TURBLOG_WW looking forward to its Brazilian Final Workshop. // The TURBLOG_WW Final Workshop will be organized in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on September 20-21, 2011.
A new workshop is going to be organized by the TURBLOG_WW team on September 20-21, 2011. This will be the project final workshop and the selected location is Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where one of the main non European partners (BHTRANS, Empresa de Transportes e Tr창nsito de Belo Horizonte S.A) of the consortium comes from. Belo Horizonte has been selected also because it is one of the city targeted as a case study during the project: the in-depth analysis embraced the practices of urban logistics in the city from the point of view of public policies as well as private practices and compared these in order to assess potential transferability of the good practices selected to other cities in the world. Urban Logistics case studies and worldwide good practices selected (from India, China, Japan, Chile, Peru as well as Europe) as a step-wise methodological framework for the transferability of interventions, will constitute the core and the added-value of this event. A draft agenda of the workshop is already circulating and it highlights the main topics that will be explored during the different panels of the two days meeting: - Case studies presentations, coming from India, China and Japan; - Experiences from Logistic Operators and Cities; - Business models and transferability methodology; - Transferability case studies; - Key challenges in Urban Logistics in South America; - EU Perspectives and Trends in Urban Logistics from European Commissions projects. As for past workshops (held in Lisbon, Lima and Paris) TURBLOG_WW project will also include some technical visits in order to directly experience the Local Urban Logistics context. The technical visits are, in fact, excellent opportunities to observe and better understand the local context, allowing the consortium to deep analyse the case studies presented. For further information and for the final agenda, please contact: Chiara Frencia chiara.frencia@inovamais.pt turblog@tis.pt
PRESS4TRANSPORT is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)