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Dear readers, We are glad to invite you to read the Fifth Issue of PRESS4TRANSPORT Newsletter. PRESS4TRANSPORT is the Virtual Press Office (VPO) to improve EU Sustainable Surface Transport research media visibility on a national and regional level. The VPO is available to project coordinators to promote their research results, relevant news or any noteworthy topic relating to SST to be covered by the media Enjoy reading!


In This Issue: PRESS4TRANSPORT's latest achievements Spotlight on projects: ULYSSES and RIS‐COSAR More on...SEETRANS 2011 News & Events

Issue Nr. 5 – May 2011

THE TEAM The team behind PRESS4TRANSPORT consists of professional journalists, university professors and IT specialists all with a background in sustainable transport topics. Coordinatoor CYBION – IT experts, Rome, Italy. Partners: EJC – European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands. CLEPA – European Association of Automotive Suppliers, Brussels, Belgium. INOVAMAIS – Innovation Consultant, Oporto, Portugal. Scientific partners: BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary. MDCE – Maritime Development Center of Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark. POLOMOB – Sustainable Mobility Pole, Rome, Italy.

PRESS4TRANSPORT’s latest achievements Dear readers, Welcome back to P4T News! This time we decided to focus our Newsletter to Eastern Europe projects and events to have a look on what is on the spotlight in those near countries. As usual, first of all let’s concentrate on PRESS4TRANSPORT latest activities… The most important goal lately achieved is the registration of more than 90 projects on our platform! This is one of the scheduled objective for the project and the number is continuously increasing day by day. This result was possible also because of the strong dissemination campaign PRESS4TRANSPORT consortium has been carrying out during the past months by participating to events, contacting NCPs and enlarging its network. A crucial dissemination activity has been the participation to the SEETRANS 2011 ‐ Networking and brokerage event held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on March, 12/13, 2011. There, PRESS4TRANSPORT representatives, showing effective presentations, talking directly to people, taking actively part into one of the session, had the opportunity to meet projects and stakeholders coming from all over Europe, especially from eastern countries, and could show the free service offered.

PRESS4TRANSPORT has been enthusiastically welcomed by SEETRANS participants and consequently a lot of new projects have been registered. During the event, it has been also possible to inform the public about the new PRESS4TRANSPORT dissemination channel available at http://issuu.com/press4transport. It is a PRESS4TRANSPORT dedicated page containing all the materials created and published by PRESS4TRANSPORT in a more fashionable and catchy format called “pdf magazine”. The channel already contains the Press Releases created by our professional journalists but also available are our Thematic Fiches which have been recently restyled and graphically updated.

The “standard” pdf version of them is easily downloadable on PRESS4TRANSPORT website at http://www.press4transport.eu/vpo/thematic_fiches.php and the page will be soon updated with a second batch which is still “under construction” and coming next months! PRESS4TRANSPORT will inform you about its next activities through the website News section…but if you want to stay tuned in “real time”… ...follow us also on Twitter!

Spotlight on projects: ULYSSES

New ultra slow ships to reduce greenhouse gas emissions From January 1st 2011, 13 partners from nine European countries have been working on the project ULYSSES, funded by EU's Seventh Framework Programme, in order to develop environmentally friendly concept of ultra‐slow ships. The budget for this EU project is over € 3.5 million. With climate change coming to the forefront of society's perception, there is increasing pressure on all industries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the efficiency and the maritime industry is no exception. This project aims to demonstrate, through a combination of ultra‐slow speeds and complementary technologies that the efficiency of the world fleet can be increased to a point where the following CO2 targets are met: before 2020 reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% and beyond 2050 reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% compared to 1990 levels. Additionally, it is a challenge to safely reduce the ship speed to e.g. 5 knots. The aim of the project is also to analyse the economic feasibility of speed reduction and the impact it makes on the overall supply chain. The ULYSSES project focuses on bulk carriers and tankers, as these ship types produce around 60% of CO2 emissions related to deep sea shipping. As bulk carriers and tankers are reasonably similar in design and operation, it is felt that investigating these ships will bring the best potential impact of the project. Currently, WP1 ‐ Requirements and Evaluation (Bureau Veritas, France as a WP1 leader) and WP2 ‐ Technical Coordination, Integration and Design (Wärtsilä, Netherlands as a WP2 leader) are in progress. The work on this two packages is done in parallel and the results from WP1 are used as input for further work on WP2. ULYSSES WP1 and WP2 meeting was held on March 16th and 17th at TNO Office in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. The aim of the meeting was to provide an exact definition of the upcoming actions essential for the future work. Participants discussed about challenges of defining typical scenarios for tanker/bulker operations, of developing credible scenarios for cost values and of providing appropriate economy models for fuel‐powered ships to find recommended service speed. ULYSSES Second plenary meeting is scheduled for June 15th and 16th in Rijeka, Croatia with company as2con as a host of the meeting. ULYSSES is funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme – FP7. ULYSSES Contacts: Marija ZAPUTOVIĆ M.Sc (Econ.)

marija.zaputovic@as2con.com www.ultraslowships.com

Spotlight on projects: RIS‐COSAR New concepts, architectures and information services and management of vessel traffic and inland transport harmonized with European trends. In 2008 ITS Romania, Politehnics University of Bucharest, TeamNet, ACN and partners via donau and RSOE have started this project. It unfolds between 01.10.2008 to 30.09.2011 and has four work packages River Information Services (RIS) are harmonized information services that support traffic and transport management in inland navigation, including interfaces with other transport modes. In order to compete with ‐ or complement, as part of a transport chain ‐ transport modes like road and rail, traffic management in inland navigation has to provide additional services to allow for an optimisation of the traffic flow and to increase the transparency of cargo flows. The project’s main objectives are: ‐ Development and test implementation of two new RIS services Calamity Abatement and International RIS Data Exchange, which are not standardized or implemented at European level; ‐ Development of the Romanian RIS implementation plan for 2010‐2020, as support for the strategic development of the field and investment planning; ‐ RIS concept development evidenced by: RIS manual, training workshops and results disseminating. The project’s specific objectives are: ‐ Analysis of current state of implementation of RIS Directive (European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community) in Romania; ‐ Defining Romania’s specific solutions to implement additional RIS services, with emphasis on cross‐border data exchange and calamity abatement; ‐ Defining and testing the concept of data exchange between national RIS centers; ‐ The achievement, together with the beneficiary, of a platform for monitoring, disaster warning and reporting for the Danube – Black Sea Canal; ‐ Defining the potential danger area for navigating through the canal. RIS‐COSAR is funded by the National Research Program 2. RIS‐COSAR Contacts:

Camelia BUNEA camelia.bunea@its‐romania.ro http://www.ris‐cosar.pub.ro

More on....SEETRAN NS 2011 The idea off arranging aa conferencee with brokerage possibilities for thee West Balkaan Countries and for thee Southeast p part of EU, w was raised m more than a year ago byy a group of transport reesearch expe erts from alll over Europe. The confference, calleed SEETRAN NS 2011 too ok place on April 12th tto April 13th h, 2011 and d more than 250 participants. p . attracted

The confereence was arrranged by ETNA (an organisation for the Natiional Contacct Points forr Transport),, Ministry of Transsport in Slovenia and The T Marib bor Univeersity in Slovenia.. SEETRANS 2011, Transsport Researrch Opportunities for So outh East Eu urope in thee EU, brougght togetherr research co ommunity as well as reepresentativves of business and politics from SSlovenia, So outh Eastern n European countries c an nd the rest of the EU in order to present theeir research results, the eir research h capabilities and plans. Based on expressed e reesearch interrests and aim ms, the worrking groupss focused att ps for the ne ext 7FP callss specific reseearch topicss in order to get prepareed and to form potential partnership and 8 8FP calls.. folllowing The confereence consisteed of severaal sessions: P Plenary Session day one, Brokerage SSession day o one, Plenaryy Session dayy two and theereafter two o parallel sessions day tw wo: Road and Intermodal modes and Waterbornee and other modes.. In addition the ETNA Fo orum held a parallel meeeting with the representaatives of the National Co ontact Pointss day two.. There were also numero ous descriptions of projeect ideas and d descriptions of transport research sstakeholderss presented on in the co onference room.. billboaards maain B of th he European Commission n presented the comingg During the Plenary Session on day one, Liam Breslin transport caalls of FP7 an nd also menttioned the changes of intentions thaat are under developmen nt within thee Commission n, where thee traditionall frameworkk programs probably p willl be abando oned and re eplaced with h new programs covvering both Research aand Innovation.. Following this, there were w 38 presentations ab bout researcch organisatiions and pro oject ideas made m duringg the B Brokerage Session.. o prominen nt speakers had h been invvited for the e second dayy and Ales M Mihelic of th he Slovenian n A number of Ministry of Higher Education gave a w welcome address..

PRESS4TR RANSPORT reepresentativves circulated d among parrticipants showing them m w has beeen positivelly welcomed d by everybo ody. PRESS4 4TRANSPORTT the Virtual Press Officee initiative which

leaflets have been widely distributed while a presentation of the project was continuously showed on a widescreen.

ETNA Forum session day two

David Doerr chaired the fourth ETNA Forum meeting and during this session five presentations were made, one of which was performed by Bjoern Hedlund, in charge for PRESS4TRANSPORT Dissemination. The presentation consisted of a detailed description of the project, its activities and results and it followed a q&a session with the participants which showed interest and appreciation to the project. A detailed description of the SEETRANS 2011 and related projects and activities can be found under: http://www.translo‐plus.si/en/

News REACT CONFERENCE ‐ Belgrade, Serbia, May 16 ‐ 17, 2011. The International Conference on Climate Friendly Transport will be held in Belgrade, Serbia on May 16‐17, 2011. The REACT conference attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, non‐governmental organizations and academia and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of sustainable transport. The event will be focused on Shaping Climate Friendly Transport in Europe, Key Findings & Future Directions to mark the continued progress in climate friendly transport theory and practice leading to greatly improved application in science and our lives. This Conference will be a unique opportunity focusing on the : 1)Future research priorities in climate friendly transport 2)Policy interventions in climate friendly transport 3)Evaluating policies and measures in climate friendly transport. For more information please visit: http://www.marlogistics.eu/reactconf/index.php INTERCONNECT presents: E‐conference for stakeholders. The objective of the E‐Conference is to present and debate the draft conclusions and recommendations from INTERCONNECT with national and European stakeholders and researchers interested in improving interconnectivity between short and long‐distance passenger transport networks. At the E‐conference the following PowerPoint presentations with audio commentary will be available: ‐ Introduction to the INTERCONNECT project, Professor Christiane Bielefeldt, Project Leader Transport Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University, UK ‐ The INTERCONNECT “toolkit” of solutions to improve passenger interconnectivity, Professor Peter Bonsall, Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds, UK ‐ The main results from the INTERCONNECT case studies, surveys and test beds, several presentations from all seven partners of the consortium ‐ Draft conclusions and recommendations from the project, Senior Advisor Preben Thisgaard, Tetraplan A/S, Denmark ‐ Work carried out in related FP7 projects, HERMES and CLOSER. Please visit www.interconnect‐project.eu from 3rd to 9th May 2011 to access the presentations.

Events 01 ‐ 05 June, 2011 ‐ Sustainable Mobility Week Spain ‐ Getxo, Spain

07 ‐ 09 June, 2011 ‐ CITY LOGISTICS 2011 ‐ Mallorca, Spain 22‐24 June, 2011 ‐ The ECONSHIP 2011‐ European conference on shipping and ports: Maritime transport: Opportunities and threats in the post‐crisis world ‐ Chios, Greece 29 ‐ 30 June, 2011 ‐ AMAA 2011 ‐ Smart Systems for Electric, Safe and Networked Mobility ‐ Berlin, Germany 25 ‐ 28 October, 2011 ‐ IAME 2011 ‐ International Association of Maritime Economists: Shipping markets, port devolution and a changing geography of world maritime transport ‐ Santiago de Chile, Chile


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