The Changing Tides of Europe's Maritime Sector

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The Changing Tides of Europe's Maritime Sector

The "Coordinated Action to maintain and further develop Sustainable Maritime Research in Europe" (CASMARE) will have an impact on European Research and Development programmes as a whole as well as on national and regional maritime programmes.

European policy in the maritime sector is based on a few basic projects which have helped develop a coordinated action, the so called Waterborne Research Strategy. Since 2009, the aim of the CASMARE project is to have an impact not only on European research and development programmes (including the 7th Framework Programme) but on national and regional levels as well. It hopes to influence major investments made the by industry as well. The main objectives of CASMARE are the following: 1. Coordination, Cooperation and Commitment in the field of RDI to motivate all key stakeholders to work together in order to achieve the targets of the WATERBORNE Vision (2020, 2025, …) in addition to mobilise the necessary public (EU, National, Regional, Local) and private funding to achieve the strategic goals by strengthening the essential relations between public and private European stakeholders; 2. Monitoring of research programmes and mapping by measuring coherence and progress and developing and implementing a consistent methodology to monitor the real impact of the Research Strategy documents on EU and national research programmes; 3. Exploring new opportunities to meaningfully expand the platform’s horizons: to liaise with other European Transport Projects, research groupings & initiatives within and beyond maritime transport in order to monitor the status of development in basic technical areas (e.g., nano technologies, IT, …), to exchange best practice experience and to identify areas of common interest and potential cooperation; 4. Maritime Knowledge, Education and Training: to maintain the required knowledge in Europe while developing programmes to educate a high-skilled workforce thus ensuring effective implementation of the new technologies; 5. Ongoing development of waterborne RDI Policy and of Consensus base: to support the (revised) Lisbon Process, the Maritime Policy and the European Research Area and to make PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

all key stakeholders aware of the current situation, thereby increasing the visibility of the platform and waterborne issues. 6. Continuous Update of the Waterborne Research Strategy documents: to continually evolve and identify research gaps in order to revise the Waterborne Research Strategy i.e., the common long and medium term Vision (Vision 2025), the related Strategic Research Agenda; 7. Administrative Support: to provide all necessary administrative support to the running of the project, including the drafting, publishing, promotion and implementation of the WSRA. For further information please visit:

PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

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