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Midnight Blues

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Chapter five:

Midnight Blues

Chapter five:

Midnight Blues

human connections are during the pandemic. Inspired by the realization of how important Ella Zhang-Touch

Nicole Chang-Moonshot Digital photograph

Sometimes, taking a second glance can shift the entire world from a simple sun in a muddy puddle to a mystical moon akin thsousands of stars.

Kiana Duggal-Alluring Flaws

My Dreams Saanvi Bapat

I always go to a different place at this time The beach, the city, the school, the darkness. I always feel a different way at this time Excitement, loneliness, concern, fear. Yet it all immediately goes away after this time As if those places and emotions never were there to begin.

But when I go to those different places, Aren’t I in the same place? But when I feel those different ways Aren’t I imagining it?

But I dare to wonder, what if it were true? What if I were at the beach being shoved into a hole the size of my body, my screams being covered up by the suffocating sand? What if I were in the city, the tall skyscrapers falling one after another at my feet, as I scampered for my life until I ran out of breath, seeing the fateful glass building’s shadow over my head in my last moments? What if I were at school, failing test after test, being an utter disappointment to my family and those I loved? What if I were in the darkness, with no light even possible to be conjured up in my imagination, as I slowly lost all sense of consciousness?

But then I know, when I wake up That to dream is one, but to believe is another. So I forget my dreams, until I dream them again When they come back to haunt me once more.

Sophia Anthus- Untitled

Clay, acrylic paint, glaze

Meera Misra- Vasilisa the Wise

Digital, Procreate Based on an old Eastern European fairy tale.

Digital photograph

Firey Glass - Kiana Duggal

Ella Zhang Seeking the Comforting Truth

Digital photograph

The piece Seeking the Comforting Truth was inspired by my observing the increasing schism between political factions, states, and people. Today, people scream at each other about science, vaccines, immigration, isolationism, and color, and no one appears to be willing to listen to opposing perspectives. It is as if everyone believes only they see the truth, and yet their clarity and conclusions are filtered by their ideologies. I chose to use several pairs of eyeglasses to represent how people see our world differently. The placement and lighting of the glasses bring to mind the motion of insect wings illuminated by moonlight. This is an abstract portrayal of insects at night; they fly blindly and gather near lamps, similar to how people follow political figures and believe their words without a second thought.

Watercolor wax pastels, plexiglass, modeling paste, acrylic

Chayne Hollis- Tic

Wood, nylon, and acrylic

This piece is an abstract scupture that was inspired by lightning storms.

Mothchild - Shewta Arun

KC- Reflecting

Digital Photograph

she would have been an ornament to society, but she is not so content, so hollow.

she is not pretty; she is undefinable,


her mind is the night sky—a glittering chasm of reflection. when it spills over,

she dips her pen in its inky blackness and finds poetry.

and the real thing lies there, just beyond her reach, in the summer wind gliding through an open

window, in the first pink-gold flush of light at dawn. she is a part of it, and it is a part of her.

she does not know herself, but each line she writes reveals to her another piece of the puzzle.

drunk on possibility, the words fall,

stardust scattered on an empty page.

n.g. Writer

Mushroom - Olivia Trmacder

Ipad and apple pencil

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