How to rescue urban logistics

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How to rescue urban logistics

TURBLOG_WW is developing a supranational and intercontinental link between areas developing their urban infrastructure. The aim here is for areas of urban development to access a database of information on past experiences of urban logistics from locations across the globe.

Most countries face common problems on urban logistics plans. Even if these nations or cities might be at different phases of public policy development, there remains a need for the creation of a platform that promotes the exchange of experiences and knowledge on the urban dimension of freight transport logistics. The European Union (FP7) project TURBLOG_WW acts as a coordination platform and knowledge centre for urban logistics practices and solutions worldwide. It will improve awareness, enhance cooperation and exchange experiences in city logistics best practices between European countries and countries worldwide. There is currently a specific focus on the transfer of experiences between the EU, Brazil and Peru. TURBLOG_WW's main objectives are to: * Provide an international network of experts and a platform for the exchange of ideas, information and policies on the urban logistics field. Promote the cooperation among relevant international networks on urban logistics. * Select 9 case studies as a base for potential transferability (2 in Europe, 3 in Latin America and 1 for the other regions, China, Japan, India and Africa). * Compare different business concepts and models based in the selected case studies. * Organise 4 thematic workshops coupled with site visits (2 in EU + 2 in Latin America) * Develop transferability guidelines targeting each type of stakeholder to facilitate the transferring of international case studies to national context. The project puts together past urban logistics experiences and good practices, analyses them, extracts lessons learned and disseminates the information at national, European and intercontinental levels, which will support ongoing and future related urban logistics plans. Urban freight represents typically between 20 to 25% of road space contributing to between PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

10 to 20% of urban road traffic. This is indispensable for the economy of many cities but at the same time significantly affects the attractiveness and quality of urban life. For more information, please contact: TIS.PT Transport, Innovation and Systems Consulting. Portugal

PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

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