P4TNews #2

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Dear readers, We are glad to invite you to read the Second Issue of PRESS4TRANSPORT Newsletter. Press4Transport is the Virtual Press Office (VPO) to improve EU Sustainable Surface Transport research media visibility on a national and regional level. The VPO is available to project coordinators to promote their research results, relevant news or any noteworthy topic relating to SST to be covered by the media Enjoy reading! The Press4Transport project partners

In This Issue:

PRESS4TRANSPORT’s latest achievements Spotlight on projects: KASSETTS PRESS4TRANSPORT Next steps: European Major Transports Events News & Events

Issue Nr. 2 – May 2010

THE TEAM The team behind PRESS4TRANSPORT consists of professional journalists, university professors and IT specialists all with a background in sustainable transport topics. Coordinatoor CYBION – IT experts, Rome, Italy. Partners: EJC – European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands. CLEPA – European Association of Automotive Suppliers, Brussels, Belgium. INOVAMAIS – Innovation Consultant, Oporto, Portugal. Scientific partners: BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary. MDCE – Maritime Development Center of Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark. POLOMOB – Sustainable Mobility Pole, Rome, Italy.

PRESS4TRANSPORT’s latest achievements Dear reader, As you will discover in this second issue of the PRESS4TRANSPORT newsletter, the project is reaching a crucial phase: since the Virtual Press Office platform was launched, 33 projects were registered, 5 Press Releases were realized and other 4 are getting ready to be published. The online platform of PRESS4TRANSPORT is growing up faster: a new section “Our Projects” was recently created to better promote the PRESS4TRANSPORT projects and to liven up the platform. Definitely, PRESS4TRANSPORT is getting very dynamic platform: has established cooperation with the ASECAP ‐ European Association of tolled road infrastructures operators and has also involved a project in the AIR sector (ODICIS). Once more, the project has benefited from the positive remarks of European websites (just few examples): ‐ Eltis – European Portal on Urban Transport and Mobility: http://www.eltis.org/show_news.phtml?newsid=1766&mainID=461 ‐ Tubitak – Scientific and Technological research Council of Turkey: http://www.fp7.org.tr/home.do?ot=5&rt=1&sid=3266&pid=0&cid=17629 ‐ Transport Info – Today transports’ info from UK, handpicked for you each morning: http://www.transportinfo.org.uk/cgi‐bin/cti_search.pl ‐ Logis‐top – Plataforma Tecnológica en Logística Integral, Intermodalidad y Movilidad: http://www.logistop.com/transferencia‐idi/base‐de‐datos‐de‐ proyectos?sobi2Task=sobi2Details&catid=2&sobi2Id=234258 New activities are keeping going, like the “Thematic/Analysis Fiches”, elaborated by the Scientific Partners with the support of the all consortium, and the next participation to TRA2010 – Transport Research Arena conference. All the pieces are coming together to increase the benefits and visibility of PRESS4TRANSPORT services: keep reading!

Spotlight on projects: KASSETTS The Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation ‐ ITL ‐, together with seven European partners of the Central Europe area, have launched the KASSETTS project to establish a European ICT network to optimize and improve regional and transnational logistic traffics. The project is implemented within the CENTRAL EUROPE European Territorial Cooperation Programme, co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

KASSETTS is creating a stable EU operative ICT network of logistics brokers in which every broker is a joint logistic office among SMEs that: daily collects manufacturing SMEs transport orders by IT interfaces; aggregates (critical mass) and optimizes SMEs transport demand in terms of vehicles routes and load factor at regional and transnational level in dynamic combination with other similar brokers of the KASSETTS operational network; plans optimal logistics regional and transnational chains on the base of destinations/quantity/timing of the shipping of different local groups of manufacturing SMEs; interfaces this optimized demand to logistics operators. Alberto Preti, ITL, the coordinator of the KASSETTS project: “We want to develop tools and services which help both industrial systems and logistics operators to improve their efficiency. KASSETTS has the ultimate goal of not being a research and feasibility project but an operative initiative at the disposal of the business world for improving the logistics activities. In the last months the project group has worked to develop the ICT tools for logistics optimization which are now available and ready to be used. We want to measure the project success in terms of capacity of serving logistics management needs and in terms of users companies’ satisfaction. This is the ultimate goal for each partner and the baseline to ensure that this EU funded project is sustainable also after the project end”. The conceptual background of KASSETTS has its origins in Emilia‐Romagna, Italy, where the primary project backbone was thought and which was subsequently shared with the KASSETTS partners. More about project results is published on the official project website http://www.kassetts.eu. You can also find information on PRESS4TRANSPORT website at http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/project.php?name=ITL. KASSETTS Project Coordinator: Alberto Preti Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (ITL) Tel.: +39 051 527 3565 E‐mail: apreti@regione.emilia‐romagna.it KASSETTS Project Manager: Stefano Dondi Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (ITL) Tel.: +39 051 527 3737 E‐mail: sdondi@regione.emilia‐romagna.it

PRESS4TRANSPORT Next steps: European Major Transport Events PRESS4TRANSPORT is continuously aiming at disseminating its results and achievements and to reach this goal we planned to participate to the most important events on transports throughout Europe. Here is a general overview of our next events: • • • • •

TRA 2010: Brussels, Belgium, 07‐10 June, 2010. Main targets: Researchers and manufacturers in the automotive area. European Industrial Technologies Conference: Brussels, Belgium, 07‐09 September, 2010. Main targets: Researchers and funding organisations in the manufacturing area. IAA Commercial Vehicles Show: Hanover, Germany, 23‐30 September 2010. Main targets: Manufacturers and users of commercial vehicles. CLEPA Technology Day: Brussels, Belgium, 27 October, 2010. Main targets: Representatives of the European Commission, Parliament and Council. Representatives of the automotive organisations in Brussels. Frankfurt Motor Show: Frankfurt, Germany, 15‐25 September, 2011. Main targets: Manufacturers, customers and sales organisations of automobiles and related parts and accessories.

We will keep you informed on http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/press4transport_news.php.

News Commission pushes for lower prices on car repairs. The European Commission has adopted new competition rules for agreements between vehicle manufacturers and their authorised dealers, repairers and spare parts distributors. The new rules will increase competition in the market for repair and maintenance by improving access to technical information needed for the repairs and by making it easier to use alternative spare parts. They will allow the Commission to tackle manufacturers' abuse of warranties when they request that cars are serviced only in authorised garages. The new rules will also reduce distribution costs Read more for new cars by eliminating overly restrictive rules. A pilot project for secure track parking successfully completed. Concluding the pilot project known as SETPOS (Secure European Truck Park Operational Services), the Commission released on May, 20, 2010 a handbook of best practice on secure European truck parking. The project included investments into four pilot parking sites on the trans‐European network, serving as a model and encouraging investors to develop such facilities. The handbook aims to help truck park operators develop their sites in line with the required security standards. Read more Eu and Latin America: new cooperation in civil aviation. At a joint EU–Latin America Civil Aviation Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Vice‐President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, signed two "joint declarations" with Latin American aviation leaders that will lay the foundation for closer cooperation in civil aviation between the EU and Latin America. Read more

Events 7‐11 June, 2010 ‐ Union of Greek Shipowners Posedonia Exhibition 2010 16 June, 2010 ‐ PROPS ‐ Short sea shipping seminar ‐ Baltic Sea ‐ sustainable Shortsea shipping solutions, Turku, Finland 29‐30 June, 2010 ‐ The Irish Maritime Development Office and Dublin Port 3rd European Short Sea Conference, Dublin, Ireland 1 July, 2010 ‐ European unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) conference ‐ Benefits for the European citizens and new opportunities for the European economy, Brussels, Belgium.


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