2 minute read
It’s time to cut the cord
Input complete, prayers oered and gifts released, we had the joy of seeing that team fly. Confidently taking their place and drawing others into worship. It was a very special moment. In all these years that have followed I’ ve been able to stay in touch with a number of that youth team and seen them grow and serve. What a blessing!
It’s time to cutthe cord
Over these first few years I travelled more and Tracy was the one who kept everything going, sacrificied herself giving full time child care and looking after things at home. Whilst I was the face and sound of what God had called us into, it would have been impossible without her support and blessing. She was the one who on day one was convinced we should devote ourselves to this calling. It was during a day of prayer in Nottingham where I was leading, the oering was being taken and Tracy remembers saying to God. I don’t have money to put into a plate but I’m giving Paul to You. The reality was that in the practicalities of our lives, finances could be challenging but God had other ways for us to give to Him.. As things were growing, we were balancing part time work and travel. God seemed to be nudging us deeper into His plan. On two occasions in two dierent nations I had these prophetic pictures given to me. They went something like this ‘ I see you like a child on a swing and the ropes are being cut but you continue to swing’ . The second was almost identical ‘I see you on a hammock , rocking from side to side, the supports are being cut, but you won’t fall. You ’ll keep swinging’ We logged these words, held onto them and then, on a visit to lead worship in Birmingham, we found ourselves praying with a team in the church oce and there on the wall was a picture of a child on a swing! Well, it got to December 2003 and we were leading worship at a Methodist Evangenlical conference, in Swanwick, Derbyshire. MET (Previously Headway) became a regular appointment for us over the years, leading the sung worship and sometimes helping with teaching and conference input. During some free time this particular year, we headed to Denby Coee Shop and chatted. I think we pretty much simultaneously said something like.
‘It’s time to cut the cord’ It was time. Maybe I’d been putting it o. Maybe I just needed to allow God to build my foundation? Whatever it was, I knew I had to go back home and finally hand in my notice.