Recipes for a "greener" sea

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Recipes for a "greener" sea

The European science community, the marine environmental and the maritime agencies have found a useful tool to communicate through the EMARES project aiming at providing expertise and better coordination for the sector

"Navigare necesse est, vivere non necessit". The old Roman saying - it is necessary to navigate, it is not necessary to live - highlights the historical importance of maritime transport but overlooks the dangers for the environment if this activity is not exercised within acceptable ecologically friendly limits. The discharge of untreated ballast water, accidental discharge of oil, liquids or hazardous cargo as well as the excessive dredging of coastal waters can cause irreparable environmental damage. The scientific community is working to reduce the ecological impacts of maritime transport If the development of maritime transport is a sign of economic growth, it is also necessary to harmonize it with those who utilize it, including fisheries, leisure and renewable energy. This is the role of the EMARES project. Set up by the most influential associations from both communities to offer services and the possibilities of cooperation whenever needed. In order to know what other users require, comprehensive questionnaires were developed and sent to the most promising stakeholders across Europe. This was done in two steps: Step 1: report on stakeholder identification from the Maritime Side Most respondents (about 70%) replied that they were already undergoing communications within a Research and Development context. On further investigation, about 40% answered that they already had interaction within the sector specifically on issues of environmental relevance such as marine biodiversity, climate effects or pollution. Step 2: The second step of the report concerning the stakeholders was done according to economic studies and forecasting, environmental sciences, human factor research, marine conservation and protection, ship operation, design methods and tools, down through fisheries and aquaculture, risk assessment and safety, IT communications and techniques to PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

finish with training and education regulation. The important lesson learnt from the first marine research inventory is that it managed to initiate interest from both sides. The willingness to learn from each other was expressed as well by a mutual understanding of respective core competencies. The next step consists of assessing the possibilities to promote synergies and bridges between the European marine and maritime communities leading to a structured dialogue on marine and maritime science and future research strategies. For more information please contact:

PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

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