P4T News#3

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Dear readers, We are glad to invite you to read the Third Issue of PRESS4TRANSPORT Newsletter. Press4Transport is the Virtual Press Office (VPO) to improve EU Sustainable Surface Transport research media visibility on a national and regional level. The VPO is available to project coordinators to promote their research results, relevant news or any noteworthy topic relating to SST to be covered by the media Enjoy reading!


In This Issue:

PRESS4TRANSPORT’s latest achievements Spotlight on projects: PEGASUS PRESS4TRANSPORT Next steps: European Major Transports Events News & Events

Issue Nr. 3 – September 2010

THE TEAM The team behind PRESS4TRANSPORT consists of professional journalists, university professors and IT specialists all with a background in sustainable transport topics. Coordinatoor CYBION – IT experts, Rome, Italy. Partners: EJC – European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands. CLEPA – European Association of Automotive Suppliers, Brussels, Belgium. INOVAMAIS – Innovation Consultant, Oporto, Portugal. Scientific partners: BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary. MDCE – Maritime Development Center of Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark. POLOMOB – Sustainable Mobility Pole, Rome, Italy.

PRESS4TRANSPORT’s latest achievements Dear reader, PRESS4TRANSPORT has just reached its first year of activities and we can now have an overview about the many successes and developments obtained during the past months. First of all, the projects participating to our initiative are now almost 60! Many of them already have they own dedicated page on our website in the “Our projects” page and continuously send us material concerning their publications. Moreover, all the Press Releases already realized are now available on Ten articles have been released and sent to external journalists for further publication on media.



As many as them are being realized by our professional staff and will be soon online at http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/todo.php There’s more! In July, we published our first batch of Thematic Analysis Fiches: four technical reports on different aspects of transports field, in particular Urban, ITS and Maritime. These studies have been realized by our scientific experts with the support of the whole consortium. The texts are downloadable at the new dedicate page “Thematic Fiches”, where new issues are coming soon! The absolute new thing for PRESS4TRANSPORT is its participation to “Sustainable Energy Europe”, to become an Official Partner. Sustainable Energy Europe is an European Commission initiative in the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, which contributes to achieve the European Union’s 2020 energy policy targets within the fields of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, clean transport and alternative fuels. The Campaign provides Official Partners with promotional and communication support in order to increase their visibility at the European level. Official Partners therefore receive a number of concrete benefits, including a variety of promotional services and tools made available by the European Commission. PRESS4TRANSPORT is one of the candidates to selections…stay tuned on our website to know more about the results! It has been an intense and successful year for PRESS4TRANSPORT and we will continue to work hard on next months to achieve all our goals! Keep following us at www.press4transport.eu!

Spotlight on projects: PEGASUS

PEGASUS is an integrated R&D engineering project with a total budget of €9m, including €5m funding from the EC Sixth Framework Programme and currently in its 4th and final year of activity. The project consortium comprises 20 industrial and academic partners from across the European Community and includes such names as Bostik and the SMART division of Daimler AG. The core of the PEGASUS project is the development of the “Integrated Design and Engineering Environment” or IDEE; a combination and customisation of three proprietary software packages previously used in the aerospace industry. PEGASUS will use these tools to form a knowledge‐based engineering (KBE) system for automotive application, to capture and store engineering knowledge (data, rules, etc) and, through CAD/CAM interfaces, manipulate the knowledge for product and tooling designs. The IDEE will allow collaborating supply chain SMEs to incorporate design changes in hours or days instead of weeks and months. The secure IDEE platform protects the intellectual property (IP) of individual companies, whilst collectively they are able to operate effectively as a single enterprise in the eyes of their vehicle‐manufacturing customer. PEGASUS is also developing new materials and processes for forming, finishing and assembling the new automotive parts, designed using the IDEE. This includes work with nano‐pigments for mould‐in‐colour polypropylene body panels, powder coatings for clear‐coat finishing, functional foams and polymers with novel structural or electrical properties and debond‐on‐command adhesives for improved end‐of‐life‐vehicle disassembly. Collectively, the PEGASUS results will be demonstrated with the design and manufacture of a new rear quarter panel and LED light housing assembly for the SMART Fortwo passenger car, with life cycle cost savings and environmental benefits also being assessed. The PEGASUS project recently showcased its results to date at the National Low Carbon Vehicle 2010 event on 15‐16 September at the UK Millbrook Proving Ground, where over 90 visitors to the PEGASUS stand watched a video describing the IDEE concept and inspected the mould‐in‐colour body panel and LED light assembly demonstration. PEGASUS will have a presence at the forthcoming K2010 show in Dusseldorf (27 October ‐ 3 November), where key project partners will again showcase the project on their company stands. Visit the Fraunhofer‐ICT stand to view the demonstration of novel technologies developed within the project. Visit the Plasdan stand to view the PEGASUS IDEE‐developed mould and C frame used to manufacture the new rear light housing. More about project results is published on the official project website www.pegasus‐eu.net . You can also find information on PEGASUS project's page at PRESS4TRANSPORT website.

PEGASUS Project Manager: Dr Gary Foster E‐mail: GFoster@Rapra.net

UK Millbrook Proving Ground

More on PRESS4TRANSPORT PRESS4TRANSPORT participated at TRA2010 held in Brussels, Belgium on 7‐10 June, 2010. The Transport Research Arena is the European forum where innovation, research and development in the transport and road construction sectors are presented to more than 1,000 experts and interested parties. The target audience consists of authorities, consultancy and study bureaus, interest groups, contractors, suppliers, car manufacturers and fuel producers.

PRESS4TRANSPORT has been one of the projects sharing the booth of the European Commission at this four‐day event which aimed at providing stakeholders of transport research and development with a platform to debate innovation for sustainable mobility in Europe, leading to a greener, safer and smarter transport system. It has been jointly organised by the European Commission, the Conference of European Directors of Roads, and the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council. The Transport Research Arenas, which this time was focused on 'Sustaining Road Transport Mobility through innovation in Europe', are European multi‐disciplinary and multi stakeholder events during which the major players have a regular opportunity to meet and present their findings, learn what is new and discuss the challenges facing Europe. The TRA events generally provide a framework in which policies for society, transport, industry and innovation are brought together, and strategies for the future are developed in a holistic way. This successful exhibition has been very important for PRESS4TRANSPORT: its stand has been visited by many projects and people involved in the field of transports and this assured P4T more visibility, the possibility to enlarge its network and to gain more registrations for its platform. Moreover, PRESS4TRANSPORT has been one of the projects participating at the Extra Session “Accessing transport research information” whose aim was to identify improvements in accessing transport research information for the benefit of end users and during which representatives from several different databases had the opportunity to present their portals.


PRESS4TRANSPORT Next steps: European Major Transport Events PRESS4TRANSPORT is continuously aiming at disseminating its results and achievements and to reach this goal we planned to participate to the most important events on transports throughout Europe. Here is a general overview of our next events: • •

CLEPA Technology Day: Brussels, Belgium, 27 October, 2010. Main targets: Representatives of the European Commission, Parliament and Council. Representatives of the automotive organisations in Brussels. Frankfurt Motor Show: Frankfurt, Germany, 15‐25 September, 2011. Main targets: Manufacturers, customers and sales organisations of automobiles and related parts and accessories.

We will keep you informed on http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/press4transport_news.php.

News FEMAG to be showcased at the Shangai World EXPO 2010. One of the projects participating in PRESS4TRANSPORT, FEMAG, will be showcased at Shangai World Expo 2010. FEMAG is the Flexible Ecological Multiurpose Advanced Generator integrated in the car of the future developed by LABOR, the applied and engineering Laboratory of the INNOVA group. From May 4th, it is also online at http://www.italianvalley.it/ , the website dedicated to italy's talents and innovative ideas developed by Wired Magazine, the group Condenast and in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Public Administration and Innovation. Upgrading Bartok Bela Boulevard to High Street of New Buda. In Budapest the Municipality of District XI "New Buda" is committed to a complex rehabilitation project, which is aiming to increase the cultural values of Bartók Béla Boulevard which used to be the high street of District XI "New Buda~Ujbuda". For Bartók Béla Boulevard to fulfill its proposed new function, a new traffic order and layout is necessary. The purpose was to re‐design it using the complete toolkit of traffic calming. The plans have been designed for 2014. The first step of the traffic‐calmed design was to relieve through traffic. This plan is eligible for further design (until 2020) with more radical conditions. The main tendency is to give back public space for walking, for communication, for shopping, for social life so the number of lanes will be reduced. Destination traffic and justified mobility demands (access to commercial and catering businesses, etc.) have to be served, but they will only be allowed to enter the area at reduced speed. New FP7 Calls published! A new round of calls for proposals under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Developments has been published in July on the CORDIS website. The Transport Thematic in FP7 comprises aeronautics, sustainable surface transport and Galileo. It aims at technological and operational advances and on the European transport policy, develop integrated, safer, “greener” and “smarter” pan‐European transport systems for the benefit of all citizens and society and climate policy, respecting the environment and natural resources and securing and further developing the competitiveness attained by the European industries in the global market. Read more

Events 11‐13 October, 2010 ‐ The European Transport Conference ‐ at the heart of transport in Europe, Glasgow, United Kingdom 20‐22 October, 2010 ‐ III Iberian Parking seminar ‐ The possible City ‐ Albufeira, Portugal 16‐19 November, 2010 ‐ Electric & Intelligent Vehicles ‐ EIV 2010 ‐ Milan, Italy 8‐9 December, 2010 ‐ ERA‐NET Road ‐ Climate Change Conference ‐ Cologne, Germany


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