ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini - Event Booklet

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ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini

on Refugee & Migration Law

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Organising Committee ............................... 03 About ELSA and ELSA Komotini ............................................... 04 Message from the Board of ELSA Komotini ............................ 05 About WELS Komotini .................................................................. 06 Message from our Academic Partner ......................................... 07 About "Krateros Ioannou" Research Institute for International Law & International Relations ...................................................... 08 Reasons to attend the ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini on Refugee & Migration Law ............................................................ 09 The Academic Programme ............................................................ 10 The Speakers .................................................................................... 11 Our Supporters ................................................................................ 24 Our Auspices .................................................................................... 28 The Organising Committee ........................................................... 35 The City of Komotini ...................................................................... 43 Time to say Thank You .................................................................. 45 Things to Remember ...................................................................... 46

MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE Dear all, Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, substantial uncertainties, unfortunately, remain on safety and feasibility of many activities and events for several months ahead, both in Europe and worldwide. In these unprecedented times, nothing is more important to ELSA than the health, safety and wellbeing of its Members and everyone involved in its projects. Therefore , ELSA International decided to cancel the Winter ELSA Law Schools cycle. Motivated by our need for continuity and will to share our project with the network, we decided to turn the academic programme of our Winter ELSA Law School into an online legal course, under a new flagship project of ELSA International called “ELSA Webinars Academy”. Thus, we are really happy to welcome you to the very first ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini on Refugee & Migration Law, which will be held from the 3rd until the 7th of March 2021. Our aim is for you, the participants, to gain insight into the legal framework, the practical aspects and the implementation of Refugee & Migration Law, while also realise its importance and human rights implications. We are really sorry that we do not have the chance to welcome you all in Komotini, meet you in person and offer you the unforgettable experience we were planning to. However, we tried our best to make sure that your participation in the ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini on Refugee & Migration Law will be as fruitful and memorable as an online event can be. Our goal was to make it as interactive as possible so that we get to know each other even under the given circumstances. We hope that you will have a productive and fun-filled time at this very special event. Fully yours, The Organising Committee

ABOUT ELSA The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profit making organisation run by and for students and recent graduates, who are interested in achieving academic and personal excellence in addition to their legal or law-related studies at university. ELSA aims at providing its members a platform to develop their existing skills and acquire new ones, to interact with fellow students and experienced practitioners from different states and legal systems around Europe, and to be equipped for a professional life in an international environment, through mutual understanding, intercultural cooperation and the large variety of activities and projects the Association offers. About ELSA Komotini ELSA Komotini is one of the three local groups of ELSA Greece, that has as a point of reference and action the Faculty of Law of the Democritus University of Thrace, the city of Komotini and the wider region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Its establishment procedure started on December the 10th 2002 by 23 students and it was officially established as an Association - on May 27, 2003. Following the spirit of ELSA Greece & ELSA International, ELSA Komotini’s purpose is to offer young lawyers and local community quality academic activities aimed at familiarising them with complex and specialised legal subjects and legal systems of other countries, cultivating mutual understanding and social cooperation in the field of legal science. ELSA Komotini's most important projects are its Legal Law Issue called "Ypagogi" which is published every six months since 2016 and its Winter ELSA Law School (WELS).

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF ELSA KOMOTINI Dear participants of EWA Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law, We would like to thank you for your interest and your trust in us. We hope that you will enjoy and have the opportunity to get familiar with our EWA’s topic, acquiring and enhancing your legal knowledge through the intense academic programme. The amazing experience of participating in the organization of such a large Network, contributed to my realization that ELSA is not just an association, but a living organization characterized by the uniqueness of its members. An operating system that helps both the process of legal formation of students and young lawyers, as well as their personal integration. The ELSA network has the unique ability to integrate you into a wider range of activities, which provide new prospects for development and self-improvement for each member. Last but not least, we would like to thank our Supporters and Partners for their confidence in our work. Our vision would not have become reality without the huge commitment and active contribution from them. Due to their support we are now able to offer our facilities to ELSA friends and members from all corners of Europe. We wish you to have a great journey through this project! And don’t forget: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -Martin Luther King Jr. On behalf of the Board of ELSA Komotini, Sofia Gkonia President of ELSA Komotini 20/21


The Winter ELSA Law School of ELSA Komotini is the second oldest in the history of ELSA. It was first organised during the academic year of 2015 - 2016 and it has revolved around two law fields namely, “Environmental & Energy Law” and “Refugee & Migration Law”. WELS Komotini has an intensive academic programme, offering more than 30 hours of lectures, workshops and case studies, aiming to enrich its participants’ academic knowledge and develop their legal skills. It is being organised with the Academic support of "Krateros Ioannou" Research Institute for International Law and International Relations of the Democritus University of Thrace and it has been under the auspices of relevant Ministries, well known organisations, accredited foundations and associations. Apart from being a one of a kind academic experience, WELS Komotini offers its participants a chance to visit Komotini, which has a vivid student life due to the fact that it has one of the largest student communities in Northern Greece. As all Winter ELSA Law Schools, WELS Komotini lasts at least seven days, offering plenty of time to its participants to attend social events and visit the city’s attractions and nearby cities.

MESSAGE FROM OUR ACADEMIC PARTNER Dear all, On behalf of the ‘Krateros Ioannou’ Research Institute of International Law and International Relations, it is a great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the online Winter School on Refugee and Migration Law. Under normal circumstances the organizers and me would welcome you in Komotini. However, this is not possible in the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid pandemic. I sincerely hope that this is a temporary hindrance and that next year’s ELSA Komotini Winter School will be held by face-to-face seminar teaching in the town of Komotini. During this week you shall have the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge on the legal aspects of the great flow of refugees and migrants from the Middle East, Asia and Africa in a series of seminars given by both academic and practitioner experts on the subject. Moreover, you shall have expert information on the processing of data and the procedure applied by the Greek authorities with respect to refugees and migrants entering this country. I, therefore, feel that this Winter School shall be very instructive and fruitful for every participant. Sincerely, Constantine Antonopoulos LL.M (Cambridge), Ph.D (Nottingham), Associate Professor of International Law, Director of the ‘Krateros Ioannou Research Institute of International Law and International Relations, Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace


The Research Institute was established at the School of Law of the Democritus University of Thrace in November 2016 and commenced its operations at the beginning of the academic year 2017-2018. The Institute was established In Memoriam of the late Professor Krateros Ioannou, the first academic teacher of Public International Law at the Law School of the Democritus University of Thrace from its establishment in 1974 to his passing in 1999. Professor Ioannou was an outstanding scholar whose high academic quality of teaching and research has firmly placed the School of Law in Komotini at a level of excellence and nationwide repute of international law teaching and research in Greece. He has inspired a lot of his students to choose international law as their field of academic specialization. The aims of the Institute include the promotion, development and dissemination of Public International Law and International Relations. Moreover, the establishment of the Institute intends to consolidate the Law School's prowess in the teaching and research of international law, as well as make the town of Komotini well-known internationally in this respect and a pole of attraction for foreign academics and research students. The Institute aspires to become in due course a networking hub for international law practitioners in South East Europe and thus contribute to the consolidation of a climate of mutual understanding and good neighborliness at the border of Greece and the EU.


It consists of approximately 30 hours of lectures and workshops on the main topic of the respective event. It covers a wide variety of legal perspectives about Refugee and Migration law, a really important current topic with global effects. The academic programme is held in English, so not only do you enlarge the field of your legal and general knowledge on the topic, but you also practice your english language skills. The academic programme is provided by leading experts in their respective fields. Its biggest advantage is the combination of a theoretical view provided by professors and a practical view provided by practitioners. During the EWA Komotini, you will also get the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and get to know each other by attending the social programme of the event.


THE ACADEMIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, 3rd of March 2021 09:00 - 10:00 CET

Opening Ceremony

10:00 - 12:00 CET

Introduction to the field of Refugee and Migration Law & Basic International Principles Paroula Naskou Perraki

14:00 - 16:00 CET

International legal status of Migrants Nikolaos Zaikos

16:30 - 18:30 CET

International legal status of Refugees Petros Mastakas

Thursday, 4th of March 2021 10:00 - 12:00 CET

European mechanism of border control for irregular immigration Grigorios Apostolou

14:00 - 16:00 CET

Irregular immigration: administrative treatment, criminalisation, victimisation and advocacy Dimitrios Koros

16:30 - 18:30 CET

Asylum framework and Repatriation process, durable and other solutions for refugees Petros Mastakas

Friday, 5th of March 2021 10:00 - 12:00 CET

The Principle of Solidarity within the European Asylum System Eleni Karageorgiou

14:00 - 16:00 CET

Protection of unaccompanied asylum seeking children Agapi Chouzouraki

16:30 - 18:30 CET

Workshop on Asylum application process Petros Mastakas

Saturday, 6th of March 2021 10:00 - 12:00 CET

The Refugee Crisis as a Preparation Stage for Future Exclusion Nikolaos Xypolytas

14:00 - 16:00 CET

Refugee/Migration flows and human rights: Violations & Violators Vassilios Grammatikas

16:30 - 18:30 CET

Workshop on Social Inclusion and Integration of refugees through cultural activities Aikaterini Plaka

Sunday, 7th of March 2021 10:00 - 12:00 CET

The Common European Asylum System Maria Papadopoulou

14:00 - 16:00 CET

Law of the sea – Rescue Obligation at sea Efthymios Papastavridis

16:30 - 17:30 CET

Closing Ceremony


Paraskevi (Paroula) Naskou - Perraki Ret. Professor

Introduction to the field of Refugee and Migration Law Basic International Principles An estimated 258 million people, approximately 3 per cent of the world’s population, currently live outside their country of origin, many of whose migration is characterised by varying degrees of compulsion. These people are divided in two main categories Migrants and RefugeesMigrants are protected by the UN Convention of the rights of Migrants Workers and their Families, a number of ILO conventions and the IMO established in 1954. Migrants include different categories of persons, including but not limited to migrant workers, migrants in an irregular situation, victims of human trafficking, and smuggled migrants. Refugees are protected by the Geneva Convention of 1951 and the New York Protocol of 1967. Refugees are also protected by a number of EU legislation .

Nikolaos Zaikos

Associate Professor of International Law Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki

International legal status of migrants “A giant unassembled juridical jigsaw puzzle” This lecture examines and evaluates the current development of international law on the status of migrants. The lecture firstly examines the main migration management mechanisms at the global level and then attempts to assess the quality and effectiveness of their legal products. A complicated legal image emerges as there is a great number of general/special and/or global/regional institutions that deal with overlapping aspects of migration. Moreover, with the exception of international instruments that attempt to do away with pathological migratory phenomena – trafficking and smuggling – almost all of the other numerous international conventions dealing with migration, and especially the ones that introduce rights for migrant workers, have failed to attract the majority of states. The lack of effectiveness of most international conventions on migration maybe explains why international institutions attempt to introduce rules through “soft”, i.e. non-legally obligatory means. Therefore, the legal status of migrants generally remains regulated by the domestic laws of each state. In 1984, Robert B. Lillich compared the legal framework related to the treatment of aliens and international migration to “a giant unassembled juridical jigsaw puzzle” for which ‘the number of pieces is uncertain and the grand design is still emerging’ – this observation remains valid today. A less fragmented, more coordinated, comprehensive and uniform approach at the international legal level will contribute not only in managing migration better, but also in protecting the fundamental human rights of the vulnerable group that are the migrant workers. Keywords: Migrants; Legal status; International migration law; International organizations; Law-making by international organizations.

Grigorios Apostolou

Head of Frontex LO/EUTRF in Greece

Mr. Grigorios Apostolou is the Head of Frontex LO/EUTRF and he has been a speaker both in the 4th and the 5th Winter ELSA Law School Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law. This year, the topic of his lecture will be: European mechanism of border control for irregular immigration.

Petros Mastakas

UNHCR Associate Protection Officer, Greece

Mr. Petros Mastakas is the UNHCR Associate Protection Officer and he has been a speaker both in the 4th and the 5th Winter ELSA Law School Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law. This year, he will deliver two lectures under the following topics: International legal status of Refugees and Asylum framework and Repatriation process, durable and other solutions for refugees. He will also carry out a workshop on the Asylum application process.

Dimitrios Koros

Member of the Legal Service of Greek Council for Refugees, Scientific Associate of Faculty of Law, DUTH Member of Collaborating Teaching Staff at Hellenic Open University

Irregular immigration: administrative treatment, criminalisation, victimisation and advocacy The lecture will discuss key issues regarding the treatment of irregular entry, in terms of the procedures in place in Greece. Thus, reception and detention policies will be briefly analysed, both regarding Evros and the mainland, and the Aegean islands and the EU-Turkey statement. Furthermore, the lecture will focus on illegal refoulements (push-backs), a normalised tool for the management of the migration flows, which directly violates national (asylum and criminal) and regional-international law, thus, victimising migrants and subjecting them to inhuman treatment and to dangerous for their lives and security conditions. Finally, basic issues concerning penal aspects of migration will be presented, especially the treatment of irregular entry in terms of national law and the obligations that arise in terms of the Geneva Convention.

Eleni Karageorgiou

Ragnar Söderberg Postdoctoral Fellow Lund University, Sweden

The principle of solidarity within the European Asylum System Pursuant to Article 80 TFEU, solidarity and fair sharing or responsibility is the governing principle of EU policy on asylum. However, there is no common understanding between the EU Member States as to what the principle means and entails in terms of state obligations and refugee rights. This session seeks to familiarize students with the solidarity debate in the EU context drawing, among others, on relevant case law.

Agapi Chouzouraki

Lawyer of the Greek Council for Refugees, Adult Educator and Trainer, LifeLong Learning PhD Candidate

Protection of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children During this class, international legal instruments and basic principles of Child Protection (CP) will be presented with a focus on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989). The overarching principle of the child’s Best Interests and its assessment are going to bediscussed, as well as reception procedures of children on the move. We shall also highlight some of the special aspects of child protection of unaccompanied asylum seeking children such as guardianship, age assessment procedures and child friendly justice.

Nikos Xypolytas

Assistant Professor of Sociology University of the Aegean

The Refugee Crisis as a Preparation Stage for Future Exclusion The refugee crisis in Lesvos has gone through various stages from its beginning until now. From the 2015 ‘hospitality’ stage, to extreme xenophobia and the standardization of detention and lately, COVID 19 and the construction of a new camp. Although different in many respects, there is a common thread that runs through these past 6 years. That is the overtly deterrent European migration policy. Utilizing a theoretical background on migrant exclusion and qualitative research, the goal of this paper is to present the consequences of this policy on refugees themselves as well as on the future of European countries. It is argued that a radical shift is necessary in order to alter this situation and prevent its utterly catastrophic consequences.

Vassilios Grammatikas

Assistant Professor of International Law Department of Social Administration & Political Science Democritus University of Thrace

Refugees / Migration Flows and Human Rights: Violations and Violators While migration is a phenomenon as old as human history, the dimensions it took in recent years, and more specifically during the recent refugee / migrant crisis of 2015-2017 that, because of its numbers, caught Europe by surprise and rendered the previously employed regulations systems useless. Moreover, the crisis had a profound, adverse impact upon the very foundations of modern Europe with several EU member states erecting walls and instituting border management against others. The whole spectrum of issues attached or related to migration, significantly affects many aspects of human rights, but while usually focus is being given to violations of the rights of migrants / asylum seekers / refugees, another, usually overlooked, consequence is the impact of the presence of migrants upon the respective societies in which they live and, more specifically, upon the fundamental rights that constitute the basis of the social fabric in those states, as a result of the interaction of various cultural, religious and social backgrounds involved. The presentation aims at addressing and discussing those issues and identifying the main challenges on the core of human rights, both as a result of violations of the rights of migrants / refugees as well as their potential role in violating fundamental values of the societies in which they reside.

Aikaterini Plaka

Sociologist, Civil Servant, MSc Cultural Organizations Management

Workshop on Social Inclusion and Integration of refugees through cultural activities The hospitality and acceptance of refugees and migrants is a precondition for their social, political and cultural integration in the host country. Hospitality, as a social and cultural norm, has its roots in antiquity and since then it has traveled a historical and cultural route as a characteristic of peoples and regions. The acceptance of refugees and migrants has emerged as a major issue in the 20th and 21st centuries, especially in Europe, and moreover nowadays as a result of the Arab Spring and the Middle East crisis. Therefore, the institutional and social adaptation of states to the concepts and mechanisms of acceptance, inclusion and integration of displaced populations was imperative. In addition to the institutional integration processes and the mechanisms developed by the states for this purpose, it is also necessary to formulate a unified policy by cultural, educational and non-governmental organizations, in order all of them to contribute, through intercultural dialogue, to the smoother integration of these populations, securing social cohesion and peaceful coexistence with host societies.This research was conducted with the ultimate goal to identify and highlight the importance of the intercultural dialogue and cultural policy of public and private organizations for the social, political and cultural integration of refugees and migrants in the host country. It is stressed that the main condition for integration is the hospitality and the acceptance of minority populations. Integration is a multidimensional process involving international, European and national policies that are crucial to the daily life and well-being of refugees / migrants in the host society. This research focuses on the emergence and promotion of good practices for refugees’ / migrants’ integration, examining the actions of four organizations strongly active in this subject field through educational programs such as learning of Greek and other European languages, computer learning, cultural programs, etc. These organizations are the "Farzad Kamangar School", the "Culture Workshop of the Network for Children’s Rights", the "Center for Immigrant's Integration of the Municipality of Athens" and the "Melissa Network" for the integration of female migrants in the Greek society. Key-words: Intercultural Dialogue, Cultural Policy, Immigration, Refugee / Immigrant, Integration, Farzad Kamangar School, Culture Workshop of the Network for Children’s Rights, Center for Immigrant's Integration of the Municipality of Athens, Melissa Network

Maria Papadopoulou

Legal Aid Officer of Danish Refugee Council, Attorney at Law

The Common European Asylum System The presentation will focus on the “Common European Asylum System” (CEAS). The CEAS is a legislative framework established by the European Union aiming at strengthening the practical cooperation on asylum matters between the member states and ensuring a harmonized approach in order to guarantee high standards of protection for refugees. The CEAS legislative framework includes the Dublin Regulation, the EURODAC Regulation, the Asylum Procedures Directive, the Reception Conditions Directive, the Qualification Directive and the Temporary Protection Directive. The presentation will include an overview of the above legislative instruments as well as relevant jurisprudence of the “Court of Justice of the European Union”. Lastly, the need of interpreting the EU legislation in the light of the “Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union” will be highlighted.

Efthymios Papastavridis

Researcher and Part-time Lecturer at University of Oxford, Research Fellow, Academy of Athens, Teaching Associate, DUTH

Dr. Efthymios Papastavridis is a Researcher and Part-time Lecturer at the University of Oxford and he has been a speaker in the 4th Winter ELSA Law School Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law. This year, the topic of his lecture will be: Law of the sea – Rescue Obligation at sea.


The Maragopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) was founded by the will of George N. Maragopoulos, former President of the Greek Council of State, which was drafted in 1973, and was a reactionary movement against the dictatorship. Its official founding was held on April 5, 1979 and was combined with an international two-day Conference organized in Athens.This was attended by the authors of the three Draft Conventions against Torture, in the presence of representatives of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Government. Since its inception in 1979, the Maragopoulos Foundation for Human Rights has dedicated one large part of its budget to the development and operation of a specialized documentation center in the field of human rights.It also makes a big effort to provide academics, researchers, judges, lawyers and ordinary citizens with timely information on developments in this field. It also facilitates the research activities of undergraduate and postgraduate students and doctoral candidates. Website: http://www.mfhr.gr/en/

Nomiki Bibliothiki was founded in 1977. It is the leading publishing, professional training and legal technology organization in Greece & Cyprus offering a full range of products and services for legal practitioners, businesses and scholars in the corporate, government, law enforcement and financial markets. Website: https://www.nb.org/

Bewise is an established team of IT professionals combining years of technical and business experience. Newly-formed as a company in August 2018, Bewsise offers a comprehensive portfolio of cutting-edge ICT solutions designed to help businesses. Website: https://www.bewise.gr/


UNHCR Representation in Greece UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. UNHCR leads international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. The UN Refugee Agency delivers lifesaving assistance, helps safeguard fundamental human rights, and develops solutions that ensure people have a safe place called home where they can build a better future. It also works to ensure that stateless people are granted a nationality. UNHCR was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War, to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes. Today, over 70 years later, the Organization is still hard at work in over 130 countries, protecting and assisting refugees around the world. Website: https://www.unhcr.org/about-us.html

Greek Council for Refugees The Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) is a Non- Governmental Organization, which has been active since 1989 in the field of asylum and human rights in Greece with the aim of the provision of legal and advisory support of asylum seekers, recognised refugees and other vulnerable social groups in need of protection. It was founded by Charis Brissimi and 20 more people aiming to defend the rights of refugees in Greece. GCR is an association recognized as a special charity, is included in the Registers of competent Ministries, has Consultative Status in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN since 2001 and is an operative partner of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Website: https://www.gcr.gr/en/

Danish Refugee Council Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is Denmark’s largest, and a leading international NGO - one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. In 40 countries 9,000 employees protect, advocate and build sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: In the acute crisis, in exile, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance. DRC supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies. DRC works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence. The 7,500 volunteers in Denmark make an invaluable difference in integration activities throughout the country. Website: https://drc.ngo/

Greek National Commission for Human Rights The Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR) was established by Law 2667/1998 as the independent advisory body to the Greek State in accordance with the UN Paris Principles, adopted by the United Nations (General Assembly Resolution A/RES/48/134, 20.12.1993, “National institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights”) and is the national institution for the protection and promotion of human rights (NHRI) in Greece. The GNCHR plays an important and constructive role in the effective implementation of human rights protection, constantly monitoring developments related to the human rights situation in Greece and abroad and the implementation of human rights law, providing ongoing advisory to the competent bodies of the State. Website: https://www.nchr.gr/en/

Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace The Faculty of Law of Democritus University of Thrace (D.U.Th) was founded in 1974 and took its name from the ancient Greek natural philosopher Democritus, who came from Thrace.Since its inception, the university has played a key role in the development and strengthening of the national, cultural and academic character, not only of the wider area of Thrace but also the whole Country. Website: https://law.duth.gr/en/the-department/

Ministry of Migration & Asylum The Ministry of Immigration and Asylum of Greece is divided into various Services and Directorates. The most important of which is the Directorate for the Protection of Asylum Seekers.Its main strategic goal is the implementation of the country’s policy regarding Asylum Seekers through planning, monitoring and implementation of protection programs for the population in question, with particular emphasis on vulnerable cases, except for unaccompanied minors and separated minors,who are a responsibility of other Directorates. Website: https://migration.gov.gr/en/

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy constitutes the administrative body of Merchant Shipping and through the Coast Guard is responsible for the implementation of the law in marine areas of its responsibility. In the context of activities are integrated the maritime policy, the security of the navigation and the protection of the environment maintaining the country as pioneers in navigation . Website: https://www.ynanp.gr/en/

National Center for Social Solidarity National Centre for Social Solidarity is under the supervision of Ministry of Labor with the mandate to coordinate the network providing services of social support to people , families and social groups in a state of emergency , and carries out operations for social awareness and information about social problems. According to its founding law, the purpose of National Center for Social Solidarity is to coordinate the network of social support services to individuals, families, and population groups that are in a state of emergency. Website: http://www.ekka.org.gr/

Hellenic Red Cross Hellenic Red Cross is the biggest humanitarian organization in Greece with significant humanitarian work based on voluntary activity for serving critical health requirement and for treating natural and social disasters . With deep humanitarian ideals aims to relieve and care about each vulnerable social group providing all kinds of healthcare , assistance to immigrants and refugees and contributing to public health. Website: http://www.redcross.gr/

Kalliopi Koufa Foundation for the promotion of International and Human Rights Law

The Kalliopi Koufa Foundation for the Promotion of International Law and the Protection of Human Rights is a charitable institution established in 2012 by Dr, Kalliopi Koufa and located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Its object is the promotion of the study and research of international law, with particular emphasis on human rights and humanitarian law. Website: https://www.koufafoundation.or

Rodopi Bar Association Rodopi Bar Association founded in 1932 and is the first Bar Association in the district of Thrace with the purpose to offer continuous professional development to its members and services of high quality to citizens, thus contributing to the evolution of legal thought. Website: https://www.dsro.gr/



Head of the Organising Committee My name is Xanthi Agoraki. I am currently in my 3rd year studying Law at rhe Democritus University of Thrace. In my free time, I usually go out with friends or find company in books and movies. I am beyond proud to welcome you all to the ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law and I cannot wait to see it become a reality! It is really important to discuss such topics and I really hope that our event will be an enriching experience to each and everyone of you. Xanthi suggests; "Monologues across the Aegean Sea; The journey and dreams of refugee unaccompanied children"

Sofia Gkonia

Co-Head of the Organising Committee My name is Sofia Gkonia. I am currently in the 4th year of my studies in the Faculty of Law of Democritus University of Thrace. I love reading books and running, because it can be done anywhere and the only required equipment is a determined mindset. I am delighted to have you among us. On behalf of ELSA Komotini we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wisRefuge, authored by Jason Fotsohes! The conference theme, Refugee and Migration Law, has been carefully chosen to mark such a milestone of our society. I hope that this project will be one for us to share our thoughts and exchange ideas. Sofi suggests; "The Refugees", authored by Jason Fotso

Olga Kampouraki Marketing & Promotion

Hello, my name is Olga Kambouraki and I am currently in the last year of my studies in the Faculty of Law DUTH. During my free time, I love dancing ballet, travelling and spending time in nature with friends. I hope that you will all have the best time during the EWA Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law and I can’t wait to meet you!

Theodoros Falelakis

Fundraising & Financial Mangement My name is Theodoros Falelakis. I am 20 years old and I live in Chania, Crete, a place that has long accepted a large population of immigrants and refugees from all over the Balkans. During the current academic year I am going through the third year of the Law School of the Democritus University of Thrace. I usually go for a walk and relax in my free time because it helps me meditate. It was a great challenge to organize the ELSA Webinars Academy this year, but the good cooperation with everyone and the spirit of help gave courage and joy in every effort. The theme is excellent, as it is part of Greece, let alone Komotini, in which two different cultures of the West and the East coexist harmoniously. What does all this have to teach us? That we really are all human beings and have equal rights regardless of origin. Theodoros suggests: Children of Refugees: Torture, Human Rights, and Psychological Consequences by Aida Alayarian

Anastasia Pavlidou Participants' Support

My name is Anastasia Pavlidou, I am 21 years old and I am from Athens. I study Law at the Democritus University of Thrace and I am in my third year of studies. I am particularly interested in ballet and fashion because I see them as a form of expression. Human rights and environmental issues raise my awareness as they impact the whole world and many actions can be taken by all of us in favor of them. This is exactly how I see this project about Immigration & Refugee Law, as an act of awareness and advocacy. In these difficult times we need to be more united than ever so we can cherish our diversity and uniqueness and help each other.

Athina Pefani

Social & Cultural Programme My name is Athina Pefani, I'm 20 years old and I'm a third year law student at Democritus University of Thrace. My interests include cinema, theatre and cooking recipes that most of the times fail but that's ok. I also discovered the last months how much I like puzzles especially while having music in the background playing for hours from soul to latin and hip hop music. Athina’s thoughts; "Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family" -Ban Ki-moon

Elena Ploumi Logistics

My name is Helen Ploumi. I am almost 21 and I am a law student at Democritus University of Thrace. I am enthusiastic about economics and international relations. I love track and field, tasting flavoured cuisines and exploring the world! I am a big supporter of hearing and learning from others and find a possible solution to their problems. I am looking forward to meeting you online and having a fruitful experience on this very important issue! Elena's thoughts; "Νο one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark" -Warsan Shire

Elia Kostopoulou Participants' Support

My name is Elia Kostopoulou, I’m almost 20 years old and I’m currently studying law at Democritus University of Thrace. My forever dream was becoming a contemporary dancer, so as you can assume dancing is a big part of my life. Elia suggests: My favorite movie that has to do with the crucial matter of immigration, is “Roza of Smyrna”.

Katerina Mitsi

Social & Cultural Programme My name is Katerina Mitsi. I am 22 years old and I study Law at Democritus University of Thrace. I live in Kamaria, a small village in North Evia. I love reading books, watching series and travelling. Also, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and dancing. Katerina’s suggestion; the movie "Meltem" by Basilis Doganis. The film is about Elena, a young French woman of Greek origin, who returns to the island of Lesbos with her friends Nassim and Sekou, where they encounter Elyas, a young Syrian migrant of their age.

Konstantina Psaridou Logistics

My name is Konstantina Psaridou. I’m 19 years old and a second year student of law in Democritus University of Thrace. I come from Thessaloniki,a beautiful city in Greece. My interests revolve around books books, series, movies and travelling. I have been passionate about International and European affairs and that’s why I am involved in many programs and organizations that promote human rights. We, as the new generation of young and promising people have an obligation to make our world a better place not only for us but also for those who do not have yet the power to do so. Konstantina’s thoughts; “Migration is inevitable, necessary and highly desirable” -William Lacy Swing

Liana Koytsogiannaki Academic Programme

My name is Liana Koytsogiannaki. I am currently in the 3rd year of my studies in the Law School of Democritus University of Thrace. I love traveling, reading books, hanging out with friend and extreme sports. When I was 15, I was in the welcoming-hosting team of my town concerning refugees and immigrants. I still have really strong memories. I truly believe that they are just human beings and we are obliged of ensuring their rights. That's why we are participating in this project. Liana’s thoughts; "Νοone puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land" - Warsan Shire

Lina Charisi

Social & Cultural Programme My name is Lina Charisi, I am 19 years old and this is my second year studying law at Democritus University of Thrace. I'm really interested in music musical_score, european cinema clapper, art and traveling. I try to stay updated on human rights matters and foreign affairs and believe that our generation is capable of achieving great things, given that we stick together! Lina’s thoughts; "But it's written in the starlight /And every line in your palm / We are fools to make war / On our brothers in arms" - Dire Straits

Maria Nikolarakou Social & Cultural Programme

My name is Maria Nikolarakou, I am 20 years old and currently in my third year of studying Law at Democritus University of Thrace. I am from Chania, a city in the island of Crete. My interests include cinema, literature and all things art. I feel that immigration is a topic which is in need of a specific and at the same time effective legal framework. Therefore, getting educated on the issue is a great opportunity for those who want to tackle it in the future. Maria’s thoughts; They are not an invasion, But a new equation, Going forward, A new nation. -Poem by Tom Blake

Sotiria Mitriadou Participants' Support

My name is Sotiria Mitriadou, I am 20 years old and I am in my third year of studies in Law at Democritus University of Thrace. I love studying criminal law. I also have a passion for music and that’s why I play both the piano and the violin. I am an optimistic person and I am always the one who gives the solution to the problem. Sotiria’s thoughts; “To be called a refugee is the opposite of an insult; it is a badge of strength, courage, and victory.” - Tennessee Office for Refugees

Stella Fanouraki Participants' Support

My name is Stella Fanouraki and I am an L.L.B. Law student at Democritus University of Thrace. I cherish a keen interest both in civil and criminal law. I’m fond of travelling and sampling international cuisines. Additionally, extroversion is a feature of mine and I’m a strongly opinionated person. Stella’s thoughts; “Migration is a dignity seeking journey” François Crepeau

Stefanos Kerkoulas Logistics

My name is Stefanos (Steve) Kerkoulas, I am 20 years young and I study law at Democritus University of Thrace (D.U.Th). I enjoy going to the theatre or cinema (not that I have had any chance in the last year), watching old movies and commenting on the graphics and thrifting vintage clothes. During this tumultuous year I discovered I hidden talent for cocktail making, so I have been practicing for a couple months now and I am positive that I make a great manhattan. Stefanos's thoughts; “Migration has been politicised before it has been analysed” -Paul Collier

Vaggelis Diamantaras Participants' Support

My name is Vaggelis Diamantaras. I am an undergraduate law student (this is the 2nd year of my studies) at the Democritus University of Thrace. I love exercise (football, gym, running), acting and theater, writing articles and reading. Also, I am a very extrovert person. In addition, I prefer expressing my feelings and my opinion in the first place, because I believe that we are made for exactly this skill which concludes sharing, cooperation, respect, dignity and love. Vaggelis’ thoughts; “If Ι could change something in the world, I would turn the see blue again” -Greek song

Vasilis Kaitsas

Social & Cultural Programme My name is Vasilis Kaitsas and this is my 3rd year studying Law at Democritus University of Thrace. In my free time, I usually stay in, listening to music or binge-watching series on Netflix. I believe that the influence of social media in our everyday life is changing our views on matters such as immigration, making us more open and accepting. I really hope that our interaction will be blooming and we'll have an amazing time. Vasilis' thoughts: "We are all refugees of a future that never happened" -Lee Weiner


THE CITY OF KOMOTINI Komotini or Gümülcine is the capital city of the Regional Unit of Rodopi and the administrative center of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. One of the main landmarks of Komotini is the marble-covered stele with a great sword, also known as “Spathi”. Most of the students appoint “Spathi” as the meeting point. Additionally, in the middle of the historic market place, Ermou street, stands one of the most characteristic monuments of the late Ottoman period, the Clock Tower. Nestoros Tsanaklis Urban School is an impressive building in accordance with the principles of eclecticism, dominant architectural view of the 19th century. It successively housed the Orphanage (1919), the General Administration of Thrace (19221945), the Prefecture of Rhodope (1945-1972) and the Rector of the Democritus University of Thrace in 2000. Nowadays the building houses the public library. In Komotini, you can also find the museum of the distinguished mathematician Konstantin Carathéodory. Carathéodory lectured at worldfamous universities in Europe and America. His bonds with Einstein were strong based on respect and mutual understanding. Carathéodory played a catalytic role in formulating the theory of relativity. The museum's exhibits display among others his correspondence with Einstein. In a town square near the museum, you can find a statue of him dedicated in his honor.

The Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) was established in July 1973. It is based in Komotini and has eighteen departments, one of them is Faculty of Law which is located in Komotini. The University plays an important and effective role in establishing the national and cultural significance of Thrace and is contributing to the high level of education of the Higher Education in Greece. Through the quality of teaching and the level of research, the University has achieved a place among the leading Universities in Greece. Although Komotini is a small city, it combines the flair of a vivid life. The long-lasting peaceful co-existence of Orthodox and Muslim feature, the multicultural life and its sparkle are some of the main characteristics. What distinguishes Komotini is its pedestrian streets, gastronomy and of course the smell from freshly ground coffee. Almost 6.000 students each year come to Komotini to study at DUTH’s departments and as a result they set the tone of a vibrant city. The university breathes new life into Komotini. There is a feeling of being connected and belonging in this city. The motto “In Komotini you cry twice, once when you come and once when you leave” is really being confirmed year by year. Image source: Wondergreece

TIME TO SAY "THANK YOU" On behalf of the Board of ELSA Komotini and the Organising Committee, we would firstly like to thank our academic, financial and technical Supporters for it was their help that let us prepare and carry out this events. Secondly, we would like to express our gratitude to the Organisations that put the ELSA Webinars Academy Komotini on Refugee & Migration Law under their Auspices, for it is more than encouraging to see that they value and support our work and effort. Moreover, we want to thank the Speakers of the event for accepting our invitation and working tiressly to share their knowledge with all of us and contribute to raising awareness on the important issue that Refugge & Migration flows are. Last but definitely not least, we would like to thank the Participants of the event for trusting us on expanding their legal knowledge and skills. Despite the adverse conditions we are experiencing and the hopes that this unpleasant situation would end before the start of our ELSA Webinars Academy, we believe that we have secured the best possible outcome, taking into account the present conditions. However, we would not have achieved anything without your participation and assistance. So we want to thank you once again, from the bottom of our hearts. We hope that next year we will all be healthy and able to meet and have fun. Until then, stay safe, creative and pursue your dreams. Best regards, The Organising Committee, Anastasia, Athina, Elena, Elia, Katerina, Konstantina, Liana, Lina, Maria, Olga, Sotiria, Stella, Stefanos, Theodoros, Vaggelis, Vasilis, Sofi, Xanthi


03-07/ 03/2021

10:00 - 18:30 CET


ELSA Komotini

EWA Komotini on Refugee and Migration Law

@elsa.komotini @wels.komotini

ELSA Komotini


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