities at Prescott College, such as the Amnesty International Club, the Aztlan Center for Environmental Justice, the Student Environmental Network, and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, enhance this competence. The Cultural and Regional Studies competence provides the student with the explanation of the relations between and among the cultural practices of everyday life, economics, the material world, the state, and historical forces and contexts. Recognizing that people make history in conditions that may not be of their own making, cultural and regional studies seeks to identify all dimensions of power relations as they relate to different contexts, including when people are manipulated and deceived, and those times when they are active, struggling, and resisting. Whenever possible, the program presents the truly international nature of contemporary life, while considering the differences that spring from different cultural contexts.

Religion and Philosophy Competence In consonance with the College’s liberal arts mission, students working in this competence experience, and endeavor to understand, the universal human process of understanding themselves and their world. Through religious studies courses, students have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of religious experiences, thought, institutions, texts, and ethics. Courses are designed to enrich and encourage students’ efforts to relate to the sacred or spiritual aspects of their world. Philosophy introduces students to the great issues that have intrigued people through time, offering them opportunities to develop 57

their own personal philosophies. Students learn to think critically about key issues and communicate their ideas orally and in writing. The religion and philosophy area seeks to integrate the human experience on both the intellectual and spiritual levels, bringing together not only religions and philosophies, but also religion and philosophy within the humanities and the sciences. Most of the classes have field components, which include visits to museums and community religious institutions, participation in lectures and conferences, and meetings with meditation teachers, philosophers, and religious practitioners. The course also encourages students, through class projects, to become more aware of themselves and their local and global community. Audio-visual materials, guest speakers, debates, and energetic class discussions engage students. At weekly “lunch-box” forums, students informally discuss current world problems and topics. Students are invited to submit columns to the student-run newspaper, The Raven Review, in an effort to engage the community in thought and discussion.

Peace Studies Competence The mission of the Peace Studies curriculum fosters an academic environment in which students acquire the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for analyzing and resolving social conflict and for promoting peace in a variety of social contexts. Social conflict, from the interpersonal to international, and its destructive outcomes are pervasive in modern life. The primary purpose of the Peace Studies curriculum is to educate students in ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that enable them to minimize destructive human behavior and to promote the principles of freedom, justice, respect, cooperation, love, and personal and global harmony. Students acquire basic information and theory in disciplines that provide a foundation for general competence in Peace Studies. After completing core courses, they have an opportunity to pursue either generalized competence or more specialized competence, depending upon their areas of interest. Students pursuing general competence in Peace Studies usually take a variety of courses listed under four areas of study, including Conflict Resolution, Leadership Skills, and Social and Environmental Justice. Students wishing to specialize may concentrate their studies in one or more of these areas of competence by completing a substantial number of the most relevant courses.

Sea of Cortez and other parts of Mexico, as well as to Central America, the Caribbean, and the Andes. Latin American Studies is a truly interdisciplinary field, drawing from related disciplines such as sociology, history, literature, music and arts, political science, geography and environmental studies, gender studies, and economics. Latin American Studies helps students learn to gain information from many sources, synthesize a worldview, and apply their learning in meaningful work.

Critical Geography Competence This competence examines the social construction of space. Students explore socio-spatial questions through theory, reflection, and practice, including field trips, participation in sustainable community development projects, and explorations of social movements such as "right to the city" projects and environmental justice campaigns across the globe. Courses ask questions such as: How are the social dynamics of power, privilege, control, and inequality, as well as cooperation, production, resistance and social transformation, organized and shaped in the ways we collectively organize and live in space and place? Topics of investigation include critical architectural studies, the study of public and private space and state formation, critical development studies, the study of urbanization, the politics of global agricultural production, critical globalization studies, and urban/rural studies.

Sustainable Community Development (SCD) Competence Area This competence supports students in envisioning and creating ecologically and socially healthy communities. The means to these ends include an emphasis on the hardware (built environment, resource and energy utilization, and food and water procurement) and the software (critical pedagogy, group processes and decision-making methods, conflict resolution skills) required to maintain a sustainable community. Students integrate learning from academic areas including ecology, education, economics, aesthetics, peace and justice studies, critical geography, and conservationism. SCD graduates often find meaningful work in fields ranging from the nonprofit sector and public lands management to “green business” and international relations. SCD brings together the best practices currently employed in environmental and social spheres, while simultaneously striving to create new practices necessary for the challenges ahead.

Latin American Studies Competence

Student-Directed Competence Examples

This competence encompasses all Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking populations of the Americas, including Latino/Chicano people residing in the United States and the Caribbean region. Because Arizona is a border state with a Hispanic population exceeding 20 percent, the College has a strong interest in studies of the history, culture, politics, and economic realities of this region. Field studies take classes to the College’s research station on the

Agroecology, Ethnobiology, and Sustainable Food Systems Students explore the conservation of traditional sustainable economies, the environment, the development of more sustainable economies within areas of natural resource depletion, and the application of traditional knowledge to agriculture to achieve more sustainable and non-exploitative practices.



Border Studies Cultural and economic conflicts resulting from land and resource battles throughout the world are explored through independent studies and on-site visits. The history of conflict, revolution, environment, and independence create a context through which students can examine present-day conflicts and explore options for resolution and diplomacy. Community Development Students investigate numerous areas to understand community development, including the infusion of ecology, social relations, health and wellness, food production, building design and implementation, consumption dynamics, resource management, and local, regional, and global connections. Students may apply skills they gain to developing a plan for creating social movement toward holistic living. Community and Social Change Students integrate research and practical study, learning to use the essential tools for the creation of healthy community structures. They develop an understanding of social and physical cultural borders, ideologies and diversity within communities, and issues such as generational differences, gender studies, race relations, nonviolence, social action, education, and community development. Global and Local Food Systems Study includes the ties among food, people, politics, land, culture, and power. Students explore the farm-to-table food chain and consider socioeconomics, energy efficiency, land degradation, and cultural customs tied to growth methods and food preparation using concepts of agroecology, ecodesign, and permaculture to gain practical skills of food growth and production.

its responses to governmental, environmental, and societal pressures. Students have opportunities to gain understanding of cultural dynamics and community existence within a larger social context. Political Ecology This competence focuses on the disciplines of ecology and cultural studies in an effort to gain a holistic understanding of the interrelation and effects of humans with the environment, using science as a base for thoughtful, constructive action. Students learn basic social science research methods, while exploring historical and ongoing cultural attempts to quell environmental and societal discord. Topics covered include capitalist globalization, poverty reduction, social inequality, resource monopolization, and human and environmental rights abuses. Politics and Social Thought Students develop knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for analyzing and resolving social conflict and for promoting the principles of peace, freedom, justice, respect, cooperation, and personal and global harmony. They gain holistic, historical, and political understanding of societal constructs including gender, race, and government. Sustainability and Social Justice Study covers the history and current status of the interacting issues of sustainability and social justice in such areas as food production, resource distribution, human rights, wilderness protection, and reproductive health and education. Students explore the tools to address these partnerships and predicaments.

History and Cultural Studies Students examine how culture changes over time and how this impacts the modern world, gaining perspective on trends and cause-and-effect relationships between internal and external pressures and cultural reform. Topics include comparative religion, political systems, world history, anthropology, conflict history, race and gender issues, and human rights. International Relations Students look at of an array of cultures and religions of the world, along with historic, environmental, and political factors that shape populations. This includes the exploration of societal structures within various contexts through understanding of psychology and group behavior, and travel to examine a specific culture and 59

Sacred Peace Walk to stop nuclear weapons testing, April 2009 60


Sacred Peace Walk Prescott students get behind the scenes and on the ground with decades-old activist movement In the bright dry desert, they walked. Bearing bright and ragged banners, they walked. Protesters, students, mothers and fathers, scientists and educators, joined in the vision of a world without nuclear weapons. In April 2009, Prescott College students, a faculty member, and two local peace activists joined the annual nonviolent protest in an annual trek across the Nevada desert to the nation’s primary nuclear test site. According the website of the parent organization, The Nevada Desert Experience, since the 50s individuals have mounted protests against nuclear warfare in the Nevada desert, initially challenging testing which impacts the Western Shoshone Nation’s homelands. By the 1980s the walks had become an annual affair focused around international spring holidays. The Sacred Peace Walk reflects the mission to stop nuclear weapons testing through a campaign of prayer, education, dialogue, and nonviolent direct action. As with previous walks, participants adhered to a strict code of nonviolence in which they strive to be respectful in their interactions with police, military personnel, and site workers. “This experience was powerful on so many levels, and even life-changing in many ways,” said Prescott College Peace Studies faculty Randall Amster, who participated with students from the new Ecology of War & Peace class. “The integration of cultural and ecological issues, interfaith practices, and nonviolent activism represents the essence of creating a more just and peaceful world, and reflects the values of Prescott College.” Austen Lorenz ’10, competence Environmental Studies, observed that “the most powerful part of the Sacred Peace Walk was seeing how beautifully different religions and cultures came together to complement one another, and how sharing a single vision can bring a wide range of people together.” Lema Mikkelsen ’10 noted, “the peace walk was so inspiring and fun – I’m already thinking about the next one!” The walkers embarked from Las Vegas after a short service at the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue on Martin Luther King Boulevard. They arrived at the Mercury entrance to the Nevada Test Site on April 12, 2009, for a sunrise ceremony led by Western Shoshone National Council Member Johnnie Bobb and an Easter Mass led by Father Louis Vitale. They were joined by other peacemakers for a vigil at Creech Air Force Base in Indian Springs, Nev., bringing

attention to the mission of unmanned aerial systems that have been deployed in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. The two-day vigil at Creech Base included a “stations of the cross” ceremony on Good Friday, as well as an action of civil disobedience the day before in which 14 peace activists were arrested when they entered the base with pizza and water in an attempt to hold a dialogue with the military personnel stationed there. Among those arrested were Fr. Vitale (Nevada Desert Experience, Pace e Bene), Kathy Kelly (Voices for Creative Nonviolence), members of Catholic Workers houses in New Mexico and Iowa, and local peace activist Dennis DuVall (Prescott Peace Action). All were released on their own recognizance after spending the night in jail with Las Vegas court dates set for early June. Following the mass arrests at Creech Base, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed Father Vitale, noting that this was the first protest action specifically targeting the drones on US soil. To date, US drones (nicknamed the “Predator” and the “Reaper”) operated from Creech Air Base have been blamed for 700 civilian deaths and the creation of over 500,000 refugees in Pakistan alone, according to recent estimates. The walk continued through the Nevada desert and culminated at a Peace Camp on traditional Shoshone lands near the entrance to the Mercury test site, known as “the most bombed place on Earth.” At the test site, nine men and 12 women were arrested for “crossing the line” at the main entrance, while more than 30 others blocked the road in support of the line crossers. Nevada Desert Experience organized an Easter Mass outside the entrance, which was celebrated before the group act of civil disobedience. Police and protesters conversed before and during the arrests in a cordial and respectful manner, and the line crossers were released promptly, as is the tradition after more than two decades of protests there. The Prescott community represented the largest group in attendance, and plans are underway for participating in next year’s walk. “We will keep going back until our nation abandons the ways of war,” said Amster. “We owe that much to ourselves, people around the world, and future generations as well.”



Alumni Scott

Pulling Lessons from the Past A love of history and hunger for social justice spurred Emma Kurtz ’09 to retrace the path of a long-forgotten social movement Studying for two semesters at Pitzer College helped Emma Kurtz ’09 appreciate the differences between Prescott College and other schools, especially in terms of the freedom and service orientation the College offers. Emma, an Ashland, Ore., native, is using that latitude and justice orientation as she looks at the roles of education in society and in cultural identification. For her Senior Project, Emma examined the historical oppression of minorities in educational systems and how various minorities were divided and often turned against each other. She collected data and recorded oral histories about a social movement in the 1970s that sprang up in response to the oppression of Latinos and African American students by a primarily white school board in a Phoenix school district. Once she did that, she wrote up her findings. Because the movement has never been documented, Emma has long-term goals for getting her work published. Scott Risley, a visiting professor at Prescott College, mentored Emma and gave her direction regarding whom to interview and how to obtain information from archived newspapers. She also used the The African American History Museum of Phoenix as a source of information. The museum, now closed, served as a hub for movement leaders in its day. In pursuing her love of history, Emma said one of the most interesting, exciting, and challenging classes she’s taken was Race, Power, Gender, and Identity: Rethinking our Classrooms with Instructor Anita Fernandez. This class challenged her ideas about her Caucasian identity, her place in society, and her culture. For Emma, bringing history and social science together serves as a dynamic tool for social action. 62

Student Profile Daniel Combes ’13 reflects on Power Shift 09 “I have just taken part in the biggest lobby day in the history of lobbying – 12,000 students from across America,” Daniel Combes ’13 reflected about joining 12,000 other college students in Washington DC at Power Shift 09. The assembled students lived through several days of lobbying, training sessions, and rock concerts to address global climate change. “Power Shift showed me that it is the people who have the power. The consumer dictates what the producer produces,” he wrote. “Great change has never started from the top. It starts as an idea, often a crazy one, by some ‘youthful idealist.’” Daniel said that an era of renewable energy is a question of when, not if. But, he wrote, it needs to happen soon. “We pay daily in our hesitation. Bold climate change policy has to passed, these actions need to be taken and they will be taken when enough of us stand up and call for them.” When he returned, Daniel acted as the go-to person for SEEEK, a community living festival held in Prescott in conjunction with Earth Day. “We want to start an unavoidable conversation – a conversation that leads to people installing water catchments in their homes, growing their own food and supporting local growers,” he wrote of the event. Ultimately, the message Daniel carried back from Power Shift 09 was one of hope. “Scatter a handful of seeds, plant a tree, make your voice heard by your government, be busy, every moment of every day – we must tirelessly work because the moment has come. “It has already begun,” he wrote.


Human Rights Seminar While most Americans tend to consider human rights violations a foreign problem, there are many domestic concerns as well. These internal problems are exactly where students in Professor Zoe Hammer’s experiential Human Rights Seminar focus their studies. The course outlines the history and evolution of human rights, emphasizing the ethics of human rights work. “I believe that communities must define their own needs and rights – this is not a responsibility to be undertaken by outsiders, especially more powerful outsiders. It’s irresponsible to point fingers at other countries, especially when there are so many violations in our own backyards,” said Hammer. As a member of the Border Action Network (BAN), which works to ensure the rights of immigrants and border communities in Arizona, Hammer knows all too well about homeland human rights violations. “Every day, immigrants are faced with discrimination, violence, and unfair wages,” said Hammer. Soon after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the anti-immigrant bill SB 1070, a number of students from the course joined BAN in Phoenix to protest the law. “We couldn’t just allow this downright racist law to be passed without resistance,” said Peace Studies major Eric Donley ’10. “We had to take a stand.” After studying and analyzing fundamental human rights issues, debates, and concepts, students in the course develop an applied research project centered on the question: Are human rights being honored in

Prescott? As part of the project, students wrote an assessment report on a specific area of human rights in the city. Hammer makes writing these reports a core part of her curriculum. Students learn how a report works, how to produce one, and how to write a press release to publicize their work. “Writing a report helps community organizations in many ways,” Hammer said. “Reports can raise public awareness of problems, generate press coverage, offer opportunities for community members to get involved in creating solutions, and educate funders about an organization’s accomplishments.” Hammer said students in her course gain hands-on experience in the rigorous ethical production of those reports and end up with a publication they can put on their résumés. This experiential component of the class builds on the assumption that action is necessary, she said, and is consistent with the ethic Eric pointed out as the focus of the seminar. “Our class is not focused on theory and arguments for human rights,” said Eric. “We have gone ahead and stated that humans do have rights.”


Tijuana, Mexico, 2009


Alumni Postcard from the Borderlands by John Sheedy ’96, M.A. ’05 In 2007 John Sheedy began work on the Tijuana Project, a documentary film about the people who pick through trash at the Tijuana garbage dump for survival, and the lives of six children who live next to this immense mountain of trash. His experience has been both humbling and inspiring as he seeks to tell the story of the heart, humanity, and at times humor within a group of children living in heart-wrenching conditions. Life in Tijuana has been exciting, to say the least. Last week my car was stolen from the dump neighborhood. Although it was a big inconvenience, I was touched to get a message a couple of days after it was taken, that many people in Fausto Gonzalez were stepping up to support me. In fact, they even tracked down the guys who stole it. Since the TJ police wouldn't help me arrest them, my friend Pati put together a posse of people from the neighborhood and we went down the steep hill from the dump to the house of the thieves, who live down in the canyon below the dump. It was surreal to see the dump mountain looming above me as we dropped lower in the canyon. I also looked behind us to see a handful of neighborhood kids following us at a safe distance. Not only were the kids offering their spirit of support, but people were coming out of their houses and encouraging us on. By the time we got closer to the bottom of the canyon, I saw poverty like I have never seen before, including raw sewage and all of the toxic run off from the dump above, which washes into the canyon and the houses below. When we got to the house of the man who stole my car, he had run for it, but we caught two of the men who helped him. They apologized and gave us detail for detail how my car had been disassembled, melted down, or sold for parts. They also said that they made a mistake stealing my car. They thought it belonged to a group of Gringos giving away toys in the neighborhood (they stole at least three other cars that day). It really left a lasting impression on me; that bringing toys or unwanted items of ours to poor people is not needed or respected, whereas gifts such as an education for children are respected and can last a lifetime. I was left feeling a deep compassion for the thieves after seeing the poverty of where they live and realizing even more how important it is to help others overcome those conditions.

Peace and Justice? Just Down the Hall In 2008 Prescott College became the new National Headquarters of the Peace & Justice Studies Association (PJSA). The PJSA unites academics, activists, and educators to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice, and positive change. PJSA serves as a professional association for scholars in the field, and is the North American affiliate of the International Peace Research Association. In addition to the Association finding its home at Prescott College, Peace Studies professor Randall Amster has also been appointed the new Executive Director of the PJSA. Amster will manage the day-to-day operations of the organization, edit and publish the newsletter, help organize the national conference, lead fundraising campaigns, and work closely with the Board of Directors, among other duties. “People often wonder what you can do with a Peace Studies degree. Now with the combined impacts of the PJSA and its individual members, students will have many opportunities to gain organizing skills, set up internship opportunities, engage in study-abroad programs, and in general experience the full dimensions of life as peacemakers and practitioners of justice,” Amster said.



Alumni Changing the World through Political Service Prescott College grads take on tough issues, nationally and internationally Kathleen Stevens’74

Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) ’70

Recently appointed US Ambassador to South Korea, Kathleen Stephens ’74, entered Prescott College in 1970 as “an Arizonan,” she recalls, and graduated four years a later “a world citizen.”

As Chief Counsel to the New Mexico Department of Health and Environment, New Mexico Attorney General and in the US Congress, Senator Tom Udall has continuously fought to protect the land he was raised to love.

On September 9, 2008, Kathleen was confirmed by the US Senate to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Korea, the first woman to hold this position. Briefly tempted to study anthropology at Prescott College, she was persuaded by retired British diplomat and Prescott College instructor, Robert Bruce, to turn her intellectual drive and curiosity towards diplomacy. “There was a deep fascination with Asia going on at the campus then ... [Robert’s] background and his compelling narrative of Asia, on top of the Vietnam experience of my generation and the way it divided us, intrigued me,” she said. As citizens in a globally engaged country, Kathleen insists it is important to always be aware of that engagement. “It’s a big job I’ve been given, and I’m going to be giving it my best,” she said.

In his official campaign bio for the Senate race in 2008, Tom credited participation in the Prescott College Wilderness Orientation as reinforcing his childhood love for the land that was instilled in him by his family. “It’s never been more important to be educated about the environment. Not only is protecting our environment one of the greatest challenges of our time, but the jobs of the future will be oriented toward solving the challenge of global warming, transitioning our country toward a new energy economy, and getting the United States off its addiction to foreign oil,” Tom said. “I view public service as one of the highest callings out there. From an early age my father instilled in me the idea that public service is a noble calling,” he explained. “Today as more and more families feel the American dream slipping away, I believe that public service is more important than ever. “The value of my Prescott education has always been best expressed for me in the College [tagline]: education is a journey not a destination,” Tom said. “This approach to learning has helped me grow as I move from one stage of my life to the next.”



Helping the Homeless to Connect Peace Studies grad Matthew Ayres ’01 coordinates service providers to fight homelessness in the Midwest.

Student Blog

Matthew Ayres ’01 hopes to end homelessness in Minneapolis, Minn., and Hennepin County by the year 2016, and he’s not alone. Matthew works for the city and county office of homelessness where he manages Heading Home Hennepin, a 10-year plan developed by nearly 70 business, civic, and faith leaders with input from homeless and formerly homeless individuals. “Providing new housing opportunities, support services, and around-the-clock outreach to people sleeping on the streets are the most important components of the plan,” Matthew explained. Twice a year Matthew holds one-day Project Homeless Connect events, that draw together 100 service providers and over 500 volunteers to serve more than 1,200 individuals experiencing homelessness. Individuals can get their hair cut, apply for a birth certificate, interview with employers, apply for housing, see a doctor or dentist, and eat a gourmet lunch – all in an afternoon. “It’s a service delivery model that has been proven time and again,” Matthew said. “It is a key to eliminating barriers to housing, employment, education, and myriad other areas that contribute to homelessness.” The most recent Project Homeless Connect was held on March 11, 2008, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. While Hennepin County’s event was not the first in the nation, it has become one of the largest and most comprehensive, serving thousands of homeless each time. At Prescott College Matthew studied social work and political science – a good foundation for his current occupation. Since graduating, he’s been a wilderness guide, a case manager for shut-in seniors, and even a gardener during his masters studies in social work. He believes that the drive to help others and make a change in society that guided him to Prescott College fuels his current profession. At Prescott, the “opportunity for personal educational development,” as he explains, combined with a “focus on social justice and the environment” made PC “the right school – maybe the only school” to help him integrate passion and profession.

It started out as an assignment for my Social Movements class – to volunteer my time with a social justice group in Prescott that I hadn’t yet participated in. The Peace and Justice Center seemed like a perfect choice for me, having taken multiple classes in peace studies at Prescott College. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did – it wasn’t that I didn’t care about social justice or the objectives of the Peace and Justice Center (PJC), I was just crunched for time. I was taking a full course load, dividing my time up between work, classes, groups I currently volunteered with, and extracurricular responsibilities. I didn’t feel I had the time to tack on another obligation. I was looking at this as a chore, and not a golden opportunity to be more involved with my own experiences at Prescott College. The first meeting of the semester was what really began to change things. I began to understand what the PJC was really about. We weren’t sitting around talking about issues and the way things should be in our community … we were pitching ideas about speakers, workshops, film screenings, and other events to bring to Prescott College. We were focusing our efforts on collaborating with other on-campus groups to educate our community and CREATE CHANGE within the town of Prescott, the state of Arizona, the United States, and the World. And that’s when I realized it for certain: Prescott College is an activist’s dream school. Here we have the ability to step forward out of the crowd and work together to take action and create change. More often than not, students can be afraid to come forth with their beliefs and let their colors shine. But here we receive so much support that failing to come forward with new projects and ideas can be scarier than actually implementing them. The Peace and Justice Center offers students and community members a space to be heard – to pitch ideas for events, to share grievances and create a dialogue about how we can manifest solutions to current issues about human rights, border justice, environmental problems, and the like. – Sydnie Bonin ‘12


The Peace and Justice Center


Education Experiential Education and Expeditionary Learning Practicum, 2009



Education Do you want to change the world? Prescott College seeks to make the world a better place by providing an environment in which students develop the best wisdom and values for becoming conscientious teachers. The Education Program prepares informed, dedicated, and resourceful learners who are able to create a dynamic and learner-centered classroom. Courses emphasize current educational research, theory, and practical experience students apply in authentic classroom settings. Those settings include public schools, environmental education centers, alternative schools, and social justice outreach programs. Prescott College partners with local schools that employ a wide variety of educational approaches, including Expeditionary Learning, Waldorf, multiple intelligence, multi-age grouping, as well as more conventional approaches. The Education Program graduates students with competences in the following areas: • Professional Teacher Preparation – Elementary and Secondary Education Certification • Environmental Education • Education (without Certification) • Expeditionary Learning • Social Justice Education • Student-Directed Competences – Examples: • Environmental Justice Education • Secondary Education (emphasis on Experiential Methods) In any Education degree plan, students demonstrate knowledge and/or experience in: • The history and philosophy of education • Learning theory and educational psychology • Education for diverse populations • Both guided and independent study and practice in curriculum design, teaching, and assessment

Professional Teacher Preparation Program The Professional Teacher Preparation program is approved by the state of Arizona to recommend certification in elementary (K-8) and secondary (7-12) education.

Requirements for a teaching credential can be earned concurrently while earning a Bachelor of Arts degree. Students master educational principles and apply these in many problem-solving situations during courses, through independent studies, and in a 12-week student teaching assignment. Elementary school educators pursue a broadly based liberal arts education, including solid preparation in math, language arts, science, and social studies. Secondary school educators will have significant coursework in a subject area typically taught in a public high school. Course Sequencing Students proceed from foundational coursework to practicum experiences to gain the most benefit from application of their knowledge. Teaching experience followed by careful reflection is an essential element in quality teacher education and professional practice. The program encourages students to engage in teaching activities throughout their teacher training, through teaching internships, volunteer or paid positions in camps and schools, volunteering in adult literacy programs, and tutoring. Elementary and Secondary Arizona State Teacher Certification The certification competence meets the requirements for a teacher credential in the State of Arizona. To find out whether certification in Arizona is reciprocal in another state, check to see whether that state has an interstate contract with Arizona. Students intending to teach at the secondary level choose a content area such as Earth Science, English, Political Science, or Visual Arts, while students intending to teach at the elementary level pursue a broadly based liberal education including solid preparation in math, language arts, science, and social studies. Expeditionary Learning Teacher Education Education students can concentrate their studies in the philosophy and methodology of Expeditionary Learning to open doors for employment in Expeditionary Learning 69

Schools affiliate schools like the Prescott-based Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy. Prescott College is the only college approved by Expeditionary Learning Schools to offer a specific emphasis in Expeditionary Learning. The Prescott community has the unique distinction of being the only community in the United States to offer Expeditionary Learning Schools–affiliated education in grades K–16. Expeditionary Schools in Prescott include La Tierra Community School (K–8), Mile High Middle School (6–8), Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy (8–12), and Prescott College (13–16). The Expeditionary Learning emphasis area includes the following courses: • Expeditionary Learning • Experiential Education and Expeditionary Learning Practicum • Curriculum Theory and Application • Authentic Assessment

Environmental Education Environmental education encourages the discovery and understanding of the Earth’s natural systems and the human role in those systems. Environmental educators strive to see, feel, and teach about the interrelationships among all living things. They have a solid comprehension of ecological concepts, and an understanding of environmental history and the ecological effects that humans have had on the Earth. To that end, students explore the literature and philosophy of the human–nature relationship. Environmental educators acquire a grounding in political and economic realities in order to teach about relationships among local communities, technological society, and the global environment. They are able to model and teach responsible, informed involvement in political and corporate decision making. A foundation in the field of education complete with an understanding of learning theories, curriculum design, and experiential education gives students the necessary knowledge and skills to be competent environmental educators. Environmental education covers a broad spectrum of disciplines, requiring students to develop well-defined programs to meet their particular interests. Environmental educators must remember that before people are confronted with the grim realities of environmental problems, they must be given opportunities to experience the joy and beauty of the natural world. Responsible stewardship occurs when people develop an appreciation for the complex and diverse life that inhabits the Earth.

Social Justice Education This competence area prepares educators and change agents to understand and work effectively with social justice issues in traditional and non-traditional settings. The goals of social justice education are to promote full and equitable access to education for all members of society and to use education as means for promoting social change. 70

Social justice education is an interdisciplinary competence with a solid foundation of core education courses. Students focusing on this competence can align themselves with any academic program, and might teach in some capacity after graduation. Students interested in social justice education may choose to concentrate on a specific issue such as gender equity in schools, programs for English learners, or rights for homeless students. Alternatively, students in this area might focus on a particular educational setting such as an alternative school, an NGO educational outreach program, or a diversity workshop organization.

Student-Directed Competence Examples Experiential Education Students learn to utilize experiential teaching methods that incorporate current cultural issues, multicultural sensitivity, and current political and environmental situations into the classroom. They develop an understanding of group dynamics, educational theory and practice, special education, and the foundations of education to develop multi-intelligence teaching skills. Secondary Education and Experiential Methods Students explore a range of teaching philosophies and practical methodologies. They survey teaching strategies to find positive and ethical educator and facilitator techniques for inclassroom and field-based learning. Students incorporate multicultural, multi-intelligence, experiential and actionoriented education into their skill sets. Studies also include exploration of outdoor and wilderness activities as an experience-based teaching tool.


Environmental Education The Environmental Education Competence at Prescott College gives students the latitude to design their personal program in a direction that emphasizes specific outcomes relevant to their field such as teachers, adventure educators, or interpretive naturalists, while providing a foundation of classes that will insure foundational theoretical understanding in environmental studies, the natural sciences and educational philosophy. Students are encouraged to develop a broad interdisciplinary background in historical and contemporary perspectives relating to environmental ethics, educational theory, and methodology. With this understanding, students graduating in this emphasis area should have the skills necessary

and implementing an eight-week thematic unit that emphasizes state standards through a place-based program that focuses on the local watershed and creeks. Through this class, students are exposed to a diverse economic and ethnic population of fifth-grade students. Students also design

for designing and implementing environmental education programs which encourage place-based understanding, awareness, appreciation, and knowledge that will hopefully lead to ethical decisions with respect to the Earth and life that depends on it. Examples of courses in this area include: Basic Concepts of Ecology; Ecology and Natural History; Philosophies of the Interpretive Naturalists; Curriculum Design; Environmental Education: Theory; Environmental Education Methods; and Environmental Education for Adventure Educators. Environmental Education Methods is a capstone class that provides students with the opportunity to work with a local public elementary school. Students assist in planning

and implement a three-day camp experience that provides them with the opportunity to experience teaching in a residential environmental education setting. Environmental Education for Adventure Educators gives students interested in combining place-based environmental education with adventure education programs in remote settings. Students develop thematic programs that integrate educational experiences with travel based programs while recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities. Environmental Education Practicum provides students an opportunity to identify and implement strategies and methods appropriate to selected groups and settings. Topics covered might include teaching methods for second71

ary teachers, outreach in natural resource agencies, and community-based environmental problem-solving using issue investigation and action skills.

Senior Projects Environmental education students have demonstrated their competence at schools, residential centers, adventurebased programs, and through community-based bioregional projects. Most Senior Projects in Environmental Education include a practicum element that also allows for the design and implementation of a thematic unit. A close relationship exists with numerous highly respected environmental education programs throughout the country and abroad. Many of the College’s graduates are employed by or have worked for schools and environmental education centers such as:

The Teton Science School The Gore Range Natural Science School The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies The Four Corners School The North Cascades Institute Canyonlands Field Institute The Highlands Center for Natural History Wolfberry Farm Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies Yosemite Institute The Boojum Institute 72

Keewaden Camps Farm and Wilderness Camps Outward Bound National Outdoor Leadership School Student Conservation Association


Paulo Freire Freedom School, Prescott College Forge Bonds of Friendship and Learning At a new charter middle school in Tucson, students are learning by asking questions, by challenging assumptions, and through hands-on experience. Sound like Prescott College? Anita Fernández, Prescott College education faculty, thought so, too. Last fall, she took one of her classes to visit the school in Tucson. “The Freire School is a great model of a progressive school,” she explained. “It is based on the philosophy of Paulo Freire, whose critical pedagogy involves making change through questioning where knowledge comes from.” Paolo Freire was a radical 20thcentury Brazilian educator and social and political theorist who taught the need for freedom and self-empowerment for all members of society. Based on his philosophies, the charter school emphasizes social action and experiential education, much like Prescott College. Several Prescott College faculty and students have collaborated with the school, including Freja Joslin ’01 and MAP ’06, and Brian Maher ’05, who developed another class that visited the school. After the initial visit by Anita’s class, the Freire School furthered the relationship by organizing a collaborative workshop during the charter school’s intersession, entitled Pushing Our Boundaries. Twenty students from the Freedom School visited Prescott College in early March to learn with, and from, Prescott College students. The first session, hosted by Anita’s Special Topics on Race, Power, and Education class, looked at identities and stereotypes with the students, who are of diverse ethnic and racial origins. The students considered how their personal identities were linked to stereotypes and drew what they discovered. The drawings were then linked in a paper quilt, which the students took back to their school. Jordana Spencer’s Learning Theories class shared a lesson on community with an educational scavenger hunt cen-

tered on Courthouse Square in downtown Prescott. “The objective was to interface with the local Prescott community,” Spencer explains, “and to learn about the town they were visiting.” Each scavenger hunt group focused on different topics: one group learned about Prescott’s history, another about resources and activities for children in Prescott, and a third about Prescott statistics ranging from the diversity of religious organizations in town to the environmental initiatives of the Forest Service. The last session, hosted by Jack Staudacher’s Ropes Course Facilitation class, used games to promote teamwork and group problemsolving. The students played tag games and jumped rope as they worked on developing and improving communication skills. Anita believes the Paulo Freire Freedom School’s visit to Prescott College gave both groups of students an opportunity to grow and learn. As PC students shared their skill with experiential education, Freire School students learned more about themselves, each other, and their community. “We’re hoping to make this a permanent collaboration,” she said.




School Partnerships in the Education Program Student teachers and others in the College’s Education Program benefit from the College’s partnerships with local schools, including Prescott Mile High Middle School (PMHMS) and La Tierra Community School, a K-8 Expeditionary Learning school. Prescott Mile High Middle School PMHMS embraces Expeditionary Learning and is a place novice teachers observe, volunteer, teach, and work through the College’s work study program. It doesn’t hurt, either, that PMHMS is located just a few blocks away from the central courthouse and Prescott College, in historic downtown Prescott. Currently the school accommodates 760 sixth through eighth grade students coming from diverse cultural, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. The school’s mission statement – “Learn a lot. Have fun. Give back!” – is one indicator of why the school is such a good fit for the College’s education students.

La Tierra Community School With a focus on the natural and cultural resources of the Southwest, La Tierra Community School provides an active, transformative educational experience through learning expeditions and values a respect for diversity, academic rigor and a commitment to social and environmental justice. Prescott College students can be a part of La Tierra Community School through observations, independent study work, and, following its opening in August 2010, opportunities in student teaching.

Senior Project Rosie Ellie Williams ’09 Education For her Senior Project, teacherin-training Rosie Ellie Williams ’09 designed a Prescott College course for the Teacher Education program. In this course, Prescott College students who are also studying to be teachers learn by teaching environmental science and social justice to middle school students at the Santa Fe Girls School in New Mexico. Education Faculty member Anita Fernandez served as Rosie’s Senior Project mentor. A self–reported “life-long educator,” Ellie chose the project as a way to apply what she knows about teaching and learning. Every education class she has taken at Prescott College has been “academically intensive and personally challenging,” she noted, including travel to South America, Norway, and local travels within Arizona. Another big inspiration has been the “tough and engaging” conversations between classmates. “You come out of it excited and loving life, but it’s hard, for sure,” she said. Rosie also drafted an official memorandum of understanding that proposes the education project to the Girls School, which her mother founded a decade ago.


Miller Valley Middle School students, 2006


Prescott Creeks and Watershed: A Riparian Sense of Place Curriculum Doug Hulmes’ Environmental Education class opens the eyes of urban students – and Prescott College student teachers – to the teaching power of nature Each spring for nearly three decades, Doug Hulmes and a handful of Prescott College environmental education teachers-in-training have hiked creeks, planted trees, gathered bugs, and learned to see nature from the eyes of fifth graders at Prescott’s Miller Valley Elementary School. The fifth graders rotate through activities that focus on riparian and forest ecology and experience sleep-away camp, many for the first time. The program activities include a visit to Sundog Ranch Sewage Treatment Plant for a tour and the perennially favorite skit, “Gross Encounters of the Turd Kind,” exploration in local creeks and Watson Woods Riparian Reserve, planting Arizona walnut trees, and best of all for many students, the three-day trip to Mingus Springs Camp which, according to participating teachers from Miller Valley, students talk about for years afterward. For recent Prescott College Teacher Ed graduate Brian Wallace ’06 M.A. ’08, the program drove home the value of hands on, immersion learning. “Environmental education is not just teaching concepts on natural sciences. It is building relationships with students and watching them build relationships with nature. Specifically, the fifth-grade students at Miller Valley Elementary School have the opportunity to explore and interact with the environment they live in,” he said. Miller Valley teachers enthusiastically agree. According to teachers, the program supports state standards in a variety of subject areas, including science, social studies, history, and language arts, but more importantly, it opens doors to nature. “The students are helped to understand that the preservation of our creeks and riparian habitats someday will fall upon their shoulders. When our fifth graders witness the knowledge and passion Doug and his students bring to their lessons, the impact is deep and long lasting, which is the ultimate goal,” reads a recent letter from participating educators. “When our Miller Valley alumni come back to visit, their first question is always about the Environmental Education Program. We fifth-grade teach-

ers can attest to the powerful significance this program has had on the lives of our students. We hope the partnership continues for many years to come.” “For me, environmental education is the compassionate teaching of ecology. It is the recognition of our spiritual and ethical relationship to the Earth in addition to our scientific understanding. It is also a responsibility that has been handed down to us from some of our wisest ancestors,” explains program coordinator Hulmes. “A curriculum designed around the Prescott Creeks watershed not only covers the scientific fields of the water cycle, local ecology, and natural history; it allows students to discover how they interact with these systems on a daily basis. “For eight weeks, teachers and students are immersed (both figuratively and literally) in ideas, activities, and places that catalyze personal growth, group building, and positive experience in nature. The result is not a drastically changed mind, it is a curious individual. It’s a fifth-grade student at Miller Valley Elementary School that understands their everyday actions are really interactions. Environmental education is planting a seed of environmental consciousness in a young person and allowing them the opportunity to grow with it.” According to Doug, environmental educators must continually strive to see, feel, and teach about interrelationships: “ They must have a solid understanding of ecological concepts as they relate to the natural and human world, a broad understanding of history and the ecological effects that our species has had on the Earth. Environmental educators should be familiar with the literature and philosophies concerning humans’ relationship to the natural world. They should also have some political and economic understanding in order to teach about relationships between our technological society and the global environment ... and exemplify responsible and informed involvement.”



Mad, Mad Science Educator Josh Traeger ’97 and wife Kate use hands-on and sometimes wacky methods to make science fun When Josh Traeger and his wife, Kate, want to get kids excited about science, they bring reinforcements – their Mad Science alter egos. “Jackrabbit Josh” and “Cosmic Kate” offer extracurricular science programming to local elementary schools in the form of science shows, special events, summer camps, and after school programs. As owners of the Mad Science franchise in Southern Vermont and Western New Hampshire, the two are after that “aha! moment” when students discover that science is not only interesting, but also a lot of fun. “A lot of the schools we work with have great teachers, but they aren’t necessarily science teachers. So they might ask us to come in with a Mad Science workshop to kick off their geology unit with a bunch of exciting, hands-on activities that grab the students’ interest in the topic. Our goal is to spark their imagination. We know we have done our job when we hear enthusiastic parents tell us about how their kids talked about our science topic at the dinner table,” Josh explains. One of the highly trained instructors on the Traeger’s staff will show up at a school, library, or recreation center as an enthusiastic Mad Scientist to present exciting classes and shows on topics ranging from rocketry to forensic science to magnets, polymers, and even the science of toys. “It’s been a ton of work personally to be business partners and still be excited to see each other at the end of the day,” Josh says about working with Kate, “but it’s worth it. Seeing that spark in kids’ eyes when they get it … hearing back from a principal saying that she had a group of girls not interested in science, but after Cosmic Kate came to school, now they want to be scientists.” Josh came by this business of educating early, via his Prescott College Competence in Ecology with a Breadth in Education and a desire to “combine the outdoors with a career.” It is not surprising that he pursued a path in outdoor education. For his Senior Project he designed an environmental education program focused on skiing, a type of “value-added” ecology education experience for resort patrons. 78

“I thought I’d end up selling it to all these ski resorts and I’d have this nonprofit, traveling all over the country in my RV,” Josh says with a laugh. Only one ski area called him back, and it never panned out. After graduating, Josh worked as a park ranger at Redwood National Park, an outdoor education/naturalist instructor for several organizations in the West and Pacific Northwest including Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, San Joaquin Outdoor Education Center, and Clem Miller Environmental Education Center. It was during these nomadic times he found a kindred spirit in his wife Kate, who had been doing the same thing on her own. After eight years of moving around they decided it was time to set down roots. “After PC I had all these jobs that didn’t pay much. I thought, man, I’ll make the big bucks and become a classroom teacher,” Josh says. “It was probably the hardest job I’ve ever done.” After completing teacher certification at Antioch New England Grad School, he taught 5th and 6th grade at The Greenfield Center School in Massachusetts for three years. “Kate and I fell in love with the small town communities in New England – and of course all the hiking, canoeing and skiing. The sense of community was something we didn’t have in California. It felt like we had found home.” As a classroom teacher Josh struggled with “how to stop prepping.” “Kate would want to go out at night, I’d say no and end up falling asleep working on the couch around six in the evening anyway,” he explains. When he learned about the Mad Science franchise, Josh jumped at the opportunity to continue living his passion, while working for himself on his own terms, on his own time. “The idea of having our own business was about the ability to continue to teach kids while trying to have a sustainable income and still be able to go for a hike or take the dog for a swim during the day. We’re just as busy as when I was a classroom teacher, but there’s room to breathe. “Before Prescott College I really embodied the ‘shred and wreck’ mentality: living large and having a good time outside. Then throughout the progression of my time at Prescott and through other experiences in my life, I gained perspective, figuring out I can give something back in a positive way, through teaching,” Josh says. “If you can get kids excited about the natural world and their environment, they’ll care about it and for it later in life.”


K-12 Educational Partnerships Experience teaches best.

The Education Program enlivens this principle through “early and often” immersion in partnership schools. Prescott College students who have an interest in Teacher Certification, Environmental Education, or Social Justice Education gain invaluable experience working directly with K-12 students in well-designed and coordinated field experiences. These partnerships enhance the Education Program at Prescott College and provide handson training for future teachers. Among the schools Prescott College students work with are traditional public schools, charter schools and Expeditionary Learning Schools (www.elschools.org). Some highlights of these partnerships: • The Education Program at Prescott College is currently the only higher education institution offering an emphasis area in Expeditionary Learning (www.elschools.org). • Education students work collaboratively with schools throughout the Southwest including the Paulo Freire Freedom School (www.paulofreireschool.org), Mexicaytol Academy

(www.mexicayotlacademy.com), Santa Fe Girls School (www.santafegirlsschool.org/) and Eagle Rock School (www.eaglerockschool.org). • Environmental Education students work with a variety of schools implementing environmental education curriculum in schools such as Miller Valley Elementary (http://www.prescottschools.com/mv/), Coyote Springs School (www.humboldtunified.com/cses) and Skyview School (www.skyviewschool.org). • Teacher certification students are placed in our local schools including Prescott Unified School District schools (www.prescottschools.com), Humboldt Unified School District schools (www.humboldtunified.com) and Chino Valley School District schools (www.cvsd.k12.az.us/). Additionally, students have the flexibility to complete their student teaching in schools around the country and abroad. Recent graduates have student taught in New York City, Chicago, St. Lucia and Japan.


Environmental Studies

Independent Study, Environmental Policy and Practice, China, 2008


Environmental Studies The aim of the Environmental Studies Program is to develop compassionate, informed, and responsible citizens who are prepared to offer constructive solutions to environmental problems and to help heal relationships between people and nature. The program advances understanding across many disciplines, including the biological, physical and social sciences, and the humanities. Students use these insights to illuminate the interrelationships between the human and non-human realms. The program also teaches specific skills in critical thinking, field and laboratory methods, and oral and written communication. Students develop a philosophical and ethical understanding of human–nature interactions and relationships and apply their knowledge to “real-world” situations as they prepare for further education and meaningful employment. The Environmental Studies Program is dedicated to education in the natural systems and processes of the Earth and the role of humans who both depend on and influence these systems and processes. There are nine emphasis areas, although students are welcome to pursue a broad course of study across the discipline or devise their own emphasis. Ecological literacy is an essential part of the foundation on which any Environmental Studies competence is built, and it is a critical foundation for all studies at Prescott College. This literacy is the understanding of interrelatedness of all life – human and non-human – from evolutionary and ecological perspectives as well as from historical, political, and cultural perspectives. By its very nature, ecological literacy demands expansive, synthetic inquiry rather than narrow specialization – a search for connections and wholes, rather than isolated parts. Ecology weaves together the earth and life sciences and provides a vocabulary for many of the concepts students address in studies of human society and human nature. Taking courses is only one way to develop literacy. Students are expected to continue developing ecological literacy through activities inside and outside of the classroom. Direct experience with nature, informed by reading and discussion, enhances ecological literacy. The Environmental Studies Program graduates students in the following emphasis areas: • Agroecology • Conservation Biology • Earth Science • Ecological Design • Environmental Education

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Environmental Policy Human Ecology Marine Studies Natural History and Ecology (includes researchbased field biology and field ecology as well as interpretation) • Student-Directed Emphases – Examples: • Adventure-Based Environmental Studies • Botany • Environmental Conservation • Ethnobotany • Wildlife Conservation • Zoology

Bridging Environmental Studies with Other Program Areas Students can consider formulating competences that bridge Environmental Studies with other realms of study. In some cases, formalized bridges have been developed (Environmental Studies and Adventure Education); in others it is up to the student and the Individual Graduation Committee to develop a coherent, meaningful program. For example, students often bridge Environmental Studies and Cultural and Regional Studies (perhaps by studying the natural and cultural characteristics of a particular country 81

or region) or Arts & Letters (perhaps by interpreting landscapes with art, photography, or writing).

Agroecology Emphasis A cross-disciplinary field that has emerged over the last 20 years to bridge the study of agriculture with ecology, Agroecology is based in the natural sciences. It is a field that lends itself to cross-disciplinary studies, especially in integrative studies such as ecological economics and environmental politics. Students interested in agroecology have the opportunity to enroll in the summer session, which is based at the College’s Jenner Farms, about 20 miles from Prescott. The curriculum of the summer semester is designed to explore ways in which conventional agriculture can become resource efficient and sustainable. It challenges the assumptions underlying conventional or smallscale agriculture by designing systems that fundamentally mimic the natural systems of a particular region.

Conservation Biology Emphasis Conservation Biology is an interdisciplinary field that developed rapidly to respond to a global crisis confronting biological diversity. Practitioners of conservation biology attempt to guide society toward the preservation of organisms, landscapes, ecological processes, and natural systems, and toward sustainable management of environmental and evolutionary resources. Firmly grounded in the natural sciences, this emphasis area draws upon ethics, history, economics, political science, and other human studies. Students in this field become competent to conduct relevant research, make balanced value judgments, and take effective action on behalf of the environment.

Earth Science Emphasis Earth Science focuses on study of the physical aspects of the natural environment. Students explore the geologic processes that shape the Earth, the atmospheric and oceanic processes that govern global and local climate, and the hydrological processes that cycle water around the globe. Earth science examines environmental processes on a range of time scales, from the fractions of a second required for rapid chemical transformations to the billions of years in which the solid Earth has evolved. By learning about the history of the Earth’s development, students gain a valuable new context that helps them understand the behavior of the Earth as a system. The study of the Earth as a system emphasizes the interactions between the physical world and the biosphere, including the effects the physical environment has on human society and the impacts human society has wrought upon the physical world.

Ecological Design Emphasis The Ecological Design curriculum integrates knowledge and skills from a wide variety of natural and social sciences and the humanities. Students learn to visualize, develop, and share their ideas through coursework in visual 82

arts and aesthetics, communication, and design. More focused topics in energy, alternative building materials, and sustainable practices provide students with the opportunity to gain a depth of knowledge and experience. Students are encouraged to integrate hands-on experiences with coursework throughout the program. Students progressing through this program are prepared for the practical application of their skills during their junior or senior year at the ECOSA Institute, a local, semester-long sustainable design program where students use their knowledge and skills in working with real clients, challenges, and time constraints. Seniors follow this practicum with their Senior Project, which is the capstone demonstration of their competence in Ecological Design. Graduates in the field of Ecological Design may enter a graduate program in architecture, open their own design business, or work as a consultant or specialist with any business, organization, or government entity that wants to adopt sustainable practices. Ecological designers work in the fields of industrial ecology, architectural design, and city planning, to name a few fields.

Environmental Education Emphasis (See page 70) Environmental Policy Emphasis Environmental Policy challenges students to create a broad, integrated understanding of the Earth’s environment, the problems (such as climate change and groundwater pollution) it faces, and the responses of social systems to these challenges. This understanding is used as the basis for action. The disciplines of law, economics, and the social and natural sciences play key roles in this field. Direct involvement in the process is pivotal to creating a meaningful understanding of these complex systems. Students are expected to do significant work in the field. There are many internship opportunities in environmental policy that can serve as the basis for Independent Studies or Senior Projects.

Human Ecology Emphasis Human Ecology has its theoretical foundation in ecological anthropology, which studies human adaptations to the natural and social world through the processes of evolution, physiology, individual behavior, and culture. It grapples with understanding the human role within ecosystems in the past, present, and future. Theories in human ecology inform applied disciplines such as conservation biology, policy and management, agroecology, ecological design, and ecological economics. Students have opportunities to explore ways in which humans interact with their surroundings, through ethnobotany, human health and wellness, and ecopsychology. Students are challenged to evaluate their values and actions as they strive to create a more sustainable future.

Marine Studies Emphasis Marine Studies focuses on ecology of the marine environment (physical and biological oceanography) and the



relationships between humans and the marine environment. Students have a foundation in life sciences, physical sciences, human ecology, conservation and resource management, and a broad scope of courses in literature, politics, economics, and humanities. Many courses take place at the College’s Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies in Bahía de Kino in the state of Sonora, Mexico. The Center is in the Sonoran Desert on the coast of the Midriff Island region of the Gulf of California. The area is rich in marine habitats, seabirds, marine mammals, fish, mangrove estuaries, and coastal flora and fauna. Students explore marine environments, study human interactions with the sea, and participate in marine conservation research projects.

Environmental Conservation Emphasis Biodiversity, sustainability, and ecosystem management with a focus on preserving and conserving natural resources form the framework of this emphasis. Within those parameters, students explore sustainable living techniques, applied methods of conservation management, organic agriculture, forestry management, ecology, evolution, ethnobotany, and ecological design. Ethnobotany Emphasis Relationships between humans and plants are the focus of this emphasis. Students study ecology, life sciences, botany, ethnobiology, horticulture, cultural studies, and hydroponics. They may also explore traditional medicine and use of herbs as a means of understanding sustainable, healthy alternatives to pharmaceutical and industrial medicine.

Natural History and Ecology Emphasis This emphasis area focuses on courses in the natural and physical sciences, ecological theory, and ethics and policy. Courses include a broad spectrum of ecology, applied ecology (management and policy), conservation biology, and environmental ethics. Students generally take two different paths in the Natural History and Ecology emphases. Some become naturalists who observe and interpret particular organisms and landscapes. Others emphasize quantitative research methods, including geographic information sciences (GIS), statistics, and analytic field methods and mathematics to become field biologists or ecologists who build upon natural history using scientific methodology.

Field Biology Emphasis Through the study of living organisms – their structure, function, growth, evolution and distribution – students develop foundations in biology, ecology, conservation, natural history, statistics, evolution, climate, and environmental ethics to gain understanding of life, diversity, and relationships between organic entities. Field Ecology Emphasis Studies include field methodology, ecological theory, practical skills, conservation biology, wildlife management, geology, biology, taxonomy, biogeography, and statistics. The work takes place in habitats of relevant organisms, using the scientific method, hypothesis formation, experimental design, data collection, and analysis.

Student-Directed Emphasis Examples Adventure-Based Environmental Studies Emphasis Students venture into a variety of landscapes and gain knowledge to understand and interpret wilderness. They study natural history, ecology, geology, leadership methods, and counseling approaches, a variety of perspectives on the human relationship with nature. Botany Emphasis Students investigate aspects of plant life, including physiological, evolutionary, systematic, and biological aspects of flora. They view information, conduct fieldwork, and share ideas. Study includes biology, ecology, geology, mathematical modeling, and conservation biology development.

Wildlife Conservation Emphasis Students focus on issues concerning human relationships to land, resources, and wildlife and address the development of this partnership over time. Cultural studies, ecology, land management, conservation sciences, biology, and animal taxonomy are topics of exploration. Zoology Emphasis Students examine animal life, its origins, characteristics, life processes, behavior, evolution, and relationships with other organisms on the cellular level and in large populations. Studies cover ecology, natural history, and evolutionary biology and include field work.


Marine Biology, Sea of Cortez, 2008


Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies The Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies is Prescott College’s field station on the Sonoran shores of the Midriff Island Region of the Sea of Cortez. The region boasts incredibly rich, diverse and unique desert, marine, and island ecosystems all of which are inextricably interwoven with the interesting and complex cultural landscape. documenting seabird nesting activity, quantifying the impacts of shrimp trawler bycatch mortality, and creating GIS maps for an island management plan. The Kino Bay Center’s longstanding relationships with both the rural Mexican fishing village of Bahía de Kino and the indigenous Kunkaak village of Punta Chueca facilitate the inclusion of intercultural perspectives in many of the Center’s classes and activities. Created in 1991, the Kino Bay Center’s Mission is: 1. Education: To provide high quality undergraduate educational opportunities for hands-on field studies; 2. Research/ Conservation: To support, conduct and promote research and conservation in the Midriff Island Region; 3. Outreach/Capacity Building: To facilitate outreach programs for local communities. The Kino Bay Center is a field station and a livinglearning campus that accommodates up to 30 students and researchers throughout the school year. The Center’s facilities include living accommodations, library, classroom, boats, and field and basic lab equipment. Classes based at the Kino Bay Center include courses in Marine Biology, Marine Conservation, Natural History, Research Methods, Latin American Studies, SCUBA, Sea Kayaking, Adventure Education, and Cultural Ecology. Classroom and lab-based activities at the Center become more impactful when followed-up with field outings that include snorkeling with sea lions or taking data on marine mammal sightings. In addition to hosting classes the Kino Bay Center runs a Research and Conservation Program (RCP) through which it conducts and supports a wide variety of primary science and conservation projects. Through the RCP students have outstanding opportunities to conduct independent studies and Senior Projects and to become involved with long-term conservation and research projects done in cooperation with Mexican institutions. Recent students have made truly significant contributions to science and conservation by

The Kino Bay Center’s Environmental Education Program (EEP) reaches hundreds of local school children in the fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. Through the EEP the Center contributes to building local capacity for long term sustainable use of fisheries resources in the area. The Center is a member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS), an international network of hundreds of field stations located primarily in North and Central America. The Kino Bay Center is operated by Prescott College with support from the National Science Foundation and a handful of private foundations. 85

Barbara McClintock Garden


Jenner Farm and Prescott College Gardens At Jenner Farm, Prescott College’s experimental farm 20 miles southwest of campus in the fertile floodplain of the Hassayampa River, students carry out research and learn the principles of agroecology. In addition to farm-scale studies at Jenner, numerous garden plots on campus sprout a wide variety of crop and cover plants under the care of students in agroecology and plant breeding courses. Other plots provide produce for the College’s Crossroads Café and serve as demonstration gardens for the community. Public art and sitespecific performance classes also use the gardens for public performance and display of sculptures. Adjacent to the Café, large-scale experimental composting stations tended by students and fed with Café refuse complete the cycle of food production. At all farm and garden sites, students are always asking the question: How can we develop ecologically sustainable agriculture that’s also economically viable? In addressing this question, students experiment with watersaving irrigation technologies, regionally adapted crops, specialty crops, and fertility-generating rotations. Using the College’s farm and garden facilities, students have the opportunity to: • Design and carry out independent studies, research, and Senior Projects in sustainable agriculture, restoration ecology, environmental education, and art • Actualize projects, such as urban water catchments or the development of a Community Supported Agriculture co-op organized and run by students • Put theoretical study into practice • Contribute to the growing study of alternative farming practices • Contribute to preserving and propagating native Southwestern plants • Revisit the question of agriculture in the arid Southwest through research-based and demonstration-based education. By discovering new ways and rediscovering traditional ways of growing food, Prescott College students are joining innovative local farmers, school children, 4-H clubs, and home gardeners in the revitalization of agriculture in the Arizona highlands and across rural America. 87


Student Blogs Alumni Homecoming Brendan Buzzard ’06 returns to a drought-stricken Africa to work for sustainable change


Viva La Vida! Ah, Bahía de Kino. The ultimate college student destination … but not for the reasons you may be thinking. No, this isn’t a blog about a drunken experience in Mexico. I’m not talking about something you might see on an MTV spring break special. I’m talking about something else entirely. I’m talking about a journey – an educational journey, an awe-inspiring journey, a journey in Coastal Ecology during Winter Block 2010 at the Prescott College research station in Kino Bay. Let me break it down. Standing knee-deep in frigid, voracious, foot-sucking mud at 7:30 a.m. in the morning may not sound like an incredible experience. But some days, that’s the best time to see the shorebirds come out to feed. If you're lucky enough, you'll see something rare ... like a roseate spoonbill, a wading bird related to the pink flamingo. You don't see this kind of thing everyday (... unless you do, in which case, I am INCREDIBLY jealous!) We'd take trips into the field like this on a daily basis – sometimes leaving at the crack of dawn and not returning to the field station until the sun went down. On days off, we would hike, paddleboard, snorkel, swim, go into town, hunt for tamales, or work on our tan. It's a quiet little town, unlike major "college-kid" destinations (Tiajuana, Cabo, the like), but it's perfect for Prescott College. I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had chosen a school other than PC: Would I be standing on a beach doing a study on pelicans? Or, as I suspect, would I be sitting in a lecture hall with dozens of my peers listening to a lecture on feeding habits – instead of actually observing them? For the adventure-minded student, the experiential learner, or the inquisitive type, Prescott College offers its students the opportunity to venture out into the field and get a realistic idea of the diversity of the natural world! – SYDNIE BONIN 88

It’s a long way from Prescott to the Samburu District in Kenya, Africa, but the two have something in common: arid, hot climates. The difference is that continued drought has made Samburu too arid, too hot, and the climate that once nurtured its people is now killing their cattle – and their way of life. Brendan Buzzard ’06 is there to help and to document these severe changes. “In this part of Kenya, livestock have formed the relationship between people and the land for over 4,000 years,” the Environmental Studies grad wrote. “The current drought is challenging this livelihood’s future.”

As their cattle die, these traditional pastoralists must move to urban areas for low-wage work – if they can get it. Because historically, the land, people, and wildlife have been woven together into a sustainable pastoralism, it’s impossible to address one without impacting the others. It takes innovative thought to not only understand these relationships, but also to find practical solutions. “Since graduating, I have been focusing on the links between biodiversity conservation, human integrity, and sustainable decision-making,” Brendan said. “My current work is entirely self-designed, obtaining grants and various sorts of funding to address the needs I see around me. Such a broad-based approach is a direct result of his studies at Prescott College. “The structure of this style of education teaches selfreliance, problem solving, and the fluidity required to contend with challenges and success,” Brendan said. “This was the most meaningful part of my education at Prescott.”


Sher Shah

Walnut Creek Station ECOSA Institute for Educational Research The Walnut Creek Center for Education and Research is a collaborative partnership among Prescott College, Yavapai College, Northern Arizona University, and the Prescott National Forest.

The ECOSA Institute, located near our Prescott Campus, was founded in the belief that design based on nature is critical to the search for a new design philosophy.

Each partner contributes funding to maintain the 250acre site, which hosts projects, classes, meetings, and other functions. As many as three classes per week take advantage of the station for field trips, including such courses as Ecopsychology, Interpreting Nature through Art and Photography, Geographical Information Systems, Drawing and Painting the Southwestern Landscape, Aboriginal Living Skills, Wildlife Management, and Riparian Restoration. The Walnut Creek Station has also hosted long- and short-term research projects such as a Hantavirus Longitudinal Study funded by the Centers for Disease Control, an Arenavirus Distribution Study funded by the National Institutes of Health, an Arizona Department of Water Resources inventory and monitoring study grant, and the Rattlesnake Radio Telemetry Project. Many students conduct independent studies at the station.

Such strategies are critical to the future survival of our species and are indispensable in creating a sustainable future. The design of human environments has always had a pervasive impact on human societies and the natural systems in which we are participants. ECOSA views design as a transformative profession; in other words, the environments we create change the way our society perceives the world. The one-semester program at ECOSA that is offered to Prescott College students provides more comprehensive green-building knowledge than traditional architecture programs. ECOSA Institute Programs are accredited through Prescott College.




Restoration Ecology Endless reports of environmental catastrophes can have a paralyzing effect on people who want to make a difference. But Dr. Joel Barnes ’81 and his Restoration Ecology students choose to view large-scale environmental challenges as a call to renew degraded, damaged, and destroyed ecosystems through active intervention. Doing so, said Dr. Barnes, allows students to take concepts they’ve learned in the classroom out into the real world. “We take in students who have taken other ecology classes and teach them how to apply what they learned in the context of restoration,” said Barnes, who has been teaching this course for the last six years. Dr. Barnes takes his students on field trips every Friday to get hands-on experience restoring ecosystems. Field projects include invasive tamarisk removal, water quality testing with Prescott Creeks, and natural spring restoration. “We approach restoration from a watershed context,” Dr. Barnes said. “The focus is on the interface of human systems and the larger natural systems in which they’re nestled.” Ecologists traditionally use historic conditions as benchmarks for restoration, but the objective is not recreating the past. “We use history as a guide to help damaged ecosystems return to a proper ecological trajectory. Restoration is as much about restoring ecological processes to restore diversity as it is protecting the diversity itself.” One tool students gain from this course is the ability to assess the success of a restoration project. Each student picks an ecosystem somewhere on the planet and researches a past or current restoration project, applying assessments according to expert-developed criteria. “Students share this at the end of the semester through presentations,” Dr. Barnes said, “and we all learn a great deal.” One student, Susie Bragg ’12, an environmental studies major, offered a critical presentation on the New Jordan River Permaculture Project on the Dead Sea. Susie said that there has been a movement on the Dead Sea to re-green the desert, but she adds that the word “restore” is “iffy.” In addition to presentations and hands-on work, students learn through producing interdisciplinary reflections, essays, and papers. Barnes said learning about restoration from a liberal arts perspective is biological and physical at the core, but also cultural, social, experiential, and ecopsychological.

“The ecopsychological part of restoration is important,” Dr. Barnes said. “Even if the project fails, the relationships formed between the people involved and the land being restored is a healing process.”


Stream Ecology, Verde River, Arizona, 2008



Stream Ecology Students Perform Original Research Twelve students in Dr. Angela Moline’s Stream Ecology class undertook independent research projects on the upper Verde River near Paulden, Ariz., this past Spring, making some surprising finds and laying groundwork for further research. “We were surprised to find lower insect diversity than we expected,” noted Dr. Moline. The class found very few species of mayflies or caddisflies, which may have been due to the limited area sampled. Mayflies and caddisflies are of special interest to stream ecologists because they are not highly pollution tolerant. An abundance can signify a pristine stream ecosystem. The group was also surprised to learn that the fish population has been declining rapidly. “A fish survey in 1994 found over 3000 Sonoran suckers and desert suckers. A similar survey in 2004 found just over 100 individuals of these two species. The decline in the fish population on the Verde River has been drastic,” she said. Similar declines are being observed in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Students collected and identified seven species of fish: native Sonoran sucker, desert sucker, gila chub, and the non-native largemouth bass, red shiner, common carp, and green sunfish. Students also encountered non-native bullfrogs and crayfish. The student scientists conducted stomach analyses of largemouth bass and found that their diet consists primarily of crayfish, which are not native to the western United States and were likely introduced by anglers who used them as bait. The densities could have been because crayfish shells do not break down during digestion like other prey species (fish and insects). Heidi Black ’09 examined the relationship between the Shannon-Wiener Diversity of the insect population and stream flow (or stream discharge). Elizabeth Worcester ’09 looked at the change in insect richness at different stream sites along the length of the Verde River. Kyle Eckes ’09 and Ben Hoeschen ’10 focused their research on mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera), respectively. Other students focused their research on native and exotic fish in the upper Verde River. Zach Summit ’10 and David Sutherland ’10 worked with fisheries biologists John Rinne and Albert Silas from the US Forest Service. The fisheries research indicates that fish populations in the Verde River have declined significantly since 1995 due to low flows and the lack of floods. Jessica Roth ’10 and Amylee Thornhill ’10 found otter signs at all four sites sampled. They found that otters eat primarily crayfish in the Verde River.

Carin LeFevre ’09 and Chris Rigby ’10 studied the composition of riparian vegetation at four sites along the Verde River. The students found that the canopy varied widely from site to site, but that Velvet Ash (Fraxinus velvitina), Cottonwood (Populus fremontii), Peachleaf Willow (Salix amygdaloides), and Saltcedar (Tamarix sp) were common. Jessica Pierson ’10 looked at the combined effects of drought and groundwater pumping on three wetlands in the Verde River watershed. Jessie compared the “greenness” at Del Rio Springs, Williamson Valley Cienega, and Greenwell Slough in 1994 and 2001. She used a Geographical Information Systems database (GIS) to calculate NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) at the three sites. She found that all three sites were slightly less “green” in 2001 than in 1994. The stream ecology class sampled the Verde River almost weekly in March and April. The Nature Conservancy was very generous in granting access to the Verde River Springs for the research. Students had the opportunity to interact with scientists from The Nature Conservancy (Kim Schonek, project manager), the Center for Biological Diversity (Joanne Oellers M.A. ’08, biologist), and the US Forest Service (Dr. John Rinne and Albert Silas, both fisheries biologists). Students visited the Verde River with Ms. Oellers and Ms. Schonek. Elizabeth Worcester will continue her stream ecology project research into her Senior Project research, studying the benthic (stream bottom) invertebrate community and along the stream margins. Reduced flows in the Verde River, either through dewatering from groundwater pumping or the extended drought, could alter the insect community. Ms. Worcester hypothesizes that different insect communities live in the benthos and stream margin. Therefore, a reduction in stream flow could decrease overall insect diversity in the upper Verde River. “It is interesting that Butte Creek started running during the Winter and provided us with an immediate outdoor classroom for our discussion of sediment transport,” Noted Dr. Moline. It also provided a location to conduct a leaf decomposition experiment. “Then, on the last day of lecture for the stream ecology class Butte Creek dried up.”


Mexican shrimp trawler, Sea of Cortez, 2007



Senior Project

From Senior Project to National Policy Naomi Blinick ’09 turns a passion for all things marine into research influencing fisheries management. While teaching assistant for a Marine Studies course at the College’s Kino Bay Center, Naomi Blinick ’09 participated in ongoing sampling of bycatch from shrimp trawlers in the region. Now the Mexican government is overhauling policy on fisheries in the region, and findings from Naomi’s Senior Project research will be included in recommendations for management of the trawl shrimp industry in the region. “In the beginning Lorayne Meltzer mentioned the possibility of writing a paper to publish or submit for consideration to management decisions, and now that paper is already done and being used to create policy,” Naomi noted. “Trawling is the most destructive fishing method in the world, causing habitat damage and changes to ecological communities. It captures everything on the bottom, resulting in huge amounts of bycatch – any catch that in unused or unmanaged. Every night, thousands of kilos of fish end up dead and discarded overboard in the Kino Bay region, including sharks, rays, flatfish, even seahorses, many of which are juveniles and never reproduce.” Naomi explored impacts of removing a large amount of biomass, especially juveniles, from the ecosystem, creating a database of life history information of the most important species in terms of local commercial value to the smallscale fisheries in Kino Bay. “Fishing is a huge part of the cultural identity in Kino, and in the last several years, the local community has begun to take ownership over the health of their fishing grounds, participating in management decisions for the creation of protected areas and training as scientific divers to monitor commercially important organisms. The US market for shrimp has encouraged industry growth in Mexico despite impacts on small-scale fishers – one of the most sensitive and controversial issues of shrimp trawler bycatch. In the Gulf, these fisheries are characterized by the use of small, open skiffs called pangas, using a variety of fishing gears to opportunistically target whatever is abundant at the time. In Kino Bay, small-scale fisheries

support the local economy almost entirely with approximately 125 pangas, which target sharks, rays, mackerel, mullet, crabs, flatfish, scallops, shrimp, lobster, and octopus, among others. “Millions of dollars have been committed to developing sustainable, small-scale fisheries initiatives in the Gulf. Addressing the trawler bycatch issue, which is presumed to be an underlying cause of stock declines, is necessary to achieve sustainability for the small-scale fisheries,” she asserts. Naomi focused on the overlap between species appearing as by-catch and those of economic importance for local small-scale fishermen. In addition to finding seven species protected by the Mexican endangered species law, the IUCN Redlist, or CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species), Naomi determined that the bycatch mortality of juvenile sharks and rays, which are particularly sensitive to large-scale extraction, is a direct threat to both fish populations and small-scale fishing communities. Bycatch is a global issue in nearly every fishery, and highest in shrimp trawling, averaging 62 percent worldwide, which constitutes to 27 percent of global fisheries discards, approximately 1.8 million tons annually. Over five years of monitoring, Prescott College documented 151 different species in shrimp trawler bycatch, with an average rate 79.4 percent, almost 20 percent higher than the global average. “Each boat averages approximately three tons of bycatch per night. In Mexico, an estimated 133,000 tons of bycatch are landed annually,” she said. Shrimp is the most important Mexican seafood export in terms of value and employment, driven largely by market demand from the US. Although the majority is exported to the US, Mexico only accounts for 7 percent of the 1.2 billion pounds of shrimp imported by the US in 2007. US demand for shrimp not only fuels the Mexican but many other trawl shrimp industries worldwide, all of which produce bycatch and have varying degrees of regulation and enforcement. Naomi feels this is a “great example of the culminating Senior Project, combining research skills and scientific knowledge to applied conservation. This project comes at a key time to support Mexican fisheries management in accordance with global bycatch reduction initiatives.”


Faculty Profile

Feeding the World Without Warming the Planet Dr. Tim Crews contributes to a major paper designed to spur international policy changes, bring agriculture and the environment into greater balance The ability to replenish soil, a major contributing factor to the Agricultural Green Revolution of the past 60 or so years, has made it possible to feed billions of people – a feat that would have been impossible in centuries past.

But current approaches to nutrient enrichment are incurring environmental costs, including significant contributions to global warming. Policymakers across the globe should carefully examine these approaches and regulate them. That is one conclusion of a coalition of scientists including Dr. Tim Crews, head of the Prescott Agroecology Program, published in the June 19, 2009, issue of Science. “Nutrient Imbalances in Agricultural Development” summarizes research examining nitrogen and phosphorus movement into and out of farms in Sub-Saharan Africa, China and the United States. While nutrient inputs are “inadequate to maintain soil fertility in parts of many developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa,” they contribute to “excessive and environmentally damaging surpluses in many developed and rapidly growing economies,” like China and the US, the article asserts, where regional and national policies contribute to these patterns of use, and the environmental consequences. Harvested crops remove crucial nutrients – nitrogen and phosphorus, in particular – from soils, with fertilizer the major pathway of replenishing these nutrients worldwide. In 96

Africa, nutrient replenishment is inadequate, in a cycle of increased soil depletion and a situation where 250 million people are chronically malnourished. In developed nations like China and the United States, much of those nutrients end up in unintended places, including waterways, oceans, and the atmosphere. The authors argue for increased nutrient supplementation in places like Africa and further research into nutrient replenishment strategies in developed nations, paired with closer monitoring of runoffs and environmental consequences. They recommend implementing proven interventions. Changes in diets of livestock, improved timing and placement of the nutrients in replenishment regimes, and the preservation and restoration of riparian vegetation strips are necessary short-term remediations, but authors stress the need for “bolder efforts” to redesign agriculture, citing the use of perennials in cropping systems (a long-term research interest of Dr. Crews). “More generally, policies supporting nutrient additions should be targeted toward food security objectives early in agricultural development, but those systems should be monitored for changes in soil quality and nutrient losses as well as for yields,” the authors conclude. “As food security is approached, more attention should be paid to other outputs of agricultural systems – their effects on air and water, on biological diversity, on human health and well-being – and to the ecological and agronomic processes that control them.” Dr. Crews asserts that “this study underscores some challenges we face that are only going to become more severe as the human population continues to grow, and people in rapidly growing economies like China increase their meat consumption. “There are many short-term improvements that policy makers can encourage and farmers can adopt that will improve the efficiency of fertilizer use. In the long term, however, I believe we will need to make some very significant changes in how we grow food, and what kinds of diets we expect, if we are going to maintain adequate yields and safeguard ecosystem services of clean water, a stable climate, biodiversity, and sustainable agricultural productivity.”


Alumni Understanding Water in the High Desert Aryn LaBrake ’09 helps Larry Stevens ’74 to conduct groundbreaking research on springs along the Mogollon Rim In the desert Southwest, where scarce water percolates out of the ground, seeps out of canyon walls, and collects in hidden tinajas, it frequently takes on a sacred quality for the cultures dwelling there. But despite the historical, cultural, and ecological significance of desert springs, Aryn LaBrake ’09 discovered that there was little research on springs in Arizona, and that a consistent data collection system for springs in general had only recently come into existence. Using her Senior Project as an opportunity to get involved in real-world ecological research, Aryn worked under fellow alumnus Larry Stevens ’74, an entomologist at the Museum of Northern Arizona and a river guide. Together, they worked from May through September 2009 to compile a database of desert springs. As a self-described systems person when it comes to the environmental sciences, Aryn felt drawn to the type of research that seeks to interpret ecological data on a systematic level. Aryn said her studies at Prescott College were key in helping her cultivate and develop this systems approach to the study of nature conservation. Because she understood humans are a crucial component of ecosystems, Aryn was pleased Larry’s approach to springs analysis included taking ethno-ecological data on the cultural significance, sacredness, and native cultural views of a given spring. In addition to collecting field data for Larry on the Mogollon rim, Aryn also designed and conducted a related research project of her own design, comparing the richness of vascular plant species at spring and nonspring sites. As is often the case in scientific research, the results were not what she expected. The data she collected did not show a greater species richness at spring locations, thought it did clearly show a difference between plant communities at the spring sites and at the non-spring sites. Plant communities at springs, she discovered, were more likely to be native plants, whereas the non-spring plant communities had more non-native species. "It was kind of an eye-opener," she said. "But this is how real science is – you're not always going to find the data you want." Aryn said the pair collected many pages of data.

“You basically write down every single plant and animal you see," she said.

Aryn also completed dozens of detailed illustrations to fulfill her breadth in Visual Arts. "I couldn't easily identify some of these plants until drawing them, so my sketchbook was a great help," she said. “We found plants that you just don't find in Arizona otherwise; they are native to Colorado or another place. That was kind of mind-blowing to me." Despite their importance, Aryn notes that "there is still very little research on desert springs, even though they are big indicators of the health of our water system ... if people are interested in springs, there's much to be done. Aquifers are drying up and springs can serve as a portal to understanding why. Larry Stevens, in many ways, is breaking through that research barrier. It was an honor to work with him."


Alumni Designing for Sustainability

Student Profile

What started for Sher Shah Khan ’09 as Senior Project has grown into a full-time pursuit

Isaac Sullivan-Leshin ’10 shares his knowledge of Southwest water struggles with fellow students

For his senior project, Sher Shah Khan’09 started out designing a sustainable house for a site on Old Senator Highway south of Prescott, on a four-acre, unimproved hillside lot without city utilities. During a consultation on the preliminary design with local architect and sustainability expert Michael Frerking, Michael proposed an alternative project that the two could complete together. Working with Frerking as a mentor, Sher Shah set about creating the bones of Prieta Vista: a 22-unit clustered townhouse green community. The pair then put together a team of professionals to work on the project, including fellow Prescott College alumnus and green realtor Rob Israel ’96 and Wil Orr, who directs the College’s Global Change and Sustainability Institute. The team’s vision calls for a low-energy and utility-efficient complex that makes use of passive solar features. Its buildings cluster into a small footprint that saves 80 percent of the native junipers and other onsite vegetation. But the most innovative feature, Sher Shah notes, is the use of water conservation and reuse through low-flow appliances, gray water recirculation, and water catchment, “reduc(ing) consumption by 70 to 75 percent compared to traditional standards.” If all goes according to plan, the sustainable, high-efficiency community will be a reality on Eastwood Drive southeast of Prescott’s downtown in 2012. Born in India of Afghan descent, Sher Shah said he’d like to eventually bring his building and design skills to bear in war-torn countries, especially Afghanistan. But for the time being, he said, he plans to continue working alongside Frerking long enough to see the Prieta Vista project through, and hopefully beyond. “Michael is doing what I’d like to do. The fact that this type of work touches on a lot of my natural talents for calculation and drawing and planning is a big part of it,” he said. “But the social aspect is a big part of it as well – doing the right thing. We all have to exist on this planet, and many of us do it in complete disregard to how it affects people, places, and the environment. I want to do it in a way that’s beneficial.”

Growing up in Albuquerque, Isaac Sullivan-Leshin ’10 saw firsthand the central role of water in the culture and history of the West. But it wasn’t until he worked as a river guide that his interest in the complex interrelationships of the land, people, and politics of water really started flowing. Isaac researched dams in the West and the feasibility of decommissioning them in an independent study project, coadvised by Joel Barnes ’81 and Steven Corey. He analyzed the costs and benefits of different water development projects using Glen Canyon Dam as a case study. “Although the dam is a disaster from an ecological standpoint, decommissioning … would absolutely impact the Navajo Generating Station that generates the electricity to power the Salt River Project [and] ... impact water allocations across the state of Arizona,” Isaac said. As a result of his research, Isaac began to support a “middle-ground approach,” with lower water levels in Lake Powell. This would allow Glen Canyon to re-emerge and would create regular “mock floods” to recreate a riparian ecosystem and beach system downstream, and allow the dam to continue serving as an energy source. Water policy, Isaac found, is complex. Because water is highly subsidized, people lack incentive to save it. He said he’s torn about whether people should actually be paying the real price of water, since poor people and farmers would be hit the hardest. Following his independent explorations of water policy, Isaac had the opportunity to share what he’d learned as a Teaching Assistant for the College’s Water in the West course. According to Joel Barnes, the course’s instructor, Isaac played an important role in the classroom, helping keep students safe on river trips and teaching about biological adaptations to desert conditions and water policy. As for future plans? Isaac is thinking about law school. “I really like being outside and I hope to one day find a job that … pays well, and allows me to continue to explore my passion for the outdoors, and specifically water.”


Understanding Water in the West


Divided Lands by Walt Anderson Border fencing disrupts habitats, hinders movement, and forces animal and human into harsh terrain Earlier this April, while hiking in a remote and rugged border range in southern Arizona. I witnessed two Golden Eagles in an aerial dogfight in the airspace above the canyon. As I came around a corner, still awestruck at what I had just witnessed, I found myself face to face with 20 or so would-be immigrants. Though I was armed with nothing more than binoculars and camera, fear and indecision spread across their faces. I smiled, opened my arms, and declared in Spanish, “Welcome to the United States!” The young people, all approximately between 15 and 30, passed by me on the narrow trail, each one thanking me in turn for the welcoming gesture. Each had but a small daypack – no sleeping bag, no stove, no shelter. Night was soon to be on them, windy and near freezing. These people had given up essentially everything they possessed for an uncertain journey in a treacherous landscape, risking their lives for the hope of an improved life. To avoid the wall, they had chosen to trudge through challenging mountain terrain: steep slopes, loose rock, spiny vegetation, and little water. Seeing their faces displaying fear and hope added a personal dimension to my understanding of border wall issues. The Secure Fence Act signed by George Bush in 2006 calls for 700-plus miles of border fence, with 130 miles of new fencing projected for Arizona. The wall in southern Arizona is 15 feet tall and has an associated road that itself constitutes an open space barrier for many kinds of wildlife. Sensors, lights, and cameras are also part of the package. But the wall doesn’t just hinder immigration; it hinders migration, splinters habitats, and interferes with movements of species. Border fencing is going to have significant ecological effects on some of our most treasured federal lands devoted to conservation. In Arizona, these include the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. It also affects the Tohono O’Odham Nation and the Barry M. Goldwater Range. The new wall, referred to as a “pedestrian barrier,” replaces shorter barriers that were sufficient to keep out unwanted vehicles. The vehicle barriers along the Buenos Aires NWR, only recently installed at considerable expense, are being removed and replaced by the taller fence, which constitutes a serious impediment to wildlife movements. Some segments will have powerful lights and increased Border Patrol presence, making these “corridors” unlikely to be functional for many species.

Jaguars, mountain lions, coatis, ferruginous pygmy-owls, Sonoran pronghorns, desert bighorns, and many other species will face insurmountable barriers or be forced into mountainous areas without the fencing, where conflicts with humans who are also fleeing there will be increased. Some species are currently at the northern edge of their ranges. Without gene flow into these artificially isolated northern populations, they are likely doomed. Range shifts northward in response to climate change will be prohibited, further decreasing valued biological diversity and maybe even leading to endangerment or extinction of these populations. Managers of federally protected conservation areas have tried to limit the extent of the fence in sensitive areas, only to be trumped by the Real ID Act, which gives the Department of Homeland Security immunity to ignore environmental laws. Some agencies have over-ridden decisions by on-theground managers because of political pressure at higher levels. Such patent disregard for environmental concern is particularly disconcerting, considering the questionable effectiveness of the fence for its intended purpose. A law enforcement official pointed out that the width of the bars of the new fence allows packets of drugs to be passed directly through to the other side. At 15 feet, it’s little obstacle for smugglers to toss bags of drugs directly over. The width of the bars also makes it easy to climb. I witnessed an individual clamber to the top in less than three seconds. You would think that, before such incredible expenditure, there would have been extensive testing on its effectiveness to stop people. The Arizona crossings already result in hundreds of fatalities and injuries. Desperate people looking to avoid the fence will be forced into more rugged terrain and be at even greater risk. A recent report indicated higher numbers of human fatalities along the border despite reduced apprehensions, confirming this prediction. Fence or no fence, people will continue crossing. NAFTA has had serious negative consequences for smallscale agricultural operations in Mexico, exacerbating human migratory pressures the wall was created to respond to. The wall has also driven huge wedges between our country and Mexico – hardly a step towards US “security.” Many Mexican organizations and individuals find the wall reprehensible and offensive. A title of a 2007 book resulting from conferences in Mexico to examine the impact of the wall says it all: A Barrier to our Shared Environment: The Border Fence between the United States and Mexico.




Alumni Living Field Ecology Max Goldman ’09 pursues his passion for world travel and ecological science through innovative coursework One day when Max Goldman ’09 was growing up in Tulsa, Okla., his grandmother handed him a pair of binoculars. He fell in love with the world of birds he saw through the lenses. During the fall of 2007, in the course Field Biology Studies: Colorado Plateau, faculty member Lisa FloydHanna introduced him to her passion for fire ecology. It wasn’t surprising, then, that when it came time to create a week-long research project in Mesa Verde National Park as part of the class, he combined his love of birding with a study of fire ecology. With Dr. Floyd-Hanna as a mentor, the study evolved into Max’s Senior Project. He returned to the park to evaluate areas that had burned at different times in the last hundred years or so, measuring the abundance and variety of birds. “After months of data collection,” he wrote, “we found that there was indeed a significant difference in the richness and abundance between fire sites, and that the most recently burned sites actually have substantially more species and individuals than the old growth sites.” Max concluded that “fire very positively impacts avian diversity, creating habitat for new and varied species to explore and utilize. If you have only one habitat type, you have one bird community, but many habitat types make for many bird communities and a more competitive, healthier ecosystem.” Birds aren’t the only animals that have captured Max’s attention. In March, 2010 he headed to South Africa to study the marine foraging behavior in Chacma Baboons. “These baboons are unique in that they live on the ocean, and utilize it as a food source, eating limpets and some shark eggs, among other things,” he wrote of the experience. “We are trying to figure out how this unique form of energy plays into their overall energy budget, which is spent on walking, fighting, copulating, grooming, et cetera.” Studying baboons, Max wrote, raised more questions than it answered. If his blog, the Phylogeny of Max, is any indication, it also gave him a chance to build his humor writing skills:

Sometimes they get [angry] at each other and fight. Like, for REAL fight. Blood and gashes. So far the only way I know how to differentiate between individuals is with names such as gash head, gash face, and gash arm. Oh, there’s scar face too. I think he was gash face last month…. Sometimes they involve us in the fights. We carry sticks for this purpose… Not to beat the baboons with, because that wouldn’t do anything, but because they get confused when you hold a stick out toward them as they charge you…They’ll probably disregard the stick someday, but hopefully not in the next month…There are tiny little baby baboons everywhere. They look like little furry human babies that can jump like 10 feet in the air. That would seriously freak me out. Walk up to a woman pushing a stroller, coo at her infant, and then stand back as it dunked a basketball. Weird. –From www.phylogenyofmax.blogspot.com Max said his favorite part of his time at the College was being able to complete coursework in Borneo, Costa Rica, Colorado, Indonesia, Mexico, New Mexico, and all over Arizona. He credits environmental studies faculty member Dave Hanna for helping him learn “a ton about research.” He plans to build on what he’s learned at the College by enrolling in graduate school in 2011. Ultimately, he said, he wants to get a Ph.D. and do “ground-breaking ecological research.” Until then, he plans to work as a researcher – to evolve, he said in his blog, from field biologist to experienced field biologist. With that in mind, in June 2010 he headed to Wyoming to study the effects of the pine mountain beetle on bird habitats.


Psychology and Human Development Yoga Teacher Training, 2008


Psychology and Human Development


Based on human potential, social justice, and service, the Psychology and Human Development Program is dynamic and exciting. Participatory courses engage students, allowing them to create stimulating, enriching, and relevant academic programs. Students are encouraged to develop self-awareness and a respect for both the human and non-human worlds. This requires the integration of the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, social, and spiritual aspects of the human personality, as well as an understanding of systems perspectives. This kind of integration often requires a shift in attention beyond modern Western views of human nature. At the advanced level, students have unique opportunities to learn through independent study and supervised field experiences. Many students whose central interests lie in fields other than human development take courses from this program to gain knowledge and skills in leadership, facilitation of individual and group processes, conflict resolution, and service to specialized populations. Study in the Psychology and Human Development Program enhances learning in areas such as Adventure Education, Environmental Studies, Cultural and Regional Studies, and Arts & Letters, or any area in which knowledge of human nature and relationship skills may be relevant. The program offers excellent academic and skills training for Psychology and Human Development students. Graduates become psychologists, marriage and family therapists, educators, instructors for therapeutic adventure education programs, and mental health professionals. The Psychology and Human Development Program graduates students in the following areas: • Human Development • Emphasis in Equine Assisted Mental Health • Emphasis in Massage Therapy • Psychology • Counseling Psychology • Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education • Ecopsychology • Gender and Sexuality Studies • Student-Directed Competences/majors – Examples: • Holistic Health and Wellness • Psychology of Society and Culture • Social Psychology

Human Development The Human Development competence area provides students with opportunities to select from a wide variety of courses that provide perspectives on human potential. Students’ freedom to choose mentors and courses accord-

Yoga Teacher Training, 2008

ing to their interests reflect Prescott College’s educational philosophy, which stresses mentored, self-directed experiential education within an interdisciplinary curriculum.

Areas of Emphasis in Human Development Some students in human development find compelling reasons to describe an area of emphasis as a subtitle for 103

their competence – for example, “Human Development with an Emphasis in Equine Assisted Therapy,” or “Human Development with an Emphasis in Community Mediation.” Choosing an area of emphasis provides an opportunity for students to create a personally relevant program of study. Areas of emphasis and their associated courses are carefully negotiated between students and the Individual Graduation Committees (IGC), which must include an appropriate faculty member from the Human Development program. Studies in the emphasis area usually comprise at least 25 percent of a student’s competence coursework.

Area of Emphasis in Massage Therapy Prescott College partners with the Arizona School of Integral Studies (ASIS) to offer a 24-credit certification course in massage. Students spend an enrollment period (block and semester) completing the following courses at ASIS in Prescott: • Conjunctive Studies in Body Work • Western Bodywork Modalities: Theory and Practice • Eastern Bodywork Modalities: Theory and Practice • Bodywork Practicum

Counseling Psychology

Area of Emphasis in Equine Assisted Mental Health (EAMH) EAMH works with horses as partners in educational and therapeutic settings. This field is expanding exponentially as a personally, socially, and ecologically responsible process of transformation. The program encourages students to develop self-awareness and a psychologically sophisticated sense of responsibility within both the human and non-human worlds. This requires the integration of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, social, and spiritual aspects of the human personality and an understanding of systems perspectives. This kind of integration often requires a shift in attention beyond modern Western views of humans, horses, and nature. Equine-assisted therapies first emerged as a means for physical rehabilitation in the mid-twentieth century. Since then, horses have been integrated into many dimensions of human services, including the mental health services. Behavioral, emotional, and cognitive patterns restructure though the client’s effort, the horse’s connection to the client and co-therapist, and the mental health professional’s facilitation. The program places emphasis on systems in relational patterns and the facilitation of therapeutic experiences. Ethics of the therapeutic relationship, horsemanship, and stewardship provide frameworks throughout this course of study. 104

Students in this competence learn and apply a cluster of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are essential to building skillful helping relationships. Many go on to graduate studies programs, medical schools, and other advanced training. Consistent with the mission of the college, students in this field become lifelong learners in response to the changing world they encounter. Their educational activities balance self-fulfillment and service to others. The Counseling Psychology Program intertwines theory and practice through small group learning and the integration of practica and internships into the curriculum. A few advanced courses involve student practitioners in local clinical, educational, and recreational settings working with actual clients. An extended practicum at one of these organizations is a required part of this program of study. Many Counseling Psychology graduates move directly into entry-level positions in agencies before going on to complete advanced studies. Counseling Psychology students develop a professional orientation to the field as they explore standards of practice and codes of ethics. Counselor licensure or certifications help insure a practitioner’s competency. Students are encouraged to carefully plan for these and other kinds of professional growth opportunities.

Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education Over the past twenty years, the practice of integrating psychology, human development, and adventure education has increasingly found use in developing adventure-based, therapeutic wilderness programs. This course of study combines essential knowledge and skills used in therapeutic group work, with the technical skills needed for safe, effective, wilderness adventure education. Graduates with this competence will be able to design and teach educational experiences in the wilderness that are therapeutic; qualification as a therapist, however, requires graduate study and training. The Psychology and Human Development Program and the Adventure Education Program acknowledge the need for exacting and rigorous training in this interface and address it by offering a variety of interdisciplinary courses.

Ecopsychology Students in this field strive to integrate ecological principles and psychological wisdom into a unified field of study. A competence in Ecopsychology must include courses from


the Psychology and Human Development Program and the Environmental Studies Program. Depending on individual interest, a student may emphasize coursework in either Psychology or Environmental Studies. In either case, the student must develop a substantial foundation in each of these disciplines to develop a significant appreciation of humans as psychological beings acting within ecological systems.

Gender and Sexuality Studies The Gender and Sexuality Studies Program explores our gendered existence; what it means to be feminine and masculine and how this interacts with other aspects of identity, such as race, ethnicity, class, and sexuality. The program focuses particular attention on those whom a society defines as “woman,” on the meaning of that identity in different times and places, and especially how women experience their lives and construct their own identities. This field also explores the sometimes unequal relationships between different groups of women, and how and where they find common ground. It integrates women’s questions and perspectives into the theoretical frameworks through which to approach the study of psychology, education, arts, literature, philosophy and religion, leadership development, history, and political science. Women’s studies places women at the center of inquiry and recognizes and celebrates women’s achievements. Gender and Sexuality Studies strives to integrate feminist principles and gender equality into an interdisciplinary field of study. A competence in Gender and Sexuality Studies must include courses from Psychology, Human Development, Nature and Aesthetics, and Cultural and Regional Studies. Depending on individual interest, the student may emphasize coursework in any of the above areas. Students in Gender and Sexuality Studies have a wide range of courses from which to choose. The overall intent is to offer an alternative perspective to the traditional, androcentric forms of inquiry, which place women as outsiders in society, offering one instead that views women’s experiences as central to understanding human society and behavior. A student who chooses a competence or breadth in Gender and Sexuality Studies must complete a series of courses that will introduce the student to core concepts in the field including the impact of systems of oppression, feminist theories, power and privilege, social/cultural hierarchy, patriarchy, and the social construction of gender. Students will strengthen their critical thinking skills as they learn to challenge previously unquestioned epistemology and hegemonic principles. In addition, students will learn to identify the ethical implications of excluding gender from the arts, humanities, psychology, religion, culture, and history.

Student-Directed Competence Examples In addition to the competence areas listed above, creative and self-directed students can, with the help of faculty advisors, create their own unique competences, such as Human Development with emphasis areas in Holistic Health and Wellness and Sustainable Communities. Holistic Health and Wellness The study and practice of holistic health and wellness integrates mind, body, and spirit. This integrative field embraces prevention, education, and wellness principles and requires students to refine critical thinking skills. While the holistic perspective has been distinguished from conventional Western medicine, the pioneer scholars and practitioners in this field now regard holistic health practices as complementary strategies to more mainstream methods of healing. Psychology of Society and Culture Students explore interpersonal relationships through the lenses of anthropology, ethnography, peace studies, social justice, global politics, economics, social change, the arts, psychological development, religion, race, and communication studies. Students learn techniques for activating social change and creating social justice. Social Psychology Students explore how the actual, imagined, and/or implied presence of others influences the psychological process. This approach to psychology focuses on the dynamics of individuals and society by studying counseling skills and theory, interpersonal communication, race and gender studies, and diverse approaches to therapy. Mediation Students become certified mediators and work as mediators-in-training in the Yavapai County Superior Court. Students complete such courses as Interpersonal Communications, Counseling Skills, and Community Mediation and Principled Negotiation, leading to a Level I, 60-hour Mediation Certificate, which certifies students as having basic skills for community mediators. Advanced students can complete Mediation Practicum class, which provides advanced training in victim – offender mediation, as well as opportunities to work with senior mediators, matching victim to offender mediators with youth offenders in the Superior Court. Upon successful completion of this course, students receive a Victim Offender Mediation Training Certificate acknowledging that they have successfully completed this important training. These certificates are transferable to many other private and public organizations and institutions providing mediation services. 105


People, Animals and Nature, 2008


Special Opportunities

In the Human Development Program

Peer Education: Bringing Solutions to the Students

Yoga Teacher Training and Certification

Though a small liberal arts school can offer many advantages – small class sizes, individual attention from professors, and a sense of community – smaller schools sometimes have to work harder to provide comprehensive services. With that in mind, Professor Ellen Abel and an inspired group of Human Development students created a one-year course to help students learn to help each other through the College’s Peer Education and Resource Center (PERC). PERC provides a number of services including peer counseling, information and referral, community education events, and student advocacy, leadership, and support. The College provides the space and students in Abel’s class provide the information and support as “peer-educators,” working as a liaison between Student Services and students themselves. The class meets twice a week, and each student volunteers two office hours a week. The peer educators are quick to clarify that they are not professional counselors, but rather are informed peers who are available to educate others about the resources available at the College and in the community. “Twenty years ago there was a peer-counseling center,” said peer educator Cassidy Miller ‘10. “But we have come to evolve. We are not counseling, we are [providing] a supportive service.” Students in the course attend regular staff meetings where they receive training in counseling supervision, inservice instruction, and advanced skill building. They learn to cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from academic integrity to substance abuse. In addition, each peer educator specializes in a specific area. Charlotte Poppink ‘10 has produced a series of workshops on career development, in conjunction with the College’s counselor Chris Hout ‘92. One workshop teaches students how to create résumés and cover letters, while another focuses on grad school applications. Beyond education, Miller said PERC offers a necessary resource for students who don’t always feel comfortable going to a professional counselor or administrators when they need help. And bridging that gap in a grassroots manner offers students, both those offering and receiving PERC’s services, a living model of social justice and change.

This program certifies students as hatha yoga teachers through an agreement with Yoga Alliance, the national nonprofit association of yoga teachers and practitioners. Students receive extensive training and practice in: • The techniques of asana, pranayama, meditation, and chanting • Anatomy • Teaching methods • Yoga philosophy • Lifestyle and ethical issues • Teachings from the Yoga Sutras. Students who successfully complete the training qualify for a 200-hour yoga teacher certificate.

Peer Educator Training and Certification The Peer Educator Program recognizes the value of peer support in helping students address personal, academic, and social concerns. Students become eligible for a national certification as a Peer Educator through extensive training in: • Counseling • Intervention and referral • Group dynamics • Ethics • Facilitation • Conflict resolution • Program development Peer Educators offer educational programs on topics such as drug/alcohol awareness, sexual health, time and stress management, health and wellness, career development, and nutrition. Prescott College’s Peer Educators come from all programs within the Resident Degree Program and possess a broad spectrum of interests and skills to draw from when helping fellow students. Students in the Peer Educator Program make a year-long commitment consisting of three academic courses and community service.



Senior Project

Living through Dying How student Kat Steigerwald ’09 found meaning at the edge of life At 23, Kat Steigerwald ’09 may seem a little young to be coming to terms with death. Regardless, the alumna spent a good portion of Fall 2009 around dying people in order to complete her Senior Project, “Being with Dying: an Exploration of Palliative Care.” Her project explored the emotional processes that people go through at the end of their lives. Kat, who graduated in December 2009 with a competence in Human Development and a breadth in Studio Arts, spent three days a week volunteering at some of Prescott’s local hospices, spending time with patients facing death. She sat with the patients, helping them, an experience that frequently allowed her to use the counseling skills she developed through her coursework. Kat documented the project by writing reflective essays on her experiences. Through her work, Kat not only uncovered the stages people go through when they are dying, but found it forced her to examine her own fears and beliefs about dying. Kat said spending time with the dying can be life-affirming. “Accepting death is important for both parties,” she said. Through her studies at Prescott College, Kat has learned that psychological study involves both helping others and striving for personal growth. The most meaningful part of Prescott College’s undergraduate program, she said, is that it gives students the opportunity for independent study, and this allowed her to focus on what was really important to her and what she specifically wanted to learn. After graduating Kat plans to take some time before graduate school to work with the Yavapai County Vista Program, which hires people to work for nonprofit organizations in the Prescott area. For Kat, learning about death has had life-changing effects. A course focusing on counseling skills inspired her to go into counseling. After completing her Senior Project, she has narrowed her vision from general counseling and now plans get a master’s degree in social work with an emphasis in geriatric care.



Alumni Learning and Nature New England philanthropist Hannah Quimby ’02 still relies on the lessons she learned in the Southwest. Like many Prescott College alumni and students, Hannah Quimby ’02 grew up in the Northeast but found herself drawn west for college. One reason for this, Hannah posits, is “being young and wanting to see a completely new place. As far as schools that have a similar philosophy go, there are a lot in New England. I think students might be looking for an untraditional education and a different setting.” Having grown up in a town of 400 people, Hannah preferred being part of an intimate, close-knit community. “There were 50 students in my high school graduating class. I was used to small class sizes and a lot interaction with teachers. I was looking for a school with more selfdirection, and I liked the idea of designing my own program. Prescott College was completely the right fit for me.” Hannah knew she’d made the right choice on the first day of Orientation: “I instantly fell in love with the Southwest and desert, and I loved being introduced to a new area that way.” At Prescott College Hannah found the educational freedom she craved, and an outlet for her varied interests in the outdoors, photography, and social work. She studied Human Development with a breadth in Photography. For her Senior Project, Hannah designed and co-facilitated a girls’ empowerment group at Kestrel High School, a charter school where many of the girls had been expelled from public school for behavioral issues. After graduating Hannah returned to the Northeast, working for the family business, Burt’s Bees, for six years, first in sales, then corporate training, until the company was sold to Clorox. At that point she shifted her focus to photography, attending the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies’ threemonth intensive documentary photography program. Following Salt, Hannah worked in the advertising department for a documentary paper, Blue Room, then as the in-house photographer for an organic children’s clothing company. Building on her undergraduate work, she is currently working on a master’s degree in integrative health at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. “I didn’t enjoy school at all until getting to Prescott College,” she said. “If I’d stayed at a traditional college with that factory feel, I wouldn’t have searched out the

school I’m at now, and wouldn’t have the enthusiasm for learning that I do now.” She hopes to parlay her master’s work in integrative health into employment in the developing field of health coaching (like life coaching – one-on-one – but focused on health and nutrition). A vegetarian since second grade, she was turned on to the idea by a teacher, and “changed my family’s way of shopping and eating,” she said. For the past five years Hannah has also headed the Quimby Family Foundation’s efforts to fund nonprofit organizations in line with the Foundation’s mission. These include land trusts in Maine; sustainable local foods organizations; wilderness trips for youth; and programs providing access to the arts in public school systems. The foundation also provided a generous grant for the Sam Hill Warehouse renovation project at Prescott College. “The work I do at the foundation is a huge, fulfilling, and meaningful part of my life,” she says. “Part of it is just my love for the state of Maine and being a part of protecting a lot of land for future generations. “I think of the opportunities I’ve had … I grew up in a family where the outdoors was really important. Dad took my brother and me hiking all the time. I’ve been able to study art and visit galleries and museums. It has brought so many good things to my life. Through funding these organizations, I want to bring that to people who might not have those opportunities.” Reflecting on the work that inspires her most, Hannah comes back to her time at Prescott College: “I’m a huge advocate of getting youth out in the woods, backpacking and doing wilderness trips. “One of my best friends at PC hadn’t been hiking before Orientation. It was miserable for her, but now she loves it and is always seeking out wilderness trips. Being able to provide that same kind of opportunity through these organizations is really meaningful.” Asked if she misses her time spent in the arid Southwest, she says, “The Southwest never completely felt like home. But I really grew to love the desert. I actually flew in for work a few years ago and got choked up looking out at the landscape. I miss the landscape – I still feel really connected to it.” 109

Student Life

Take Back the Night, Courthouse Square, Prescott, Arizona, 2009



Students who come to Prescott College want to make a difference. They take an active role in their college experience instead of methodically fulfilling a list of predetermined courses. Most share a love and respect for the outdoors and a deep concern about social justice, and for the jeopardized environment. Students come from throughout the United States and many foreign countries, including a wide variety of cultural and economic backgrounds. The College attracts first-time freshmen, transfer students, and accomplished professionals. This diversity contributes to the College’s stimulating academic and social environment. Students who attend Prescott College have inquiring intellects, uncompromising ideals, and soaring spirits. While quite diverse, Prescott College students have a lot in common. Here are a few interests and characteristics of the students. adventurous • advocate for equal rights • alternative upbringing •Amnesty International animal rights and love for environment • backpacking trips • camp counselor Chinese medicine • coached Special Olympics • community oriented • community service • conservation creative writer • dance • democratic volunteer • does not like large schools eagle scout • enjoys the outdoors • enjoys working with children and volunteering • Food not Bombs Forest Service intern • Girl Scout • Habitat for Humanity • hands-on learning • helped save trees in California helped set up women’s center • helps manage community garden • holistic education • holistic health horses • human psychology • in her own words she is “a little bit unusual” • introspective • kayaking interested in politics and helping his community • learned Spanish in Madrid • literature loves to stay fit sports • loves working with youth • meditation • natural food • NOLS • non-violence organic farming • outdoor education • Outward Bound • passion rooted in social change peace • photography • poetry • President of outdoor club • program leader at YMCA questions everything • river trips in wild Canada • rock-climber • scuba diver • seeking greater truths semester at sea at Woods Hole • service learning • skier • social activist • speaks Spanish strong connection with nature • summer work in Montana • sustainability sustainable building • spiritual • swam with dolphins in Egypt • taught English in Micronesia taught troubled teens in wilderness • teacher’s aid • trail conservation • tutors Hispanic children traveling around the world before he comes to PC • very connected with nature • meditation volunteer for Habitat for Humanity • volunteered in homeless shelter and kids café • attended Waldorf school wants the freedom to study what she would like • wants to be an active citizen and engaged learner wants to change the way the “civilized” world views the earth • white-water rafting guide worked in Hawaii with whales • works with disabled teens • yoga 111

Student musical group playing downtown, Prescott, Ariz., 2009



Student Life: Prescott, Arizona Prescott College is located in Prescott, Arizona, a beautiful mountain community in the center of the state. Prescott is large enough to support a wide variety of restaurants and other amenities, yet small enough to offer a friendly, personable experience. Best of all, the town’s four-season mountain setting offers limitless possibilities for exploring some of Arizona’s most incredible natural diversity. Prescott’s proximity to Mexico provides access to the crucial interactions between developing world politics, economics, and social and environmental issues. Prescott College students participate in engaging activities as part of their coursework, but life outside of the College is stimulating and rewarding as well. A myriad of social activities are available on campus and throughout the Prescott area. Flyers describing diverse and numerous activities available to students are posted daily on campus bulletin boards. Gallery shows, including Independent Study shows and the Senior Arts Expo, showcase excellent student projects. Wellness clinics encourage students to stay healthy while they are at school. Throughout the year students can watch or participate in theater productions at the Sharlot Hall Museum, Elks Opera House, Yavapai College, and the Granite Performing Arts Center on the Prescott College campus. Film series sponsored by clubs or departments are generally free or inexpensive, while Hollywood features screen at the Harkins theaters just a few miles from campus. Students can perform with groups such as the diverse Village Life Community Drum and Dance, learn the secrets of fire dancing, or tap into traditional contra dancing. The College’s dance students perform regularly for the public. Several studios offer daily tai chi and yoga courses; these are posted on the College bulletin boards. The YMCA has fitness facilities, an Olympic-sized pool, and classes throughout the year. A visiting lecturer series sponsored by local agencies brings engaging speakers to town, and non-credit enrichment classes are offered through the Prescott College Lifelong Learning Center, Yavapai Community College, and Prescott Parks and Recreation. Poets and aspiring musicians find kindred souls at open mike nights at several area coffeehouses and bars. Resources for writers hard at work at their craft include the professional and amateur writing workshops available to Prescott residents.

Students who hunger for a second serving of physical adventure outside of their classes find the bulletin board a great link to recreation. Students hike, camp, and rock climb on nearby Granite Mountain, Thumb Butte, and in the Granite Dells. Canoeing and sailing local Lynx, Watson, and Goldwater Lakes, horseback riding, and mountain biking make for fun activities. Conditions permitting, weekend warriors head to Flagstaff’s Arizona Snowbowl to get their skiing and snowboarding fix. For adventure of the fat tire variety,



the Arizona Spring Fling is a popular informal, four-day group mountain bike ride, which tours hundreds of bikers of different abilities through Prescott and other scenic towns in Arizona. Skateboarders, bladers and bikers enjoy an excellent skate park a few blocks from Courthouse Square. After getting out, a potluck is a great way to spend downtime with friends. Or head out to local haunts like the Raven Café, Prescott Coffee Roasters, and Coyote Joe’s Bar and Grill, where students gather to chill out, enjoy conversation and refreshments, and frequently hear live music.

Prescott Activities Prescott is best known as home of the World’s Oldest Rodeo. The myth that Prescott, population 40,000, is a small rural Western town has little to do with the reality of 113

its vibrant arts and culture scene. Courthouse Square is the area’s weekend social hub. During summer months, the Square’s frequent crafts fairs, festivals, and car shows are a huge tourist draw. Tsunami on the Square, the town’s free, all-ages performing arts festival, is a Prescott College favorite. With Peace Day, Earth Day, Prescott Territorial Days, and the Prescott Frontier Days Festival, there’s plenty of local flavor to go around.

the Arizona Sundogs hockey team during the winter and hosts home and auto shows, large rock concerts, and conventions year-round. The Smoki Indian Museum and the Sharlot Hall Museum (local history) are just blocks from Prescott College. North of town are the Phippen Museum of Western Art and the Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary, a zoo dedicated to nature conservancy and the preservation of animals. The Sanctuary provides homes to all sorts of creatures from rare scorpions to Mexican wolves. Another conservation-oriented organization, the Highlands Center for Natural History, provides outdoor science education to visitors of all ages.

Arizona and Southwest Region

Pickup soccer, Ken Lindley Field, 2008

Surrounding Courthouse Square, a pre-World War II era urban core houses a variety of boutiques, fine and fun eateries, flavorful bars, and historic hotels. Several artsrelated organizations sponsor art walks and gallery showings in the downtown area and just west of the square is the colorful and eccentric McCormick Arts District. The Prescott Gateway Mall, a few miles east of town, hosts well-known department stores including Dillards and J.C. Penney. The area has the requisite mashup of big box stores, situated primarily to the east along the Highway 69 corridor. A wonderful variety of high-caliber musical and theater acts, including the Prescott Symphony and Prescott Jazz Foundation–sponsored groups, perform at the Yavapai Community College Performance Hall. Nine miles away, Tim’s Toyota Center in Prescott Valley houses 114

On breaks, students at Prescott College often head out to explore the culture of the Southwest. What better way to learn than by taking a road trip? Just 35 miles from campus is Jerome, a mountainside mining town-turned-art colony. A few twists further down the road are the verdant desert canyons of the Verde Valley and the New-Age art mecca of Sedona. Flagstaff, 75 miles away, offers a high-elevation respite from summer temperatures, a state university, and a historic downtown area. Recreational and wilderness opportunities abound in Arizona’s national forests. The Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Coronado, Kaibab, Prescott, and Tonto National Forests provide innumerable recreational opportunities and are close enough for quick weekend getaways. Mind-boggling sites like the Grand Canyon, Montezuma’s Castle (one of the best-preserved ancient cliff dwellings), and the Meteor Crater are close enough to explore on a day trip. Students can ride the rapids on the Colorado and San Juan rivers, each just a day’s drive north. At times students thirst for the city life and escape to the metropolises of Phoenix and Tucson, where they can see world-traveling science and art exhibitions, take in huge stadium shows, and experience all manner of cuisines. Students with passports can escape to Rocky Point, Mexico, to enjoy the closest beach resort to Arizona. It is just a day’s drive from Prescott.


Student Activities


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increasing diversity through bringing Hispanic and Anglo communities closer. Friends of the Honde Valley – partnering and supporting education and families in the Honde Valley in Africa. Student Arts Council – giving students a voice in the direction of the arts at Prescott College. Student Environmental Network – collaborative gathering of students and faculty to increase awareness of environmental issues in our area and around the world. Gender and Sexuality Alliance – a safe space for gender- and sexuality-related issues and activities. Village Life – African-inspired dance gatherings. Community Women’s Resource Center – provides a safe space to discuss women’s issues, including health, personal growth, women in film, etc. Media Resource Center – dedicated to providing efficient and comprehensive media resources so that users of the center have access to essential information regarding the local and global events that they are working to change. The Ripple Project – Prescott College’s service learning group. The Maasai Community Project – a community




College-sponsored activities, student groups, and individuals throughout the College provide opportunities to meet and enjoy events outside of classes. Music and dance performances, photography exhibits, slide shows, poetry and fiction reading, yoga, lectures, panel discussions, plays, and talent shows bring students together. Current student groups include: • Aztlan Center – dedicated to celebrating and

organization working for the empowerment of the Maasai people in Kenya. • Peace and Justice Center – an action-oriented community resource with an academic focus to promote social justice and ecological sustainability by providing support for student and community projects. • WEB! Conference – a safe and inspiring space to collectively educate and guide young women toward creating healthy and meaningful lives.

• Student Chapter of Amnesty International – a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected. • Capoeira Club – the Brazilian art of dance fighting. • Ultimate Frisbee Club – meets every weekend to play ultimate Frisbee for fun, exercise, and occasionally competition. • PC Birders Network – a great opportunity for anyone passionate about birding to come together weekly to share the great outdoors and each other’s company.

Student Government All enrolled students are members of the Student Advisory Council (SAC). The Council works closely with the Student Activities Coordinator and is the main forum for students to discuss and debate College issues and policies. The SAC meetings are held weekly throughout the semester and are regularly attended by College officials. The SAC also endorses and supports a variety of activities and student-run organizations.


Campus Services For Students Career Planning The Student Life Office maintains job listings and internship opportunities for students. Workshops on job searching, résumé writing, and interview preparation get students started down the path to employment. A career counselor is available to students throughout the year for one-on-one career counseling, including interest identification, role-playing interviews, and résumé reviews.

Personal Counseling Prescott College makes every effort to educate and empower students. The College assists students through personal counseling. Personal counseling sessions for students provide short-term, solution-based therapy. Health Insurance All students are required to either carry their own insurance or purchase the College’s insurance policy.

Campus Mural, 2009

Crossroads Café and Meal Cards Located in the Crossroads Center on the banks of Butte Creek, the Café offers a friendly, energetic space for students to eat, study, display artwork, and give presentations, slideshows, and performances. The Crossroads Café provides students with fresh, healthy, affordable food prepared simply and sensitively. The goal of the cafe is to not only serve great food, but to help educate the College community about the role food plays in environmental, social justice, and nutritional issues. The menu changes daily and uses local, seasonal, sustainable, organically grown foods prepared with traditional and innovative methods. A balanced diet based on fresh, whole foods is an integral part of every student’s learning experience; good nutrition has a profound effect on the physical and emotional well-being of students. A Crossroads Cafe Meal Card makes it easy for a student to have nutritious, regular meals without time-consuming cooking and shopping, a convenience for busy students. Payment can be included with tuition. 116

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Services The College offers the services of a Learning Specialist for students with learning-related disabilities. Services range from tutoring to providing recorded text and/or note-takers for students with reading and writing difficulties. Reasonable Accommodations offered are based on the nature of the disability and the academic environment. Below is a partial list of common academic accommodations and ADA related services requested by students at Prescott College: • Text book readers • Note takers • Study skill and strategies training • Time management strategies • Registration and degree planning assistance • Captions for film and video materials • Sign language interpreters

Prescott College Learning Commons The Prescott College Learning Commons, located in the library, is a hub for academic writing consultations,

information on world language and culture courses, and help with basic math, science, and technology questions. Writing center coaches help students plan, develop, revise, and edit their writing for a specific audience and purpose. Help is also available by phone, Skype, and email.

also choose to live in dormitories at the nearby community college or in privately owned, community-based dormitories. For first-time freshmen who prefer to live on campus Prescott College provides housing in three residences: Agave House, the Cholla Cottages, and Palo Verde House.

YMCA Memberships Prescott College extends every On-campus Bachelor of Arts student a full membership to the Prescott YMCA. The YMCA offers a wide array of health and fitness classes,

The Cholla Cottages – Located on Garden Street just north of the main campus, the cottages house students in double, single, and studio singles in four separate units. Each cottage contains a bathroom, kitchen, dining and living areas, and access to a laundry room on campus. Agave House – Located just across the creek from the center of campus, Agave House is an eleven-bedroom, fivebath home that houses students in a communal living arrangement and includes a shared kitchen, dining and living areas, and laundry room.

equipment, and activities, including yoga, step, Zumba and Capoeira, open gym, sports leagues such as basketball and volleyball, gymnastics, and an aquatic center with classes and open swim periods.

Community Supported Agriculture Prescott College’s Community Supported Agriculture distributes locally and seasonally grown organic produce to members on a weekly basis. Started as a student independent study in 2000, it has grown to over 140 members of Prescott College affiliates and members of the community at large. Members pay for their shares in advance at the beginning of each season.

Residence Life Most students live in off-campus housing. The Student Life Office assists incoming students to secure off-campus housing in the local community. Housing options are plentiful and varied, and typically more affordable than in larger, more urban communities. Notices of available housing are advertised on the Prescott College website and on a housing bulletin board located in the Student Life Office. Students may

Palo Verde House – Located on Willow Street just west of the main campus, Palo Verde House houses students in a communal living arrangement in a four-bedroom home that includes double and single rooms, two shared bathrooms, shared kitchen, dining and living areas, and laundry room. Amenities Student rooms are furnished with extra-long beds, dressers, and desks. Living areas are furnished with tables, chairs, couches and lamps. Kitchens have a starter set of utensils. Students are responsible for their own bedding, linens, towels, lamps, media, and special cooking equipment. Other amenities include wireless internet and cable. Bicycle and automobile parking and limited gear storage are available. Smoking is not allowed inside, and pets, alcohol and drugs are prohibited at Prescott College. 117

Student Blogs MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2010

What Serves Me It is commonly touted around Prescott College that if someone has enough passion and commitment, then just about any project can be implemented, supported, and activated; weaving baskets underwater to support an indigenous tribe in Sumatra; building bicycles out of old fish tanks; attempting to understand why a house fly goes backward before it goes forward when leaving a surface. We have so much support here that at times it becomes overwhelming when we notice what is possible and who believes in us enough to succeed. I believe that rarely do we know how strong we actually are. How often do we test our boundaries in doing what we are afraid of? After eating the first course from my March 2nd blog, I must remember to slow down and relax a little. It can be easy to see a pie and want to devour the entirety of it, especially when it is my favorite flavor – passion. For there are many activities, workshops, and events that take place here at PC. Most recently there was a world music event last week named Porengue. It is music of Brazilian, Middle-Eastern, and African influences, with sound-healing didgeridoos. My calves still hurt from dancing so much. Then yesterday, I went to a grant writing workshop held by a women named Susan, who is the CEO of a nonprofit in New York, and also the mom of a friend of mine here at the college. Today, Susan and I met for lunch and she gave me a more intense breakdown of how to write grants, and what it actually means to start a nonprofit. Moreover, I am now part of a project called PERC, which stands for the Peer Education and Resource Center. One of PERC’s missions is empowering people to be resourceful with their current environment. PERC is also a counseling center run by current students who, because they are peers, can in some cases relate and build a trust more powerful than a certified therapist could. In effect, this is also a practicum filled with three classes spread out over the next year, which focuses on counseling, community education events, student advocacy, leadership, and support. Essentially, there is more to do here than anyone has time for, but when we ask the question, ‘What serves me?’ we may find an answer that moves with our personal truth. To quote Rainer Maria Rilke: ...I would like to beg you, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions 118

now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. – Jordan Kivitz ’12


Good Friends, Good Food, Good Music One of the things I’ve been enjoying the most about Prescott College as of late is the friendly community of like-minded individuals who enjoy intellectual conversations over good food. There are always a couple of musicians at every outing, so jamming on an acoustic guitar with a flutist, a banjo player, or even a charango player has become a regular event for me. The food always offers good vegan or vegetarian options because everyone attending is conscious of the diet habits of others, even if they don’t follow them themselves. The best thing about these little get-togethers is the amazing conversations we have. Topics range from the philosophy of consciousness to the evolution of religion and the herd mentality, from issues of basic human rights to war and imperialism, from elitist conspiracies and the new world order to a peaceful counterculture revolution. No topic is taboo and everyone approaches the conversation with an open mind. It’s almost as if I can feel the expansion of my consciousness throughout these interactions. I’m exactly where I need to be. – Patrick Jones ’12


Food for All: Karma Farms’ Urban Farming Experiment by Chef Molly Beverly At Karma Farms, you not only get what you give, but you are what you eat This, in essence, is the Law of Karma: That we receive what we give. That all our actions reflect back upon us.

– Molly Beverly

It’s Thursday morning, and I am at the Karma Farm stand in downtown Prescott. There are no prices; everything is free. Anyone is welcome to take, trade, or donate. I came with a few ears of blue corn and took a jar of pickled green tomatoes and one of Annie’s delicious pumpkin muffins.

alumni) on bicycles, growing food all over the city! Are they simply hyper-idealistic, unrealistic youth? I asked my Karma Farm friend, Sarafina Riskind ’09. “Well, I do get some food. And it’s powerful - the idea that everybody deserves food - if everyone has a full belly and full heart right here in Prescott, maybe we will able to solve larger problems. The Farm opens you up to people who have different lifestyles and backgrounds. We all eat. It’s common ground.”

Free Farm Stand 109 North McCormick Street Thursdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Office Hours: Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Prescott Coffee Roasters, 318 West Gurley Street Weekly Meeting: Wednesdays 7 p.m. Catalyst Infoshop, 109 North McCormick Street

Karma Farms volunteers grew and harvested vegetables and eggs from garden spaces shared by Prescott residents. The land and water, tools, seeds and labor were also donated. In two summers, the Farms has grown from one residential yard and two workers to several residential yards, a couple acres of church property, and a small bicycle army of workers. It’s attracting a lot of attention. Schools and churches have joined in: Primavera, Montessori, Northpoint High School, and Prescott College students are digging, fertilizing, planting, and watering. Karma Farms is working with the First Assembly of God, Methodist, and Unitarian Churches. They’re distributing vegetables to people who cannot afford the Farmer’s Market, donating to Open Door shelter, catering free events, and running the free Farm Stand. As people approach the stand, questions and doubts spill forth. How can you not sell? Do people really work for free? Why? Who are these people? What’s in it for them? Who donates the land? Who pays the water bills? Do some people take everything? Does the work really get done? Does the hard work like shoveling manure and pulling weeds really get done? What about slackers? How can everything be shared and there still be enough to distribute? Amazing - all these bright-faced, healthy, smiling young people (many of them Prescott College students and

People are designing and building greenhouses, trying dry land Native American farming, researching and experimenting with food preservation. Some have their own plots; others are studying the social interactions. Anything is possible as long as it fits the format: no one is paid, no one owns, and everyone shares. Karma Farms owes its existence to idealistic youth remind us of the value of positive action, of thinking differently, and of doing good right where we live. They’re young people with young ideas, doing exactly what they’re supposed to do -- rattling our old rusty cages. Karma Farms welcomes help and donations—land, seeds, compost, tools, time, even money. It welcomes people with resources and people in need. Everyone has something to contribute and everyone has something to gain.


Helping Understand Bicycles


HUB Keeps Local Bike Riders Rolling by Annabeth McNamara ’09 If you haven’t heard, bikes are cool It’s a quiet Tuesday afternoon on the Prescott College campus on Grove Avenue in Prescott, but the shed behind the Student Services building is teeming with mechanics. Although cars surround them, most of these mechanics don’t know anything about engines. Some don’t know the first thing about mechanics. That’s because they’re at HUB, Helping Understand Bicycles, a bicycle cooperative working out of Prescott College’s Facilities Department, and they’re here to learn how to fix or build their own bikes, themselves. The cooperative differs from a bicycle shop because a person with no prior know-how can walk in, put together their own bicycle using manuals and skill sharing, and walk away from the space with a working knowledge of their new bicycle – and a new bike. People utilize HUB to patch a flat, learn the anatomy of their bicycle, fix their derailleur, use a wrench they don’t have at home, or fix their brakes. Folks also stop by to figure out why their bicycle makes that funny noise. Others, just to hang out when the weather is nice. Hanging out is the name of my game. I sit next to the CD player, which creates a lively soundtrack for the waltz of people and bike parts flowing around the space. I count two work-study students, three women, two men, one kid, and a dog, though it’s hard to keep track as people filter in and out. A student, Sam, is taking off his brake levers so he can put his handlebars back on. “You realize your handlebars are upside down, don’t you?” someone asks. Sam Brodnax ’12 assures him that he wants them that way. I ask Sam how he feels about HUB. He replies, “I love it! I love that this is a part of my college.” He moved to Prescott this fall, from Austin, Texas, where the Yellow Bike Project is located, one of a slew of coops that has popped up since Tucson’s Bicycle Inter-Community Art and Salvage (BICAS) got the movement started. (BICAS is what HUB would look like if it died and went to heaven, in a giant warehouse with a recycled bicycle art section.) Sam was surprised and excited to find a similar space in Prescott. “Why do I appreciate HUB so much? It gives everybody an opportunity to ride a bike because they’re free, free, free!” He loves bicycles simply because they’re fun. “There’s a lot of different aspects to them. And they don’t need gas, just muscle.” He and another student flex their

arms and repeat together, “Muscles!” Once Sam’s handlebars are on straight, he puts the wrench he borrowed back in the toolbox and rolls off. “Just watch you don’t fly over your handlebars and poke an eye out on those brake levers!” Robin Brodsky ’09 calls after him. Carin LeFevre ’09 sits down next to me in between helping a woman refurbish a used wheel. Carin’s attitude is a blend of bicycle-love and street-tough. Her curly hair and wiry frame match. Before I can ask her a question, she’s up and helping another student. Mechanic work is a male-dominated (pre)occupation, which leaves many women in the dark about their rides. With a little encouragement, women and trans-gendered folks have become a presence at HUB, utilizing the weekly women and trans safe-space hours each week. We compare our bicycle’s sexiness. Just then, a weathered looking couple rolls in and start wrenching on their sole means of transport, hailing Carin and Robin by name. Work shifts are frequently populated by people from the homeless shelter down the street. Many rely on bicycles and feet as their sole means of transport. Some are establishing lives after time in prison and could never afford a functioning bicycle otherwise. They’re here for a bicycle so they can get a job that’s too far away to walk. “These people are just trying to survive,” Robin says, shaking his head. HUB is a compassionate resource that simultaneously builds community as people build bicycles. HUB is run by work-study students and volunteers who maintain steady hours despite chaotic academic schedules. “It’s just us, five or six students juggling school and the HUB thing,” says Robin. “But getting paid to work at a community bicycle space is pretty rewarding. It opens you up to the greater community.” Before I go, I ask Robin what’s the best thing about working at HUB. He raises his chin and smiles, arms crossed over his chest. “It gets me on my bicycle more,” he says. “And it makes me look cool. “Because, if you haven’t heard, bikes are cool.”


Faculty President Kristin R. Woolever

Victoria Abel Human Development M.S., Pacifica Graduate Institute, Depth Psychology; B.A., Prescott College, Counseling Psychology, 1992

Area of Expertise Victoria, originally from New England, moved here in 1990 to attend Prescott College. She graduated in 1992 with a bachelor’s in Counseling Psychology with a breadth in Women’s Studies. Victoria left Prescott to work at an inpatient treatment facility counseling people suffering from addictions and mental illness. She then attended Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara and received her master’s degree in Depth (Jungian) Psychology. She has worked in private practice as a therapist, and now works at the Orme School as an adolescent therapist. She teaches psychology classes at Prescott College and loves to combine the transpersonal with the clinical world of psychology.

Ellen Abell Human Development Ed.D., Northern Arizona University, Counseling Psychology, 1991; M.Ed., Columbia University, Counseling Psychology, 1983; M.A., Columbia University, Counseling Psychology, 1982; B.A., University of Delaware, Psychology/Women’s Studies, 1981

Area of expertise Within the Human Development Program Ellen’s areas of expertise are in women’s studies and counseling psychology. The courses she teaches are designed largely for students interested in personal and social change, as they require the learner to blend both self-inquiry with social consciousness. “‘The personal is political’ is a slogan coined by the women’s movement, and that applies to my classes, as I encourage students to explore how their personal lives and choices have been affected by gender, race, and class politics.” Publications Abell, E. Our toughest challenge. In G. Simons and A. Zuckerman, Working Together: Succeeding in a Multicultural Organization. Abell, E., and Simons, S. How much can you bend before you break? Constructionist consulting in the corporate world. European Journal of Occupational and Industrial Psychology. Abell, E. Seven strategies for a more inclusive workplace. Managing Diversity.

Randall Amster Cultural and Regional Studies Ph.D., Arizona State University, Justice Studies, 2002; J.D., Brooklyn Law School, 1991; B.S., University of Rochester, Physics and Astronomy, 1988

Area of expertise Before coming to the College, Randall was an attorney, judicial clerk, and instructor in the School of Justice Studies at Arizona State University. He is a homeless-rights advocate, a sustainable-community activist, and an anti-war organizer. Teaching Peace Studies and Social Thought combines his scholarly pursuits and passions while continuing his explorations of social justice, political action, and peace education. Randall is the Executive Director of the Peace & Justice Studies Association, headquartered at the College. Publications Amster, Randall, Abraham Deleon, Luis A. Fernandez, Anthony J. Nocella, and Deric Shannon (eds.). 2009. Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy. NY: Routledge. Amster, Randall. 2008. Lost in Space: The Criminalization, Globalization, and Urban Ecology of Homelessness. NY: LFB Scholarly. Starr, Amory, Luis Fernandez, Randall Amster, Lesley J. Wood, and Manuel J. Caro. 2008. “The Impacts of State Surveillance on Political Assembly and Association: A Socio-Legal Analysis,” Qualitative Sociology, v31/n3/p251. Amster, Randall. 2006. “Perspectives on Ecoterrorism: Catalysts, Conflations, & Casualties,” Contemporary Justice Review, v9/n3, September. Amster, Randall. 2004.


Walt Anderson Environmental Studies Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan, Resource Ecology, 1976; M.S., University of Arizona, Wildlife Biology, 1974; B.S., Washington State University, Wildlife Biology, with highest honors, 1968

Area of expertise Walt has been referred to as “the naturalist of old cast in modern times, the next generation of a proud and ancient lineage.” His field experience spans the globe: East Africa, Madagascar, Brazil, Ecuador (including Galapagos), Argentina, Australia, Mexico, Alaska, and the American West. Walt teaches and advises on Natural History, Ecology, Wildlife Management, Wetland Ecology, Interpreting Nature through Art and Photography, Ecotourism, and Field Biology. Publications Anderson, Walt, (writer, illustrator, and photographer) Inland Island: The Sutter Buttes. Prescott, AZ: Natural Selection and Middle Mountain Foundation, 2004. Gutnik, Martin and Natalie Browne-Gutnik, Wonders of the World: Madagascar. (primary photographer, Walt Anderson) Austin, TX: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1995. Anderson’s photos appear in Co-existing with Urban Wildlife, Wonders of the World: Madagascar, National Audubon Society, Ecology, Journal of Wildlife Management, Condor, American Birds, and more.

Gret Antilla Education M.C., Arizona State University, Counseling Psychology, 1978; B.A., Arizona State University, Secondary Education and Political Science, 1971

Area of expertise Gret has been associated with Prescott College as a faculty member and administrator since 1987. Her background includes working with public schools, private schools, colleges, environmental organizations, and youth-at-risk programs. Gret has more than 30 years of experience in higher education and is dedicated to the academic and personal development of students. Gret is the Executive Director of CIEL – The Consortium for Innovative Environments in Learning. “I believe that the way we teach at Prescott College gives students the ability to be effective in the reform of education. My experience and scholarship has shown me that the best curriculum one can design comes from engaging students in a real world problem and having a strong mastery of content. Collaboration is key to gaining academic understanding, and application is the key to using knowledge wisely.”

Joel Barnes Adventure Education and Environmental Studies Ph.D., Union Institute and University, Environmental Conservation and Education, 2006; M.S., California State University at Humboldt, Natural Resource Studies in Wilderness and Water Resource Management, 1991; B.A., Prescott College, Environmental Sciences and Education, 1991

Area of expertise Joel has designed and taught a number of college-level interdisciplinary field programs across the Colorado Plateau and Mexico, Latin America, Alaska, and New Zealand. Joel’s professional interests emphasize the integration of environmental studies and adventure education with backcountry travel and bioregional explorations. Joel’s doctoral studies have him conducting research in Grand Canyon National Park to support Wild and Scenic River designation for the Colorado River and its tributaries. Publications Barnes J., “Wild and Scenic Rivers in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion,” River Management Society News, 13 (3). Fall 2000. Missoula, Mont: River Management Society. Tershy B., Bourillón L., Meltzer L., Barnes J., “A Survey of Ecotourism on Islands in Northwestern Mexico.” Environmental Conservation, 26 (3) 1999:214-217.


Melanie Bishop Arts and Letters M.F.A., University of Arizona, Fiction, 1992; B.A., Prescott College, Creative Writing, 1996

Area of expertise Melanie writes fiction, creative nonfiction, and screenplays. She has published both fiction and nonfiction. Melanie is founder of Alligator Juniper, Prescott College’s award-winning national literary magazine. “Unlike many who write and teach, I am more passionate about teaching. I love discovering talent, whether in the classroom or in the stacks of submissions sent to our magazine. Finding and nurturing talent in others is often more thrilling than exercising my own. It is truly a privilege to teach creative writing and literature at a school where the students inspire me on a daily basis with their talent, drive, and insight. Many students who emerge from our program have, during their time here, worked on a national literary magazine, run a college newspaper, taught writing to a community group, and written their first book.” Publications Glimmer Train, Puerto del Sol, Greensboro Review, Florida Review, Georgetown Review, Valley Guide, Hospice Magazine, Family Circle. Melanie is recipient of a Transatlantic Review Award, two residencies at Hedgebrook, and a Chesterfield Screenwriting Fellowship.

Ed Boyer Environmental Studies; Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies, Co-director Ph.D., University of Arizona, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 1987; M.S., University of Arizona, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 1980; B.S., Arizona State University, Zoology, 1977

Area of expertise Ed’s primary focus is in developing the Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies, Prescott College’s field station and marine lab on the coast of the Gulf of California. Dr. Boyer also teaches a marine biology field course at the Center every year, where the focus is on training students in marine ecological research methods. He also teaches Basic Biological Principles at the main campus. Dr. Boyer’s Ph.D. dissertation was on the relationship between predation, diversity, and community structure in marine ecosystems. Publications Boyer, E.H., The Natural Disappearance of a Top Carnivore and Its Impact on an Intertidal Invertebrate Community: the Interplay of Temperature and Predation on Community Structure. Michigan: Bell and Howell Company, 1987. Boyer published articles on the Gulf of California Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena sinus) and on the anatomy and physiology of the eye. He coauthored a paper on the Management of Alcatraz Island, Sonora, Mexico and presented at the Gulf of California Conference in Tucson, Ariz., June 2004.

Mathieu Brown Adventure Education M.S. Northern Arizona University, Natural Resource Management, 2006; B.S. NAU Business Economics, B.A. NAU Southwest Studies, 2000.

Area of expertise Mathieu’s passion is using outdoor pursuits to connect individuals to one another and the landscape. He believes educational opportunities in the outdoor environment are infinitely abundant and that interdisciplinary knowledge is essential to adding depth and meaning to outdoor experiences. He enjoys spending time in the field with students and watching their limitless curiosity and innovation unfold. His personal area of study includes the tourism and recreation history of the Western United States.


Grace G. Burford Cultural and Regional Studies Ph.D., Northwestern University, History and Literature of Religions, 1983; M.A., University of Chicago, 1978; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1973

Area of expertise Grace uses her expertise in the history of religions to guide her students’ intellectual and personal exploration of humanity’s search for meaning, depth, and connection. Grace collaborates with students in the study of the world’s religious beliefs and practices, and helps students apply their understanding of various religious world views to significant contemporary issues. Publications Burford, G. The Use of Site Visits in Religious Studies Courses, American Academy of Religion, Spotlight on Teaching, 2004. Burford, G., “A Buddhist Reflects on Some Christians’ Reflections on Buddhist Practices.” In Christians Talk About Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk About Christian Prayer, Gross and Muck, eds. New York: Continuum, 2003. Burford, G., If Buddha Is So Great, Why Are These People Christian? In Buddhists Talk About Jesus; Christians Talk About Buddha, Gross and Muck, eds. New York: Continuum, 2000.

Julie Comnick Arts and Letters, Studio Arts M.F.A., Montana State University, Painting, 2001; B.A., The Evergreen State College, 1995

Area of expertise Julie’s approaches teaching Visual Art from various perspectives: cultural, personal, and political. She sees art as an integral part of our cumulative history, and an avenue for individual expression and social change. Julie teaches Studio Arts disciplines including painting, drawing, sculpture, foundations and art theory. Within each, Julie introduces technique and craft within historical, cultural, and contemporary contexts that integrate process with visual experience. Exhibits and reviews Julie has exhibited her paintings and drawings in solo and group exhibitions nationally. Her work has been featured in publications including New American Paintings, Dialogue Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, and The Washington Post.

K.L. Cook Arts and Letters M.F.A., Warren Wilson College, Creative Writing, 1991; M.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, English, 1987; B.A., West Texas State University, English and Theatre, 1984 Area of expertise Kenny teaches a wide variety of creative writing and literature classes, including Shakespeare, Family Systems in Film and Literature, and fiction writing workshops. Publications Glimmer Train, American Short Fiction, Harvard Review, Poets & Writers, Threepenny Review, Shenandoah, Alligator Juniper, Now Write: Fiction Writing Exercises from Today's Best Writers and Teachers, and Teachable Moments: Essays on Experiential Education. His collection of linked stories, Last Call (2004), won the Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Fiction. His novel, The Girl from Charnelle, (2006), was named to several best book lists of 2006. Other honors include an Arizona Commission on the Arts fiction fellowship and the grand prize in the 2002 Santa Fe Writers’ Project Literary Arts Series. “I love teaching here because the College reinforces my own philosophy about education. Self-direction, cross-disciplinary study, and experiential learning are the cornerstones of any artist’s life. It’s a privilege to help students discover literature and to encourage them to develop the craft, vision, and generosity of spirit it takes to write their own stories. I’m amazed by the work students do here. It serves as inspiration for my own writing.”


Margaret Cox Education M.S., University of Houston, Elementary Education, 1979 B.A., University of Southwestern Louisiana, Upper Elementary Education, 1967

Area of expertise Maggie Cox is an instructor at Prescott College and works nationally as a staff development specialist. Her tenure includes 30 years of educational experience as a K-8 classroom teacher and language arts curriculum specialist in Big Piney, Wyo. She has taught at Western Wyoming College and Texas A&M. Maggie currently serves on the boards of the Education Foundation of Yavapai County and the North Central Arizona Mathematics and Science Consortium. She is the president of the Phi Delta Kappa Yavapai chapter as well as a member of Delta Kappa Gamma and Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented.

David Craig Adventure Education M.S.Ed, Northern Illinois University, 1993; B.A., California State University, Long Beach, Recreation and Leisure Studies, 1989

Area of expertise Dave has focused his energies at Prescott College on developing courses that blend adventure pursuits with the study of the ocean environment. As an outdoor educator and naturalist, he facilitates highly experiential studies of sea kayaking, SCUBA diving, free diving, marine natural history, outdoor teaching and leadership skills, and coastal expeditioning. “I love combining the aesthetic grace of sea kayaking and diving with building people’s understanding of the 70 percent of our world covered by water. The beauty of a tidepool teaming with life, the underwater acrobatics of a sea lion, or dolphins leaping around our kayaks seldom fail to inspire a dedicated desire to understand and protect our ocean planet.”

Tim Crews Environmental Studies Ph.D., Cornell University, Ecosysste Biology, 1993; postdoctoral research, Stanford University; B.A., University of California at Santa Cruz, Agroecology, 1985

Area of expertise Tim is the director of Prescott College’s Jenner Farm. His specific research interests include nitrogen fixation and cycling in farming as well as native systems. Tim teaches courses in Agroecology, Southwest Plants for a Natural Systems Agriculture, Issues of Global Food Production, Intro to Soil Science and Land Stewards. Publications Crews, T.E.and M.B. Peoples. 2004. Legume versus fertilizer sources of nitrogen: ecological trade-offs and human needs. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 102:279-297. Crews, Timothy E., Heraldo Farrington, and Peter M. Vitousek. Changes in Asymbiotic, Heterotrophic Nitrogen Fixation on Leaf Litter of Metrosideros polymorpha with Long-term Ecosystem Development in Hawaii. Ecosystems 3 (4) July/August 2000:386. Crews, T.E., The Presence of Nitrogen Fixing Legumes in Terrestrial Communities. Evolutionary vs. Ecological Considerations, Biogeochemistry 46 1999:233-246.


Jordana DeZeeuw Spencer Education/Human Development/Adventure Education Ph.D. candidate, Prescott College, Sustainability Education; M.S., University of New Hampshire, Experiential Education, 2002; B.A., Yale University, Theatre Studies and Literature, 1995 Area of expertise Jordana has been using experiential education methodologies since 1988. Her passion for and work in education for social change have taken her from South Africa to Greece, Honduras to Western Europe, and across the United States. She teaches undergraduates and advises graduate students at Prescott with an eye to catalyzing learners’ strong critical consciousness and compassionate connectedness with the world. From Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound during Jordana’s Experiential Education Practicum course to grappling with social justice dilemmas in her Ethical Issues class, to her Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education course, Jordana’s students have an opportunity to challenge themselves and engage diverse levels. Publications An Examination of the Impact of Experiential Education Methodologies Used in Cross-Cultural Programs on the Moral Reasoning of High School Students, 2002, UNH.

Bob Ellis Education and Environmental Studies M.S., Western Illinois University, Recreation, Park, and Tourism Administration, 1991; B.S., University of North Texas, Secondary Education, Biology, and Earth Science, 1981

Area of expertise Bob comes to Prescott College with more than 20 years of teaching experience, ranging from coral reef ecology in the British Virgin Islands to desert ecology in Utah. Bob has taught at all levels in public schools. He has an extensive background in field-based education with organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, as the field director for an adventure-based environmental education program for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, directing pre-service and in-service teacher training, writing natural history publications, and conducting human dimension research. “Many of today’s youth endure a childhood of relational poverty exacerbated by education’s graceless march toward high stakes testing. My life’s work stands in sharp contrast to this trend. I believe that learning is an act of building understanding through relationships – especially those relationships that connect children to place.”

Liz Faller Arts and Letters M.A., Prescott College, Dance and Transformation, 1999; B.A., Western Washington State College, Sociology/Anthropology, 1974

Area of expertise Liz’s passion for dance, nature, experiential and progressive education, and human potential has spanned 30 years. With her extensive foundation in African-inspired, improvisational, and transformational dance, Liz continues to enthusiastically teach, perform, direct, and choreograph. Her background in personal growth and earth-based community enlivens her courses. Her approach is holistic and supportive, calling forth the unique creative potential of each student. Performance and presentation highlights Seattle World Rhythm Festival; Arizona Jazz Festival; Seattle Festival of Alternative Dance and Improvisation Publications When Spirit Comes Dancing: The Union of the Spiritual and Physical in Dance, with video and an anthology essay Dance for Wilderness Project: Interdisciplinary, Service-based Education.


Anita E. Fernández Education Faculty Ph.D., University of Arizona, Language, Reading, and Culture; 2001. M.A., University of Arizona, Teaching and Teacher Education, 1997; B.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, English, 1990.

Area of expertise Anita brings a passion for working with future teachers. She is committed to issues of equity and access to education, particularly in public school settings. She is a former high school English teacher who understands the need for compassionate, caring, and committed teachers who teach in a manner that puts students’ lives at the center of their curriculum. Before joining the Prescott College faculty in 2005, Anita taught in the teacher preparation at California State University, Chico. Her areas of research include the use of autobiography in teacher education, multicultural, anti-racist education, and education as the practice of freedom. Publications Articles in a variety of journals including “It’s not so elementary: Practices to disrupt homophobia in teacher education classes.” She was also featured on EdChange Multicultural Pavilion.

Thomas Lowe Fleischner Environmental Studies Ph.D., The Union Institute, Eenvironmental Studies, 1998; M.S., Western Washington University, Biology, 1983; B.S., The Evergreen State College, Field Biology, 1977

Area of expertise Tom’s interests include nature writing, the historical and philosophical aspects of the human-nature relationship, and the relationship between science and public policy. Tom’s field studies of birds and marine mammals have taken him from the Pacific Northwest to the Alaskan Arctic to the Sonoran Desert. He is an active conservation biologist regionally and nationally. Tom co-founded and directed the North Cascades Institute, an environmental field school, and worked for the National Park Service. “I believe in the life-changing power of a simultaneous immersion in wild nature and rigorous educational process.” Publications Fleischner, T.L., Singing Stone: A Natural History of the Escalante Canyons. University of Utah Press. 1999. Fleischner, T.L., Desert Wetlands. In Press. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Fleischner, T.L., Diversity Deep and Wild. Conservation Biology 17 2003: 952-953.

Lisa Floyd-Hanna Environmental Studies Ph.D., University of Colorado, Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, 1981; M.S., University of Hawaii, Botany, 1977; B.S., University of Hawaii, Cell Biology. 1974

Area of expertise Lisa is a plant ecologist whose research focuses on fire history and fire effects in piñon-juniper and other arid Southwestern ecosystems. She studies the effects of disturbances such as roads and grazing on plant communities and threatened plant populations. Lisa is involved in many National Park Service and Forest Service projects. Publications Floyd, M. Lisa, William H. Romme, David D. Hanna, Mark Winterowd, Dustin Hanna, and John Spence. 2008 Fire history of Piñon-Juniper woodlands on Navajo point, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Natural Areas Journal 28:26-36. Floyd, M. Lisa, David Hanna, William H. Romme and Timothy E. Crews. 2006. Predicting and mitigating weed invasions to restore natural post-fire succession in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire 15(2) 247–259. Floyd, M. Lisa, D. D. Hanna, W.H. Romme. 2004. Historical and recent fire regimes in Piñon-juniper woodlands on Mesa Verde, USA. Forest Ecology and Management.198:269-289. Floyd, M. Lisa. 2003 ed. Ancient Piñon-Juniper Woodlands: A Natural History of Mesa Verde Country. University Press of Colorado. Boulder, Colo.


Deborah Ford Arts and Letters M.A., Arizona State University, Photographic Studies and Art Education, 1987; B.F.A., Arizona State University, 1977; Minneapolis College of Art and Design 1973-1976

Area of expertise Photography and its many forms of visual expression can be a very powerful tool. Much of what we know about the world today has come to us through the camera and it offspring through its powers to extend our visual experience. At Prescott College we provide individuals with a wide array of opportunities to engage with personal, ecological, and cultural issues while studying contemporary theory, as well as historical and technical approaches. Here our students demonstrate that art and life are clearly inextricably linked and honestly reflected through the work that is produced. Collections Center for Creative Photography (AZ), Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Arts (Minnesota), Northlight Gallery (Arizona), Sitka Center for Art and Ecology (Oregon), Glacier National Park (Montana), Isle Royale National Park (Michigan), Dolores National Forest (Colorado), and Ucross Foundation (Wyoming)

Dan Garvey Cultural and Regional Studies, Education Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder, Social and Multicultural Foundations, 1991; M.A., Cambridge-Goddard Graduate School of Social Change in Social Change, 1974; B.A., Worcester (Mass.) State College, 1973

Dan is the recipient of the University of New Hampshire School of Health Studies 1998 Outstanding Teaching Award, the 1997 Kurt Hahn Award, and the 2002 Julian Smith Award. He has authored more than 25 books and articles addressing the broad topic of experiential education. He is a currently serving as a Trustee of NOLS, and is on the Board of Directors of Project Adventure. He was appointed by Arizona’s Governor Janet Napolitano to the Arizona State Commission on Service and Volunteerism, and was a faculty member and Associate Dean of Student Affairs at the University of New Hampshire, where he taught and did research in the area of experiential education. Dan had a 25-year career as an administrator and educator focused on education reform and improvement. Dan is a former VISTA Volunteer, Upward Bound director, president and executive director of the Association for Experiential Education. He served as dean of the Semester at Sea Program, vice president for the American Youth Foundation, and served on the AmeriCorps Executive Committee.

Ed Grumbine Environmental Studies Ph.D., Union Institute, Environmental Policy and Management, 1991; M.S., University of Montana, Environmental Studies, 1982; B.A., Antioch College, Environmental Studies, 1976

Area of expertise I have taught for more than 30 years and find that Prescott College is the most inspiring place of all. I am excited about learning and so are my students. I work hard to connect my class materials with real-world applications and students who also wish to change the world. I get to know students as people and help them define and fulfill their educational goals. This is what my vision of teaching is all about. I worked for or consulted with every major federal land management agency in my efforts to reshape government policies. I directed the Sierra Institute Wildlands Program at the University of California at Santa Cruz for 20 years. Publications Grumbine, E., Reflections on “What is ecosystem management?” Conservation Biology, 11(1): 41-47, 1997. Grumbine, E., “What is Ecosystem Management?” Conservation Biology, 8(1): 27-38, 1994. Grumbine, E., “Wildness, Wise Use, and Sustainable Development,” Environmental Ethics, 16(3): 227-249, 1994.


Zoë Hammer Cultural and Regional Studies Ph.D., University of Arizona, Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies, 2004; M.A., University of Arizona, Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies, 1995; B.A., Scripps College, 1989

Area of expertise Zoë’s teaching and research focus on the intersections of culture, power, and globalization through critical social justice studies. Her courses combine participatory social justice research and critical theory. Publications “The Architecture of Fear: Common Sense and the U.S. Mexico Border Wall.” in Entertaining Fear: Rhetoric and the Political Economy of Social Control, 2009, Peter Lang Publishing. “Human Rights, Prison Abolition, and Strategies for Social Change." in In Our Own Back Yard: Human Rights, Injustice & Resistance in the U.S, 2010. University of Pennsylvania Press. "Border Action Network and Human Rights: Community-Based Resistance Against the Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border." with co-authors: Jennifer Allen and Sang Hea Kil, in In Our Own Back Yard: Human Rights, Injustice & Resistance in the U.S., 2010, University of Pennsylvania Press. "Abolitionists in Willcox: The Campaign to Stop New Immigrant Prisons in Southern Arizona." in Beyond Walls and Cages: Bridging Prison Abolition and Immigrant Justice Movements, Forthcoming, AK Press.

David D. Hanna Environmental Studies M.S.T., Antioch New England Graduate School, Environmental Education and Science Teaching, 1984; B.S. Fort Lewis College, Biology/Natural History, 1977

Area of expertise David’s research and teaching emphasize the integration of ecological understanding and modern technology. Synergy between these fields is invaluable to help monitor the health of our planet and build a sustainable future. This commitment manifests itself through courses in geographic information science, where students use analytic capabilities to evaluate ecological issues across various spatial scales. His courses in ecological design bridge the sometimes opposing disciplines of technology and ecology as we seek to understand what we can do to build a more sustainable future. Publications Floyd, M. Lisa, David D. Hanna, William H. Romme, “Historical and recent fire regimes in Pinon-juniper woodlands on Mesa Verde, Colo.,” USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 2004. 198, 269-289. Floyd, M. Lisa (editor) D. Hanna, W.H. Romme, M. Colyer (Technical Editors), Ancient Piñon-Juniper Woodlands: A Natural History of Mesa Verde Country, University Press of Colorado. Boulder, Colo., 2003.

Sam Henrie Cultural and Regional Studies University of Arizona and Michigan State University, post-doctorate study in Creative Writing and Literature; Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, Psychology and Education, 1969; M.A., University of Utah, Music and Spanish Literature, 1962; B.A., Brigham Young University, Music Theory and Composition, 1959

Area of expertise Sam taught at Prescott College from 1971 to 1997, when he transferred to emeritus status. He currently limits his teaching areas to philosophy and religion while he pursues research and writing. Over the course of his tenure, he taught writing, music, art history, Latin-American studies, education, and cognitive psychology. His extracurricular activities include parenting five children, promoting educational innovation, working with physically challenged, wilderness activities, singing, composing music, restoring historic homes, and writing both fiction and nonfiction.


Jack Herring Environmental Studies; Dean, Resident Degree Program Ph.D., University of Washington, Atmospheric Sciences, 1994; B.S. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Chemistry, 1989

Area of expertise In his academic career, Jack has focused on understanding the Earth as an integrated system and exploring to what degree human activities are interfering with that system. Current research projects include a study of cancer-causing air pollutants in Phoenix and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions from different ecosystems in Arizona. Jack is also keenly interested in how we can solve environmental problems by developing consensus among stakeholders. He is involved with collaborative groups that are tackling some of the key environmental issues in Arizona, including the protection of our public forests. Publications Herring, J.A., A. Muro and T. Crews, “Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Interior Chaparral in the Southwestern United States,” Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Supply., Abstract A11F-0040, 2003.

Douglas Hulmes Education and Environmental Studies M.S., George Williams College, Environmental Education, cum laude, 1976; B.A., Prescott College, Environmental Science, 1974

Area of expertise Doug’s teaching integrates natural sciences with historical and cultural perspectives that illustrate how people’s attitudes toward nature influence ecological sustainability. He helped design the College’s environmental education curriculum. Doug has received numerous awards, including the 1990 National Wilderness Education Award, sponsored by the US Forest Service; the Educator of the Year and President’s Appreciation awards from the Arizona Environmental Education Association in 1994; and the City of Prescott Earth Day Award in 2003. Recognized for his portrayal of John Muir, Doug was invited to perform for the 40th anniversary of the Wilderness Act in Washington, DC in 2004. “I am interested in how cultures relate to nature, and teach classes in Mexico, Scotland, and Norway. I am dedicated to instilling a sense of compassion, wonder, and responsibility toward life and the environment through the study of nature and ecology.”

Lee James Adventure Education M.S.T., Antioch/New England Graduate School, Environmental Studies Education, 1988

Area of expertise Lee has extensive experience as a mountaineer and has worked as a climbing guide in Colorado, Alaska, and abroad. His 18 years of experience as an outdoor educator include work with therapeutic programs for at-risk youth, instructing mountaineering courses for the National Outdoor Leadership School, and guiding on Denali (Mt. McKinley, Alas.). He is increasingly drawn to rivers and Arctic environments, and combines these in month-long canoe trips in Alaska’s Brooks Range. Lee is committed to an interdisciplinary approach in his classes, which integrate adventure, environmental studies, and cultural awareness, while developing technical skills in navigation, mountaineering, and river travel. “I am interested in seeking out connections among people, academic disciplines, and the natural world. It’s an honor to be involved in the process through which students realize these connections and expand their sense of the possible.”


Tim Jordan Human Development M.A., Antioch University, Psychology, 1983; B.S., The Evergreen State College, Biology, 1979

Area of expertise Tim has worked as a family therapist in community mental-health centers and as a ranger and forest firefighter. He is fascinated with all kinds of ecological systems, from forests to human families, and grounds his clinical work and teaching in a natural systems perspective, with an emphasis in the psychology of nonviolence and social responsibility. He teaches courses in human development, counseling, and ecopsychology. “I encourage learners to reflect upon the relationship between their own personal growth, their academic progress, and their professional development. I see these as strands of the same rope, assisting them in their journey at Prescott College. During this journey, students become more aware of the distinctions between these strands of development, as well as how, bound together, they provide for a balanced life. I think they become happier, more fulfilled counselors, educators, leaders, and activists, who are more profoundly helpful to those they serve and more durable in daily practice.”

Phil Latham Adventure Education B.A., Prescott College, Wilderness Leadership, 1983

Area of expertise Growing up in Tucson, Phil developed an interest in outdoor recreation at an early age and discovered Prescott College just before high school graduation. His course of study focused on outdoor leadership and recreation. Since his graduation, Phil has worked for a variety of outdoor programs throughout the Southwest as an environmental educator, climbing instructor and guide, and trip leader. He enthusiastically pursues rock climbing, mountain biking, and general outdoor exploration. “The educational experience here at Prescott College is a unique blend of physical endeavors and intellectual challenges within an unusually close-knit community. I feel I am doing my best when students are discovering things on their own. It is then that I feel like a true teacher, and it is then that I also learn the most.”

William J. Litzinger Environmental Studies Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder, Biological Science, 1983; M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, Biological Science, 1981; B.A., San Jose State University, Botany, 1974

Area of expertise Bill is a botanist and ecologist with his primary area of expertise being the ethnobiology of plants. His geographic areas of interest include the floras of Southwestern North America, Mexico, and Central America. Bill is currently focusing his research on the floras of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, Belize, and the Peten of Guatemala. Publications Litzinger, W., Maya T’an/Spoken Maya. Ediciones Euroamericana, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. 1999. Litzinger, W., “A personal perspective on the ethnobotany of old-growth Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands.” In: M.L. Floyd (ed.) Ancient Pinon-Juniper Woodlands. University of Colorado Press, Boulder. (Chapter 22, pp. 287-293). 2003.


Erin Lotz Adventure Education M.A., Mankato State University, Experiential Education, 1995; B.A., California State University Northridge, Leisure Studies and Recreation, 1991

Area of expertise Erin has enjoyed decades of teaching in the field of experiential and adventure education. From adjudicated youth to Montessori preschoolers, from Outward Bound expeditions to science camp, Erin has taught individuals of all ages and facilitated groups with widely varied objectives. At Prescott College, Erin spends much of the year teaching expeditionary-based courses using rock climbing, backpacking, and mountaineering to impart teaching and facilitation skills. While on campus, she teaches wilderness first aid as well as a survey course titled Origins and Directors in Adventure Education. Erin has become a resource on feminine leadership and learning styles both to aspiring women in the field, and to men and women wishing to teach inclusively to both genders. Erin has published a chapter on empowering women in wilderness-based courses.

David Lovejoy Adventure Education B.A., Prescott College, Photography and Publication Design, Outdoor Leadership, Geology, 1973

Area of expertise David brings more than 35 years of mountaineering experience to the Adventure Education Program. As a senior faculty member he was instrumental in building the program from its inception. He wrote the original Granite Mountain Climbers Guide, hailed as a leading influence in promoting low-impact rock climbing. His climbing and ski mountaineering exploits have taken him to many rock walls and alpine regions of the world. Physical geography and natural sciences also are personal strengths. His longterm love affair with snow and alpine environments has engaged him in several mountain research projects. “I find the greatest satisfaction in working with students in a setting where the often lost arts of flexibility, adaptability, and cooperation are critical to safety, sanity, and success. Wilderness provides this, free of dogma, but full of consequences to test one’s actions.”

Lorayne Meltzer Environmental Studies; Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies, Co-director M.S., California State University, Natural Resource Management, 1990; B.A., Pomona College, American Studies and Public Policy

Area of expertise As co-director of Prescott College’s field station in Kino Bay, Mexico, Lorayne is active in collaborative island and fisheries conservation efforts in the Sea of Cortez. Through her marine conservation classes in Mexico, students learn firsthand about complex issues confronting marine and coastal environments. “It is one thing to read in a book that 85 percent of everything caught on a shrimp trawler is discarded dead as bycatch back into the sea. It is quite a different learning experience to be sorting through the bycatch on the deck of a trawler, working alongside fishermen whose livelihoods depend on destructive fisheries practices.” Upper division students have the opportunity to learn about conservation methods, while simultaneously contributing to real conservation projects. Conference presentations “Export Market Influence on the Development and Current Status of the Pacific Shrimp Fishery of Sonora, Mexico.” “An Integrated Approach to the Management of Alcatraz Island, Sonora, Mexico.”


Charissa Menefee Arts and Letters Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Theatre and Speech Communication, 1992; M.A., West Texas State University, Interdisciplinary Studies, 1985; B.A., West Texas State University, English and Theatre, 1983

Area of expertise Dr. Menefee teaches Playwriting, Writing as Performance, Acting Workshop: Comedy, and more. She has served as chair of the Arts and Letters Program, directed more than thirty plays, performed as a vocalist and improvisational comedian, and participated in the new play development process as playwright, director, dramaturg, actor, and producer. Prescott College Theatre Plays directed for the college include Oedipus the King, The Skin of Our Teeth, A Lie of the Mind, The American Dream, and children’s theatre productions of The Phantom Tollbooth, Androcles and the Lion, and Earthlings. Playwriting honors Original plays honored by Utah Shakespearean Festival, Arizona Theatre Conference, American College Theatre Festival, Pandora Festival, City of Charleston Literary Arts Awards, and Sewanee Writers’ Conference.

Julie Munro Adventure Education M.S., Mankato State University, Experiential Education, 1995; Arizona Teacher’s Certification, Prescott College, Secondary Earth Sciences, 1990; B.A., Prescott College, Outdoor Education and Program Administration, 1985

Area of expertise Julie’s background in adventure education is highlighted by work with diverse populations and outdoor programs, as well as classroom teaching. She believes in the use of wilderness education as a way to reveal people’s highest potential. Whether preparing students to instruct in the field setting or in the classroom, Julie’s focus is on giving students multiple tools and approaches for teaching to effectively reach a broad range of students. Julie is actively involved with the Association for Experiential Education, giving frequent presentations and convening conference activities. “One of my favorite classes to teach is an introductory course called Outdoor Education and Recreation. We see the beautiful and diverse state of Arizona through a multitude of outdoor activities. I love exploring Arizona with students.” Her Yoga background includes a blend of disciplines and currently she is studying the Viniyoga lineage with a master teacher, Gary Kraftsow.

Steve Munsell Adventure Education B.A., Evergreen State College, Outdoor Education, 1979

Area of expertise Steve has been an outdoor education teaching professional for more than 28 years. His career has spanned the growth and development of outdoor education nationwide. He teaches a historical perspective and integrates current trends in the developing field. He was program coordinator from 1991 to 1995. Steve teaches from his direct experience with outdoor program administration, risk management, and staffing. He teaches in a variety of environmental settings. These include backcountry skiing, desert mountaineering, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and kayaking. He integrates themes of wilderness leadership and sense of place into all his courses. Steve has made seven trips to the Antarctic and Arctic as a research field assistant. He has traveled, climbed, and skied widely, including solo trips to South Greenland and Tasmania, a ski traverse of the Penny Icecap on Baffin Island, and mountaineering in Peru, New Zealand, Iceland, and Norway.


Delisa Myles Arts and Letters M.F.A., University of Colorado, Dance, 1988; B.A., University of Northern Colorado, Recreation and Dance Education, 1981

Area of expertise Delisa’s areas of expertise include intergenerational dance, choreography, improvisation, community connections, and using dance as a vehicle for growth and healing. Some of her recent projects have included “Growth Rings: Stories of Our Lives,” a 60¬person collaboration with people between the ages of 12 and 82, and “Flourish Before the Flood,” a traveling performance along the banks of Granite Creek in Prescott. She has directed and performed in several site specific performances and is interested in the interplay between the natural and built environments in relation with dance. Publications Delisa’s choreographic work and writing have been featured in the Utne Reader and Contact Quarterly. She has received funding from the Arizona Commission on the Arts for “Mothership: Dances of the Fluid Feminine,” a dance and photography collaboration with six women between the ages of 25 and 83.

Dana Beth Oswald Environmental Studies Ph.D., University of New Mexico, Anthropology, 1993; M.A., University of New Mexico, Anthropology, 1979; B.A., Prescott College, Anthropology, 1971

Area of expertise Dana is a native Southwesterner. She longs for the stark beauty and wide-open spaces of the Southwest when she is away too long. “Travel played an important role in opening my mind, but now I want to stay in one place and help build a sustainable community. My studies in cultural anthropology and human ecology, including past, present, and future interactions between humans and nature, prepared me to look at modern problems from many perspectives. I help students respect diversity and learn from people with other worldviews, because diversity of thought is life-sustaining. I challenge students to confront difficult issues and to develop personal commitments to creating a sustainable future for all peoples.” Dana is currently conducting fieldwork on the Navajo reservation. Publications Oswald, D.B., Navajo Space Use Under Conditions of Increasing Sedentism. Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico, 1993.

Steven Pace Human Development and Adventure Education M.S.W., University of Denver, 1986; B.S., Antioch University at Yellow Springs, Environmental Studies, 1976

Area of expertise Steve’s areas of expertise include interpersonal and group communication, mediation and conflict resolution, therapeutic use of adventure education, as well as outdoor program administration and risk management. His courses are co-created with the class and contain a balanced mixture of experiential activities, critical thinking, and interesting theory. Steve’s Outward Bound background, where he worked for 12 years, helps him make his courses relevant for students interested in human development and adventure education. Steve has served on the Accreditation Council of the Association for Experiential Education, which sets standards for the field of adventure education, and currently serves as president of their board of directors. “The inspiring faculty and students drawn to Prescott College and the way we design our courses make working here so fulfilling and exciting that I cannot imagine teaching in any other place.”


Mary Poole Cultural and Regional Studies; Director Maasai Community Partnership Ph.D., Rutgers University, U.S. History, 2000; B.A., The Evergreen State College, Education and Political Science, 1988

Area of expertise Mary teaches History, Women’s Studies, and Race Relations in the United States. She brings to her courses an excitement for the study of history, and believes that our perception of what is possible in the present can be profoundly expanded by learning about what was considered to be possible in the past. Publications Mary’s first book, Securing Race: The Origins of the U.S. Welfare State, was published in 2005. American Paradox: Studies in the History of a Varied People; The Color Line in U.S. History, which traces the development of the fictional belief in the biological reality of 'race' and the meaning given to that belief over time; History of Conflict in the Southwest; History and Culture of Native America; Prejudice and Intolerance; Women in American History. She also co-teaches Maasai: Indigenous People in a Global World in Kenya, with indigenous Maasai activists and educators.

Andre Potochnik Environmental Studies Ph.D., Arizona State University, Geology, 2001; M.S., The University of Arizona, Geosciences, 1989; B.S., Sonoma State University, Geology, 1983

Area of expertise Andre’s travels in the Sierra Nevada and Grand Canyon ignited his interest in geology, natural history, and regional environmental issues. He advises the Interior Secretary on Glen Canyon Dam for the benefit of the Colorado River ecosystem. His research provides insights on the landscape evolution of the southern Colorado Plateau and Central Arizona Highlands. “Geology and the study of deep time helps us find our place on earth. The earth is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered. I hope to excite my students with scientific discovery, and integrate research and education of environmental issues of our time.” Publications Potochnik, A.R. and S.J. Reynolds, 2003, Side canyons of the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, in S.S. Beus and M. Morales (eds.), Geology of the Grand Canyon: Oxford University Press. Potochnik, A.R., 2001, Paleogeomorphic evolution of the Salt River region: implications for Cretaceous-Laramide inheritance for ancestral Colorado River drainage, in Origin of the Colorado River, R.A. Young and E.E. Spamer (eds.), Grand Canyon Association Monograph.

Wayne Regina Human Development Psy.D., United States International University, Psychology, 1982; M.A., United States International University, Marriage and Family Therapy, 1979; B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Psychology, 1977

Area of expertise Wayne’s specialties include applying systems theory to a variety of human systems. Wayne is a licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, and certified mediator with more than 25 years of practitioner experience. Wayne served as Dean of Prescott College and Director of Skyview School, the first parent-initiated K-8 charter school in Arizona. “As a teacher and practitioner, I value what makes the College different. Fulfilling our mission includes a dedication to social and restorative justice; a commitment to improving the human and nonhuman environment; a sensitivity to and understanding of the importance of aesthetics, beauty, and the arts; and a belief in an active, inquiry-based education system. There is no better environment for a teacher or student than a setting where learning is so cherished by everyone.” Publications Dr. Regina is published in psychology and mediation journals.


Mark Riegner Environmental Studies Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Ecology and Evolution, 1983; B.S., State University of New York College at Brockport, Biology, 1975

Area of expertise Mark’s professional interests embrace ornithology, field ecology, and comparative morphology, and have taken him from Alaska to South America. He synthesizes theory and practice in his courses. Mark is currently involved in research on the relationship between morphology and plumage pattern in birds and has identified reiterating patterns that indicate evolution is somewhat constrained and follows delineated trajectories. Publications Riegner, M., and Niemeyer, L. (photographer). 1993. Long-legged Wading Birds of the North American Wetlands. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA. Riegner, M. 1998. “Horns, hooves, spots, and stripes: form and pattern in mammals.” Pp. 177-212 in Goethe’s Way of Science: A Phenomenology of Nature (D. Seamon and A. Zajonc, eds.). SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y.

Scott K. Risley Cultural and Regional Studies Ph.D. candidate Northern Arizona University, Environmental History and History of the American West, 2008; J.D. Arizona State University College of Law, 1993; B.S. Oklahoma State University, Political Science, 1990

Area of expertise Scott teaches courses in history; emphasizing the dynamic role of the natural environment as an agent in human history rather than as a backdrop or object upon which humans have acted; the history of the American West; and the unique human and natural environment which provides the locus of much of the learning which takes place through the College. Scott practiced in the areas of corporate, real estate, construction and water law in Arizona. He handled cases before trial and appellate courts at the state and federal levels. He was also involved in Arizona’s General Stream Adjudication. His research and writing currently focus on a variety of topics ranging from environmental justice and tourism to the history of caves and caverns. “The American Southwest is a spectacularly beautiful and meaningful place. When we understand its history and take the natural environment seriously as an integral part of that history we open new avenues through which we can understand our world. If we truly want to live sustainably in a just world, we need to understand how those who came before us interacted with the natural environment and allocated its scarce resources.”

Roxane Ronca Environmental Studies M.S., University of Washington, Atmospheric Sciences, 1995; B.S., University of Michigan, Physics, 1990

Area of expertise Roxane is an instructor for various math classes and Weather and Climate. She is especially interested in teaching students how to use algebra, statistics, and calculus to understand current scientific issues, as well as solve everyday problems. “I am passionate about improving students’ ability and confidence in math, and am committed to every student regardless of their previous experiences in math classes. Math anxiety should never prevent any student from pursuing scientific subjects. My approach is very practical and individualized, and I love opening doors for students by teaching them math.” Roxane studied climate dynamics at the University of Washington and University of Chicago, and was a program manager for the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research before coming to Prescott College.


Sheila Sanderson Arts and Letters M.F.A., University of California at Irvine, Creative Writing (Poetry), 1986; M.A., Murray State University, English, 1984; B.S., Murray State University, English, 1981

Area of expertise Sheila taught at the UC Irvine and Yavapai College prior to joining the Prescott College faculty in 1990. Her teaching interests include modern and contemporary poetry, American and world novel, and travel and sense of place writing. “Writers balance writing for themselves and writing for a more public audience. The function of a writing instructor, then, is to create an atmosphere in which students might explore and approach that balance. I encourage students to be creative writers and critical readers. My rural Kentucky background has given me a strong sense of place, community, and history, as well as a love for stories. Stories are why I keep long office hours, strike up conversations with strangers, work in tobacco fields, stay up all night talking or reading, and travel. For me, the Southwest is new territory, new stories. I am at Prescott College because its philosophy validates my own process of learning and my style of teaching.” Publications Her poems have appeared in Nimrod, Atlantic Review, and Crazyhorse.

Paul Smith Human Development M.A., The Naropa Institute, Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, 1995; B.A., Earlham College, Environmental Studies and Educational Perspectives, 1982

Area of expertise Paul brings together a background in education, counseling, and ecology with more than 20 years experience leading, training staff for, and managing wilderness-based adventure educational programs. Paul has worked with both Outward Bound and the National Outdoor Leadership School. Through all these roles, and as a faculty member at Prescott College, Paul sees his work as “exploring practical ways in which we can become more fully human, and by so doing, co-create increasingly sustainable and healthy patterns for living.” Paul serves as a lead program accreditation reviewer for the Association of Experiential Education. Along with this and his ongoing collaboration with the Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association and the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association, Paul is able to facilitate important links for students to opportunities and current practices.

Carl Tomoff Environmental Studies Postdoctoral research (Argentine Monte and Sonoran Deserts), University of Washington, 1972–74; Ph.D., University of Arizona, Zoology, 1971; M.S., University of Michigan, 1966; B.S., Xavier University, 1964

Area of expertise Carl has always had a personal concern for the well-being of his students. He loves teaching and combines innovation with traditional approaches to learning as he nurtures his students’ growth. He encourages students to find connections between what they are studying and what they already know as they experience stimulating ideas. Students in his Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest course build solid foundations that enrich their lives with deeper understanding of and appreciation for our natural world. They also become well equipped to continue with advanced studies. Students in his Field Ornithology and Introduction to Flowering Plants courses also benefit from insights gained during his nearly four decades of field experience in Arizona. Publications His most recent publication, Birds of Prescott, Arizona, is an annotated checklist of the relative abundance and seasonal status of 360 species of birds.


Kristin Woolever Prescott College President, Education Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, English; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, English; B.A., Allegheny College, English.

Area of expertise Her experience spans a wide range of academic and administrative areas. Prior to coming to UNH Manchester where she was Dean and Director of the Campus, Woolever led the Antioch Center for Creative Change at Antioch University Seattle in a reorganization that included the development of alternative course delivery models and innovative, cross-disciplinary graduate programs in environmental studies, management, organizational psychology, systems thinking, and strategic communication. At Northeastern University in Boston, Mass., Kristin served in a number of positions including Director of Assessment, Interim Dean of Cooperative Education, Director of English Department Graduate Studies, and Acting Chair and Professor of English. She co-founded and directed Northeastern’s Graduate Technical and Professional Writing Programs. She has also served as a Senior Fellow at the New England Board of Higher Education, where she directed the Communicating Science and Technology Project, a project that included participants from all six New England states.

New Full-time Faculty Rebekah Doyle-Guss, Environmental Studies M.S., Cornell University, Natural Resources 2001; B.S. Brown University, Environmental Studies, 1998. Chris Marshall, Adventure Education M.A. Candidate, Prescott College, Environmental Studies; B.A., Prescott College, Adventure Education, 2005. Bev Santo, Education Ph.D., Union Institute, Interdisciplinary Studies, The Mexico US Borderlands, 1994; M.A., Vermont College, Curriculum and Instruction, 1988; B.A., Prescott College, Theology, 1984. Titiana Shostak-Kinker, Human Development B.A., Prescott College, Multicultural Studies and Outdoor Education, 1999. Adam Thorman, Arts and Letters M.F.A., Arizona State University, Photography, 2009; B.F.A., Tisch School of the Arts New York University, Photography, 2003

Instructors and Adjunct Faculty Jim Antonius, Arts and Letters Master Glass Artist Roger Assay, Arts and Letters M.A,. University of California – Berkley, Painting, 1963; B.A., Earlham College, English, 1963. J. Dianne Brederson, Education Ed.D., Northern Arizona University, Curriculum and Instruction, 2006; M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies, Teaching Foreign Language, 1995; B.A., SUNY Plattsburg, French and Economics, 1990. Lilla Cabot, Human Development M.A., Lesley College, Art Therapy and Counseling Psychology, 1994; B.A., University of Connecticut, Psychology, 1976. Jen Chandler, Arts and Letters B.A., Prescott College, Photography and Adventure Education, 2000. Steven Corey, Cultural and Regional Studies Ph.D., University of Arizona, Higher Education Finance, 2007; M.B.A., Cumberland University, Business Administration, 1998; M.S., Arizona State University, Exercise Science, 1990; B.S., California State, 1988.


Toby Corwin, Environmental Studies B.A., Prescott College, Conservation Biology, 2004. John Farmer, Adventure Education M.A., Prescott College, Education, 2004; B.A., Prescott College, Outdoor Education, 1992. Jill Fineis, Adventure Education M.Ed., Montana State University at Billings, Interdisciplinary Studies, 2010; B.S. Ed., University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Environmental Studies, 2005. Michael Gaige, Environmental Studies M.S., Antioch University, Conservation Biology, 2009; B.A., Prescott College, Ecology and Adventure Education, 2001. Bill Garrett, Adventure Education M.A., Prescott College, Humanities, 1998; B.A., Prescott College, 1986. Chris Gates, Adventure Education B.A., Prescott College, Adventure Education, 2005. Greg Gordon, Environmental Studies Ph.D. Candidate, University of Montana, History; M.S., University of Montana, Environmental Studie,s 1992; B.A., University of Colorado, English, 1986. John Kelley, Adventure Education M.A. Candidate, Prescott College, Adventure Education; B.F.A., Colorado State University, Graphic Design, 2004. Kaitlin Noss, Cultural and Regional Studies M.A., University of Ontario, Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, 2010; B.A., Prescott College, Education for Community, 2005. Viren Perumal, Adventure Education M.S., Loma Linda University, Biology, 2006; B.A., Southern Adventist University, Biology, 2004. LaBeth Pondish, Education M.S., University of Houston, Curriculum Supervision, 1978; B.A., Sam Houston State University, English and Government, 1965. Alison Spain, Arts and Letters M.F.A., Montana State University, Painting and Drawing, 2004; B.A., Evergreen State University, Humanities, 1996. Anais Spitzer, Cultural and Regional Studies Ph.D., Pacifica Graduate Institute, Comparative Religion and Myth, 2008; M.A., Pacifica Graduate Institute, Myth Studies, 2003; B.A., University of Texas, English, 1998. Jim Stuckey, Human Development Ph.D., American University, Counselor Education; M.A., University of Missouri, Educational Psychology; B.S., University of Missouri, Education. Zora Tucker, Cultural and Regional Studies M.S., Candidate California Polytechnic University, Regenerative Studies; B.A., New College of Florida, Anthropology and Philosophy, 2002. Beth Van Oss, Cultural and Regional Studies M.A., Northern Arizona University, Spanish, 2006; M.S., Minnesota State University, Experiential Education, 1997; B.A., Northern Michigan University, English, 1998. Jan Wakefield, Arts and Letters M.A., Northern Arizona University, English, 2004; B.A., Prescott College, Liberal Arts, 1999. Bob Ward, Human Development B.A., California State University Northridge, Radio and Television Broadcasting, 1980.


Prescott College Students Unique individuals seeking a personalized, hands-on education that will make a difference Prescott College On-Campus Undergraduate Program At A Glance Prescott College draws students from across the U.S. For most of these students, the College is their first choice (96 percent of incoming first-year students in Fall 2009, compared to 64 percent at 33 other liberal arts colleges). These students are exceptional in a number of categories, including their concern about the environment, interest in other cultures and racial understanding, psychological well being and inclination towards socially responsible leadership. In most of these categories, first-year Prescott College students scored higher than any of the 54 other schools taking a recent survey.

Academics Average SAT Composite of freshmen class ...................1653 (Critical Reading + Math+ Writing) Average ACT Composite of freshmen class ......................23

Distribution of Standardized Test Scores

Undergraduate Enrollment .............................................525 Faculty Members ...............................................................77 Student-Faculty Ratio .......................................................7:1 1st-time freshmen retention Fall 2009–2010 .............71.4% (National average for Private Liberal Arts Colleges 70%) Average 1st-time freshmen graduation rate ..................56% (National average from 1st undergraduate college 54.5%)

SAT Distribution for 2010 Entering 1st Time College Students 1000 - 1099.........................................................................3% 1100 - 1199.........................................................................4% 1200 - 1299.........................................................................1% 1300 - 1399.........................................................................9% 1400 - 1499.........................................................................9% 1500 - 1599.........................................................................7% 1600 - 1699.......................................................................19% 1700 - 1799.......................................................................15% 1800 - 1899.......................................................................19% 1900 - 2000.........................................................................7% 2100 - 2199.........................................................................4% 2200 - 2299.........................................................................1%

Geographic Origin of 2010 Entering Class

Financial Aid

US-Far West.....................................................................26% US-Southwest...................................................................18% US-Rocky Mountains.........................................................7% US-Plains ............................................................................3% US-Great Lakes................................................................11% US-New England .............................................................10% US-East Coast ..................................................................13% US-Southeast....................................................................10% International.......................................................................2%

Aid Status of 2010 Entering Class Received Need-Based Grants .........................................71% Received Merit-Based Scholarships Only ......................19% No Grants or Scholarships...............................................10%

Gender of 2010 Entering Class Female..............................................................................54% Male ..................................................................................46%

Family Contribution of 2010 Entering Class $0 ......................................................................................15% $1-$5999 ...........................................................................22% $6000-$8999 .....................................................................12% $12000-$17999 ...................................................................6% $18000-23999 .....................................................................6% $24000-$29999 ...................................................................4% $30000-$35999 ...................................................................2% No Aid Application or No Need .....................................33%

Ethnicity of 2010 Entering Class White ................................................................................81% Hispanic..............................................................................8% Two Ethnicities...................................................................4% Black ...................................................................................3% International.......................................................................2% Asian ...................................................................................1% Native American ................................................................1% Other...................................................................................1%

Population & Class Level of 2010 Entering Class 1st Time College Students...............................................52% Transfer Freshmen...........................................................29% Transfer Sophomores .......................................................16% Transfer Juniors..................................................................3%

The Prescott Experience While here, Prescott College students have an experience that is notably different than what happens at many schools. For example, a recent survey (the National Survey of Student Engagement or NSSE) found that Prescott College students spend less time memorizing and more time synthesizing and organizing information into new, more complex ideas. In a Prescott College class, you are more likely to make a class presentation, participate in a community based project, put together ideas from different courses and discuss ideas from outside of class. In a combined measure of active and collaborative learning, Prescott College students scored higher in the NSSE than almost any school of the over 1000 institutions that participated in the survey. 143

Alumni A recent survey of 374 alumni showed how students use their Prescott College education after graduation. Of these alums, 89% said that their education at the College helped prepare them to contribute to positive change, and 72% said they chose their current line of employment because it enables them to contribute to positive social change. Alumni also expressed a high degree of satisfaction with their current employment and a strong majority (71%) felt well prepared for their work by their education at Prescott College. Overall, 92% of alumni indicated that they are satisfied with their Prescott College education.

Graduate School Approximately 43 percent of Prescott College graduates enroll in graduate programs within five years of graduation. College and university graduate schools attended by Prescott College alumni since 2000 include: Alliant International University, Antioch University–New England–Santa Barbara–Seattle, Appalachian State University, Argosy University–San Francisco, Arizona State University, Bastyr University, Belmont University, California Institute of Integral Studies, California State University–Fresno, Chapman University, Chestnut Hill College, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Colorado State University, CUNY Graduate School and University Center, Dominican University of California, Florida Atlantic University, John F Kennedy University, Lee University, Lesley University, Lewis & Clark College, Northwestern School of Law, McDaniel 144

College, Miami University, Minnesota State University–Mankato, Naropa University, National Louis University, New Mexico State University, Northern Arizona University, Pacific Lutheran University, Pennsylvania State University, Plymouth State University, Portland State University, San Francisco State University, Saybrook Graduate School & Research Center, School of Visual Arts, Seattle University, Smith College, Sonoma State University, Southern Oregon University, SUNY Binghamton– Plattsburgh, Syracuse University, Texas A&M University, The Evergreen State College, University of Alaska–Southeast, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, University of California–Berkeley–Davis–Riverside–Santa Barbara–Santa Cruz, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Denver–Colorado, University of Georgia, University of Illinois at Urbana, University of Iowa–Iowa Writers Workshop, University of Massachusetts–Amherst– Dartmouth, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, University of Montana, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, University of New England, University of New Mexico, University of North Carolina– Asheville–Chapel Hill–Wilmington, University of Oregon, Main Campus, University of Phoenix , University of Southern California, University of Southern Maine, University of Utah, University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, University of Washington–Seattle, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee– Stevens Point, Utah State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Walden University, and West Chester University.

General Education Requirements Prescott College has only a limited number of core or general education requirements. Students must complete collegelevel algebra or higher and must meet rigorous writing-across-the-curriculum requirements to demonstrate critical writing and research skills. College-Level Algebra or Higher Writing Certification Writing Certification I (WCI) Basic College-Level Writing Proficiency: Writing Workshop at PC; equivalent course at another accredited institution (C or better); score of 3 or higher in Advanced Placement (AP) English; students who possesses exceptional writing skills may take a certification exam. Writing Certification II (WCII): Three courses designated Writing Emphasis (WE), at least one of which is in the competence. WE courses may be Lower Division (LD) or Upper Division (UD). WCI is a prerequisite or co-requisite for a WE course. A maximum of two courses from another accredited institution could potentially be transferred in, based on successful completion (B or better) and review of course description to document that formal writing was a significant component of the course. The course must be sophomore level or higher; English 102 or equivalent first-year seminar or course would not meet this requirement. If this course is obviously a

literature course or a discipline-specific writing course, the Registrar may record the credit before the student enrolls. If additional consultation is required, the advisor and/or a Writing and Literature faculty member would have the authority to review and approve these transfer courses. Writing Certification III (WCIII): Upper Division Research Paper/ Writing Certification Research Paper, written in UD course/Independent Study in the competence or breadth area. The WCIII can be written in the context of one of the three WE courses or the WCIII can be negotiated in a different course or Independent Study contract with a faculty member or approved instructor. The WCIII must be completed before beginning the Senior Project.

Format Options Prescott College has three approved formats for presenting competence(s) and breadth(s): Format 1 – Competence/Breadth • One Competence (16 courses, eight Upper Division including Senior Project) • One Breadth (eight courses, two to three Upper Division) • Additional Studies in Liberal Arts (five to eight courses) Minimum Total Full-course Equivalents • Thirty-two full-course equivalents for all students

Format 3 – Double Competence • Two Competences (12 courses, six Upper Division per competence including two Senior Projects) • Additional Studies in Liberal Arts (five – eight courses) Minimum Total Full-course Equivalents • Thirty-two full-course equivalents for all students

Format 2 – Competence/Double Breadth • One Competence (12 courses, six Upper Division including Senior Project) • Two Breadths (six courses, two Upper Division per breadth) Minimum Total Full-course Equivalents • Thirty-two full-course equivalents for all students

Sixteen-Course Competence Advising Templates While students may design and develop alternative degree plans, these guidelines are for commonly used 16-course competences; 8 courses should be Upper Division (including Senior Project). Consult the complete advising documents for each program online at www.prescott.edu for other options.

Adventure Education Advising Template o o o o o

Adventure Education Wilderness Leadership Outdoor Experiential Education Adventure-Based Environmental Education Outdoor Program Administration

Complete 10 core courses from the following distribution: o Outdoor skills courses (4) o History, Philosophy, and Ethics courses (1) o Environmental Studies courses (2) o Human Development courses (2)

o Education and Leadership courses (1) o Management and Administration courses (optional). Successfully complete at least one Prescott College semester-long extended expeditionary course: ADVENTURE EDUCATION (AE) – designed for students preparing for institutional adventure-based fieldwork. Phase I: Expedition Skills Phase II: Teaching Methods for Adventure Educators Phase III: Teaching and Facilitation Practicum


WILDERNESS EXPLORATIONS AND LANDSCAPE STUDIES (LAND BASED) – designed for students integrating environmental studies (mountain systems and geography) and adventure education (land-based expeditionary travel). Phase I: Expedition Skills Phase II: Mountain Geography Phase III: Geographic Explorations: (place specific) WILDERNESS EXPLORATIONS AND LANDSCAPE STUDIES (MARINE BASED) – designed for students integrating environmental studies (marine systems) and adventure education (sea kayaking and diving). Phase I: Expeditionary and Technical Skills for Coastal Exploration Phase II: Introduction to Marine Science Phase III: Teaching and Facilitation Methods for Adventure Educators WILDERNESS LEADERSHIP – designed for advanced students with solid technical and communications backgrounds who are

seeking a high level of technical skills and leadership training in the context of a world with rapidly shrinking wilderness opportunities. Phase I: Advanced Technical and Risk Management Practices (Outdoor Activity 1) Phase II: Advanced Technical and Risk Management Practices (Outdoor Activity 2) Phase III: Leadership – Field Applications (Outdoor Activities 1 and 2) o Hold a current Wilderness First Responder certification or higher o Complete at least eight courses in the competence area as upper division o Complete at least three Writing emphasis courses o Document between 70 and 80 Leadership Days where the student assumes direct responsibility for the care and safety of others o Choose from the course list to complete a minimum of 16 courses relevant to your competence o Successfully complete a Senior Project

Arts & Letters Advising Template • • • •

Performing Arts Visual Arts Writing and Literature Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters

PERFORMING ARTS – complete significant coursework in two different performance areas (Theatre, Dance, Music). o Foundation/skills/knowledge courses (3) o Performance Studies courses (4) o Production courses (4) o Practicum requirement (1) o Electives (3) o Senior Project (1) VISUAL ARTS Visual Arts emphasis o Significant course work in Photography & Studio Arts o Foundation/skills/knowledge courses (5) o Visual Arts History/Survey courses (2) o Additional Visual Arts courses or Independent Studies (4) o Practicum requirement (1) o Electives (3) o Senior Project (1) Studio Arts emphasis o Foundation/Skills/Knowledge courses (5) o Visual Arts History/Survey courses (2) o Additional Studio Arts courses or Independent Studies (5) o Practicum requirement (1) o Electives (2) o Senior Project (1) Photography emphasis o Foundation/Skills/Studio courses (4) o History ccourses (2) o Additional Photographic Studies courses or Independent Studies beyond foundation level (5) o Additional Visual Arts course beyond foundation level (1) o Practicum requirement (1) o Electives (2) o Senior Project (1) WRITING & LITERATURE Creative Writing emphasis o Courses in three different genre areas (Poetry, Fiction,


Nonfiction, Scriptwriting) o Literature courses (4) (Only one combo Writing/Literature course may count toward these four) o Writing And Literature Practicum courses (2) o Electives (9) o Senior Project (often a manuscript of new and revised creative writing) (1) Writing and Literature emphasis o Courses in two different genre areas (Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Scriptwriting) o Courses in at least two literature areas (American, World, Cross-Disciplinary) o Literature courses (7) o Writing and Literature Practicum courses (2) o Electives (6) o Senior Project (often a collection of both original creative work and literary analysis) (1) Literature emphasis o Creative Writing courses (2) o Courses in all three literature areas (American, World, CrossDisciplinary) o Literature courses (10) o Practicum course (1) o Electives (2) o Senior Project (most often an in-depth literary thesis) (1) INTERDISCIPLINARY ARTS & LETTERS Arts & Letters emphasis o Courses in at least three different areas of Arts & Letters (Performing Arts, Language/Literature, Visual Arts, Writing & Literature) (12) o Practicum courses (2) o Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters courses/Independent Studies (1) o Electives (12) o Senior Project (combining at least 2 focus areas) (1) Arts & Letters with specific emphasis o Emphasis area must meet eight-course breadth requirements of the discipline (8) o Courses in two areas of Arts & Letters other than emphasis area (5) (Performing Arts, Language/Literature, Visual Arts, Writing & Literature)

o Practicum requirement (1) o Interdisciplinary Arts & Letters courses/Independent Studies (1)

o Senior Project (either combining focus areas or in emphasis area) (1)

Cultural and Regional Studies Advising Template • • • • •

Cultural and Regional Studies Religion and Philosophy Peace Studies Spanish Language and Literature Critical Geography

CULTURAL AND REGIONAL STUDIES – a minimum of eight courses, or independent studies in one of the four designated areas of knowledge: Political Economy Gender Studies Border Studies Regional Studies o Of the eight chosen, a minimum of four courses should be Upper Division o Remainder of courses in competence (eight minimum) may be drawn from any of the other three designated areas of knowledge or other relevant areas of the RDP curriculum o A minimum of eight courses in the competence should be Upper Division (including Senior Project) o Senior Project RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY o Completion of two foundation courses (one Religion, one Philosophy) o Completion of one Upper Division in area of interest (Religion or Philosophy) o Completion of five more Religion or Philosophy courses o Eight courses can be either Philosophy or Religion or relevant interdisciplinary courses o Minimum of eight of the courses should be Upper Division (includes Senior Project) o Senior Project PEACE STUDIES At Prescott College four broad areas of competence may be used as a framework for planning to attain this overall competence in the field: Foundations of Peace Studies

War and Peace Social and Environmental Justice and Conflict Resolution Leadership Skills o o o o

Completion of two foundation courses Completion of 1 Upper Division in area of interest Completion of five additional Religion or Philosophy courses Eight courses can either be Philosophy or Religion or relevant interdisciplinary courses o Minimum of eight of the courses should be Upper Division (includes Senior Project) o Senior Project SPANISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE o Foundation/Skills/Knowledge Courses (Recommended: Beginning Spanish I & II, Intermediate Spanish I and II) o Two to three-3 Spanish Intensives o Three Spanish Language Courses Beyond Foundation Level o Four to five Hispanic Literature/Culture/History Courses/Independent Studies o One Practicum course (e.g., Independent Study, teaching assistantship, tutor, internship) o Senior Project CRITICAL GEOGRAPHY o Geography: Tools for a Troubled Planet o Introduction to Geographic Information Science o Advanced Geographic Information Science o Maps and Wilderness Navigation o Physical Geography content area: two courses o Biogeography content area: two courses o Cultural Geography content area: two courses o Developing a Focus and intermediate/advanced coursework: seven courses In addition students choose an area of focus such as physical geography, biogeography, or cultural geography, and complete intermediate and advanced coursework specific to their focus. Students choose areas of focus such as mountain or desert geography. ° Senior Project

Education Advising Template • • • • •

Elementary Education Certification Secondary Education Certification Environmental Education Education (without certification) Social Justice Education

ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY CERTIFICATION Core Courses (9): o Foundations of Education o Introduction to Special Education o Learning Theories o Curriculum Design o Authentic Assessment o Multicultural Education o Creating and Managing Learning Communities o Student Teaching – this is the Senior Project for Education

students and is equivalent to two courses o Structured English Immersion course (2) ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATION o 24 Credit Methods for Elementary Educators suite of courses. SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATION o Courses in your content area (6) o Reading in the content area o Secondary content area methods Potential content areas include: Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Drama, Earth Science, English, French, General Science, Geography, German, Health, History, Industrial Technology, Journalism, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Social Studies, Spanish


The State of Arizona also requires: o Arizona Constitution – AZ State Department exam, or equivalent course o U.S. Constitution – AZ State Department exam, or equivalent course o AEPA Professional Knowledge Examination o AEPA Content Knowledge Examination ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Core Courses (4): o Foundations of Education o Basic Concepts of Ecology Ecology and Natural History of the Southwest o Learning Theories o Environmental Education: Theory One of the following courses (1): o Environmental Education Methods o Environmental Education Methods for Adventure Educators o Environmental Education Practicum Any three of the following courses (3): o Authentic Assessment o Curriculum Design o Experiential Education Philosophy and Methods o Experiential Education Practicum o Introduction to Special Education o Multicultural Education One course from each of the following content areas (4): o Earth Science o Environmental Policy o Life Science o History, Philosophy or Ethics o Electives (3) o Senior Project (generally includes an environmental education practicum with sustained contact and teaching experience) (1) SOCIAL JUSTICE EDUCATION o Foundations of Education o Multicultural Education or Rethinking Our Classrooms o Curriculum Design

o o o o o

Learning Theories Authentic Assessment Introduction to Peace Studies OR Social Movements Human Rights Seminar OR Social Problems Elective courses (five to nine) to fulfill the competence and create an emphasis area. Students may create their own area of emphasis with the approval of an advisor. Examples of emphasis areas include: Diversity; Social Psychology; Media & Culture; Religious Systems; Environmental Ethics; Race, Class, and Gender; Therapeutic Use of Wilderness; Community Development; History; Political Ideologies; the Arts. o Senior Project – Senior Project in this area must include a substantial (6-10 week) teaching component. EDUCATION (WITHOUT CERTIFICATION) Core Courses (7): o Foundations of Education o Learning Theories o Curriculum Design o Authentic Assessment o Multicultural Education o Introduction to Special Education o Creating and Managing Learning Communities Elective Courses (8): o Experiential Education Foundations o Experiential Education Practicum o Environmental Education Theory o Environmental Education Methods o Environmental Education Practicum o Adventure Education I, II, III o Life Span Development I & II o Art Education o Ethics in Experiential Education o Interpersonal Communication o Introduction to a New Psychology o Teaching Assistantship o Senior Project (generally includes student teaching) (1) Note: If you are pursuing a competence in Education without pursuing Certification, your Breadth should represent the content area that you expect to be competent to teach.

Environmental Studies Advising Template • • • • • • • • •

Agroecology Conservation Biology Earth Science Ecological Design Environmental Education Environmental Policy Human Ecology Marine Studies Natural History and Ecology

Ecological Literacy An essential part of the foundation on which any Environmental Studies competence should be built, ecological literacy is the understanding of interrelatedness of all life – human and nonhuman – in the context of evolution, ecology, and thermodynamics, as well as the context of historical, political, and cultural perspectives. As one of the first steps in developing ecological literacy, you must take at least one of the following courses in ecology: Basic Concepts of Ecology, or Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest.


Distribution courses (required): • Life Sciences • Earth Sciences • Personal Values • Social Systems AGROECOLOGY EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses and one ecology course required for ES competence o For the ecology requirement, the 12-credit Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest course is recommended o Permaculture for Drylands and/or Principles of Organic Agriculture or demonstration of hands-on experience in horticulture or agriculture o The four (Upper Division) course program: Summer Studies in Agroecology (Agroecosystems of the Arid Southwest, Agroecology, and two other courses) o A balance of other courses with Biological, Earth Science, and Human Studies foci. o Senior Project

CONSERVATION BIOLOGY EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses and Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest (12 credits) o Biological Principles and at least one other course from Biological Science Foundations o At least two courses from the Earth Science Foundations o A minimum of one Place-Based Field Studies course o At least three courses from Social and Historical Perspectives o The course Conservation Biology and a minimum of four other courses from Conservation Principles and Practices o Senior Project EARTH SCIENCE EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses and one ecology course required for the ES competence o Six Earth Science core courses distributed across the spectrum of the represented scientific disciplines o One Science Foundation course o Two Applications courses o One supporting course o Four to five topical courses that fit your program agreed upon with your IGC o Senior Project ECOLOGICAL DESIGN EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses required for ES. It is recommended that the student select distribution courses that meet some of the following guidelines o A basic ecology course with a significant field component. o Introduction to Ecological Design o At least two Visual Arts and one aesthetics course o One communications course o One course in Environmental Economics o At least one course in the area of Social Justice o At least two courses that focus on the interaction of humans with the natural world. Examples are: Human Ecology, Small Scale Agriculture, or Energy and the Environment o At least one course in Sustainable Practices, such as Small Scale Energy Solutions and Photovoltaic Systems Design, Ecological Thinking: Strategies for a Sustainable Future, or Permaculture for Drylands o One semester intensive at the ECOSA Institute or the equivalent (four applied courses) o Senior Project Suggested Sequence of Courses o Years one and two: Introduction to Ecological Design, ES distribution courses, and Ecology o Years two and three: Courses on the interaction of humans with the natural environment, courses in sustainable practices, and Environmental Economics o Last semester of year three or first semester of year four: ECOSA Institute Semester o Year four: Senior Project ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses and ecology course required for ES competence

o In addition to the one ecology course requirement (Ecology, Basic Concepts, or Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest), a total of at least three Natural Science foundation courses and a minimum of two courses in Natural Science applications o A minimum of three courses in Social Systems o A minimum of two courses in Personal Values o At least five courses in Applied Environmental Policy. At least two of these courses, including the Senior Project, should be Independent Studies working individually or with existing organizations in the creation of environmental policy o At least one of the courses in the degree plan must have a strong public speaking component HUMAN ECOLOGY EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses and one ecology course required for ES competence (for the Social Values and Practices distribution course, a basic Anthropology course is recommended) o Human Ecology or Ethnobotany o One course in Social Science Field Methods o One course in Natural Science Field Methods o One course in Analytical Methods o Four to five topical courses, agreed upon by the student and IGC, in which a student may focus on one area of human ecology or explore a broad spectrum of topics. o Senior Project MARINE STUDIES EMPHASIS o Four distribution courses and one ecology course required for ES competence o Five Marine Studies core courses o Two Science Foundation courses o Two Conservation Foundation courses o Two supporting courses o One Independent Study o Senior Project NATURAL HISTORY AND ECOLOGY EMPHASIS Example of a program for a prospective field ecologist o Four distribution courses and Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest (12-credit course) o At least three courses in the Biological Sciences o At least one course in the Earth Sciences o At least one Place-based course o At least three courses in Analytical Methods o At least two Applied Ecology courses o Senior Project In addition, for a prospective naturalist: o At least three courses in Education and Interpretation o At least two Applied Ecology courses In addition, for a prospective field biologist/ecologist: At least three courses in analytic methods (Statistics for Research, Calculus, Geographic Information Sciences, Field Methods for Plant Ecology or Agroecology or Marine Biology, Field Biology Studies: Colorado Plateau or other field biology course). At least two courses in applied ecology or policy.

Psychology and Human Development Advising Template • • • •

Human Development Equine Assisted Mental Health Ecopsychology Gender and Sexuality

• Psychology • Counseling Psychology • Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education


HUMAN DEVELOPMENT o Introduction to a New Psychology, or equivalent course o At least one developmental psychology course: Lifespan Development I or II or Adolescent Development o One communications course: Interpersonal Communication, or Counseling Skills o Twelve additional human development courses, independent studies, courses selected from a related discipline, or relevant interdisciplinary courses o A minimum of eight courses in the competence should be Upper Division courses o Senior Project Equine Assisted Mental Health emphasis o Group Process for Adventure Educators; Winter Block Equine Experience At least three of the following: o Animal Assisted Therapy o Relational Horsemanship o Foundations of Equine Assisted Mental Health o People, Animals, and Nature (PAN) (18 credits) Students supplement these core courses with related Independent Studies and related experiences to their area of competence. Message Therapy emphasis • Conjunctive Studies in Body Work • Western Bodywork Modalities: Theory and Practice • Eastern Bodywork Modalities: Theory and Practice • Bodywork Practicum ECOPSYCHOLOGY o Four foundational courses o Four related psychology courses o Four related environmental studies courses, including at least one with an emphasis on ethics o At least two courses in history, philosophy, and/or religion o A minimum of eight Upper Division courses. o Senior Project Gender and Sexuality o The F Word: Feminism, Women, and Social Change o A minimum of eight courses from the Gender and Sexuality domain o A minimum of six courses from the Women and Social Consciousness domain o A minimum of eight courses in the competence will be Upper Division courses o Senior Project PSYCHOLOGY o Introduction to a New Psychology or equivalent course o At least one developmental psychology course: Lifespan Development I or II; or Adolescent Psychology o One communication course: Interpersonal Communication or Counseling Skills o One course that considers the western scientific tradition of social science, either Social Research Methods or Statistics for Research o Two additional foundational psychology courses o Nine additional psychology courses, independent studies, courses selected from a related discipline, or from relevant interdisciplinary courses


o A minimum of eight courses in the competence should be Upper Division courses o Senior Project COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY Foundational Courses: o Introduction to New Psychology o Counseling Skills o Counseling Theories o Small Group Dynamics o Lifespan Development I: Early Childhood though Adolescence or Lifespan Development II: Early through Late Adulthood o Personality Theories o Psychopathology o Family Systems Theory or Family Systems in Film and Literature o Social Research Methods or Statistics for Research o Addiction and Recovery o Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling o Community Service Practicum o Senior Project THERAPEUTIC USE OF ADVENTURE EDUCATION Foundational Courses: o Interpersonal Communication o Adventure Education I, II, III or Wilderness Exploration and Landscape Studies o Lifespan Development I, or Lifespan Development II, or Adolescent Development o Counseling Theories o Basic Ecology, Ecopsychology I or Ecopsychology II o Wilderness Emergency Care o Foundations of Experiential Education o Experiential Education, Methods o Group Process for Wilderness Leaders or Ropes Course Facilitation o Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education o Internship with a relevant program o Senior Project

Courses Orientation Orientation Instructors Practicum This advanced course represents a practical demonstration of wilderness leadership. It enables student leaders to apply knowledge and skills that have been gained through their prior course work. Student leaders conduct a three week wilderness expedition for students entering the Resident Degree Program. The student leaders are responsible for the organization, documentation, and facilitation of the expedition which serves as a personal demonstration of competence in leadership, teaching, and logistical skills. Orientation, Basecamp: Equine This course is intended to orient new students to the Colleges’ unique educational philosophy, structure, and community. The curriculum for the course is carried out over three weeks on a horse ranch. Students develop a sense of place and make connections to the Southwest and their human and equine community members through learning relational horsemanship skills, participating in a horse packing expedition and studying the ecology and natural history of their route. Students become functioning members of an invaluable community by learning interpersonal communication, flexibility, commitment, and most importantly, compassion and respect for others and one’s self. Through individual research projects, caring for their horses, leadership training, and service projects students must participate fully in this interdisciplinary liberal arts course. Students will conclude Orientation with an all-day academic seminar. Orientation, Basecamp: Health-based Practices This course is intended to orient new students to the College’s unique educational philosophy, structure and community. The curriculum for the course is carried out over three weeks in a base camp setting focused on yoga and other mind/body practices. Students will develop a twice daily practice that teaches yoga postures and breathing technique. They will develop a sense of place while living and practicing and studying in a local natural environment. Student’s become functioning members of an invaluable community by learning interpersonal communication, flexibility, commitment and most importantly, compassion and respect for self and others. Through individual research projects, a solo experience, leadership training and service projects, students must participate fully in this interdisciplinary liberal arts course. Students will conclude Orientation with an all day academic seminar. Orientation: Desert, Mountain, and Canyon Expedition This course is intended to orient new students to the college’s unique educational philosophy, structure, and community. The curriculum for the course is carried out within the context of a three week backpacking expedition. Students develop a sense of place and make connections to the southwest through rigorous back country travel, map and wilderness navigation, and studying the ecology and natural history of their route. Students become functioning members of an invaluable community by learning interpersonal communication, flexibility,

commitment, and most importantly, compassion and respect for others and one’s self. Through individual research projects, a solo experience, leadership training, and service projects students must participate fully in this interdisciplinary liberal arts course. Students will conclude Orientation with an all-day academic seminar. New Student Seminar New Student Seminar, Option 1, Phase I, II, III New Student Seminar offers first-year students at Prescott College (including transfer students with less than 31 semester credits) an integrated, crosscurricular introduction to the academic life of a student in the resident undergraduate program. Students electing this option will spend the semester following orientation in a suite of three courses (totaling 12 credits) specifically designed to serve new students. This suite of courses will provide an array of foundational skills and will have a specific focus on using an integrated, thematic approach to developing students’ writing abilities.

Adventure Education Adventure Education I: Expeditionary & Technical Skills This course will introduce students to fundamental expedition skills and models through presentations, discussions, and practice. Topics will include minimum impact camping techniques, map and compass, equipment use and management, group living and decision-making processes, public land access issues, and recreational considerations in a variety of environments. We will also investigate fundamental theories and current issues in expedition leadership. In rigorous field settings, students will cultivate proficiency in outdoor technical skills congruent with the environment in which they are traveling; rock, snow, water. Adventure Education II: Teaching Methods for Adventure Educators Theoretical rationale for current practices will be examined through research, discussion, and student presentations in the backcountry. Topics will include lesson planning, ethically responsible group management, risk management, as well as facilitation skills such as framing, delivery and debriefing. While expeditioning, students will also be asked to explore their own style of teaching, leading and living in wilderness environments. Students will use this course to develop a diverse range of experiential teaching methods in preparation for the practical phase of the course. Adventure Education III: Teaching Practicum for Adventure Educators This course will provide students a practical introduction to the leadership of adventure education activities. Students will implement outdoor programs for their peers and groups from the community. The focus will be on teaching basic backcountry living and traveling skills, top rope climbing technique, and water-based expeditioning. Students will receive regular feedback and mentorship regarding their development as educators.

Alpine Mountaineering This is an intermediate/advanced course for students with solid backgrounds in rock climbing and general back country skills. The concentration is on acquiring basic alpine mountaineering skills and perfecting them to a level suitable for use in conducting adventure experiences in an alpine setting. This field-oriented course takes place in a suitable alpine region and emphasizes ascents of mountains with a broad range of characteristics. Topics covered include: expedition planning and logistics; safety and hazard evaluation; communication and leadership; self-rescue and emergency procedures; snow and ice climbing technique; glacier travel and crevasse rescue; avalanche awareness; route finding; applied rock climbing; practical weather forecasting, accident prevention; and modern trends in mountaineering. Avalanche Forecasting This advanced course focuses on avalanche forecasting for backcountry skiers or snowboarders. While spending three weeks in a suitable mountain environment, students will learn about “snow” in all of its aspects. Students will also gather and interpret information that allows them to make informed decisions about avalanche formation. The topics include mountain meteorology, mountain snowpack, snow formation and metamorphism, avalanche phenomena, stability testing and evaluation, safety and rescue, critical route finding, and group management. American Avalanche Association Level 2 curriculum will be used as a foundation for certification. However, field activities will go far beyond in practical application of theory. The course will emphasize all aspects of operational and site specific forecasting methodology relevant to professional and recreational applications in snow science and avalanche hazard evaluation. Backcountry Skiing & Avalanche Training This course is designed to equip aspiring backcountry skiers with the skills and information needed to safely travel through and understand the winter environment. The course starts on gentle rolling terrain where diagonal stride is introduced and practiced. A steady progression to more complex terrain necessitates technique for ascending and descending with Telemark touring on moderate mountainous terrain as the eventual goal. Concurrent with instruction on skiing technique is an introduction to “winter” as an environmental condition in which snow cover and sub-freezing temperatures are defining elements and primary consideration in terms of comfort and safety. Formal avalanche training (AAA Level 1 curriculum and certification) will be a fundamental part of the course. Students will learn about the contribution of terrain, weather, snowpack and the human factor to avalanche hazards. They will also learn to evaluate potential risks and effectively initiate selfrescue. The teaching format involves both experiential and presentation based instruction. Outings are mostly day trips into the mountains from rustic cabin or yurt-styled accommodations. One short snow camping experience is planned where students will learn to construct their own snow shelters. An array of other topics will be covered,


including temperature regulation; winter survival; history of skiing; equipment design, care and repair; winter natural history; snow camping; cold stress and ailments; nutritional requirements; and practical weather forecasting. Backcountry Skiing & Winter Ecology This introductory course is designed for students wishing to integrate safe travel in winter environments with formal study of winter ecology. The skiing skills progression begins with diagonal stride techniques on gentle, rolling terrain and graduates to Telemark touring on moderate, mountainous terrain. Concurrent with instruction on skiing technique is an introduction to winter as an environmental condition in which snow cover and sub-freezing temperatures are defining elements. Winter ecology topics will include characteristics of winter and the nivean environment, snow dynamics, winter storms and weather, winter natural history, and plant, animal, and human adaptations for survival. Avalanche awareness and hazard evaluation instruction will follow AAA Level 1 curriculum and certification guidelines. The teaching format involves both experiential and presentation-based instruction. Students will select a suitable topic pertaining to winter ecology, which they will research and present to their classmates. Outings are mainly day trips into the mountains from a rural outdoor education center or from remote yurt-styled accommodations. One overnight camping experience is planned where students will learn to construct snow shelters. Bicycle: Vehicle for a Small Planet This course will explore the multifaceted role of the bicycle as a vehicle for personal and community transformation. Students will examine the cultural, social, historical, and technological significance of the bicycle through independent study, in class activities, films, and communitybased interactions. The skills of riding in traffic and maintaining and repairing bicycles will be learned and practiced throughout the course. Students will investigate the state of local community attitudes, resources, and infrastructures related to bicycling. A key course goal will be reaching out to the larger Prescott community through the facilitation of appropriate bicycling workshops, seminars, or events. Students should expect to become better skilled and informed cyclists with the skills and knowledge to serve as ambassadors for the benefits bicycling can bring to individuals and communities. Environmental Education Methods for Adventure Educators Environmental Education (EE) encourages the discovery and understanding of the Earth’s natural systems and the human role in those systems. Adventure education has typically put more emphasis on outdoor skills instruction and group dynamics. This course will explore the developing interface between these two fields from a philosophical and practical perspective. It is designed for students who anticipate employment in the adventure education field, and who recognize the importance of environmental education in their instructional repertoire. We begin by revisiting important theories and philosophies covered in the Fundamentals of Environmental Education course. The bulk of the course focuses on design and implementation of adventure-based EE curriculum, and investigating ways in which EE and inter-


pretive natural history can be successfully integrated into a variety of field settings with teenage and adult populations. Students will experiment with how they can best combine skills instruction and experiential education techniques with interpretive natural history, ecology, and environmental issues. Individual and group research projects incorporate students’ personal interests into the course. Students developing EE curricula for their research project may work towards implementing their curriculum in conjunction with Wilderness Orientation, other AE courses, or future adventure education related employment. Environmental Perspectives & Whitewater Rafting In the context of a three-week rafting expedition on the classic whitewater rivers of the West, students are introduced to the natural and cultural history of the Colorado Plateau as well as the skills and knowledge pertinent to technical whitewater rafting and cooperative group expeditions. Topics for study include vegetation, wildlife, geography, geology, high desert ecology, general aspects of Indian and non-Indian cultures of the bioregion, and critical analysis of contemporary conservation issues. Developing skills in whitewater hydrology, piloting paddle rafts, whitewater safety, conducting river trip logistics, and performing equipment repair and maintenance are also an integral part of the curriculum. As the course progresses, students learn to embrace a holistic approach to wilderness river leadership that integrates bioregional studies in a seamless fashion. Environmental Topics in Adventure Education This course provides an overview of environmental issues associated with the field of Adventure Education (AE), and encourages students to consider how recreation-based adventure programs may be compatible with environmental sustainability. The course will begin by taking a critical look at the spectrum of values promoted through AE, and the environmental ethics espoused by conservationists such as Aldo Leopold and Jack Turner. The interface of public lands management, environmental education, and adventure education will also be considered. Students will also look at environmental issues specific to the Adventure Education program at the College, and assess how to best incorporate environmental studies and environmental education into existing adventure education courses. Finally, students will explore a philosophical and ethical rationale for integrating environmental studies and adventure education, and identify practical strategies for adopting such integration into their own teaching. Explorers & Geographers This interdisciplinary course combines global geography, history of exploration, and perspectives on expedition leadership to investigate the gradual expansion and movements of humankind to the polar regions. Through lectures, seminar discussions, map work, films, and field excursions we will examine and compare the historical context, motives, outcomes, and consequences of the many ventures of discovery that punctuate human history. Beginning with a foundation in general geographic concepts and with an understanding of the history and geography that surrounds exploration, we turn our attention to the polar explorers, and examine the lives and fates of such

leaders as Nansen, Peary, Cook, Shackelton, Scott, and Amundsen. The course culminates with a student research seminar series on explorers and geographers of the modern era. International Mountain Expedition: (Location/activity TBD per course by instructor) This intensive, field based course is appropriate for intermediate and advanced students with solid backgrounds in extended backcountry travel in mountain environments. The focus is on implementation of a self-contained mountain expedition in a foreign country. The course will include the exploration of regional cultures, geography, and ascents of appropriate mountaineering objectives. The expectation is that students will be building on existing skills and knowledge. Topics to be covered include: expedition planning and logistics, itinerary development, area-specific technical skills, safety and hazard evaluation, place-based natural history and cultural studies, and leadership. Kayaking, Whitewater This course provides students with the opportunity to learn the basic skills of whitewater kayaking in several different western rivers. The educational value of the course is heightened by involving the group in discussion and observation of the widely varying geographical locations and the natural history of river valleys. Course content may include: equipment selection and care, kayaking terminology, safety issues, wet exits, self rescue and rescue of others, eddie turns, ferry gliding, surfing techniques, and other related subject matter. The grade of difficulty encountered ranges from easy to class III white water. Students are encouraged to paddle at a level that is comfortable and enjoyable for them. Maps & Wilderness Navigation This course will balance theory and practical applications of wilderness navigation techniques. The primary outcome will be competence in the use of map and compass to navigate in wilderness settings. Equally important will be the development of cartographic literacy. Students will gain an understanding of the history of cartography and its role in the development of human conceptions of place. We will look at the changes in technology, including GPS systems and mapping programs, and examine their impact on our understanding of the world and our place in it. The strengths and limitations of maps, including the ways they reflect cultural assumptions and are used to further them, will also be explored. Weekly field trips will provide opportunities for refinement of practical skills and serve as an introduction to local geography. Origins & Directions in Adventure Education A major goal of this course is to provide literacy in the field giving students a well-rounded and professional edge to a career in Adventure Education. Through lecture, discussion, research, and experiential projects, this course will explore the many facets comprising Adventure Education. By exploring historical influences relative to exploration, industrialization, as well as changing views of the concepts of both leisure and nature, one will see how and why Adventure Education emerged as a field. Similarities and differences to such fields as outdoor education, recreation, environmental sci-

ences, and experiential education will be investigated. Students will practice several modes of research and writing while critically examining common trends in Adventure Education. Upon completion, the successful student will be able to converse intelligently and with depth on the origins and directions of Adventure Education. Outdoor Education & Recreation This course offers an introduction to the manifold facets of the Adventure Education program. Major recreational skills are presented in an outdoor setting. Complimentary topics (including a history of adventure and exploration, landscape studies, and the origins of outdoor education) will provide students with a means of assessing and determining their own commitment and suitability for outdoor leadership and recreational pursuits. Outdoor Program Administration This course will introduce students to the administrative and leadership skills required to operate a successful adventure education program. Topics covered include: program design; safety and risk management; legal liability; hiring, supervising, and evaluating staff; fiscal management; access to public lands; and program leadership. Adventure Education program faculty and outside speakers will present on various pertinent topics through the enrollment period. Students will select a topic of special interest to research, write about, and present to the class. Rock Climbing & Geology Every rock climbing venue presents new challenges to climbers because of its unique rock texture, composition, and environment. All rock climbers are thus empirical geologists because of the direct personal experience they have with a variety of rock types. This class is designed to expand the climber’s knowledge of the rock to include the geologic processes involved in its creation and sculpting. We will climb at a number of areas that have experienced various geologic histories and that are composed of diverse rock types. Such detailed study of the rocks will allow us to comprehend many important geologic concepts such as rock classification, plate tectonics, geologic time, weathering, and erosion. We will trace the geologic events that created the rock at each venue and scrutinize the weathering processes that have created every hold on which we rely. We will also introduce all of the skills covered in the Basic Rock Climbing course, such as climbing techniques for specific rock types, anchor systems, lead climbing procedures and practice, rescue techniques, ethical issues, and some land management concerns. Rock Climbing & Yoga This course is designed to introduce and explore the connections between rock climbing and hatha yoga with the anticipation that the practice of each will enhance the other. The curriculum consists of an even balance of rock climbing and hatha yoga practice. Students with experience in either discipline will explore and discover the complementary relationship of the two pursuits. Hatha yoga postures, breathing, and meditation transfer directly to graceful movement, awareness, and control on the rock. Strength, courage, and focus – qualities that run parallel in each pursuit – will be developed in this course. All the skills covered in an introduction to rock climbing course will be introduced or reviewed. These include knot tying, anchor sys-

tems, multi-pitch lead climbing, and rescue techniques. There is space in the curriculum to develop each climber’s technical repertoire. Rock Climbing, Introduction to This course introduces students to the basic technical skills associated with rock climbing. The appropriate student, with little or no rock climbing experience, is led through a gentle progression using day outings and possible overnight or weekend excursions. Emphasis is on climbing at top rope and multi-pitch climbing sites in an outdoor setting utilizing natural and fixed anchor systems. Students are introduced to basic knots and rope handling, belaying, signals, anchors, rigging. In addition, students are asked to consider risk management, problem solving, and decision making in the development of these skills. Movement on rock, balance, as well as physical and emotional safety are elements of the curriculum practiced daily as the group moves through a progression of skills training. Rock Climbing, Intermediate This course is designed to introduce students to high angle, traditionally protected multi-pitch rock climbing. It is a concentrated course designed to equip aspiring lead climbers with the necessary skills, decision-making ability, and safety consciousness to accomplish traditionally protected multi-pitch rock climbs in a self-sufficient manner. A review of basic skills and anchors precedes a basic lead climbing progression. Students have an opportunity to climb in teams and practice lead climbing protection placement, route finding, cleaning and descents in multi-pitch settings. The course is not designed solely around pushing student climbing standards, but rather providing a supportive environment in which to reinforce technical skills and safe climbing practices at a comfortable standard. Other intermediate skills such as belay escape, self rescue, rappel retrieval, ascending fixed lines, and problem solving are also covered. Current trends and issues in rock climbing are covered including land management policies, impacts of rock climbing, ethics, and service work in local climbing areas. If student interest and skills are suitable, an introduction to aid climbing and hauling may be included. Ropes Course Facilitation This course focuses on a ropes course as a means to enhance personal and group development. Building on a student’s prior learning of theory and experience, this course will strive to fulfill three goals. First, students will learn about a philosophy of program management that emphasizes the development and enhancement of self-concept/esteem, group cooperation, physical abilities, and willingness to try new things. Second, students will experience a variety of ropes course activities including adventure games, initiatives, and low and high ropes course elements. Third, students will gain knowledge about, and experience in, using the equipment and techniques related to ropes course operation. These three goals will develop the ability in students to safely and effectively facilitate and debrief ropes course activities. SCUBA Diving, Introduction to This course combines the Open Water, Advanced Open Water, and Rescue Diver certification programs of the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). The course content teaches the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to dive

with a buddy, independent of other supervision. The course combines independent study, mentored knowledge reviews, exams, and pool and openwater dives to successfully meet certification requirements. Other topics include diver safety, the aquatic environment, health for diving, teamwork, presentation skills, and career opportunities in the dive industry. Students will gain knowledge and experience in deep diving, underwater navigation, night diving, altitude or multilevel diving (depending on the course area), peak performance buoyancy, and rescue techniques. Students will also earn a PADI Specialty in Project Aware upon successful completion of course requirements. SCUBA Diving and Marine Natural History This course is an introductory study of the interrelated topics of marine natural history and SCUBA diving. Topics for study will include the physical characteristics of the ocean environment, including the properties of water, temperature, salinity, pressure, light penetration, tides and currents, and wind and waves, as well as the natural history of near shore organisms including fishes, sea birds, marine invertebrates and marine mammals. Upon meeting the academic and skill requirements, students will be certified as open water and advanced open water SCUBA divers with experiences in a wide variety of dive environments and underwater specialties including underwater navigation, night diving, deep diving, drift diving, shore and boat diving, Project Aware, and underwater natural history. Sea Kayaking & Marine Natural History Sea kayaking places us in intimate contact with the ocean environment. Kayakers are as much in the water as they are upon it. This unique perspective allows us to experience the power of the ocean’s physical nature as well as giving us the opportunity to closely observe the living communities in the water and on the shore. This course is an introductory study of the interrelated topics of marine natural history and expeditionary sea kayaking. Topics for study will include tides and currents, wind and waves, and the natural history of nearshore organisms including fishes, seabirds, marine invertebrates and marine mammals. When conditions permit, we will snorkel to observe subtidal life. Students will learn minimum impact travel and camping skills and will be introduced to the regional impacts of coastal commerce and recreation. As apprentices to the sea, students will learn and practice paddling skills, navigation, and ocean survival techniques drawn from the rich, thousand-year history of sea kayaking. Sea Kayaking: The Path to Mastery This course is intended for students who are interested in exploring the origins, skills and techniques of kayaking. The course focuses on examining kayaking as a means of developing transferable life skills including training, and mental fitness. Course activities will include study of the origins of the indigenous kayaks of the far north and contemporary kayak design, local pool and lake skills, video analysis of paddling skills, overnight trips to Arizona flatwater rivers and lakes, and a trip to the Pacific coast for an introduction to ocean paddling and surf zone skills. A wide variety of outdoors skills will be taught including navigation, camp skills, first aid, and expedition planning. Students will be asked to schedule additional time for independent training projects.


Search and Rescue This course is designed to teach basic concepts and techniques for the safe location and evacuation of injured persons in backcountry and high angle environments. The goal of the course is to expose students to the critical thinking and analysis skills necessary to safely affect a variety of SAR activities. Material covered in this course may include: Risk awareness and management, component analysis and testing, managing and executing rescue operations, lowering and raising loads, mechanical advantage systems, belay systems, equipment care and use, search techniques and strategies, technical communications, and preventative SAR tactics. Due to the nature of the course material and the environments in which it will be presented and practiced, students are expected to have previous basic rock climbing experience and hold current WFR/EMT. Whole Athlete, The This course takes holistic approach to physical training and coaching. Modern and traditional principles of exercise physiology will be studied from eastern and western medical traditions. “Alternative” training methods are also considered. This foundation will then be applied in rigorous student-designed exercise programs; these programs are integral academic components of the course. Students will learn techniques for increasing body and mental strength and their connection to the health of the whole person. An emphasis will be placed on the study of awareness as an athlete. The goal of the course is to raise levels of overall fitness and bodily awareness. Students are encouraged to look beyond issues pertaining to their own health and discover how methods acquired in this course can be transferred to others while working in a facilitator role such as coach, outdoor instructor, or classroom teacher. Wilderness Exploration & Landscape Studies I: Expeditionary & Technical Skills for River Environments With the Green and Colorado Rivers as our floating classroom, this course will introduce students to the fundamentals of whitewater rafting and river expedition skills. Through readings, extensive first-hand practice, class discussions, and presentations, students will learn about expedition planning and logistics, group management and outdoor leadership, Leave No Trace practices, raft repair and maintenance, boat piloting, whitewater hydrology, safety and swift water rescue, and recreation on public lands. Students will also investigate fundamental theories, current issues, and historical perspectives in expeditionary leadership, and develop strategies that help create an effective learning community. Wilderness Exploration & Landscape Studies II: Canyon Country Geography This course is an exploration of landscapes of canyon country of the Colorado Plateau. Study will emphasize physical, biological, and cultural geographic factors at work in this varied environment. The curricular focus will be on geomorphic processes and landscape evolution, weather and climate, aridity and desertification, and geographic patterns of distribution and migration of flora, fauna, and past human occupation. This course has a strong regional focus but also includes a survey of arid regions and desert people across the globe.


Wilderness Exploration & Landscape Studies III: Landscape Exploration and Interpretation This course focuses on developing techniques for exploring and interpreting wilderness landscapes, and builds on foundational knowledge and experience in both geography and wilderness travel. Within the context of a specific wilderness region, the relationships among regional geologic history, pertinent geomorphic processes, regional weather and climate, biogeographic patterns among flora and fauna, and human history will be explored. Expeditionary skills will be applied to place by practicing relevant travel skills (may include rafting, backpacking, skiing, and/or mountaineering depending on focus and location of course), investigating regional terrain considerations, and all aspects of planning and implementing extensive backcountry explorations in the specific region. Throughout the course students will practice qualitative interpretation of landscapes through intensive field journaling, written and oral synthesis, and a personal research component. Wilderness Exploration & Landscape Studies I: Expeditionary & Technical Skills for Coastal Exploration This course introduces students to fundamental sea kayaking, freediving, and expedition skills and knowledge through presentations, readings, discussions, and practice. Topics include minimumimpact camping techniques, navigation, equipment use and management, group living and decisionmaking processes, public land access issues, and recreational considerations in the coastal environments of the northern and central Gulf of California. Students also investigate fundamental theories and current issues in expedition leadership. A significant portion of the course is spent on the water in sea kayaks. Sea and weather risk assessment and paddling and rescue skills are emphasized and practiced in a variety of conditions. Wilderness Exploration & Landscape Studies II: Introduction to Marine Science This interdisciplinary field course compares and contrasts the varied coastal environments of the northern and central Gulf of California, and affords students the opportunity to build a strong foundational knowledge in a wide variety of marine sciences. Coastal explorations are used to study relevant topics in oceanography, marine biology, ecology, natural history, and coastal conservation. The large geographic area that the course area encompasses gives students the unique opportunity to experientially study these concepts and apply them in ecologically varied settings. Wilderness Exploration & Landscape Studies III: Teaching & Facilitation Methods for Adventure Ed This course builds on students’ knowledge of basic expedition and technical skills by allowing them to study and practice the implementation of adventure education activities. Topics include ethically responsible group management, risk management, and lesson planning, as well as facilitation skills such as framing, delivery and debriefing. Students are guided in implementing activities and lessons for their peers. Focus is placed on teaching expedition and technical skills, Leave No Trace, and natural history topics. Students take a major role in course planning and logistics, decision-making, and the establishment

of an effective and mutually supportive community of traveling scholars. Wilderness Leadership, I, II, III This is an advanced course for students emphasizing Wilderness Leadership or Adventure Education as a competence or strong breadth. Leadership skills and theories are introduced in practical ways through a series of outdoor expeditions and field experiences. Intensive debriefing will define pertinent issues. Students will, at times, take responsibility for curriculum planning, logistics, decision making, and safety, with the instructional staff maintaining close supervision. Related topics such as expedition behavior, group dynamics, interpersonal communication, leadership theory, and teaching methods will be covered in a variety of ways. These will include group discussions, field exercises, and analyses of group and individual performance. In an effort to learn from each other and practice oral presentations, students as well as staff will conduct discussions on pertinent topics. Students need to demonstrate maturity, initiative and proficiency in foundational outdoor skills (i.e., the Adventure Education course). In addition to the stated prerequisites, students are required to have technical skills specific to course activities. See PREREQUISITES and SPECIAL NOTES for all information.* *Specific technical skills focus will vary depending on the season and year. Students may choose to take more than one version of this course.

Arts & Letters Acting & Directing Workshop Directing is “the art of synthesizing script, design, and performance into a unique and splendid theatrical event” (Robert Cohen). Although the director has become a central figure in the theatre only in the last century, this creative artist now has responsibility for everything that happens during the production of a play. One of the most important tasks of the director is actor coaching. In this course, students will take on both roles, director and actor, to examine the interaction of these artists in the creation of live theatre. Students will learn acting and directing skills, direct and perform scenes, and experiment with collaborative scenes in which the responsibilities of acting and directing are equally shared. At the end of the term, the class may present a public performance of studentdirected, student-acted scenes. Acting Workshop: Comedy Students will study and perform different types of comedy in this workshop. The history and theories of comedy will be explored through the perspectives of writers, performers, and scholars. Then students will begin their hands-on work with scenes and monologues from classic and contemporary plays. The class will create an ensemble to experiment with and perform group improvisational comedy and individual stand-up routines. To allow the students to experience the effects of audience reaction and participation, at least one public performance will be scheduled near the end of the term. Acting Workshop: Improvisation & Scene Study This workshop explores the importance of interaction in the theater and how actors bring their own experiences and skills into performance to create a unique collaboration for them and for an

audience. The class will study monologues, scenes, and improvisational techniques, focusing on individual characterization and relationship dynamics. This workshop should help reduce performance anxiety while developing the confidence and creativity students need not only in acting, but also in many other life situations. Advanced Projects in Photography This advanced projects in photo-based imagery course extends students’ exploration of the use of the photographic medium (digital/analog/or hybrid) for personal expression, professional application and skill enhancement. Students will devise and produce a significant photographic project from conceptualization through formal (gallery or other) presentation that expands on the techniques and processes mastered in previous courses. The emphasis of this course will be on continued practice and new skill acquisition while making compelling visual statements and researching critical concepts in photographic imagery and developing the student’s own conceptual criteria. Some examples might include large-scale printing, photo sculpture, photo installation, photo text and photo performance while exploring content that reflects the student’s individual interests. Advanced Workshop in Fiction and Nonfiction This advanced course provides students with the experience of the writer’s retreat. During the two weeks in residence at Arcosanti, about 40 miles southeast of Prescott, students will live and work in small, individual studios. Days are spent reading and writing in solitude; late afternoons are spent in class, discussing readings; evenings are spent in informal workshops, during which students read aloud from works in progress. Each student elects to work primarily in fiction or nonfiction, and prepares presentations in that genre, but must be flexible to work in both genres during class time. Presentations include the following: selecting and leading discussion on one published story/essay/memoir; teaching one lesson on some aspect of craft, relevant to the genre of choice; and leading the class in a writing exercise, related to the craft lesson. Students keep a writer’s journal documenting ideas, observations, growth, reactions to the readings, and the effect of the Arcosanti environment on their work. Students will produce 30 pages of fiction or nonfiction, at least 20 of which will be workshopped in the final week of the course. For that last week, we will return to Prescott so that students who have opted to leave technology behind (strongly encouraged) may have several days to type, revise and photocopy before the workshop process. Each student will be expected to submit one polished piece from the class for publication. African-Inspired Dance In this course students will learn about West African inspired, nature-based dance. Areas of focus will include conditioning, technique, choreography, improvisation, energy and breath awareness, ritual, dance composition and the dancer/drummer partnership. Physical conditioning will emphasize grounding, centering, rhythm, strength, flexibility, and endurance. The focus will be on the use of dance to strengthen and express relationships with one another, our ancestors, earth and cosmos, community, and the cycles of life. The importance of respect and humility, as westerners inspired by an

elder culture, will be addressed. Students will learn about the natural integration of dance with drummings, song, costuming, and story-telling. Drumming and musical accompaniment will be both live and recorded. The course will culminate in a community sharing. Alternative Processes in Photography This hands-on workshop will give students a direct experience with the practical techniques of historical and contemporary image-making methods. Aesthetic emphasis will be placed on the attitudes behind, and the importance of the visual/material syntax in an historical order. Students will make enlarged negatives and explore the image potential through a range of printing processes including cyanotype, salted paper prints, kallitype, and emulsion transfer. American West in Film & Literature This class will explore the American West as it has been depicted in films, stories, essays, dramas, and poetry. Topics will include the contrast between the reality and myths about the frontier, the importance of place in the literary imagination, and the concerns and themes of contemporary Western films and literature. Specifically, we will analyze the myths fostered by such films as High Noon and Shane. We will look at how more contemporary films like McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Little Big Man, and Dances with Wolves have provided new interpretations of the old West. We will also examine films such as The Last Picture Show, Paris, Texas, and Raising Arizona that are concerned with the modern West. Literature readings will include selections from authors such as Edward Abbey, Willa Cather, Gretel Erhlich, Louise Erdrich, Larry McMurtry, and Sam Shepard. Art Education This course covers preparation for art instruction through curriculum development, study of instructional strategies and peer teaching. The student will examine historical development of the philosophical approaches to the teaching of art. Students will examine and practice techniques and procedures for instruction in art in a variety of educational settings. Students will become familiar with the content areas of aesthetics, art history, art criticism, studio art production and their relationship to instruction of art in schools. Students will become familiar with the content of published texts in art, in addition to a wide variety of alternative methods and approaches to the instruction of art. Emphasis will be placed on experiential learning and individualized instruction and participation in Prescott College’s Children’s Art Workshop. Art on the Periphery This art history/critical theory course exposes the power structures behind conventional notions of art history, and explores significant groups of artists that have been underrepresented in art history’s canons. This course identifies the master narratives that are responsible for the shape of Western art history, and looks at how social and political climates have dictated the perception of art. Major achievements of underrepresented artists will be covered, and how the past experience of underrepresented artists has influenced their art today. This course is writing intensive and will include research and response papers, field trips to museums and galleries, visits with artists and/or art historians, and collaborative projects.

Book Arts Students will become familiar with the materials and the methods of basic bookbinding techniques. Students will make pamphlet, one section, multisection, accordion and hardbound books for journals or sketches. While this course is a studio/production course and we will be making a number of books, it is also a course about ideas and book content, not just technique. We will examine artist’s books that incorporate collage, painting, photography, mixed media and writing. Through the exploration of alternative structures, sequential relationships and physical properties of a book, students will create works that include imagery and text, as well as sculptural objects which involve the book as metaphor. This course will focus on incorporating digital technologies for limited editions. This is an interdisciplinary course designed for writers, painters, photographers, and sculptors. Ceramics This course introduces students to the fundamentals of pottery making. Through hands-on work they will discover the various uses of clay, as well as glazing techniques and kiln firings. The students will explore the hand-building techniques of pinch, coil and slab construction. Emphasis will be placed on good design and the development of technical skills. Students taking this course for Upper Division will further hone their ceramics skills, with special attention to improved craftsmanship and advanced design. Upper Division students will be expected to take on a leadership role in the class. Choreography and Performance This course takes the student through the entire process of creating and producing choreographic work for performance. Through working with ideas, physical impulses, and curiosities, students will learn to generate movement material that supports their particular creative vision. Practice with improvisational and compositional structures will provide methods for forming, organizing, and editing movement. Students will gain experience in learning and repeating choreographed movement aimed at developing skills in presence, phrasing, and dynamic versatility. Production elements such as selection of performance location, technical considerations, time and budget planning, promotion, and costuming will be integrated in the coursework. Contemporary Dance Training This course is designed to give the dance student a broad base of physical training through a synthesis of movement styles and techniques. Aspects of modern dance, yoga, partnering, ensemble work, and contact improvisation will be blended into a dynamic dance practice. Concentration on performance skills, movement memory, and cultivation of the energetics of the body will help the student develop a heightened awareness of the present moment and its inherent performance possibilities. The course will also provide a framework for research into historical and contemporary performance theory and trends. Viewing and writing about live dance performance will be an integral part of the course. Contemporary Perspectives in Photography This course is concerned with making photographs and not taking pictures. Students will become confident with their visual style and be challenged to enlarge their critical vocabulary. We will become better acquainted with the masters, movements,


and social attitudes embraced in photo history and develop a critical awareness and concern for current issues within the medium. Contemporary concerns of censorship, legalities, career opportunities, and materials will be covered through presentations and student research. Technically, students will refine their use of the zone system and explore advanced B/W darkroom techniques including chemistry, various papers, and alternative toners or digital techniques. Critical Concepts in Contemporary Art This art history/critical theory course will identify recent developments in Visual Art, following the lineage of art movements from Modernism to the present with an emphasis on Postmodernism and “Post-art.” Students will examine influential works by contemporary artists and study the relationship of culture and politics to various art movements. Discussions will focus on issues surrounding painting, sculpture, photography, new genres, and performance art. This course is writing intensive and will include research and response papers, field trips to museums and galleries, visits with artists and/or art critics, and collaborative projects.

tions within society and the global arena of the Internet. The student will develop a body of digital images and explore a variety of avenues for presentation, such as standard two dimensional images, electronic documents, or in the virtual gallery of the world wide web. Digital Imaging II This course will continue to build on basic skills learned in Digital Imaging I. More advanced techniques such as working with layer styles, transformations, compositing, mastering levels & tones, cloning, selections, masks, touching up, sharpening, and preparing for printing on medium and large-scale inkjet printers will be covered. Contemporary artists using digital imaging will be presented as well as investigations into the influence of digital imaging in art, advertising, and entertainment as it relates to visual literacy. The focus will be advancing your creative work using this versatile and flexible new technology.

Dance & Improvisation, Introduction to This course offers a foundation in contemporary, alternative dance studies. Coursework includes practice in basic technical skills involving alignment, strength, and flexibility. Although the emphasis is on exploring various approaches to improvisation, diverse modern and cross-cultural dance forms may be sampled. Movement explorations that encourage personal awareness, expression, and sensitivity to group interaction are a major focus. This course is recommended for students who want to expand their physical and expressive capacities.

Documentary Photography: Theory & Practice This course is designed for the intermediate and advanced student who is interested in exploring theory, history, and application of photography from an objective documentary perspective. Students will define the field by synthesizing a study of the history of their medium with their own personal vision which reflects a critical connection between social and environmental perspectives. Various assignments will be used to focus the learning on designing documentary projects where the student has a chance to explore the different styles and creative approaches to making photographic images that reflect both a strong ability of objective documentation as well as making a strong aesthetic statement.

Dance Improvisation, Intermediate This course will address the ongoing skill building, training, and practice necessary in improvisational dance. Areas of study may include kinesthetic awareness, organic process, ensemble thinking, composition, imagery and metaphor, voice-work, creation of scores, breath and energy awareness, ritual, and the witness-performer relationship. There will be considerable practice in developing inner concentration and presence, while attending to outward connections and the whole of art making. Consistent physical conditioning will be required. Exploring diverse contemporary formssuch as contemplative dance, authentic movement, nature and dance, and contact improvisation- will enrich students’ skill base. The course will emphasize the inevitable ways improvisation encourages essential life skills of spontaneity, trust, intuition, playfulness, and creativity. Solo, duet and ensemble performances will be informal and used primarily to gain experience in being witnessed.

Family Systems in Film and Literature Throughout the history of literature and cinema, writers, playwrights, and directors have demonstrated remarkable understanding of and appreciation or the family as an emotional system. Without formal training in family systems theory, these individuals have demonstrated an extraordinary comprehension for the intricacies of family dynamics, family roles, the emotional entanglements of family relationships, and the power of intergenerational themes and legacies. This course examines the family in film and literature. We will investigate the systemic, literary, and cinematic assumptions made by those creating film and literature as we seek to untangle the web of family functioning. Students will watch films, read theory and literature, and learn how to apply family systems theory to the families we find in these artistic works. Assignments will include genogram construction and family biography, critical analysis, and a creative project.

Digital Imaging I This course provides students with the opportunity to expand visual vocabulary and expressive outlets by using the computer with photographic images. Basic computer techniques in a photo-manipulation program will be studied (Adobe Photoshop CS3). The following areas will be covered: image input, image manipulation, image output, historical and philosophical approaches and contemporary forms of use. Students will study individual, commercial and production applications, from image manipulation for personal expression to commercial applica-

Fiction Writing, Introduction to This course is designed to introduce students to the short story form. Students will read and critique the works of classic and contemporary authors in order to become familiar with narrative strategies and to understand how stories are crafted. Several writing exercises, in and out of class, will help students generate material for original short fiction that will eventually be put before the class for workshop. Equal emphasis on reading, writing, and critiquing skills will provide the background students need for advanced fiction workshops.


Fiction Writers’ Workshop: Forms of Fiction This course is designed to develop and deepen students’ fiction writing skills by familiarizing them with a variety of narrative forms and challenging them to write their own stories incorporating these elements. Through reading and discussing work by contemporary and classic writers, students will formulate a vocabulary for critiquing stories which utilize traditional, modern, and post-modern forms, and then write their own stories, which will be put before the class for workshop. During the semester, students will write, workshop, and revise two to three full-length stories. In-class writing exercises will help students generate material for these fulllength stories. Each student will be expected to help facilitate workshops and lead discussion of published fiction. Figure and Context in Narrative Painting In this course students will learn representational painting skills and develop personalized content incorporating the human figure in various social and environmental contexts. This course includes technical instruction in oil painting, ranging from traditional to contemporary applications. Students will work from nude, costumed and staged models studying anatomy, proportion and spatial relationships. An overview of the history of figurative painting will be covered, exploring the role of the visual narrative in various cultures worldwide. Figure Drawing In this course, students will develop technical drawing skills and seek visual expression through the human form. Working from live models, students will learn to accurately depict scale and proportion, volume, color, gesture, and motion. Students are encouraged to experiment and take risks in the development of a personal style, culminating in an individualized portfolio of figurative drawings. Students will work from the nude model one class each week, and spend another class each week in other figurative exercises including anatomy and self-portraiture. Readings and discussions will examine the figurative artwork of influential contemporary and classical artists. Form and Function: Sculpture in Theory and Practice This course will cover methods and concepts of three-dimensional art, including fabrication, assemblage, woodworking, soft sculpture, installation and site-specific art. Students will develop individualized content in a variety of media, culminating in a final portfolio of sculptural pieces. This course will include relevant art history and contemporary approaches, artist research, peer critiques, visits to museums and galleries, and guest artist lectures and/or studio visits. Foundations of Visual Art This course will integrate 2-D and 3-D art forms to introduce students to fundamental visual elements and principles of design. Concepts of line, composition, color, perspective and space will be covered while acquiring technical skills in a variety of media including drawing, painting, sculpture, and mixed media. Students will develop individualized content and imagery in a variety of media, with an emphasis on the interrelatedness of various art forms. Students will create artwork in the studio and on location, participate in critiques, learn relevant art history, and acquire presentation and exhibition skills. This introduc-

tory course will prepare students for future Visual Arts courses in any discipline. Glass Blowing In this course, emphasis will be placed on the basic tools, equipment, and skills necessary to complete simple paper weights and blown vessels. Additional instruction will be provided in the physics of glass, melting points and characteristics, charging and batching procedures, and the essential equipment needed (i.e., glory holes, pipe warmers, furnaces, marvers, annealers). Instruction will also be provided on the proper usage of hand tools such as blow pipes, punties, jacks, shears, paddles, blocks, pigs, and trollies. In and Out of Africa In this course students will explore the modern and contemporary literature of Africa. Through the eyes of black and white natives as well as through those of occupiers and visitors, students will survey the issues facing that continent from the late nineteenth century pre-colonial period to the present post-apartheid era. The reading list may also include the African Diaspora as represented by Caribbean and North American authors: Texts may include those by Achebe, Conrad, Mafouz, Gordimer, and Coetzee. Interpreting Nature through Art & Photography This course focuses on heightening our visual awareness of nature and capturing the ephemeral experiences we value with the aid of cameras, pencils, brushes, and other tools. Illustrated lectures, demonstrations, critiques, and field sessions will explore the art of seeing, using both aesthetic and practical approaches. Both group and personalized instruction are designed to explore the students’ creative potential for translating and sharing visions of the natural world. A final art exhibition and slide show will demonstrate interpretation of a theme chosen by the class. Large Format Photography In this course students will be introduced to the mechanical and aesthetic concerns of using the 4x5 and 8x10 camera formats. Emphasis will be placed on using the zone system of B/W exposure control, including expansion and contraction development. There will be several project themes (studio and field) proposed so the students will be challenged to integrate the variety of camera manipulations as well as develop a personal philosophical attitude toward the larger formats. Both conventional sheet film and Polaroid materials will be used as the students enhance vocabulary of perspective, lens choice, metering technique, and image scale. Each student participating in this study should expect to compile an image portfolio of at least eight final photographs and an extensive written journal. Literary Journal Practicum In Literary Journal Practicum, students are the staff of Prescott College’s national literary magazine, Alligator Juniper. After familiarizing themselves with the national literary market by reading sample journals, students spend the bulk of class time and homework time reading submissions. During the first third of the course, the class reads creative nonfiction and selects submissions for the upcoming issue. For the rest of the semester, the course is divided up into two editorial groups: one for fiction and one for poetry. Submissions come

from writers all over the country. Students maintain individual response journals, where they keep notes on submissions, their reactions, and their recommendations as to whether a particular piece should be published, rejected, or given further consideration. The class then moves into more in-depth discussion and compromise to narrow the list of semifinalists to a list of finalists, and eventually to the handful of essays, stories, and poems agreed upon for publication. Students and instructors write thoughtful rejection letters to all those whose work was not selected for publication. This practicum provides valuable professional experience, seldom available at the undergraduate level. Literature as Experience Ezra Pound once called literature “news that stays news.” Through the study of literature we can see, interpret, and understand the central issues of our lives. During this course, we will explore works of contemporary and more classical literature and examine them as the creative and intellectual experiences of their authors and as cultural documents of their times. We will also consider the literature we read and write ourselves as part of our own uniquely individual yet culturally-mediated life experience. Central to our own experience of literature will be making connections between the texts we read. Examples of thematic strands we might trace include: the search for self, the search for love, family and community, and the search for meaning. The course will be conducted as a seminar with students taking an active and even leading role in discussions. We will enhance our reading experience with a variety of class activities drawing upon films, plays, critical and creative assignments and presentations, and informal dialogues with contemporary writers. Literature of the American Dream This course will provide students the opportunity to examine the evolving historical, social, and personal perceptions of the American Dream as depicted in influential novels, autobiographies, poetry, and plays. Some of the topics for discussion include the dream of hard work and prosperity, the dream of the natural environment, slavery and the dream of civil rights, the myth of the American West, the dream of a cultural melting pot, and a study of American archetypes. Reading assignments will include The Declaration of Independence and texts by Benjamin Franklin, Frederick Douglass, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, F. Scott Fitzgerald, E.L. Doctorow, John Steinbeck, and others. Writing assignments will include a combination of critical and creative work. Memoir, The This course is divided between student-led discussion of published memoirs and workshop of memoirs written by the students in the class. While several of the memoirs we read will be book-length, we will also look at many shorter examples of the form: essays, articles, and chapter-length excerpts – some published, some not. This will provide students with necessary models for the memoirs they will be expected to produce, approximately 20-30 double-spaced pages. Students are encouraged to think carefully and extensively about possible topics before delving into a draft, considering the connections between different aspects of their lives, different time periods. Students should aim for writing a memoir that is centered around an event, as opposed to a chronology of their lives so far. It

will likely be an event that, viewed in retrospect, somehow connects each student’s past to her present to her future. We will spend time, each class, doing writing exercises that will help students tap into their material. There will be plenty of time for necessary exploration before settling on a topic. The course is relevant to studies in Human Development because students are asked to examine their own lives. When dealing with the material in class, however, we will approach and critique the work as a piece of writing; in other words, we will workshop students’ memoirs, not students’ lives. This necessitates a certain distance from the event on the part of the writer. Each student will be paired with a classmate to co-lead discussion and write a paper on one book. Nature and Dance In this course students will explore and develop their relationship with nature as a primary source of movement and creative expression. Students will research the origins of dance in Earth-based cultures, as well as contemporary and emergent forms in the field. These studies will inform and guide the class’s engagement with the natural environment and investigation of the interdependency of all life. The practice of deep reverence and receptivity will be used to enhance artistic development. Components of this course will include dance, physical conditioning, voice, writing, theater, movement meditation, perception, and ritual. Students will develop abilities to create solo, duet, and ensemble pieces that express personal and collective art in nature. Students’ unique interests will be encouraged and supported. New Play Development and Production In this practicum course, students form a repertory company to produce new plays, serving in multiple roles as actors, directors, playwrights, designers, and technicians. Student-written scripts are taken through all stages of the new play development process, from original reading to revision to casting to rehearsal to more revision to full-scale production. Students document their learning in written portfolios and rehearsal logs. The class attends other professional and university theatre productions. The course culminates in a new play festival. Newspaper Journalism Practicum: The Raven Review In this hands-on practicum course, students learn journalism in a classroom setting and apply the knowledge to the publication of Prescott College’s student newspaper, The Raven Review. The course will cover issues of reporting, interviewing, style, typography, headlines, libel, advertising, editing, and media releases. Students will serve in various capacities, depending on their talents and interests and the needs of the paper: as reporters covering college, community, and national issues; as writers of columns and opinion pieces; as photographers, layout designers, and advertising solicitors; and as editors, shaping issues and reading and choosing articles from the college community for publication. The class will produce several issues during the semester. The experience from this course counts toward the practicum requirement in writing and literature. Observations of Nature: the Art of Scientific Illustration This course introduces students to the art of scientific illustration through the observation and depic-


tion of natural forms (plants, wildlife, anatomy, microscopic organisms, etc.). Students will work directly from nature learning to draw with accuracy and detail, creating illustrations that are both informative and investigative. This course will also look at the role of artistic interpretation in art and science, and cover historical and contemporary artists who use scientific illustration as an expressive art form. Media will include graphite and charcoal drawing, pen and ink, watercolor and mixed media. Frequent field trips will enable students to draw firsthand from the outdoors, museums, laboratories, etc. This course provides Environmental Studies students with the skills to illustrate field journals and guides, and prepares Visual Arts students for advanced studies in drawing and painting. Photo Exploration, Basic I This course will focus on photography as a means of visual expression. The student will explore the creative potential of black and white photography and develop a strong foundation of technical processes. Class sessions will include basic camera operation, correct film exposure and processing, introductory print-making, and final presentation. The course will emphasize visual thinking and will enable the student to develop a new appreciation for the natural world, cultural environment, and the power of photography. Photo Exploration, Basic II This course further expands the integration of photographic seeing and the translation of this seeing into strongly represented images. Students will be introduced to the zone system control for film exposure and emphasize its use as a creative tool to connect the pre-envisioned post-visualized cycle of image making. Fine print-making techniques will be refined including selective bleaching, toning, and photochemistry. Playwriting This course engages students in the theory and practice of writing for the theatre. The class will read, view, and study plays in preparation for writing original short dramatic works. Students will experiment with the form through writing exercises to develop character, dialogue, plot, and setting. Each student will write at least two short plays and participate in workshops, discussions, and class projects. Plays written in this class will be considered for possible performance by acting and production classes. Poetry Workshop Students will read and critique the works of contemporary poets in order to become familiar with a variety of literary techniques and to develop an appreciation for the relationship between content and form. Students will also submit original drafts of poems for class critique and engage in a variety of writing exercises. The reading, writing, and critiquing experience gained in this course will provide the background students will need for further study in poetry. Printmaking In this course students will examine various theories through experimentation in several printmaking processes as they relate to bookarts traditions. Work will be crafted using the stencil, monotype, and various low tech polymer processes Aesthetic understanding, development of individual style, and the expression of personal and societal issues will


be stressed in the prints. Students will research the printmaking accomplishments of contemporary artists whose approaches to form and content are expressive and revolutionary. Personal style and vision will be encouraged though exploratory creative exercises with mixed media projects and the development of images from a central theme. Visits to printmaking studios, museums, and galleries will help expand a critical dialogue and understanding of contemporary vocabulary. Public Art: Mural Painting In this course students will learn various aspects of mural painting, from preliminary planning to the completion of a permanent mural. This course includes technical instruction in acrylic and fresco mural painting and investigates the historical role of mural art in various cultures. Project proposals, permits, fundraising, and legal processes necessary to implement public murals will be covered, and fieldtrips will allow students to visit several major mural projects in the region. A majority of the course will be dedicated to the design and execution of a public mural on campus. Public Art: Site-specific Sculpture In this studio arts course, students will create public art projects along cultural and political themes relevant to the Southwest US. This course will include technical instruction in a variety of permanent and temporary sculptural media, including large-scale wood sculpture, mixed media, and new genres. Application, permit, fundraising, and legal processes necessary to implement public projects will be researched. Students will travel throughout the region visiting public arts projects and creating individual and collaborative art pieces in public settings. This course will culminate in the production of a permanent public sculpture on campus. Scriptwriting This intermediate course will offer writing and performing arts students the opportunity to learn the techniques of scriptwriting. The class will read short plays, teleplays, and screenplays, view plays and films, and study the similarities and differences involved in writing exercises to develop character, dialogue, plot, setting, and narrative. Each student will write at least two short scripts – one for stage and one for screen – and participate in workshops, discussions and class projects. Shakespeare The primary goal of this course is to explore Shakespeare not only as a literary artist but also as a man of the theatre. While we will focus on the major tragedies, we will also read one comedy, one history, an early tragedy, and several sonnets to get a sense of Shakespeare as a developing dramatist and poet. We will supplement our study by viewing film and stage versions of his plays, traveling to see live productions when possible, and reading essays by literary critics as well as production notes, interviews, and reminiscences from actors and directors. Students can expect both creative and critical options for their portfolios. Short Story Cycle This combination writing and literature course allows students to explore an innovative form of fiction and offers an important opportunity to bridge the gap between writing short stories and longer narratives such as the novella and novel. We will read outstanding examples of the short

story cycle form, ranging from famous modern cycles by such authors as Ernest Hemingway, Sherwood Anderson, and John Steinbeck, to critically-acclaimed contemporary works by such authors as Tim O’Brien, Louise Erdrich, Alice Munro, and John Updike. Students will plan, write, revise, and workshop story cycles of their own (three to five stories). Stories to Screen: The Art of Adaptation When a novel is adapted into a screenplay, often viewers who’ve read the book find themselves disappointed by the movie. In defense of those screenwriters, it’s nearly impossible to do justice to most novels within the standard two-hour movie script. This is not the case when adapting short stories to the screen. Most stories are manageable in size and scope, while still being inherently substantial, and are more focused on characters’ inner lives than on numerous twists and turns of a plot. A recent trend toward using stories as sources for film includes We Don’t Live Here Anymore, In the Bedroom, Brokeback Mountain, and Away From Her. In this course, we will read stories and screenplays, see the films made from them, and consider the challenges and opportunities adaptation presents. All students keep a journal of responses to stories and movies, and eventually select a story (one of their own, or one by an author they admire) to adapt for the screen. LD students will write a review of one story/film process and an adapted screenplay for a short film. UD students will write a critical analysis of one story/film process and an adapted screenplay for a longer film. Studio Projects This course is designed for the advanced student with a solid background in one or more of the following visual arts media: painting, drawing, printmaking, or sculpture. In a rigorous studio environment, students will create several projects along individual themes in various media, under the guidance of the instructor and with the critical feedback of classmates. For each project students will be required to present a proposal including a project description, timeline, budget, and preliminary drawings. This course emphasizes critical discourse and values the exchange of ideas; the successful student will be willing to offer opinions and take risks. Workshops on advanced drawing, painting, printmaking, and woodworking techniques will be offered, as well as documentation and preservation methods for completed artworks. Models will be scheduled for a portion of the course. Sudden Fiction: The Art of the Very Short Story In this block course, we will examine and write very short stories. In our discussions, we will attempt to identify why this subgenre of short fiction has become so popular; define some of its distinguishing characteristics (how it seems, for instance, to be a cross between a poem and a short story); and classify and analyze its inherent strengths and limitations. Students will write and revise approximately ten short-short stories. The Art of Making Dance This course introduces students to the skills of movement composition and provides an exploration into the underlying conceptual motivations of choreography. The components of visual design, theme and variation, rhythm, chance procedures, and dynamic tension will be studied. People are the

medium through which this art form is expressed, so it is also crucial for a choreographer to develop the capacity for understanding self and others. Students will explore a combination of compositional skills and movement improvisations, which will provide the groundwork for making dances expressive of each student’s unique artistic vision. The class will attend live performances and study seminal choreographers of the twentieth century and current trends in contemporary dance. Students are encouraged to take this course to increase their knowledge of dance and artistic composition, gain self-knowledge through their physicality, and prepare for production and performance courses. Students of all skill levels who are looking for an exploratory immersion in dance-making are welcome. The focus of this course is on skill building in choreography rather than on creating a culminating performance. The Camera, Servant of the Photographer’s Eye The camera – “the object that may be the only true marriage of science and art” – is the focal point of this course. Photography has always been influenced by technical developments in the photographer’s equipment. This course will explore the visual syntax of the photographic image as it is related to the choice of camera. Through experimentation with a variety of cameras such as pinhole, 35mm, Holga, disposables, medium and large format, students will explore a range of subject matter and critically examine aesthetic approaches. Students will also study the historical development of the camera and contemporary practices. The course will involve extensive field/location shooting and lab work to create a final portfolio of images. Visual Arts Exhibition Practicum: Gallery Management This course is for students to participate in a working cooperative of gallery management and operations for designated visual arts spaces on the Prescott College campus including the Gallery at Sam Hill Warehouse. Under the supervision of the instructor, students will be responsible for all aspects of gallery management which including exhibition installations, assistance with art archive, public relations, establishing an annual fundraising event, and coordinating the student visual arts competition. This course can be repeated for Upper Division credit. Students will explore a variety of gallery and museum preparation and presentation techniques, policies and professional logistics. Voices from Latin America In this course students will become familiar with a variety of modern and contemporary authors from several regions within Latin America. Students will read poems, short stories, and novels in translation, examining the cultural and historical implications of the works as well as thematic and structural concerns. The reading list will include authors such as Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Rulfo, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This course requires extensive reading, discussion and writing. Voices from the American Mosaic In this course, students will become familiar with modern and contemporary authors whose voices are unique in responding to an evolving America, and whose works, when considered together, create a bigger picture, a mosaic, of what it can mean to

be human beings within the varied landscapes and cultures that constitute America. Students will examine the historical implications of the works as well as the thematic and structural concerns. The reading list may include works by Mark Twain, William Faulkner, Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison, John Steinbeck, Vladimir Nabokov, and Chang-rae Lee. This course requires extensive reading, discussion, and writing. Women’s Literature This discussion-based course will focus on nineteenth and twentieth century works by women authors from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Authors may include: Kate Chopin, Edwidge Danticat, Kaye Gibbons, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Toni Morrison, Tillie Olsen, Leslie Marmon Silko, Louise Erdrich, Francine Prose, and Hisaye Yamamoto. Three writing assignments will progress from informal to more formal analysis and research. In the first unit, Reader Response, students interact with a chosen text in a playful, inventive way. In the second unit, Critical Analysis, students learn to interpret a text and support that interpretation with textual evidence. In the final unit, students have three choices: 1) to expand the critical analysis from unit two into a research paper; 2) to write a paper on any women’s issue touched on in the literature; or 3) to write a substantial creative piece (story, essay, memoir, play), inspired by the material of the course, exploring some aspect of the female experience. Pairs of students will be assigned to lead discussion on several texts from the series Women Writers: Text and Contexts, which introduces students to various approaches to criticism. Writers in the Community In this advanced practicum course, pairs of students are matched with various community groups/agencies to lead writing workshops for participants of these groups. (Possible groups might include veterans of war, elementary school children, the elderly, the homeless, and others.) The first two weeks of class time will be spent in intensive training for the field work, focusing on methods of teaching writing, exercises, strategies, goals and objectives of service learning, concept of community, and logistical considerations for the field portion. As of the third week, students will spend two class periods per week with the group/agency to which they’ve been assigned, leading the 90-minute workshop. The third class meeting of each week will be in the classroom and will be devoted to debriefing the field sessions, exchange of ideas, reports on the effectiveness of certain teaching/writing strategies, and problem solving. Students will receive ample guidance from instructor, who will also rotate among the various field settings, on field days, to observe the sessions and offer constructive feedback to the student leaders. After six weeks of leading community workshops, students will spend the final two weeks compiling one anthology, consisting of writing products from all the different groups. The course will end with a community presentation, during which members of the various groups will read aloud from their collected work. Students will be evaluated on four elements: Class participation; the teaching of writing; service to the community; and a final paper synthesizing the effect of community service on their learning, their own writing and on themselves as members of this community.

Writing as Performance The benefits of performance are often discussed in terms of the audience, of the public community that views it. Performance is not only what happens in front of an audience. The act of performance can be a method for learning and exploring, one that incorporates creative and critical thinking; problemsolving, analysis, and making choices that effectively communicate meaning and intention. This course examines the practical and theoretical links between writing and performance. Readings, discussions, and assignments focus on performance as a means and an end to creative writing. Students will experiment with projects in writing, performance, and interactive combinations of these areas, create new written works, and perform works created by themselves and others in the class. At the end of the term, a studio performance will showcase the students’ creative work. Writing Workshop This class has three primary purposes: 1) to help students develop writing strategies that reduce anxiety and produce quality work; 2) to help students identify a specific reader and purpose in order to translate exploratory writing into expository writing; and 3) to practice different forms of writing (e.g., narrative, evaluative, analytical, and argumentative) to increase flexibility. Peer and instructor responses help students develop an editorial eye for clarity and the ability to read one’s own writing critically. Students study published writing to enlarge their understanding of rhetorical methods of development and to explore and refine their personal writing style.

Cultural and Regional Studies American Paradox: Studies History of a Varied People This course examines the central theme of separatism and unity within the in the United States. It poses the question of whether or not it is possible or even desirable to create and live in a unified nation. In order to grapple with this question, we will study a series of paradoxes through which our country’s identity was formed: how can a country founded on the principle of freedom have built its economy, in part, through slavery? How can a nation that represents to the world economic prosperity continue to maintain such a large underclass? The course will develop chronologically so it will give you a good general overview of the major events of US history. American Government: The Political Game This course is an introduction to American political thought and practice. We will pay attention to the peculiar relationship between political language and political reality: which issues are elevated to the status of social problems, who gets labeled a political leader or constructed as a political enemy? What is the current state of the American electoral process? What constitutes an ethical, pragmatic foreign policy? What is the proper relationship between church and state? What is citizenship, anyway? All of these issues receive a special political charge in an election year, but when all of the pomp and circumstance subside into the less spectacular politics of everyday life and public service, who gets what, why, and how? Special attention will be paid to questions concerning race, gender, and class. Let the games begin!


Changing World Order: The Political Economy of Globalization This course offers perspectives on various aspects of globalization, historical and contemporary. We will study the rise of the nation-state system and consider current sub-national and transnational challenges to it. Mapping a changing world order that is simultaneously more globalized and localized than ever before, we will examine the dynamic movements of capital, culture and technology as well as the multitude of (actual and possible) political responses to these “global flows.” We will consider the meanings of such terms as uneven development, cultural imperialism, postcolonialism, postmodernism, sustainability, displacement, diaspora, and tourism, to name a few. At the culmination of the course, students should be able to critically assess worldwide political, cultural, and economic phenomena through an understanding of key concepts and various theoretical frameworks. Color Line in U.S. History, The This course explores the origin of one of the most perplexing questions facing Americans today, which is “why, over 135 years since the end of legal slavery of African Americans in this country, do we still live in a society divided by ‘race’?” We will trace the history of race in the US. We will learn about the first encounters between European, African and Indian people on this continent, the slave system that developed, and the belief that people are “racially” different from each other that evolved through the decades and centuries that followed. We will look very specifically at the ways that segregation continues today, in neighborhoods, schools and jobs, and explore how we can challenge the inequality in our daily lives. The course will focus on ways that the colorline divides our community in Prescott, and will provide you with an opportunity to explore your own racialized history, and that of your family. Digital Storytelling and Short Documentary Each person owns stories that arise from living a full life. Sharing these experiences connects people at the visceral level and helps create healthy communities. In this course, students learn storytelling by telling their own stories and collecting stories from members of the local community. Students practice interview techniques that document the lives and times of the storytellers. Students combine stories with images and music through digital technology to bring these stories to a larger audience. Students will learn to use digital camcorders, Photoshop and digital video editing programs. Ecological Economics, Principles of Economists have long regarded environmental problems as “externalities” or failures of the economic system to properly price and allocate the use of scarce resources. This is an outcome of the construction of traditional economic theory. This course will critically examine the basic theories of abstract “traditional” economic thinking regarding human systems and their relation to the environment. The course will then present the basic principles and institutions of the emerging paradigm of ecological economics. We will consider the notions of capital and value and how they affect the potential policies that are used in management of natural resources. Also, we will study the implications of these theories for international development. Students will be encouraged to engage in field work and independent research alongside of classroom discussion and assigned reading.


Ecology of War and Peace From oil well fires and radioactive wastes to landmines and weapons testing, the toll taken on the environment by military actions is significant and long-lasting. While the impact of warfare on humans has been well documented, less investigated have been the ecological effects that contribute to human suffering and further enflame the causes of conflict. There is strong evidence to suggest that environmental issues are a leading causal factor in the outbreak of hostilities, and that violent conflict in turn serves to exacerbate these issues. At the same time, people in communities around the world also find peaceful ways to share resources and develop sustainable social and environmental practices. This course will explore these issues through case studies of recent wars (e.g., Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Bosnia), examples of militarization (e.g., the border, the “war on drugs,” firing ranges, New Orleans), and positive initiatives (e.g., common pool resources, intentional communities, indigenous activism), with an eye toward imagining solutions that could promote both societal peace and ecological balance. Environmental Law This course will analyze the basic framework for judicial, legislative, regulatory and political controls over the environmental impacts of resource extraction, energy production, industrialization, manufacturing, land use and administration, and other activities of humanity. It assesses the development and effectiveness of such controls in context of specific environmental, economic, and social problems. It also explores the formulation and institutionalizing of new ideas, concepts, values, directions, and control mechanisms toward resolving, mitigating, or eliminating the negative consequences of traditional models of development (Living Law). Comparative legal analysis between different countries is used as a methodology to achieve these goals. The course also involves an introduction to and integration of legal skills, analysis, research, writing and advocacy techniques and skills. The course will require one mandatory field trip, providing a direct connection with the context studied, an essential component of a living law approach. Environmental Politics: Domestic & Global Dimensions What are the connections between social inequality and environmental destruction? The goal of this course is to explore the interconnections and interdependencies between human and environmental justice issues. This is a writing emphasis course designed to expose students to issues of culture, power, politics, economics, and globalization as they relate to issues of cultural and ecological sustainability. The course offers the skills and perspectives necessary to analyze dynamic relationships between social inequality and the degradation of the natural world as well as efforts to create solutions and build movements for sustainable social transformation. We will analyze the power dynamics of globalization, including the rise of industrial agriculture and food systems, the impacts of economic imperialism on consumption in the global north and production and environmental destruction in the global south, border militarization, and contemporary social movements. The class will utilize texts, films, field trips, journaling, guest lectures, intensive discussions, presentations, and the development of individual original research questions in exploring these themes and issues.

Geography of Social Justice In this course, students will analyze the relationships among globalization, inequality, and struggles for social justice though an investigation of contemporary geography. By integrating undergraduate and graduate students, an advanced dialogue between the two programs will be cultivated. Resident Degree students (and in-residence Master of Arts students) will work in classroom seminars while technologies such as Moodle and video conferencing will connect distance learning MAP students. The content of the course will examine topics and dialogues that have emerged among geography and justice scholars, opening with pioneers including David Harvey and moving to the present day with cutting edge analysis from activist academics such as Laura Pulido. students will explore the impacts of globalization through the critical lens of cultural geography to seek a greater understanding of both rubrics and develop avenues for appropriate intervention and the promotion of social justice. Globalization, Religion, & Social Change Globalization is a religious – as well as an economic, social, and political – phenomenon. Missionaries have always contributed to the widespread mixing of cultures, and religious traditions themselves have been challenged by scientific discoveries and technological developments, movements for social change, and an increased awareness of environmental issues. These challenges have led to a wide range of responses, from reactionary religious fundamentalism to radical secular humanism. In this course we will explore the efforts of contemporary religious persons to answer modern challenges to traditional religious ideas and institutions, with a focus on how the process of globalization and the rise of modern science, feminism, and environmentalism are transforming the world’s religions. History and Culture of Native America This course will provide an overview of the history of Indigenous America and Americans from the arrival of the first humans in North America to the present. The course will also examine the ways that the history of indigenous people has been represented in American culture and scholarship, and contrast mainstream and Native American presentations of that history. It will explore the role that this history has played in forming American identity. The course will analyze the types of sources and methods used to create the factual history of Native America, and the strengths and weaknesses of oral and written sources. History of Conflict in the Southwest This course examines the history of the Southwest region from the first inhabitants to the 19th century. Emphasis is placed on the diverse groups that have inhabited this region, currently divided by the U.S./Mexico border. Students will look at the history of contact, domination, conflict, and collaboration among these groups, and the relationship between political borders and the formation of identity. History of Gender & Sexuality This class traces the history of gender and sexuality in America, from the three-part gender system of many Native American tribes, the not-so-pure Puritans, Victorian America’s reliance on both the belief that the nature of “true woman” was sexless and on commercial prostitution, sexuality and slavery – to the medicalization of sexuality in the early

20th century, the invention of “homosexual” and “heterosexual,” the sexual revolution, and the AIDS crisis. We will explore gender theory, the historically changing meanings of “man” and “woman,” the ways that gender and sexuality are understood in different American subcultures, and the relationship of gender and sexuality to power as expressed through race and class hierarchies. Holy Books: Survey of Religious Literature This is a foundation course in religious studies and also a survey of holy scripture as great literature. We will read from the primary sources: The Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Tao Te Ching and sample holy writings from Buddhism, Baha’i World Faith, Judaism, etc. We will read the holy books in order to understand the religious impulse in humans, our yearning for the sacred, our attempts to make metaphysical and mystical explanations of the universe and our place within it. We will attempt to discover common threads and also significant differences between religions. We will also study holy writings as foundation literature and cultural history of great importance in understanding other cultures and our own roots. Human Rights Seminar Human rights now occupy a key place in world politics. Thousands of people are harassed, imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed by governments every year simply because of who they are or for the peaceful practice of their beliefs. Yet because of the commitment and perseverance of worldwide human rights activism, many thousands more are alive and free. The seminar focuses on: 1) the history and evolution of human rights as an international issue; 2) different perspectives on and critiques of human rights; 3) the state of human rights in the world; 4) human rights issues such as genocide, slavery, and gender, racial, religious, and political oppression; 5) international human rights covenants and conventions; 6) how human rights standards have been developed and the ways in which to secure their enforcement; 7) the work of international organizations such as the UN, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International in the field of civil and political rights as well as economic, social, and cultural rights, and 8) the contemporary emergence of a domestic US human rights movement. Relevant documentary and narrative fictional films will be screened. Image & Power in Mass Culture Is watching television a political act? Did punk rock change the world? Is Star Trek anti-racist? The goal of this course is to analyze and begin to “decode” mass, popular, and radical subcultural practices in various forms, including activism, film, TV, fashion, popular and alternative music, advertising, photography, architecture, and everyday political and leisure practices such as skateboarding, culture jamming, zine writing, and other forms of alternative community building. This is a reading intensive, writing emphasis course that exposes students to the intellectual history and key contemporary debates in the study of popular culture. It emphasizes the relationship between culture, power, and movements for social change from Marx, Gramsci, and the Frankfurt and Birmingham schools through contemporary feminist, post-structuralist, anti-racist, and queer theory. The course combines close readings of texts, collaborative reading groups, and class exercises analyzing cultural artifacts

such as popular news and entertainment media, and includes a field trip to the mall aimed at exploring the power relationships embedded in built environments and spaces of consumption. Law & Social Change This course will examine the interplay between law and social change. How do social and cultural factors influence changes in the law, and how does law impact the potential for producing social change? How do changing interpretations of social values affect the law and how do changes in the law influence the social interpretations of those values? Specifically, the course will examine the underlying assumptions of fairness, equality, and morality that helped define certain landmark Supreme Court decisions; how those decisions have modified the basic ways people in a society relate (e.g., race relations, gender relations, sexual relations); and how those decisions have restructured major social institutions such as the family, religion, and education. We will also look at the use of law among activists and social movements through the eyes of lawyers practicing in the field, and will visit local courtrooms in order to obtain a fuller sense of how the law actually works in practice. Maasailand I, III, III: A Study in Community Activism, Kenya, Africa This project-based course is a unique collaboration between Prescott College students and faculty and the Maasai people, indigenous pastoralists who coexist with wildlife within diverse ecosystems they have occupied for centuries. The class features ‘problem based’ learning, as students will learn by contributing to solutions to current issues, under the direction of Maasai leadership and activists, specifically those working under the umbrella of the Maasai Environmental Resource Coalition. Students will learn from Maasai teachers about their culture: the consensus-based justice system; communal family and political structures; and shared economy. Students will explore how the Maasai, through grassroots activism, address issues such as education, land disputes (including privatization), voting rights, and environmental conservation. Two main curricular emphases will be Maasai approaches to human-wildlife conflict and the political economy of tourism. Additionally, students will study the complex relationship between indigenous cultures and educational models in Maasailand, and Maasai efforts to design and provide culturally literate education. Ultimately, the students will conduct research and write a report that will be of direct use to the people of Maasailand that brings scholarship into conversation with Maasai expertise on an issue of common concern. Middle East: History, Culture, & Current Issues The Middle East is the world’s most volatile political and social region. Perhaps half the world’s oil reserves are there, igniting fierce competition and grim politics. Israel and the Arab world are locked in a struggle over land, water, and ideology. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity collide there, and fundamentalists of all three believe the prophesied apocalypse to bring our world to final judgment will begin there – and soon. The frustrations of Middle East tribes and nations are boiling over in terrorism and local wars. Six years ago the “coalition of the willing” overthrew Iraq’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, by military force. Since former President Bush announced victory (“mission accomplished”), over

10,000 American soldiers and contracted mercenaries have been killed, and more than 60,000 have been seriously wounded physically or psychologically – not to mention well over a hundred thousand Iraqi causalities. Now President Obama promises a partial withdrawal, while the focus of American policy is shifting to Afghanistan where our troops are caught in the cross fire of a civil war, and to Iran where the world is concerned about their potential entry into the nuclear club. For these reasons, everyone should learn about this vital region and the forces causing such turmoil, as well as hopeful signs and possible solutions to age old problems. In the first part of the course, we will study the history that has shaped the Middle East from ancient times to the present. Then we will examine in detail the social, political, religious, and economic forces driving events today. What options do Americans have to deal with our own issues and to help bring peace and stability to the Middle East? In this course we will address these questions and more. Nonprofit Management This course will engage in exploration of the theory, topics, and issues associated with management in the non-profit environment. This will include: the role of nonprofits in the greater socioeconomic landscape, organizational structure; strategic planning, marketing; financial management; capitalization and fundraising, including gifts and grants; and other topics associated with managing a nonprofit organization. Learning formats will include extensive readings and writing assignments, class discussion, and conversations with experienced nonprofit managers. Students seeking Upper Division credit will also engage in additional in depth study of a specific area associated with nonprofit management. Peace Studies, Introduction to The processes and politics of “war” have been a continuous and regular feature of modern life, as dramatically indicated by recent events in the United States and abroad. In this course we will initially analyze the roots of war from various perspectives encompassing psychological, sociological, and political paradigms. Then, by considering concepts such as “negative peace,” “positive peace,” and “nonviolence,” and by drawing upon spiritual texts and insights, we will seek to assess the viability of proposals for solving the “war problem” through the conscious deployment of peace research, education, and activism. In this light, we will consider peace movements both historical and contemporary, as well as experiments in community building that provide a measure of hope for the prospects of peace in a time when images and rhetoric of war have come to dominate the political landscape. Philosophy: History of Consciousness This is the second course in the basic philosophy series, following Modes of Thinking. The major problems with which conscious thinkers have grappled since ancient times will be the starting point. Traditional issues like knowledge (epistemology), existence and meaning (metaphysics), and moral development (ethics) will be explored in the beginning, and a historical approach to the development of modes of thinking will be emphasized. The destination of this intellectual journey will be to examine contemporary philosophical thought and involve class members in creative, original work to understand their own ideas and feelings. This class is intended for all students who wish to gain a broad


understanding of the history of conscious thought, based on both reason and emotions. The course will be of great value to anyone who has ever pondered imponderables and wondered if others have done the same. Philosophy: Making Ethical Decisions in the Contemporary World In this course, each participant will confront important social and personal issues and determine what his or her ethical basis should be for deciding and acting. The nations and peoples of the world are going through a period of accelerated change, that is bringing with it very real dangers but also great opportunities. The crises of this period are reflected in the personal choices people have to make in every society; this is particularly true of our own. Many of the issues we confront today are being addressed through politicized labels such as “right to life vs. genetic engineering,” “clash of civilizations vs. war on terrorism,” “globalization vs. peoples’ movements,” or “global warming vs. jobs and the economy.” In exploring these challenges and issues, each participant in this course will be encouraged to develop a rational and emotional basis for personal ethical behavior, a coherent set of social commitments, and an understanding of how decisions we make today will affect the short- and long-term future of our communities, our society, our descendants, and our planet. Philosophy: Modes of Thinking There are many modes of thinking – mythic, metaphoric, intuitive, logico-analytic, synthetic, systemic, non-linear, and others (as well as fallacious or mis-applied modes.) The human tendency is to unconsciously adopt one or two modes and ignore the others, which leads to misunderstandings and errors in thinking. We also make the mistake of believing one mode of thinking is superior to the others. For example, many hold science to be more “true” than myth, but it is just as wrong to apply scientific standards to myth, as it is to create myths in science. This course will help participants understand the bases, uses, and limits of the various modes, and to identify them in their own thinking. We will critically examine thinking (and fallacies) evident in the media, academic world, politics, the arts, and public and private discourse. We will apply appropriate modes of thinking to solve problems that at first appear intractable. We will learn to see the true meaning of things using the “inner eye.” This course is fundamental to the areas of philosophy, humanities, and liberal arts, and is applicable to education and teacher training, and any area in which effective thinking is valued. Religious Ethics & Environmental Activism This course begins with the premise that the global environmental crisis constitutes a moral and religious crisis. Religion and ecology converge philosophically when both ask the big questions about the workings of the universe and human beings’ place in it. That they also converge morally is evident in the observation that the solutions to environmental problems cannot be found in science alone, because the roots of these problems lie in human attitudes of arrogance and spiritual pride that are often expressed and legitimated by our religions. The cooperation of the world’s religions in helping humans address the environmental crisis is essential. How do religious traditions need to be reevaluated and reconstructed in the light of the global environmental situation? What spiritual


resources do the world’s religious and ethical traditions provide for dealing with environmental problems? What do different religious traditions have to say about each other that might clarify what it means to have proper respect for the Earth? To address these and other crucial questions, we will bring in materials from indigenous cultures and Asian religious traditions; examine the legacies and roles of the dominant Western religions; trace the development of the modern mechanistic view of the environment; and explore forms of contemporary ecological spirituality (e.g. Christian ecotheology, animal rights, Deep Ecology, ecoactivism, and ecofeminism). Religious Roots of Peace In this course students will explore the roles of religion and spirituality in peace-building. We will investigate: 1) the relationship of social action, politics, and religion; 2) specific spiritual practices employed in the cause of social justice and change; and 3) spiritual roots of peace grounded in the world’s religions. The beginning of the course will be devoted to an exploration of the theory and method of religious peace building, focusing on these three study areas. Based on this foundation, students will then consider case studies of peace-makers around the world whose religious and spiritual traditions have inspired them and provided them with resources crucial to their work for social change. Revolution: The Latin American Experience Latin America was the scene of significant social revolutions during the 20th Century. These include the Mexican Revolution of 1910, the first major social revolution of this period that preceded the Bolshevik uprising in Russia by several years; midcentury revolutionary activities throughout the region (Guatemala, Bolivia, and Cuba); and continued activities in Central America and South America from the 1970s to the 1990s, along with recent uprisings in Mexico. Such experience makes Latin America a prime bioregion to study the notion of revolution. This course examines the theories of social revolutions including analyses of their causes and effects, and the histories, pre and post20th century, of revolutions and revolutionary movements in Latin America. Social Movements While the classical theories of social movements focused on social sources of the psychological discontent that motivated individuals to join social movements, more recent theories have sought to explain the emergence, maintenance, and transformation of movements by reference to the availability of resources for potential movement activists as well as the structure of political opportunities in which they operate. Using examples from recent social movements of the left and right, such as civil rights, student, women’s environmental, and antiabortion movements, this course will explore the strengths and weaknesses of these two approaches to the study of social movements. Social Problems: Research Methods & Theories The study of social problems generates deep emotions and firm convictions in most people. This makes effective inquiry into the facts difficult at best; all too often, we manage only to confirm our initial prejudices. The special value of social science research methods is that they offer a way of

addressing such issues with logical and observational rigor. They let us pierce through our personal viewpoints and take a look at the world that lies beyond our own perspective. This course will introduce the student to those methods, including descriptive and inferential methods of quantitative analysis, qualitative techniques and general research design. The student will have the opportunity to design and implement a service research project. In the process, the student will learn about new theories of social problem interpretation. Methodological skills such as how to conceptualize and operationalize variables, create scales and indexes and understand the logic of sampling will be acquired as well. The applied nature of the course will require students to participate in field trips and exercises. We will explore whether appropriately applied social research methods may be a powerful tool for social change. Socialism, Democracy & Conservation I, II, III, Antigua, Guatemala, Honduras This field summer program seeks to make comparative interactions that exist between the diverse forms in which socialist ideas influenced governments in Latin America from the mid part of the 20th century on and the outcomes of this influence in terms of the balance between economic and social development and environmental conservation practices. The course will begin with in-class work in Prescott preparing students with the fundamental groundwork upon which the two successive courses in the field will build. Subjects will include a brief history of Latin America, US-Latin American relations, indigenous communities and environmental and sustainability issues. The second portion, which will take place in Antigua, Guatemala, will study how socialist ideas were translated into social movements and how these movements had consequences that have impacted the realities of Latin American countries. We will give special emphasis to the process of interaction between protected areas, sustainable development practices and communities. The studied subjects will also include social, cultural and environmental consequences of the “new economic trends” in the country. Courses will take place Antigua as well as in the field in many areas around Guatemala. In the third portion of the course, students will build upon the information from the first and second parts and be able to take what they have learned to make comparisons as we travel through Honduras and learn about the unique aspects of this country and the role it has played in the Americas. Spanish Intensive Spanish Intensive is a total immersion, intensive Spanish language learning program taught in Mexico. Students study the language four to six hours daily for two to three weeks, and live with a Mexican family to experience the culture and society of a Spanish-speaking community. This provides them a natural setting in which to practice and develop their ability to communicate in Spanish. In addition to language learning, course work, and living with a Mexican family, students participate in service projects, lectures, discussions, and field trips that introduce them to the history, traditions, arts, and contemporary conditions of Mexico. Spanish, Beginning I Beginning Spanish introduces the student to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. The program of instruction provides foundations for future

mastery of the language. Initial emphasis is on oral expression and comprehension with reading and writing skills introduced later in the instructional sequence. Active student participation is required. Classes will be conducted in Spanish with minimal recourse to English. Cultural readings and commentary are integral parts of the instruction. Spanish, Beginning II Beginning Spanish introduces the student to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. The program of instruction provides foundations for future mastery of the language. Initial emphasis is on oral expression and comprehension with reading and writing skills introduced later in the instructional sequence. Active student participation is required. Classes will be conducted in Spanish with minimal recourse to English. Cultural readings and commentary are integral parts of the instruction. Spanish, Intermediate I Building on language skills and cultural understandings developed in Beginning Spanish I and II, Intermediate Spanish introduces the student to more complex forms of communication. While maintaining an emphasis on conversational skills, increased reading and writing activities are introduced. Active student participation is required. Classes will be conducted in Spanish with minimal recourse to English. Cultural readings and commentary are integral parts of the instruction. The purpose of this sequence is to prepare students to use Spanish in conversational situations and to comprehend some of the cultural differences between the United States and the Hispanic world. Spanish, Intermediate II Building on language skills and cultural understandings developed in Beginning Spanish I and II, Intermediate Spanish introduces the student to more complex forms of communication. While maintaining an emphasis on conversational skills, increased reading and writing activities are introduced. Active student participation is required. Classes will be conducted in Spanish with minimal recourse to English. Cultural readings and commentary are integral parts of the instruction. The purpose of this sequence is to prepare students to use Spanish in conversational situations and to comprehend some of the cultural differences between the United States and the Hispanic world. Spanish: Advanced Composition and Grammar Este es un curso avanzado en el cual se aprende la gramática y la redacción españolas a través del estudio de ensayos, artículos y pasajes literarios escritos por autores hispanohablantes. Los estudiantes analizan el uso y la estructura del idioma y los conceptos gramaticales presentes en las obras estudiadas y escriben composiciones usando como modelos estas obras. También los estudiantes escriben composiciones “libres” y otras asignadas. Al final del curso los estudiantes demonstrarán una comprensión de la gramática española y la capacidad de escribir correctamente en español. El curso se enseña en español. The student will learn Spanish grammar and composition through the study of essays, articles, and literary excerpts written by native-speaking authors. Students analyze language usage, structure, and grammar concepts evident in the works studied and write Spanish language compositions modeled on these works. Students write “free” com-

positions. By the end of the course, students will demonstrate an understanding of Spanish grammar and the ability to write correctly in Spanish. Course conducted in Spanish. Statistics for Research Statistics for Research teaches the research skills needed to seek answers to complex ecological, biological, and social questions. This course focuses on hypothesis testing and the design of experiments and surveys. Experience will be given in acquiring large data sets and the statistical manipulation of quantitative data. Subjects include data distributions, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and t-test, regression and correlation, and non-parametric alternative tests. Exposure will be given to multi-variate testing. Students will gain hands-on experience with SPSS. US – Mexico Interface: Immigration – An Introduction to US – Mexico Border Studies This course examines the social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts of US border enforcement practices and immigration policy. After a period of preparation and research in Prescott, the class travels through southern Arizona and northern Sonora for an intensive, experiential analysis of the US – Mexico Border region. This includes visits to communities on both sides of the border, interviews with US and Mexican officials and residents, immigration reform activists, humanitarian and human rights organizers, and communities and institutions most directly impacted by immigration policy and border enforcement. Women and Power in Latin America Women have long played instrumental roles in both public and household spaces of Latin America, but their contributions have not always been acknowledged. With an emphasis on the last 30 years, this course will examine women’s resistance from settings of political authoritarianism to recent contexts of democratic transition and neo-liberal economic restructuring. Themes to be examined include the politicization of motherhood, women in the labor force, social reproduction and domestic duties, women’s roles in revolutionary movements, political inclusion, participation in non-governmental organizations, and changing notions of gender and resistance in 21st century Latin America. World Religions: Christianity, Islam, & East Asian Religions This course provides an introduction to the world’s religions, via study of their history, scriptures, doctrines, rituals, myths, ethics, and social systems/institutions. In this course students strive to grasp what “religion” is, and what it means to be religious. Students develop critical and empathetic appreciation of the religious foundations of world cultures; of the various ways humans have tried to understand the nature of reality, and the roles of religion in human community. The course includes discussion, application, and critical consideration of differing approaches to the study of religion, and gives students the opportunity to learn to identify and evaluate information resources appropriate to the study of religions. Students also reflect on their own religious backgrounds and influences and develop self-awareness about their religious worldviews. The specific religions addressed in this course include Christianity, Islam, and East Asian religious traditions (Buddhism, Taoism).

World Religions: Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements This course provides an introduction to the world’s religions, via study of their history, scriptures, doctrines, rituals, myths, ethics, and social systems/institutions. In this course students strive to grasp what “religion” is, and what it means to be religious. Students develop critical and empathetic appreciation of the religious foundations of world cultures; of the various ways humans have tried to understand the nature of reality, and the roles of religion in human community. The course includes discussion, application, and critical consideration of differing approaches to the study of religion, and gives students the opportunity to learn to identify and evaluate information resources appropriate to the study of religions. Students also reflect on their own religious backgrounds and influences and develop self-awareness about their religious worldviews. The specific religions addressed in this World Religions course include Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia, and some new religious movements.

Education Authentic Assessment This course examines the characteristics and types of measurement and assessments utilized in the education of students. Knowledge of concepts and procedures involved in student evaluation, the development and selection of assessment instruments, the analysis and interpretation of results, and the utilization and reporting of results will be explored. Cultural and environmental impacts on assessment will be considered. Applications to the classroom setting will be emphasized. Creating and Managing Learning Communities This course explores the theories and practices for an effectively managed classroom. Different theories and a variety of practices related to effective classroom management will be studied. Students will observe various approaches to classroom management in order to formulate their own classroom management style and practices. Students will learn to create optimal learning environments designed to meet the needs of diverse students considering both cultural and learning differences. Curriculum Theory & Application This course explores curriculum at a theoretical level. Students examine curriculum theory, issues of curriculum making, current trends in curriculum design, and the role of state and national standards. Curriculum philosophy, aims, and processes are included to enable the student to develop a definition of curriculum within the context of standards, district guidelines, school expectations, and classroom culture. This course will also address how multicultural and environmental factors inform curriculum theory. This course will also focus on the practical aspect of curriculum as it prepares the student to interpret and present standards based curricula in the classroom. This course examines relevant applications for interdisciplinary curriculum, strategies for successful curricular implementation, effective use of technology to support curriculum, and accommodations for special situations and individual differences. The student will explore curriculum applica-


tions that can expand out of the classroom into the natural learning environment. The student will ensure that the curriculum embraces appropriate multiple cultural perspectives. Environmental Education Methods A capstone class for many ES and AE students, environmental education is the educational process which deals with humanity’s relationship to the natural and human-made world. This course will review perspectives presented in Fundamentals of Environmental Education and focus on developing demographically appropriate methodologies including the conceptual approach to ecological principles, sensory awareness, values clarification, and general interpretation. These approaches will be presented in a way that demonstrates the interrelatedness of environmental education to diverse subject areas within a school curriculum as well as other relevant educational settings and populations. Students will gain experience designing and implementing activities in a “place-based” watershed and creeks education program with fifth grade students at a local elementary school. Environmental Education, Fundamentals of This course is important for educators who intend to incorporate environmental awareness and action into their teaching. The definition of environmental education will be examined and refined by comparing it to other related fields such as experiential education, adventure education, and science education. Students will explore the theoretical and philosophical framework of environmental education and seek to understand the relationship to disciplines which inform the field: environmental studies, education, psychology, political science, fine arts, language arts, history, performance studies, etc. Students will also inventory various methods, curricula and techniques currently used by environmental educators and evaluate them against criteria which screen for developmental appropriateness, learner needs, and cultural sensitivity. After observing in a variety of local educational settings, students will apply environmental education theory by developing integrated thematic units which can be implemented during subsequent methods courses. Environmental Problem Solving & Sense of Place Education Radical can be traced to the Latin word radicalis which means, “of or having roots.” In this course students will seek to return to environmental education’s deep roots by re-establishing principles and pedagogy that have guided sustainable communities for countless generations. Students will gain facility with a conceptual framework built upon the foundations of environmental problem solving and sense of place education. Those principles will then be applied in public secondary schools through curriculum development and teaching. A central focus of the course is the development and practice of environmental problem solving pedagogy. The course ultimately intends to reorient secondary environmental education towards what CA Bowers calls a “vision of a shared future.” Ethical Issues for Experiential Educators In an effort to dissect, explore, and question the responsibility of educators as catalysts for strong critical thinking and action, this course will delve into the ethical issues that face instructors and learners alike. Ethical challenges like relativism,


universal morals, and how best to activate social change will be engaged through readings, discussions, debates, written work, and research. A spectrum of topical ethical issues, from how facilitators might address moral dilemmas through education (rather than indoctrination) to the tough questions educators often find posed to them by their students, will be addressed. Learners will be invited to grapple with their personal philosophies of education, to examine how the presence of ethical issues within an experiential paradigm can be utilized to enhance educational efficacy, and to identify applicability in their respective instructional mediums (e.g., outdoor/adventure/wilderness, classroom, therapeutic, etc.). Experiential Education Philosophy & Methods This course is designed to provide students with a foundational philosophical understanding of experiential education theories and methodologies. Through reading, writing, discussion, and extensive observation in a wide variety of educational settings, students will gain an understanding of the historical roots, current trends, and future directions of experiential education. Students will have the opportunity to research topics of special interest, and will begin to define their own personal philosophy of experiential education to be put touse during the Experiential Education Practicum and in future work as teachers. Foundations of Education This course is an introduction to the field of teacher education and includes knowledge of the social, cultural, historical, and political dimensions of public school education. The course challenges students to think critically about education and learning strategies, and to begin to understand the academic study of the legal, financial and ideological constraints on the public school system. Of particular interest will be the development of a critical, multicultural, inquiring perspective which reviews the more recent schooling reforms including but not limited to the “Leave No Child Behind Act” federal initiative of 2002. The broader implications of different legal and political constraints that apply to federal, state and local school curricula and policy will also be a main focus. Language Arts: Methods & Practice The purpose of this course is for future elementary teachers to gain knowledge of and demonstrate competence in the development of language arts curriculum. Students will explore the relationship between reading and writing skills, examine methods for language arts instruction, and be able to design developmentally appropriate lesson plans. Students will be expected to implement original lesson plans in a grade appropriate setting. This course also requires students to research the needs of cognitively and culturally diverse learners, students impacted by specific environmental conditions as well as demonstrate sensitivity to these areas through the design and implementation of lessons. Learning Theories This course provides an overview of the process of learning. Theorists examined will include but not be limited to Benjamin Bloom, Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, Erik Erickson, Geoffrey and Renate Nummela Caine, Maria Montessori, Howard Gardner, and Paulo Freire. Students will explore

topics such as optimal conditions for learning and how relationships within the classroom affect learning, and will gain an understanding of learning differences. Psychological and developmental factors will be examined as well as the impact of environmental and cultural conditions. Various theorists who have made contributions within the field of education will be compared as a way to provide further insight into effective teaching strategies. Math: Methods & Practice This course explores various elements of mathematics education for elementary school students. Topics covered include: the importance of concrete manipulation in the formation of symbolic levels of understanding and reasoning; a variety of specific manipulative tools for math education; methods for teaching mathematic to diverse populations; and methods for teaching specific mathematical operations. The notion of integrating the mathematics into other areas such as environmental topics will be explored. Students will prepare original lesson plans, engage in several classroom observations, and experience a wide range of experiential exercises for mathematics education. Multicultural Education & Social Justice The purpose of this course is to prepare teachers to teach in socially, culturally, and economically diverse settings. Students will develop the ability to identify their own cultural values and those inherent in their view of education. They will acquire and apply the understanding and skills necessary to identify the socio-cultural foundations of education in Arizona and their own local area schools. Students will attempt to develop a philosophy of education that is responsive to cultural diversity and which provides a foundation for education in a pluralistic society. They will be encouraged to speculate on the nature and purposes of global education. Reading: Methods & Practice During this course of study, students will examine the Arizona K-12 Reading/Language Arts Academic Standards, in order to identify and understand the components of a comprehensive reading program designed to ensure student mastery in grade level skills. Students will gain an understanding of legislative and state board of education mandates pertaining to the elementary reading program. Students will be expected to master instructional strategies for each of the five research-based essential components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Students will explore diagnostic and remedial reading strategies for use with diverse learners, including ELL. Students will investigate environmental and cultural factors that influence reading, and plan for their accommodation within an effective classroom reading program. Reading in the Content Area: Secondary Education Reading in the Content Area is an in-depth study of systems involved in the reading process at the secondary level. The student will review secondary reading standards and core English and language arts curriculum in order to support skills and include them into specific content areas. Topics such as vocabulary, reading fluency and comprehension are central components of this course as well as comprehension in both literary and informational texts such as expository, functional, and per-

suasive writing. The student will consult with district reading specialists to become informed of reading diagnostic tools used within the district and state as well as additional tools and technology available to assist the struggling reader. The student will review the Arizona Department of Education website to maintain a working knowledge of legislation and programs that address literacy issues.

Potential areas of exploration are: Whose history is valid? How do students learn about other times and places in a reflective, substantive manner? Do textbooks engage students or do real stories about real people? Furthermore, the student will investigate environmental and cultural factors that influence the teaching of social studies and methods for teaching social studies to diverse populations.

Rethinking our Classrooms: Race, Power, and Identity in Education The intent of this course is to allow educators – both future public school teachers and future community educators – to critically analyze their own backgrounds in a safe forum. The purpose of analyzing our own identities is to investigate how our race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, primary language and ability influence the way we teach and the way we are received as teachers. This course will focus on both theory and practice as we move through analyzing our identities to culturally responsive teaching (Gay, 2000). This seminar will be steeped in narrative tradition using autobiography as a tool for self-analysis as well as a curricular methodology. Through readings, journal writing, teacher interviews and classroom observations, we will investigate how our stories influence the way in which we address issues of access to education and how we can rethink our classrooms to use our own identities as positive agents of change.

Special Education, Introduction to This course introduces the various categories of special education eligibility and provides information about accommodating individuals with exceptional learning needs in the regular classroom setting. Categories addressed include learning disabilities, mental retardation, emotional and behavioral disorders, physical handicaps, sensory and speech impairments, severe and multiple disabilities, and the gifted and talented. Current special education law and pertinent state and national standards are examined. Attention is also given to issues of culturally and environmentally diverse backgrounds in the education of individuals with exceptional learning needs.

Science: Methods & Practice This course explores various elements of science and environmental education for elementary school students. Students will gain an in depth knowledge of the science curricular areas specific to their school district to include state and national standards. Topics covered include: a variety of manipulative tools for science and environmental education; teaching science to diverse populations; science as problem solving; and a variety of specific experiential exercises for teaching ecology and science concepts. Students will prepare original lesson plans, engage in several classroom observations, and experience a wide range of hands-on exercises for science and environmental education. Secondary Content Area Methods This course covers methods and practices for instruction in the student’s content area. Students will become familiar with the content of texts in the subject area, state and national standards for the grade levels of the subject, and a variety of methods of instruction relevant to the subject area. Emphasis will be placed upon creating effective strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of learners as well as any environmental or ethical issues impacting the specific field of study. Social Science: Methods & Practice This course explores the field of social science education as presented in the elementary classroom in order to meet the state and district standards. The different subject areas included are citizenship, government, current events, history, geography, global studies, economics, culture, and the environment. Students will read and review published texts for social science instruction, and develop lessons and units to accommodate a variety of learning styles. Students will critique the district’s social science curricula. Students will compare and contrast traditional and alternative methodologies related to the teaching of social science and design activities to motivate and stimulate classroom interest.

Student Teaching, Elementary: Senior Project Student Teaching is the final capstone field experience allowing the student to practice the application of theoretical knowledge as well as demonstrating mastery in planning, instruction for diverse students, assessment, classroom management, and professional proficiency. Throughout the Student Teaching assignment the student is expected to respond to critical feedback and participate in every facet of classroom teaching from daily instruction to playground duties, extra-curricular commitments, parent-teacher conferences, and any other additional responsibilities typically conducted by the cooperating teacher within the specific teaching environment. The final preparation will serve to prepare the student teacher for obtaining the position of a lead teacher in a grade and subject appropriate classroom. Student Teaching, Secondary: Senior Project Student Teaching is the final capstone field experience allowing the student to practice the application of theoretical knowledge as well as demonstrating mastery in planning, instruction for diverse students, assessment, classroom management, and professional proficiency. Throughout the Student Teaching assignment the student is expected to respond to critical feedback and participate in every facet of classroom teaching from daily instruction to playground duties, extra-curricular commitments, parent-teacher conferences, and any other additional responsibilities typically conducted by the cooperating teacher within the specific teaching environment. The final preparation will serve to prepare the student teacher for obtaining the position of a lead teacher in a grade and subject appropriate classroom.

Environmental Studies Agroecosystems of the Arid Southwest Water availability is the most prominent ecological factor limiting agricultural production in the Southwest; however, temperature, nutrient availability, salinity, and pests also exert considerable influence. In this field-oriented course we will initially explore the ecological constraints that

limit productivity of natural plant and animal communities in diverse ecosystems, ranging from the submontane to desert. We will then examine how people in prehistorical, historical, and modern times have designed farming systems to contend with these ecological limitations. The types of questions this class will focus on are: How sustainable are current agricultural practices? Why have some practices been discontinued? What are the off-farm ecological impacts of modern agronomic techniques? Is there a carrying capacity in the Southwest and if so, is the current human population above or below it? How does the complexity and scale of irrigation systems affect the social structure of communities? Animal Biology This course offers a survey of the major groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Topics include classification, anatomy, physiology, behavior and ecology within an evolutionary context. The course consists of readings, lectures and discussions, laboratory exercises, projects, and field trips. Anthropology, Contemporary Issues in Contemporary society faces problems every day that require culturally sensitive solutions – environmental damage and protection, out-of-control population growth, a dizzy proliferation of lifestyle choices, gender controversies, ethnic conflict and other threats to cultural survival around the world. This course introduces students to anthropology, a discipline that focuses on culture by defining it, describing it, attempting to explain it, and placing it in a theoretical framework to address the problems of the modern world. Students will observe and analyze the dimensions of modern-day problems – in their community and around the world – and explore culturally appropriate solutions using the concepts, skills, and values of cultural anthropology. Applied Algebra The goal of this course is to equip students with the basic algebra skills necessary to understand and address common topics in their lives and prepare them for further studies for which mathematics is essential. The successful student will learn how to manipulate and apply linear, quadratic and logarithmic functions; exponential growth and decay; systems of equations; and plane trigonometry. Through cooperative learning and experiential exercises, students will gain comfort in algebraic reasoning, develop critical thinking skills, and see relevant connections so that math has practical, not just theoretical, value. Numeracy is as important in a good liberal arts education as is literacy (you can count on it). Behavior and Conservation of Mammals This course focuses on the following themes, supported by lectures, readings, and discussions: behavior and ecology of mammals; field methods in behavioral ecology; and captive breeding as a conservation strategy. Each student will conduct literature research on two to three species, write summary papers, and give oral presentations describing behavior and ecology, population status in the wild, and conservation focus. This material will form part of the traveling library for the field portion of the course, which entails a three-day visit to several zoological parks in Arizona, where students will observe mammals and collect data on behavior, especially on social


interactions. Students will compare their findings with published information on the species in question, as well as meet with staff specialists to learn about the various conservation initiatives that are being undertaken for selected species. Biological Principles This course is an introduction to the basic concepts in biology, with an emphasis on chemistry, cell structure and function, reproduction, metabolism, DNA and genetics, and evolution. The course is designed for students who anticipate a concentration in biological or environmental studies and serves as a good prerequisite for courses in ecology, plant biology, or animal biology. Classes consist of lectures, discussions, and lab exercises. Ethical implications of current biological events are discussed. Botany Plants and other photosynthetic organisms form the basis of primary production on land and in the oceans. Non-photosynthetic organisms with some plant-like cellular structures, Fungi, have also traditionally been studied by botanists. The science of botany delves into the fundamental biology, myriad adaptations, and diversity of life within the three Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista (photosynthetic Divisions only). Topics covered include evolutionary history (from aquatic systems to terrestrial ones), life history strategies, plant anatomy, physiology (photosynthesis, photorespiration, internal transport, hormones), secondary plant chemistry, and pollination. Calculus: Theory & Practice This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, techniques, and applications of calculus. Applications will focus on the use of calculus techniques in developing, interpreting, and investigating functions that model natural phenomena and dynamical systems. Topics include limits and infinity, derivatives and rates of change, and computing areas via integration. Graphing calculators will be used extensively in the course to explore and reinforce mathematical concepts. Coastal Ecology of the Gulf of California The Gulf of California is a biological treasure of global significance. In this intensive field course, we take an in-depth look at the ecology and biota of this diverse region. Prime study subjects are marine and coastal birds, especially their behavior and feeding ecology. Also covered are intertidal and estuarine ecology with a focus on rocky, sandy, and mudflat habitats; ecology of the Sonoran Desert; and natural history of marine mammals. Specific organisms are studied as examples for understanding the complex ecological interactions of the Gulf Coast. Students are required to undertake an independent field project. Conservation Biology This course focuses on the nature and importance of biological diversity, modern threats to its integrity, and the emergence of conservation biology as a crisis-oriented, applied, scientific discipline. Biological, political, and managerial considerations are given to a broad range of topics, including: biodiversity, island biogeography, extinction, minimum viable population size, endangered species, design of nature reserves, and ecosystem management. Students gain a broad overview of conservation biology, as well as


focus on a specific topic of their choice through completion of a personal project. Extensive readings of original literature are required. Cross-cultural Collaboration: Telling Another’s Story Listening to and retelling the stories of strangers is an integral part of many jobs. Often labeled “interviewing,” it carries the responsibility of giving a voice to strangers. Doing it well requires a wide range of skills that have been perfected through ethnographic work around the world. This course integrates ethnographic skills, values, and ethics with the art and science of storytelling to demonstrate one way to maintain the essential nature of oral traditions. Today, ethnographic research is not something that is “done” to people. Instead, it is collaboration between consultants and investigators to record and document events, behaviors, values, and traditions within and across cultural boundaries. Storytelling is one vehicle that carries the peoples’ voices to the rest of the world. Collaborative ethnography creates that vehicle through mutual respect. Students will experience a variety of ways to create cross-cultural collaborations. This course is appropriate for anyone who anticipates interviewing another person with a note pad, a tape recorder, or a video camera. Earth Science, Introduction to This is an introductory geology course in which we explore the fundamental components of the inorganic Earth and their interactions with each other and with the biosphere (e.g. exchanges of energy and materials). Topics we will cover include rock and mineral identification, processes of landscape formation, atmospheric circulation, and surface and groundwater hydrology. The goal of these studies is to augment students’ understanding of natural landscapes and to provide them with a foundation of geologic knowledge that they can apply to advanced courses in environmental studies. Ecological Design, Introduction to If we are to preserve habitat, maintain clean water and air and preserve species, we must address the underlying causes of their degradation. Human population growth is one of the primary causes of environmental degradation. This course addresses the issue of the human habitat and is designed to provide the student with an overview of basic ecological design principles and practices. Emphasis will be placed on the design of human environments that minimize our ecological footprint and are sustainable. We will investigate what it means to be “sustainable” and what we can do as individuals and as a society to lessen our environmental impacts. Emphasis is placed on issues and techniques related to residential construction and its impacts due to heat and energy requirements. Ecological Thinking Design Strategies for the Future Ecological thinking requires a shift in current values to put the health of the planet ahead of all other considerations. Designing our homes, our jobs, and our free time while keeping planetary needs in mind requires us to live in the present, make decisions consciously, and always question the consequences of our actions. Humility makes us aware of what we don’t understand, while arrogance provokes us to act without considering what we don’t understand. Arrogance fosters short-term thinking when we respond to challenges and crises.

Einstein advocated that it is impossible to solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created the problem in the first place. Therefore, if we are to tackle the ecological challenges facing us now successfully, we will need to develop a long-term perspective about the problems we face through an ecological way of thinking. In this course, students explore how ecological design principles help create a new paradigm for the future. Student projects will implement those principles by designing solutions to problems with humility instead of arrogance. Ecology of Human Evolution It is not possible to completely understand the reciprocal character of the human/nature relationship without looking closely at the very long history of that relationship. Furthermore, evolutionary trends need to be evaluated from an ecological perspective. The seeds of hominid ecology that were sown millions of years ago bear fruit even today in human populations. This course identifies those seeds and follows their development through the course of hominid evolution. We will ask hard questions about the past and seek answers that have meaning for today’s world. How did physical adaptations to natural conditions over the last few million years affect our ability to adapt to the present day environments? How did adaptive behaviors and values forged in the face of inhospitable environments hundreds of thousands of years ago help create the predicaments in which we find ourselves today? Does the past limit our future? The mechanisms of biological and cultural evolution will guide our investigations of these and other critical questions. This course is designed for students who already understand the basic concepts in ecology and evolutionary theory. Ecology of Southwestern Birds This course strengthens students’ background in identification, morphology, classification, behavior, and ecology of birds. Lectures, lab exercises, and readings supplement field studies of bird behavior and distribution in the diverse plant communities of the Southwest. Students read and discuss papers from the primary literature that describe methods of field ornithology and illustrate approaches to behavioral, physiological, population, and community ecology. Students study birds at individually selected sites and present results to the class. Ecology, Concepts of This introductory, field-oriented course grounded in Southwest ecosystems focuses on how the world works, how things in nature are interconnected, and how we can apply our understanding in order to live more sustainably. Students learn ecological concepts by observing and inquiring into interactions among biotic and abiotic components at various scales (individual organism, population and species, community and ecosystem, greater landscape). Field activities involve descriptive and quantitative methods of analysis and interpretation. Students gain critical thinking skills, learn basic field methods, develop an ecological mode of reasoning, and form stronger personal connections with nature. This course is designed to help students from all curricular areas build a solid foundation of ecological literacy within a good liberal arts education. Energy & the Environment The United States and other industrialized countries account for about twenty percent of the

world’s population and almost eighty percent of the world’s energy consumption. Conservation efforts seem to fall on deaf ears, as we continue to guzzle gasoline, cruise the open roads, build poorly insulated homes, and produce energy rich goods. Not only are we using up our resources, but we are polluting our environment in the process. Students in this course will examine the nature of the major energy industries in the US, including the economics and politics of oil, gas, and electricity and the environmental consequences of our current consumption patterns. We will re-examine energy conservation in the light of current economic policy, and look at the future of “alternative” energy sources and sustainable energy use. Students will be encouraged to undertake individualized research projects as well as participate in class and short field trips. Environmental Chemistry This course focuses on the implications of the many chemical processes and products that make up our natural world and modern economy. The course explores several branches of applied chemistry, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, biochemistry, and material chemistry, and addresses the energy requirements of our chemical economy. We will examine the chemistry and politics of a number of current environmental issues including a variety of topics related to air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, toxic chemicals, and consumer chemistry. Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics is the study of values by which human beings relate to the natural environment. This course will address the question of “how” people live or should live on the earth. It will focus not on ethical theory, but rather, through reading and discussing primary literature and case studies, will address the moral and ethical dilemmas in current environmental issues. Environmental Geology, Introduction to This course studies reactions of the earth to human uses and human attempts to control its dynamics. It is an applied science course and a study of those environmental problems having a strong geological component. It covers short-term and long-term geologic effects of human activities including geologic hazards and attempts to control natural processes. Topics include waste disposal, groundwater, flood control, effects of dams and stream manipulation, effects of mining, earthquakes, landsliding, and volcanic activity. Environmental Geology, Topics in This course studies both natural geologic hazards and reactions of the Earth to human attempts to control its dynamics. It is an applied science course that explores those environmental problems having a strong geologic component. Rather than being a survey of all issues in environmental geology, this course will focus on a few specific issues that are either of key importance in the Southwest or of general interest to students in a particular class. Examples of possible topics include groundwater, landsliding, earthquakes, volcanic activity, waste disposal, and the effects of mining. Environmental Policy, Topics in In this course, students take an in-depth look at the issues, policies and politics that underlie key environmental questions facing our world today. By focusing on particular issues, the course pro-

vides students the opportunity to gain substantial expertise on the topics and to practice being effective citizens. The topics of the course will vary from year to year. Students will be responsible for studying the issue from many different perspectives, drawing conclusions consistent with their own values and choosing a course of action that move towards solutions. Environmental Perspectives & Whitewater Rafting (see page 152) Environmental Problem Solving Solving an environmental problem is a complex process that involves understanding how the problem appears to stakeholders with different perspectives; determining whether current knowledge is adequate for devising a solution or whether new information must be collected and, if so, designing procedures for data collection and analysis; collecting and interpreting data; designing possible solutions and assessing the strong points and weak points of each; negotiating agreement on a solution; implementing that solution; and determining whether what has been implemented is indeed solving the problem. This process involves a combination of scientific, social, political, economic, organizational, and ethical considerations. It requires skills in analysis, mathematics, statistics, and communication. In this course, students will develop and practice the necessary skills. In the first portion of the course, students will examine some historical environmental problems that are well documented and will analyze the processes by which those problems were addressed. In the second portion of the course, students will select current environmental problems of particular interest to them and will design processes for addressing those problems. At the end of the course, those designs will be presented to the class and to a faculty panel that will provide evaluative feedback. Class time will be used to conduct workshops and to engage in exercises that will help students develop the skills they need to address the cases they have chosen.

strong, courageous peoples ruled Northern Europe and explored and settled distant lands that ranged from deep within Russia to the New World 500 years before Columbus. This class will explore the west coast of Norway, a land that bore a significant element of the Viking culture. Through experiencing and studying the land and sea, students will gain an appreciation for a landscape and cultural geography that essentially have evolved together. From this vantage point we will consider the historical and contemporary Norwegian culture, their environmental challenges, and the environmental philosophers who argue eloquently for their future. Field Methods for Plant Ecology This course will equip students with the skills needed to carry out field-based research concerning plant population biology (involving one plant species), community ecology (involving many plant species), and plant-animal interactions (such as pollination). It includes hypothesis testing, use of GPS and some GIS technology, and many of the field methods used to test specific hypotheses. The course will investigate vegetation patterns near Kino Bay in the Sonoran desert, mangroves, and other coastal habitats. The field methods will include plot and plotless sampling, such as point-centered semester, releve, density and dominance, and other analyses. Field Ornithology, Introduction to Students focus on general behavior and habitat preferences of birds representing at least 30 families in 12 orders during this introductory field study of birds. They learn basic field techniques including observation, identification, note-taking, and journal writing. Papers in the primary literature and brief exercises in behavioral and community ecology illustrate components of field design, data collection and interpretation, and report writing. Birds are observed in forests, woodlands, chaparral, grasslands, and deserts. Birds are also studied in aquatic, semiaquatic, and riparian habitats, as well as in agricultural and suburban areas.

Ethnobiology This course examines the multifaceted interactions and relationships humans have with the biotic world from the ecological and evolutionary perspectives in order to understand these as an adaptive system with both a biological and cultural component. Emphasized in the course is the value of taking multi-cultural approaches to understanding human relationships to the natural world and how we can make use of traditional knowledge in an ethical manner. Students are expected to develop a critical awareness of the history and current status of the underlying theories and methodologies of ethnobiology and to apply their knowledge and understanding by undertaking an activity-based individual or group project.

Form & Pattern in Nature This course addresses aspects of form and pattern in nature based on the botanical work of Goethe (who coined the term “morphology”), the classic studies of D’Arcy Thompson (“On Growth and Form”), the mathematics of Fibonacci, new developments in pattern analysis, and other contributions. Students examine plant and animal morphology from aesthetic, functional, and phenomenological perspectives and apply these observations to an understanding of landscape quality and sense of place. Selected form elements, such as the spiral, which recur throughout nature, are also studied, as well as the fluid dynamics of water. In addition, students are introduced to the application of projective geometry as a tool to understand the qualitative features and interrelationships of natural forms and the process of metamorphosis.

Explorations of Norway: Nature & Culture Beginning with the retreat of the continental ice cap ten thousand years ago, Northern Europe has experienced an ecological evolution that has created a dramatic and beautiful landscape. Human occupation coincided with the retreat of ice, resulting in the development of cultures closely linked to the rugged mountainous landscape and the wild and treacherous northern seas. The Viking tribes were products of their environment, and these

Geographic Information Science, Introduction to Geographic information science involves the integration of geography, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and remote sensing (RS). The purpose of this introductory course is to familiarize participants with computerized systems for the capture, processing, analysis, and display of all kinds of geographical (spatial) data. The principles and concepts


of cartographic modeling, GIS, GPS, and remote sensing will be explored through lectures, discussions, and laboratory exercises. Emphasis will be placed on learning the basic tools and methods for application to real-world environmental, natural resource management, and socioeconomic questions. Data are drawn from global and local examples and situations. Geographic Information Science, Advanced The intent of this course is to provide students with advanced experience in Geographic Information Systems applications. Students will develop their skills with the GIS software IDRISI and ARCGIS. The course will be project-based and focus on analyzing a particular problem using GIS technology. This will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the technology’s potential as an analytic tool in today’s society. They will gain a clearer recognition of the interdisciplinary uses of this powerful tool. Each project will be based upon a real-world environmental research question or need. Advanced GIS topics might include, but are not restricted to, remote-sensed imagery analysis, GPS mapping as a tool for GIS, advanced spatial modeling and multi-criteria, multi-objective decision making in GIS. Students should come away from this course with the confidence to apply GIS technology to their future academic and professional endeavors. Geologic Evolution of the Southwest The stunning and diverse landscapes of the Southwest are the product of over four billion years of geologic activity. In this course, we take a journey through deep geologic time and beyond, exploring first the formation of the Universe and our solar system, then the birth of our planet, and finally the geologic upheavals that have shaped Arizona and the Southwest. From the comfort of Prescott, we will cogitate about the Southwest’s geological evolution through readings, lectures, discussions, class presentations, and lab exercises. We will then live those geologic upheavals and tranquil interludes through the vehicle of several field trips lasting from one to several days. Geology of Arizona Geology provides insights into the origins and continuing evolution of the landscape in which we live and work. This course will utilize the remarkable variety of the Arizona landscape to illustrate geologic principles in the context of regional geological history. It includes a brief overview of the basics of geology and geologic time and, through classroom and field trips, demonstrates their application in the three physiographic provinces of Arizona. The course includes rock identification, the rock cycle, plate tectonic theory, the geologic time scale, and the origin and evolution of Arizona landforms and structures through time. A basic understanding of the physical framework provides a platform for other educational pursuits that can range from the natural sciences to the social sciences, and even the realm of artistic expression. Students seeking Upper Division credit will build upon prior geology experience to demonstrate an advanced ability to interpret aspects of Arizona geology. Geomorphology, Topics in A landscape’s geologic form appears to be its most durable attribute. But that seeming stasis belies the dynamic tension that exists between tectonic forces tirelessly laboring to build continents from the sea


and the equally diligent erosional forces of water, wind, and ice that break rocks down. In this course, we’ll explore the variety of geological shapes and forms created by this interaction between tectonics and erosion and scrutinize the physical processes responsible. The course is not intended as an exhaustive inventory of physical landscape features, but rather as a more in-depth examination of the story behind the scenery. As such, we will focus on a few topics in geomorphology, and those topics may vary from year to year. Class interest and the accessibility of field examples will help govern the topics covered. The course format will include readings, presentations, lectures, discussions, and homework exercises. We’ll embark on a number of field excursions, lasting from an afternoon to several days, to observe and study the landscapes and processes we’ve discussed in the classroom. Herpetology This course focuses on identification, evolution and classification, adaptations (morphological, physiological, and behavioral), and ecology of amphibians and reptiles. Lectures, lab exercises, and readings supplement field studies of behavior and distribution in the diverse habitats of the Southwest. Students research a chosen topic, including review of primary literature, and present results to the class. Human Ecology, Introduction to This course introduces students to the exciting and rigorous work of interdisciplinary learning through the study of human ecology, which draws heavily from environmental studies, ecology, anthropology, and human physiology. Students learn how humans have adapted to all of the major biomes of the earth through hunting and gathering, pastoralism, agriculture, and modern industry. After mastering the basic concepts of human ecology, students explore human adaptations to local regions from prehistoric times to the present. Field trips will help students comprehend Arizona’s fragile environment and the impact people have on it. Students will be required to think about the future of Arizona – where do we go from here? Interpreting Nature through Art & Photography (see page157) Issues of Global Food Production At the beginning of the 21st century, the human population growth has reached over six billion and the growth will not level off until it reaches at least 11 billion, even in the most optimistic scenarios. The vast majority of highly productive agricultural land is already under cultivation, and no agronomists foresee another green revolution that will greatly increase production of currently cropped lands. In this course we will explore the implications of this human predicament. Do we have any choice but to trade off long-term agricultural sustainability for short-term productivity? Or are there approaches to food production that will increase people’s food security in the near future as well as over the long term? Students will choose a range of countries for case studies and for each will evaluate energy availability, land productivity and tenure, population status, and important cultural norms. Based on this information, students will then suggest policy approaches that may satisfy the disparate objectives encountered by each country.

Marine Biology I: Diversity of Marine Life This field course is based at the Prescott College Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies in Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico on the Gulf of California coast. Taken concurrently with Phase II – Oceanography, and Phase III – Field Methods for Marine Ecology, Diversity of Marine Life is a survey of the common groups of marine organisms. We will explore the evolution, diversity, morphology, field identification, and ecology of marine algae, halophyte plants (such as mangroves), plankton, invertebrates, fishes, reptiles, birds and marine mammals of the Gulf of California midriff region. Marine Biology II: Oceanography This field course is based at the Prescott College Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies in Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico on the Gulf of California coast. Taken concurrently with Phase I – Diversity of Marine Life and Phase III – Field Methods for Marine Ecology, Oceanography will provide an introductory glimpse of the Earth’s oceans from physical and marine geologic perspectives. Through class presentations, lectures, discussions, lab exercises and field trips we will ponder the geologic origin of the oceans and familiarize ourselves with their geography. With an eye towards understanding the oceanic realm and the dominant role it plays in regulating global climate, we will study the physical and chemical properties of sea water and the techniques for measuring these properties. We will examine global oceanic circulation patterns and the causes of currents, waves, tides and upwelling. The preceding topics will be examined globally but examples from the Gulf of California will be used extensively to provide students with an introduction to this area. Marine Biology III: Field Methods for Marine Ecology This field course is based at the Prescott College Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies in Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico on the Gulf of California coast. Taken concurrently with Phase I – Diversity of Marine Life and Phase II – Oceanography, Field Methods for Marine Ecology will focus on design and execution of student research projects. Students will design field research projects, collect field data, analyze results and write up scientific papers on some aspect of marine ecology. Projects will be based primarily on the ecology of intertidal habitats or on islands of the Gulf of California. Marine Conservation I: Global Marine Issues This course examines global marine issues from interdisciplinary perspectives. We begin by developing a general background in maritime cultures, laws of the sea, and the ecological, economic, and social importance of the marine environment. Issues studied in depth include fisheries, pollution, tourism, habitat alteration, island and coastal management, protected areas, and endangered species. An understanding of resource ecology forms the foundation of learning in the class. The international nature of marine issues is emphasized, leading to the study of international policy, culture, globalization and trade. Traditional and alternative strategies for meeting marine conservation challenges are examined and analyzed. Readings, discussions and lectures are complemented with field trips and guest speakers.

Marine Conservation II: Gulf of CA Conservation Case Studies Concepts introduced in Phase I are illustrated through regional case studies in the Gulf of California. Through first-hand field observation and participation, students gain an understanding for the complexity of many conservation challenges in the Gulf. For example, case studies in fisheries provide students with the opportunity to observe a variety of fishing techniques, speak with fishers, and learn through on-board observations. Field observations are complemented by lectures on marine ecology and management in the region and discussions with resource users, researchers and managers. Marine Conservation III: Applied Conservation Research Theoretical and field-based knowledge gained in Phase I and Phase II lead the student to a better understanding of current and potential management strategies for protecting marine and coastal resources. In Phase III students will demonstrate a thorough familiarity with specific conservation projects and collective conservation efforts in the Gulf of California. Students analyze the effectiveness, strengths and shortcomings of marine and coastal conservation in the region. Each student has the opportunity to work with an ongoing conservation project, to create a proposal for a future project, or to do library-based research. Project work provides students with experience in applied conservation research and management. Projects might include monitoring and inventorying resources, education and interpretation, work with exotic species, or introduction and evaluation of alternative resource use. Students meet with management agency representatives, scientists, educators, and local resource users. Each student’s work is part of ongoing conservation efforts in the region. Maasailand I, III, III: A Study in Community Activism, Kenya Africa (see page161) Math for the Liberal Arts This course is a college-level math course designed to foster an awareness of the nature of mathematics, to promote an understanding of the role of mathematics in today’s society, and to encourage the development of critical and quantitative reasoning skills. Topics include the mathematics of voting and social choice, linear and exponential models of change, unit analysis, and the collection, analysis, and visual display of data. Natural History and Cultural Ecology of Kino Bay, Mexico Students will study the coastal environments in the vicinity of Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico. This area exhibits a rich diversity of desert, marine, and estuarian ecological communities. Two distinct human groups inhabit this region: Mestizo Mexicans and Seri Indians. A third group whose impact has increased significantly in recent years is tourists, principally form the Sonoran capital, Hermosillo. Students will analyze the various components of the local environment and study the interrelationships between Kino ecology and economy. Natural History & Ecology of the Southwest, Phase I This intensive course will provide both descriptive and quantitative tools of analysis as applied to

ecosystems within the state of Arizona. Students will learn natural history skills such as field identification of organisms, use of dichotomous keys, record keeping, basic sampling techniques, and the fundamentals of writing a scientific paper. These skills will be developed within the context of ecological principles such as natural selection and evolution, homeostasis, population dynamics and life-history patterns, community organization and structure, ecosystem functioning, and biogeographic concepts. Students will practice the art of thinking ecologically and will consider how ecological principles can be applied. Natural History & Ecology of the Southwest, Phase II This intensive course will provide both descriptive and quantitative tools of analysis as applied to ecosystems within the state of Arizona. Students will learn natural history skills such as field identification of organisms, use of dichotomous keys, record keeping, basic sampling techniques, and the fundamentals of writing a scientific paper. These skills will be developed within the context of ecological principles such as natural selection and evolution, homeostasis, population dynamics and life-history patterns, community organization and structure, ecosystem functioning, and biogeographic concepts. Students will practice the art of thinking ecologically and will consider how ecological principles can be applied. Organic Evolution This course focuses on the genetic basis of organic evolution. Topics include the study of diversity and the history of evolutionary thought; Darwin’s evidence for evolution and common descent; the nature of inheritance, adaptation, and speciation; and rates and timing of growth and development. The course consists of lectures, discussions, and extensive readings. Students will develop the ability to evaluate the various theories regarding the processes of organic evolution as well as gain a broad overview of evolution as a unifying theme in biology. Students will focus on specific topics of their choice by completing personal projects. Park & Wilderness Management Political activism on the part of a great many people stimulated legislation to create a national park system, and later, the National Wilderness Preservation System. Too often, however, public awareness of these wildlands has waned once they receive legal protection. The question “How do we keep it wild?” has been only infrequently asked. In this course we will seek pragmatic answers to this essential question. We will review the evolution of wildlands preservation in America, including pertinent legislation, and then proceed to analyze a series of contemporary management issues including: restrictions on visitor use; limits of acceptable change; permits; fire management policies; ecosystem management and interagency conflict; and the competing roles of recreation, resource extraction, and preservation of biological diversity on public lands. Learning formats will include extensive readings and writing assignments, class discussions and seminars, meetings with agency personnel, and field study of wildlands management. Permaculture for Drylands, Basic This course is a month-long study of Permaculture, a whole-systems approach to land

use based on an ethic of earthcare. Developed in Australia in the early 1970s by ecologist Bill Mollison, permaculture design integrates food production, energy production and use, shelter, reclamation of damaged lands, and people into sustainable human communities. We will cover the basic drylands design course curriculum, as specified by the international Permaculture Institute in Australia, in an expanded form. Addendum: Students will receive permaculture designer’s certification through this course. The course will take place throughout Arizona, with trips to Arcosanti, Tucson, Jerome, Sedona, and other locations as available. Permaculture Design for Drylands, Advanced The goal of this course is to increase the participants’ skills as designers and to further integrate their permaculture design skills with related areas of study. The course will cover advanced permaculture concepts of patterning, keyline philosophy, element analysis, guilds, development of functional arrays, and sustainable community design in both experiential and lecture format. Participants will engage in study projects that will hone basic design skills and encourage experimentation with more advanced concepts. The focus of the course will be on developing greater skill in integrated design through site assessments, concept studies, and other experiential exercises. Participants will be encouraged to relate their permaculture skills to other fields of study within design exercises, study projects, and journaling. Philosophies of Interpretive Naturalists Wilderness has had a profound effect on art, literature, and political thought in America. This course will consider the historical influences wilderness and nature have had in shaping our contemporary philosophies and attitudes. Beginning with an overview of definitions of nature from the roots of western civilization, we will gain a historical context for considering the writings of interpretive naturalists such as Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson. Selected essays will be read and discussed with respect to their influence on political and philosophical perspectives in America. Plant Propagation Methods The focus of this course is to acquaint students with a wide array of plant propagation methods and facilities, both historic and modern. Field work will include hands-on propagation experiments, nursery production practices, and greenhouse propagation methodology. Class discussions and lectures will cover everything from conservation of plant genetic stocks and grafting methods to irrigation and greenhouse systems. Issues of conventional versus sustainable systems will be explored, and students will be encouraged to understand the problems and solutions of plant propagation in today’s world. Plants & Humans This introductory course gives an overview of human relationships and interactions with plants developed from the perspectives of ethnobotany and economic botany, with emphasis on the following kinds of topics: food plants and domestication, medicinal plants and phytochemistry, ritual and ceremonial plants, plants for fiber and utility, invasive species, plants for bioremediation and living machines. Activities in the class include laboratory


exercises, class discussions, class projects, and projects based on individual students’ interests. This is a foundation course for application-based independent studies in any of the above topical areas and for students pursuing competencies in agroecology, ecological design, human development, ecopsychology, holistic health and wellness, human ecology, and related areas. Restoration Ecology: Watersheds of the Southwest This course focuses on watershed-scale restoration. Striking a balance between theory (restoration ecology) and practice (ecological restoration), we will begin by exploring watershed and riparian restoration from philosophical, psychological, political, and economic perspectives. Understanding the structure and function of aridland watersheds and assessing how human activities have affected and shaped their health will set the foundation for the rest of the course. Some of the paradigms and principles relevant to ecological restoration such as succession, disturbance, space-time scales, evolution, historical ecology, ecosystem health, and traditional knowledge will also be examined. Finally, students will learn practical methods of planning, implementing, and evaluating watershed and riparian restoration projects through case study research, field trips to restoration sites, and hands-on restoration work. Rock Climbing & Geology (see page 153) Small-scale Agriculture, Principles of Small scale agriculture seeks to maintain or improve the health of the earth while providing food for humans. Since it is from the soil that life is generated, the needs of the soil will be discussed in depth. Practical aspects of farming will be covered such as seed selection, companion planting, crop rotation, irrigation systems, and harvesting techniques. Alternative methods of growing food such as biodynamics, permaculture, and the French intensive method will also be discussed. Students will have the opportunity to tour and work in the fields of an active small scale farm to gain first-hand knowledge of the experience of growing food. Soil Science, Introduction to Soil is one of the ultimate factors that determine the productivity of natural and agricultural ecosystems. What factors determine how soils form and what makes them fertile or infertile? Students in this course will study why soils vary in texture, chemical properties, organic matter content and water-holding capacity. In the field, a range of soil profiles will be examined and the appropriate soil survey will be interpreted. In the lab, students will learn some basic soil analyses, including determination of pH, cation exchange capacity, available phosphorus, texture, bulk density, and soil organic matter content. In addition, soil samples will be submitted to a state soils lab, and students will learn how to interpret the results from the laboratory analyses. Statistics for Research Statistics for Research teaches the research skills needed to seek answers to complex ecological, biological, and social questions. This course focuses on hypothesis testing and the design of experiments and surveys. Experience will be given in acquiring large data sets and the statistical manip-


ulation of quantitative data. Subjects include data distributions, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and t-test, regression and correlation, and non-parametric alternative tests. Exposure will be given to multi-variate testing. Students will gain hands-on experience with SPSS. Summer Studies in Alaska: Natural History of Alaska This course is an introduction to the ecological diversity of Alaska. Students will travel throughout Alaska to study principles of communities and ecosystems, and geographical ecology. They will investigate how northern landscapes and climates interact to produce major patterns of vegetation, and how animals adapt to these patterns. Students will learn to identify the dominant plants typical of the climatic regions of Alaska, from the rainforests of the south-central coastal areas, to the interior boreal forest, to the tundra of the Arctic and alpine regions. Principles of animal distribution and adaptation will be introduced through indicator species of each region studied. Summer Studies in Alaska: Topics in Geography: Alaska This course applies theoretical concepts in physical, cultural-, and bio-geography to specific regions of Alaska. Interrelationships between landscapes, ecological systems, and human cultures, past and present, will be explored. Students will analyze and compare temperate rainforests, interior forests, and arctic and alpine tundra in the contexts of geomorphic development, ecological habitat, and human lifeways. In addition to intensive field experience and interviews with local people, students will engage with course material through lectures, readings of primary literature, and seminars. Summer Studies in Alaska: Expeditionary Rivers: Alaska This intensive, field-based course is appropriate for intermediate and advanced students with solid backgrounds in extended backcountry travel. The expectation is that participants are committed to building on existing skills and knowledge in remote and challenging environments. The focus is on the planning and implementation of a selfcontained river expedition in that context. The course will include the exploration of regional cultures, geography, and descents of appropriate rivers. Topics include: paddle strokes and maneuvers, river reading and running, expedition planning and logistics, area specific technical skills, safety and hazard evaluation, place-based natural history, cultural studies and leadership. Summer Studies in Agroecology: Agroecology In this century, people have had great success manipulating energy intensive inputs as well as crop genetics to reduce ecological limitations for agricultural production. Some of this success, however, has been achieved by trading off future productivity or sustainability. For example, high yields today may come at the cost of serious soil erosion, or extreme dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels. In this course, we will explore the ecological basis of many basic farming practices. We will investigate the importance of soil organic matter and native soil fertility, crop diversity and genetic diversity, water availability and conservation, insect herbivore and predator dynamics, the effects of various tillage approaches, and the role of domesticated animals in

agroecosystems. The ecological underpinnings and sustainability of agricultural systems from around the world as well as local farms will be interpreted. Summer Studies in Agroecology: Plant Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture: Theories and Methods This class will cover all of the fundamental concepts needed to frame breeding objectives in the context of environmental challenges, organic market needs, and sustainable cropping methods. Students will demonstrate practical breeding techniques to achieve specific goals in field plots. They will be involved in ongoing breeding projects, performing pollinations and actively selecting several crops in the field. The class will cover the genetic basis of Mendelian principles, crop co-evolution, and the population structure of self- and cross-pollinated crops. Discussions on increasing the diversity and genetic breadth of specific crop types for sustainable farming systems will be emphasized throughout the course. The practices and goals of genetic engineering and modern plant breeding for highinput monoculture systems will be assessed in a cultural, historical, and environmental context. Field days include visits to breeding nurseries and farms producing organic vegetable seed in the Southwest. Summer Studies in Agroecology: Southwest Natural Systems Agriculture Natural Systems Agriculture is a term coined by Wes Jackson and his colleagues at the Land Institute in Salina Kan. It refers to agricultural systems that are designed to mimic the structure and function of natural plant communities of specific ecosystems. Considerable work has been done in the Midwest to develop a prairie-like Natural Systems Agriculture, but little work has been done in the Southwest. In this course we will evaluate the biological and ecological characteristics of numerous native or introduced plant species for their potential use in a Natural Systems Agriculture. Students will study the plant species as they exist in the wild and will experiment with propagating and cultivating the plants at the College’s experimental farm in Skull Valley. Students will evaluate the ethnobotanical backgrounds of the potential crop species. This course is an important part of a long-term project to develop a viable set of crop species for use in a Southwestern Natural Systems Agriculture. Tropical Biology: The Natural History of Costa Rica Although only the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica boasts an impressive diversity of habitats and their associated floras and faunas. Over 820 bird species, about 200 kinds of mammals (half of which are bats), numerous reptiles, amphibians, and insects, and a multitude of plants are found in this tropical land, which has attracted research biologists from around the world. This field course emphasizes not only the identification of plants and animals, but also an understanding of the complex interrelationships between and among the life forms and physical conditions that constitute tropical environments. Water in the West This course is a comprehensive survey of the role of water resources in the development and life of the western United States. Topics include basic hydrology, the quantity and quality of water sources, water uses and distribution, water supply

management and development, water politics and laws, history, and current status of water supply problems. Arid regions in other parts of the world will be reviewed, as will proposals for the future. Weather and Climate This is an introductory course on the atmospheric environment: basic descriptive meteorology. Topics covered include: global climate, climate changes, the behavior of air masses, energy exchanges in the atmosphere, atmospheric moisture, cloud development, precipitation, winds, and severe storms. Weather in the western United States is emphasized. Wetland Ecology & Management Wetlands, declining in both extent and quality, have become habitats of global concern. In this class, students are exposed to the diversity of wetland types in Arizona, concentrating on physical and biological characteristics, ecological relationships, and conservation approaches relating to freshwater wetlands. Special emphasis will be given to the Verde River watershed. Field trips will sample wetland ecosystems under the jurisdiction of the diverse entities (e.g., municipalities, Arizona Game and Fish, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, and private ownerships). Students will document their learning process in portfolios and in the form of papers presented as proceedings. Wildlife Management: Applied Conservation Biology Preservation of biodiversity is supplanting old notions of wildlife management. This intensive course, a sequel to Conservation Biology, will expose students to the wildlife management field – past, present, projected future. Aspects of population biology and demography and visit wildlife refuges and other managed lands, meeting with administrators, biologists, and researchers active in the field will be examined. Subjects to explore include captive breeding and reintroduction, waterfowl biology, and community-based conservation.

Human Development Addiction and Recovery This course utilizes lecture and experiential exercises to explore the dynamics of alcohol, drug, and other addictive processes. Students explore how addiction may impact their own lives, their families, and modern cultures. Foundation themes in this field are covered, including the dominant medical-disease model, physiological processes, family dynamics, psychological perspectives, assessment, interventions, relapse, and recovery. Addiction is also considered in relation to similar processes involved in other kinds of obsessional and compulsive suffering. Spiritual perspectives on the challenges of addiction and recovery are considered in the context of individuals’ lives. A variety of emerging alternative treatment modalities are also critiqued. Community and global implications are evaluated. Adolescent Psychology This course is designed for advanced undergraduate students seeking a broad comprehensive view of adolescent development including issues of autonomy, ego identity, socialization, and sexuality. Its

focus will be on the application of theory in applied areas such as classrooms, hospitals, treatment facilities, recreation, and wilderness programs. Arizona Trail: Expeditionary Horsepacking This course is a horse packing exploration of the Arizona Trail. Starting on the Colorado Plateau of Southern Utah, then descending through the heart of the Grand Canyon, around the San Francisco Peaks, across the Mogollon Rim, and through the Superstition and Sky Island Mountains, the Arizona Trail is a rugged and varied 800 mile route from Utah to Mexico. Students study and apply all the equestrian and backcountry skills necessary to skillfully and safely travel with horses. Topics covered include equitation, nutrition, basic veterinary and natural hoof care, local natural history and ecology, and route finding, and Leave-No-Trace Horse-packing. Arizona Trail: Psychology of Sustainability Sustainability can be defined as the ability to meet needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. There is continually mounting evidence that current patterns of human behavior are not sustainable on either a social or ecological level. This course studies the psychological underpinnings for individual and collective dimensions of choice and motivation. Topics such as choice theory, the evolution of consciousness, and integral psychology will provide a theoretical background for an applied immersion in the study of personal, collective and ecological sustainability. Within the context of a major expedition, students explore the potential for the healthy integration of task and relationship. Arizona Trail: Relational Leadership Today, more than ever, the world needs effective, compassionate, and conscious leadership. Students will explore the evolution of human consciousness over time, track how priorities and possibilities shift as life conditions allow for shifts in awareness, and how viewing these shifts objectively allows for a comprehensive, non-judgmental leadership model. Explorations of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and leadership in relation to other will provide access to the more immediate, personal aspects of our studies. Clear communication, use of pressure, intention, and evolutionary development will all be considered as students develop and apply their own unique leadership style on a day-to-day basis through relationship and partnership with their horses and each other. Bodywork Practicum This course will provide the student with opportunities to enhance and practically apply what they have learned in their bodywork courses. The student will participate in an academic and practical orientation to the ASIS program, as well as an overall program review at the close of the program. Didactic and experiential study in professional communication and ethics, business practices and bodywork law will be completed. As well, several forums will be provided for the student to practice their bodywork skills, including a student massage clinic and various community massage events. The student will document their learning and experiences in massage journals throughout the ASIS program. Successful completion of this course (along with the corequisite courses) will prepare the student to take the National Certification Board for Therapeutic

Massage and Bodywork Examination and practice as a Certified Massage Therapist. Aikido: The Way of Harmony This course is an introduction to the Japanese art of Aikido, “the way of harmony of the spirit.” The course includes three elements: the history and philosophy of Aikido; the physical discipline, mental discipline, and practice of Aikido; and the application of the principles of Aikido in daily life. Community Mediation & Principled Negotiation Community mediation reflects a growing trend toward non-litigious resolution of conflict. Across the country, communities are realizing that mediation is a positive and practical means of intervening successfully in community-based disputes, neighborhood conflicts, business-customer disagreements, domestic strife, etc. In mediation, parties come together, in a neutral setting, with a trained mediator, to resolve disputes. This course will train students in the basics of mediation. A six-stage model of mediation is presented along with extensive opportunities to develop and integrate mediation skills. Students will learn and apply the skills of principled negotiation. At the end of the course students will have an academic and experiential background in basic mediation skills and principled negotiation and receive a Level I certification. Conjunctive Studies in Bodywork This course will explore the foundational, sciencebased knowledge required of any bodyworker. Course topics will include anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and palpation skills, as well as first aid, CPR and HIV training. The information in this course will be fundamental for the students’ further study and practice in bodywork. Successful completion of this course (along with the corequisite courses) will prepare the student to take the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Examination and practice as a Certified Massage Therapist. Counseling Skills This course is an introduction to basic counseling skills. It provides training in the conditions, based on research, theory, and practice, that facilitate effective counseling: empathy, respect, relational immediacy, authenticity, counselor use of self, reframing, and confrontation. This course is founded on a unity of theory, research, and practice. Theory, research, or practice alone cannot adequately prepare a student to engage in effective counseling. Together, theory, research, and practice can provide a rich tapestry for the integration of counseling skills in helping relationships. To this end, this course combines theoretical constructs and research findings related to counselor-client interactions with structured experiential activities. Sessions of students interacting in a counselorclient training mode provide the basic format to assist students in learning effective and appropriate communication and counseling skills. Counseling Theories This course is designed to acquaint the student with the major theories of counseling approaches. These approaches may include: psychoanalytic, Jungian, Adlerian, Family Systems, existential, person centered, gestalt, behavioral, cognitive, and feminist therapy. Basic concepts and therapy techniques from these approaches are presented.


This course also examines ethical issues in counseling, the nature of the therapist’s relationship to self and client, and factors which are essential to a successful therapeutic relationship. Self-reflection on the part of the student regarding his/her own attitudes, values, and goals is essential.

program. Responsibilities include scheduling, logistics, supervision of staff, maintenance, risk management, development and implementation of student outcomes surveys, horse husbandry, program logistics (e.g. user days), and incident reporting for a YMCA summer camp program.

Dreamwork This course is both experiential and academic. Students will be expected to do appropriate readings and research as well as keep an extensive dream log and learning portfolio working with their own dreams and symbolic language on a daily basis. Part of our class meetings will be devoted to the facilitation of a dream group in which the participants do work with a dream of their choice. The remainder of our time will be devoted to films and discussions of the readings.

Equine-assisted Learning III: Applied Facilitation and Leadership Skills Students use leadership, group process, and experiential-based models of learning to develop and implement their own style for facilitating dynamic learning opportunities for a summer youth camp. Students learn, practice and participate in feedback and feed forward on each others facilitation and leadership skills. The programs facilitated focus on basic equine skills as a catalyst for personal awareness and insight development.

Ecopsychology: Choices for a Sustainable World By many accounts we have entered an ecological era within which a primary concern is our relationship with natural systems. Understanding the psychology of this relationship is still in its infancy. This course is for students wishing to explore selected psychological phenomena that contribute to our environmental crisis, the evolution of consciousness, and emerging world views. Our experience together establishes the ground for developing a shared ecological worldview and articulating an ecologically conscientious code of behavior.

Equine-assisted Learning IV: Relational Horsemanship and Herd Management Practicum This course provides supervised opportunities to lead and teach relational horsemanship skills to children and adolescents in a variety of programs ranging from one and a half hour introductory horse experiences to two week equine-assisted leadership intensives. As part of a two month summer program students develop working knowledge of basic equine science including nutrition, veterinary and hoof care, and are responsible for the daily care, handling, and management for a herd of 60 horses including pastures, tack, and equipment.

Ecopsychology: Paradigms & Perspectives Ecopsychology is an emerging area of inquiry concerned with the psychological dimensions of our relationship to the more-than-human world. Ecopsychology thus provides the opportunity to identify that which constitutes healthy, or conversely degrading, relationships with our planetary system. The course will serve as a forum to explore and question the culturally-constructed schism between the psychological and the ecological; the psychological causes and effects of environmental degradation; and our collective notions of self and nature in comparison to those of earth-based traditions. In addition, we will identify ways in which we can individually and collectively develop awareness of the interdependence between our well-being and the health and preservation of the Earth. Our essential goal is to establish an ethic and practice of care for ourselves, each other, and our home. Equine-assisted Learning I: Instructor Training This course covers the skills and knowledge necessary to teach and manage people and horses in a safe and productive group learning and recreational environment. Students learn to evaluate and match appropriate student/horse partners, plan, develop and implement sequential lesson plans, and safely manage ground and mounted sessions. Students participate in a Certified Horsemanship Association Instructors course, and YMCA summer staff training. Students provide training in relational horsemanship for other summer camp staff. Equine-assisted Learning II: Organization and Administration of Experiential Programs Based on industry standards for ethics, safety, and best practices set by AEE, ACA, CHA, EAGALA, and NARHA students develop the skills and awareness necessary to organize and implement an equine-based experiential education summer


Ethical, Legal, & Professional Issues in Counseling This course helps students prepare for work in the helping professions. Students are oriented in core domains of practice, especially social and cultural foundations and legal and ethical standards. The premise of this course is that growth in our personal lives is not only inseparable from our professional development; it is also our most effective technical tool in the helping relationship. Students take responsibility for their own motivations of becoming a helping professional. Students are introduced to various career tracks, training resources, credentialing paths, and internship sites in the field. In theoretical reviews and practice sessions, the course provides opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the core competencies of a well rounded helping professional, including: screening, intake, assessment, treatment planning, case management, crisis intervention, referral, report-writing, and consultation. Family Systems in Film and Literature (see page 156) Family Systems Theory This course is an exploration of the family system. Using Bowen Family Systems Theory as a guide, we will explore the human family as an example of a natural system. Issues examined will include the family’s multigenerational emotional field, the concept of differentiation in the family environment, triangles and triangulation, symptom development as a family systems phenomenon, chronic anxiety, the individuality and togetherness life forces, and the family life cycle, among others. Students will learn how to construct their own family genograms and will be encouraged to undertake an extensive examination of their own multigenerational family histories as a way of

facilitating their own personal growth and development. Other systemic models of family therapy will also be presented to highlight theoretical and clinical applications of family systems approaches. Feminist Psychology Psychology is divided into specialty areas (e.g., social, clinical/counseling, developmental, cognitive, physiological). Feminist Psychology cuts across these areas to take a women-centered approach to psychology, in contrast to the historical pattern in psychology of either ignoring women and women’s issues or generalizing work done with men to women. The fundamental goal of feminist psychology is to create a psychology opposed to sexist oppression. By exploring women’s experiences within their social context, students will learn to challenge traditional labels of pathology that are commonly assigned to women and girls and learn how to apply a feminist perspective in their work as counselors and teachers. Group Process for Adventure Educators Within a conceptual framework based on an overview of the role of the leader in an adventure based educational process, students will read about, discuss, and practice skills such as group facilitation and conflict resolution, assessing groups, and the designing of appropriate activities to facilitate group development. Much of this will be done within the context of initiatives and activities used by many adventure-based experiential schools such as Outward Bound. Students will also work toward developing their own leadership style. Designed for students who plan to work with groups in a leadership role, this course will be structured to complement the College’s outdoor leadership program. Holistic Body Work: Introduction & Survey This is an introductory level course for any students interested in a holistic approach to health through the use of bodywork. The course will cover the history and theory of Swedish massage. Students will learn basic anatomy and become skilled in this essential foundation. In addition, the course will survey a broad range of other approaches to bodywork and holistic health. Holistic Health & Wellness This course will take a personal and planetary perspective on health and wellbeing. Topics addressed will include: breathing, eating, exercise, communications, thinking, sexuality, finding meaning in life, and spirituality. The material will be laid upon a foundation that self-responsibility, increased awareness, and compassionate selfacceptance are the bases for health. Human Nutrition and Food Choice Concern for the environment at large should go hand-in-hand with a concern for one’s most immediate environment – the self. Optimal nutrition contributes to a healthy physical and mental state. This course helps students understand the fundamental principles of nutrition bioscience and explore a variety of controversies including nutrition and disease, supplements, dieting, refined foods, and additives. Students analyze their own dietary choices and develop their own holistic perspective on nutrition and wellness. Intercultural Communication As the world rapidly becomes more interdepend-

ent, we find ourselves living with increasing complexity. Those who will take responsibility for guiding society must be knowledgeable, visionary, and skilled in intercultural communications. This class explores applications and ramifications of interaction between cultures with different value orientations. Students will examine specific cultures, including the non-dominant cultures of the US. We will study the implications of global industrialization, discuss the ethics of overseas development, and deliberate current cultural issues in the US. Students will have several opportunities to pursue the specific aspects of intercultural communications of greatest relevance to them. Interpersonal Communication The ability to effectively communicate with others is an essential life skill. Whether you want to have an effective career working with people or develop satisfying personal relationships, having excellent interpersonal communication skills can make the difference between mediocrity and success. This course covers the theories and practice of interpersonal communication. Students develop an awareness of their own unique style of communicating and develop strategies to maximize their potential. An emphasis is placed on using experiential activities to practice the skills of effective speaking and listening. Topics covered include active listening, giving and receiving feedback, non-verbal communication, resolving conflicts, relationship building, and communicating under pressure. Life Centering: Mindfulness and Meditative Practices This course provides the student with a theoretical and experiential overview of mindful and meditative practices from an array of philosophical and spiritual traditions. Course participation involves a significant amount of experiential immersion in pertinent practices, as well as didactic study of the theoretical foundations of these practices. The course is designed to encourage self-reflection, life enhancement, and didactic and experiential learning within each student. Lifespan Development I: Early Childhood through Adolescence This course is designed to familiarize students with developmental themes and tasks of children from birth to sixteen years of age. The work of major theorists in the field is introduced and students are encouraged to apply various theoretical constructs to their observations of, and experience with, children and adolescents. The course encourages students to examine their own developmental histories. The students’ explorations of their family of origin serves as a point of departure for organizing and understanding developmental theory. Lifespan Development II: Early to Late Adulthood To better understand and appreciate human development, we must view development and growth as a lifelong process. This is the second course in the Lifespan series. Here we investigate the stages of development from early through late adulthood. Development is defined from emotional, social, cognitive, biological, gender, familial, mythological, transcultural, and spiritual perspectives. Through this wide-angle lens, we explore both continuous and stage theories of adult development, the corresponding ages, the nature of transition periods, unique and shared

changes, and death and dying. Students read a variety of different models of adult development and integrate their own perspectives that can act as a guide for their own lives. Mediation Practicum This practicum course offers students the opportunity to apply the mediation skills learned in Community Mediation and Principled Negotiation in professional settings, as well as to learn more specialized mediation applications. Students receive advanced training and certification in Victim Offender Mediation. This is a form of mediation that works with perpetrators and victims of crimes, and promotes restorative justice. Students observe and critique a variety of mediations, including small claims, civil, victim-offender, and family mediations. Students then participate in the Yavapai County Courts as mediators-in-training. This entails comediating actual cases with experienced, trained mediators. Additional opportunities may include training for and/ or supervising local, school-based, peer mediation programs. In addition to observing and conducting mediations, students assist with case development for the Victim Offender Mediation Program (VOMP) of Yavapai County through the Superior Court of Arizona. Men & Masculinity What does it mean to be a man? Outdated models of manhood have led to masculine identities bound to power, contempt and fear of women, aggression and violence, sexuality detached from emotional intimacy, thinking without the integration of feelings, and an ecological imbalance that threatens the planet in every manner: environmentally, nationally, culturally, and familially. This course will examine the social/psychological dynamics that shape the current masculine identity and will also discuss solutions and models to replace outdated definitions of masculinity. What can we take from the old to carry forward to the new? What must we transition out of to usher in a new paradigm that fosters a productive sense of masculinity? Models of Leadership: Leadership through Differentiation In the United States and around the world today, there is a crisis in effective leadership. Models of Leadership is a course designed for aspiring leaders in every discipline. It explores the skills, behaviors, attitudes, and promises of successful leadership, and it does so in an innovative manner. Rather than providing an overview of theoretical models and thus a “breadth� of perspectives, this course challenges students to explore a particular theoretical model in depth and then compare that perspective with other models. Leadership Through Differentiation is a leadership model based on Bowen Theory, a theoretical model derived from natural systems and applied to human functioning. Leadership through Differentiation offers a radical shift in the notion of leadership that redefines successful leadership from an informational, process, and/or product perspective to one in which the emotional maturity or differentiation level of the leader is the single most significant variable in the successful functioning of leaders in any system. Students will investigate qualities of successful leaders, interview community leaders, research biographies, and observe leaders in action. They will also apply the principles of differentiated leadership to their

own lives and future goals. Finally, students will demonstrate their understanding of differentiated leadership through a class or community project. This course may be repeated for credit as different models are presented at different times. Nature and Psyche This interdisciplinary course explores the complex relationship between human consciousness and non-human nature. Course exploration revolves around four major themes: 1) the nature of our psychological responses to the non-human world, historically, currently, and ideally; 2) the concept of the Self, explored from psychological, sociological, evolutionary, and ecological perspectives; 3) the guidance which non-human nature provides for human behavior; and 4) the relationship between the wounding, or wellbeing, of the psyche and the degradation, or care, of the earth. Within the context of these themes, we explore such questions as are humans and non-humans compatible? Is human domination of the nonhuman world natural? How might human consciousness and behavior become more adapted and responsive to current ecological conditions? One week of the course takes place in a retreat setting. Learning formats include lectures, experiential exercises, field natural history exploration, and extensive writing. New Psychology, Introduction to a This course will provide an overview of the major areas of study in psychology. Topics will include the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, personality, motivation and emotion, learning and memory, cognition, abnormal behavior, and social psychology. Although the course is essentially an introduction to psychology, we will extend traditional conceptions of psychology by continually asking how our knowledge of human behavior and human nature is relevant to the contemporary world. More specifically, the course is concerned with how basic psychological principles can inform our environmental and social change efforts. Opening the Creative Mind This course offers the student an exploration into creativity and personal development through a variety of processes and media. Our emphasis will be on breaking out of conditioned ways of thought and perception in order to generate new creative ideas, original solutions to problems, and inner skills of self-directedness. Theoretical models and experiential exercises are used to foster flexibility of awareness, move through creative blocks, and align with the dynamic stages of the creative process itself. Methods may include image-making, writing, games, stories, movement, rhythm meditation, and creative life actions. An excellent preparation for any area of study or life endeavor in which original, creative thought and action are a necessity. Peer Counseling Practicum I This course is a natural extension of Counseling Skills and related courses. In the Peer Counseling Practicum, students will be involved in the operation of the Peer Counseling and Student Resource Center (PC&SRC) under the supervision of the course instructor. As part of their Peer Counseling Practicum responsibilities, students will provide a number of services including peer counseling, information and referral, community


education events, student advocacy, leadership, and support. Students will also regularly attend staff meetings where counseling supervision, inservice instruction, and advanced skill-building training are conducted. Personality Theories This course aims at understanding personality and motivational processes. Personality theories are functional in orientation and have significance for human adjustment and survival. Various views of human nature are represented in psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic and existential approaches. Theorists (e.g. Freud, Jung, Skinner, Rogers, Maslow) from these schools have made significant contributions to understanding “why people are the way they are.” Relationships among theory, research, and clinical practice will be discussed, and concepts from personality theories will be used to understand behavior. Students will pursue in depth research in a specific typological system of personalities. Psychology of Personal Growth The path to personal growth and transformation has many entry points including mindfulness, selfawareness and an understanding of the relationship between who we are and how we live. “How am I to live?” will serve as the overarching question for students in this course. Using current research and theory, an exploration of social context, and indepth self-reflection, students will develop an understanding of the relationship between what we think, how we act and who we become. Psychopathology This course will introduce forms of abnormal consciousness and behavior, including disorders of mood, anxiety, schizophrenia, eating, sleep, cognition, development, addictions, and personality. Reading and discussion will include the biomedical, psychodynamic, and environmental models and treatment of abnormality. In addition, we will consider the very concept of “abnormal behavior” in the context of cultural influences. Students will be expected to choose independent readings and facilitate discussion of a particular topic of interest. The class will attend at least one professional conference related to the field of abnormal psychology and the mental health field. Sexuality & Sexual Outlaws Sexuality is a social experience grounded in interpersonal relations, social scripts, and cultural norms and values. Far from being our “natural” programming as human beings, sexuality is a social act that is shaped and affected by social forces and is learned through interaction with others. What is viewed as natural, normal and invariant is socially produced, reproduced, and contested. A critical examination of sex and the sexual reveals much about the distribution of power and privilege within society. This course will focus on the ways that social forces and interaction construct and situate understanding and experiences of sex and sexuality. The “F Word”: Feminism, Women & Social Change What does it mean to be a woman? What is feminism? Is it outdated? Have women achieved equality? How have changes in women’s and men’s roles affected the sociopolitical landscape in America? Over the past two decades, many


have come to believe that feminism is dead, or should be. However, when large groups of people are surveyed as to their beliefs about gender roles, by and large those polled strongly agree with feminist principles and values, although balk at being referred to as “feminists.” Feminist scholars have now deliberately coined the term “The F Word” when referring to this backlash against feminist terminology. This course explores these questions and examines the interaction between gender and other social stratifiers such as race, culture, class, age, sexual orientation, and ability. We will address the role of systems of social injustice; explore avenues for creating both individual and collective change through social action; examine global issues; and study women from other cultures. Therapeutic Use of Adventure Education This is an advanced-level course for students seeking a combination of skills in both Adventure Education and Human Development. It will be highly experiential, as well as being based on a strong theoretical foundation. The course will start with some time on campus exploring wilderness therapy models and theory, and participating in a local service project. During the campus phase of the course, students will choose from a range of special populations and begin research for a paper on this population. An extended field component of the course will allow students to explore what it is about the wilderness setting that is therapeutic for most people, and will serve as a starting point for study of designing wilderness experiences for special populations. Time will be spent examining those groups who most often receive wilderness programming as an adjunct to traditional treatment programs. Populations covered generally include: youth at risk, disabled, survivors of sexual abuse, and individuals in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Women’s Wisdom and Nature There is a call to women to access their inherent wisdom and offer leadership in relation to current planetary conditions. To step into our roles as wisdom keepers implies not only embracing our personal stories, but also going beyond the personal, into making common good for common cause. This course will draw upon a number of disciplines, with an emphasis on their relationship with the natural environment including archetypal psychology and ecopsychology. We will address areas of study relevant to women and nature including women’s rites of passage, personal empowerment, the creative arts, ceremony, recreation, and potential cycles of women’s psychological and spiritual development. Our approach will be holistic, integrating the mind, body, and spirit. We will complete the course by focusing on the integration of our studies and experiences into our personal lives and the world at large. Yoga Teacher Training and Certification This course is designed for students who would like to deepen their personal yoga practice and receive foundational training in the art of teaching yoga. Extensive training and practice in the techniques of asana, pranayama, meditation, and chanting will be a central part of this class. We will also explore teaching methods and such topics as sequencing, details of alignment, variations for different populations, verbal and hands-on adjustments, and verbiage for safely leading oth-

ers in and out of postures. The course will also include academic work in yoga philosophy focusing on yoga history, lifestyle and ethical issues, anatomy (western and esoteric), and teachings from the Yoga Sutras. This course provides the contact time and content needed for a 200-hour Teacher’s Certificate. Yoga: Philosophy & Practice This course introduces the theory and practice of Hatha Yoga and Meditation. It is appropriate for any student who is seeking to expand his or her consciousness and self-awareness through a regular practice of yoga. It will be predominantly experiential, but will include relevant readings and discussions of theory. Students will keep learning journals to document their experiences and assist them in the integration of the material.

Applying to Prescott College At Prescott College, you are much more than a number. The Admissions Committee carefully considers all applications to the College, looking beyond the paperwork to see the individual who wants to be a member of our community. We also consider a student’s potential for growth and success at Prescott College. Admission criteria include, but are not limited to: • Evidence of previous academic success and promise • Good citizenship and community involvement • Commitment to interdisciplinary academic pursuits • Clearly articulated academic goals • Evidence of self-direction • Well-developed college essays The majority of our applicants have received B or higher grades in previous academic work. While transcripts have an important role in the admission process, we use a holistic review process that acknowledges other strengths and characteristics of students’ abilities to be successful at Prescott College.

Early Decision Students who have come to the decision that Prescott College is their first choice are invited to apply for the Fall Term under the College’s Early Decision Plan. Students who file Early Decision applications with all accompanying credentials by December 1 will receive a decision by December 15. In submitting an Early Decision application, a student enters into an agreement whereby, if admitted, she or he will enroll at Prescott College and immediately withdraw all applications to other colleges. An applicant wishing to apply as an Early Decision candidate should check the appropriate box on page one of the Prescott College application or on the Common Application.

Early Decision/Merit Scholarships (deadline) PC Responds to ED Applicants Candidates Reply & Enrollment Deposit Freshmen Admissions/Merit Scholarships (priority date) Candidates Reply & Enrollment Deposit Transfer Admissions/ Merit Scholarship (priority date) Candidates Reply & Enrollment Deposit Last Day to Apply for Admission Financial Aid/FAFSA (priority date)

The required application items include: • A completed application form. • $25 application fee. • One letter of recommendation. First-time freshmen (applying directly from high school) must provide a letter from a teacher or counselor using the attached teacher/counselor evaluation form. For transfer students, the letter can come from anyone except relatives or significant others. • Official transcripts of all high school and college work. • Test Scores: First-time freshmen must submit SAT or ACT scores for admissions consideration. In the event that you are unable to submit SAT or ACT scores, contact the Admissions Office to discuss your options. International students whose native language is not English must submit TOEFL scores. • Personal and academic essay. Submit a two to four-page (typed, double spaced) essay relating your personal autobiography and reflecting on your past academic experiences, the reasons you want to attend Prescott College, your educational goals, and how you believe you can achieve your goals at Prescott College. The purpose of this essay is to provide the Admissions Committee with an overall sense of who you are and to evaluate your writing skills. You may include such topics as events and accomplishments that have significance in your life, evidence of your self-direction, your values and ethics, your job(s) and interests, and your community involvement. Contact the admissions office with questions. Prescott College 220 Grove Avenue Prescott, AZ 86301 Toll free: (877) 350-2100 Telephone: (928) 350-2100 Fax: (928) 776-5242 Email: admissions@prescott.edu Admissions & Financial Aid Calendar Prescott College practices rolling admissions, which means that you may apply at any time prior to the published Last Day to Apply date. However, there is a hard deadline for Early Decision and recommended priority dates for all other applicants. Applicants meeting these deadlines have the best chance of gaining admission and may be considered for Merit Scholarships.

Fall Term December 1 December 15 January 4 March 1 May 1 April 1 May 15 August 15 March 1

Spring Term N/A N/A N/A November 1 December 1 November 1 December 1 December 15 October 15

Priority Admission Prescott College accepts applications on a rolling basis; however applications received by the priority date are reviewed first and given an admissions decision before other applicants. If accepted, your spot will be held until the reply date, at which point you will need to submit a nonrefundable $200 deposit to hold your spot and confirm your intention to enroll. Deferred Matriculation Students wishing to defer matriculation may do so by sending a written request to the Director of Admission and paying a $200 non-refundable deposit. Matriculation will be postponed for up to a full academic year, subject to successful completion of any academic work undertaken during that time. Application Forms Applicants may apply using the paper application forms included in the back of this catalog, online via our website www.prescott.edu, or via the Common Application. Apply Online You may apply to the College online at https://www.applyweb. com/apply/prescott/menu.html. To complete the application process online, you will need to submit the application and $25 application fee by either credit card or electronic check. Please be aware that all applications paid by electronic check will be held until the check clears, typically seven to 10 business days. In addition, the admissions essays may be cut and pasted into the online application. (The essays may also be sent separately, via postal or electronic mail.) The Admissions Staff pulls applications from the web site daily and will immediately follow up with an email acknowledging that your application has been received in our office. Remember that you will still need to have your transcripts and letters of recommendation sent to the Admissions Office via postal mail.


Common Application Prescott College is a member of the Common Application Organization and accepts the Common Application in lieu of our own admissions application for both freshman and transfer applicants. The Common Application is the recommended form of 320 selective colleges and universities for admission to their undergraduate programs. (www.commonapp.org) Home-Schooled Applicants If you did part or all of your high school work as a homeschooled student, you will need to submit evidence of academic readiness through a portfolio. At minimum, the portfolio should be 5 to 10 pages and include: course titles, course descriptions, and bibliography. Some prior applicants have chosen to also include writing samples, photography, and CD-ROMs of artwork. Transfer Students Transfer students who have successfully completed two full years of college study (90 transferable semester credits or 60 transferable semester credits with grades of C or better) are not required to submit high school transcripts. All other requirements apply. Transfer students must be enrolled as full-time students at the College for at least two years before they can receive a Prescott College degree. International Students Applications from international students are welcome. Students whose native language is not English must exhibit a competency in the English language, with a TOEFL score of at least 500 on the paper-based, 173 on the computer based, or 61 on the internet-based test. Applications should be submitted early to avoid problems caused by delays in processing Visa documents. Transfer Credit From Other Regionally Accredited US Colleges or Universities Prescott College will transfer in college-level credit from regionally accredited US colleges or universities for courses in which a grade of C or the equivalent was obtained. College-level credit from non-US institutions will be transferred according to current guidelines of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Offices (AACRAO). In some cases college-level credit from US colleges and universities that are not regionally accredited may be transferable via Prescott College’s Conversion Portfolio Policy. Students desiring to transfer such credits should contact the Office of Admissions to determine the applicability of this policy to their educational background. Once enrolled, students work with their academic advisor to determine how their transfer credits will apply to their degree plan. International Baccalaureate Prescott College awards four semester credits to each IB “higher level” score of 5, 6, or 7, up to a maximum of 20 credits. Credit is awarded on a course-by-course basis. IB scores must be sent directly from the International Baccalaureate North American office to the Office of the Registrar. IB tests must have been taken within five years prior to admission to Prescott College. IB-awarded credits do not count towards Prescott College’s two-year minimum enrollment requirement. Advanced Placement Prescott College awards 4 semester credits for each Advanced Placement score of 4 or 5, up to a maximum of 20 credits. Credit is awarded on a course-by-course basis. AP scores must be sent directly from the College Board/Advanced Placement to the Office of the Registrar. AP tests must have been taken within five years prior to admission to Prescott College. AP-awarded credits do not count toward Prescott


College’s two-year minimum enrollment requirement. CLEP Prescott College accepts a full range of College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests, which measure mastery of college-level introductory course content in a wide range of disciplines. To receive credit for successful performance on a CLEP examination an official transcript must be sent by the CLEP Transcript Service. Prescott College will not accept a transcript or score report submitted by the student, nor will credit be awarded based on another institution’s prior evaluation. Military Transfer Credits Prescott College awards transfer credits for US military services training via the American Council on Education (ACE) endorsement transcripts: AART (Army ACE Registry Transcript) and SMART. (Sailors/Marines ACE Registry Transcript). Prescott College also awards transfer credit for tests administered to military personnel by DANTES. AART and SMART transcripts and DANTES scores will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis with faculty input. Only those courses that pertain to a student’s degree program will be awarded transfer credit. International Transfer Credits Transcripts from other countries must be evaluated by an international credential evaluation service. They produce an “official report” which we use for evaluation. The student is responsible for all costs associated with this evaluation. The evaluation process can take several weeks to complete.

Cost of Attendance Prescott College Educational Costs 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees1(Direct Costs): Tuition $24,864 First term Orientation Fees $960 Student Activity Fee $200 Recreation Fee $112 Sustainability Fee $100 Transcript Fee $50 Total Direct Costs $26,286 Indirect Costs (vary given personal lifestyle choices): Room and Board $6.000 Books $624 $1,248 Miscellaneous/Personal2 $2,290 Transportation2 Total Indirect Costs $10,162 Total Estimated Annual Costs


1 Students who do not have their own medical insurance will also incur a charge of $1990 per year for Prescott College insurance. 2 Students may also incur additional costs for transportation to and from Prescott and in association with extended field courses away from the Prescott Campus. The Financial Aid Office includes an assumed $2,290 in the Cost of Attendance budget for determining aid eligibility; individual experience may be more or less, based on specific courses taken. Additional costs are sometimes associated with adventure education, other field courses, and art courses. Certain courses that require extensive travel or extra accommodation costs are assigned an additional course fee. Food costs for field courses are usually shared with fellow students. Personal camping and backpacking equipment is required for most field courses. Certain adventure education courses require special personal equipment (e.g., cross-country ski boots, skis, or mountain bike). * Equine orientation fee, $150 in addition to first term orientation fee.

Tuition Payment For most students Fall tuition must be paid in full or payment arrangements (payment plan or financial aid awards sufficient to

cover tuition) must be in place by mid July. Students accepted to the College after mid June have a maximum of 30 days from the date of acceptance to finalize payment arrangements or until the start of orientation, whichever comes sooner! Spring tuition must be paid in full or payment arrangements (payment plan or financial aid awards sufficient to cover tuition) must be in place by mid December. Tuition Payment Plans Through a partnership with FACTS Tuition Management Company we now accept online payments at http://www.prescott. edu/payment/index.html. Lump sum or monthly payments may be made online using FACTS Tuition Management Company. If you have additional questions about tuition payment, contact our Student Billing Representative at (877)350-2100 ext. 4004.

Financial Aid Financial Aid Office (877) 350-2100 • (928) 350-1111 finaid@prescott.edu • Federal School Code: 013659 Applying for Financial Aid • Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon after January 1 as possible. The sooner you apply, the sooner you’ll hear from us regarding an award offer! • The data reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determines the expected family contribution (EFC). The EFC is then subtracted from the cost of attendance for the academic year. The resulting figure is called demonstrated financial need. COST OF ATTENDANCE - EFC = DEMONSTRATED FINANCIAL NEED • File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.gov. If you prefer to receive a paper application, contact the Prescott College Financial Aid Office.Be sure to include Prescott College’s school code, 013659. • Anticipate that the FAFSA will be processed within two to three weeks. You will receive an automated email reply to confirm it has been received. • Once your application has been processed, you will receive an email with a link to your Student Aid Report (SAR). Review the SAR to ensure all information is correct. Prescott College will also receive this information and begin determining eligibility for all forms of financial aid. • Prescott College begins its awarding in March each year. If you have completed your FAFSA prior to March, anticipate receiving an award offer in March. The College continues its awarding based on FAFSA information thereafter. • In your award offer, it may indicate that you are required to submit additional documents in order for your offer to be finalized. Be sure to complete and submit all documents requested as soon as possible. Merit Scholarships Prescott College offers a number of merit scholarships each year. They are based upon merit and recognized accomplishments without regard to financial need or national origin. To apply for a merit scholarship, you must submit a complete admission application (including all required documents) indicating your interest by checking the relevant box on Page 1 of the application form. The Scholarship Committee meets shortly after the priority deadlines, which must be met for consideration. John Wesley Powell Scholarship First time and transfer freshmen Prescott College created a scholarship to commemorate the historical accomplishments of John Wesley Powell’s 1869 expedi-

tion down the Green and Colorado rivers. The John Wesley Powell Scholarship Program offers all qualified high school graduates enrolling as freshmen $4,000 per year and is renewable for all four undergraduate years, a total value of $16,000. To qualify, students must be accepted to Prescott College as a freshman (firsttime or transfer) and have: • An SAT-1 critical reading/verbal plus math score of at least 1200 or an ACT score of at least 27, OR • An SAT-1 critical reading/verbal plus math score of 1000 to 1190 or an ACT score of 22-26 AND a superior rating on the admission application, OR • A superior rating on the admission application for applicants who receive a waiver of required standardized test scores. Prescott College Environmental and Social Justice Scholarship Freshmen and transfer students Created to commemorate Prescott College’s values and mission this scholarship is valued at $2,000 per year and is renewable for up to four undergraduate years, a total value of $8,000. To qualify, students must be accepted to Prescott College and have a documented history of participation in environmental and social justice oriented activities such as Student Conservation Association, community service programs, volunteer programs, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, etc., and/or have a superior record of prior academic achievement. Eligible activities should be disclosed in your application essay. This scholarship may be received in addition to the John Wesley Powell or Transfer scholarships. Prescott College Transfer Scholarship Transfer students Created to assist outstanding transfer students to enroll at Prescott College, this scholarship is valued at $4,000 per year and is renewable for up to four undergraduate years, a total value of $16,000. To qualify, students must be accepted to Prescott College as transfers into the sophomore, junior, or senior year and have a superior record of prior academic achievement. Prescott College Dr. Charles Franklin Parker Founder’s Scholarship Created to commemorate Prescott College’s founder Dr. Charles Franklin Parker, valued at $3,000 per year the Parker Scholarship is a matching scholarship that serves to increase the total value of scholarships offered prospective students who exhibit exceptional academic potential and is renewable for all four undergraduate years. In combination with other scholarships awarded the addition of the Parker Scholarship increases the total scholarship offer to $6,000 or $9,000 per year; a total value of $24,000 to $36,000 over the four years of the undergraduate program. National and Community Service Education Awards Freshmen and transfer students Created to support Prescott College’s legacy of community service and volunteerism by encouraging students active in National Service programs and eligible for National Service Education Awards to enroll at Prescott College, this scholarship matches awards such as Americorps Education Awards, National Civilian Community Education Awards, and Presidential Freedom Scholarships dollar for dollar. To qualify, students possessing National Service Education Awards must be accepted to Prescott College and submit proof of their National Service Education Award eligibility along with the application for admission. Prior to enrollment, Americorps Education Certificates must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office so that we may obtain the funds and provide our matching award. The Merit Finalist Recognition Scholarship National Merit finalists who attend Prescott College are eligi-


ble for the Merit Finalist Recognition Scholarship. In addition to an annual award of $2000, this scholarship provides students with personalized opportunities to work with faculty members on research and community projects. During their first-year, students with the Merit Finalist Recognition Scholarship will be invited to choose a faculty member who will provide an additional level of mentorship. Special advising for scholarship recipients will include a streamlined process for meeting the College’s general education requirements, and for potential accelerated completion of the bachelor’s degree. To receive this award, students must submit to Admissions documentation of selection as a National Merit finalist and inform the National Merit Scholarship Program that Prescott College is their 1st choice college. Prescott College Alumni Network Scholarship Freshmen and transfer students Created to recognize the valuable contributions of alumni who assist the College in identifying outstanding future Prescott College students, this one-time scholarship is valued at $500, and is applied to the student’s first year of enrollment. To be considered, students must participate in a Prescott College Admissions Information Meeting (AIM) hosted by a Prescott College alumna/us and be accepted to the College. Federal and Institutional Grants Grants are need-based and do not have to be repaid. You are automatically considered for federal and Prescott College needbased grant funds by completing your FAFSA. • Federal Pell Grants Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. Eligibility is determined by the US Department of Education and is based on information you provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). How much you receive depends on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), Cost of Attendance (COA), and the number of credit hours for which you are enrolled. You may not receive Pell Grant funds from more than one school at a time. • TEACH Grant The Federal TEACH Grant Program provides grant funds to college students who are completing or plan to complete coursework that is needed to begin a career in teaching, and who agree to serve for at least four years as a full-time, highly qualified teacher in a high-need field, in a school serving low-income students. Eligible full-time students may receive $4,000 per year in TEACH Grant funds, up to a maximum of $16,000 for undergraduate (1st bachelor’s degree only), and $8,000 for graduate study. Income is NOT a consideration when determining eligibility. The TEACH Grant will not reduce any eligibility for need based aid. The TEACH Grant, combined with all other financial aid, cannot exceed a student’s cost of attendance. The Prescott College policy is to reduce loan amounts first, then TEACH, before reducing other award amounts. Failure to complete the required teaching obligation results in conversion of the TEACH Grant to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan with interest accruing from the date the grant was disbursed. For more information about this program, ask the financial aid office for a brochure with specific details about TEACH at Prescott College, or go to the College website under financial aid. • Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) This grant is awarded to some freshman and sophomore students who are Pell eligible and can demonstrate that they have completed a rigorous high school curriculum. Students who are eligible for the ACG grant are encouraged to request grades due to the 3.0 minimum GPA requirement set by the Department of Education. • Federal Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant is awarded to some juniors and seniors pursuing a degree


in one of the eligible life or physical sciences or multi-disciplinary studies offered at Prescott College who maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in classes required for their major. Students who are eligible for the SMART grant are encouraged to request grades due to the 3.0 minimum GPA requirement set by the Department of Education. • Federal SEOG Grant Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FESOG) are awarded to undergraduates with priority given to students with the lowest federally calculated EFC. • Federal LEAP Grant Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership grants are awarded to undergraduate Arizona residents with very high need, based on availability of funds. • Prescott College Grants offer need-based grants to students who establish need based on the results of the FAFSA. Loans Loans are borrowed funds that must be repaid with interest. You are automatically considered for federal student loan funds by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Prescott College participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program, which means the funds come directly from the federal government. These loans are available to all degree seeking students who are enrolled at least half time and meet the general eligibility requirements as detailed on the FAFSA. There are two types of Direct Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. A student must have financial need to receive a Direct Subsidized Loan. The U.S. Department of Education will pay (subsidize) the interest that accrues on a subsidized loan during certain periods. Financial need is not a requirement to obtain an unsubsidized loan. Students are responsible for paying the interest on an unsubsidized loan. Subsidized Subsidized Stafford loans are need-based. With a Subsidized Stafford Loan the Department of Education will pay the interest that accrues while the student is in school and during the grace and deferment periods. Freshmen may borrow $3,500, Sophomores $4,500, and Juniors/Seniors $5,500. Unsubsidized Students, regardless of their income or assets, may take out Unsubsidized Stafford loans. They must meet all of the same requirements as those for Subsidized loans, except they do not need to demonstrate financial need. With an Unsubsidized Stafford Loan the student is responsible for interest that accrues throughout the life of the loan. A student may elect to defer interest payments while in school; however, this interest will be added to the principal balance of the loan upon repayment. It is recommended students pay the interest on a semesterly basis to keep their loan debt under control. Independent Freshmen/Sophomores may borrow $6,000, and Juniors/Seniors $7,500. Dependent students may borrow $2,000 regardless of grade-level. • Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students The Parent PLUS Loan has a fixed interest rate of 7.9%. Interest will begin to accrue with the first disbursement to the school. Repayment of principal and interest will begin 60 days after the loan funds are fully disbursed to the school. Parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance less any other financial aid funds and resources received. • Private Loans After you have considered all federal loans, you may also be interested in applying for a private/alternative loan. A private loan is a credit-based educational loan. Terms and conditions are set by each individual lender, so students should shop wisely

for their lender. A list of preferred lenders is prepared annually by the Prescott College Financial Aid Office. Students unable to qualify on their own may need to obtain a co-borrower/co-signer. Students may borrow up to their Cost of Attendance budget, less any other financial aid funds and resources received. Veteran’s Benefits Students who are eligible for veteran’s education benefits may use their benefits at Prescott College. The majority of our programs are approved for veteran’s education benefits. Active duty veterans who qualify for benefits under the Post 9/11 GI Bill may transfer their benefits to their dependent spouse and children. Effective 2010-11 Prescott College also participates in the Yellow Ribbon program. Only individuals entitled to the maximum benefit rate (based on service requirements) under the Post 9/11 GI Bill may receive this supplemental funding. Information concerning the college’s procedures for certifying veteran enrollment may be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid. Other Military Benefits The Department of Defense’s expanded Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program will provide up to $6,000 of Financial Assistance for military spouses of Active Duty members of the Department of Defense and federally activated members of the National Guard and Reserve Components. The goal of the program is to assist spouses in pursuing job training, education, degree programs, licenses and credentials leading to employment in Portable Career fields. Prescott College has been approved by the Department of Defense for participation in the Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) program. Employment Student Employment assists in financing educational expenses and provides a valuable service to Prescott College and local community projects. Employment opportunities are available to all Prescott College students. Federal Work-Study (FWS) eligibility is determined by completing the FAFSA for the applicable award year, though students who are not eligible for FWS may also be employed through our campus work-study program. Positions continually become available in College departments, at special events, with orientation, campus tours, and admissions work, as well as supporting faculty and academic programs. Off-campus community opportunities include working with local schools, farms, libraries, and other service organizations. Students can search job listings and apply for positions by visiting https://www. prescott.edu/finaid/employment any time during the year. Students may benefit from choosing Student Employment rather than searching for a job in the private sector. Student Employment supervisors understand that a student’s primary responsibility is to her or his coursework. Accommodations are made in scheduling and work hours whenever possible. Many jobs can be related to academic pursuits and helpful to future careers. Also, earnings from Federal Work-Study are not used to determine eligibility for future financial aid. Overall, Student Employment is a great way to help fund your education and gain valuable work experience.

Money Matters Helpful Hints Regarding Financial Aid • First, apply for admission to Prescott College. Doing so will determine your eligibility for some scholarships that are only offered to students upon admission to Prescott College. • Conduct an extensive scholarship search. Refer to the Resources of this for a listing of scholarship search websites. Scholarship searches can be time consuming, but very rewarding. Do NOT pay an organization or company to do a financial aid/scholarship search for you. There are far too many free resources available to you! Commonly Asked Questions How much will my family be expected to pay for college? It depends. We expect families who can afford to do so to pay the entire cost minus any merit scholarships the student might be awarded. Families who cannot afford the full cost and are awarded financial aid pay the difference between their financial aid award and the total cost. What is the difference between a need-based grant and a merit scholarship? Need-based grants are awarded after an evaluation of a family’s financial resources. Merit scholarships are awarded without regard to financial resources and are primarily based on academic merit or grades. Once I receive a scholarship is it guaranteed for four years? The amount of your merit scholarship will remain constant each year for up to four years. Scholarship recipients must make satisfactory academic progress to renew the scholarship each year. Will my Prescott College grant be increased as costs increase? Your grant will not be increased as a function of cost increases. The expectation is that each year you will pay a greater amount toward your education. You should also expect that the tuition will increase each year. Do I have to provide parental information on the FAFSA? When completing the FAFSA, you are asked several questions relating to independent status and your answers will dictate whether you are an independent student and whether you are required to provide parental information. If you feel you should be considered independent due to extenuating circumstances, contact the Prescott College Financial Aid office to inquire about your options. Are campus jobs readily available? Yes. Most departments on campus employ student workers. New students receive campus employment information during orientation. Check our website for currently available jobs. Is there any effect on my need- or merit-based financial aid award if I win an outside scholarship? No, not usually. Need-based grants are awarded based upon an evaluation of your family’s financial resources. Merit-based scholarships are guaranteed for up to four years of full-time enrollment.

Resources General Information Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.fafsa.ed.gov General financial aid information including a financial aid estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.finaid.org US Department of Education’s student aid information site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.studentaid.org Government-wide portal to find any kind of federal service or information at a “one-stop-shop” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.students.gov US Department of Education’s database lists lender information and Stafford Loan borrowing history . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.nslds.ed.gov You’ll need to acquire a federal PIN to access this information and to apply for aid via the FAFSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.pin.ed.gov


How to Get Here Prescott College is a two-hour drive from Phoenix. Take Interstate 17 north to Highway 69, Cordes Junction exit. Follow Highway 69 into Prescott. Take Gurley Street as you enter Prescott until Grove Avenue (past the Courthouse Square). Take a right on Grove Avenue and a left at the first stop light, which is Sheldon Street. The Admissions Office is located at 306 Grove Avenue. Rental cars are available at Sky Harbor International Airport and off-site locations. Ground transportation from Phoenix is available from Prescott Transit Authority (800) 445-7978, and Shuttle UEnterprises (800) 304-6114. Make reservations at least 24 hours in advance.

Nondiscrimination Policy Prescott College is committed to equal opportunity for its students and applicants for admission, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex or sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or parental status, status with respect to public assistance, or veteran’s status. This policy applies to the administration of the College’s educational policies, financial aid program, or programs accorded or made available to students. The Dean’s Office is available to discuss and investigate matters concerning discrimination.


Credits Concept/Art Direction/Editor: Tim Robison Design/Artistic Collaboration: Bridget Reynolds Copy Editors: Mary Lin, Ashley Mains, Candace McNulty, Tim Robisson, Erica Ryberg, and Michelle Tissot Writers/Contributors: Gret Antilla, Roxie Bacon, Molly Beverly, Naomi Binzen, Naomi Blinick, Sydnie Bonin, Terri Cook, Christine Duffy, Doug Hulmes, Loryn Isaacs, Patrick Jones, Jordon Kivitz, Aryn LaBrake, Jason Leo, Mary Lin, Ashley Mains, Annabeth McNamara, Candace McNulty, Lorayne Meltzer, Mariah Ore, Jill Pyatt, RDP Faculty, Tim Robison, Erica Ryberg, John Sheedy, Jared Silverman, Ted Teegarden, Michelle Tissot Transitions, and Abigail Vorce Photographers/Photo Contributors: Arnita Albertson, Tanya Alvarez, Randall Amster, Walt Anderson, Naomi Binzen, Naomi Blinick, Michael Byrd, Melissa Carey, F. Neal Fair, Anna Fayfer, Green Mountain College, Zoe Hammer, Lisa Floyd-Hanna, Matt Hart, Jack Herring, Joel Hiller, Doug Hulmes, Catherine Huskins, Loryn Isaacs, Nathan Kennedy, Sher Shah Khan, Burket Kniveton, Adam Krusi-Thom, Aryn LaBrake, Mary Lin, Erin Lingo, Kimberly Loeb, Erin Lotz, David Lovejoy, Ashley Mains, Libby Majors, Christopher Marchetti, John Maurizi, Emily McClintick, Kathy McGrath, Becky McLemore, Lorayne Meltzer, Julie Munro, Courtney Osterfelt, Diana Papoulias, Travis Patterson, Prescott College Archives, Hanna Quimby, Bridget Reynolds, Ashley Rodd, Grace Wicks Schlosser, Diane Schmidt, John Sheedy, Paul Smith, Kathleen Stevens, Willa Thorp, Craig Tissot, Josh Traeger, Tom Udall, Abigail Vorce, Luisa Walmsley, Weddle Gilmore Architects and Megan York

Prescott College grants Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Ph.D. degrees and is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602, (800) 6217440. The Teacher Education Program is approved by the Arizona State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. The College is accredited by the Association of Experiential Education. Prescott College operates all its academic field-based programs under permits issued by the federal and state governments when required.

Catalog Disclaimer Notice Prescott College reserves the right, without notice, to modify the requirements for admission or graduation; to modify the courses of instruction or programs of study; to change tuition and other fees; to refuse admission or readmission to any student at any time; or to alter any portion of this catalog and policies or procedures referred to herein. Students, faculty and staff of the College are responsible for all information and deadlines contained in this catalog. The online catalog is considered the official Prescott College catalog. http://www.prescott.edu/forms.html

Please check one: Early Decision (12/1 deadline)

Freshmen (rolling admission)

Transfer (rolling admission)

Applications accepted on a rolling basis, priority for admission given to applicants meeting this deadline.

On-Campus Undergraduate Application Biographical Information Full name:



Former name(s):


Preferred name:

Social Security number: Mailing address:

E-mail address:




How long is your mailing address valid? Indefinitely or until

Telephone: (


Cell Phone: (


Telephone: (


Permanent address: City:


Decision letter should be sent to: Date of birth:



Permanent address /


Mailing address M


Country of birth:

Country of citizenship:

US PermanentResident Alien Registration #

Current Visa Type




The following information is optional and will be used for statistical purposes only. Check all applicable boxes: African American

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


Native American/Alaska Native



Two or more races Father or guardian’s name:




Home address if different from yours: City:



Mother or guardian’s name:

Telephone: (





Home address if different from yours: City:


For entrance: Fall 20

Telephone: (


Spring 20

Do you intend to apply for need-based financial aid? Do you wish to be considered for merit aid (scholarships) Are you a veteran?




No Yes

No (See Admissions Calendar for deadlines)


What areas of our curriculum interest you most? Number your first and second areas of interest. Adventure Education

Arts and Letters

Cultural and Regional Studies


Environmental Studies

Human Development

Education List all high schools attended. High School



Test Information (required for first-time freshman) SAT Scores:

Critical Reading

Dates Enrolled



Grad/GED Date

From mo./yr.

To mo./yr.








or ACT Score:



Colleges/Universities attended: List all colleges and/or universities in which you were enrolled regardless of how many credits you earned or the nature of the program. College/University



Dates Enrolled From mo./yr.

To mo./yr.







Grad Date/Anticipated

/ / Official transcripts are required from all schools indicated above for admissions consideration (refer to Application Instructions for specific details). Include ‘college-credit’ transcripts from NOLS, Outward Bound, etc. Prescott College Admissions Office must receive these transcripts directly from the issuing institution or in a college/university envelope sealed by the issuing institution. List all colleges and/or universities that you are currently attending or plan to attend prior to enrollment at Prescott College. College/University



Dates Enrolled From mo./yr.

To mo./yr.



/ / List credits earned by examination (i.e. International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement). List subjects taken, and scores if known. Prescott College must receive official results directly from the testing agency to award credit.

Extracurricular, Volunteer, and Personal Activities List your principal activites in the order of interest to you. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments. Some Prescott College scholarships consider the applicant’s activities that support the College’s legacy of community service and volunteerism. Activity

Grade Level 11 12 FR SO JR

Approximate time spent Hours/week

Positions held, honors won, or letters earned


How did you hear about Prescott College? Have you visited the Admissions Office? If so, when and with which staff member? Do you know any members of the Prescott College community? If so, whom? Have you previously applied to Prescott College?


Have you previously attended Prescott College?


No No

Term applied for: Dates attended:

I certify that the information in this application and essay is complete, true, and solely my creation. I understand that my application and acceptance may be rescinded if I have not complied with this statement. Signature:


Please check one: Early Decision (12/1 deadline)

Freshmen (3/1 priority deadline)

Transfer (4/1 priority deadline)

(11/1 spring priority deadline)

Applications accepted on a rolling basis, priority for admission given to applicants meeting this deadline.

Teacher/Counselor Evaluation Form Student name

(please print or type)

Address: School:



Official Name




I authorize application to Prescott College and waive my access to the completed form.

Middle (complete)

Jr. etc.





to complete this teacher/counselor recommendation for my

Student’s signature

To the Candidate: After you have filled in the lines above, give this form to a teacher/counselor who know you well and ask him/her to fill it out in support of your application.

To the Teacher/Counselor: Prescott College is a fully accredited, coeducational four-year college located in Prescott, Ariz., offering Bachelor of Arts degrees. Our 450 plus students pursue a liberal arts education while studying the various relationships which exist between humans and the natural and social environments. The Admissions Committee appreciates your assistance in determining whether this applicant is well suited to Prescott College. We are interested in a student’s academic accomplishments, intellectual strengths and weaknesses, and personal qualities, such as a student’s maturity compared to his/her peers, the standards this student sets for himself/herself, and the ease and probability of the student’s learning in an environment requiring a high degree of self-motivation.

Confidentiality: We value your comments and ask that you complete this form in the knowledge that it will not become part of the student’s permanent file. 1. How long have you known this student, and in what context?

2. What are the first words that come to mind to describe this student?

3. Which courses have you taught the student? Note the student’s year (9, 10, 11, 12) for each course and the level of course difficulty (AP, accelerated, honors, elective, etc.):

4. Classes at PC are small; maximum class size is 12, with student playing a large role in discussion and criticism. How do you think the candidate would function in such classes?

Evaluation: Feel free to write whatever you think is important about the student including a description of academic and personal characteristics. We are particularly interested in evidence of the candidate’s intellectual promise, motivation, relative maturity, integrity, independence, originality, initiative, leadership potential, capacity for growth, special talents, and enthusiasm. We welcome information that will help us to differentiate this student from others. Your frank evaluation, which may include anecdotes and specific illustrations, will be most helpful. Attach a separate letter if you prefer.

Ratings: Compared to other college-bound students you have taught, how would you rate this student in terms of academic skills and potential?

No basis


Below Average


Good (above average)

Very Good (well above average)

Excellent (top 10%)

Creative, original thought Motivation Independence, initiative Intellectual ability Academic achievement Written expression of ideas Effective class discussion Disciplined work habits Potential for growth SUMMARY EVALUATION

Teacher/Counselor Signature Teacher/Counselor Name

Date Detach and mail to: Prescott College, 220 Grove Avenue, Prescott, AZ 86301

One of the top few encountered in my career

Experience Prescott College Ranked one of the top liberal arts institutions in the West

Join Us for a Preview Weekend or for a Campus Visit! Preview Weekends Preview Weekend visitors receive an overview of the College, attend a selection of faculty presentations sampling the College curriculum, meet with faculty members in their area of interest, tour the campus, and form friendships with other visitors. Visitors should plan to be in Prescott from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Those interested in attending a class should stay through Monday. Students and families should RSVP ten days prior to each event. The Office of Admissions will host Preview Weekends on the following dates: November 13–14, 2010 February 26–27, 2011

March 26–27, 2011 April 30–May 1, 2011

Campus Visits If you can’t attend a Preview Weekend, consider a campus visit. The Office of Admissions hosts campus visitors Monday through Friday, except holidays. During your visit you will receive an overview of the College, tour the campus, meet with admissions and financial aid counselors, meet with faculty members in your area of interest, or sit in on classes. Allow a full day for your visit.

Admissions in Your Community Prescott College alumni also host informational meetings around the country and attend many college fairs. Contact Admissions or visit our Website for the latest schedule.

To RSVP or schedule a visit, contact the Admissions Office at

(877) 350-2100 or admissions@prescott.edu

Prescott College Earns High Marks National media, ratings, and rankings list Prescott College among best and greenest.

US News and World Report: Best in the West US News and World Report has rated the College as a “Best in the West” College and in their list of best colleges in the U.S.

Princeton Review: One of Best in Nation This past spring the Princeton Review added Prescott to its annual book announcing the best 300-plus colleges in the nation. Prescott College earned high marks in ten categories, ranking in the top ten in Gay Community Accepted, Class Discussions Encouraged, Lots of Race and Class Interaction, and 11th and 12th, respectively, in the categories Professors Get High Marks and Happiest Students. Last year the Review also selected Prescott as one of 165 schools profiled in America’s Best Value Colleges, 2008, and for several years has named the College as one of 123 schools in 15 states as “Best in the West.”

New York Times: Green Education The New York Times noted Prescott College’s environmental focus in three articles, including a piece on Eco-Education and another which highlighted the College’s trademark Wilderness Orientation (“Outside the Box”) in November 2007, and a July 2008 article on sustainability in higher education.

Sierra Magazine In a November/December 2007 article calling the environment “the hottest thing since coed dorms,” Sierra included Prescott College, as an Eco League member, in an article on the top ten greenest campuses in the US, noting an “emphasis on environmental learning and hands-on experience.” In its September/October 2008 issue Sierra lauded Prescott College and the other Eco League schools for “active pursuit of environmental studies” and “integrating experiential learning into the curriculum.”

National Wildlife Federation The NWF’s 2008 Campus Ecology Report honored Prescott for having recruiting programs and offering interdisciplinary degrees in environmental or sustainability studies.

Arizona Department of Education The Arizona Department of Education reported that the Prescott College Teacher Ed Certification Programs at all levels of study clearly meet, and in many categories exceed, state certification requirements.

Sunset Magazine: Youthful Pulse An article in Sunset on dream towns credits Prescott College with providing the “youthful pulse” of the city – quite a credit, considering Prescott is included on dozens of lists and rankings as among the best places to live in the US.

Prescott College Admissions Office 220 Grove Avenue • Prescott, AZ 86301 (877) 350-2100 • (928) 350-2100 Fax (928) 776-5242 admissions@prescott.edu www.prescott.edu

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