Assistance and Automation Levels Enhance Future Driving Safety, Efficiency and Comfort

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Assistance and Automation Levels Enhance Future Driving Safety, Efficiency and Comfort

Together with a European consortium of researchers, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR) demonstrates how various driving tasks can be carried out in certain situations through a dynamic division of tasks between driver and vehicle.

Braunschweig (Germany) / Borås (Sweden), June 21, 2011. With the help of the FASCar II test vehicle and a driving simulator, the German Aerospace Center’s Institute of Transportation Systems and a European research consortium will demonstrate how vehicle assistance and automation features can provide optimal support to drivers, at the final event of the EU-supported HAVEit research project. By pushing a button, drivers will be able to choose if they would like to take over driving responsibilities, merely receiving “assistance” from the vehicle, or if they would like the vehicle to run at a semi-automated or even highly-automated level. In the FASCar II, this interaction between driver and highly-automated vehicle is possible through environment sensors and a detailed positioning system, which precisely detects obstacles, objects and the driving lane, as well as through cutting edge steer-by-wire technology. In place of a mechanized steering rod, which links the steering wheel to the steering shaft, the steering input is transferred electronically (“by wire”). “Whereas the steering wheel in today’s vehicles moves according to steering motions, the steering wheel in the FASCar II can remain motionless during automated driving, or support the driver with suggestions during normal driving,” explained Prof. Karsten Lemmer, Director of the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems. “The vehicle can give the driver perceptible, tactile feedback, for example through vibrations, countersteering or jerking, while the steering shaft can be controlled entirely independently of these signals,” Prof. Karsten Lemmer continued. Production-ready assistance features developed into highly-automated driving functions Driving assistance systems which are already available today will be integrated with new highly-automated driving functions into a single concept in the FASCar II, making it possible to drive at different automation levels. At the “assisted” level, drivers will only receive support, for example receiving a tactile warning through the steering wheel that they are about to exit a driving lane, though they will need to steer the vehicle on their own. At the “semi-automated level”, the vehicle will take over certain driving tasks, although drivers are still able to take control of the vehicle at any time. During semi-automated driving the system takes over the functions of intelligent ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control), which automatically set the vehicle to drive at the desired speed or to stay at a certain distance behind a slower vehicle. At the “highly-automated” level, the vehicle can be driven with no hands on the steering wheel (hands off driving), as speed, distance adjustment, lane driving and PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

overtaking are set and carried out automatically. Drivers can decide for themselves how many of the driving tasks they would like to leave up to the automation and can take control again at any time. The system gives drivers more safety and provides a more pleasant driving experience, for example during long journeys on the highway. Future of intelligent driving: Switching between different automation levels On the Volvo test track at the HAVEit final event, a demonstration will show how to alternate between different automation levels. By simply pushing a button, drivers can experience lane guidance, speed control and distance regulation at the three different levels of automation. For example, changing lanes at the highly-automated level takes place in the following manner: The automation recommends a lane change in order to pass a slower vehicle ahead. Speed and distance are controlled automatically – drivers do not have to place their hands on the steering wheel nor their feet on the pedals. If it is reasonable to change lanes or if a slower vehicle can be passed, the vehicle suggests a lane change to the driver. After a short look in the mirror to ensure safety, the driver then uses the turn signal and briefly holds the steering wheel to approve the maneuver and the vehicle will automatically complete the lane change. After passing the car ahead, the automation suggests switching back to the right lane (in countries where driving on the right is a requirement by law), as long as the right lane is free. For instance, the vehicle stays in the driving lane, closes in on the car in front, follows it, changes lanes or slows down – almost entirely free of intervention from the driver. The features of the semi-automated and highly-automated levels which allow the car to automatically stay at the speed limit and prevent passing on the right will also be demonstrated. Through these features, the automation follows the vehicle ahead at a safe distance, speeding up to the pre-set speed as soon as the slower vehicle ahead accelerates into the left lane and drives on. If there is a speed limit, the system receives this information through Car2Infrastructure communication (C2X) and the vehicle automatically adjusts its speed accordingly. Furthermore, the switch from the “highly-automated” to “assisted” level will be demonstrated. Such a changeover occurs, for example, if the automation identifies signs that the driver is tired or distracted, or if the driving situation requires the driver’s assistance. In such cases the automation attempts to hand the active driving tasks back to the driver, who carries out and confirms the switch back to the “assisted” level. If the driver does not react, the automation brings the vehicle to a fully-automated and comfortable complete stop through a “minimum risk maneuver”. The technological developments in highly automated driving demonstrated in Borås are leading technologies in many respects and will be continuously developed in the future. In Braunschweig, Germany, the DLR is currently expanding and enhancing its research on AIM (Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility) features, for example concerning C2X communications, in order to flexibly analyze traffic issues. This will include further user trials to test out interaction concepts, to make sure that drivers always react correctly on an intuitive basis. In the future, an extension of the features for use on streets and highways is also planned, and the steer-by-wire system will also be further developed and tested. Modern hardware and software solutions from DLR and other partners The FASCar II demonstration vehicle consists of a multitude of components from various HAVEit project partners. Along with its own steer-by-wire system, the German Aerospace Center integrated a host of features into the Volkswagen Passat, including the SICK laser scanner, Car2Car communication from the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), the Chassis & Safety Controller (ECU) from Continental and XCC controlling hardware for the steer-by-wire system from the University of Stuttgart’s Institute of Aeronautical Systems. Several partners also worked together on the software components. The DLR developed the human-machine interface, tactile feedback, automation level selection, the FASCar II basic controller and the steer-by-wire system. The co-pilot maneuver generation system resulted from cooperation with the Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

l’aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR), which also developed the trajectory tracking controller. Software integrated into the vehicle includes data fusion software from the University of Athens Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS), co-pilot trajectory generation from the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) and the driver condition recognition system from the Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences GmbH. About HAVEit The EU funded R&D project HAVEit („Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport“) is set to develop research concepts and technologies for highly automated driving. This will help to reduce the drivers’ workload, prevent accidents, reduce environmental impact and make traffic safer. Launched in February 2008, 17 European partners from the automotive and supply sector as well as from the scientific community collaborate in the project. In total, investments of EUR 28 million were made into HAVEit, EUR 17 million of which were EU grants and EUR 11 million were contributed by the 17 partners, of which EUR 7 million are invested by the automobile industry. The HAVEit consortium consists of vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers and scientific institutes from Germany, Sweden, France, Austria, Switzerland, Greece and Hungary: Continental, Volvo Technology AB, Volkswagen AG, EFKON AG, Sick AG, Haldex Brake Products AB, Knowllence, Explinovo GmbH, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Athens, Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS), University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Luftfahrtsysteme, Wuerzburg Institute of Traffic Sciences GmbH, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria), Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR). For further information please visit: About the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR) The DLR is the Federal Republic of Germany’s aerospace research center. Its extensive scope of research and development work is tied to national and international cooperative activities in aviation, astronautics, energy and traffic. DLR’s research portfolio extends from basic research to the development of ground-breaking applications and products of tomorrow. The scientific and technical know-how gained through DLR’s research helps to advance Germany’s industrial and technological development. Currently employing about 6,900 employees, the DLR maintains 33 institutes as well as test and operations facilities and has 13 locations in Germany. Over 115 scientists, among them engineers, psychologists and computer scientists, work in the Institute of Transportation Systems at the Braunschweig and Berlin locations. They provide research and development for automotive and train systems and for traffic management, contributing to higher levels of safety and efficiency in road and rail traffic. The scientists work closely with national and international partners and clients from industry, science and politics.

PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

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