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Dear readers, We are glad to invite you to read the Fourth Issue of PRESS4TRANSPORT Newsletter. Press4Transport is the Virtual Press Office (VPO) to improve EU Sustainable Surface Transport research media visibility on a national and regional level. The VPO is available to project coordinators to promote their research results, relevant news or any noteworthy topic relating to SST to be covered by the media Enjoy reading!


In This Issue: PRESS4TRANSPORT's latest achievements Spotlight on projects: Casmare ‐ PROPS More on...Maritime World Day 2010 News & Events

Issue Nr. 4 – January 2011

THE TEAM The team behind PRESS4TRANSPORT consists of professional journalists, university professors and IT specialists all with a background in sustainable transport topics. Coordinatoor CYBION – IT experts, Rome, Italy. Partners: EJC – European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands. CLEPA – European Association of Automotive Suppliers, Brussels, Belgium. INOVAMAIS – Innovation Consultant, Oporto, Portugal. Scientific partners: BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary. MDCE – Maritime Development Center of Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark. POLOMOB – Sustainable Mobility Pole, Rome, Italy.

PRESS4TRANSPORT’s latest achievements Dear reader, the new year has come and PRESS4TRANSPORT is continuing working hard to achieve its ambitious goals. New projects have registered on our platform and more press releases produced. Have a look to them on our PRESS RELEASES dedicated page at: http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/todo.php Moreover, on 27 October 2010, PRESS4TRANSPORT actively participated to the CLEPA Technology Day 2010 event by sharing a booth with STARNET (www.starnet‐transport.eu), one of its participating projects and by disseminating its free services to the attending audience: the event brought together policy makers and high‐level stakeholders from the EU Institutions and its Member States as well as senior representatives from the automotive industries and associations.

The fourth CLEPA Technology Day, "Green technologies for tomorrow’s mobility”, took place in Autoworld in Brussels and the spotlight in this year’s edition have been eSafety and electric cars (and regulation). CLEPA Technology Day is the forum for representatives from European Union Institutions to experience first‐hand the latest technological advances created by CLEPA member organisations for the car of tomorrow and to hear how the automotive supplier industry complies with EU legislation on electro mobility, safety, environment, trade and IPR. At CLEPA Technology Day participants had the unique opportunity to try interactive demonstrations, discuss the future of the automotive sector with R&D experts and to ask questions on: ‐ efficient ways of reducing CO2 emissions, ‐ the extent to which new technology can help satisfy mobility needs in a sustainable way, ‐ the contribution of ICT in saving lives and improving traffic control, ‐ whether or not alternative fuels, hybrids, electrical vehicles and CO2 reduction technologies are a part of the solution to environmental problems. This year, high‐level representatives from the European Union Institutions, most notably Mr Antonio Tajani, EC Vice President and Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship attended the CLEPA Technology Day, but also Zoran Stančič, EC Deputy Director General for Information Society and Media; Herbert Reul, MEP, Chairman of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee and Inés Ayala Sender, MEP, who experienced the breakthroughs in research and innovation currently being achieved by automotive suppliers.

During the event, CLEPA members showcased their latest developments, focusing amongst others on emission control, hybrid enablers, and clean powertrain technologies. The event comprised four parallel sessions and an exhibition area, bringing together some 450 participants. Keep following us at www.press4transport.eu!

Spotlight o on projects:: CASMAREE

CASMA ARE is the Co oordination Action A to maintain and fu urther develop a Sustainab ble MAritimee Research in EEurope. It implementts and updatees the WATER RBORNE Reseaarch Strategy (http://waterborne.bal‐pm m.com/) and iis a follow‐up p of the achievvements of AC CMARE duringg the planned duration of th he proposed p project 2009 ‐‐ 2011. Under ACMA ARE, the ETP WATERBORNE has compleeted its initial phase and has established d itself as a kkey adviser to o and a strateggic partner of the Commisssion for the geeneration of cconsensus views relating to o maritime ressearch policy.. After three yyears, the ACM MARE has devveloped and published the e WB Research Strategy in three key do ocuments: thee Vision 202 20, the WB W Strategicc Research Agenda and the WB Implem mentation Route R Map.. CASMARE aim ms to provide ssupport to the e maritime co ommunity so tthat the ETP W WB can movee The Coordinaation Action C forward to its next objecctive which is the implemeentation and delivery of th he WB Research Strategy. By using thee onsultation prrocesses established within the ETP, CA ASMARE will continue c to raise awarene ess of the WB B successful co Research Strrategy and to broaden thee consensus among a the staakeholders, with w a special emphasis on engagementt with national programmess and industryy activities. ntation of thee WATERBORNE Research Strategy willl involve influ uencing and impacting on n The successfful implemen European RD DI programmees (including FFP7), national and regional programmes and for the m major investments made byy industry itself. RE are the following: The objectivees of CASMAR ‐ to inform stakeholders tto stimulate and mobilise the maritime rresearch resources so that the WB Rese earch Strategyy omes will be rrealised. will find widee acceptance and the outco ‐ to assess RD DI results from m EU and national program mmes and mon nitor the progress against the WIRM. ‐ to expand the platform m's horizons within w and beeyond maritim me transportt by linking w with other traansport ETPs,, d with any other relevant rresearch grou uping or initiattive outside trransport such h as MANUFUTTURE and thee ERANets, and Marine Scien nce World. The partnerss of the CASM MARE consortium represent the key sttakeholders of o the WB community and d have a longg tradition of rresearch coop peration and ggood track reccord of deliverring. CASMARE is funded d by th he Europeaan Union’ss Seventh Frameworrk Program mme nformation on n CASMARE go o to: http://w waterborne.baal‐pm.com/ind dex.php/casm mare For further in ontacts: CASMARE Co o Benedetti Dr Lanfranco E‐mail: lb@cesa.eu


Spotlight on projects: PROPS

The PROPS Coordination Action builds on previous EU and national activities undertaken to promote and develop Short Sea Shipping (SSS) in Europe individually and as part of multi modal logistic chains. The goal is increased use of short sea shipping, leading to modal shift from long‐haul road freight to sea supporting the sustainable development of European transport. PROPS will be focused on a pan‐European SSS Promotional Campaign and on the Business Networking of SSS stakeholders, including particularly the Short‐sea Promotion Centres themselves. The project will be supported by the development of an interactive portal/web‐site that will, inter alia, provide a knowledge management system for SSS and a Platform to enable access to, and comparisons of, the various commercially available e‐booking systems. The project will proceed along: ‐ Analysis of SSS Promotional Requirements ‐ Development of SSS Strategic Supports ‐ Development of SSS Tactical Supports ‐ Enhancement of SPC Core Processes ‐ Stakeholder Engagement ‐ Establishment of pan‐European Promotional Campaign PROPS is a project funded by the DG Transport and Energy under the Seventh Framework Program. For further information, check the web‐site www.propssss.eu PROPS Contacts: Coordinator: Prof Papadimitriou Efstratios Project Manager: Ioannis Koliousis Email: stratos@unipi.gr

More on...Maritime World Day 2010 World Maritime Day 2010 was observed last year during the week of 20 to 24 September 2010 and it was celebrated at the International Maritime Organization's Headquarters on Thursday, 23 September 2010. Besides, the 2010 World Maritime Day parallel event was celebrated in Argentina on 7 to 8 October. The day was focused on the importance of shipping safety, maritime security and the marine environment and to emphasizing a particular aspect of IMO's work. The World Maritime Day theme for 2010 was the “Year of the Seafarer”: on this occasion, Member States of IMO agreed that the unique contribution made by seafarers from all over the world to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society as a whole, should be marked annually with a 'Day of the Seafarer'. The date chosen (25 June of each year hereafter) was that on which the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) revisions were adopted and acknowledged their significance for the maritime community and those who serve it on board ships. The resolution encourages Governments, shipping organizations, companies, ship owners and all other parties concerned to duly and appropriately promote the Day of the Seafarer. The theme complemented the Go to sea! campaign (designed to attract new entrants to the shipping industry) which was launched by IMO in association with the International Labour Organization, the “Round Table” of shipping NGOs – BIMCO, ICS/ISF, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO – and the International Transport Workers Federation in November 2008. The objective of this campaign is to promote seafaring as an attractive option for young people and to give the possibility to IMO to open an umbrella under which industry and Governments can mount their own campaigns to improve seafarer recruitment: seafaring needs to be presented to younger generations as a viable career choice for competent and efficient seafarers meeting the future demand. This year, World Maritime Day 2011 will be observed during the week of 26 to 30 September. At the Organization’s Headquarters, the Day will be celebrated on Thursday, 29 September 2011 while the 2011 World Maritime Day parallel event will be celebrated in Rome, Italy (date to be confirmed).

News European Maritime Day 2011 The Philharmonic’s Music and Congress Centre on the Ołowianka Isle, in the Polish city of Gdańsk, will host the annual European Maritime Day Stakeholder Conference from 19 to 20 May 2011. The conference is co‐organised by the European Commission's Directorate‐General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Poland, the Office of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship, and the City of Gdańsk. The conference registration will open in 2011 and more information on how to get to Gdańsk will be soon posted on the DG MARE website. http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/index_en.html Report on ports related traffic and their connections with TEN‐T. A study presenting new results providing a picture of how the European port sector and their hinterland networks might evolve has been just published on the European Commission DG Mobility and Transport website. The study specifically addresses the issue of how port related traffic interacts within the TEN‐T, and how this is likely to evolve over time: the main focus is on freight flows, even if the passenger flows influence the distribution of ferry services, and play a large role in the competition for inland capacity where passenger and freight vehicles interact. Three essential steps were implemented: ‐ The development of a central economic and policy scenario for 2030 based in the ITREN‐2030 study; ‐ The modelling of sensitivity analyses around this scenario, using TRANSTOOLS V2.0 methodologies; ‐ The assessment of policy options with regard to TEN‐T objectives, setting out proposals for the implementation of the most beneficial scenario. Following these analyses, a recommendation has been made by the consortium regarding the selection of ports for a future European core network. This is a conclusion of the study and does not imply a commitment. Subsequent analyses related to other transport categories (inland freight and passengers) will be carried out, which potentially can affect the completion of the network. REACT Conference “Shaping Climate friendly Transport in Europe: Key Finding & Future Directions” Call for Abstracts and registration for the conference is now open! The conference is free to attend. For a selected number of participants, two nights of accommodations will be covered. Priority will be given to those who submit a full paper to the conference proceedings. Authors have the opportunity to submit an abstract and should they wish, they can submit a full paper once their abstract is accepted. In both cases, the abstracts and papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Deadline for abstract submission: February 25th, 2011

REACT ‐ an EC project supporting research on climate‐friendly transport is focused on the future of research in this area, and as part of their activities they are organizing a competition where any type of idea having an impact on strategic research in climate friendly transport area will be considered. Ongoing or finalized European projects in this field wishing to participate can visit the REACT website www.react‐ transport.eu to log in and fill in the easy on‐line form for illustrating the relevant aspects about the project by the 28th February 2011 (Guidelines and rules for the competition are also available in the REACT online competition section of REACT website or by clicking on the link below). The competition is being organized within the framework of promoting research results produced by FP6 and FP7 projects and participation is free of charge. All participants will be personally informed about the results and the winner and two runners‐up will be given the opportunity to present their research project at the final REACT Climate‐Friendly Transport Conference on the 16‐17 May 2011 in Belgrade, with travel and accommodation expenses covered by REACT. For further info: http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/news.php?id=164

Events 29 – 31 March 2011‐ TRAFFEX 2011, Birmingham, United Kingdom 1‐3 March 2011 ‐ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee (ITC) 73rd Annual Session, Geneva, Switzerland 16 ‐ 18 March 2011 ‐ INTERtunnel 2011, Moscow, Russia 2 March 2011 ‐ RenewableUK Wave & Tidal 2011, Westminster, London, United Kingdom 8‐9 March 2011 ‐ International Advanced Mobility Forum, Geneva, Switzerland 7‐8 April 2011 ‐ Mobil.TUM 2011 Conference, Munich, Germany


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